support optional loops in CLI and logical expressions in graph filter + js cleanup
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/changelog.txt b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/changelog.txt
index fffa2b4..9836618 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/changelog.txt
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/changelog.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
* new visualisations of the service registry: service providers, using
bundles, and bundles wiring via services
* show components as implementations and services as interfaces
+ * graph filter supports basic logical expressions
Changes from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/pom.xml b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/pom.xml
index 012e8ed..f4c3c3f 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/pom.xml
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/pom.xml
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
+ <exclude>src/main/resources/html/js/diagnostics.js</exclude>
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/index.html b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/index.html
index adc416f..d189724 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/index.html
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/index.html
@@ -18,246 +18,33 @@
* under the License.
- <script type="text/javascript">
+<script type="text/javascript" src="servicegraph/html/js/raphael-1.3.1.min.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="servicegraph/html/js/graffle-1.3.1.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="servicegraph/html/js/graph.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="servicegraph/html/js/diagnostics.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
-var _redraw
-var height = 600
-var width = 1000
-DEBUG = false
-debug = function (obj) { if(DEBUG && console) console.debug(obj) }
-function isEmpty(obj) {
- for (var key in obj) return false
- return true
-var services
-var grapher
-// from graph demo @
-function graphUnavail(json) {
- $("#legend").html("Bubbles are components, dotted squares are missing required dependencies.")
- var g = new Graph()
- var empty = true
- notavail = json.notavail
- for (s in notavail) {
- empty = false
- for (i = 0; i < notavail[s].length; i++) {
- // point unregistered service to dependency name
- var dep = notavail[s][i]
- g.addNode(dep, {
- getShape : function(r,x,y) {
- // create a dashed square shape to differentiate the missing dependency
- return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({
- "fill": "#f00",
- "stroke": "gray",
- "stroke-width": 2,
- "stroke-dasharray": "--"
- })
- }
- })
- g.addEdge(s, dep, { directed : true } )
- }
- }
- // warn unresolved
- if (json.unresolved && !isEmpty(json.unresolved))
- $("#warning").html("circular dependencies detected! <a href='javascript:graphUnresolved()'>(show)</a>")
- else
- $("#warning").html("") //clear previous
- if (empty) {
- $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry status OK: No unresolved service found."))
- }
- else showGraph(g)
-function graphUnresolved() {
- grapher = graphUnresolved
- $("#legend").html("Bubbles are unresolvable components linked to each other.")
- var g = new Graph()
- var unresolved = services.unresolved
- for (s in unresolved) {
- for (i = 0; i < unresolved[s].length; i++) {
- g.addEdge(s, unresolved[s][i], { directed : true } )
- }
- }
- showGraph(g)
-function graphUsingServices(json) {
- $("#legend").html("Black squares are bundles, pointing to the services they use.")
- var g = new Graph()
- var empty = true
- for (s in json) {
- empty = false
- for (i = 0; i < json[s].length; i++) {
- // point using bundle to service name
- var bundle = json[s][i]
- g.addNode(bundle, {
- getShape : function(r,x,y) {
- // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
- return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 2})
- }
- })
- g.addEdge(bundle, s, { directed : true } )
- }
- }
- if (empty) {
- $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry empty: no service found."))
- }
- else showGraph(g)
-function graphServiceProviders(json) {
- $("#legend").html("Black squares are bundles, pointing to the services they provide.")
- var g = new Graph()
- var empty = true
- for (bundle in json) {
- empty = false
- g.addNode(bundle, {
- getShape : function(r,x,y) {
- // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
- return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 2})
- }
- })
- for (i = 0; i < json[bundle].length; i++) {
- // point bundle to service name
- var service = json[bundle][i]
- g.addEdge(bundle, service, { directed : true } )
- }
- }
- if (empty) {
- $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry empty: no service found."))
- }
- else showGraph(g)
-function graphB2B(json) {
- $("#legend").html("Black squares are bundles, pointing to the bundles they use for their services.")
