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+<h1><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository(OBR)"></a>Apache Felix OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR)</h1>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-Motivation">Motivation</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-Overview">Overview</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRRepositoryFile">OBR Repository File</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRServiceAPI">OBR Service API</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRShellCommand">OBR Shell Command</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrhelp">obr help</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrlisturl">obr list-url</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obraddurl">obr add-url</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrremoveurl">obr remove-url</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrlist">obr list</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrinfo">obr info</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrdeploy">obr deploy</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrstart">obr start</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrsource">obr source</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrjavadoc">obr javadoc</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-UsingOBRwithaProxy">Using OBR with a Proxy</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-BundleSourcePackaging">Bundle Source Packaging</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-NoteonOSGiR3Bundles">Note on OSGi R3 Bundles</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-Feedback">Feedback</a></li>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-motivation"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-Motivation"></a>Motivation</h2>
+<p>The goal of the Apache Felix OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) is two-fold:</p>
+	<li>To simplify deploying and using available bundles with Felix.</li>
+	<li>To encourage independent bundle development so that communities of interest can grow.</li>
+<p>OBR achieves the first goal by providing a service that can
+automatically install a bundle, with its deployment dependencies, from
+a bundle repository. This makes it easier for people to experiment with
+existing bundles. The second goal is achieved by raising the visibility
+of the available bundles and providing access to both the executable
+bundle and its source code. Hopefully, by making OBR and the bundles
+themselves more visible, community members will be encouraged to
+provide or improve service implementations.</p>
+<p>Note: OBR provides access to the Felix' default bundle repository,
+but you can also use it to deploy your own bundles by creating a bundle
+repository meta-data file for your local bundles; see the <tt>obr list-url</tt>, <tt>obr add-url</tt>, and <tt>obr remove-url</tt> commands for more details.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-overview"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
+<p>For the most part, OBR is quite simple. An OBR "repository server"
+is not necessary, since all functionality may reside on the client
+side. OBR is able to provide its functionality by reading an XML-based
+meta-data file that describes the bundles available to it. The
+meta-data file essentially contains an XML encoding of the bundles'
+manifest information. From the meta-data, OBR is able to construct
+dependency information for deploying (i.e., installing and updating)
+<p>OBR defines the following entities:</p>
+	<li><em><b>Repository Admin</b></em> - a service to access a federation of repositories.</li>
+	<li><em><b>Repository</b></em> - provides access to a set of resources.</li>
+	<li><em><b>Resource</b></em> - a description of an artifact to be installed on a device.</li>
+	<li><em><b>Capability</b></em> - a named set of properties.</li>
+	<li><em><b>Requirement</b></em> - an assertion on a capability.</li>
+	<li><em><b>Resolver</b></em> - an object to resolve resource dependencies and to deploy them.</li>
+	<li><em><b>Repository file</b></em> - XML file containing resource meta-data.</li>
+<p>The following diagram illustrates the relationships among these entities:</p>
+<p><img src="apache-felix-osgi-bundle-repository_files/obr-entities.png" align="absmiddle" border="0"></p>
+<p>The client has access to a federated set of repositories via the Repository Admin service; such as depicted in this view:</p>
+<p><img src="apache-felix-osgi-bundle-repository_files/obr-high-level.png" align="absmiddle" border="0"></p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-repositoryfile"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRRepositoryFile"></a>OBR Repository File</h2>
+<p>The OBR repository file is an XML-based representation of bundle
+meta-data. The goal is provide a generic model for describing
+dependencies among resources; as such, the term <em><b>resource</b></em> is used instead of <em><b>bundle</b></em> in the OBR repository syntax; a detailed description of the OBR meta-data format is available in the <a href="http://www2.osgi.org/download/rfc-0112_BundleRepository.pdf" rel="nofollow">OSGi RFC 112</a>
+document; this document is not completely in sync with the
+implementation, but the concepts are still correct. The following XML
+snippet depicts the overall structure of a repository file:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>&lt;repository presentationname="..." symbolicname="..." ... &gt;
+    &lt;resource&gt;
+        &lt;description&gt;...&lt;/description&gt;
+        &lt;size&gt;...&lt;/size&gt;
+        &lt;documentation&gt;...&lt;/documentation&gt;
+        &lt;source&gt;...&lt;/source&gt;
+        &lt;category id="..."/&gt;
+        &lt;capability&gt;...&lt;/capability&gt;
+        ...
+        &lt;requirement&gt;...&lt;/requirement&gt;
+        ...
+    &lt;/resource&gt;
+    ...
+<p>The above repository defines a set of available resources, each
+described by a set of meta-data. Some resource meta-data is purely
+intended for human consumption; the most important aspects relate to
+the generic capability/requirement model.</p>
+<p>A resource can provide any number of capabilities. A capability is a
+typed set of properties. For example, the following is an exported
+package capability:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>&lt;capability name='package'&gt;
+    &lt;p n='package' v='org.foo.bar'/&gt;
+    &lt;p n='version' t='version' v='1.0.0'/&gt;
+<p>This capability is of type 'package' and exports 'org.foo.bar' at
+version '1.0.0'. Conversely, a requirement is a typed LDAP query over a
+set of capability properties. For example, the following is an imported
+package requirement:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>&lt;require name='package' extend='false'
+    multiple='false' optional='false'
+    filter='(&amp;amp;(package=org.foo.bar)(version&amp;gt;=1.0.0))'&gt;
+    Import package org.foo.bar
+<p>This requirement is of type 'package' and imports 'org.foo.bar' at
+versions greater than '1.0.0'. Although this syntax looks rather
+complicated with the '\&amp;' and '\&gt;=' syntax, it is simply the
+standard OSGi LDAP query syntax in XML form (additionally, Peter Kriens
+has created a tool called <tt>bindex</tt> to generate this meta-data from a bundle's manifest).</p>
+<p>With this generic dependency model, OBR is able to provide mappings
+for the various OSGi bundle dependencies; e.g., import/export package,
+provide/require bundle, host/fragment, import/export service, execution
+environment, and native code. In addition, it is possible for bundles
+to introduce arbitrary dependencies for custom purposes.</p>
+<p>Two other important pieces of meta-data are <tt>Bundle-SymbolicName</tt> and <tt>Bundle-Version</tt>;
+these are standard OSGi bundle manifest attributes that OBR uses to
+uniquely identify a bundle. For example, if you want to use OBR to
+update a locally installed bundle, OBR gets its symbolic name and
+version and searches the repository metadata for a matching symbolic
+name. If the matching symbolic name is found, then OBR checks if there
+is a newer version than the local copy using the bundle version number.
+Thus, the symbolic name plus bundle version forms a unique key to match
+locally installed bundles to remotely available bundles.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-serviceapi"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRServiceAPI"></a>OBR Service API</h2>
+<p>Typically, OBR service clients only need to interact with the
+Repository Admin service, which provides the mechanisms necessary to
+discover available resources. The Repository Admin interface is defined
+as follows:</p>
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent">
+<pre class="code-java"><span class="code-keyword">public</span> <span class="code-keyword">interface</span> RepositoryAdmin
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resource[] discoverResources(<span class="code-object">String</span> filterExpr);
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resolver resolver();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Repository addRepository(URL repository)?
