FELIX-3729 Remove commented out old code
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@1424307 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/manager/DependencyManager.java b/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/manager/DependencyManager.java
index 5df26a4..6832c45 100644
--- a/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/manager/DependencyManager.java
+++ b/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/manager/DependencyManager.java
@@ -733,462 +733,6 @@
- private boolean isActive()
- {
- ServiceTracker<T, RefPair<T>> tracker = trackerRef.get();
- return tracker != null && tracker.isActive();
- }
- //---------- ServiceListener interface ------------------------------------
- /**
- * Called when a registered service changes state. In the case of service
- * modification the service is assumed to be removed and added again.
- */
- /*
- public void serviceChanged( ServiceEvent event )
- {
- final ServiceReference<T> ref = ( ServiceReference<T> ) event.getServiceReference();
- final String serviceString = "Service " + m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() + "/"
- + ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID );
- Collection<ServiceReference<T>> changes = null;
- try
- {
- switch ( event.getType() )
- {
- case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED:
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Adding {0}", new Object[]
- { serviceString }, null );
- // consider the service if the filter matches
- if ( targetFilterMatch( ref ) )
- {
- synchronized ( added )
- {
- added.add( ref );
- }
- synchronized (enableLock)
- {
- //wait for enable to complete
- }
- synchronized ( added )
- {
- if (!added.contains( ref ))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- m_size.incrementAndGet();
- changes = added;
- serviceAdded( ref );
- }
- else
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Ignoring added Service for {0} : does not match target filter {1}",
- new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), getTarget() }, null );
- }
- break;
- case ServiceEvent.MODIFIED:
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Updating {0}", new Object[]
- { serviceString }, null );
- if ( getBoundService( ref ) == null )
- {
- // service not currently bound --- what to do ?
- // if static
- // if inactive and target match: activate
- // if dynamic or greedy
- // if multiple and target match: bind
- if ( targetFilterMatch( ref ) )
- {
- synchronized ( added )
- {
- added.add( ref );
- }
- synchronized (enableLock)
- {
- //wait for enable to complete
- }
- synchronized ( added )
- {
- if (!added.contains( ref ))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- changes = added;
- m_size.incrementAndGet();
- if ( isStatic() )
- {
- // if static reference: activate if currentl unsatisifed, otherwise no influence
- if ( m_componentManager.getState() == AbstractComponentManager.STATE_UNSATISFIED )
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Service {0} registered, activate component", new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName() }, null );
- // immediately try to activate the component (FELIX-2368)
- m_componentManager.activateInternal();
- }
- }
- else if ( isMultiple() || !isReluctant())
- {
- // if dynamic and multiple reference, bind, otherwise ignore
- serviceAdded( ref );
- }
- }
- }
- else if ( !targetFilterMatch( ref ) )
- {
- synchronized ( removed )
- {
- removed.add( ref );
- }
- synchronized (enableLock)
- {
- //wait for enable to complete
- }
- synchronized ( removed )
- {
- if (!removed.contains( ref ))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- changes = removed;
- m_size.set( getServiceReferenceCount() );
- serviceRemoved( ref );
- }
- else
- {
- // update the service binding due to the new properties
- m_componentManager.update( this, ref );
- }
- break;
- case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING:
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Dependency Manager: Removing {0}", new Object[]
- { serviceString }, null );
- // manage the service counter if the filter matchs
- if ( targetFilterMatch( ref ) )
- {
- synchronized ( removed )
- {
- removed.add( ref );
- }
- synchronized (enableLock)
- {
- //wait for enable to complete
- }
- synchronized ( removed )
- {
- if (!removed.contains( ref ))
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- changes = removed;
- m_size.set( getServiceReferenceCount() );
- serviceRemoved( ref );
- }
- else
- {
- m_componentManager
- .log(
- LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Not counting Service for {0} : Service {1} does not match target filter {2}",
- new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), ref.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ), getTarget() },
- null );
- // remove the service ignoring the filter match because if the
- // service is bound, it has to be removed no matter what
- serviceRemoved( ref );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if ( changes != null)
- {
- synchronized ( changes )
- {
- changes.remove( ref );
- changes.notify();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- *?
- /**
- * Called by the {@link #serviceChanged(ServiceEvent)} method if a new
- * service is registered with the system or if a registered service has been
- * modified.
- * <p>
- * Depending on the component state and dependency configuration, the
- * component may be activated, re-activated or the service just be provided.
- *
- * See Compendium 4.3 table 112.1
- *
- * @param reference The reference to the service newly registered or
- * modified.
