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git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/lib/osgi/ b/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/lib/osgi/
index f0d3134..17b6d2b 100755
--- a/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/lib/osgi/
+++ b/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/lib/osgi/
@@ -1,51 +1,58 @@
 package aQute.lib.osgi;
 public class OpCodes {
-	final static short	nop				= 0x00;			// [No change] performs
-														// no
+	final static short	nop				= 0x00;			// [No change]
+															// performs
+															// no
 	// operation
-	final static short	aconst_null		= 0x01;			// ? null pushes a null
+	final static short	aconst_null		= 0x01;			// ? null pushes a
+															// null
 	// reference onto the stack
-	final static short	iconst_m1		= 0x02;			// ? -1 loads the int
-														// value -1
+	final static short	iconst_m1		= 0x02;			// ? -1 loads the
+															// int
+															// value -1
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	iconst_0		= 0x03;			// ? 0 loads the int
-														// value 0
+															// value 0
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	iconst_1		= 0x04;			// ? 1 loads the int
-														// value 1
+															// value 1
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	iconst_2		= 0x05;			// ? 2 loads the int
-														// value 2
+															// value 2
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	iconst_3		= 0x06;			// ? 3 loads the int
-														// value 3
+															// value 3
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	iconst_4		= 0x07;			// ? 4 loads the int
-														// value 4
+															// value 4
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	iconst_5		= 0x08;			// ? 5 loads the int
-														// value 5
+															// value 5
 	// onto the stack
-	final static short	lconst_0		= 0x09;			// ? 0L pushes the long
-														// 0 onto
+	final static short	lconst_0		= 0x09;			// ? 0L pushes the
+															// long
+															// 0 onto
 	// the stack
-	final static short	bipush			= 0x10;			// byte ? value pushes a
-														// byte
+	final static short	bipush			= 0x10;			// byte ? value
+															// pushes a
+															// byte
 	// onto the stack as an integer
 	// value
-	final static short	sipush			= 0x11;			// byte1, byte2 ? value
-														// pushes a
+	final static short	sipush			= 0x11;			// byte1, byte2 ?
+															// value
+															// pushes a
 	// signed integer (byte1 << 8 +
 	// byte2) onto the stack
-	final static short	ldc				= 0x12;			// index ? value pushes
-														// a
+	final static short	ldc				= 0x12;			// index ? value
+															// pushes
+															// a
 	// constant #index from a
 	// constant pool (String, int,
 	// float or class type) onto the
 	// stack
 	final static short	ldc_w			= 0x13;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2 ?
+															// indexbyte2 ?
 	// value pushes a constant
 	// #index from a constant pool
 	// (String, int, float or class
@@ -53,393 +60,433 @@
 	// index is constructed as
 	// indexbyte1 << 8 + indexbyte2)
 	final static short	ldc2_w			= 0x14;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2 ?
+															// indexbyte2 ?
