Felix-3903 - Migrate dependency handler test to pax exam 3

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@1448522 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/pom.xml b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/pom.xml
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index 0000000..2be3d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
+         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
+    <parent>
+        <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId>
+        <artifactId>org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core-it</artifactId>
+        <version>1.9.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+        <relativePath>../../../pom.xml</relativePath>
+    </parent>
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <artifactId>ipojo-core-service-dependency-test</artifactId>
+    <name>${project.artifactId}</name>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CheckProviderParentClass.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CheckProviderParentClass.java
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index 0000000..4f874f3
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+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CheckProviderParentClass.java
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Dictionary;

+import java.util.Map;


+public abstract class CheckProviderParentClass {


+    int simpleU = 0;

+    int objectU = 0;

+    int refU = 0;

+    int bothU = 0;

+    int mapU = 0;

+    int dictU = 0;



+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { bothU++; }

+    }


+   public void propertiesDictionaryUnbind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if (props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictU++; }

+   }


+   public void propertiesMapUnbind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapU++; }

+   }



+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null) { refU++; }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectU++; }

+        else {

+            System.err.println("Unbind null : " + o);

+        }

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CheckServiceProvider.java
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+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Dictionary;

+import java.util.Map;

+import java.util.Properties;


+public class CheckServiceProvider extends CheckProviderParentClass implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;

+    int objectB = 0;

+    int refB = 0;

+    int bothB = 0;

+    int mapB = 0;

+    int dictB = 0;


+    int modified = 0;


+    public boolean check() {

+        return fs.foo();

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("mapB", new Integer(mapB));

+        props.put("dictB", new Integer(dictB));

+        props.put("mapU", new Integer(mapU));

+        props.put("dictU", new Integer(dictU));

+        if (fs != null) {

+            // If nullable = false and proxy, a runtime exception may be launched here

+            // catch the exception and add this to props.

+            try {

+                props.put("exception", Boolean.FALSE); // Set exception to false for checking.

+                props.put("result", new Boolean(fs.foo()));

+                props.put("boolean", new Boolean(fs.getBoolean()));

+                props.put("int", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+                props.put("long", new Long(fs.getLong()));

+                props.put("double", new Double(fs.getDouble()));

+                if(fs.getObject() != null) { props.put("object", fs.getObject()); }

+            } catch (RuntimeException e) {

+                props.put("exception", Boolean.TRUE);

+            }

+        }

+        props.put("static", CheckService.foo);

+        props.put("class", CheckService.class.getName());



+        // Add modified

+        props.put("modified", new Integer(modified));


+        return props;

+    }


+    private void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidModify() {

+        modified ++;

+    }


+    protected void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o == null) {

+            System.err.println("Bind receive null !!! ");

+            return;

+        }

+        if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectB++; }

+    }


+    protected void objectModify(FooService o) {

+        if (o == null) {

+            System.err.println("Bind receive null !!! [" + modified + "]");

+            return;

+        }

+        if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { modified++; }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null) { refB++; }

+    }


+    public void refModify(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null) { modified++; }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { bothB++; }

+    }


+    public void bothModify(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { modified++; }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+        fs = o;

+    }   


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryModify(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { modified++; }

+        fs = o;

+    }   


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+        fs = o;

+    } 


+    protected void propertiesMapModify(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { modified++; }

+        fs = o;

+    } 



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CollectionCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CollectionCheckService.java
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index 0000000..f07f1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/CollectionCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;

+import java.util.Properties;

+import java.util.*;


+public class CollectionCheckService implements CheckService {


+    Collection fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    int mapB, mapU, dictB, dictU;


+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.size() != 0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r & ((FooService) it.next()).foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) it.next()).getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) it.next()).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) it.next()).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+    // private Object getObject() {

+    // boolean r = true;

+    // for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+    // r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+    // }

+    // return new Boolean(r);

+    // }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("mapB", new Integer(mapB));

+        props.put("mapU", new Integer(mapU));

+        props.put("dictB", new Integer(dictB));

+        props.put("dictU", new Integer(dictU));


+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesMapUnbind(FooService o, Map props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapU++; }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesDictionaryUnbind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictU++; }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/DynCheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/DynCheckServiceProvider.java
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index 0000000..eb415bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/DynCheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Dictionary;

+import java.util.Map;

+import java.util.Properties;


+public class DynCheckServiceProvider extends CheckProviderParentClass implements CheckService {


+	FooService fs;


+	int simpleB = 0;

+	int objectB = 0;

+	int refB = 0;

+	int bothB = 0;

+	 int mapB, mapU, dictB, dictU;


+	public boolean check() {

+		return fs.foo();

+	}


+	public Properties getProps() {

+		Properties props = new Properties();

+		props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+		props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+		props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+		props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+		props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+		props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+		props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+		props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+		props.put("mapB", new Integer(mapB));

+        props.put("mapU", new Integer(mapU));

+        props.put("dictB", new Integer(dictB));

+        props.put("dictU", new Integer(dictU));


+		if (fs != null) {

+		    props.put("int", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+		    if(fs.getObject() != null) { props.put("object", fs.getObject()); }

+		}

+        props.put("static", CheckService.foo);

+        props.put("class", CheckService.class.getName());

+		return props;

+	}


+	private void voidBind() {

+		simpleB++;

+	}


+	protected void objectBind(FooService o) {

+	    if (o == null) {

+	        System.err.println("Bind receive null !!! ");

+	        return;

+	    }

+		if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectB++; }

+	}


+	public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+		if(sr != null) { refB++; }

+	}


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+	    if(sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { bothB++; }

+	}


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+    }   



+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+    }   




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooProviderType1.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooProviderType1.java
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index 0000000..07342e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooProviderType1.java
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class FooProviderType1 implements FooService {


+	private int m_bar;

+	private String m_foo;


+    private BundleContext m_context;


+    private static FooProviderType1 singleton;

+    private static int count = 0;


+    private static FooProviderType1 singleton(BundleContext bc) {

+        if (singleton == null) {

+            count++;

+            singleton = new FooProviderType1(bc);

+        }

+        return singleton;

+    }


+    public static FooProviderType1 several(BundleContext bc) {

+        count++;

+        return new FooProviderType1(bc);

+    }


+    public FooProviderType1(BundleContext bc) {

+        if (bc ==null) {

+            throw new RuntimeException("Injected bundle context null");

+        }

+        m_context = bc;

+    }


+	public boolean foo() {

+		return true;

+	}


+	public Properties fooProps() {

+		Properties p = new Properties();

+		p.put("bar", new Integer(m_bar));

+        if(m_foo != null) {

+            p.put("foo", m_foo);

+        }

+        p.put("context", m_context);


+        p.put("count", new Integer(count));

+		return p;

+	}


+	public void testException() throws Exception {

+        String a = "foobarbaz";

+	    throw new Exception("foo"+a);

+    }


+    public void testTry() {

+            String a = "foo";

+            a.charAt(0);

+    }


+    public void testTry2(String s) {

+            String a = "foo";

+            a.charAt(0);

+    }


+	public boolean getBoolean() { return true; }


+	public double getDouble() { return 1.0; }


+	public int getInt() { return 1; }


+	public long getLong() { return 1; }


+	public Boolean getObject() { return new Boolean(true); }


+	/**

+	 * Custom constructor.

+	 * @param bar

+	 * @param foo

+	 * @param bc

+	 */

+	public FooProviderType1(int bar, String foo, BundleContext bc) {

+	    m_bar = bar;

+	    m_foo = foo;

+	    m_context = bc;

+	}



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooProviderType2.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooProviderType2.java
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index 0000000..0081c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooProviderType2.java
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class FooProviderType2 implements FooService {


+    private int m_bar;  // Service property.

+    private String m_foo;


+    private BundleContext m_context;


+    private static int count = 0;



+    public boolean foo() {

+        // Update

+        if (m_foo.equals("foo")) {

+            m_foo = "bar";

+        } else {

+            m_foo = "foo";

+        }

+        return true;

+    }


+    public Properties fooProps() {

+        Properties p = new Properties();

+        p.put("bar", new Integer(m_bar));

+        if(m_foo != null) {

+            p.put("foo", m_foo);

+        }

+        p.put("context", m_context);


+        p.put("count", new Integer(count));

+        return p;

+    }


+    public boolean getBoolean() { return true; }


+    public double getDouble() { return 1.0; }


+    public int getInt() { return 1; }


+    public long getLong() { return 1; }


+    public Boolean getObject() { return new Boolean(true); }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooServiceDefaultImpl.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooServiceDefaultImpl.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e95dc53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/FooServiceDefaultImpl.java
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class FooServiceDefaultImpl implements FooService {


+    public boolean foo() {

+        return false;

+    }


+    public Properties fooProps() {

+        return null;

+    }


+    public boolean getBoolean() {

+        return false;

+    }


+    public double getDouble() {

+        return 5;

+    }


+    public int getInt() {

+        return 5;

+    }


+    public long getLong() {

+        return 5;

+    }


+    public Boolean getObject() {

+        return null;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/ListCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/ListCheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08bad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/ListCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Dictionary;

+import java.util.List;

+import java.util.Map;

+import java.util.Properties;


+public class ListCheckService implements CheckService {


+    List fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    int mapB, mapU, dictB, dictU;



+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.size() != 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r & ((FooService) fs.get(i)).foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getDouble();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+    // private Object getObject() {

+    // boolean r = true;

+    // for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+    // r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+    // }

+    // return new Boolean(r);

+    // }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));


+        props.put("mapB", new Integer(mapB));

+        props.put("mapU", new Integer(mapU));

+        props.put("dictB", new Integer(dictB));

+        props.put("dictU", new Integer(dictU));


+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesMapUnbind(FooService o, Map props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapU++; }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesDictionaryUnbind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictU++; }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MethodCheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MethodCheckServiceProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5bfce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MethodCheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Dictionary;

+import java.util.Map;

+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MethodCheckServiceProvider implements CheckService {


+	FooService fs;


+    BundleContext context;


+	int simpleB = 0;

+	int objectB = 0;

+	int refB = 0;

+	int bothB = 0;

+	int mapB = 0;

+	int dictB = 0;

+	int simpleU = 0;

+	int objectU = 0;

+	int refU = 0;

+	int bothU = 0;

+	int mapU = 0;

+	int dictU = 0;



+    public MethodCheckServiceProvider(BundleContext bc) {

+        context = bc;

+    }


+	public boolean check() {

+		return fs.foo();

+	}


+	public Properties getProps() {

+		Properties props = new Properties();

+        if(fs != null) {

+            props.put("result", new Boolean(fs.foo()));

+            props.put("boolean", new Boolean(fs.getBoolean()));

+            props.put("int", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+            props.put("long", new Long(fs.getLong()));

+            props.put("double", new Double(fs.getDouble()));

+        } else {

+            props.put("result", new Boolean(false));

+        }

+		props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+		props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+		props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+		props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+	    props.put("mapB", new Integer(mapB));

+	    props.put("dictB", new Integer(dictB));

+		props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+		props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+		props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+		props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+		props.put("mapU", new Integer(mapU));

+		props.put("dictU", new Integer(dictU));


+		if(fs != null) {

+		    if(fs.getObject() != null) { props.put("object", fs.getObject()); }

+        }


+		return props;

+	}


+	protected void objectBind(FooService o) {

+		if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectB++; }

+        fs = o;

+	}

+	protected void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+		if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectU++; }

+        fs = null;

+	}


+	public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+		if(sr != null) { refB++; }

+        fs = (FooService) context.getService(sr);

+	}

+	public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+		if(sr != null) { refU++; }

+        context.ungetService(sr);

+        fs = null;

+	}


+    protected void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference ref) {

+	    if(ref != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { bothB++; }

+	    fs = o;

+	}	

+    protected void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference ref) {

+	     if(ref != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { bothU++; }

+	     fs = null;

+	}


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+        fs = o;

