Latest bnd code

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/bnd/make/ b/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/bnd/make/
index 581deb7..29e5353 100644
--- a/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/bnd/make/
+++ b/bundleplugin/src/main/java/aQute/bnd/make/
@@ -9,57 +9,55 @@
 import aQute.lib.osgi.*;
 public class MakeBnd implements MakePlugin, Constants {
-    final static Pattern JARFILE = Pattern.compile("(.+)\\.(jar|ipa)");
+	final static Pattern	JARFILE	= Pattern.compile("(.+)\\.(jar|ipa)");
-    public Resource make(Builder builder, String destination,
-            Map<String, String> argumentsOnMake) throws Exception {
-        String type = argumentsOnMake.get("type");
-        if (!"bnd".equals(type))
-            return null;
+	public Resource make(Builder builder, String destination, Map<String,String> argumentsOnMake) throws Exception {
+		String type = argumentsOnMake.get("type");
+		if (!"bnd".equals(type))
+			return null;
-        String recipe = argumentsOnMake.get("recipe");
-        if (recipe == null) {
-            builder.error("No recipe specified on a make instruction for "
-                    + destination);
-            return null;
-        }
-        File bndfile = builder.getFile(recipe);
-        if (bndfile.isFile()) {
-            // We do not use a parent because then we would
-            // build ourselves again. So we can not blindly
-            // inherit the properties.
-            Builder bchild = builder.getSubBuilder();
-            bchild.removeBundleSpecificHeaders();
-            // We must make sure that we do not include ourselves again!
-            bchild.setProperty(Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE, "");
-            bchild.setProperty(Analyzer.INCLUDERESOURCE, "");
-            bchild.setProperties(bndfile, builder.getBase());
-            Jar jar =;
-            Jar dot = builder.getTarget();
+		String recipe = argumentsOnMake.get("recipe");
+		if (recipe == null) {
+			builder.error("No recipe specified on a make instruction for " + destination);
+			return null;
+		}
+		File bndfile = builder.getFile(recipe);
+		if (bndfile.isFile()) {
+			// We do not use a parent because then we would
+			// build ourselves again. So we can not blindly
+			// inherit the properties.
+			Builder bchild = builder.getSubBuilder();
+			bchild.removeBundleSpecificHeaders();
-            if (builder.hasSources()) {
-                for (String key : jar.getResources().keySet()) {
-                    if (key.startsWith("OSGI-OPT/src"))
-                        dot.putResource(key, jar.getResource(key));
-                }
-            }
-            builder.getInfo(bchild, bndfile.getName() +": ");
-            String debug = bchild.getProperty(DEBUG);
-            if (Processor.isTrue(debug)) {
-                if ( builder instanceof ProjectBuilder ) {
-                    ProjectBuilder pb = (ProjectBuilder) builder;
-                    File target = pb.getProject().getTarget();
-                    String bsn = bchild.getBsn();
-                    File output = new File(target, bsn+".jar");
-                    jar.write(output);
-                    pb.getProject().getWorkspace().changedFile(output);
-                }
-            }
-            return new JarResource(jar);
-        } else
-            return null;
-    }
+			// We must make sure that we do not include ourselves again!
+			bchild.setProperty(Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE, "");
+			bchild.setProperty(Analyzer.INCLUDERESOURCE, "");
+			bchild.setProperties(bndfile, builder.getBase());
+			Jar jar =;
+			Jar dot = builder.getTarget();
+			if (builder.hasSources()) {
+				for (String key : jar.getResources().keySet()) {
+					if (key.startsWith("OSGI-OPT/src"))
+						dot.putResource(key, jar.getResource(key));
+				}
+			}
+			builder.getInfo(bchild, bndfile.getName() + ": ");
+			String debug = bchild.getProperty(DEBUG);
+			if (Processor.isTrue(debug)) {
+				if (builder instanceof ProjectBuilder) {
+					ProjectBuilder pb = (ProjectBuilder) builder;
+					File target = pb.getProject().getTarget();
+					String bsn = bchild.getBsn();
+					File output = new File(target, bsn + ".jar");
+					jar.write(output);
+					pb.getProject().getWorkspace().changedFile(output);
+				}
+			}
+			return new JarResource(jar);
+		} else
+			return null;
+	}