Update the framework launching API to support the latest version of the spec
and to support META-INF/services for the framework factory.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@749768 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/framework/pom.xml b/framework/pom.xml
index cf4d3d1..492e450 100644
--- a/framework/pom.xml
+++ b/framework/pom.xml
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
-            <Include-Resource>META-INF/LICENSE=LICENSE,META-INF/NOTICE=NOTICE,{src/main/resources/},org/osgi/framework/=target/classes/org/osgi/framework/</Include-Resource> 
+            <Include-Resource>META-INF/services/org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory=org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory,META-INF/LICENSE=LICENSE,META-INF/NOTICE=NOTICE,{src/main/resources/},org/osgi/framework/=target/classes/org/osgi/framework/</Include-Resource> 
diff --git a/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework.java b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework.java
index a8d542c..4174e86 100644
--- a/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework.java
+++ b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/Framework.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2008). All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2008, 2009). All Rights Reserved.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -24,260 +24,236 @@
 import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkEvent;
- * The System Bundle for a Framework instance.
- * 
- * The <i>main</i> class of a framework implementation must implement this
- * interface. The instantiator of the framework implementation class then has a
- * System Bundle object and can then use the methods of this interface to manage
- * and control the created framework instance.
+ * A Framework instance. A Framework is also known as a System Bundle.
  * <p>
- * The <i>main</i> class of a framework implementation must provide a public
- * constructor that takes a single argument of type <code>Map</code>. This
- * configuration argument provides this System Bundle with framework properties
- * to configure the framework instance. The framework instance must also examine
- * the system properties for framework properties which are not set in the
- * configuration argument. A framework property in the configuration argument
- * with a <code>null</code> value indicates the framework property is
- * <i>unset</i> and the system properties must not be examined for a value of
- * the framework property. This allows the configuration argument to
- * <i>unset</i> framework properties in the system properties .
- * <p>
- * If framework properties are not provided by the configuration argument or the
- * system properties, this System Bundle must use some reasonable default
- * configuration appropriate for the current VM. For example, the system
- * packages for the current execution environment should be properly exported.
- * The configuration argument may be <code>null</code>. The framework instance
- * must copy any information needed from the configuration argument since the
- * configuration argument can be changed after the framework instance has been
- * created.
- * 
- * <p>
- * A newly constructed System Bundle must be in the {@link #INSTALLED} state.
+ * Framework instances are created using a {@link FrameworkFactory}. The methods
+ * of this interface can be used to manage and control the created framework
+ * instance.
  * @ThreadSafe
- * @version $Revision: 5686 $
+ * @version $Revision: 6361 $
 public interface Framework extends Bundle {
-	 * Initialize this System Bundle. After calling this method, this System
-	 * Bundle must:
+	 * Initialize this Framework. After calling this method, this Framework
+	 * must:
 	 * <ul>
 	 * <li>Be in the {@link #STARTING} state.</li>
 	 * <li>Have a valid Bundle Context.</li>
-	 * <li>Have its framework instance be at start level 0.</li>
-	 * <li>Have event handling enabled in its framework instance.</li>
-	 * <li>Have reified Bundle objects for all bundles installed in its
-	 * framework instance.</li>
-	 * <li>Register framework services. For example, <code>PackageAdmin</code>,
-	 * <code>ConditionalPermissionAdmin</code>, <code>StartLevel</code>.</li>
+	 * <li>Be at start level 0.</li>
+	 * <li>Have event handling enabled.</li>
+	 * <li>Have reified Bundle objects for all installed bundles.</li>
+	 * <li>Have registered any framework services. For example,
+	 * <code>PackageAdmin</code>, <code>ConditionalPermissionAdmin</code>,
+	 * <code>StartLevel</code>.</li>
 	 * </ul>
 	 * <p>
-	 * This System Bundle will not actually be started until {@link #start()
-	 * start} is called.
+	 * This Framework will not actually be started until {@link #start() start}
+	 * is called.
 	 * <p>
-	 * This method does nothing if called when this System Bundle is in the
+	 * This method does nothing if called when this Framework is in the
 	 * {@link #STARTING}, {@link #ACTIVE} or {@link #STOPPING} states.
-	 * @throws BundleException If this System Bundle could not be initialized.
+	 * @throws BundleException If this Framework could not be initialized.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the Java Runtime Environment supports
+	 *         permissions and the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code> or if there is a
+	 *         security manager already installed and the
+	 *         {@link Constants#FRAMEWORK_SECURITY} configuration property is
+	 *         set.