+        <span class="code-keyword">throws</span> Exception;
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> <span class="code-object">boolean</span> removeRepository(URL repository);
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Repository[] listRepositories();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resource getResource(<span class="code-object">String</span> respositoryId);
+<p>In order to resolve and deploy available resources, the Repository
+Admin provides Resolver instances, which are defined as follows:</p>
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent">
+<pre class="code-java"><span class="code-keyword">public</span> <span class="code-keyword">interface</span> Resolver
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> void add(Resource resource);
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Requirement[] getUnsatisfiedRequirements();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resource[] getOptionalResources();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Requirement[] getReason(Resource resource);
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resource[] getResources(Requirement requirement);
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resource[] getRequiredResources();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> Resource[] getAddedResources();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> <span class="code-object">boolean</span> resolve();
+    <span class="code-keyword">public</span> void deploy(<span class="code-object">boolean</span> start);
+<p>When desired resources are discovered via the query mechanisms of
+the Repository Admin, they are added to a Resolver instance which will
+can be used to resolve all transitive dependencies and to reflect on
+any resolution result. The following code snippet depicts a typical
+usage scenario:</p>
+<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent">
+<pre class="code-java">RepositoryAdmin repoAdmin = ... <span class="code-comment">// Get repo admin service
+</span>Resolver resolver = repoAdmin.resolver();
+Resource resource = repoAdmin.discoverResources(filterStr);
+<span class="code-keyword">if</span> (resolver.resolve())
+    resolver.deploy(<span class="code-keyword">true</span>);
+<span class="code-keyword">else</span>
+    Requirement[] reqs = resolver.getUnsatisfiedRequirements();
+    <span class="code-keyword">for</span> (<span class="code-object">int</span> i = 0; i &lt; reqs.length; i++)
+    {
+        <span class="code-object">System</span>.out.println(<span class="code-quote">"Unable to resolve: "</span> + reqs[i]);
+    }
+<p>This code gets the Repository Admin service and then gets a Resolver
+instance from it. It then discovers an available resource and adds it
+to the resolver. Then it tries to resolve the resources dependencies.
+If successful it deploys the resource to the local framework instance;
+if not successful it prints the unsatisfied requirements.</p>
+<p>OBR's deployment algorithm appears simple at first glance, but it is
+actually somewhat complex due to the nature of deploying independently
+developed bundles. For example, in an ideal world, if an update for a
+bundle is made available, then updates for all of the bundles
+satisfying its dependencies are also made available. Unfortunately,
+this may not be the case, thus the deployment algorithm might have to
+install new bundles during an update to satisfy either new dependencies
+or updated dependencies that can no longer be satisfied by existing
+local bundles. In response to this type of scenario, the OBR deployment
+algorithm tries to favor updating existing bundles, if possible, as
+opposed to installing new bundles to satisfy dependencies.</p>
+<p>In the general case, OBR user's will not use the OBR API directly,
+but will use its functionality indirectly from another tool or user
+interface. For example, interactive access to OBR is available via a
+command for Felix' <a href="http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FELIX/Apache%20Felix%20Shell%20Service" title="Apache Felix Shell Service">shell service</a>. The OBR shell command is discussed in the next section.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-shellcommand"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-OBRShellCommand"></a>OBR Shell Command</h2>
+<p>Besides providing a service API, OBR implements a Felix shell
+command for accessing its functionality. For the end user, the OBR
+shell command is accessed using the text-based or GUI-based user
+interfaces for Felix' shell service. This section describes the syntax
+for the OBR shell command.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrhelp"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrhelp"></a>obr help</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr help [add-url | remove-url | list-url | list | info | deploy | start | source | javadoc]
+<p>This command is used to display additional information about the other OBR commands.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrlisturl"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrlisturl"></a>obr list-url</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr list-url
+<p>This command gets the URLs to the repository files used by the Repository Admin.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obraddurl"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obraddurl"></a>obr add-url</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr add-url [&lt;repository-file-url&gt; ...]
+<p>This command adds a repository file to the set of repository files
+for which the Repository Admin service provides access. The repository
+file is represented as a URL. If the repository file URL is already in
+the Repository Admin's set of repository files, the request is treated
+like a reload operation.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrremoveurl"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrremoveurl"></a>obr remove-url</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr remove-url [&lt;repository-file-url&gt; ...]
+<p>This command removes a repository file to the set of repository
+files for which the Repository Admin service provides access. The
+repository file is represented as a URL.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrlist"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrlist"></a>obr list</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr list [&lt;string&gt; ...]
+<p>This command lists bundles available in the bundle repository. If no
+arguments are specified, then all available bundles are listed,
+otherwise any arguments are concatenated with spaces and used as a
+substring filter on the bundle names.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrinfo"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrinfo"></a>obr info</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr info &lt;bundle-name&gt;[;&lt;version&gt;] ...
+<p>This command displays the meta-data for the specified bundles. If a
+bundle's name contains spaces, then it must be surrounded by quotes. It
+is also possible to specify a precise version if more than one version
+exists, such as:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr info "Bundle Repository";1.0.0
+<p>The above example retrieves the meta-data for version "1.0.0" of the bundle named "Bundle Repository".</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrdeploy"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrdeploy"></a>obr deploy</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr deploy &lt;bundle-name&gt;[;&lt;version&gt;] ... | &lt;bundle-id&gt; ...
+<p>This command tries to install or update the specified bundles and
+all of their dependencies by default. You can specify either the bundle
+name or the bundle identifier. If a bundle's name contains spaces, then
+it must be surrounded by quotes. It is also possible to specify a
+precise version if more than one version exists, such as:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr deploy "Bundle Repository";1.0.0
+<p>For the above example, if version "1.0.0" of "Bundle Repository" is
+already installed locally, then the command will attempt to update it
+and all of its dependencies; otherwise, the command will install it and
+all of its dependencies.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrstart"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrstart"></a>obr start</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr start [-nodeps] &lt;bundle-name&gt;[;&lt;version&gt;] ...
+<p>This command installs and starts the specified bundles and all of
+their dependencies by default; use the "-nodeps" switch to ignore
+dependencies. If a bundle's name contains spaces, then it must be
+surrounded by quotes. If a specified bundle is already installed, then
+this command has no effect. It is also possible to specify a precise
+version if more than one version exists, such as:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr start "Bundle Repository";1.0.0
+<p>The above example installs and starts the "1.0.0" version of the bundle named "Bundle Repository" and its dependencies.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrsource"></a></p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrsource"></a>obr source</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr source [-x] &lt;local-dir&gt; &lt;bundle-name&gt;[;&lt;version&gt;] ...
+<p>This command retrieves the source archives of the specified bundles
+and saves them to the specified local directory; use the "-x" switch to
+automatically extract the source archives. If a bundle name contains
+spaces, then it must be surrounded by quotes. It is also possible to
+specify a precise version if more than one version exists, such as:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr source /home/rickhall/tmp "Bundle Repository";1.0.0
+<p>The above example retrieves the source archive of version "1.0.0" of
+the bundle named "Bundle Repository" and saves it to the specified
+local directory.</p>
+<h3><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-obrjavadoc"></a>obr javadoc</h3>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr javadoc [-x] &lt;local-dir&gt; &lt;bundle-name&gt;[;&lt;version&gt;] ...
+<p>This command retrieves the javadoc archives of the specified bundles
+and saves them to the specified local directory; use the "-x" switch to
+automatically extract the javadoc archives. If a bundle name contains
+spaces, then it must be surrounded by quotes. It is also possible to
+specify a precise version if more than one version exists, such as:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>obr javadoc /home/rickhall/tmp "Bundle Repository";1.0.0
+<p>The above example retrieves the javadoc archive of version "1.0.0"
+of the bundle named "Bundle Repository" and saves it to the specified
+local directory.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-proxy"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-UsingOBRwithaProxy"></a>Using OBR with a Proxy</h2>
+<p>If you use a proxy for Web access, then OBR will not work for you in
+its default configuration; certain system properties must be set to
+enable OBR to work with a proxy. These properties are:</p>
+	<li>http.proxyHost - the name of the proxy host.</li>
+	<li>http.proxyPort - the port of the proxy host.</li>
+	<li>http.proxyAuth
+- the user name and password to use when connecting to the proxy; this
+string should be the user name and password separated by a colon (e.g.,
+<p>These system properties can be set directly on the command line when
+starting the JVM using the standard "-D&lt;prop&gt;=&lt;value&gt;"
+syntax or you can put them in the lib/system.properties file of your
+Felix installation; see documentation on configuring Felix for more
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-sourcepackaging"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-BundleSourcePackaging"></a>Bundle Source Packaging</h2>
+<p>Coming soon...</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-r3note"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-NoteonOSGiR3Bundles"></a>Note on OSGi R3 Bundles</h2>
+<p>In contrast to OSGi R4 the previous specifications, most notably R3, allowed bundles without the <tt>Bundle-SymbolicName</tt>
+header. The Felix OSGi Bundle Repository implementation heavily relies
+on the symbolic name being defined in bundles. As a consequence bundles
+without a symbolic name are not fully supported by the Bundle
+	<li>Bundles installed in the framework are used by the Bundle
+Repository implementation to resolve dependencies regardless of whether
+they have a <tt>Bundle-SymbolicName</tt> header or not. Resolution of dependencies against the installed bundles takes place based on the <tt>Export-Package</tt> headers.</li>
+	<li>Bundles installed in the framework without a <tt>Bundle-SymbolicName</tt>
+header cannot be updated by the Bundle Repository implementation
+because updates from the bundle repository cannot be correlated to such
+"anonymous" bundles.</li>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-feedback"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixOSGiBundleRepository-Feedback"></a>Feedback</h2>
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+<h1><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-ApacheFelixShellService"></a>Apache Felix Shell Service</h1>
+	<li><a href="#ApacheFelixShellService-overview">Overview</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#ApacheFelixShellService-service">How the Shell Service Works</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#ApacheFelixShellService-commands">How Commands Work</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#ApacheFelixShellService-creating">Creating a Command</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#ApacheFelixShellService-security">Security and the Shell Service</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#ApacheFelixShellService-feedback">Feedback</a></li>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-overview"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-Overview"></a>Overview</h2>
+<p>In order to interact with Felix it is necessary to have some sort of
+interactive shell that allows you to issue commands to the framework
+and to obtain information from it. The OSGi specification does not
+define how an OSGi framework should provide this interactivity. Felix
+defines a shell service for creating and executing arbitrary commands.