- var g = new Graph()
- var empty = true
- for (provider in json) {
- empty = false
- g.addNode(provider, {
- getShape : function(r,x,y) {
- // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
- return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 1})
- }
- })
- for (i = 0; i < json[provider].length; i++) {
- // point using bundle to provider bundle
- var user = json[provider][i]
- g.addNode(user, {
- getShape : function(r,x,y) {
- // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
- return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"stroke-width": 2})
- }
- })
- g.addEdge(user, provider, { directed : true } )
- }
- }
- if (empty) {
- $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry empty: no service found."))
- }
- else showGraph(g)
-function showGraph(g) {
- debug(g)
- $("#warning").html("")
- /* layout the graph using the Spring layout implementation */
- var layouter = new Graph.Layout.Spring(g)
- layouter.layout()
- /* draw the graph using the RaphaelJS draw implementation */
- $("#canvas").empty()
- var renderer = new Graph.Renderer.Raphael('canvas', g, width, height)
- renderer.draw()
- _redraw = function() {
- layouter.layout()
- renderer.draw()
- }
- $("#filterdiv").show()
-function redraw() {
- var filter = $("#filter").val()
- if (filter) {
- var grep = {}
- for (s in services) if (s.indexOf(filter) >= 0) grep[s] = services[s]
- grapher(grep)
- } else {
- grapher(services)
- }
-function loadUnavail() {
- var withOpt = ""
- if ($("#optionals").attr("checked")) withOpt = "?optionals=true"
- grapher = graphUnavail
- loadServices("notavail"+withOpt)
-function loadServiceProviders() {
- grapher = graphServiceProviders
- loadServices("providing")
-function loadServiceUsers() {
- grapher = graphUsingServices
- loadServices("using")
-function loadB2B() {
- grapher = graphB2B
- loadServices("b2b")
-function loadServices(cmd) {
- $("#canvas").html("Loading data. Please wait...")
- $.ajax({
- url: "servicegraph/"+cmd,
- dataType: "json",
- success: function(json){
- services = json
- debug("Got services")
- debug(json)
- grapher(json)
- }
- })
/* only do all this when document has finished loading (needed for RaphaelJS) */
- $.getScript("servicegraph/html/js/raphael-1.3.1.min.js")
- $.getScript("servicegraph/html/js/graffle-1.3.1.js")
- $.getScript("servicegraph/html/js/graph.js")
- .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:loadServiceProviders()").html("Show Service Providers"))
- .append($("<span>").html(" | "))
- .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:loadServiceUsers()").html("Show Service Users"))
- .append($("<span>").html(" | "))
- .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:loadB2B()").html("Show Bundles Dependencies"))
- .append($("<span>").html(" | "))
- .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:loadUnavail()").html("Show Not Avail"))
- .append($("<span>").html(" "))
- .append($("<input>").attr("id", "optionals").attr("type", "checkbox"))
- .append($("<span>").html("Include optionals in loops"))
+ .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:Providers.load()").html("Show Service Providers"))
+ .append($("<span>").html(" | "))
+ .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:Users.load()").html("Show Service Users"))
+ .append($("<span>").html(" | "))
+ .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:B2B.load()").html("Show Bundles Dependencies"))
+ .append($("<span>").html(" | "))
+ .append($("<a>").attr("href", "javascript:Unavail.load()").html("Show Not Avail"))
+ .append($("<span>").html(" ("))
+ .append($("<input>").attr("id", "optionals").attr("type", "checkbox"))
+ .append($("<span>").html("Include optionals in loop detection)"))
+ width = document.width
+ height = document.height
- </script>
#actions a { color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; }
#warning { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
@@ -265,7 +52,10 @@
<div id="servicegraph">
<span id="actions"></span> <span id="warning"></span>
-<div id="filterdiv">Filter: <input type="text" id="filter"/><button id="redraw" onclick="redraw();">redraw</button></div>
+<div id="filterdiv">
+ Filter: <input type="text" id="filter"/><button id="redraw" onclick="SD.doFilter();">redraw</button>
+ (Supports basic logical expressions with !,&,|, like "felix & !http")
<div><span id="legend"></span> <span>(All nodes can be dragged around)</span></div>
<div id="canvas"></div>
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/js/diagnostics.js b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/js/diagnostics.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..393ab2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/resources/html/js/diagnostics.js
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+var DEBUG = false
+var debug = function (obj) { if(DEBUG && console) console.debug(obj) }
+function isEmpty(obj) {
+ for (var key in obj) return false
+ return true
+function grep(source, f) {
+ var greped = {}
+ for (s in source) if (match(s, f.trim())) greped[s] = source[s]
+ return greped
+function match(s,f) {
+ if (f.charAt(0) == "!")