+	 * 
-	public void init() throws BundleException;
+	void init() throws BundleException;
-	 * Wait until this System Bundle has completely stopped. The
-	 * <code>stop</code> and <code>update</code> methods on a System Bundle
-	 * performs an asynchronous stop of the System Bundle. This method can be
-	 * used to wait until the asynchronous stop of this System Bundle has
-	 * completed. This method will only wait if called when this System Bundle
-	 * is in the {@link #STARTING}, {@link #ACTIVE}, or {@link #STOPPING}
-	 * states. Otherwise it will return immediately.
+	 * Wait until this Framework has completely stopped. The <code>stop</code>
+	 * and <code>update</code> methods on a Framework performs an asynchronous
+	 * stop of the Framework. This method can be used to wait until the
+	 * asynchronous stop of this Framework has completed. This method will only
+	 * wait if called when this Framework is in the {@link #STARTING},
+	 * {@link #ACTIVE}, or {@link #STOPPING} states. Otherwise it will return
+	 * immediately.
 	 * <p>
-	 * A Framework Event is returned to indicate why this System Bundle has
-	 * stopped.
+	 * A Framework Event is returned to indicate why this Framework has stopped.
-	 * @param timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until this System
-	 *        Bundle has completely stopped. A value of zero will wait
+	 * @param timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait until this
+	 *        Framework has completely stopped. A value of zero will wait
 	 *        indefinitely.
 	 * @return A Framework Event indicating the reason this method returned. The
 	 *         following <code>FrameworkEvent</code> types may be returned by
 	 *         this method.
 	 *         <ul>
-	 *         <li>{@link FrameworkEvent#STOPPED STOPPED} - This System Bundle
-	 *         has been stopped which has shutdown its framework instance. </li>
+	 *         <li>{@link FrameworkEvent#STOPPED STOPPED} - This Framework has
+	 *         been stopped. </li>
+	 * 
 	 *         <li>{@link FrameworkEvent#STOPPED_UPDATE STOPPED_UPDATE} - This
-	 *         System Bundle has been updated which has shutdown and will
-	 *         restart its framework instance.</li> <li>
-	 *         {@link FrameworkEvent#STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED
-	 *         STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED} - This System Bundle has been
-	 *         stopped which has shutdown its framework instance and a
-	 *         bootclasspath extension bundle has been installed or updated. The
-	 *         VM must be restarted in order for the changed boot class path to
-	 *         take affect. </li> <li>{@link FrameworkEvent#ERROR ERROR} - The
-	 *         Framework encountered an error while shutting down or an error
-	 *         has occurred which forced the framework to shutdown. </li> <li>
-	 *         {@link FrameworkEvent#INFO INFO} - This method has timed out and
-	 *         returned before this System Bundle has stopped.</li>
+	 *         Framework has been updated which has shutdown and will now
+	 *         restart.</li>
+	 * 
+	 *         <li> {@link FrameworkEvent#STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED
+	 *         STOPPED_BOOTCLASSPATH_MODIFIED} - This Framework has been stopped
+	 *         and a bootclasspath extension bundle has been installed or
+	 *         updated. The VM must be restarted in order for the changed boot
+	 *         class path to take affect. </li>
+	 * 
+	 *         <li>{@link FrameworkEvent#ERROR ERROR} - The Framework
+	 *         encountered an error while shutting down or an error has occurred
+	 *         which forced the framework to shutdown. </li>
+	 * 
+	 *         <li> {@link FrameworkEvent#INFO INFO} - This method has timed out
+	 *         and returned before this Framework has stopped.</li>
 	 *         </ul>
 	 * @throws InterruptedException If another thread interrupted the current
 	 *         thread before or while the current thread was waiting for this
-	 *         System Bundle to completely stop. The <i>interrupted status</i>
-	 *         of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
+	 *         Framework to completely stop. The <i>interrupted status</i> of
+	 *         the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
 	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value of timeout is negative.
-	public FrameworkEvent waitForStop(long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
+	FrameworkEvent waitForStop(long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
-	 * Start this System Bundle.
+	 * Start this Framework.