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesMapUnbind(FooService o, Map props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapU++; }

+         fs = null;

+    }


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+        fs = o;

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesDictionaryUnbind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictU++; }

+         fs = null;

+    }


diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MethodMultipleCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MethodMultipleCheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..742f0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MethodMultipleCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;

+import java.util.Properties;


+import java.util.*;


+public class MethodMultipleCheckService implements CheckService {


+	List fs = new ArrayList();

+	BundleContext context;


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    int mapB = 0;

+    int mapU = 0;

+    int dictB = 0, dictU=0;


+    public MethodMultipleCheckService(BundleContext bc) {

+        context = bc;

+    }


+	public boolean check() {

+            boolean r = fs.size() != 0;

+            for(int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+                r = r & ((FooService) fs.get(i)).foo();

+            }

+            return r;

+	}


+	private boolean getBoolean() {

+		return check();

+	}


+	private int getInt() {

+		int r = 0;

+		for(int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+			r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getInt();

+		}

+		return r;

+	}


+	private long getLong() {

+		long r = 0;

+		for(int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+			r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getLong();

+		}

+		return r;

+	}


+	private double getDouble() {

+		double r = 0.0;

+		for(int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+			r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getInt();

+		}

+		return r;

+	}


+	protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) { return null; }


+//	private Object getObject() {

+//		boolean r = true;

+//		for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+//			r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+//		}

+//		return new Boolean(r);

+//	}


+	public Properties getProps() {

+		Properties props = new Properties();

+		props.put("result", check());

+		props.put("voidB", simpleB);

+		props.put("objectB", objectB);

+		props.put("refB", refB);

+        props.put("bothB", bothB);

+        props.put("voidU", simpleU);

+        props.put("objectU", objectU);

+        props.put("refU", refU);

+        props.put("bothU", bothU);

+        props.put("mapU", mapU);

+        props.put("mapB", mapB);

+        props.put("dictU", dictU);

+        props.put("dictB", dictB);

+		props.put("boolean", getBoolean());

+		props.put("int", getInt());

+		props.put("long", getLong());

+		props.put("double", getDouble());


+		return props;

+	}


+	public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+		if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectB++; }

+        fs.add(o);

+	}

+	public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+		if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectU++; }

+        fs.remove(o);

+	}


+	public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+		if(sr != null) { refB++; }

+        fs.add(context.getService(sr));

+	}

+	public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+		if(sr != null) { refU++; }

+        fs.remove(context.getService(sr));

+        context.ungetService(sr);

+	}


+	public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            fs.add(o);

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            fs.remove(o);

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+        fs.add(o);

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesMapUnbind(FooService o, Map props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapU++; }

+         fs.remove(o);

+    }


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+        fs.add(o);

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesDictionaryUnbind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictU++; }

+         fs.remove(o);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MultipleCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MultipleCheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..991f9ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MultipleCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Dictionary;

+import java.util.Map;

+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MultipleCheckService implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs[];


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    int mapB, mapU, dictB, dictU;



+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.length != 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r & fs[i].foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r + fs[i].getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r + fs[i].getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r + fs[i].getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+    // private Object getObject() {

+    // boolean r = true;

+    // for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+    // r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+    // }

+    // return new Boolean(r);

+    // }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        props.put("mapB", new Integer(mapB));

+        props.put("mapU", new Integer(mapU));

+        props.put("dictB", new Integer(dictB));

+        props.put("dictU", new Integer(dictU));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesMapBind(FooService o, Map props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapB++; }

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesMapUnbind(FooService o, Map props) {

+         if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { mapU++; }

+    }


+    protected void propertiesDictionaryBind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictB++; }

+    }   

+    protected void propertiesDictionaryUnbind(FooService o, Dictionary props) {

+        if(props != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService && props.size() > 0) { dictU++; }

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f425f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber implements CheckService {


+    private FooService[] m_foo;


+    private int binded;


+    public MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber(){

+    }


+    public boolean check() {

+        for (int i = 0; i < m_foo.length; i++) {

+            m_foo[i].foo();

+        }

+        return true;

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("Bind", new Integer(binded));

+        props.put("Size",  new Integer(m_foo.length));

+        return props;

+    }


+    private void Bind() {

+        binded++;

+    }

+    private void Unbind() {

+        binded--;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/ParentClass.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/ParentClass.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a46be0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/ParentClass.java
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+public class ParentClass {


+    public void parentStart() {


+    }


+    public void parentStop() {


+    }


+	protected String[] strings;


+	protected String string;


+	protected int upStrings;


+	protected int upString;


+	public void updateStrings(String[] bb) {

+        strings = bb;

+        upStrings++;

+    }


+    public void updateString(String bb) {

+        string = bb;

+        upString++;

+    }





diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/RankedFooProviderType1.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/RankedFooProviderType1.java
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index 0000000..04e9b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/RankedFooProviderType1.java
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class RankedFooProviderType1 implements FooService {	

+	private int m_grade;



+	public boolean foo() {

+	    m_grade = m_grade + 2;

+		return true;

+	}


+	public Properties fooProps() {

+		Properties p = new Properties();

+		p.put("grade", new Integer(m_grade));


+		return p;

+	}


+	public boolean getBoolean() { return true; }


+	public double getDouble() { return 1.0; }


+	public int getInt() { 

+	    return m_grade; }


+	public long getLong() { return 1; }


+	public Boolean getObject() { return new Boolean(true); }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/SetCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/SetCheckService.java
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index 0000000..abee121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/SetCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Iterator;

+import java.util.Properties;

+import java.util.Set;


+public class SetCheckService implements CheckService {


+    Set fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.size() != 0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r & ((FooService) it.next()).foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) it.next()).getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) it.next()).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        Iterator it = fs.iterator();

+        while(it.hasNext()) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) it.next()).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+    // private Object getObject() {

+    // boolean r = true;

+    // for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+    // r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+    // }

+    // return new Boolean(r);

+    // }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/VectorCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/VectorCheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3762751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/VectorCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;

+import java.util.Vector;


+public class VectorCheckService implements CheckService {


+    Vector fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.size() != 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r & ((FooService) fs.get(i)).foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getDouble();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+    // private Object getObject() {

+    // boolean r = true;

+    // for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+    // r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+    // }

+    // return new Boolean(r);

+    // }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void voidBind() {

+       // simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+       // simpleU++;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+     //       objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+    //        objectU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/CheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/CheckServiceProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc25b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/CheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class CheckServiceProvider implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs;


+    FooService fs2;


+    FooService[] fss;



+    public boolean check() {

+        return fs.foo();

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("fs", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+        props.put("fs2", new Integer(fs2.getInt()));


+        int[] grades = new int[fss.length];


+        for (int i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {

+            grades[i] = fss[i].getInt();

+        }


+        props.put("fss", grades);


+        return props;

+    }


+    void bind(FooService svc) {

+        fs2 = svc;

+    }


+    void unbind(FooService svc) {

+        fs2 = null;

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/GradeComparator.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/GradeComparator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2070117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/GradeComparator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+public class GradeComparator implements Comparator {
+    public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
+        ServiceReference ref0 = null;
+        ServiceReference ref1 = null;
+        Integer grade0 = null;
+        Integer grade1 = null;
+        if (arg0 instanceof ServiceReference) {
+            ref0 = (ServiceReference)  arg0;
+            grade0 = (Integer) ref0.getProperty("grade");
+        }
+        if (arg1 instanceof ServiceReference) {
+            ref1 = (ServiceReference) arg1;
+            grade1 = (Integer) ref1.getProperty("grade");
+        }
+        if (ref0 != null && ref1 != null
+                && grade0 != null && grade1 != null) {
+            return grade1.compareTo(grade0); // Best grade first.
+        } else {
+            return 0; // Equals
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/GradedFooServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/GradedFooServiceProvider.java
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index 0000000..99b0995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/comparator/GradedFooServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class GradedFooServiceProvider implements FooService {
+    private int grade;
+    public boolean foo() {
+        return grade > 0;
+    }
+    public Properties fooProps() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    public boolean getBoolean() {
+        return false;
+    }
+    public double getDouble() {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    public int getInt() {
+        return grade;
+    }
+    public long getLong() {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    public Boolean getObject() {
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/FilterCheckProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/FilterCheckProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b00c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/FilterCheckProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class FilterCheckProvider implements CheckService, FooService {


+    private String m_toto;


+    private int bind;


+    private int unbind;


+    public FilterCheckProvider() {

+        m_toto = "A";

+    }


+    public boolean check() {

+        if (m_toto.equals("A")) {

+            m_toto = "B";

+            return true;

+        } else {

+            m_toto = "A";

+            return false;

+        }

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("Bind", new Integer(bind - unbind));

+        return null;

+    }


+    private void Bind() {

+        bind++;

+    }


+    private void Unbind() {

+        unbind++;

+    }


+    public boolean foo() {

+        return true;

+    }


+    public Properties fooProps() {

+        return null;

+    }


+    public boolean getBoolean() {

+        return false;

+    }


+    public double getDouble() {

+        return 0;

+    }


+    public int getInt() {

+        return 0;

+    }


+    public long getLong() {

+        return 0;

+    }


+    public Boolean getObject() {

+        return null;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/FilterCheckSubscriber.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/FilterCheckSubscriber.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51bde2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/FilterCheckSubscriber.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.Nullable;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class FilterCheckSubscriber implements CheckService {


+    private FooService m_foo;


+    private int bound;


+    public FilterCheckSubscriber() {

+    }


+    public boolean check() {

+        m_foo.foo();

+        return true;

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("Bind", new Integer(bound));

+        props.put("Nullable", new Boolean(m_foo instanceof Nullable));

+        return props;

+    }


+    private void Bind() {

+        bound++;

+    }


+    private void Unbind() {

+        bound--;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ac8add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/filter/MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber.java
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber implements CheckService {


+    private FooService[] m_foo;


+    private int bound;


+    public MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber() {

+    }


+    public boolean check() {

+        for (int i = 0; i < m_foo.length; i++) {

+            m_foo[i].foo();

+        }

+        return true;

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("Bind", new Integer(bound));

+        props.put("Size", new Integer(m_foo.length));

+        return props;

+    }


+    private void Bind() {

+        bound++;

+    }


+    private void Unbind() {

+        bound--;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C1.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C1.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7beaee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C1.java
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.Call;
+public class C1 implements Call {
+	public String callMe() {
+		return "called";
+	}
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C2.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C2.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526f4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C2.java
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.Call;
+public class C2 {
+	private Call c1;
+	public String authenticate() {
+		return c1.callMe();
+	}
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C3.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C3.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea3790a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/C3.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner;
+public class C3 {
+	private C2 c2;
+	public MyFilter getFilter()	{
+		return new MyFilter() {
+			public String authenticate() {
+				System.out.println("My Filter ...");
+				String r = c2.authenticate();
+				System.out.println(" ... " + r);
+				return r;
+			}
+		};
+	}
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/MyFilter.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/MyFilter.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54819cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/inner/MyFilter.java
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner;
+public interface MyFilter {
+	public String authenticate();
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/optional/MyComponent.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/optional/MyComponent.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f13f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/optional/MyComponent.java
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.optional;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.Nullable;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Component;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.annotations.Requires;
+import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
+@Component(immediate=true, name="optional-log-cons")
+public class MyComponent {
+    @Requires(optional=true, proxy=false)
+    private LogService log;
+    public MyComponent() {
+        System.out.println("Created ! : " + (log instanceof Nullable) + " - " + log);
+        log.log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "Created !");
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/CheckProviderParentClass.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/CheckProviderParentClass.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec6a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/CheckProviderParentClass.java
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+public abstract class CheckProviderParentClass {


+    int simpleU = 0;

+    int objectU = 0;

+    int refU = 0;

+    int bothU = 0;



+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) { bothU++; }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if(sr != null) { refU++; }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if(o != null && o instanceof FooService) { objectU++; }

