cleanup and comments

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala
index 9ab6e91..b5ec325 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala
@@ -20,15 +20,13 @@
 import java.util. { Hashtable => jHT }
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
 import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext
-import org.osgi.service.http.HttpService
-import org.apache.felix.servicediagnostics._
+import org.apache.felix.servicediagnostics.ServiceDiagnostics
+import org.apache.felix.servicediagnostics.ServiceDiagnosticsPlugin
 import org.apache.felix.servicediagnostics.webconsole.WebConsolePlugin
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala
index 00be218..a2eaf6c 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala
@@ -66,11 +66,19 @@
-     * returns a map of ( -> list( of unresolvable services, if any
+     * Implements ServiceDiagnostics.unresolved.
+     * 
+     * Returns a map of ( -> list( of unresolvable services, if any.
+     * 
+     * This methods first attempts to resolve all possible paths by traversing the graph 
+     * of components dependencies, entering the graph from its outer nodes. 
+     * Then it returns the list of unresolvable components by subtraction of the resolved components
+     * from the original graph. This is done because "perfect loops" have no border node and are 
+     * therefore "invisible" to the traversing algorithm.
     override def unresolved :Map[String, List[String]] = 
-        // first build a traversable graph from all found component and dependencies
+        // first build a traversable graph from all found components and dependencies
         def buildGraph(link:(Node,Node)=>Unit) = {
             // concatenate component nodes from all plugins
             val allnodes = for ( p <- plugins; comp <- p.components ) yield new Node(comp)
@@ -117,31 +125,27 @@
         } yield resolve(node)).flatten.toSet
         // finally filter the original graph by removing all resolved nodes
-        // and format the result
+        // and format the result (keeping only the names)
         (for (node <- graph.filterNot(n => resolved.contains(n)))
-          yield ( ->
+            yield ( ->
-    * Implements ServiceDiagnostics.allServices.
-    */
+     * Implements ServiceDiagnostics.allServices.
+     */
     override def allServices:Map[String,List[String]] = 
         val allrefs = bc.getAllServiceReferences(null, null)
         if (allrefs == null) return Map()
-        /*
-         * inner method used to return all the interface names a ServiceReference was registered under
-         */
+        // inner method used to return all the interface names a ServiceReference was registered under
         def names(ref:ServiceReference):Array[String] = 
             val n = ref.getProperty(OBJECTCLASS)
             if (n != null) n.asInstanceOf[Array[String]] else Array()
-        /*
-         * inner method used to return all the bundles using a given ServiceReference
-         */
+        // inner method used to return all the bundles using a given ServiceReference
         def using(ref:ServiceReference):List[String] = 
             val u = ref.getUsingBundles