+The shell service does not define a user interface, only a service API.</p>
+<p>The benefit of the Felix shell service approach is that it is possible to:</p>
+	<li>have multiple shell user interfaces (e.g., textual and graphical),</li>
+	<li>add custom commands to the shell (i.e., bundles can make commands available via the shell service), and</li>
+	<li>use the shell service from other bundles/services.</li>
+<p>The remainder of this document describes how the shell service works
+and how to create custom commands for it. This document does not
+describe how to use the command shell, nor does it describe the
+text-based or GUI-based user interfaces that are available for the
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-service"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-HowtheShellServiceWorks"></a>How the Shell Service Works</h2>
+<p>The Felix shell service is intended to be a simple, but extensible
+shell service that can have multiple user interface implementations,
+all of which are independent from the Felix framework. The shell
+service is currently not intended to be sophisticated, rather it is
+just a mechanism to execute commands. The shell service maintains a
+list of command services, each of which have a unique command name. The
+shell service is defined by the following service interface:</p>
+<style type="text/css">
+@import url(/confluence/download/resources/confluence.ext.code:code/shStyles.css);
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+<div class="code">
+<textarea name="newcodemacro" class="java:nocontrols:nogutter" rows="10" readonly="readonly">package org.apache.felix.shell;
+public interface ShellService
+    public String[] getCommands();
+    public String getCommandUsage(String name);
+    public String getCommandDescription(String name);
+    public ServiceReference getCommandReference(String name);
+    public void executeCommand(
+        String commandLine, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
+        throws Exception;
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+            if(window.oldonloadmethod)
+            {
+                window.oldonloadmethod();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+<p>Using the shell service interface, it is possible to access and
+execute available commands. The shell service methods perform the
+following functions:</p>
+	<li><tt>getCommands()</tt> - returns an array of strings that correspond to the names of the installed shell commands.</li>
+	<li><tt>getCommandUsage()</tt> - returns the command usage string for a particular command name</li>
+	<li><tt>getCommandDescription()</tt> - returns a short description for a particular command name.</li>
+	<li><tt>getCommandReference()</tt> - returns the service reference for a particular command name.</li>
+	<li><tt>executeCommand()</tt> - executes a particular command using the specified command line and print streams.</li>
+<p>Most of the shell service methods require no explanation except for
+the executeCommand() method. Even though this method is the most
+complex, it is still fairly simplistic. The assumption of the shell
+service is that a command line will be typed by the user (or perhaps
+constructed by a GUI) and passed into it for execution. The shell
+service interprets the command line in a very simplistic fashion; it
+takes the leading string of characters terminated by a space character
+(not including it) and assumes that this leading token is the command
+name. Consider the following command line:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>update 3 http://www.foo.com/bar.jar
+<p>The shell service interprets this as an <tt>update</tt> command and
+will search for a command service with the same name. If a
+corresponding command service is not found, then it will print an error
+message to the error print stream. If a corresponding command service
+is found, then it will pass the entire command line string and the
+print streams into the <tt>executeCommand()</tt> method of the command service (for a more detailed description of command services, see the next section).</p>
+<p>Notice that there is no method to add commands to the shell service
+interface. This is because commands are implemented as OSGi services
+and the shell service listens for service events and when a command
+service registers/unregisters it automatically updates its list of
+commands accordingly.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-commands"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-HowCommandsWork"></a>How Commands Work</h2>
+<p>All commands available in the shell service are implemented as OSGi
+services. The advantage of this approach is two-fold: the shell service
+can leverage OSGi service events to maintain its list of available
+commands and the set available commands is dynamically extendable by
+installed bundles. The command service interface is defined as follows:</p>
+<div class="code">
+<textarea name="newcodemacro" class="java:nocontrols:nogutter" rows="10" readonly="readonly">package org.apache.felix.shell;
+public interface Command
+    public String getName();
+    public String getUsage();
+    public String getShortDescription();
+    public void execute(String line, PrintStream out, PrintStream err);
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+            dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll('newcodemacro');
+            if(window.oldonloadmethod)
+            {
+                window.oldonloadmethod();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+<p>The semantics of the command service methods are:</p>
+	<li><tt>getName()</tt> - returns the name of the command; this must not contain whitespace and must be unique.</li>
+	<li><tt>getUsage()</tt>
+- returns the usage string of the command; this should be one line and
+as short as possible (this is used for generating the help command
+	<li><tt>getShortDescription()</tt> - returns a short
+description of the command; this should be one line and as short as
+possible (this is used for generating the help command output).</li>
+	<li><tt>execute()</tt> - executes the command's functionality using supplied command line and print streams.</li>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-creating"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-CreatingaCommand"></a>Creating a Command</h2>
+<p>The following example creates a simple version of the <tt>start</tt> command.</p>
+<div class="code">
+<textarea name="newcodemacro" class="java:nocontrols:nogutter" rows="10" readonly="readonly">package test;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.net.MalformedURLException;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import org.osgi.framework.*;
+import org.apache.felix.shell.ShellService;
+import org.apache.felix.shell.Command;
+public class MyStartCommandImpl implements Command
+    private BundleContext m_context = null;
+    public MyStartCommandImpl(BundleContext context)
+    {
+        m_context = context;
+    }
+    public String getName()
+    {
+        return "mystart";
+    }
+    public String getUsage()
+    {
+        return "mystart &lt;id&gt; [&lt;id&gt; ...]";
+    }
+    public String getShortDescription()
+    {
+        return "start bundle(s).";
+    }
+    public void execute(String s, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
+    {
+        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, " ");
+        // Ignore the command name.
+        st.nextToken();
+        // There should be at least one bundle id.
+        if (st.countTokens() &gt;= 1)
+        {
+            while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+            {
+                String id = st.nextToken().trim();
+                try {
+                    long l = Long.valueOf(id).longValue();
+                    Bundle bundle = m_context.getBundle(l);
+                    if (bundle != null)
+                    {
+                        bundle.start();
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        err.println("Bundle ID " + id + " is invalid.");
+                    }
+                } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
+                    err.println("Unable to parse id '" + id + "'.");
+                } catch (BundleException ex) {
+                    if (ex.getNestedException() != null)
+                        err.println(ex.getNestedException().toString());
+                    else
+                        err.println(ex.toString());
+                } catch (Exception ex) {
+                    err.println(ex.toString());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            err.println("Incorrect number of arguments");
+        }
+    }
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+    if(!window.newcodemacro_initialised)
+    {
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+        window.oldonloadmethod = window.onload;
+        window.onload = function(){
+            dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll('newcodemacro');
+            if(window.oldonloadmethod)
+            {
+                window.oldonloadmethod();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+<p>A bundle activator class is needed for packaging the command servce; the bundle activator registers the command service in its <tt>start()</tt> method. Note: You do not need one activator per command, a single activator can register any number of commands.</p>
+<div class="code">
+<textarea name="newcodemacro" class="java:nocontrols:nogutter" rows="10" readonly="readonly">package test;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+public class MyStartActivator implements BundleActivator
+    private transient BundleContext m_context = null;
+    public void start(BundleContext context)
+    {
+        m_context = context;
+        // Register the command service.
