Added a testcase for an adapter which depends on some aspect services. The test validates that when
the original aspect service properties are modified, then all aspects, adapter, and client adapter service
are orderly called in their "change" callback.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/dependencymanager/test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/dm/test/integration/api/ b/dependencymanager/test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/dm/test/integration/api/
index 57a9241..7cceba4 100644
--- a/dependencymanager/test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/dm/test/integration/api/
+++ b/dependencymanager/test/src/test/java/org/apache/felix/dm/test/integration/api/
@@ -45,14 +45,26 @@
public class AspectWithPropagationTest extends TestBase {
- private final static int ASPECTS = 2;
+ private final static int ASPECTS = 3;
private final Set<Integer> _randoms = new HashSet<Integer>();
private final Random _rnd = new Random();
private static Ensure m_invokeStep;
private static Ensure m_changeStep;
+ /**
+ * This test does the following:
+ *
+ * - Create S service
+ * - Create some S Aspects
+ * - Create a Client, depending on S (actually, on the top-level S aspect)
+ * - Client has a "change" callack in order to track S service properties modifications.
+ * - First, invoke Client.invoke(): all S aspects, and finally original S service must be invoked orderly.
+ * - Modify S original service properties, and check if all aspects, and the client has been orderly called in their "change" callback.
+ * - Modify the First lowest ranked aspect (rank=1), and check if all aspects, and client have been orderly called in their "change" callback.
+ */
public void testAspectsWithPropagation() {
+ System.out.println("----------- Running testAspectsWithPropagation ...");
DependencyManager m = new DependencyManager(context);
// helper class that ensures certain steps get executed in sequence
m_invokeStep = new Ensure();
@@ -155,7 +167,103 @@
- private void checkServiceProperties(Dictionary check, Dictionary properties) {
+ /**
+ * This test does the following:
+ *
+ * - Create S service
+ * - Create some S Aspects
+ * - Create S2 Adapter, which adapts S to S2
+ * - Create Client2, which depends on S2. Client2 listens to S2 property change events.
+ * - Now, invoke Client2.invoke(): all S aspects, and finally original S service must be invoked orderly.
+ * - Modify S original service properties, and check if all aspects, S2 Adapter, and Client2 have been orderly called in their "change" callback.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testAdapterWithAspectsAndPropagation() {
+ System.out.println("----------- Running testAdapterWithAspectsAndPropagation ...");
+ DependencyManager m = new DependencyManager(context);
+ m_invokeStep = new Ensure();
+ // Create our original "S" service.
+ Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
+ props.put("foo", "bar");
+ Component s = m.createComponent()
+ .setImplementation(new SImpl())
+ .setInterface(S.class.getName(), props);
+ // Create some "S" aspects
+ Component[] aspects = new Component[ASPECTS];
+ for (int rank = 1; rank <= ASPECTS; rank ++) {
+ aspects[rank-1] = m.createAspectService(S.class, null, rank, "add", "change", "remove", "swap")
+ .setImplementation(new A("A" + rank, rank));
+ props = new Hashtable();
+ props.put("a" + rank, "v" + rank);
+ aspects[rank-1].setServiceProperties(props);
+ }
+ // Create S2 adapter (which adapts S1 to S2 interface)
+ Component adapter = m.createAdapterService(S.class, null, "add", "change", "remove", "swap")
+ .setInterface(S2.class.getName(), null)
+ .setImplementation(new S2Impl());
+ // Create Client2, which depends on "S2" service.
+ Client2 client2Impl;
+ Component client2 = m.createComponent()
+ .setImplementation((client2Impl = new Client2()))
+ .add(m.createServiceDependency()
+ .setService(S2.class)
+ .setRequired(true)
+ .setDebug("client")
+ .setCallbacks("add", "change", null));
+ // Register client2
+ m.add(client2);
+ // Register S2 adapter
+ m.add(adapter);
+ // Randomly register aspects, original service
+ boolean originalServiceAdded = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ASPECTS; i ++) {
+ int index = getRandomAspect();
+ m.add(aspects[index]);
+ if (_rnd.nextBoolean()) {
+ m.add(s);
+ originalServiceAdded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! originalServiceAdded) {
+ m.add(s);
+ }
+ // Now invoke client2, which orderly calls all S1 aspects, then S1Impl, and finally S2 service
+ System.out.println("-------------------------- Invoking client2.");
+ client2Impl.invoke2();
+ m_invokeStep.waitForStep(ASPECTS+2, 5000);
+ // Now, change original service "S" properties: this will orderly trigger "change" callbacks on aspects, S2Impl, and Client2.