+        else {

+            System.err.println("Unbind null : " + o);

+        }

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/CheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/CheckServiceProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69003e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/CheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class CheckServiceProvider extends CheckProviderParentClass implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;

+    int objectB = 0;

+    int refB = 0;

+    int bothB = 0;


+    public boolean check() {

+        return fs.foo();

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        if (fs != null) {

+            props.put("result", new Boolean(fs.foo()));

+            props.put("boolean", new Boolean(fs.getBoolean()));

+            props.put("int", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+            props.put("long", new Long(fs.getLong()));

+            props.put("double", new Double(fs.getDouble()));

+            if (fs.getObject() != null) {

+                props.put("object", fs.getObject());

+            }

+        }

+        props.put("static", CheckService.foo);

+        props.put("class", CheckService.class.getName());

+        return props;

+    }


+    private void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    protected void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o == null) {

+            System.err.println("Bind receive null !!! ");

+            return;

+        }

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/DynCheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/DynCheckServiceProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a042c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/DynCheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class DynCheckServiceProvider extends CheckProviderParentClass implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs;


+    int simpleB = 0;

+    int objectB = 0;

+    int refB = 0;

+    int bothB = 0;


+    public boolean check() {

+        return fs.foo();

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        if (fs != null) {

+            props.put("int", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+            if (fs.getObject() != null) {

+                props.put("object", fs.getObject());

+            }

+        }

+        props.put("static", CheckService.foo);

+        props.put("class", CheckService.class.getName());

+        return props;

+    }


+    private void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    protected void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o == null) {

+            System.err.println("Bind receive null !!! ");

+            return;

+        }

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MethodCheckServiceProvider.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MethodCheckServiceProvider.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65583c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MethodCheckServiceProvider.java
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MethodCheckServiceProvider implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs;


+    BundleContext context;


+    int simpleB = 0;

+    int objectB = 0;

+    int refB = 0;

+    int bothB = 0;

+    int simpleU = 0;

+    int objectU = 0;

+    int refU = 0;

+    int bothU = 0;



+    public MethodCheckServiceProvider(BundleContext bc) {

+        context = bc;

+    }


+    public boolean check() {

+        return fs.foo();

+    }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        if (fs != null) {

+            props.put("result", new Boolean(fs.foo()));

+            props.put("boolean", new Boolean(fs.getBoolean()));

+            props.put("int", new Integer(fs.getInt()));

+            props.put("long", new Long(fs.getLong()));

+            props.put("double", new Double(fs.getDouble()));

+        } else {

+            props.put("result", new Boolean(false));

+        }

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));


+        if (fs != null) {

+            if (fs.getObject() != null) {

+                props.put("object", fs.getObject());

+            }

+        }


+        return props;

+    }


+    protected void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+        fs = o;

+    }


+    protected void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+        fs = null;

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+        fs = (FooService) context.getService(sr);

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+        context.ungetService(sr);

+        fs = null;

+    }


+    protected void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference ref) {

+        if (ref != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+        fs = o;

+    }


+    protected void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference ref) {

+        if (ref != null && o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+        fs = null;

+    }


diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MethodMultipleCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MethodMultipleCheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f2d89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MethodMultipleCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.ArrayList;

+import java.util.List;

+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MethodMultipleCheckService implements CheckService {


+    List fs = new ArrayList();

+    BundleContext context;


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    public MethodMultipleCheckService(BundleContext bc) {

+        context = bc;

+    }


+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.size() != 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r & ((FooService) fs.get(i)).foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.size(); i++) {

+            r = r + ((FooService) fs.get(i)).getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+//	private Object getObject() {

+//		boolean r = true;

+//		for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+//			r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+//		}

+//		return new Boolean(r);

+//	}


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+        fs.add(o);

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+        fs.remove(o);

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+        fs.add(context.getService(sr));

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+        fs.remove(context.getService(sr));

+        context.ungetService(sr);

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            fs.add(o);

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            fs.remove(o);

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MultipleCheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MultipleCheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925a0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/MultipleCheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class MultipleCheckService implements CheckService {


+    FooService fs[];


+    int simpleB = 0;


+    int objectB = 0;


+    int refB = 0;


+    int bothB = 0;


+    int simpleU = 0;


+    int objectU = 0;


+    int refU = 0;


+    int bothU = 0;


+    public boolean check() {

+        boolean r = fs.length != 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r & fs[i].foo();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private boolean getBoolean() {

+        return check();

+    }


+    private int getInt() {

+        int r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r + fs[i].getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private long getLong() {

+        long r = 0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r + fs[i].getLong();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    private double getDouble() {

+        double r = 0.0;

+        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+            r = r + fs[i].getInt();

+        }

+        return r;

+    }


+    protected Object doNothing(Object o, String s) {

+        return null;

+    }


+    // private Object getObject() {

+    // boolean r = true;

+    // for(int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {

+    // r = r && ((Boolean) fs[i].getObject()).booleanValue();

+    // }

+    // return new Boolean(r);

+    // }


+    public Properties getProps() {

+        Properties props = new Properties();

+        props.put("result", new Boolean(check()));

+        props.put("voidB", new Integer(simpleB));

+        props.put("objectB", new Integer(objectB));

+        props.put("refB", new Integer(refB));

+        props.put("bothB", new Integer(bothB));

+        props.put("voidU", new Integer(simpleU));

+        props.put("objectU", new Integer(objectU));

+        props.put("refU", new Integer(refU));

+        props.put("bothU", new Integer(bothU));

+        props.put("boolean", new Boolean(getBoolean()));

+        props.put("int", new Integer(getInt()));

+        props.put("long", new Long(getLong()));

+        props.put("double", new Double(getDouble()));


+        return props;

+    }


+    public void voidBind() {

+        simpleB++;

+    }


+    public void voidUnbind() {

+        simpleU++;

+    }


+    public void objectBind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void objectUnbind(FooService o) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService) {

+            objectU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refBind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void refUnbind(ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (sr != null) {

+            refU++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothBind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothB++;

+        }

+    }


+    public void bothUnbind(FooService o, ServiceReference sr) {

+        if (o != null && o instanceof FooService && sr != null) {

+            bothU++;

+        }

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/RankedFooProviderType1.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/RankedFooProviderType1.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9548e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/policies/RankedFooProviderType1.java
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public class RankedFooProviderType1 implements FooService {

+    private int m_grade;



+    public boolean foo() {

+        m_grade = m_grade + 2;

+        return true;

+    }


+    public Properties fooProps() {

+        Properties p = new Properties();

+        p.put("grade", new Integer(m_grade));


+        return p;

+    }


+    public boolean getBoolean() {

+        return true;

+    }


+    public double getDouble() {

+        return 1.0;

+    }


+    public int getInt() {

+        return m_grade;

+    }


+    public long getLong() {

+        return 1;

+    }


+    public Boolean getObject() {

+        return new Boolean(true);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceDelegator.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceDelegator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..852163d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceDelegator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class CheckServiceDelegator implements CheckService {
+    private FooService fs;
+    private Helper helper;
+    public CheckServiceDelegator(BundleContext bc) {
+        helper = new Helper(bc, fs);
+    }
+    public boolean check() {
+        // Don't access the service
+        // Just delegate
+        return helper.check();
+    }
+    public Properties getProps() {
+        // Don't access the service
+        // Just delegate
+        return helper.getProps();
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceGetAndDelegate.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceGetAndDelegate.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00b83e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceGetAndDelegate.java
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class CheckServiceGetAndDelegate implements CheckService {
+    private FooService fs;
+    private Helper helper;
+    public CheckServiceGetAndDelegate(BundleContext bc) {
+        helper = new Helper(bc, fs);
+    }
+    public boolean check() {
+        fs.foo();
+        return helper.check();
+    }
+    public Properties getProps() {
+        fs.getBoolean();
+        return helper.getProps();
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceNoDelegate.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceNoDelegate.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b7440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceNoDelegate.java
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class CheckServiceNoDelegate implements CheckService {
+    private FooService fs;
+    private Helper helper;
+    private BundleContext context;
+    public CheckServiceNoDelegate(BundleContext bc) {
+       context = bc;
+       helper = new Helper(context, fs);
+    }
+    public void start() {
+        helper.publish();
+    }
+    public void stop() {
+        helper.unpublish();
+    }
+    public boolean check() {
+        // Don't access the service
+        // Just delegate
+        return helper.check();
+    }
+    public Properties getProps() {
+        // Don't access the service
+        // Just delegate
+        return helper.getProps();
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceUsingStringService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceUsingStringService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac47d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/CheckServiceUsingStringService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import java.util.AbstractMap;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class CheckServiceUsingStringService implements CheckService {
+    private String string;
+    private AbstractMap map;
+    public CheckServiceUsingStringService() {
+        System.out.println("Service : " + string);
+        System.out.println("Map : " + map);
+    }
+    public boolean check() {
+        return string != null
+                && map != null;
+    }
+    public Properties getProps() {
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/Helper.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/Helper.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12df058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/components/proxy/Helper.java
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
+import java.util.Dictionary;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class Helper implements CheckService {
+    private FooService fs;
+    private BundleContext context;
+    private ServiceRegistration reg;
+    public Helper(BundleContext bc, FooService svc) {
+        fs = svc;
+        context = bc;
+    }
+    public void publish() {
+        Dictionary<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
+        props.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, "Helper");
+        context.registerService(CheckService.class, this, props);
+        reg = context.registerService(CheckService.class.getName(), this, props);
+    }
+    public void unpublish() {
+        if (reg != null) {
+            reg.unregister();
+        }
+        reg = null;
+    }
+    public boolean check() {
+        return fs.foo();
+    }
+    public Properties getProps() {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        fs.getBoolean();
+        props.put("helper.fs", fs);
+        return props;
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/Call.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/Call.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ecb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/Call.java
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services;
+public interface Call {
+	public String callMe();
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/CheckService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/CheckService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb327b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/CheckService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public interface CheckService {


+    public static final String foo = "foo";


+	public boolean check();


+	public Properties getProps();



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/FooService.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/FooService.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5b3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/services/FooService.java
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services;


+import java.util.Properties;


+public interface FooService {


+	boolean foo();


+	Properties fooProps();


+	Boolean getObject();


+	boolean getBoolean();


+	int getInt();


+	long getLong();


+	double getDouble();



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-comparator.xml b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-comparator.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d0cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-comparator.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

+    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

+    xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo http://felix.apache.org/ipojo/schemas/SNAPSHOT/core.xsd"

+    xmlns="org.apache.felix.ipojo"


+	<component classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradedFooServiceProvider"

+		name="COMPARATOR-gradedFooProvider">

+		<provides>

+			<property field="grade"/>

+		</provides>

+	</component>



+	<component classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="COMPARATOR-DynamicCheckService">

+		<provides/>

+		<requires field="fs" comparator="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradeComparator"/>

+		<requires field="fss" comparator="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradeComparator"/>

+		<requires comparator="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradeComparator">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bind"/>

+			<callback type="unbind" method="unbind"/>

+		</requires>

+	</component>


+	<component classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="COMPARATOR-DynamicPriorityCheckService">

+		<provides/>

+		<requires policy="dynamic-priority" field="fs" comparator="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradeComparator"/>

+		<requires policy="dynamic-priority" field="fss" comparator="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradeComparator"/>

+		<requires policy="dynamic-priority" comparator="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.comparator.GradeComparator">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bind"/>

+			<callback type="unbind" method="unbind"/>

+		</requires>

+	</component>



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-filter.xml b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-filter.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7494e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-filter.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@

+    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

+    xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo http://felix.apache.org/ipojo/schemas/SNAPSHOT/core.xsd"

+    xmlns="org.apache.felix.ipojo">


+  <!--  Simple Filter Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckProvider"

+    name="SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <provides>

+      <property field="m_toto" name="toto" value="A" />

+    </provides>

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="SimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" filter="(toto=B)" id="id1" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="SimpleFromCheckServiceSubscriber" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" from="A" id="id1" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckProvider"