- */
- /*
- private void serviceAdded( ServiceReference<T> reference )
- {
- // if the component is currently unsatisfied, it may become satisfied
- // by adding this service, try to activate (also schedule activation
- // if the component is pending deactivation)
- if ( m_componentManager.getState() == AbstractComponentManager.STATE_UNSATISFIED && !isOptional() )
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Service {0} registered, activate component", new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName() }, null );
- // immediately try to activate the component (FELIX-2368)
- boolean handled = m_componentManager.activateInternal();
- if (!handled)
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Service {0} activation did not occur on this thread", new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName() }, null );
- Map<DependencyManager<S, ?>, Map<ServiceReference<?>, RefPair<?>>> dependenciesMap = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap();
- if (dependenciesMap != null) {
- //someone else has managed to activate
- Map<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> references = (Map)dependenciesMap.get( this );
- if (references == null )
- {
- throw new IllegalStateException( "Allegedly active but dependency manager not represented: " + this );
- }
- handled = references.containsKey( reference );
- }
- }
- if (handled)
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Service {0} activation on other thread bound service reference {1}", new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), reference }, null );
- return;
- }
- //release our read lock and wait for activation to complete
-// m_componentManager.releaseReadLock( "DependencyManager.serviceAdded.nothandled.1" );
-// m_componentManager.obtainReadLock( "DependencyManager.serviceAdded.nothandled.2" );
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Service {0} activation on other thread: after releasing lock, component instance is: {1}", new Object[]
- {m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), m_componentManager.getInstance()}, null );
- }
- // otherwise check whether the component is in a state to handle the event
- if ( handleServiceEvent() )
- {
- // FELIX-1413: if the dependency is static and reluctant and the component is
- // satisfied (active) added services are not considered until
- // the component is reactivated for other reasons.
- if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic() )
- {
- if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isReluctant() )
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Added service {0} is ignored for static reluctant reference", new Object[]
- {m_dependencyMetadata.getName()}, null );
- }
- else
- {
- Map<DependencyManager<S, ?>, Map<ServiceReference<?>, RefPair<?>>> dependenciesMap = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap();
- if ( dependenciesMap != null )
- {
- Map<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> bound = (Map)dependenciesMap.get( this );
- if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() ||
- bound.isEmpty() ||
- reference.compareTo( bound.keySet().iterator().next() ) > 0 )
- {
- m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE, false );
- m_componentManager.activateInternal();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // otherwise bind if we have a bind method and the service needs
- // be bound
- else if ( m_dependencyMetadata.getBind() != null )
- {
- // multiple bindings or not bound at all yet
- if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() || !isBound() )
- {
- // bind the service, getting it if required
- m_componentManager.invokeBindMethod( this, reference );
- }
- else if ( !isReluctant() )
- {
- //dynamic greedy single: bind then unbind
- Map<DependencyManager<S, ?>, Map<ServiceReference<?>, RefPair<?>>> dependenciesMap = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap();
- if ( dependenciesMap != null )
- {
- Map<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> bound = (Map)dependenciesMap.get( this );
- ServiceReference oldRef = bound.keySet().iterator().next();
- if ( reference.compareTo( oldRef ) > 0 )
- {
- m_componentManager.invokeBindMethod( this, reference );
- m_componentManager.invokeUnbindMethod( this, oldRef );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Ignoring service addition, wrong state {0}", new Object[]
- { m_componentManager.state() }, null );
- }
- }
- *?
- /**
- * Called by the {@link #serviceChanged(ServiceEvent)} method if an existing
- * service is unregistered from the system or if a registered service has
- * been modified.
- * <p>
- * Depending on the component state and dependency configuration, the
- * component may be deactivated, re-activated, the service just be unbound
- * with or without a replacement service.
- *
- * @param reference The reference to the service unregistering or being
- * modified.
- */
- /*
- private void serviceRemoved( ServiceReference<T> reference )
- {
- // if the dependency is not satisfied anymore, we have to
- // deactivate the component
- if ( !isSatisfied() )
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Deactivating component due to mandatory dependency on {0}/{1} not satisfied",
- new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() }, null );
- // deactivate the component now
- m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE, false );
- }
- // check whether we are bound to that service, do nothing if not
- if ( getBoundService( reference ) == null )
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Ignoring removed Service for {0} : Service {1} not bound", new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), reference.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ) }, null );
- }
- // otherwise check whether the component is in a state to handle the event
- else if ( handleServiceEvent() || (m_componentManager.getState() & (Component.STATE_DISABLED | Component.STATE_DISPOSED)) != 0 )
- {
- Map<DependencyManager<S, ?>, Map<ServiceReference<?>, RefPair<?>>> dependencyMap = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap();
- Map<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> referenceMap = null;
- if (dependencyMap != null)
- {
- referenceMap = (Map)dependencyMap.get( this );
- }
- // if the dependency is static, we have to deactivate the component
- // to "remove" the dependency
- if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isStatic() )
- {
- try
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Static dependency on {0}/{1} is broken", new Object[]
- { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface() }, null );
- m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE, false );
- if ( referenceMap != null )
- {
- referenceMap.remove( reference );
- }
- // FELIX-2368: immediately try to reactivate
- m_componentManager.activateInternal();
- }
- catch ( Exception ex )
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR, "Exception while recreating dependency ", ex );
- }
- }
- // dynamic dependency, multiple or single but this service is the bound one
- else
- {
- // try to bind a replacement service first if this is a unary
- // cardinality reference and a replacement is available.
