Update doc
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@796268 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/ipojo/handler/extender/doc/extender-pattern-handler_files/shBrushXml.js b/ipojo/handler/extender/doc/extender-pattern-handler_files/shBrushXml.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941ad57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipojo/handler/extender/doc/extender-pattern-handler_files/shBrushXml.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+dp.sh.Brushes.Xml = function()
+ this.CssClass = 'dp-xml';
+dp.sh.Brushes.Xml.prototype = new dp.sh.Highlighter();
+dp.sh.Brushes.Xml.Aliases = ['xml', 'xhtml', 'xslt', 'html', 'xhtml'];
+dp.sh.Brushes.Xml.prototype.ProcessRegexList = function()
+ function push(array, value)
+ {
+ array[array.length] = value;
+ }
+ /* If only there was a way to get index of a group within a match, the whole XML
+ could be matched with the expression looking something like that:
+ (<!\[CDATA\[\s*.*\s*\]\]>)
+ | (<!--\s*.*\s*?-->)
+ | (<)*(\w+)*\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(".*?"|'.*?'|\w+)(/*>)*
+ | (</?)(.*?)(/?>)
+ */
+ var index = 0;
+ var match = null;
+ var regex = null;
+ // Match CDATA in the following format <![ ... [ ... ]]>
+ // <\!\[[\w\s]*?\[(.|\s)*?\]\]>
+ this.GetMatches(new RegExp('<\\!\\[[\\w\\s]*?\\[(.|\\s)*?\\]\\]>', 'gm'), 'cdata');
+ // Match comments
+ // <!--\s*.*\s*?-->
+ this.GetMatches(new RegExp('<!--\\s*.*\\s*?-->', 'gm'), 'comments');
+ // Match attributes and their values
+ // (\w+)\s*=\s*(".*?"|\'.*?\'|\w+)*
+ regex = new RegExp('([\\w-\.]+)\\s*=\\s*(".*?"|\'.*?\'|\\w+)*', 'gm');
+ while((match = regex.exec(this.code)) != null)
+ {
+ push(this.matches, new dp.sh.Match(match[1], match.index, 'attribute'));
+ // if xml is invalid and attribute has no property value, ignore it
+ if(match[2] != undefined)
+ {
+ push(this.matches, new dp.sh.Match(match[2], match.index + match[0].indexOf(match[2]), 'attribute-value'));
+ }
+ }
+ // Match opening and closing tag brackets
+ // </*\?*(?!\!)|/*\?*>
+ this.GetMatches(new RegExp('</*\\?*(?!\\!)|/*\\?*>', 'gm'), 'tag');
+ // Match tag names
+ // </*\?*\s*(\w+)
+ regex = new RegExp('</*\\?*\\s*([\\w-\.]+)', 'gm');
+ while((match = regex.exec(this.code)) != null)
+ {
+ push(this.matches, new dp.sh.Match(match[1], match.index + match[0].indexOf(match[1]), 'tag-name'));
+ }