+    name="SimplePIDCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <provides>

+      <property type="String" name="service.pid" />

+    </provides>

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="SimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" id="id2" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!--  Optional Simple Filter Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="OptionalSimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" filter="(toto=B)" id="id1"

+      optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.FilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="OptionalSimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" id="id2" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Aggregate filter Dependencies-->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="MultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" filter="(toto=B)" id="id1" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="MultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" id="id2" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!--  Optional Aggregate Filter Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="OptionalMultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" filter="(toto=B)" id="id1" proxy="false"

+      optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.filter.MultipleFilterCheckSubscriber"

+    name="OptionalMultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="m_foo" id="id2" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="Bind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="Unbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-policies.xml b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-policies.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05ffe27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata-policies.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@

+    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

+    xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo http://felix.apache.org/ipojo/schemas/SNAPSHOT/core.xsd"

+    xmlns="org.apache.felix.ipojo"



+	<!-- Static Dependencies -->

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticSimpleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static" />

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticVoidCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticObjectCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticRefCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticBothCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticMObjectCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticMRefCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires

+			specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+			policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticMBothCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>


+	<!-- Static Simple & Optional Dependencies -->

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticSimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" optional="true" policy="static" />

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.CheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticMObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticMRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires

+			specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+			optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="StaticMBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires

+			specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+			optional="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<!--  Static Multiple Dependencies -->

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticSimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static" />

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticVoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticMObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires aggregate="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticMRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires

+			specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+			aggregate="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+		name="StaticMBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+		architecture="true">

+		<requires aggregate="true" policy="static">

+			<callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>	


+	<!-- Dynamic-Priority -->

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.RankedFooProviderType1"

+		name="RankedFooProviderType" architecture="true">

+		<provides>

+			<property field="m_grade" name="service.ranking"/>

+		</provides>

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.DynCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="DPSimpleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="dynamic-priority" />

+		<provides />

+	</component>

+	<component

+		classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.policies.DynCheckServiceProvider"

+		name="DPObjectCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+		<requires field="fs" policy="dynamic-priority">

+			<callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+			<callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+		</requires>

+		<provides />

+	</component>


diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata.xml b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a2ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/main/resources/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@



+  xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo http://felix.apache.org/ipojo/schemas/SNAPSHOT/core.xsd"

+  xmlns="org.apache.felix.ipojo"

+ -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooProviderType1"

+    name="FooProviderType-1" architecture="true">

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!--  Simple Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="SimpleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="VoidCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ObjectCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="RefCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="BothCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+    <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MapCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DictCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedVoidCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedObjectCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedRefCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedBothCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+    <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedMapCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedDictCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>



+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DoubleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires>

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="true"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedDoubleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires>

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <requires field="fs" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MObjectCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires>

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MRefCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MBothCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires>

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MMapCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires>

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MDictCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires>

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Simple & Optional Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="SimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" id="FooService" proxy="false"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="SimpleOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="VoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="VoidOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ObjectOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="RefOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="RefOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="BothOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MapOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DictOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" id="FooService"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ProxiedDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="BothOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MapOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DictOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" nullable="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>



+  <!-- Simple & Optional Dependencies with default-implementation -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DISimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIMObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIMRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIMBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIMMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodCheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DIMDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      optional="true"

+      default-implementation="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooServiceDefaultImpl">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!--  Multiple Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="VoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedVoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="RefMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="BothMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="MapMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedMapMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="DictMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true" >

+    <requires field="fs" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedDictMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires aggregate="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      aggregate="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires aggregate="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MMapMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires aggregate="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MDictMultipleCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires aggregate="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Multiple & Optional Dependencies -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="SimpleOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="VoidOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="RefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" proxy="false">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedVoidOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MultipleCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedRefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires aggregate="true" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.MethodMultipleCheckService"

+    name="MRefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"

+      aggregate="true" optional="true">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Aggregate dependency as List -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.ListCheckService"

+    name="SimpleListCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires proxy="false"

+      field="fs" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.ListCheckService"

+    name="OptionalListCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires proxy="false"

+      specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+   <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.ListCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleListCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.ListCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedOptionalListCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Aggregate dependency as Vector -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.VectorCheckService"

+    name="SimpleVectorCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind"/>

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind"/>

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.VectorCheckService"

+    name="OptionalVectorCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Aggregate dependency as Set -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.SetCheckService"

+    name="SimpleSetCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires proxy="false" field="fs" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.SetCheckService"

+    name="OptionalSetCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires proxy="false" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.SetCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleSetCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.SetCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedOptionalSetCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true" />

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!-- Aggregate dependency as Collection -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CollectionCheckService"

+    name="SimpleCollectionCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" proxy="false"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CollectionCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedSimpleCollectionCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs" specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService"/>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CollectionCheckService"

+    name="OptionalCollectionCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true"

+      proxy="false"

+    />

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CollectionCheckService"

+    name="ProxiedOptionalCollectionCheckServiceProvider"

+    architecture="true">

+    <requires specification="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService" field="fs" optional="true"

+      proxy="false"

+    />

+    <provides />

+  </component>



+  <!-- Modify method test -->

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.FooProviderType2"

+    name="FooProviderType-Updatable" architecture="true">

+    <provides>

+      <property name="foo" field="m_foo" value="foo"/>

+    </provides>

+  </component>


+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="VoidModifyCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="voidBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="voidUnbind" />

+      <callback type="modified" method="voidModify"/>

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="ObjectModifyCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="objectBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="objectUnbind" />

+      <callback type="modified" method="objectModify" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="RefModifyCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="refBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="refUnbind" />

+      <callback type="modified" method="refModify" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="BothModifyCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="bothBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="bothUnbind" />

+      <callback type="modified" method="bothModify" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+    <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="MapModifyCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesMapBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesMapUnbind" />

+      <callback type="modified" method="propertiesMapModify" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>

+  <component

+    classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.CheckServiceProvider"

+    name="DictModifyCheckServiceProvider" architecture="true">

+    <requires field="fs">

+      <callback type="bind" method="propertiesDictionaryBind" />

+      <callback type="unbind" method="propertiesDictionaryUnbind" />

+      <callback type="modified" method="propertiesDictionaryModify" />

+    </requires>

+    <provides />

+  </component>


+  <!--  Proxy Tests -->

+  <component classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceDelegator">

+    <provides/>

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"/>

+  </component>

+  <component classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceGetAndDelegate">

+    <provides/>

+    <requires field="fs" optional="true"/>

+  </component>

+  <component classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceNoDelegate">

+      <provides/>

+      <requires field="fs" optional="true"/>

+      <callback transition="validate" method="start"/>

+    <callback transition="invalidate" method="stop"/>

+  </component>


+  <component

+  	classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceUsingStringService"

+  	immediate="true">

+    <provides/>

+    <requires field="string"/>

+    <requires field="map"/>

+  </component>


+	<!-- Inner + Proxy mix -->

+  <component

+  	classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C1">

+  		<provides/>

+  </component>

+  <component

+  	classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C2">

+  		<provides specifications="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C2"/>

+		<requires field="c1"/>

+  </component>

+  <component

+  	classname="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C3">

+  		<provides specifications="org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C3"/>

+		<requires field="c2"/>

+  </component>



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/Common.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/Common.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74a43b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/Common.java
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;
+import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
+import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger;
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.TrueFileFilter;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.Configuration;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.Option;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.PaxExam;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.options.CompositeOption;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.options.DefaultCompositeOption;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.spi.reactors.ExamReactorStrategy;
+import org.ops4j.pax.exam.spi.reactors.PerClass;
+import org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.TinyBundle;
+import org.ops4j.pax.tinybundles.core.TinyBundles;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
+import org.ow2.chameleon.testing.helpers.IPOJOHelper;
+import org.ow2.chameleon.testing.helpers.OSGiHelper;
+import org.ow2.chameleon.testing.tinybundles.ipojo.IPOJOStrategy;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import javax.inject.Inject;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.net.MalformedURLException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions.*;
+ * Bootstrap the test from this project
+ */
+public class Common {
+    @Inject
+    BundleContext bc;
+    protected OSGiHelper osgiHelper;
+    protected IPOJOHelper ipojoHelper;
+    Bundle testedBundle;
+    @Configuration
+    public Option[] config() throws MalformedURLException {
+        Logger root = (Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);
+        root.setLevel(Level.INFO);
+        return options(
+                ipojoBundles(),
+                junitBundles(),
+                testedBundle(),
+                eventadmin(),
+                systemProperty("org.ops4j.pax.logging.DefaultServiceLog.level").value("WARN")
+        );
+    }
+    @Before
+    public void commonSetUp() {
+        osgiHelper = new OSGiHelper(bc);
+        ipojoHelper = new IPOJOHelper(bc);
+        testedBundle = osgiHelper.getBundle("test.bundle");
+        // Dump OSGi Framework information
+        String vendor = (String) osgiHelper.getBundle(0).getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_VENDOR);
+        if (vendor == null) {
+            vendor = (String) osgiHelper.getBundle(0).getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME);
+        }
+        String version = (String) osgiHelper.getBundle(0).getHeaders().get(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION);
+        System.out.println("OSGi Framework : " + vendor + " - " + version);
+        // Wait for stability.
+        waitForStability(bc);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Waits for stability:
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>all bundles are activated
+     * <li>service count is stable
+     * </ul>
+     * If the stability can't be reached after a specified time,
+     * the method throws a {@link IllegalStateException}.
+     *
+     * @param context the bundle context
+     * @throws IllegalStateException when the stability can't be reach after a several attempts.
+     */
+    private void waitForStability(BundleContext context) throws IllegalStateException {
+        // Wait for bundle initialization.
+        boolean bundleStability = getBundleStability(context);
+        int count = 0;
+        while (!bundleStability && count < 500) {
+            try {
+                Thread.sleep(5);
+            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+                // Interrupted
+            }
+            count++;
+            bundleStability = getBundleStability(context);
+        }
+        if (count == 500) {
+            System.out.println("Bundle stability isn't reached after 500 tries");
+            dumpBundles(context);
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot reach the bundle stability");
+        }
+        boolean serviceStability = false;
+        count = 0;
+        int count1 = 0;
+        int count2 = 0;
+        while (!serviceStability && count < 500) {
+            try {
+                ServiceReference[] refs = context.getServiceReferences((String) null, null);
+                count1 = refs.length;
+                Thread.sleep(500);
+                refs = context.getServiceReferences((String) null, null);
+                count2 = refs.length;
+                serviceStability = count1 == count2;
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                System.err.println(e);
+                serviceStability = false;
+                // Nothing to do, while recheck the condition
+            }
+            count++;
+        }
+        if (count == 500) {
+            System.err.println("Service stability isn't reached after 500 tries (" + count1 + " != " + count2);
+            dumpBundles(context);
+            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot reach the service stability");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Are bundle stables.
+     *
+     * @param bc the bundle context
+     * @return <code>true</code> if every bundles are activated.
+     */
+    private boolean getBundleStability(BundleContext bc) {
+        boolean stability = true;
+        Bundle[] bundles = bc.getBundles();
+        for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) {
+            stability = stability && (bundles[i].getState() == Bundle.ACTIVE);
+        }
+        return stability;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Prints the bundle list.
+     *
+     * @param bc the bundle context.
+     */
+    public void dumpBundles(BundleContext bc) {
+        System.out.println("Bundles:");
+        Bundle[] bundles = bc.getBundles();
+        for (int i = 0; i < bundles.length; i++) {
+            System.out.println(bundles[i].getSymbolicName() + " - " + bundles[i].getState());
+        }
+    }
+    @After
+    public void commonTearDown() {
+        osgiHelper.dispose();
+        ipojoHelper.dispose();
+    }
+    public CompositeOption ipojoBundles() {
+        return new DefaultCompositeOption(
+                mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.ipojo").versionAsInProject(),
+                mavenBundle("org.ow2.chameleon.testing", "osgi-helpers").versionAsInProject());
+    }
+    public CompositeOption eventadmin() {
+        return new DefaultCompositeOption(
+                mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.eventadmin", "1.3.0"),
+                mavenBundle("org.apache.felix", "org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.eventadmin",
+                        "1.8.0").versionAsInProject());
+    }
+    public Option testedBundle() throws MalformedURLException {
+        File out = new File("target/bundles/bundle.jar");
+        if (out.exists()) {
+            return bundle(out.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm());
+        }
+        TinyBundle tested = TinyBundles.bundle();
+        // We look inside target/classes to find the class and resources
+        File classes = new File("target/classes");
+        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFilesAndDirs(classes, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE);
+        List<File> services = new ArrayList<File>();
+        for (File file : files) {
+            if (file.isDirectory()) {
+                // By convention we export of .services and .service package
+                if (file.getName().endsWith("services") || file.getName().endsWith("service")) {
+                    services.add(file);
+                }
+            } else {
+                // We need to compute the path
+                String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring(classes.getAbsolutePath().length() + 1);
+                tested.add(path, file.toURI().toURL());
+                System.out.println(file.getName() + " added to " + path);
+            }
+        }
+        // We export 'inner'
+        String export = "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner";
+        for (File file : services) {
+            if (export.length() > 0) {
+                export += ", ";
+            }
+            String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring(classes.getAbsolutePath().length() + 1);
+            String packageName = path.replace('/', '.');
+            export += packageName;
+        }
+        System.out.println("Exported packages : " + export);
+        InputStream inputStream = tested
+                .set(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, "test.bundle")
+                .set(Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE, "*")
+                .set(Constants.EXPORT_PACKAGE, export)
+                .build(IPOJOStrategy.withiPOJO(new File("src/main/resources")));
+        try {
+            org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, out);
+            return bundle(out.toURI().toURL().toExternalForm());
+        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compute the url of the manipulated bundle");
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot write of the manipulated bundle");
+        }
+    }
+    public BundleContext getContext() {
+        return bc;
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestCollectionMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestCollectionMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3da670c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestCollectionMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestCollectionMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleCollectionCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalCollectionCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8730e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestDelayedMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();