- if ( !m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() )
- {
- // if the dependency is mandatory and no replacement is
- // available, bind returns false and we deactivate
- // bind best matching service
- ServiceReference<T> ref = getFrameworkServiceReference();
- if ( ref == null )
- {
- if ( !m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional() )
- {
- m_componentManager
- .log(
- LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Deactivating component due to mandatory dependency on {0}/{1} not satisfied",
- new Object[]
- {m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), m_dependencyMetadata.getInterface()}, null );
- m_componentManager.deactivateInternal( ComponentConstants.DEACTIVATION_REASON_REFERENCE, false );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_componentManager.invokeBindMethod( this, ref );
- }
- }
- // call the unbind method if one is defined
- if ( m_dependencyMetadata.getUnbind() != null )
- {
- m_componentManager.invokeUnbindMethod( this, reference );
- }
- // make sure the service is returned
- ungetService( reference );
- //service is no longer available, don't track it any longer.
- if ( referenceMap != null )
- {
- referenceMap.remove( reference );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG,
- "Dependency Manager: Ignoring service removal, wrong state {0}", new Object[]
- { m_componentManager.state() }, null );
- }
- }
- */
- private boolean handleServiceEvent()
- {
- return ( m_componentManager.getState() & STATE_MASK ) != 0;
- }
//---------- Reference interface ------------------------------------------
public String getServiceName()
@@ -1420,15 +964,6 @@
- * Returns <code>true</code> if at least one service has been bound
- */
- private boolean isBound()
- {
- return !customizerRef.get().getRefs().isEmpty();
- }
- /**
* Returns the RefPair containing the given service reference and the bound service
* or <code>null</code> if this is instance is not currently bound to that
* service.
@@ -1501,45 +1036,6 @@
return serviceObject;
- /**
- * Ungets the service described by the ServiceReference and removes it from
- * the list of bound services.
- */
-// void ungetService( ServiceReference<T> serviceReference )
-// {
-// // check we really have this service, do nothing if not
-// Map<DependencyManager<S, ?>, Map<ServiceReference<?>, RefPair<?>>> dependencyMap = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap();
-// if ( dependencyMap != null )
-// {
-// RefPair refPair = dependencyMap.get( this ).get( serviceReference );
-// if ( refPair != null && refPair.getServiceObject() != null )
-// {
-// BundleComponentActivator activator = m_componentManager.getActivator();
-// if ( activator != null )
-// {
-// BundleContext bundleContext = activator.getBundleContext();
-// if ( bundleContext != null )
-// {
-// try
-// {
-// bundleContext.ungetService( serviceReference );
-// }
-// catch ( IllegalStateException e )
-// {
-// m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_INFO,
-// "For dependency {0}, trying to unget ServiceReference {1} on invalid bundle context {2}",
-// new Object[]
-// { m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), serviceReference.getProperty( Constants.SERVICE_ID ),
-// serviceReference }, null );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
//---------- DependencyManager core ---------------------------------------
@@ -1600,78 +1096,6 @@
return customizerRef.get().open();
-// // If no references were received, we have to check if the dependency
-// // is optional, if it is not then the dependency is invalid
-// if ( !isSatisfied() )
-// {
-// return false;
-// }
-// // if no bind method is configured or if this is a delayed component,
-// // we have nothing to do and just signal success
-// if ( m_dependencyMetadata.getBind() == null )
-// {
-// dependencyMap.put( this, new HashMap<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>>( ) );
-// return true;
-// }
-// Map<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> result = new HashMap<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>>();
-// // assume success to begin with: if the dependency is optional,
-// // we don't care, whether we can bind a service. Otherwise, we
-// // require at least one service to be bound, thus we require
-// // flag being set in the loop below
-// boolean success = m_dependencyMetadata.isOptional();
-// // Get service reference(s)
-// if ( m_dependencyMetadata.isMultiple() )
-// {
-// // bind all registered services
-// ServiceReference<T>[] refs = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
-// if ( refs != null )
-// {
-// for ( ServiceReference<T> ref : refs )
-// {
-// RefPair refPair = new RefPair( ref );
-// // success is if we have the minimal required number of services bound
-// if ( m_bindMethods.getBind().getServiceObject( refPair, m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext() ) )
-// {
-// result.put( ref, refPair );
-// // of course, we have success if the service is bound
-// success = true;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// m_componentManager.getActivator().registerMissingDependency( this, ref );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// // bind best matching service
-// ServiceReference ref = getFrameworkServiceReference();
-// if ( ref != null )
-// {
-// RefPair refPair = new RefPair( ref );
-// // success is if we have the minimal required number of services bound
-// if ( m_bindMethods.getBind().getServiceObject( refPair, m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext() ) )
-// {
-// result.put( ref, refPair );
-// // of course, we have success if the service is bound
-// success = true;
-// }
-// else if ( isOptional() )
-// {
-// m_componentManager.getActivator().registerMissingDependency( this, ref );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// // success will be true, if the service is optional or if at least
-// // one service was available to be bound (regardless of whether the
-// // bind method succeeded or not)
-// dependencyMap.put( this, result );
-// return success;
@@ -1772,35 +1196,6 @@
-// boolean invokeBindMethod( S componentInstance, ServiceReference<T> ref )
-// {
-// //event driven, and we already checked this ref is not yet handled.