 	 * <p>
-	 * The following steps are taken to start this System Bundle:
+	 * The following steps are taken to start this Framework:
 	 * <ol>
-	 * <li>If this System Bundle is not in the {@link #STARTING} state,
-	 * {@link #init() initialize} this System Bundle.</li>
+	 * <li>If this Framework is not in the {@link #STARTING} state,
+	 * {@link #init() initialize} this Framework.</li>
 	 * <li>All installed bundles must be started in accordance with each
 	 * bundle's persistent <i>autostart setting</i>. This means some bundles
 	 * will not be started, some will be started with <i>eager activation</i>
-	 * and some will be started with their <i>declared activation</i> policy.
-	 * <ul>
-	 * <li>If this System Bundle implements the optional <i>Start Level Service
-	 * Specification</i>, then the start level of this System Bundle's framework
-	 * instance is moved to the start level specified by the
+	 * and some will be started with their <i>declared activation</i> policy. If
+	 * this Framework implements the optional <i>Start Level Service
+	 * Specification</i>, then the start level of this Framework is moved to the
+	 * start level specified by the
 	 * {@link Constants#FRAMEWORK_BEGINNING_STARTLEVEL beginning start level}
 	 * framework property, as described in the <i>Start Level Service
 	 * Specification</i>. If this framework property is not specified, then the
-	 * start level of this System Bundle's framework instance is moved to start
-	 * level one (1).</li>
-	 * </ul>
-	 * Any exceptions that occur during bundle starting must be wrapped in a
+	 * start level of this Framework is moved to start level one (1). Any
+	 * exceptions that occur during bundle starting must be wrapped in a
 	 * {@link BundleException} and then published as a framework event of type
 	 * {@link FrameworkEvent#ERROR}</li>
-	 * </li>
-	 * <li>This System Bundle's state is set to {@link #ACTIVE}.</li>
+	 * <li>This Framework's state is set to {@link #ACTIVE}.</li>
 	 * <li>A framework event of type {@link FrameworkEvent#STARTED} is fired</li>
 	 * </ol>
-	 * @throws BundleException If this System Bundle could not be started.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws BundleException If this Framework could not be started.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the Java Runtime
+	 *         Environment supports permissions.
 	 * @see "Start Level Service Specification"
-	public void start() throws BundleException;
+	void start() throws BundleException;
-	 * Start this System Bundle.
+	 * Start this Framework.
 	 * <p>
 	 * Calling this method is the same as calling {@link #start()}. There are no
-	 * start options for the System Bundle.
+	 * start options for the Framework.
-	 * @param options Ignored. There are no start options for the System Bundle.
-	 * @throws BundleException If this System Bundle could not be started.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @param options Ignored. There are no start options for the Framework.
+	 * @throws BundleException If this Framework could not be started.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the Java Runtime
+	 *         Environment supports permissions.
 	 * @see #start()
-	public void start(int options) throws BundleException;
+	void start(int options) throws BundleException;
-	 * Stop this System Bundle.
+	 * Stop this Framework.
 	 * <p>
 	 * The method returns immediately to the caller after initiating the
 	 * following steps to be taken on another thread.
 	 * <ol>
-	 * <li>This System Bundle's state is set to {@link #STOPPING}.</li>
+	 * <li>This Framework's state is set to {@link #STOPPING}.</li>
 	 * <li>All installed bundles must be stopped without changing each bundle's
-	 * persistent <i>autostart setting</i>.
-	 * <ul>
-	 * <li>If this System Bundle implements the optional <i>Start Level Service
-	 * Specification</i>, then the start level of this System Bundle's framework
-	 * instance is moved to start level zero (0), as described in the <i>Start
-	 * Level Service Specification</i>.</li>
-	 * </ul>
-	 * Any exceptions that occur during bundle stopping must be wrapped in a
-	 * {@link BundleException} and then published as a framework event of type
-	 * {@link FrameworkEvent#ERROR}</li>
-	 * </li>
-	 * <li>Unregister all services registered by this System Bundle.</li>
-	 * <li>Event handling is disabled in this System Bundle's framework
-	 * instance.</li>
-	 * <li>This System Bundle's state is set to {@link #RESOLVED}.</li>
-	 * <li>All resources held by this System Bundle's framework instance are
-	 * released. This includes threads, bundle class loaders, open files, etc.</li>
+	 * persistent <i>autostart setting</i>. If this Framework implements the
+	 * optional <i>Start Level Service Specification</i>, then the start level
+	 * of this Framework is moved to start level zero (0), as described in the
+	 * <i>Start Level Service Specification</i>. Any exceptions that occur
+	 * during bundle stopping must be wrapped in a {@link BundleException} and
+	 * then published as a framework event of type {@link FrameworkEvent#ERROR}</li>
+	 * <li>Unregister all services registered by this Framework.</li>
+	 * <li>Event handling is disabled.</li>
+	 * <li>This Framework's state is set to {@link #RESOLVED}.</li>
+	 * <li>All resources held by this Framework are released. This includes
+	 * threads, bundle class loaders, open files, etc.</li>
 	 * <li>Notify all threads that are waiting at {@link #waitForStop(long)
 	 * waitForStop} that the stop operation has completed.</li>
 	 * </ol>
 	 * <p>
-	 * After being stopped, this System Bundle may be discarded, initialized or
+	 * After being stopped, this Framework may be discarded, initialized or
 	 * started.