+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance5.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance6.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance7.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0b82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;



+public class TestDelayedOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance5.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance6.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance7.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab7238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance4.stop();

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..057dde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDelayedSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestDelayedSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;



+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());

+        fooProvider.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        fooProvider.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());

+        fooProvider.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance5.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance6.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance7.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDependencyArchitecture.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDependencyArchitecture.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22ffdde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestDependencyArchitecture.java
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.PrimitiveInstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.Dependency;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandlerDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.providedservice.ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestDependencyArchitecture extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "ProxiedSimple");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Multiple");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "OptionalMultiple");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    private DependencyHandlerDescription getDependencyDesc(InstanceDescription id) {

+        DependencyHandlerDescription handler = (DependencyHandlerDescription) id.getHandlerDescription("org.apache.felix.ipojo:requires");

+        if (handler == null) {

+            fail("Dependency Handler not found");

+            return null;

+        } else {

+            return handler;

+        }

+    }


+    private DependencyDescription getDependencyDescBySpecification(

+            PrimitiveInstanceDescription id, String spec) {

+        return id.getDependency(spec);

+    }


+    private ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription getPSDesc(InstanceDescription id) {

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription handler = (ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription) id.getHandlerDescription("org.apache.felix.ipojo:provides");

+        if (handler == null) {

+            fail("Provided Service Handler not found");

+            return null;

+        } else {

+            return handler;

+        }

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleDependency() {

+        ServiceReference arch_dep = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_dep);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_dep = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // Check dependency handler invalidity

+        DependencyHandlerDescription dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        // Check dependency metadata

+        assertEquals("Check dependency interface", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getInterface(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency id", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getId(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency cardinality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isMultiple());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency optionality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isOptional());

+        assertNull("Check dependency ref -1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency proxy", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isProxy());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ps = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        arch_ps = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());


+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref -3", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph 

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        id_dep = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_dep);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testProxiedSimpleDependency() {

+        ServiceReference arch_dep = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_dep);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_dep = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // Check dependency handler invalidity

+        DependencyHandlerDescription dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        // Check dependency metadata

+        assertEquals("Check dependency interface", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getInterface(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency id", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getId(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency cardinality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isMultiple());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency optionality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isOptional());

+        assertNull("Check dependency ref -1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency proxy", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isProxy());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ps = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        arch_ps = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());


+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref -3", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph 

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        id_dep = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_dep);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testOptionalDependency() {

+        ServiceReference arch_dep = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_dep);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_dep = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        // Check dependency handler invalidity

+        DependencyHandlerDescription dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        // Check dependency metadata

+        assertEquals("Check dependency interface", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getInterface(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency id", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getId(), "FooService");

+        assertFalse("Check dependency cardinality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isMultiple());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency optionality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isOptional());

+        assertNull("Check dependency ref -1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ps = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        arch_ps = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());


+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref -3", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph 

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        id_dep = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_dep);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleDependency() {

+        ServiceReference arch_dep = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_dep);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_dep = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // Check dependency handler invalidity

+        DependencyHandlerDescription dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        DependencyDescription dd = getDependencyDescBySpecification(id_dep, FooService.class.getName());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency invalidity", dd.getState() == Dependency.UNRESOLVED);



+        // Check dependency metadata

+        assertEquals("Check dependency interface", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getInterface(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency cardinality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isMultiple());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency optionality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isOptional());

+        assertNull("Check dependency ref -1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences());


+        assertEquals("Check dependency interface", dd.getSpecification(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency cardinality", dd.isMultiple());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency optionality", dd.isOptional());

+        assertNull("Check dependency ref -1", dd.getServiceReferences());

+        assertFalse("Check dependency proxy", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isProxy());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ps1 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps1 = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id_ps1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 1 (" + dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size() + ")", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 0);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh = getPSDesc(id_ps1);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps1.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 2", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        // Start a second foo service provider

+        fooProvider2.start();


+        arch_ps1 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        ServiceReference arch_ps2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture 2 availability", arch_ps2);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps2 = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps2)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check instance 2 invalidity - 1", id_ps2.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 3 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 1); // provider 2 not already used


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        //id_ps2 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh1 = getPSDesc(id_ps1);

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh2 = getPSDesc(id_ps2);

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps1.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps2.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 3.1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh1.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 3.2", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh2.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 3 (" + dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size() + ")", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 2);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        arch_ps1 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id_ps1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 4 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 1);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps1);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps1.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 5 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 1);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertFalse("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        arch_ps2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();


+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps2.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps2);

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());


+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref -3", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 6 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 0);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph 

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps2);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 4", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));

+        assertEquals("Check used ref - 7 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().size(), 1);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertFalse("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertFalse("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        id_dep = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_dep);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleOptionalDependency() {

+        ServiceReference arch_dep = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_dep);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_dep = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        // Check dependency handler invalidity

+        DependencyHandlerDescription dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        // Check dependency metadata

+        assertEquals("Check dependency interface", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getInterface(), FooService.class.getName());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency cardinality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isMultiple());

+        assertTrue("Check dependency optionality", dhd.getDependencies()[0].isOptional());

+        assertNull("Check dependency ref -1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ps1 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps1 = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh = getPSDesc(id_ps1);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps1.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        // Start a second foo service provider

+        fooProvider2.start();


+        arch_ps1 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        ServiceReference arch_ps2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture 2 availability", arch_ps2);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        PrimitiveInstanceDescription id_ps2 = (PrimitiveInstanceDescription) ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps2)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check instance 2 invalidity - 1", id_ps2.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 3 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 2);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        //id_ps2 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh1 = getPSDesc(id_ps1);

+        ProvidedServiceHandlerDescription psh2 = getPSDesc(id_ps2);

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps1.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps2.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 2.1", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh1.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 2.2", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh2.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        arch_ps1 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps1);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());

+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref - 2 ", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps1);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertEquals("Check POJO creation", id_ps1.getCreatedObjects().length, 1);

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 3", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        arch_ps2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ps2);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id_ps2.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps2);

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler validity", dhd.isValid());


+        assertEquals("Check dependency ref -3", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReferences().size(), 1);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        // Check object graph 

+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        //id_ps1 = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ps1)).getInstanceDescription();

+        psh = getPSDesc(id_ps2);

+        assertEquals("Check Service Reference equality", psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference(), dhd.getDependencies()[0].getServiceReference());

+        assertTrue("Check service reference - 4", dhd.getDependencies()[0].getUsedServices().contains(psh.getProvidedServices()[0].getServiceReference()));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        //id_dep = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_dep)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id_dep.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        dhd = getDependencyDesc(id_dep);

+        assertTrue("Check dependency handler invalidity", dhd.isValid());


+        id_dep = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_dep);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestListMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestListMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf81a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestListMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestListMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleListCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalListCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c0ca9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodDelayedMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MMapMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MDictMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();


+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance4.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance5.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance6.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance7.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef9fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance5.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance6.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance7.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf68b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;



+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", (Boolean) props.get("result")); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance4.stop();

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5bb66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodDelayedSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodDelayedSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;



+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MBothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MMapCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MDictCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance5.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance6.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance7.stop();

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7641348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MMapMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MDictMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a7e733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);


+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodOptionalMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61571e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodOptionalMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(),  2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(),  2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39a63e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMethodSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            assertNotNull("check instance 3", instance3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MRefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            assertNotNull("check instance 4", instance4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MBothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            assertNotNull("check instance 5", instance5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MMapCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MDictCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }



+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestModifyDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestModifyDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016c491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestModifyDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestModifyDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance7, instance8;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-Updatable").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidModifyCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectModifyCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefModifyCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothModifyCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapModifyCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);


+            Properties i8 = new Properties();

+            i8.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance8 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictModifyCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i8);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        instance8.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        instance8 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        Object o = osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) o;

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 1); // Already called inside the method



+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Update


+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1.1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1.1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 3); // 1 (first foo) + 1 (our foo) + 1 (check foo)

+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        fs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(ref);


+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 1);


+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Update


+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertEquals("check modify -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 3);



+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        fs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 1);


+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Update


+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertEquals("check modify -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 3);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        fs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 1);


+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Update


+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertEquals("check modify -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 3);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        fs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(ref);

+    }



+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 1);


+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Update


+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertEquals("check modify -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 3);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        fs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance8.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance8.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check modify -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 1);


+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        FooService fs = (FooService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Update


+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertEquals("check modify -1.1", ((Integer) props.get("modified")).intValue(), 3);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        fs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e482993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+	ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4;

+	ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+	@Before public void setUp() {

+		try {

+			Properties prov = new Properties();

+			prov.put("instance.name","FooProvider1");

+			fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+			fooProvider1.stop();


+			Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+			prov2.put("instance.name","FooProvider2");

+			fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+			fooProvider2.stop();


+			Properties i1 = new Properties();

+			i1.put("instance.name","Simple");

+			instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+			Properties i2 = new Properties();

+			i2.put("instance.name","Void");

+			instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+			Properties i3 = new Properties();

+			i3.put("instance.name","Object");

+			instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+			Properties i4 = new Properties();

+			i4.put("instance.name","Ref");

+			instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+		} catch(Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); }


+	}


+	@After

+    public void tearDown() {

+		instance1.dispose();

+		instance2.dispose();

+		instance3.dispose();

+		instance4.dispose();

+		fooProvider1.dispose();

+		fooProvider2.dispose();

+		instance1 = null;

+		instance2 = null;

+		instance3 = null;

+		instance4 = null;

+		fooProvider1 = null;