 	// value pushes a constant
 	// #index from a constant pool
 	// (double or long) onto the
 	// stack (wide index is
 	// constructed as indexbyte1 <<
 	// 8 + indexbyte2)
-	final static short	iload			= 0x15;			// index ? value loads
-														// an int
+	final static short	iload			= 0x15;			// index ? value
+															// loads
+															// an int
 	// value from a variable #index
-	final static short	lload			= 0x16;			// index ? value load a
-														// long
+	final static short	lload			= 0x16;			// index ? value
+															// load a
+															// long
 	// value from a local variable
 	// #index
-	final static short	fload			= 0x17;			// index ? value loads a
-														// float
+	final static short	fload			= 0x17;			// index ? value
+															// loads a
+															// float
 	// value from a local variable
 	// #index
-	final static short	dload			= 0x18;			// index ? value loads a
-														// double
+	final static short	dload			= 0x18;			// index ? value
+															// loads a
+															// double
 	// value from a local variable
 	// #index
 	final static short	aload			= 0x19;			// index ? objectref
-														// loads a
+															// loads a
 	// reference onto the stack from
 	// a local variable #index
-	final static short	lload_2			= 0x20;			// ? value load a long
-														// value
+	final static short	lload_2			= 0x20;			// ? value load a
+															// long
+															// value
 	// from a local variable 2
-	final static short	lload_3			= 0x21;			// ? value load a long
-														// value
+	final static short	lload_3			= 0x21;			// ? value load a
+															// long
+															// value
 	// from a local variable 3
-	final static short	fload_0			= 0x22;			// ? value loads a float
-														// value
+	final static short	fload_0			= 0x22;			// ? value loads a
+															// float
+															// value
 	// from local variable 0
-	final static short	fload_1			= 0x23;			// ? value loads a float
-														// value
+	final static short	fload_1			= 0x23;			// ? value loads a
+															// float
+															// value
 	// from local variable 1
-	final static short	fload_2			= 0x24;			// ? value loads a float
-														// value
+	final static short	fload_2			= 0x24;			// ? value loads a
+															// float
+															// value
 	// from local variable 2
-	final static short	fload_3			= 0x25;			// ? value loads a float
-														// value
+	final static short	fload_3			= 0x25;			// ? value loads a
+															// float
+															// value
 	// from local variable 3
 	final static short	dload_0			= 0x26;			// ? value loads a
-														// double from
+															// double from
 	// local variable 0
 	final static short	dload_1			= 0x27;			// ? value loads a
-														// double from
+															// double from
 	// local variable 1
 	final static short	dload_2			= 0x28;			// ? value loads a
-														// double from
+															// double from
 	// local variable 2
 	final static short	dload_3			= 0x29;			// ? value loads a
-														// double from
+															// double from
 	// local variable 3
 	final static short	faload			= 0x30;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value loads
+															// value loads
 	// a float from an array
 	final static short	daload			= 0x31;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value loads
+															// value loads
 	// a double from an array
 	final static short	aaload			= 0x32;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value loads
+															// value loads
 	// onto the stack a reference
 	// from an array
 	final static short	baload			= 0x33;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value loads
+															// value loads
 	// a byte or Boolean value from
 	// an array
 	final static short	caload			= 0x34;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value loads
+															// value loads
 	// a char from an array
 	final static short	saload			= 0x35;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value load
+															// value load
 	// short from array
-	final static short	istore			= 0x36;			// index value ? store
-														// int value
+	final static short	istore			= 0x36;			// index value ?
+															// store
+															// int value
 	// into variable #index
-	final static short	lstore			= 0x37;			// index value ? store a
-														// long
+	final static short	lstore			= 0x37;			// index value ?
+															// store a
+															// long
 	// value in a local variable
 	// #index
-	final static short	fstore			= 0x38;			// index value ? stores
-														// a float
+	final static short	fstore			= 0x38;			// index value ?
+															// stores
+															// a float
 	// value into a local variable
 	// #index
-	final static short	dstore			= 0x39;			// index value ? stores
-														// a double
+	final static short	dstore			= 0x39;			// index value ?
+															// stores
+															// a double
 	// value into a local variable
 	// #index
-	final static short	lstore_1		= 0x40;			// value ? store a long
-														// value in
+	final static short	lstore_1		= 0x40;			// value ? store a
+															// long
+															// value in
 	// a local variable 1
-	final static short	lstore_2		= 0x41;			// value ? store a long
-														// value in
+	final static short	lstore_2		= 0x41;			// value ? store a
+															// long
+															// value in
 	// a local variable 2
-	final static short	lstore_3		= 0x42;			// value ? store a long
-														// value in
+	final static short	lstore_3		= 0x42;			// value ? store a
+															// long
+															// value in
 	// a local variable 3
 	final static short	fstore_0		= 0x43;			// value ? stores a
-														// float value
+															// float value
 	// into local variable 0
 	final static short	fstore_1		= 0x44;			// value ? stores a
-														// float value
+															// float value
 	// into local variable 1
 	final static short	fstore_2		= 0x45;			// value ? stores a
-														// float value
+															// float value
 	// into local variable 2
 	final static short	fstore_3		= 0x46;			// value ? stores a
-														// float value
+															// float value
 	// into local variable 3
 	final static short	dstore_0		= 0x47;			// value ? stores a
-														// double into
+															// double into
 	// local variable 0
 	final static short	dstore_1		= 0x48;			// value ? stores a
-														// double into
+															// double into
 	// local variable 1
 	final static short	dstore_2		= 0x49;			// value ? stores a
-														// double into
+															// double into
 	// local variable 2
 	final static short	lastore			= 0x50;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// store a long to an array
 	final static short	fastore			= 0x51;			// arreyref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// stores a float in an array
 	final static short	dastore			= 0x52;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// stores a double into an array
 	final static short	aastore			= 0x53;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// stores into a reference to an
 	// array
 	final static short	bastore			= 0x54;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// stores a byte or Boolean
 	// value into an array
 	final static short	castore			= 0x55;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// stores a char into an array
 	final static short	sastore			= 0x56;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// store short to array
-	final static short	pop				= 0x57;			// value ? discards the
-														// top
+	final static short	pop				= 0x57;			// value ? discards
+															// the
+															// top
 	// value on the stack
-	final static short	pop2			= 0x58;			// {value2, value1} ?