+ System.out.println("-------------------------- Modifying original service properties.");
+ m_changeStep = new Ensure();
+ props = new Hashtable();
+ props.put("foo", "barModified");
+ s.setServiceProperties(props);
+ // Check if aspects and Client2 have been orderly called in their "changed" callback
+ m_changeStep.waitForStep(ASPECTS+2, 5000);
+ // Check if modified "foo" original service property has been propagated to Client2
+ Hashtable check = new Hashtable();
+ check.put("foo", "barModified");
+ for (int i = 1; i <= ASPECTS; i ++) {
+ check.put("a" + i, "v" + i);
+ }
+ checkServiceProperties(check, client2Impl.getServiceProperties());
+ // Clear all components.
+ m.clear();
+ }
+ private void checkServiceProperties(Dictionary check, Dictionary properties) {
Enumeration e = check.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
Object key = e.nextElement();
@@ -163,6 +271,15 @@
Assert.assertEquals(val, properties.get(key));
+ private int getRandomAspect() {
+ int index = 0;
+ do {
+ index = _rnd.nextInt(ASPECTS);
+ } while (_randoms.contains(new Integer(index)));
+ _randoms.add(new Integer(index));
+ return index;
+ }
// S Service
public static interface S {
@@ -278,12 +395,78 @@
- private int getRandomAspect() {
- int index = 0;
- do {
- index = _rnd.nextInt(ASPECTS);
- } while (_randoms.contains(new Integer(index)));
- _randoms.add(new Integer(index));
- return index;
+ // S2 Service
+ public static interface S2 {
+ public void invoke2();
+ }
+ // S2 impl, which adapts S1 interface to S2 interface
+ static class S2Impl implements S2 {
+ private volatile S m_s; // we shall see top-level aspect on S service
+ public void add(ServiceReference ref, S s) {
+ System.out.println("+++ S2Impl.add: " + s + "/" + ServiceUtil.toString(ref));
+ m_s = s;
+ }
+ public void swap(ServiceReference oldSRef, S oldS, ServiceReference newSRef, S newS) {
+ System.out.println("+++ S2Impl.swap: new=" + newS + ", props=" + ServiceUtil.toString(newSRef));
+ m_s = newS;
+ }
+ public void change(ServiceReference properties, S s) {
+ System.out.println("+++ S2Impl.change: s=" + s + ", props=" + ServiceUtil.toString(properties));
+ if (m_changeStep != null) {
+ m_changeStep.step(ASPECTS+1);
+ }
+ }
+ public void remove(ServiceReference props, S s) {
+ System.out.println("+++ S2Impl.remove: " + s + ", props=" + ServiceUtil.toString(props));
+ }
+ public void invoke2() {
+ m_s.invoke();
+ m_invokeStep.step(ASPECTS + 2); // All aspects, and S1Impl have been invoked
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return "S2";
+ }
+ }
+ // Client2 depending on S2.
+ static class Client2 {
+ private volatile S2 m_s2;
+ private volatile ServiceReference m_s2Ref;
+ public Dictionary getServiceProperties() {
+ Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
+ for (String key : m_s2Ref.getPropertyKeys()) {
+ props.put(key, m_s2Ref.getProperty(key));
+ }
+ return props;
+ }
+ public void invoke2() {
+ m_s2.invoke2();
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return "Client2";
+ }
+ public void add(ServiceReference ref, S2 s2) {
+ System.out.println("+++ Client2.add: " + s2 + "/" + ServiceUtil.toString(ref));
+ m_s2 = s2;
+ m_s2Ref = ref;
+ }
+ public void change(ServiceReference props, S2 s2) {
+ System.out.println("+++ Client2.change: s2=" + s2 + ", props=" + ServiceUtil.toString(props));
+ if (m_changeStep != null) {
+ m_changeStep.step(ASPECTS + 2); // S1Impl, all aspects, and S2 adapters have been changed before us.
+ }
+ }