+		fooProvider2 = null;

+	}


+	@Test public void testSimple() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.start();

+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.stop();

+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+	}


+	@Test public void testVoid() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);	

+	}


+	@Test public void testObject() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+	}


+	@Test public void testRef() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+	}




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestNonProxiedNotInterfaceDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestNonProxiedNotInterfaceDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c612f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestNonProxiedNotInterfaceDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import junit.framework.Assert;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.InstanceManager;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;


+import java.util.AbstractMap;

+import java.util.HashMap;


+public class TestNonProxiedNotInterfaceDependencies extends Common {


+    InstanceManager instance1;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    ServiceRegistration reg, reg2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        reg = bc.registerService(String.class.getName(), "ahahah", null);

+        reg2 = bc.registerService(AbstractMap.class.getName(), new HashMap(), null);


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        if (reg != null) {

+            reg.unregister();

+        }

+        if (reg2 != null) {

+            reg2.unregister();

+        }

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testInstanceCreation() {

+        instance1 = (InstanceManager) ipojoHelper

+                .createComponentInstance("org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceUsingStringService");

+        Assert.assertTrue(instance1.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        Assert.assertTrue(((CheckService) instance1.getPojoObject()).check());

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da97bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+	ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+	ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+	@Before public void setUp() {

+		try {

+			Properties prov = new Properties();

+			prov.put("instance.name","FooProvider");

+			fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+			fooProvider.stop();


+			Properties i1 = new Properties();

+			i1.put("instance.name","Simple");

+			instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+			Properties i2 = new Properties();

+			i2.put("instance.name","Void");

+			instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+			Properties i3 = new Properties();

+			i3.put("instance.name","Object");

+			instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+			Properties i4 = new Properties();

+			i4.put("instance.name","Ref");

+			instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+			Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name","Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name","Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name","Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+		} catch(Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); }		

+	}


+	@After

+    public void tearDown() {

+		instance1.dispose();

+		instance2.dispose();

+		instance3.dispose();

+		instance4.dispose();

+		instance5.dispose();

+		instance6.dispose();

+		instance7.dispose();

+		fooProvider.dispose();

+		instance1 = null;

+		instance2 = null;

+		instance3 = null;

+		instance4 = null;

+		instance5 = null;

+		instance6 = null;

+		instance7 = null;

+		fooProvider = null;

+	}


+	@Test public void testSimple() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();


+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1 ("+props.get("object")+")", props.get("object"));

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+		fooProvider.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();


+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is there

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+	}


+	@Test public void testVoid() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+		fooProvider.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+		fooProvider.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3 ("+((Integer)props.get("voidU")) + ")", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 3", props.get("object"));

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);	

+	}


+	@Test public void testObject() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2 (" + ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // Nullable object.

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+	}


+	@Test public void testRef() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+	}


+	@Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+	@Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+	   @Test public void testDict() {

+	        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+	        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+	        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+	        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+	        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+	        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+	        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+	        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+	        //Check properties

+	        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+	        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+	        fooProvider.start();


+	        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+	        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+	        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+	        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+	        props = cs.getProps();

+	        //Check properties

+	        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+	        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+	        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+	        fooProvider.stop();


+	        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+	        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+	        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+	        props = cs.getProps();

+	        //Check properties

+	        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+	        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+	        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+	        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+	        id = null;

+	        cs = null;

+	        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+	        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+	    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c97078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestOptionalMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+	ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4;

+	ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+	@Before public void setUp() {

+		try {

+			Properties prov = new Properties();

+			prov.put("instance.name","FooProvider1");

+			fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+			fooProvider1.stop();


+			Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+			prov2.put("instance.name","FooProvider2");

+			fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+			fooProvider2.stop();


+			Properties i1 = new Properties();

+			i1.put("instance.name","Simple");

+			instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+			Properties i2 = new Properties();

+			i2.put("instance.name","Void");

+			instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+			Properties i3 = new Properties();

+			i3.put("instance.name","Object");

+			instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+			Properties i4 = new Properties();

+			i4.put("instance.name","Ref");

+			instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+		} catch(Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); }


+	}


+	@After

+    public void tearDown() {

+		instance1.dispose();

+		instance2.dispose();

+		instance3.dispose();

+		instance4.dispose();

+		fooProvider1.dispose();

+		fooProvider2.dispose();

+		instance1 = null;

+		instance2 = null;

+		instance3 = null;

+		instance4 = null;

+		fooProvider1 = null;

+		fooProvider2 = null;

+	}


+	@Test public void testSimple() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double)props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+	}


+	@Test public void testVoid() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);	

+	}


+	@Test public void testObject() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+	}


+	@Test public void testRef() {

+		ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+		InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+		assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+		CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		Properties props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		fooProvider1.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.start();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);


+		fooProvider1.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+		fooProvider2.stop();


+		id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+		assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+		cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+		props = cs.getProps();

+		//Check properties

+		assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+		assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 2);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer)props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+		assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long)props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+		id = null;

+		cs = null;

+		getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+		getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+	}




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalNoNullableDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalNoNullableDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c851c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestOptionalNoNullableDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestOptionalNoNullableDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictOptionalNoNullableCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.getMessage();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        // no service, no nullable => runtime exception expected

+        assertTrue("check excepted exception", ((Boolean) props.get("exception")).booleanValue());

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation - 1 (" + props.get("result") + ")", props.get("result")); // Null

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1 (" + props.get("object") + ")", props.get("object"));


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is there

+        // No exception expected

+        assertFalse("check unexcepted exception", ((Boolean) props.get("exception")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation - 1", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -3", props.get("result"));

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidU")) + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 3", props.get("object"));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -1", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2 (" + ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -3", props.get("result")); // No provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -1", props.get("result")); //Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -3", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -1", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -3", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -1", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -3", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -1", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertNull("check CheckService invocation -3", props.get("result")); // Null, no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedCollectionMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedCollectionMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016e958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedCollectionMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedCollectionMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleCollectionCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedOptionalCollectionCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2613efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedDelayedMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedVoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedBothMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedMapMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedDictMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();


+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance4.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance5.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance6.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        instance7.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d715aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;



+public class TestProxiedDelayedOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance5.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance6.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance7.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d1802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedDelayedOptionalMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedVoidOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedObjectOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedRefOptionalMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance4.stop();

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9698300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedDelayedSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedDelayedSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;



+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedVoidCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedRefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedBothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedMapCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);

+            instance6.stop();


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dict");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedDictCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+            instance7.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());

+        fooProvider.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        fooProvider.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());

+        fooProvider.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);

+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance5.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        instance6.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance6.stop();

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        instance7.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance7.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedListMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedListMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7707f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedListMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedListMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleListCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedOptionalListCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4603a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedMapOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedDictOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1 (" + props.get("object") + ")", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is there

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidU")) + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 3", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2 (" + ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // Nullable object.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedSetMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedSetMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb8ec2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedSetMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedSetMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleSetCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedOptionalSetCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5b71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxiedSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestProxiedSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7, instance8;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name","FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name","Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedSimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name","Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedVoidCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name","Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name","Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedRefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name","Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedBothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name","Double");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedDoubleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name","Map");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedMapCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);


+            Properties i8 = new Properties();

+            i8.put("instance.name","Dictionary");

+            instance8 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ProxiedDictCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i8);

+        } catch(Exception e) { 

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage()); }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        instance8.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        instance8 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        Object o = osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) o;

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1 ("+((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue()+")", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);		

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDouble() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertNotNull("Check cs", cs);

+        cs.check();

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);       

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+       @Test public void testDict() {

+            ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance8.getInstanceName());

+            assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+            InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+            assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+            fooProvider.start();


+            id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+            assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+            ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance8.getInstanceName());

+            assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+            CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+            Properties props = cs.getProps();

+            //Check properties

+            assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean)props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+            assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+            assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+            assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer)props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+            fooProvider.stop();


+            id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+            assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+            id = null;

+            cs = null;

+            getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+            getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxyTest.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxyTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c3d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestProxyTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ConfigurationException;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.MissingHandlerException;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.UnacceptableConfiguration;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandler;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+public class TestProxyTest extends Common {
+    @Test
+    public void testDelegation() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Properties prov = new Properties();
+        prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1-Proxy");
+        ComponentInstance fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "Delegator");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceDelegator").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertTrue(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // This is the suffix.
+        assertTrue(cs.check());
+        fooProvider1.dispose();
+        instance1.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDelegationOnNullable() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "DelegatorNullable");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceDelegator").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertTrue(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // This is the suffix.
+        assertFalse(cs.check()); // Nullable.
+        instance1.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetAndDelegation() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Properties prov = new Properties();
+        prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1-Proxy");
+        ComponentInstance fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "Delegator");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceGetAndDelegate").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertTrue(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // This is the suffix.
+        assertTrue(cs.check());
+        fooProvider1.dispose();
+        instance1.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetAndDelegationOnNullable() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "DelegatorNullable");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceGetAndDelegate").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertTrue(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // This is the suffix.
+        assertFalse(cs.check()); // Nullable.
+        instance1.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testImmediate() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Properties prov = new Properties();
+        prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1-Proxy");
+        ComponentInstance fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "Delegator");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceNoDelegate").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = osgiHelper.getServiceReference(CheckService.class.getName(), "(service.pid=Helper)");
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertTrue(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // This is the suffix.
+        assertTrue(cs.check());
+        fooProvider1.dispose();
+        instance1.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testImmediateNoService() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "Delegator-with-no-service");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceNoDelegate").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = osgiHelper.getServiceReference(CheckService.class.getName(), "(service.pid=Helper)");
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        try {
+            cs.getProps();
+            fail("Exception expected");
+        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+            //OK
+        }
+        instance1.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testProxyDisabled() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        // Disable proxy
+        System.setProperty(DependencyHandler.PROXY_SETTINGS_PROPERTY, DependencyHandler.PROXY_DISABLED);
+        Properties prov = new Properties();
+        prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1-Proxy");
+        ComponentInstance fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "Delegator");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceDelegator").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertFalse(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // Not a proxy.
+        assertTrue(cs.check());
+        fooProvider1.dispose();
+        instance1.dispose();
+        System.setProperty(DependencyHandler.PROXY_SETTINGS_PROPERTY, DependencyHandler.PROXY_ENABLED);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDynamicProxy() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        // Dynamic proxy
+        System.setProperty(DependencyHandler.PROXY_TYPE_PROPERTY, DependencyHandler.DYNAMIC_PROXY);
+        Properties prov = new Properties();
+        prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1-Proxy");
+        ComponentInstance fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);
+        Properties i1 = new Properties();
+        i1.put("instance.name", "Delegator");
+        ComponentInstance instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory(
+                "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.proxy.CheckServiceDelegator").createComponentInstance(i1);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull(ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties props = cs.getProps();
+        FooService helper = (FooService) props.get("helper.fs");
+        assertNotNull(helper);
+        assertFalse(helper.toString().contains("$$Proxy")); // Dynamic proxy.
+        assertTrue(helper.toString().contains("DynamicProxyFactory"));
+        assertTrue(helper.hashCode() > 0);
+        assertTrue(helper.equals(helper));
+        assertFalse(helper.equals(i1)); // This is a quite stupid test...
+        assertTrue(cs.check());
+        fooProvider1.dispose();
+        instance1.dispose();
+        System.setProperty(DependencyHandler.PROXY_TYPE_PROPERTY, DependencyHandler.SMART_PROXY);
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestSetMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestSetMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a49b3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestSetMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestSetMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleSetCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalSetCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b50e396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5, instance6, instance7, instance8;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("VoidCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("ObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("BothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);


+            Properties i6 = new Properties();

+            i6.put("instance.name", "Double");

+            instance6 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DoubleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i6);


+            Properties i7 = new Properties();

+            i7.put("instance.name", "Map");

+            instance7 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MapCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i7);


+            Properties i8 = new Properties();

+            i8.put("instance.name", "Dictionary");

+            instance8 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DictCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i8);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        instance6.dispose();

+        instance7.dispose();

+        instance8.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        instance6 = null;

+        instance7 = null;

+        instance8 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        Object o = osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) o;

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDouble() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance6.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        assertNotNull("Check cs", cs);

+        cs.check();

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testMap() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance7.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testDict() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance8.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance8.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check map unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("mapU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check dict bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check dict unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("dictU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestVectorMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestVectorMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58e5cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/TestVectorMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestVectorMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleVectorCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Optional");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalVectorCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();

+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test public void testOptional() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 0", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False : no provider

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 0", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 0", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 0", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 0", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 2);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 2.0, 0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, it still one provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 4", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, no more provider.