+        context.registerService(
+            org.apache.felix.shell.Command.class.getName(),
+            new MyStartCommandImpl(m_context), null);
+    }
+    public void stop(BundleContext context)
+    {
+        // Services are automatically unregistered so
+        // we don't have to unregister the factory here.
+    }
+<script class="javascript">
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+    {
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+        window.oldonloadmethod = window.onload;
+        window.onload = function(){
+            dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll('newcodemacro');
+            if(window.oldonloadmethod)
+            {
+                window.oldonloadmethod();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+<p>To compile these classes you will need to have the <tt>framework.jar</tt> file on your class path. Compile all of the source files using a command like:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>java -d c:\classes *.java
+<p>This command compiles all of the source files and outputs the generated class files into a subdirectory of the <tt>c:\classes</tt> directory, called test, named after the package of the source files; for the above command to work, the <tt>c:\classes</tt>
+directory must exist. Once you have compiled all of the above classes,
+you need to create a bundle JAR file of the generated package
+directory. The bundle JAR file needs a manifest, so create a file
+called <tt>manifest.mf</tt> with the following contents:</p>
+<div class="code">
+<textarea name="newcodemacro" class="java:nocontrols:nogutter" rows="10" readonly="readonly">Bundle-Name: My Start Command
+Bundle-Description: A 'start' command for the shell service.
+Bundle-Activator: test.MyStartActivator
+Bundle-ClassPath: .
+Import-Package: org.apache.felix.shell</textarea>
+<script class="javascript">
+    if(!window.newcodemacro_initialised)
+    {
+        window.newcodemacro_initialised = true;
+        window.oldonloadmethod = window.onload;
+        window.onload = function(){
+            dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll('newcodemacro');
+            if(window.oldonloadmethod)
+            {
+                window.oldonloadmethod();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+<p>To create the bundle JAR file, issue the command:</p>
+<div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent">
+<pre>jar cfm mystart.jar manifest.mf -C c:\classes test
+<p>This command creates a JAR file using the manifest you created and
+includes all of the classes in the test directory inside of the <tt>c:\classes</tt>
+directory. Once the bundle JAR file is created, you are ready to add
+the command service to the shell service; simply start Felix and
+install and start the bundle created by the above command. By doing so,
+the new <tt>mystart</tt> command is made available via the shell service.</p>
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-security"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-SecurityandtheShellService"></a>Security and the Shell Service</h2>
+<p>The shell service security handling is quite simple, all security is
+handled by the standard OSGi framework mechanisms. For example, if a
+bundle should not be able to register a shell service, then it should
+not be given the corresponding service permission. Security handling
+may change in future release after some experience is gained through
+<p><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-feedback"></a></p>
+<h2><a name="ApacheFelixShellService-Feedback"></a>Feedback</h2>
+<p>Subscribe to the Felix users mailing list by sending a message to <a href="mailto:users-subscribe@felix.apache.org" rel="nofollow">users-subscribe@felix.apache.org</a>; after subscribing, email questions or feedback to <a href="mailto:users@felix.apache.org" rel="nofollow">users@felix.apache.org</a>.</p>
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+<h1><a name="ApacheFelixShellTUI-ApacheFelixShellTUI"></a>Apache Felix Shell TUI</h1>
+<p>The Apache Felix Shell TUI (Textual User Interface) sub-project provides a simple, text-based user interface for the <a href="/confluence/display/FELIX/Apache+Felix+Shell+Service" title="Apache Felix Shell Service">Apache Felix Shell Service</a>. This bundle is not of much use by itself and should always be used in conjunction with the shell service bundle. The shell service and shell TUI bundles are used by the standard Felix launcher to provide a means for interacting with the launched Felix framework instance. The shell TUI bundle is not required to use the shell service; it is possible to use it programmatically, via a GUI interface, or a remote access interface.</p>
+<p>Shell TUI supports one configuration property:</p>
+	<li><tt>shell.tui.checkinput</tt> &#45; This is a simple workaround for a JRE bug which can appear when running Shell TUI inside Eclipse; the default value is <tt>false</tt>. Note that if this workaround is enabled, when running from the command line under Windows, character input is not echoed back to the screen.</li>
+<p>To set this property, add it to the <tt>conf/config.properties</tt> file of your Felix installation.</p>
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+Changes from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1792] - Felix OBR seems to just randomly choose one of the satisifed bundles if more than one bundle meets the requirement
+Changes from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
+** Task
+    * [FELIX-1617] - Modify framework, main, shell, shell.tui, and obr to depend on official OSGi JAR files
+Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1000] - Updating an bundle which was installed via OBR fails
+    * [FELIX-1157] - NPE results in OBR if a resource does not have a presentation name
+    * [FELIX-1433] - java.lang.NumberFormatException in Bundle-Version (org.osgi.framework.Version) due to trailing whitespace
+Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.4.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-973] - FilterImpl from Felix Framework does not support none LDAP operators
+    * [FELIX-977] - Bundle resolving runs extreme long
+    * [FELIX-999] - The OBR ResolverImpl shouldn't try to start fragment bundles
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-884] - OBR should expose registered services as capabilities of local repository
+    * [FELIX-887] - Ensure BundleListeners are not forgotten about
+    * [FELIX-940] - Add support for execution environment
+    * [FELIX-986] - Include the symbolicname in the output of obr list -v
+** New Feature
+    * [FELIX-976] - OBR update-url shell command
+Changes from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
+* [2008-10-24] Fixed potential NPE when comparing resources. (FELIX-789)
+* [2008-10-24] Removed the default repository URL from OBR, so now it must 
+  be configured to have a repository. (FELIX-481)
+* [2008-10-24] Print message if there are no matching bundles. (FELIX-785)
+* [2008-10-23] Modified the OBR shell command to hide multiple versions of 
+  available artifacts to cut down on noise. It is still possible to list 
+  all versions by using a new "-v" switch.
+* [2008-09-29] Adapt Bundle-DocURL header to modified URL
+Changes from 1.0.3 to 1.2.0
+* [2008-08-30] Prevent issues when updating running bundles. (FELIX-701)
+* [2008-08-28] Prevent NullPointerException if a locally installed bundle
+  does not have a Bundle-SymbolicName or version. (FELIX-108)
+* [2008-08-12] Added OBR descriptor and updated to the newest bundle plugin. (FELIX-672)
+* [2008-07-31] Use LogService instead of System.err. (FELIX-482)
+* [2008-07-21] Modified OBR to correctly consider the namespace attribute 
+  when matching capabilities to requirements. (FELIX-638)
+* [2008-06-26] Implement referral with hop count support. (FELIX-399)
+* [2008-05-09] Return an empty resource array when querying with a filter
+  with invalid syntax. (FELIX-480)
+* [2008-05-09] Fixed improper synchronization with respect to visibility rules.
+* [2008-05-09] Ignore resources with invalid filters. (FELIX-484)
+* [2008-05-09] Move repository URL list initialization to a later time to 
+  avoid the default repository URL if it is not desired. (FELIX-485)
+Changes from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
+* [2008-04-21] Re-release to make bytecode executable on jre 1.3.
+Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2
+* [2008-01-27] Change the default url from sf.net to sourceforge.net.
+* [2007-10-25] Add support for zipped repository files. (FELIX-410)
+* [2007-10-03] Updated OBR's VersionRange to match the Framework's VersionRange
+  and now accept whitespace in its version range. (FELIX-389)
+* [2007-09-24] Extract OSGi OBR service API to a non-bundle jar to avoid 
+  circular build problems.
+Changes from 0.8.0-incubator to 1.0.0
+* [2007-03-16] Correctly initialized member fields to avoid incorrectly
+  assigning the source and license URLs. (FELIX-242)
+* [2007-03-19] Parent POM extends Apache POM for Apache-wide policies.