+ return (s.indexOf(f.replace("!","")) < 0)
+ else
+ return (s.indexOf(f) >= 0)
+var SD = {
+ json: {},
+ grapher: {},
+ draw: function(source) {
+ this.grapher.draw(source)
+ },
+ loadServices: function (cmd, grapher) {
+ $("#warning").html("")
+ $("#canvas").html("Loading data. Please wait...")
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "servicegraph/"+cmd,
+ dataType: "json",
+ success: function(json){
+ debug("Got services")
+ debug(json)
+ SD.json = json
+ SD.grapher = grapher
+ grapher.draw(json)
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ alert("request failed on servicegraph/"+cmd)
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ doFilter: function () {
+ var filter = $("#filter").val()
+ if (filter) {
+ var split = filter.split(" ")
+ var greped = {}
+ var action = ""
+ $(split).each(function(i,e) {
+ var tok = e.trim()
+ if (tok == "&" || tok == "|") {
+ action = tok
+ }
+ else if (action == "&") {
+ greped = grep(greped, tok)
+ }
+ else if (action == "|") {
+ var grepf = grep(SD.json, tok)
+ for (s in grepf) greped[s] = grepf[s]
+ }
+ else greped = grep(SD.json, tok)
+ })
+ SD.draw(greped)
+ } else {
+ SD.draw(SD.json)
+ }
+ },
+ showGraffle: function (g) {
+ debug(g)
+ /* layout the graph using the Spring layout implementation */
+ new Graph.Layout.Spring(g).layout()
+ /* draw the graph using the RaphaelJS draw implementation */
+ $("#canvas").empty()
+ new Graph.Renderer.Raphael('canvas', g, width, height).draw()
+ $("#filterdiv").show()
+ }
+Unavail = {
+ load: function() {
+ var withOpt = ""
+ if ($("#optionals").attr("checked")) withOpt = "?optionals=true"
+ SD.loadServices("notavail"+withOpt, this)
+ },
+ draw: function(json) {
+ $("#legend").html("Bubbles are components, dotted squares are missing required dependencies.")
+ var g = new Graph()
+ var empty = true
+ notavail = json.notavail
+ for (s in notavail) {
+ empty = false
+ for (i = 0; i < notavail[s].length; i++) {
+ // point unregistered service to dependency name
+ var dep = notavail[s][i]
+ g.addNode(dep, {
+ getShape : function(r,x,y) {
+ // create a dashed square shape to differentiate the missing dependency
+ return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({
+ "fill": "#f00",
+ "stroke": "gray",
+ "stroke-width": 2,
+ "stroke-dasharray": "--"
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ g.addEdge(s, dep, { directed : true } )
+ }
+ }
+ // warn unresolved
+ if (json.unresolved && !isEmpty(json.unresolved))
+ $("#warning").html("circular dependencies detected! <a href='javascript:SD.grapher=Loops; Loops.draw(SD.json)'>(show)</a>")
+ else
+ $("#warning").html("") //clear previous
+ if (empty) {
+ $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry status OK: No unresolved service found."))
+ }
+ else SD.showGraffle(g)
+ }
+Loops = {
+ draw: function(json) {
+ $("#legend").html("Bubbles are unresolvable components linked to each other.")