-	 * @throws BundleException If stopping this System Bundle could not be
+	 * @throws BundleException If stopping this Framework could not be
 	 *         initiated.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the Java Runtime
+	 *         Environment supports permissions.
 	 * @see "Start Level Service Specification"
-	public void stop() throws BundleException;
+	void stop() throws BundleException;
-	 * Stop this System Bundle.
+	 * Stop this Framework.
 	 * <p>
 	 * Calling this method is the same as calling {@link #stop()}. There are no
-	 * stop options for the System Bundle.
+	 * stop options for the Framework.
-	 * @param options Ignored. There are no stop options for the System Bundle.
-	 * @throws BundleException If stopping this System Bundle could not be
+	 * @param options Ignored. There are no stop options for the Framework.
+	 * @throws BundleException If stopping this Framework could not be
 	 *         initiated.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,EXECUTE]</code>, and the Java Runtime
+	 *         Environment supports permissions.
 	 * @see #stop()
-	public void stop(int options) throws BundleException;
+	void stop(int options) throws BundleException;
-	 * The System Bundle cannot be uninstalled.
+	 * The Framework cannot be uninstalled.
 	 * <p>
 	 * This method always throws a BundleException.
-	 * @throws BundleException This System Bundle cannot be uninstalled.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,LIFECYCLE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws BundleException This Framework cannot be uninstalled.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,LIFECYCLE]</code>, and the Java
+	 *         Runtime Environment supports permissions.
-	public void uninstall() throws BundleException;
+	void uninstall() throws BundleException;
-	 * Stop and restart this System Bundle.
+	 * Stop and restart this Framework.
 	 * <p>
 	 * The method returns immediately to the caller after initiating the
 	 * following steps to be taken on another thread.
 	 * <ol>
-	 * <li>Perform the steps in the {@link #stop()} method to stop this System
-	 * Bundle.</li>
-	 * <li>Perform the steps in the {@link #start()} method to start this System
-	 * Bundle.</li>
+	 * <li>Perform the steps in the {@link #stop()} method to stop this
+	 * Framework.</li>
+	 * <li>Perform the steps in the {@link #start()} method to start this
+	 * Framework.</li>
 	 * </ol>
-	 * @throws BundleException If stopping and restarting this System Bundle
-	 *         could not be initiated.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,LIFECYCLE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws BundleException If stopping and restarting this Framework could
+	 *         not be initiated.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,LIFECYCLE]</code>, and the Java
+	 *         Runtime Environment supports permissions.
-	public void update() throws BundleException;
+	void update() throws BundleException;
-	 * Stop and restart this System Bundle.
+	 * Stop and restart this Framework.
 	 * <p>
 	 * Calling this method is the same as calling {@link #update()} except that
@@ -285,44 +261,47 @@
 	 * @param in Any provided InputStream is immediately closed before returning
 	 *        from this method and otherwise ignored.
-	 * @throws BundleException If stopping and restarting this System Bundle
-	 *         could not be initiated.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,LIFECYCLE]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws BundleException If stopping and restarting this Framework could
+	 *         not be initiated.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,LIFECYCLE]</code>, and the Java
+	 *         Runtime Environment supports permissions.
-	public void update(InputStream in) throws BundleException;
+	void update(InputStream in) throws BundleException;
-	 * Returns the System Bundle unique identifier. This System Bundle is
-	 * assigned the unique identifier zero (0).
+	 * Returns the Framework unique identifier. This Framework is assigned the
+	 * unique identifier zero (0) since this Framework is also a System Bundle.