+  (FELIX-260)
+* [2007-05-18] Improved OBR dependency resolution by searching resolving
+  bundles before local bundles and to search through all available
+  candidates to find one that can resolve instead of picking one and failing
+  if it cannot be resolved. (FELIX-285)
+* [2007-07-13] Fixed LDAP filter syntax bug when using inclusive version
+  ranges. (FELIX-327)
diff --git a/main/doc/changelog_framework.txt b/main/doc/changelog_framework.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda4cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/doc/changelog_framework.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+Changes from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1838] - PackageAdmin.getExportedPackages() duplicates output for packages with different version
+    * [FELIX-1867] - ModuleImpl diagnoseClassLoadError throw NullPointerException for empty package name in debug mode
+    * [FELIX-1917] - A few minor bugs in the framework found while embedding Felix
+    * [FELIX-1919] - Fragment bundle cannot be linked to its host
+    * [FELIX-1920] - RequiredBundle.getRequiringBundles() incorrectly calculates result
+    * [FELIX-1929] - getStartLevel() always reports requested start level, not active start level
+    * [FELIX-1982] - Documented but uninterpreted felix.cache.* properties
+    * [FELIX-1998] - Use UTF-8 when decoding reference location URLs
+    * [FELIX-2002] - Uninstalled fragments are not properly detached
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-37] - Implement security for bundle resource URLs
+    * [FELIX-325] - Factor out security checks from the framework/system bundle code
+    * [FELIX-1973] - Implement all required security checks
+** New Feature
+    * [FELIX-30] - Implement extension bundles
+    * [FELIX-1991] - Allow boot delegation class loader to be configurable per bundle
+Changes from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1754] - Usage of BundleContext.getServiceReferences results in failure to activate components
+    * [FELIX-1782] - Errors during start-up on gnu/classpath based VMs (jamvm, kaffe, cacao) and mika
+    * [FELIX-1795] - Bundle version ignored in Fragment-Host header
+    * [FELIX-1834] - java.io.IOException: No framework context found when embedding felix frameworks as bundles
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-1534] - Improve fragment merging
+    * [FELIX-1781] - Try to reduce object allocations/usage in resolver algorithm
+    * [FELIX-1783] - Eliminate contention on ServiceRegistry.getServiceReferences(String, Filter)
+Changes from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1565] - Deadlock UrlHandlers
+    * [FELIX-1573] - Occasional NPE in URLHandlersBundleStreamHandler
+    * [FELIX-1580] - Regression with native library handling
+    * [FELIX-1586] - Framework reports org.osgi.framework.version as 1.3
+    * [FELIX-1600] - ServiceReference.isAssignableTo() always returns true if requesting bundle has no wire
+    * [FELIX-1631] - Implicit bootdelegation causes hang on android
+    * [FELIX-1710] - Resolver still does not discard all partial results when a cyclical dependency fails
+    * [FELIX-1721] - Framework boot delegation has a bug due to extraneous code
+    * [FELIX-1731] - Native library extraction could be improved to help cases where there are dependencies among libraries
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-1619] - Change the default auto-deploy actions to be install and start only
+    * [FELIX-1625] - Refactor bundle cache to simplify management
+    * [FELIX-1679] - VersionRange class should use finals to be thread safe.
+    * [FELIX-1724] - Various module metadata should be cached
+** Task
+    * [FELIX-1617] - Modify framework, main, shell, shell.tui, and obr to depend on official OSGi JAR files
+Changes from 1.8.1 to 2.0.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-893] - Felix fails to start using J9 JVM
+    * [FELIX-905] - Felix needs an RFC 126 FindHook
+    * [FELIX-906] - Felix needs an RFC 126 EventHook
+    * [FELIX-1122] - Extension bundles are not being removed from the bundle list when uninstalled
+    * [FELIX-1123] - System bundle does still not correctly handle (export) package attributes
+    * [FELIX-1124] - ResourceNotFoundException too verbose
+    * [FELIX-1130] - Bundle.getHeaders() returns a Dictionary<java.util.jar.Attribute.Name,String>
+    * [FELIX-1138] - URL Handlers performance regression due to service lookups
+    * [FELIX-1170] - MemoryLeak when stopping and restarting Felix
+    * [FELIX-1187] - BundleContext.ungetService() should return false only if the usage count is zero when the method is invoked
+    * [FELIX-1197] - Bundle Fragments not resolved correctly
+    * [FELIX-1198] - config.properties still refers to old org.osgi.framework.startlevel property
+    * [FELIX-1247] - BundleEvent.UNRESOLVED should be fired during update/uninstall not refresh
+    * [FELIX-1249] - Bundle.findEntries() should search fragments as well as the bundle itself
+    * [FELIX-1254] - Bundle#findEntries does not return resources from fragments
+    * [FELIX-1271] - Improve manifest localization to handle special cases
+    * [FELIX-1272] - Need to special case getResource()/getResources()/loadClass() for fragment bundles
+    * [FELIX-1273] - Bundle.getResources() should return null for a non-existent resource
+    * [FELIX-1277] - Fix Service Hooks Tests failures in RFC 126 TCK
+    * [FELIX-1279] - Framework.waitForStop() does not obey timeout
+    * [FELIX-1280] - Package Admin - getExportedPackages must return null instead of an empty array
+    * [FELIX-1285] - SecureAction captures the calling context incorrectly
+    * [FELIX-1286] - Module class loader should use secure action instead of a privileged block
+    * [FELIX-1287] - System bundle operations from RFC-132 (e.g., init(), start(), stop(), waitForStop()) are using wrong lock object
+    * [FELIX-1288] - System bundle context should be null after stopping the framework
+    * [FELIX-1292] - PackageAdmin.getBundle(Class) should return null if the bundle associated with the passed in class is from another framework
+    * [FELIX-1293] - StringMap used for case insensitive properties does not respect ordering if case sensitivity is changed
+    * [FELIX-1295] - ServiceRegistry increments/decrements service use count after/before getService/ungetService() is called on ServiceFactory
+    * [FELIX-1371] - Automatic parent class loader delegation does not correctly filter calls to Bundle.loadClass()
+    * [FELIX-1397] - Required execution environment verification should happen at resolve time, not install time
+    * [FELIX-1400] - bootdelegation and dynamic-import-packages are accepting invalid patterns
+    * [FELIX-1401] - Manifest localization with fragments not handled correctly
+    * [FELIX-1422] - Resolver does not always discard partial results when a cyclically dependency fails
+    * [FELIX-1435] - Resolver does not always resolve a dynamic import to a fragment export
+    * [FELIX-1527] - R4.2 spec errata now specifies uninstalling a bundle must transition through INSTALLED on its way to UNINSTALLED
+    * [FELIX-1551] - Start level service must synchronously persist bundle start level changes
+    * [FELIX-1556] - Bundle.getResource/s is not able to find resources if the package is not alraedy wired when I use DynamicImport-Package: *
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-712] - Ability to disable automatic parent classloader delegation
+    * [FELIX-883] - JarContent logs and then swallows exceptions when reading from JAR file, should probably throw an exception
+    * [FELIX-1120] - Enable BundleCache customization
+    * [FELIX-1134] - Add support for native libraries in fragments
+    * [FELIX-1189] - Improve error message in main when there is an error processing auto-install/start bundles
+    * [FELIX-1246] - PackageAdmin.getBundle() is not implemented efficiently
+    * [FELIX-1260] - Make Bundle.findEntries() and Bundle.getEntryPaths() more thread safe
+    * [FELIX-1291] - Implement support for proper return type from Framework.waitForStop()
+    * [FELIX-1300] - Remove legacy bundle cache support when extracting embedded JAR files
+    * [FELIX-1360] - Improve native library matching algorithm (part 2)
+    * [FELIX-1404] - Use provided classes from OSGi R4.2 companion code
+    * [FELIX-1432] - Manifest parser doesn't return import package declarations in order of manifest
+    * [FELIX-1462] - Felix framework launcher should only use standard launching API
+** New Feature
+    * [FELIX-33] - Implement system bundle update
+    * [FELIX-749] - Add support for lazy activation of bundles
+    * [FELIX-1193] - Implement org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent from RFC 132
+    * [FELIX-1205] - Update to the latest OSGi R4.2 API
+    * [FELIX-1244] - Add support for ServiceEvent.MODIFIED_ENDMATCH
+    * [FELIX-1250] - Support service exceptions for service factories
+    * [FELIX-1289] - Support for FrameworkUtil.getBundle()
+    * [FELIX-1297] - Implement support for new org.osgi.framework.command.execpermission configuration property
+    * [FELIX-1298] - Implement support for new org.osgi.framework.library.extensions configuration property
+    * [FELIX-1446] - Framework launcher should automatically deploy bundles in bundle directory
+    * [FELIX-1478] - Add shutdown hook to launcher to cleanly shutdown the framework if the process is killed
+** Task
+    * [FELIX-1144] - The NOTICE file for Main subproject is not correctly copied into the source JAR
+** Test
+    * [FELIX-1208] - Need migrate the EventDispatcherTest to newer version of EasyMock
+Changes form 1.6.1 to 1.8.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1034] - bootdelegation property seems to be matching more packages than desired
+    * [FELIX-1059] - DynamicImport-Package matches more packages than desired
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-1060] - URLHandlers doesn't support URLStreamHandler.openConnection(proxy,url) method
+** New Feature
+    * [FELIX-29] - Implement bundle fragments
+Changes from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1027] - deadlock with felix 1.6.0 ?
