FELIX-284 Missed adding the scr command for the Felix Shell

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@597658 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/ScrCommand.java b/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/ScrCommand.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb77d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scr/src/main/java/org/apache/felix/scr/impl/ScrCommand.java
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.felix.scr.impl;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Dictionary;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.Component;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.Reference;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService;
+import org.apache.felix.shell.Command;
+import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
+import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
+public class ScrCommand implements Command
+    private static final String HELP_CMD = "help";
+    private static final String LIST_CMD = "list";
+    private static final String INFO_CMD = "info";
+    private static final String ENABLE_CMD = "enable";
+    private static final String DISABLE_CMD = "disable";
+    private final BundleContext bundleContext;
+    private final ScrService scrService;
+    ScrCommand( BundleContext bundleContext, ScrService scrService )
+    {
+        this.bundleContext = bundleContext;
+        this.scrService = scrService;
+    }
+    public String getName()
+    {
+        return "scr";
+    }
+    public String getUsage()
+    {
+        return "scr help";
+    }
+    public String getShortDescription()
+    {
+        return "Declarative Services Runtime";
+    }
+    public void execute( String commandLine, PrintStream out, PrintStream err )
+    {
+        // Parse the commandLine to get the OBR command.
+        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( commandLine );
+        // Ignore the invoking command.
+        st.nextToken();
+        // Try to get the OBR command, default is HELP command.
+        String command = HELP_CMD;
+        try
+        {
+            command = st.nextToken();
+        }
+        catch ( Exception ex )
+        {
+            // Ignore.
+        }
+        // Perform the specified command.
+        if ( ( command == null ) || ( command.equals( HELP_CMD ) ) )
+        {
+            help( out, st );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( command.equals( LIST_CMD ) )
+            {
+                list( st, out, err );
+            }
+            else if ( command.equals( INFO_CMD ) )
+            {
+                info( st, out, err );
+            }
+            else if ( command.equals( ENABLE_CMD ) )
+            {
+                change( st, out, err, true );
+            }
+            else if ( command.equals( DISABLE_CMD ) )
+            {
+                change( st, out, err, false );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                err.println( "Unknown command: " + command );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void list( StringTokenizer st, PrintStream out, PrintStream err )
+    {
+        Component[] components;
+        if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
+        {
+            String bid = st.nextToken();
+            try
+            {
+                long bundleId = Long.parseLong( bid );
+                Bundle bundle = bundleContext.getBundle( bundleId );
+                if ( bundle == null )
+                {
+                    err.println( "Missing bundle with ID " + bundleId );
+                    return;
+                }
+                components = scrService.getComponents( bundle );
+                if ( components == null )
+                {
+                    out.println( "Bundle " + bundleId + " declares no components" );
+                }
+            }
+            catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
+            {
+                err.println( "Cannot parse " + bid + " to a bundleId" );
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            components = scrService.getComponents();
+            if ( components == null )
+            {
+                out.println( "No components registered" );
+            }
+        }
+        out.println( "   Id   State          Name" );
+        for ( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
+        {
+            out.print( '[' );
+            out.print( pad( String.valueOf( components[i].getId() ), -4 ) );
+            out.print( "] [" );
+            out.print( pad( toStateString( components[i].getState() ), 13 ) );
+            out.print( "] " );
+            out.print( components[i].getName() );
+            out.println();
+        }
+    }
+    private void info( StringTokenizer st, PrintStream out, PrintStream err )
+    {
+        Component component = getComponentFromArg( st, err );
+        if ( component == null )
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        out.print( "ID: " );
+        out.println( component.getId() );
+        out.print( "Name: " );
+        out.println( component.getName() );
+        out.print( "Bundle: " );
+        out.println( component.getBundle().getSymbolicName() + " (" + component.getBundle().getBundleId() + ")" );
+        out.print( "State: " );
+        out.println( toStateString( component.getState() ) );
+        out.print( "Default State: " );
+        out.println( component.isDefaultEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
+        out.print( "Activation: " );
+        out.println( component.isImmediate() ? "immediate" : "delayed" );
+        if ( component.getFactory() != null )
+        {
+            out.print( "Factory: " );
+            out.println( component.getFactory() );
+        }
+        String[] services = component.getServices();
+        if ( services != null )
+        {
+            out.print( "Services: " );
+            out.println( services[0] );
+            for ( int i = 1; i < services.length; i++ )
+            {
+                out.print( "          " );
+                out.println( services[i] );
+            }
+            out.print( "Service Type: " );
+            out.println( component.isServiceFactory() ? "service factory" : "service" );
+        }
+        Reference[] refs = component.getReferences();
+        if ( refs != null )
+        {
+            for ( int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++ )
+            {
+                out.print( "Reference: " );
+                out.println( refs[i].getName() );
+                out.print( "    Satisfied: " );
+                out.println( refs[i].isSatisfied() ? "satisfied" : "unsatisfied" );
+                out.print( "    Service Name: " );
+                out.println( refs[i].getServiceName() );
+                if ( refs[i].getTarget() != null )
+                {