+ var g = new Graph()
+ var unresolved = json.unresolved
+ for (s in unresolved) {
+ for (i = 0; i < unresolved[s].length; i++) {
+ g.addEdge(s, unresolved[s][i], { directed : true } )
+ }
+ }
+ SD.showGraffle(g)
+ }
+Users = {
+ load: function() {
+ SD.loadServices("users", this)
+ },
+ draw: function(json) {
+ $("#legend").html("Black squares are bundles, pointing to the services they use.")
+ var g = new Graph()
+ var empty = true
+ for (s in json) {
+ empty = false
+ for (i = 0; i < json[s].length; i++) {
+ // point using bundle to service name
+ var bundle = json[s][i]
+ g.addNode(bundle, {
+ getShape : function(r,x,y) {
+ // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
+ return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 2})
+ }
+ })
+ g.addEdge(bundle, s, { directed : true } )
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty) {
+ $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry empty: no service found."))
+ }
+ else SD.showGraffle(g)
+ }
+Providers = {
+ load: function() {
+ SD.loadServices("providers", this)
+ },
+ draw: function(json) {
+ $("#legend").html("Black squares are bundles, pointing to the services they provide.")
+ var g = new Graph()
+ var empty = true
+ for (bundle in json) {
+ empty = false
+ g.addNode(bundle, {
+ getShape : function(r,x,y) {
+ // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
+ return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 2})
+ }
+ })
+ for (i = 0; i < json[bundle].length; i++) {
+ // point bundle to service name
+ var service = json[bundle][i]
+ g.addEdge(bundle, service, { directed : true } )
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty) {
+ $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry empty: no service found."))
+ }
+ else SD.showGraffle(g)
+ }
+B2B = {
+ load: function() {
+ SD.loadServices("b2b", this)
+ },
+ draw: function(json) {
+ $("#legend").html("Black squares are bundles, pointing to the bundles they use for their services.")
+ var g = new Graph()
+ var empty = true
+ for (provider in json) {
+ empty = false
+ g.addNode(provider, {
+ getShape : function(r,x,y) {
+ // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
+ return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 1})
+ }
+ })
+ for (i = 0; i < json[provider].length; i++) {
+ // point using bundle to provider bundle
+ var user = json[provider][i]
+ g.addNode(user, {
+ getShape : function(r,x,y) {
+ // create a square shape to differentiate bundles from services
+ return r.rect(x-30, y-13, 62, 33, 5).attr({"fill": "#f00", "stroke-width": 2})
+ }
+ })
+ g.addEdge(user, provider, { directed : true } )
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty) {
+ $("#canvas").empty().append($("<h1>").html("Service Registry empty: no service found."))
+ }
+ else SD.showGraffle(g)
+ }
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala
index c88506a..4410280 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/Activator.scala
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
// register the shell command
.setInterface(classOf[Command].getName, new jHT[String,Any]() {{
- put(CommandProcessor.COMMAND_FUNCTION, Array("notavail", "circular"))
- put(CommandProcessor.COMMAND_SCOPE, "sd")
+ put(CommandProcessor.COMMAND_FUNCTION, CLI.usage.split("|"))
+ put(CommandProcessor.COMMAND_SCOPE, CLI.scope)
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala
index 5c27780..883d947 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/impl/ServiceDiagnosticsImpl.scala
@@ -65,10 +65,12 @@
//debug helper
- def json(l:Iterable[Node]) = l.toList.foldLeft(new org.json.JSONArray()) { (j,n) =>
- j.put(new org.json.JSONObject(new java.util.HashMap[String,java.util.List[String]] {{
- put(, new java.util.ArrayList[String] {{ addAll( }})
- }}))
+ def json(l:Iterable[Node]) = l.toList.sortWith { (n1,n2) =>
+ <
+ }.foldLeft(new org.json.JSONArray()) { (j,n) =>
+ j.put(new org.json.JSONObject(new java.util.HashMap[String,java.util.List[String]] {{
+ put(, new java.util.ArrayList[String] {{ addAll( }})
+ }}))
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/shell/CLI.scala b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/shell/CLI.scala
index a78a8a9..08eac3c 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/shell/CLI.scala
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/shell/CLI.scala
@@ -27,37 +27,52 @@
// gogo shell
import org.apache.felix.service.command.Descriptor
+// constants
+object CLI {
+ val scope = "sd"
+ val usage = "notavail|loops|users|providers|b2b"
+ val description = """Service Diagnostics
+ |sd notavail: dumps a summary of leaf missing dependencies as a json map of component to list of dependencies
+ |sd loops [-o]: checks for unresolvable components (typically circular dependencies). -o to include optionals.