+    * [FELIX-1028] - NPE in configuration view when running webconsole with Equinox
+    * [FELIX-1033] - Exceptions when Felix is started with security manager
+    * [FELIX-1035] - deadlock observed while using fileinstall to monitor multiple directories
+    * [FELIX-1045] - Felix 1.6.0 fails with ClassCircularityError
+Changes from 1.4.1 to 1.6.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-737] - Resolver does not correctly discard export when module imports the same package (part 2)
+    * [FELIX-852] - Fragment support is currently limited to directly resolved hosts
+    * [FELIX-869] - SCR throws exception on invalidating a component with a reference to a service that was already unregistered
+    * [FELIX-891] - Bundle lock acquisition should not record lock until it verifies the bundle is lockable
+    * [FELIX-892] - ServiceReferenceImpl improper implementation of equals and hashcode
+    * [FELIX-893] - Felix fails to start using J9 JVM
+    * [FELIX-897] - Empty system package is exported when a semicolon is present in "extra" configuration
+    * [FELIX-902] - Empty bundle.state file produces NPE
+    * [FELIX-910] - Framework may ignore framework startlevel on startup
+    * [FELIX-911] - Potential deadlock between Bundle.stop() and BundleContext.registerService()
+    * [FELIX-915] - PackageAdmin returns null on getBundle(...) with system classes
+    * [FELIX-934] - Bootdelegation bug
+    * [FELIX-947] - Behaviour of startlevel comman doesn't adhere to spec
+    * [FELIX-948] - ServiceReferenceImpl.compareTo should handle other types than integer for service ranking
+    * [FELIX-951] - Deadlock in iPojo when stopping Felix
+    * [FELIX-952] - Exception thrown when unregistering services because the bundle is stopped
+    * [FELIX-953] - Bundle#loadClass sometimes return null instead of throwing a CNFE
+    * [FELIX-961] - 100% CPU looping inside uses calculation
+    * [FELIX-962] - Erroneous class loading delegation to the application launcher classloader in some cases
+    * [FELIX-969] - system bundle does not correctly handle (export) package attributes
+    * [FELIX-971] - Exception thrown in ServiceTracker at shutdown 
+    * [FELIX-978] - Resolver does not clean up properly on a failed recursive attempt to resolve
+    * [FELIX-1004] - Extensionmanager openConnection(URL) method should be public
+    * [FELIX-1005] - Strange list of imported packages returned by the package admin
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-681] - Modify daemon threads to catch all exceptions and log them to avoid premature thread death
+    * [FELIX-851] - Refactor the module abstraction layer to align more closely to OSGi concepts
+    * [FELIX-872] - JarContent swallows exception when opening manifest, it should log it
+    * [FELIX-883] - JarContent logs and then swallows exceptions when reading from JAR file, should probably throw an exception
+    * [FELIX-894] - Loosen locking when starting/stopping/uninstalling a bundle by firing event without holding a lock
+    * [FELIX-908] - Unsynchronize access to bundle state inside BundleInfo by making the variable volatile
+Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
+* [2008-12-19] Refactor the URLHandlers implementation to fix a possible 
+  Linkage-Error when running embedded inside tomcat. Furthermore, make it possible
+  to dynamically set a SecurityManager, change the url we add to the framework
+  classloader to fix issues with rmi and make sure we restore the previous URLStreamHandlerFactory
+  after stopping. (FELIX-842, FELIX-837, FELIX-844, FELIX-827)
+* [2008-12-19] Add missing javax.security.cert in JRE 1.4 and 1.5. (FELIX-854)
+* [2008-12-19] Improve framework internal locking protocol.
+* [2008-12-18] Fixed an issue where bundles with a non-existing native library
+  would not be removed correctly. (FELIX-835)
+* [2008-11-21] Throw an exception when there is an attempt to start or stop a 
+  fragment, as per the spec. (FELIX-820)
+* [2008-11-20] Fixed a bug during shutdown where uninstalled fragments are not
+  properly closed. (FELIX-819)
+* [2008-11-14] Added partial support for new service registry hooks as proposed 
+  for OSGi R4.2; currently, only listener hooks are supported. (FELIX-804)
+* [2008-11-08] Fixed Felix' delegation hack so that it correctly delegates to 
+  the parent class loader for resources as appropriate; previously it was always 
+  delegating for class loading, which was incorrect. (FELIX-808)
+Changes from 1.2.2 to 1.4.0
+* [2008-11-05] URLStreamHandlerService and ContentHandlerService override
+  built-in handlers and make it possible to use URLHandlers when extending the 
+  Felix class. (FELIX-756, FELIX-800)
+* [2008-11-04] Implement ServiceReference.compareTo() method. (FELIX-799)
+* [2008-10-31] Fix some visibility issues in the LDAP operators which could
+  result in incorrect toString values. (FELIX-765)
+* [2008-10-31] Fixed spec compliance issues around getting a service reference 
+  from an invalid registration and throwing an exception when there are
+  duplicate property keys. (FELIX-798)
+* [2008-10-21] Fixed an issue with extension bundles which would be installed
+  as fragments and fail to install extension bundles if they have incomplete 
+  metadata. (FELIX-770)
+* [2008-10-21] Fix a possible deadlock in URLHandlers. (FELIX-748)
+* [2008-10-16] Modified framework to have default values for the system
+  packages property, which also required modifying main to no longer expect to
+  set it. Now it is possible to start Felix with no configuration properties.
+  (FELIX-753)
+* [2008-10-16] Update felix to work with the 1.0.0-rc1 version of the android
+  sdk.
+* [2008-10-15] Implemented remaining PackageAdmin methods from R4. (FELIX-35)
+* [2008-10-15] Modified resolver to correctly mark fragment modules as resolved.
+  (FELIX-777)
+* [2008-10-15] Modified the resolver to longer consider uninstalled fragments
+  and hosts when resolving dependencies; this required a new "stale" flag on 
+  modules that gets set when their associated bundle is uninstalled. (FELIX-776)
+* [2008-10-15] Modified the resolver to sort candidates when resolving 
+  Require-Bundle dependencies. (FELIX-775)
+* [2008-10-14] Modified ExportedPackage.getImportingBundles() to include
+  bundles requiring the exporting bundle, in addition to those bundles
+  importing the package. Also tried to simplify dependency management code
+  by separating it out. (FELIX-764) 
+* [2008-10-14] Fix a NullPointerException in SecureAction when a
+  SecurityManager is used by keeping pointers on the local stack. (FELIX-766)
+* [2008-10-13] Use System.gc to allow to update and uninstall bundles with 
+  native libs on Windows. (FELIX-733)
+* [2008-10-10] Set the activator to null on Bundle.stop() to allow for earlier 
+  garbage collection. (FELIX-762)
+* [2008-10-10] Implements support for flushing the cache on framework 
+  initialization. (FELIX-755)
+* [2008-10-10] Improve exception messages. (FELIX-750)
+* [2008-10-09] Modified the bundle cache to no longer have profiles. (FELIX-754)
+* [2008-10-08] Modified the Felix API to aligned with the proposed standard 
+  OSGi framework API. The framework instance can now be stopped and restarted. 