 	 * @return 0.
 	 * @see Bundle#getBundleId()
-	public long getBundleId();
+	long getBundleId();
-	 * Returns the System Bundle location identifier.
+	 * Returns the Framework location identifier. This Framework is assigned the
+	 * unique location &quot;<code>System Bundle</code>&quot; since this
+	 * Framework is also a System Bundle.
 	 * @return The string &quot;<code>System Bundle</code>&quot;.
-	 * @throws java.lang.SecurityException If the caller does not have the
-	 *         appropriate <code>AdminPermission[this,METADATA]</code>, and the
-	 *         Java Runtime Environment supports permissions.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have the appropriate
+	 *         <code>AdminPermission[this,METADATA]</code>, and the Java Runtime
+	 *         Environment supports permissions.
 	 * @see Bundle#getLocation()
 	 * @see Constants#SYSTEM_BUNDLE_LOCATION
-	public String getLocation();
+	String getLocation();
-	 * Returns the symbolic name of this System Bundle. The symbolic name is
-	 * unique for the implementation of the framework. However, the symbolic
-	 * name &quot;<code>system.bundle</code>&quot; must be recognized as an
-	 * alias to the implementation-defined symbolic name.
+	 * Returns the symbolic name of this Framework. The symbolic name is unique
+	 * for the implementation of the framework. However, the symbolic name
+	 * &quot;<code>system.bundle</code>&quot; must be recognized as an alias to
+	 * the implementation-defined symbolic name since this Framework is also a
+	 * System Bundle.
-	 * @return The symbolic name of this System Bundle.
+	 * @return The symbolic name of this Framework.
 	 * @see Bundle#getSymbolicName()
-	public String getSymbolicName();
+	String getSymbolicName();
diff --git a/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/FrameworkFactory.java b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/FrameworkFactory.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3dc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/FrameworkFactory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * Copyright (c) OSGi Alliance (2009). All Rights Reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.osgi.framework.launch;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+ * A factory for creating {@link Framework} instances.
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * A framework implementation jar must contain the following resource:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * /META-INF/services/org.osgi.framework.launch.FrameworkFactory
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * This UTF-8 encoded resource must contain the name of the framework
+ * implementation's FrameworkFactory implementation class. Space and tab
+ * characters, including blank lines, in the resource must be ignored. The
+ * number sign ('#' \u0023) and all characters following it on each line are a
+ * comment and must be ignored.
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * Launchers can find the name of the FrameworkFactory implementation class in
+ * the resource and then load and construct a FrameworkFactory object for the
+ * framework implementation. The FrameworkFactory implementation class must have
+ * a public, no-argument constructor. Java&#8482; SE 6 introduced the
+ * <code>ServiceLoader</code> class which can create a FrameworkFactory instance
+ * from the resource.
+ * 
+ * @ThreadSafe
+ * @version $Revision: 6397 $
+ */
+public interface FrameworkFactory {
+	/**
+	 * Create a new {@link Framework} instance.
+	 * 
+	 * @param configuration The framework properties to configure the new
+	 *        framework instance. If framework properties are not provided by
+	 *        the configuration argument, the created framework instance must
+	 *        use some reasonable default configuration appropriate for the
+	 *        current VM. For example, the system packages for the current
+	 *        execution environment should be properly exported. The specified
+	 *        configuration argument may be <code>null</code>. The created
+	 *        framework instance must copy any information needed from the
+	 *        specified configuration argument since the configuration argument
+	 *        can be changed after the framework instance has been created.
+	 * @return A new, configured {@link Framework} instance. The framework
+	 *         instance must be in the {@link Bundle#INSTALLED} state.
+	 * @throws SecurityException If the caller does not have
+	 *         <code>AllPermission</code>, and the Java Runtime Environment
+	 *         supports permissions.
+	 */
+	Framework newFramework(Map configuration) throws Exception;
diff --git a/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/package.html b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/package.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0407b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/package.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- $Revision: 6204 $ -->
+<p>Framework Launch Package Version 1.0.
+<p>Bundles wishing to use this package must list the package
+in the Import-Package header of the bundle's manifest.
+For example:
+Import-Package: org.osgi.framework.launch;version=&quot;[1.0,2.0)&quot;
diff --git a/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/packageinfo b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/packageinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c8de03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/src/main/java/org/osgi/framework/launch/packageinfo
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+version 1.0