-														// discards
+	final static short	pop2			= 0x58;			// {value2, value1}
+															// ?
+															// discards
 	// the top two values on the
 	// stack (or one value, if it is
 	// a double or long)
-	final static short	dup				= 0x59;			// value ? value, value
+	final static short	dup				= 0x59;			// value ? value,
+															// value
 	// duplicates the value on top
 	// of the stack
 	final static short	iadd			= 0x60;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result adds
+															// result adds
 	// two ints together
 	final static short	ladd			= 0x61;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result add
+															// result add
 	// two longs
 	final static short	fadd			= 0x62;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result adds
+															// result adds
 	// two floats
 	final static short	dadd			= 0x63;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result adds
+															// result adds
 	// two doubles
 	final static short	isub			= 0x64;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result int
+															// result int
 	// subtract
 	final static short	lsub			= 0x65;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// subtract two longs
 	final static short	fsub			= 0x66;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// subtracts two floats
 	final static short	dsub			= 0x67;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// subtracts a double from
 	// another
 	final static short	imul			= 0x68;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// multiply two integers
 	final static short	lmul			= 0x69;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// multiplies two longs
 	final static short	irem			= 0x70;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// logical int remainder
 	final static short	lrem			= 0x71;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// remainder of division of two
 	// longs
 	final static short	frem			= 0x72;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result gets
+															// result gets
 	// the remainder from a division
 	// between two floats
 	final static short	drem			= 0x73;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result gets
+															// result gets
 	// the remainder from a division
 	// between two doubles
-	final static short	ineg			= 0x74;			// value ? result negate
-														// int
+	final static short	ineg			= 0x74;			// value ? result
+															// negate
+															// int
 	final static short	lneg			= 0x75;			// value ? result
-														// negates a long
+															// negates a long
 	final static short	fneg			= 0x76;			// value ? result
-														// negates a
+															// negates a
 	// float
 	final static short	dneg			= 0x77;			// value ? result
-														// negates a
+															// negates a
 	// double
 	final static short	ishl			= 0x78;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result int
+															// result int
 	// shift left
 	final static short	lshl			= 0x79;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// bitwise shift left of a long
 	// value1 by value2 positions
 	final static short	ior				= 0x80;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// logical int or
 	final static short	lor				= 0x81;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// bitwise or of two longs
 	final static short	ixor			= 0x82;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result int
+															// result int
 	// xor
 	final static short	lxor			= 0x83;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// bitwise exclusive or of two
 	// longs
 	final static short	iinc			= 0x84;			// index, const [No
-														// change]
+															// change]
 	// increment local variable
 	// #index by signed byte const
 	final static short	i2l				= 0x85;			// value ? result
-														// converts an
+															// converts an
 	// int into a long
 	final static short	i2f				= 0x86;			// value ? result
-														// converts an
+															// converts an
 	// int into a float
 	final static short	i2d				= 0x87;			// value ? result
-														// converts an
+															// converts an
 	// int into a double
 	final static short	l2i				= 0x88;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// long to an int
 	final static short	l2f				= 0x89;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// long to a float
 	final static short	d2f				= 0x90;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// double to a float
 	final static short	i2b				= 0x91;			// value ? result
-														// converts an
+															// converts an
 	// int into a byte