+                    out.print( "    Target Filter: " );
+                    out.println( refs[i].getTarget() );
+                }
+                out.print( "    Multiple: " );
+                out.println( refs[i].isMultiple() ? "multiple" : "single" );
+                out.print( "    Optional: " );
+                out.println( refs[i].isOptional() ? "optional" : "mandatory" );
+                out.print( "    Policy: " );
+                out.println( refs[i].isStatic() ? "static" : "dynamic" );
+            }
+        }
+        Dictionary props = component.getProperties();
+        if ( props != null )
+        {
+            out.println( "Properties:" );
+            TreeSet keys = new TreeSet( Collections.list( props.keys() ) );
+            for ( Iterator ki = keys.iterator(); ki.hasNext(); )
+            {
+                Object key = ki.next();
+                out.print( "    " );
+                out.print( key );
+                out.print( " = " );
+                Object prop = props.get( key );
+                if ( prop.getClass().isArray() )
+                {
+                    prop = Arrays.asList( ( Object[] ) prop );
+                }
+                out.print( prop );
+                out.println();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void change( StringTokenizer st, PrintStream out, PrintStream err, boolean enable )
+    {
+        Component component = getComponentFromArg( st, err );
+        if ( component == null )
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+        if ( component.getState() == Component.STATE_DESTROYED )
+        {
+            err.println( "Component " + component.getName() + " already destroyed, cannot change state" );
+        }
+        else if ( enable )
+        {
+            if ( component.getState() == Component.STATE_DISABLED )
+            {
+                component.enable();
+                out.println( "Component " + component.getName() + " enabled" );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                out.println( "Component " + component.getName() + " already enabled" );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ( component.getState() != Component.STATE_DISABLED )
+            {
+                component.disable();
+                out.println( "Componnent " + component.getName() + " disabled" );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                out.println( "Component " + component.getName() + " already disabled" );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private void help( PrintStream out, StringTokenizer st )
+    {
+        String command = HELP_CMD;
+        if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
+        {
+            command = st.nextToken();
+        }
+        if ( command.equals( LIST_CMD ) )
+        {
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "scr " + LIST_CMD + " [ <bundleId> ]" );
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "This command lists registered components. If a bundle ID is\n"
+                + "added, only the components of the selected bundles are listed." );
+            out.println( "" );
+        }
+        else if ( command.equals( INFO_CMD ) )
+        {
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "scr " + INFO_CMD + " <componentId>" );
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "This command dumps information of the component whose\n"
+                + "component ID is given as command argument." );
+            out.println( "" );
+        }
+        else if ( command.equals( ENABLE_CMD ) )
+        {
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "scr " + ENABLE_CMD + " <componentId>" );
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "This command enables the component whose component ID\n" + "is given as command argument." );
+            out.println( "" );
+        }
+        else if ( command.equals( DISABLE_CMD ) )
+        {
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "scr " + DISABLE_CMD + " <componentId>" );
+            out.println( "" );
+            out.println( "This command disables the component whose component ID\n" + "is given as command argument." );
+            out.println( "" );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            out.println( "scr " + HELP_CMD + " [" + LIST_CMD + "]" );
+            out.println( "scr " + LIST_CMD + " [ <bundleId> ]" );
+            out.println( "scr " + INFO_CMD + " <componentId>" );
+            out.println( "scr " + ENABLE_CMD + " <componentId>" );
+            out.println( "scr " + DISABLE_CMD + " <componentId>" );
+        }
+    }
+    private String pad( String value, int size )
+    {
+        boolean right = size < 0;
+        size = right ? -size : size;
+        if ( value.length() >= size )
+        {
+            return value;
+        }
+        char[] buf = new char[size];
+        int padLen = size - value.length();
+        int valOff = right ? padLen : 0;
+        int padOff = right ? 0 : value.length();
+        value.getChars( 0, value.length(), buf, valOff );
+        Arrays.fill( buf, padOff, padOff + padLen, ' ' );
+        return new String( buf );
+    }
+    private String toStateString( int state )
+    {
+        switch ( state )
+        {
+            case Component.STATE_DISABLED:
+                return "disabled";
+            case Component.STATE_ENABLED:
+                return "enabled";
+            case Component.STATE_UNSATISFIED:
+                return "unsatisifed";
+            case Component.STATE_ACTIVATING:
+                return "activating";
+            case Component.STATE_ACTIVE:
+                return "active";
+            case Component.STATE_REGISTERED:
+                return "registered";
+            case Component.STATE_FACTORY:
+                return "factory";
+            case Component.STATE_DEACTIVATING:
+                return "deactivating";
+            case Component.STATE_DESTROYED:
+                return "destroyed";
+            default:
+                return String.valueOf( state );
+        }
+    }
+    private Component getComponentFromArg( StringTokenizer st, PrintStream err )
+    {
+        Component component = null;
+        if ( st.hasMoreTokens() )
+        {
+            String cid = st.nextToken();
+            try
+            {
+                long componentId = Long.parseLong( cid );
+                component = scrService.getComponent( componentId );
+                if ( component == null )
+                {
+                    err.println( "Missing Component with ID " + componentId );
+                }
+            }
+            catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
+            {
+                err.println( "Cannot parse " + cid + " to a componentId" );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            err.println( "Component ID required" );
+        }
+        return component;
+    }