-// Map<DependencyManager<S, ?>, Map<ServiceReference<?>, RefPair<?>>> dependencyMap = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap();
-// if ( dependencyMap != null )
-// {
-// if ( m_bindMethods == null )
-// {
-// m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_ERROR,
-// "For dependency {0}, bind method not set: component state {1}",
-// new Object[]
-// {m_dependencyMetadata.getName(), new Integer( m_componentManager.getState() )}, null );
-// }
-// Map<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> deps = (Map)dependencyMap.get( this );
-// RefPair<T> refPair = new RefPair<T>( ref );
-// if ( !m_bindMethods.getBind().getServiceObject( refPair, m_componentManager.getActivator().getBundleContext() ) )
-// {
-// //reference deactivated while we are processing.
-// return false;
-// }
-// synchronized ( deps )
-// {
-// deps.put( ref, refPair );
-// }
-// return invokeBindMethod( componentInstance, refPair );
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
public void invokeBindMethodLate( final ServiceReference<T> ref )
@@ -2131,104 +1526,6 @@
registerServiceListener( refMap );
- //TODO deal with changes in what matches filter.
-// //wait for events to finish processing
-// synchronized ( added )
-// {
-// while ( !added.isEmpty() )
-// {
-// try
-// {
-// added.wait();
-// }
-// catch ( InterruptedException e )
-// {
-// //??
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// synchronized ( removed )
-// {
-// while ( !removed.isEmpty() )
-// {
-// try
-// {
-// removed.wait();
-// }
-// catch ( InterruptedException e )
-// {
-// //??
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// //we are now done processing all the events received before we removed the listener.
-// ServiceReference[] boundRefs = getBoundServiceReferences();
-// if ( boundRefs != null && m_targetFilter != null )
-// {
-// for ( ServiceReference boundRef : boundRefs )
-// {
-// if ( !m_targetFilter.match( boundRef ) )
-// {
-// serviceRemoved( boundRef );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// boolean active = m_componentManager.getDependencyMap() != null;
-// // register the service listener
-// registerServiceListener();
-// Collection<ServiceReference> toAdd = new ArrayList<ServiceReference>();
-// synchronized ( enableLock )
-// {
-// // get the current number of registered services available
-// ServiceReference[] refArray = getFrameworkServiceReferences();
-// if ( refArray != null )
-// {
-// List<ServiceReference> refs = Arrays.asList( refArray );
-// m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component: {0} dependency: {1} refs: {2}", new Object[]
-// {m_componentManager.getName(), getName(), refs}, null );
-// synchronized ( added )
-// {
-// m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component: {0} dependency: {1} added: {2}", new Object[]
-// {m_componentManager.getName(), getName(), added}, null );
-// added.removeAll( refs );
-// }
-// synchronized ( removed )
-// {
-// m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component: {0} dependency: {1} removed: {2}", new Object[]
-// {m_componentManager.getName(), getName(), removed}, null );
-// removed.retainAll( refs );
-// }
-// if ( active )
-// {
-// for ( ServiceReference ref : refs )
-// {
-// if ( getBoundService( ref ) == null )
-// {
-// toAdd.add( ref );
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// m_componentManager.log( LogService.LOG_DEBUG, "Component: {0} dependency: {1} no services", new Object[]
-// {m_componentManager.getName(), getName()}, null );
-// removed.clear();//retainAll of empty set.
-// }
-// m_size.set( ( refArray == null ) ? 0 : refArray.length );
-// }
-// for ( ServiceReference ref : toAdd )
-// {
-// serviceAdded( ref );
-// }
private void registerServiceListener( SortedMap<ServiceReference<T>, RefPair<T>> refMap ) throws InvalidSyntaxException