 	final static short	i2c				= 0x92;			// value ? result
-														// converts an
+															// converts an
 	// int into a character
 	final static short	i2s				= 0x93;			// value ? result
-														// converts an
+															// converts an
 	// int into a short
 	final static short	lcmp			= 0x94;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// compares two longs values
 	final static short	fcmpl			= 0x95;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// compares two floats
 	final static short	fcmpg			= 0x96;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// compares two floats
 	final static short	dcmpl			= 0x97;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// compares two doubles
 	final static short	dcmpg			= 0x98;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// compares two doubles
 	final static short	ifeq			= 0x99;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is 0, branch
 	// to instruction at
 	// branchoffset (signed short
 	// constructed from unsigned
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
-	final static short	lconst_1		= 0x0a;			// ? 1L pushes the long
-														// 1 onto
+	final static short	lconst_1		= 0x0a;			// ? 1L pushes the
+															// long
+															// 1 onto
 	// the stack
-	final static short	fconst_0		= 0x0b;			// ? 0.0f pushes 0.0f on
-														// the
+	final static short	fconst_0		= 0x0b;			// ? 0.0f pushes
+															// 0.0f on
+															// the
 	// stack
-	final static short	fconst_1		= 0x0c;			// ? 1.0f pushes 1.0f on
-														// the
+	final static short	fconst_1		= 0x0c;			// ? 1.0f pushes
+															// 1.0f on
+															// the
 	// stack
-	final static short	fconst_2		= 0x0d;			// ? 2.0f pushes 2.0f on
-														// the
+	final static short	fconst_2		= 0x0d;			// ? 2.0f pushes
+															// 2.0f on
+															// the
 	// stack
 	final static short	dconst_0		= 0x0e;			// ? 0.0 pushes the
-														// constant 0.0
+															// constant 0.0
 	// onto the stack
 	final static short	dconst_1		= 0x0f;			// ? 1.0 pushes the
-														// constant 1.0
+															// constant 1.0
 	// onto the stack
-	final static short	iload_0			= 0x1a;			// ? value loads an int
-														// value
+	final static short	iload_0			= 0x1a;			// ? value loads an
+															// int
+															// value
 	// from variable 0
-	final static short	iload_1			= 0x1b;			// ? value loads an int
-														// value
+	final static short	iload_1			= 0x1b;			// ? value loads an
+															// int
+															// value
 	// from variable 1
-	final static short	iload_2			= 0x1c;			// ? value loads an int
-														// value
+	final static short	iload_2			= 0x1c;			// ? value loads an
+															// int
+															// value
 	// from variable 2
-	final static short	iload_3			= 0x1d;			// ? value loads an int
-														// value
+	final static short	iload_3			= 0x1d;			// ? value loads an
+															// int
+															// value
 	// from variable 3
-	final static short	lload_0			= 0x1e;			// ? value load a long
-														// value
+	final static short	lload_0			= 0x1e;			// ? value load a
+															// long
+															// value
 	// from a local variable 0
-	final static short	lload_1			= 0x1f;			// ? value load a long
-														// value
+	final static short	lload_1			= 0x1f;			// ? value load a
+															// long
+															// value
 	// from a local variable 1
-	final static short	aload_0			= 0x2a;			// ? objectref loads a
-														// reference
+	final static short	aload_0			= 0x2a;			// ? objectref loads
+															// a
+															// reference
 	// onto the stack from local
 	// variable 0
-	final static short	aload_1			= 0x2b;			// ? objectref loads a
-														// reference
+	final static short	aload_1			= 0x2b;			// ? objectref loads
+															// a
+															// reference
 	// onto the stack from local
 	// variable 1
-	final static short	aload_2			= 0x2c;			// ? objectref loads a
-														// reference
+	final static short	aload_2			= 0x2c;			// ? objectref loads
+															// a
+															// reference
 	// onto the stack from local
 	// variable 2
-	final static short	aload_3			= 0x2d;			// ? objectref loads a
-														// reference
+	final static short	aload_3			= 0x2d;			// ? objectref loads
+															// a
+															// reference
 	// onto the stack from local
 	// variable 3
 	final static short	iaload			= 0x2e;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value loads
+															// value loads
 	// an int from an array
 	final static short	laload			= 0x2f;			// arrayref, index ?