+  (FELIX-753)
+* [2008-09-29] Support transiently starting/stopping bundles. (FELIX-713) 
+* [2008-09-25] Correctly discard exported packages when a bundle is chosen to
+  import a package it exports. (FELIX-736)
+* [2008-09-24] Clearly distinguish between "resolved" and "unresolved" 
+  capabilities, which is necessary since "resolved" capabilities have higher 
+  priority than "unresolved" ones. (FELIX-730)
+* [2008-09-24] Do not bootdelegate in the case where Bundle.loadClass() has
+  been used. (FELIX-712)
+* [2008-09-23] Improve decoding of reference URLs. (FELIX-731)
+* [2008-09-23] For completeness, added symbolic names to framework and main.
+* [2008-09-17] Improve gc by fixing an issue with StartLevel and PackageAdmin.
+  (FELIX-728)
+* [2008-09-15] Fix an issue with Require-Bundle not aggregating packages 
+  correctly. (FELIX-722)
+* [2008-09-15] Fixed a bug where class loader delegation for dynamic imports 
+  was happening when it shouldn't. (FELIX-724)
+* [2008-09-12] Added a configuration property to determine whether installing a 
+  fragment that uses unimplemented features throws an exception or logs a 
+  warning. (FELIX-725)
+* [2008-09-12] Removed some experimental code for "implicit requirements",
+  since it was no longer needed.
+* [2008-09-12] Fix some visibility issues within the LDAP filter. (FELIX-721)
+Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
+* [2008-10-14] Fixed a NullPointer exception that could happen when 
+  running with a SecurityManager as a backport of FELIX-766.
+Changes from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
+* [2008-09-05] Fixed a performance regression that was caused by uncached 
+  access to the bundle manifest headers. (FELIX-711)
+* [2008-09-03] Fixed a bug in calculating the system bundle's exported 
+  packages which added a null export package.
+Changes from 1.0.4 to 1.2.0
+* [2008-08-29] Support JAR-wide manifest package metadata. (FELIX-682)
+* [2008-08-29] Throw an exception when installing a fragment that uses 
+  features that we do not support.
+* [2008-08-20] Improve error reporting when loading bundle classes using 
+  Bundle.loadClass. 
+* [2008-08-16] Fix attribute checking when resolving dynamic imports. 
+  (FELIX-676)
+* [2008-08-08] Implement singleton bundle support. (FELIX-102)
+* [2008-08-06] Default to current security policy if no security extension is 
+  installed in order to make Subject.doAs work. (FELIX-654)
+* [2008-08-04] Return Bundle.getLastModified() for bundle URLs 
+  lastModified(). (FELIX-582)
+* [2008-08-04] Improve handling of improper resource URLs. (FELIX-577)
+* [2008-08-01] Add necessary stub methods to implement new R4.1 methods. 
+  (FELIX-595)
+* [2008-08-01] Applied patch to properly return symbolic name when it has
+  parameters. (FELIX-650)
+* [2008-07-25] Fix some rollback issues after a bundle update throws an 
+  exception. (FELIX-647)
+* [2008-07-23] Modified manifest parser to be more lenient. (FELIX-641)
+* [2008-07-07] Add support for the standard symbolic name for the system 
+  bundle. (FELIX-602)
+* [2008-06-01] Add initial fragment support for extending the host bundle 
+  class path. (FELIX-29, FELIX-656)
+Changes from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4
+* [2008-04-18] Check that the returned object from a service factory is an 
+  instance of all classes named when the service was registered. (FELIX-540)
+* [2008-04-13] Fix an issue when logging messages while holding framework 
+  internal locks that could lead to a deadlock. For now we just disable 
+  logging to log services inside the framework. (FELIX-536)
+* [2008-04-13] Implemented various small performance improvments e.g.,
+  we now cache filters and create an index for objectclass to improve 
+  service lookup performance and don't use the BundleInfo to get the 
+  bundle id but the BundleImpl directly. Furthermore, we added an index to 
+  get bundles by id. 
+* [2008-04-04] Fix an NoClassDefFoundError when trying to query the 
+  framework classloader for whether a class is available or not. 
+* [2008-03-19] Don't try to resolve extension bundles and fix a 
+  classcastexception that could happen if more then one framework is around 
+  and both have extensions installed. Furthermore, make extension bundles 
+  use the system bundle context.
+* [2008-03-07] Bundle.getResource does now check for AdminPermission. 
+  (FELIX-150)
+* [2008-03-06] Make urlhandlers work when a handler factory is already set. 
+  Furthermore, it is now possible to have more then one framework running 
+  in more then one classloader. (FELIX-38).
+* [2008-03-05] Make LDAP filter reentrant.
+* [2008-02-29] Refactored the IContent abstraction from the module loader 
+  layer to provide more generic access to the content of the module. This 
+  makes it possible that a bundle's class path could span multiple module's, 
+  which will be necessary for fragments. (FELIX-29)
+* [2008-02-27] Applied a patch to disable the class loading diagnostic message
+  when the logger is not at the DEBUG level. (FELIX-500)
+* [2008-02-15] Modified the service registry to use more fine-grained locking 
+  to avoid callbacks to service factories while holding locks. (FELIX-489)
+Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.0.3
+* [2008-01-27] Moved framework docs to main, since the launcher examples now
+  depend on main for the auto-property handling.
+* [2008-01-25] Applied patches  to improve how Felix finds resources when
+  getResources() is called. (FELIX-466, FELIX-467)
+* [2008-01-25] Make FilterImpl.toString() add escape characters where needed.
+  (FELIX-471)
+* [2008-01-16] Fix a NPE on framework restart when extension bundles are
+  installed.
+* [2008-01-15] Try to fix a potential visibility issue on loading a class
+  form a bundle where it seems to be possible that we create two classloaders
+  instead of one.
+* [2008-01-15] Modified boot delegation to not terminate when delegating to
+  parent class loader for non-java.* packages. (FELIX-463)
+* [2008-01-04] Fix some issues related to directories on the bundle class
+  path. Specifically, leading slashes created an issue and are now stripped
+  and entries were not being properly filtered when enumerating the contents
+  of a class path directory. (FELIX-426)
+* [2007-12-20] Modified logger to have all of its public methods be final to
+  avoid it from being extended in undesired ways via the constructor supplied
+  logger. (FELIX-428)
+* [2007-12-20] The TCK has changed to verify that bundles do not depend on
+  themselves, so we filter that case now.
+* [2007-12-20] Applied patch from Guillaume Nodet to properly fire a framework
+  error event only when a bundle cannot be resolved. (FELIX-441)
+* [2007-12-19] Modified framework to accept a Logger instance so that host
+  applications can do custom logging until the log service arrives. (FELIX-428)
+* [2007-12-19] Add support for loading bundles on Google Android (FELIX-440).
+* [2007-12-18] Improve native code loading - bundle installation will now
+  fail in case a native library is not in the jar and we only use the first
+  library of a given name. Furthermore, we now support .dylib extensions on
+  the mac as well as others; should make it possible to use .netmodules as
+  well. (FELIX-439)
+* [2007-12-17] Make the win32 alias match any version of windows for native
+  clauses. (FELIX-438)
+* [2007-12-14] Removed auto-property processing out of the framework and
+  into the default launcher, i.e, main. (FELIX-393)
+* [2007-12-13] Fix a StackOverflowError in URLHandlers.createStreamHandler() 
+  when creating URL on jamvm and Mika. This patch resolves an unfortunate 
+  interaction between our ExtensionManager and the URLHandlers by making the 
+  URLHandlers aware of the extension protocol. Pretty much like we do already 
+  for the bundle protocol. (FELIX-435)
+* [2007-11-26] Fix a small oversight in the extension manager that could lead
+  to a null pointer exception and save some memory by creating less objects.
+* [2007-11-26] Degrate to version 0.0.0 if we can not find the Felix.properties 
+  for some reason and avoid a null pointer in this case.
+* [2007-11-08] Reorganized usage count methods to better handle null
+  reference checking in response to Karl Pauls seeing an NPE when trying to
+  get a service that was already unregistered while shutting down the
+  framework.
+* [2007-11-06] Added a simple check to detect and work around a bug in J9.
+  (FELIX-416)
+* [2007-10-30] Change how the extension manager url stream handler handles 
+  request to the root path in order to make some tomcat issue go away.