+ |sd users: dumps service usage as a json map of service to list of using bundles
+ |sd providers: dumps service providers as a json map of bundle to list of services
+ |sd b2b: shows bundle to bundle links via service usage (merged users and providers) as a json map of provider to list of users
+ |""".stripMargin
class CLI extends Command
var engine:ServiceDiagnostics = _ //dependency injection. see Activator.
- override def getName = "sd"
- override def getShortDescription = "Service Diagnostics"
- override def getUsage = "notavail|loops|using|providing|b2b"
+ override def getName = CLI.scope
+ override def getShortDescription = CLI.description
+ override def getUsage = CLI.usage
// for gogo
- def using = execute("sd using", System.out, System.err)
- def providing = execute("sd providing", System.out, System.err)
+ def users = execute("sd users", System.out, System.err)
+ def providers = execute("sd providers", System.out, System.err)
def b2b = execute("sd b2b", System.out, System.err)
def notavail = execute("sd notavail", System.out, System.err)
def loops = execute("sd loops", System.out, System.err)
// for old shell
override def execute(commandLine:String, out:PrintStream, err:PrintStream) = commandLine.split(" ").toList.tail match {
- case "using"::Nil =>
+ case "users"::Nil =>
- case "providing"::Nil =>
+ case "providers"::Nil =>
case "b2b"::Nil =>
case "notavail"::Nil =>
- case "loops"::Nil => showloops(out)
+ case "loops"::tail => tail match {
+ case "-o"::Nil => showloops(out, true)
+ case _ => showloops(out, false)
+ }
case _ => err.println(getUsage)
- def showloops(out:PrintStream) = {
- val unresolved = engine.unresolved(false) // map(comp -> list(comp))
+ def showloops(out:PrintStream, o:Boolean) = {
+ val unresolved = engine.unresolved(o) // map(comp -> list(comp))
def follow(n:String, stack:Set[String] = Set()) :Set[String] =
if (stack contains n) stack
@@ -66,7 +81,7 @@
case Some(list) => list.toSet.flatMap { (d:String) => follow(d, stack+n) }
} { loop =>
- if (loop.size > 1 && unresolved(loop.last) == loop.head)
+ if (loop.size > 1 && unresolved(loop.last).contains(loop.head))
out.println(loop.mkString("", " -> ", " -> "+loop.head))
diff --git a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/webconsole/WebConsolePlugin.scala b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/webconsole/WebConsolePlugin.scala
index 530e14c..1074925 100644
--- a/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/webconsole/WebConsolePlugin.scala
+++ b/webconsole-plugins/servicediagnostics/core/src/main/scala/servicediagnostics/webconsole/WebConsolePlugin.scala
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
override def doGet(req:HttpServletRequest, resp:HttpServletResponse) =
req.getPathInfo match {
- case "/servicegraph/using" => resp.getWriter.println(json(engine.usingBundles))
- case "/servicegraph/providing" => resp.getWriter.println(json(engine.serviceProviders))
+ case "/servicegraph/users" => resp.getWriter.println(json(engine.usingBundles))
+ case "/servicegraph/providers" => resp.getWriter.println(json(engine.serviceProviders))
case "/servicegraph/b2b" => resp.getWriter.println(json(engine.b2b))
case "/servicegraph/notavail" => resp.getWriter.println(new JSONObject()
.put("notavail", json(engine.notavail))