-														// value load
+															// value load
 	// a long from an array
 	final static short	astore			= 0x3a;			// index objectref ?
-														// stores a
+															// stores a
 	// reference into a local
 	// variable #index
 	final static short	istore_0		= 0x3b;			// value ? store int
-														// value into
+															// value into
 	// variable 0
 	final static short	istore_1		= 0x3c;			// value ? store int
-														// value into
+															// value into
 	// variable 1
 	final static short	istore_2		= 0x3d;			// value ? store int
-														// value into
+															// value into
 	// variable 2
 	final static short	istore_3		= 0x3e;			// value ? store int
-														// value into
+															// value into
 	// variable 3
-	final static short	lstore_0		= 0x3f;			// value ? store a long
-														// value in
+	final static short	lstore_0		= 0x3f;			// value ? store a
+															// long
+															// value in
 	// a local variable 0
 	final static short	dstore_3		= 0x4a;			// value ? stores a
-														// double into
+															// double into
 	// local variable 3
-	final static short	astore_0		= 0x4b;			// objectref ? stores a
+	final static short	astore_0		= 0x4b;			// objectref ?
+															// stores a
 	// reference into local variable
 	// 0
-	final static short	astore_1		= 0x4c;			// objectref ? stores a
+	final static short	astore_1		= 0x4c;			// objectref ?
+															// stores a
 	// reference into local variable
 	// 1
-	final static short	astore_2		= 0x4d;			// objectref ? stores a
+	final static short	astore_2		= 0x4d;			// objectref ?
+															// stores a
 	// reference into local variable
 	// 2
-	final static short	astore_3		= 0x4e;			// objectref ? stores a
+	final static short	astore_3		= 0x4e;			// objectref ?
+															// stores a
 	// reference into local variable
 	// 3
 	final static short	iastore			= 0x4f;			// arrayref, index,
-														// value ?
+															// value ?
 	// stores an int into an array
 	final static short	dup_x1			= 0x5a;			// value2, value1 ?
-														// value1,
+															// value1,
 	// value2, value1 inserts a copy
 	// of the top value into the
 	// stack two values from the top
 	final static short	dup_x2			= 0x5b;			// value3, value2,
-														// value1 ?
+															// value1 ?
 	// value1, value3, value2,
 	// value1 inserts a copy of the
 	// top value into the stack two
@@ -448,8 +495,9 @@
 	// value3, too) or three values
 	// (if value2 is neither double
 	// nor long) from the top
-	final static short	dup2			= 0x5c;			// {value2, value1} ?
-														// {value2,
+	final static short	dup2			= 0x5c;			// {value2, value1}
+															// ?
+															// {value2,
 	// value1}, {value2, value1}
 	// duplicate top two stack words
 	// (two values, if value1 is not
@@ -457,85 +505,85 @@
 	// value, if value1 is double or
 	// long)
 	final static short	dup2_x1			= 0x5d;			// value3, {value2,
-														// value1} ?
+															// value1} ?
 	// {value2, value1}, value3,
 	// {value2, value1} duplicate
 	// two words and insert beneath
 	// third word (see explanation
 	// above)
 	final static short	dup2_x2			= 0x5e;			// {value4, value3},
-														// {value2,
+															// {value2,
 	// value1} ? {value2, value1},
 	// {value4, value3}, {value2,
 	// value1} duplicate two words
 	// and insert beneath fourth
 	// word
 	final static short	swap			= 0x5f;			// value2, value1 ?