+  (FELIX-414)
+* [2007-10-26] Added support for "/" bundle resources as requested. (FELIX-383)
+* [2007-10-24] Use system bundle when firing a framework error event when an 
+  install error occurs.
+* [2007-10-22] Fix a NPE when getEntryPaths is called on the system bundle. 
+  (FELIX-394)
+* [2007-10-16] Modifies bundle resource URL handling such that if a resource 
+  URL points to a resource that does not exist, a bundle class path search 
+  for the resource will be instigated and if any matching resource is found, 
+  that one will be used instead. (FELIX-383)
+* [2007-10-10] Auto-property handling now installs bundles into the default 
+  bundle start level if a start level is not specified. (FELIX-359)
+* [2007-10-08] Overwrite the URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress(URL) in the 
+  ExtensionManager to immediately return null to prevent DNS lookup. 
+  (FELIX-388)
+* [2007-09-30] Resolved a concurrency issue that could result in the same 
+  bundle being resolved more than once; also tried to simplify locking in 
+  the core search policy implementation. (FELIX-381)
+Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
+* [2007-07-23] Fixed a bug in the framework shutdown process which was 
+  causing threads calling Felix.stopAndWait() to not get notified that 
+  the framework had shutdown. (FELIX-329)
+* [2007-08-15] Fixed a bug in the LDAP filter which was not thread safe 
+  on execution. (FELIX-338)
+* [2007-08-17] Added support for persistent last used bundle ID to avoid
+  re-use of bundle identifiers. (FELIX-339)
+* [2007-08-23] Modified BundleImpl.getHeaders(Locale) to accept a null 
+  locale. (FELIX-346)
+* [2007-09-11] Added support to handle external termination of Felix 
+  which was not handled or detected and prevented a restart of future 
+  Felix instances in the same VM. (FELIX-363)
+* [2007-09-12] Add support for Collection values in the LDAP filter to 
+  match the 4.1 spec. 
+* [2007-09-12] Fixed a bug in the LDAP filter where attributes where 
+  limited to [a-zA-Z ] so didn't allow for e.g., numbers. (FELIX-361)
+* [2007-09-13] Enable support for exporting the same package more than 
+  once (FELIX-101).
+* [2007-09-13] Returns the system bundle from a call to 
+  PackageAdmin.getBundle(Class) in case the class comes from the 
+  classloader (or one of its parents) that loaded Felix and the system 
+  bundle exports the package.
+* [2007-09-16] Fixed a bug in class space filtering in the service registry 
+  that could result in class cast exceptions for service clients.
+* [2007-09-16] Fixed a bug that prevented extension bundle exports to be 
+  usable.
+Changes from 0.8.0-incubator to 1.0.0
+* [2007-01-18] Added support for bundle header localization. (FELIX-27)
+* [2007-01-22] Modified framework resolver to support a generic
+  capability/requirement model.
+* [2007-01-22] Reorganized and centralized manifest parsing code and added
+  support for resolver's generic capability/requirement model. (FELIX-98)
+* [2007-01-22] Improved native library naming normalization. (FELIX-26)
+* [2007-01-23] No longer eagerly resolving classes loaded from modules
+  since this was causing verification errors with IBM J9.
+* [2007-01-25] Added some support for execution environment checking.
+  (FELIX-23)
+* [2007-01-29] Added support for getAllServiceReferences(). (FELIX-32)
+* [2007-01-31] Added Require-Bundle support to resolve using the generic
+  capability/requirement model of the resolver. (FELIX-28)
+* [2007-02-05] Fixed a bug in processor type normalization for x86-64
+  processors.
+* [2007-02-09] The resolver previously ignored packages that were pending
+  removal when resolving new bundles, now it does not.
+* [2007-02-09] Bundles are automatically refreshed when updated/uninstalled
+  if none of their exported packages are in use.
+* [2007-02-13] Added support for extension bundles. (FELIX-30)
+* [2007-03-02] Added a Bundle.getBundleContext() method until actual
+  support for OSGi R4.1.
+* [2007-04-26] Modified Bundle.findEntries() to return URLs to directory
+  entries as well as file entries.
+* [2007-05-06] Modified LDAP evaluator to special case the fact that
+  BigDecimal is not available in Foundation profile.
+* [2007-05-21] Made some performance improvements in LDAP evaluation.
+* [2007-05-22] Modified JAR file to include Service Tracker package.
+* [2007-05-22] Improved concurrency handling around checking for already
+  loaded classes and defining classes.
+* [2007-06-05] Modified resource URLs to use port number rather than
+  prepend information to the resource path.
+* [2007-06-13] Improved dynamic imports to cycle through all available
+  candidates when checking for class space consistency.
+* [2007-06-18] Improved service registry filtering based on class versions
+  to allow a bundle to register a service for a different version of class
+  that it can access.
+* [2007-06-21] Modified our "last ditch effort" to guess when to delegate
+  to the system bundle to make it a little more robust.
+* [2007-06-29] Fixed a bug in EventDispatcher that was causing asynchronous
+  events to not be fired after stopping the framework instance and creating
+  a new instance. (FELIX-314)
+* [2007-07-03] Fixed a bug in EventDispatcher that would not correctly
+  update a listener when it implemented multiple listener interfaces.
+* [2007-07-04] Modified Felix framework class to implement the Bundle
+  interface to improve the startup/shutdown sequence and to provide a
+  simplified API for creating framework instances.
+* [2007-07-11] Removed the PropertyResolver-related classes and now only
+  use Maps for configuration properties. (FELIX-324)
diff --git a/main/doc/changelog_shell.tui.txt b/main/doc/changelog_shell.tui.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc1a7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/doc/changelog_shell.tui.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Changes from 1.2.0 to 1.4.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-619] - Shell.TUI causes "new java.io.ServerSocket()" to hang
+    * [FELIX-1137] - [PATCH] Shell TUI pom has incorrect Bundle-DocURL tag
+** Improvments
+    * Update to shell 1.4.0
+Changes from 1.0.2 to 1.2.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-729] - Shell-TUI causes 100% CPU load when using javaw launcher
+Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
+* [2008-08-12] Added OBR descriptor and updated to bundle plugin version 
+  1.4.3. (FELIX-669)
+Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
+* [2008-04-21] Re-release to make bytecode executable on jre 1.3.
+Changes from 0.8.0-incubator to 1.0.0
+* None.
diff --git a/main/doc/changelog_shell.txt b/main/doc/changelog_shell.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1026d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/doc/changelog_shell.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Changes form 1.2.0 to 1.4.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-1019] - New shell commands "requirers" and "exports" do not handle invalid bundle case properly
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-1058] - [PATCH] Add a "find" command to the shell
+    * [FELIX-1145] - Modify help shell command to avoid issues with long command descriptions
+    * [FELIX-1151] - Improve naming and consistency of shell commands for inspecting dependencies
+** New Feature
+    * [FELIX-1052] - Add log shell command
+    * [FELIX-1181] - Add support for activation policy in shell "start" command
+    * [FELIX-1510] - There is no command to set the initial bundle start level
+Changes from 1.0.2 to 1.2.0
+** Bug
+    * [FELIX-703] - Cannot install ShellGUIPlugin with OBR
+** Improvement
+    * [FELIX-669] - Shell & Shell TUI OBR descriptions
+    * [FELIX-1008] - Rename "packages" command to "exports" to match better with new "imports" command
+** New Feature
+    * [FELIX-741] - Modify shell start/stop commands to support transient starting/stopping of bundles
+    * [FELIX-1006] - Add command to shell to list a bundles imported packages
+    * [FELIX-1009] - Add requires/requirers commands to shell
+Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
+* [2008-08-12] Added OBR descriptor and updated to bundle plugin version
+  1.4.3. (FELIX-669)
+* [2008-05-08] Modified "update" command to not append ".jar" to URLs and 
+  modified the "install" command to use the same code. (FELIX-544)
+Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
+* [2008-04-21] Re-release to make bytecode executable on jre 1.3.
+Changes from 0.8.0-incubator to 1.0.0
+* [2006-12-15] Changed the symbolic name, since it was being calculated
+  incorrectly.
+* [2007-05-03] Modified 'ps' so that it displays reasonable defaults if
+  headers are missing. Also added ability to display symbolic name.
+* [2007-06-14] Modified refresh command to accept bundle IDs.