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 4", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 4", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 4", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 4", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 0.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/comparator/TestComparator.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/comparator/TestComparator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6611e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/comparator/TestComparator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.comparator;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+public class TestComparator extends Common {
+    String gradeFactory = "COMPARATOR-gradedFooProvider";
+    String dynamic = "COMPARATOR-DynamicCheckService";
+    String dynamicpriority = "COMPARATOR-DynamicPriorityCheckService";
+    ComponentInstance dynInstance;
+    ComponentInstance dpInstance;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        dynInstance = ipojoHelper.createComponentInstance(dynamic, (Properties) null);
+        dpInstance = ipojoHelper.createComponentInstance(dynamicpriority, (Properties) null);
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() {
+        ipojoHelper.dispose();
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDynamic() {
+        createGrade(1);
+        ComponentInstance grade2 = createGrade(2);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), dynInstance.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull("CS availability", ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties result = cs.getProps();
+        int fsGrade = ((Integer) result.get("fs")).intValue();
+        int fs2Grade = ((Integer) result.get("fs2")).intValue();
+        int[] fssGrades = (int[]) result.get("fss");
+        assertEquals("fs grade -1", 2, fsGrade);
+        assertEquals("fs2 grade -1", 2, fs2Grade);
+        assertEquals("fss grade size -1", 2, fssGrades.length);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[0] -1", 2, fssGrades[0]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[1] -1", 1, fssGrades[1]);
+        createGrade(3);
+        result = cs.getProps();
+        fsGrade = ((Integer) result.get("fs")).intValue();
+        fs2Grade = ((Integer) result.get("fs2")).intValue();
+        fssGrades = (int[]) result.get("fss");
+        assertEquals("fs grade -2", 2, fsGrade);
+        assertEquals("fs2 grade -2", 2, fs2Grade);
+        assertEquals("fss grade size -2", 3, fssGrades.length);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[0] -2", 2, fssGrades[0]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[1] -2", 1, fssGrades[1]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[2] -2", 3, fssGrades[2]);
+        grade2.stop();
+        result = cs.getProps();
+        fsGrade = ((Integer) result.get("fs")).intValue();
+        fs2Grade = ((Integer) result.get("fs2")).intValue();
+        fssGrades = (int[]) result.get("fss");
+        assertEquals("fs grade -3", 3, fsGrade);
+        assertEquals("fs2 grade -3", 3, fs2Grade);
+        assertEquals("fss grade size -3", 2, fssGrades.length);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[0] -3", 1, fssGrades[0]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[1] -3", 3, fssGrades[1]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDynamicPriority() {
+        createGrade(1);
+        ComponentInstance grade2 = createGrade(2);
+        ServiceReference ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), dpInstance.getInstanceName());
+        assertNotNull("CS availability", ref);
+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(ref);
+        Properties result = cs.getProps();
+        int fsGrade = ((Integer) result.get("fs")).intValue();
+        int fs2Grade = ((Integer) result.get("fs2")).intValue();
+        int[] fssGrades = (int[]) result.get("fss");
+        assertEquals("fs grade -1", 2, fsGrade);
+        assertEquals("fs2 grade -1", 2, fs2Grade);
+        assertEquals("fss grade size -1", 2, fssGrades.length);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[0] -1", 2, fssGrades[0]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[1] -1", 1, fssGrades[1]);
+        createGrade(3);
+        result = cs.getProps();
+        fsGrade = ((Integer) result.get("fs")).intValue();
+        fs2Grade = ((Integer) result.get("fs2")).intValue();
+        fssGrades = (int[]) result.get("fss");
+        assertEquals("fs grade -2", 3, fsGrade);
+        assertEquals("fs2 grade -2", 3, fs2Grade);
+        assertEquals("fss grade size -2", 3, fssGrades.length);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[0] -2", 3, fssGrades[0]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[1] -2", 2, fssGrades[1]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[2] -2", 1, fssGrades[2]);
+        grade2.stop();
+        result = cs.getProps();
+        fsGrade = ((Integer) result.get("fs")).intValue();
+        fs2Grade = ((Integer) result.get("fs2")).intValue();
+        fssGrades = (int[]) result.get("fss");
+        assertEquals("fs grade -3", 3, fsGrade);
+        assertEquals("fs2 grade -3", 3, fs2Grade);
+        assertEquals("fss grade size -3", 2, fssGrades.length);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[0] -3", 3, fssGrades[0]);
+        assertEquals("fss grade[1] -3", 1, fssGrades[1]);
+    }
+    private ComponentInstance createGrade(int grade) {
+        Properties props = new Properties();
+        props.put("grade", new Integer(grade));
+        return ipojoHelper.createComponentInstance(gradeFactory, props);
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestDelayedOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93b6291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.di;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestDelayedOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DISimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);

+            instance1.stop();


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);

+            instance2.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 5.0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance1.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 5.0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance2.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ced9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.di;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodDelayedOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIMObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            instance3.stop();


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIMRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            instance4.stop();


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIMBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            instance5.stop();

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        instance3.start();

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance3.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        instance5.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);


+        instance4.stop();

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestMethodOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestMethodOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aa8423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestMethodOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.di;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestMethodOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIMObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIMRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIMBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);


+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68b7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/di/TestOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.di;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DISimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DIBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 5.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is there

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 5.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0, 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidU")) + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 3", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 5);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 3", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 5.0, 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2 (" + ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 1);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestFromDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestFromDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bcedbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestFromDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestFromDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4;

+    ComponentInstance providerA, providerB, providerC, providerD;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "A");

+            providerA = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            providerA.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "B");

+            providerB = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            providerB.stop();


+            Properties prov3 = new Properties();

+            prov3.put("service.pid", "A");

+            providerC = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimplePIDCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov3);

+            providerC.stop();


+            Properties prov4 = new Properties();

+            prov4.put("service.pid", "D");

+            prov4.put("instance.name", "D");

+            providerD = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimplePIDCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov4);

+            providerD.stop();


+            // Uses the component type from value

+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Subscriber1");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFromCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            // Uses the instance configuration from value

+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Subscriber2");

+            Properties ii2 = new Properties();

+            ii2.put("id1", "B");

+            i2.put("requires.from", ii2);

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFromCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            // Uses the instance configuration from value (*)

+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Subscriber3");

+            Properties ii3 = new Properties();

+            ii3.put("id1", "*");

+            i3.put("requires.from", ii3);

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFromCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            // Uses the instance configuration from value, merge filter and from

+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Subscriber4");

+            Properties ii4 = new Properties();

+            ii4.put("id1", "D");

+            i4.put("requires.from", ii4);

+            Properties iii4 = new Properties();

+            iii4.put("id1", "(service.pid=D)");

+            i4.put("requires.filters", iii4);

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFromCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i4);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        providerA.dispose();

+        providerB.dispose();

+        providerC.dispose();

+        providerD.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        providerA = null;

+        providerB = null;

+        providerC = null;

+        providerD = null;

+    }



+    @Test

+    public void testFromInstanceName() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerB.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerA.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerA.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerA.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);



+        providerA.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        providerB.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFromPID() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerB.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerC.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerC.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerC.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerC.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        providerB.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFromInstanceNameInstanceConfiguration() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerA.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerB.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerB.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerB.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerB.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        providerA.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFromInstanceNameStar() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerA.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 0", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerB.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerB.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerA.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerB.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        providerB.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testFromAndFilter() {

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerA.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerD.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerD.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        providerD.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        providerD.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        providerA.stop();

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestMultipleFilterDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestMultipleFilterDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fd81e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestMultipleFilterDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

+import static org.junit.Assert.fail;


+public class TestMultipleFilterDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Subscriber1");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Subscriber2");

+            Properties ii2 = new Properties();

+            ii2.put("id2", "(toto=A)");

+            i2.put("requires.filters", ii2);

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Subscriber3");

+            Properties ii3 = new Properties();

+            ii3.put("id1", "(toto=A)");

+            i3.put("requires.filters", ii3);

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("MultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i3);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleNotMatch() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        fooProvider2.start();

+        cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 9", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleMatch() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleNotMatchInstance() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 9", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleMatchInstance() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleNotMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 9", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {

+        fooProvider1.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);



+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestOptionalMultipleFilterDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestOptionalMultipleFilterDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b72753f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestOptionalMultipleFilterDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

+import static org.junit.Assert.fail;


+public class TestOptionalMultipleFilterDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Subscriber1");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalMultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Subscriber2");

+            Properties ii2 = new Properties();

+            ii2.put("id2", "(toto=A)");

+            i2.put("requires.filters", ii2);

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalMultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Subscriber3");

+            Properties ii3 = new Properties();

+            ii3.put("id1", "(toto=A)");

+            i3.put("requires.filters", ii3);

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalMultipleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i3);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleNotMatch() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 9", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 9", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 9", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }



+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleMatch() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleNotMatchInstance() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 9", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 9", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 9", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleMatchInstance() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleNotMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);

+        CheckService cs2 = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref2);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs2.check();

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 9", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 9", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 9", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs2 = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testMultipleMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {



+        fooProvider1.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref2 = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref2);


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        fooProvider2.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(0)));


+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(1)));


+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(2)));

+        assertTrue("Check Array size - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Size")).equals(new Integer(2)));


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref2);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestOptionalSimpleFilterDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestOptionalSimpleFilterDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54f7fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestOptionalSimpleFilterDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestOptionalSimpleFilterDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Subscriber1");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalSimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Subscriber2");

+            Properties ii2 = new Properties();

+            ii2.put("id2", "(toto=A)");

+            i2.put("requires.filters", ii2);

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalSimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Subscriber3");

+            Properties ii3 = new Properties();

+            ii3.put("id1", "(toto=A)");

+            i3.put("requires.filters", ii3);

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("OptionalSimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i3);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleNotMatch() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 1", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 2", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 3", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 4", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 5", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 6", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start(); // Registered with toto = A


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); // Optional

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7.0 (" + (Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind") + ")", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));



+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check(); // Update toto to B


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3.1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);



+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7.1 (" + (Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind") + ")", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 7", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 8", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleMatch() {


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 1", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 2", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 3", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 4", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check(); // Update toto to B


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5.1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 5", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 6", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleNotMatchInstance() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 1", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 2", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 3", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 4", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 5", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 6", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 7", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 8", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());

+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleMatchInstance() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 1", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 2", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 3", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 4", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 5", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 6", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleNotMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 1", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 2", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 3", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 4", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 5", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 6", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 7", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 7", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 7", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 8", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 8", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 8", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());

+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 1", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 1", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 2", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 2", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 3", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 3", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 4", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 4", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 5", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(1)));

+        assertFalse("Check Nullable - 5", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 6", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());

+        assertTrue("Check service Binding - 6", ((Integer) cs_instance.getProps().get("Bind")).equals(new Integer(0)));

+        assertTrue("Check Nullable - 6", ((Boolean) cs_instance.getProps().get("Nullable")).booleanValue());


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestSimpleFilterDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestSimpleFilterDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc7a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/filter/TestSimpleFilterDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.filter;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestSimpleFilterDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Subscriber1");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Subscriber2");

+            Properties ii2 = new Properties();

+            ii2.put("id2", "(toto=A)");