-														// value1,
+															// value1,
 	// value2 swaps two top words on
 	// the stack (note that value1
 	// and value2 must not be double
 	// or long)
 	final static short	fmul			= 0x6a;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// multiplies two floats
 	final static short	dmul			= 0x6b;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// multiplies two doubles
 	final static short	idiv			= 0x6c;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// divides two integers
 	final static short	ldiv			= 0x6d;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// divide two longs
 	final static short	fdiv			= 0x6e;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// divides two floats
 	final static short	ddiv			= 0x6f;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// divides two doubles
 	final static short	ishr			= 0x7a;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result int
+															// result int
 	// shift right
 	final static short	lshr			= 0x7b;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// bitwise shift right of a long
 	// value1 by value2 positions
 	final static short	iushr			= 0x7c;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result int
+															// result int
 	// shift right
 	final static short	lushr			= 0x7d;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// bitwise shift right of a long
 	// value1 by value2 positions,
 	// unsigned
 	final static short	iand			= 0x7e;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// performs a logical and on two
 	// integers
 	final static short	land			= 0x7f;			// value1, value2 ?
-														// result
+															// result
 	// bitwise and of two longs
 	final static short	l2d				= 0x8a;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// long to a double
 	final static short	f2i				= 0x8b;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// float to an int
 	final static short	f2l				= 0x8c;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// float to a long
 	final static short	f2d				= 0x8d;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// float to a double
 	final static short	d2i				= 0x8e;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// double to an int
 	final static short	d2l				= 0x8f;			// value ? result
-														// converts a
+															// converts a
 	// double to a long
 	final static short	ifne			= 0x9a;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is not 0,
 	// branch to instruction at
 	// branchoffset (signed short
@@ -543,7 +591,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	iflt			= 0x9b;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is less than
 	// 0, branch to instruction at
 	// branchoffset (signed short
@@ -551,7 +599,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	ifge			= 0x9c;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is greater
 	// than or equal to 0, branch to
 	// instruction at branchoffset
@@ -560,7 +608,7 @@
 	// branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	ifgt			= 0x9d;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is greater
 	// than 0, branch to instruction
 	// at branchoffset (signed short
@@ -568,7 +616,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	ifle			= 0x9e;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is less than
 	// or equal to 0, branch to
 	// instruction at branchoffset
@@ -577,7 +625,7 @@
 	// branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_icmpeq		= 0x9f;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if ints are
 	// equal, branch to instruction
 	// at branchoffset (signed short
@@ -585,7 +633,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_icmpne		= 0xa0;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if ints are
 	// not equal, branch to
 	// instruction at branchoffset
@@ -594,7 +642,7 @@
 	// branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_icmplt		= 0xa1;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if value1 is
 	// less than value2, branch to
 	// instruction at branchoffset
@@ -603,7 +651,7 @@
 	// branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_icmpge		= 0xa2;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if value1 is
 	// greater than or equal to
 	// value2, branch to instruction
@@ -612,7 +660,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_icmpgt		= 0xa3;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if value1 is
 	// greater than value2, branch
 	// to instruction at
@@ -621,7 +669,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_icmple		= 0xa4;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if value1 is
 	// less than or equal to value2,
 	// branch to instruction at
@@ -630,7 +678,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_acmpeq		= 0xa5;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if
 	// references are equal, branch
 	// to instruction at
@@ -639,7 +687,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	if_acmpne		= 0xa6;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value1, value2 ? if
 	// references are not equal,
 	// branch to instruction at
@@ -648,7 +696,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	goto_			= 0xa7;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2 [no
+															// branchbyte2 [no
 	// change] goes to another
 	// instruction at branchoffset
 	// (signed short constructed
@@ -656,7 +704,7 @@
 	// branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	jsr				= 0xa8;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2 ?
+															// branchbyte2 ?
