FELIX-4310, FELIX-4282 - mixed Jetty versions:
- the cometd project referenced an older version of Jetty (7.6.3),
which is not directly incorrect, but not inline with the other
- due to this, classes of two different Jetty versions were inlined
in the http.bundle project, causing subtle errors at runtime;
- upgraded Cometd to 2.7.0 as Cometd 2.4.2 uses Jetty 7.6.3 as
compile-time dependency, while the 2.7.0 uses Jetty 7.6.13;
- reverted changes for Jetty 9 to make use of latest Jetty 7.6.13
version (for fix-release);
- updated POMs to use version-properties for most of the used
libraries. Also downgraded the version numbers in preparation for
a fix-release.
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk@1540479 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
20 files changed