+            i2.put("requires.filters", ii2);

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber2").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Subscriber3");

+            Properties ii3 = new Properties();

+            ii3.put("id1", "(toto=A)");

+            i3.put("requires.filters", ii3);

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("SimpleFilterCheckServiceSubscriber").createComponentInstance(i3);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleNotMatch() {

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();


+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4.1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        cs.check();


+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);



+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleMatch() {


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4.1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        cs.check();


+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleNotMatchInstance() {

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleMatchInstance() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleNotMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 4", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimpleMatchInstanceWithoutFilter() {


+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        CheckService cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("Check service invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), fooProvider1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        // change the value of the property toto

+        cs.check();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider1.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_instance_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_instance_ref);

+        cs_instance = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_instance_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs_instance.check());


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        cs_instance = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_instance_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/inner/TestInnerProxyMix.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/inner/TestInnerProxyMix.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f77d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/inner/TestInnerProxyMix.java
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.inner;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C1;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C2;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C3;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+public class TestInnerProxyMix extends Common {
+    public static String C1 = "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C1";
+    public static String C2 = "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C2";
+    public static String C3 = "org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.components.inner.C3";
+    private ComponentInstance instancec1;
+    private ComponentInstance instancec2;
+    private ComponentInstance instancec3;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        // Create the instances
+        instancec1 = ipojoHelper.createComponentInstance(C1);
+        instancec2 = ipojoHelper.createComponentInstance(C2);
+        instancec3 = ipojoHelper.createComponentInstance(C3);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testMix() {
+        // Check that everything is OK
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.VALID, instancec1.getState());
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.VALID, instancec2.getState());
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.VALID, instancec3.getState());
+        // Call C3
+        C3 svc = (C3) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(C3, null);
+        assertNotNull(svc);
+        assertEquals("called", svc.getFilter().authenticate());
+        // So far, all right
+        //We stop c1 and c2.
+        instancec1.stop();
+        instancec2.stop();
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.INVALID, instancec3.getState()); // C2 dependency invalid
+        instancec1.start();
+        instancec2.start();
+        // Check that everything is OK
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.VALID, instancec1.getState());
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.VALID, instancec2.getState());
+        assertEquals(ComponentInstance.VALID, instancec3.getState());
+        // Call C3
+        svc = (C3) osgiHelper.getServiceObject(C3, null);
+        assertNotNull(svc);
+        assertEquals("called", svc.getFilter().authenticate());
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/optional/TestNullableTransitiveClassloading.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/optional/TestNullableTransitiveClassloading.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1d1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/optional/TestNullableTransitiveClassloading.java
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.optional;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.*;
+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ * Reproduces FELIX-2093
+ * iPOJO doesn't always use the correct class loader to load nullable object.
+ */
+public class TestNullableTransitiveClassloading extends Common {
+    @Test
+    public void testCreation() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {
+        Factory factory = ipojoHelper.getFactory("optional-log-cons");
+        ComponentInstance ci = factory.createComponentInstance(null);
+        ci.dispose();
+    }
diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestDynamicPriority.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestDynamicPriority.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3507c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestDynamicPriority.java
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.FooService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestDynamicPriority extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance3;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider-1");

+            prov.put("service.ranking", "1");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RankedFooProviderType").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider-2");

+            prov2.put("service.ranking", "0");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("RankedFooProviderType").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DPSimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("DPObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();

+        fooProvider2.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // Check grade

+        Integer grade = (Integer) cs.getProps().get("int");

+        assertEquals("Check first grade", 1, grade.intValue());


+        fooProvider.stop(); // Turn off the best provider.


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // Check grade

+        grade = (Integer) cs.getProps().get("int");

+        assertEquals("Check second grade", 0, grade.intValue());


+        fooProvider.start(); // Turn on the best provider.


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // Check grade

+        grade = (Integer) cs.getProps().get("int");

+        assertEquals("Check third grade", 1, grade.intValue());



+        // Increase the second provider grade.

+        ServiceReference fs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check foo service (2) reference", fs_ref);

+        FooService fs = (FooService) getContext().getService(fs_ref);


+        fs.foo(); // Increase the grade (now = 2)


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // Check grade

+        grade = (Integer) cs.getProps().get("int");

+        assertEquals("Check fourth grade", 2, grade.intValue());


+        // Increase the other provider grade.

+        fs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(FooService.class.getName(), fooProvider.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check foo service (1) reference", fs_ref);

+        fs = (FooService) getContext().getService(fs_ref);

+        fs.foo(); //(grade = 3)


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        // Check grade

+        grade = (Integer) cs.getProps().get("int");

+        assertEquals("Check fifth grade", 3, grade.intValue());


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(fs_ref);

+        fooProvider.stop();

+        fooProvider2.stop();

+    }


diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMethodOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMethodOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd432c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMethodOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestStaticMethodOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5;


+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticMObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticMRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticMBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);


+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMethodSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMethodSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ffc4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMethodSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestStaticMethodSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance3, instance4, instance5;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticMObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);

+            assertNotNull("check instance 3", instance3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticMRefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+            assertNotNull("check instance 4", instance4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticMBothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+            assertNotNull("check instance 5", instance5);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }



+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }



diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMultipleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMultipleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24591e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticMultipleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestStaticMultipleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider1, fooProvider2;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider1");

+            fooProvider1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider1.stop();


+            Properties prov2 = new Properties();

+            prov2.put("instance.name", "FooProvider2");

+            fooProvider2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov2);

+            fooProvider2.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticSimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticVoidMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticObjectMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticRefMultipleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        fooProvider1.dispose();

+        fooProvider2.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        fooProvider1 = null;

+        fooProvider2 = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        instance1.stop();

+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();

+        // instance is stopped and then restarted, so bound to fooprovider 2.

+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testVoid() {

+        instance2.stop();

+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        instance3.stop();

+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        // Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();

+        // Instance stopped and then restarted, bound to foo provider 2.

+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        instance4.stop();

+        fooProvider1.start();

+        instance4.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, a provider is here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 1", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider2.start();

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, two providers are here

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (double) - 2", ((Double) props.get("double")).doubleValue(), 1.0);


+        fooProvider1.stop();

+        // Stop and then restarted, bound to foo provider 2.

+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 5", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticOptionalDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticOptionalDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba004d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticOptionalDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ConfigurationException;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.MissingHandlerException;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.UnacceptableConfiguration;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestStaticOptionalDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticSimpleOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticVoidOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticObjectOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticRefOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticBothOptionalCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }

+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False, the provider was not bound

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testDelayedSimple() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {

+        instance1.stop();

+        fooProvider.start();

+        instance1.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, the provider was bound

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+        fooProvider.stop();

+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); // Dependency broken,re started with no service.


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation - 1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 1", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 1", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 1", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidU")) + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 3", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 3", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 3", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testDelayedVoid() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {

+        instance2.stop();

+        fooProvider.start();

+        instance2.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, the provider was bound

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+        fooProvider.stop();

+        // The instance is restarted.


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3 (" + id.getState() + ")", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); // Dependency broken and then (no service injected) restarted


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2 (" + ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testDelayedObject() throws UnacceptableConfiguration, MissingHandlerException, ConfigurationException {

+        instance3.stop();

+        fooProvider.start();

+        instance3.start();


+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();


+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation - 2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // True, the provider was bound

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation - 2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertNotNull("Check FS invocation (object) - 2", props.get("object"));

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (int) - 2", ((Integer) props.get("int")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("Check FS invocation (long) - 2", ((Long) props.get("long")).longValue(), 1);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); // Dependency broken and restarted with no service


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    public void atestRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }


+    public void atestBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue()); // False is returned (nullable)

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -2", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -2", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 3 (" + id.getState() + ")", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertFalse("check CheckService invocation -3", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -3", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+        getContext().ungetService(cs_ref);

+    }




diff --git a/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticSimpleDependencies.java b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticSimpleDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab7404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/runtime/core-it/src/it/ipojo-core-service-dependency-test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/ipojo/runtime/core/test/dependencies/policies/TestStaticSimpleDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@

+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

+ * distributed with this work for additional information

+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations

+ * under the License.

+ */

+package org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.policies;


+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ComponentInstance;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.Architecture;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.architecture.InstanceDescription;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.dependencies.Common;

+import org.apache.felix.ipojo.runtime.core.test.services.CheckService;

+import org.junit.After;

+import org.junit.Before;

+import org.junit.Test;

+import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;


+import java.util.Properties;


+import static org.junit.Assert.*;


+public class TestStaticSimpleDependencies extends Common {


+    ComponentInstance instance1, instance2, instance3, instance4, instance5;

+    ComponentInstance fooProvider;


+    @Before

+    public void setUp() {

+        try {

+            Properties prov = new Properties();

+            prov.put("instance.name", "FooProvider");

+            fooProvider = ipojoHelper.getFactory("FooProviderType-1").createComponentInstance(prov);

+            fooProvider.stop();


+            Properties i1 = new Properties();

+            i1.put("instance.name", "Simple");

+            instance1 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticSimpleCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i1);


+            Properties i2 = new Properties();

+            i2.put("instance.name", "Void");

+            instance2 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticVoidCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i2);


+            Properties i3 = new Properties();

+            i3.put("instance.name", "Object");

+            instance3 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticObjectCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i3);


+            Properties i4 = new Properties();

+            i4.put("instance.name", "Ref");

+            instance4 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticRefCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i4);


+            Properties i5 = new Properties();

+            i5.put("instance.name", "Both");

+            instance5 = ipojoHelper.getFactory("StaticBothCheckServiceProvider").createComponentInstance(i5);

+        } catch (Exception e) {

+            e.printStackTrace();

+            fail(e.getMessage());

+        }


+    }


+    @After

+    public void tearDown() {

+        instance1.dispose();

+        instance2.dispose();

+        instance3.dispose();

+        instance4.dispose();

+        instance5.dispose();

+        fooProvider.dispose();

+        instance1 = null;

+        instance2 = null;

+        instance3 = null;

+        instance4 = null;

+        instance5 = null;

+        fooProvider = null;

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testSimple() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        fooProvider.stop();

+        // instance1 has to be stopped and restarted.



+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); // The instance was invalidated and revalidated.


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation", cs.check());


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance1.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 3", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testVoid() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        Object o = getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) o;

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1 (" + ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue() + ")", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID); // The instance was revalidated.


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability - 2", cs_ref);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance2.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testObject() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability - 2", cs_ref);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance3.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testRef() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);



+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability - 2", cs_ref);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }


+    @Test

+    public void testBoth() {

+        ServiceReference arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check architecture availability", arch_ref);

+        InstanceDescription id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 1", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        ServiceReference cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability", cs_ref);

+        CheckService cs = (CheckService) getContext().getService(cs_ref);

+        Properties props = cs.getProps();

+        //Check properties

+        assertTrue("check CheckService invocation -1", ((Boolean) props.get("result")).booleanValue());

+        assertEquals("check void bind invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check void unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("voidU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check object unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("objectU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refB")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check ref unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("refU")).intValue(), 0);

+        assertEquals("check both bind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothB")).intValue(), 1);

+        assertEquals("check both unbind callback invocation -1", ((Integer) props.get("bothU")).intValue(), 0);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        fooProvider.start();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance validity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.VALID);


+        cs_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(CheckService.class.getName(), instance5.getInstanceName());

+        assertNotNull("Check CheckService availability - 2", cs_ref);


+        fooProvider.stop();


+        arch_ref = ipojoHelper.getServiceReferenceByName(Architecture.class.getName(), instance4.getInstanceName());

+        id = ((Architecture) getContext().getService(arch_ref)).getInstanceDescription();

+        assertTrue("Check instance invalidity - 2", id.getState() == ComponentInstance.INVALID);


+        id = null;

+        cs = null;

+        getContext().ungetService(arch_ref);

+    }