 	// address jump to subroutine at
 	// branchoffset (signed short
 	// constructed from unsigned
@@ -664,12 +712,13 @@
 	// branchbyte2) and place the
 	// return address on the stack
 	final static short	ret				= 0xa9;			// index [No change]
-														// continue
+															// continue
 	// execution from address taken
 	// from a local variable #index
 	// (the asymmetry with jsr is
 	// intentional)
-	final static short	tableswitch		= 0xaa;			// [0-3 bytes padding],
+	final static short	tableswitch		= 0xaa;			// [0-3 bytes
+															// padding],
 	// defaultbyte1, defaultbyte2,
 	// defaultbyte3, defaultbyte4,
 	// lowbyte1, lowbyte2, lowbyte3,
@@ -679,7 +728,8 @@
 	// index ? continue execution
 	// from an address in the table
 	// at offset index
-	final static short	lookupswitch	= 0xab;			// <0-3 bytes padding>,
+	final static short	lookupswitch	= 0xab;			// <0-3 bytes
+															// padding>,
 	// defaultbyte1, defaultbyte2,
 	// defaultbyte3, defaultbyte4,
 	// npairs1, npairs2, npairs3,
@@ -690,32 +740,34 @@
 	// execution continues from the
 	// instruction at that address
 	final static short	ireturn			= 0xac;			// value ? [empty]
-														// returns an
+															// returns an
 	// integer from a method
 	final static short	lreturn			= 0xad;			// value ? [empty]
-														// returns a
+															// returns a
 	// long value
 	final static short	freturn			= 0xae;			// value ? [empty]
-														// returns a
+															// returns a
 	// float
 	final static short	dreturn			= 0xaf;			// value ? [empty]
-														// returns a
+															// returns a
 	// double from a method
-	final static short	areturn			= 0xb0;			// objectref ? [empty]
-														// returns a
+	final static short	areturn			= 0xb0;			// objectref ?
+															// [empty]
+															// returns a
 	// reference from a method
-	final static short	return_			= 0xb1;			// ? [empty] return void
-														// from
+	final static short	return_			= 0xb1;			// ? [empty] return
+															// void
+															// from
 	// method
 	final static short	getstatic		= 0xb2;			// index1, index2 ?
-														// value gets a
+															// value gets a
 	// static field value of a
 	// class, where the field is
 	// identified by field reference
 	// in the constant pool index
 	// (index1 << 8 + index2)
 	final static short	putstatic		= 0xb3;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2 value
+															// indexbyte2 value
 	// ? set static field to value
 	// in a class, where the field
 	// is identified by a field
@@ -723,7 +775,7 @@
 	// pool (indexbyte1 << 8 +
 	// indexbyte2)
 	final static short	getfield		= 0xb4;			// index1, index2
-														// objectref ?
+															// objectref ?
 	// value gets a field value of
 	// an object objectref, where
 	// the field is identified by
@@ -731,7 +783,7 @@
 	// constant pool index (index1
 	// << 8 + index2)
 	final static short	putfield		= 0xb5;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2
+															// indexbyte2
 	// objectref, value ? set field
 	// to value in an object
 	// objectref, where the field is
@@ -740,7 +792,7 @@
 	// pool (indexbyte1 << 8 +
 	// indexbyte2)
 	final static short	invokevirtual	= 0xb6;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2
+															// indexbyte2
 	// objectref, [arg1, arg2, ...]
 	// ? invoke virtual method on
 	// object objectref, where the
@@ -749,7 +801,7 @@
 	// constant pool (indexbyte1 <<
 	// 8 + indexbyte2)
 	final static short	invokespecial	= 0xb7;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2
+															// indexbyte2
 	// objectref, [arg1, arg2, ...]
 	// ? invoke instance method on
 	// object objectref, where the
@@ -758,7 +810,7 @@
 	// constant pool (indexbyte1 <<
 	// 8 + indexbyte2)
 	final static short	invokestatic	= 0xb8;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2 [arg1,
+															// indexbyte2 [arg1,
 	// arg2, ...] ? invoke a static
 	// method, where the method is
 	// identified by method
@@ -766,7 +818,7 @@
 	// pool (indexbyte1 << 8 +
 	// indexbyte2)
 	final static short	invokeinterface	= 0xb9;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2,
+															// indexbyte2,
 	// count, 0 objectref, [arg1,
 	// arg2, ...] ? invokes an
 	// interface method on object
@@ -777,22 +829,22 @@
 	// pool (indexbyte1 << 8 +
 	// indexbyte2)
 	final static short	xxxunusedxxx	= 0xba;			// this opcode is
-														// reserved "for
+															// reserved "for
 	// historical reasons"
 	final static short	new_			= 0xbb;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2 ?
+															// indexbyte2 ?
 	// objectref creates new object
 	// of type identified by class
 	// reference in constant pool
 	// index (indexbyte1 << 8 +
 	// indexbyte2)
 	final static short	newarray		= 0xbc;			// atype count ?
-														// arrayref
+															// arrayref
 	// creates new array with count
 	// elements of primitive type
 	// identified by atype
 	final static short	anewarray		= 0xbd;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2 count
+															// indexbyte2 count
 	// ? arrayref creates a new
 	// array of references of length
 	// count and component type
@@ -801,16 +853,17 @@
 	// << 8 + indexbyte2) in the
 	// constant pool
 	final static short	arraylength		= 0xbe;			// arrayref ? length
-														// gets the
+															// gets the
 	// length of an array
-	final static short	athrow			= 0xbf;			// objectref ? [empty],
+	final static short	athrow			= 0xbf;			// objectref ?
+															// [empty],
 	// objectref throws an error or
 	// exception (notice that the
 	// rest of the stack is cleared,
 	// leaving only a reference to
 	// the Throwable)
 	final static short	checkcast		= 0xc0;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2
+															// indexbyte2
 	// objectref ? objectref checks
 	// whether an objectref is of a
 	// certain type, the class
@@ -819,7 +872,7 @@
 	// (indexbyte1 << 8 +
 	// indexbyte2)
 	final static short	instanceof_		= 0xc1;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2
+															// indexbyte2
 	// objectref ? result determines
 	// if an object objectref is of
 	// a given type, identified by
@@ -827,19 +880,20 @@
 	// constant pool (indexbyte1 <<
 	// 8 + indexbyte2)
 	final static short	monitorenter	= 0xc2;			// objectref ? enter
-														// monitor for
+															// monitor for
 	// object ("grab the lock" -
 	// start of synchronized()
 	// section)
 	final static short	monitorexit		= 0xc3;			// objectref ? exit
-														// monitor for
+															// monitor for
 	// object ("release the lock" -
 	// end of synchronized()
 	// section)
-	final static short	wide			= 0xc4;			// opcode, indexbyte1,
+	final static short	wide			= 0xc4;			// opcode,
+															// indexbyte1,
 	// indexbyte2
 	final static short	multianewarray	= 0xc5;			// indexbyte1,
-														// indexbyte2,
+															// indexbyte2,
 	// dimensions count1,
 	// [count2,...] ? arrayref
 	// create a new array of
@@ -852,7 +906,7 @@
 	// each dimension is identified
 	// by count1, [count2, etc]
 	final static short	ifnull			= 0xc6;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is null,
 	// branch to instruction at
 	// branchoffset (signed short
@@ -860,7 +914,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	ifnonnull		= 0xc7;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2
+															// branchbyte2
 	// value ? if value is not null,
 	// branch to instruction at
 	// branchoffset (signed short
@@ -868,7 +922,7 @@
 	// bytes branchbyte1 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte2)
 	final static short	goto_w			= 0xc8;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2,
+															// branchbyte2,
 	// branchbyte3, branchbyte4 [no
 	// change] goes to another
 	// instruction at branchoffset
@@ -878,7 +932,7 @@
 	// branchbyte3 << 8 +
 	// branchbyte4)
 	final static short	jsr_w			= 0xc9;			// branchbyte1,
-														// branchbyte2,
+															// branchbyte2,
 	// branchbyte3, branchbyte4 ?
 	// address jump to subroutine at
 	// branchoffset (signed int
@@ -889,7 +943,7 @@
 	// branchbyte4) and place the
 	// return address on the stack
 	final static short	breakpoint		= 0xca;			// reserved for
-														// breakpoints in
+															// breakpoints in
 	// Java debuggers; should not
 	// appear in any class file
 	final static short	impdep1			= 0xfe;			// reserved for