blob: 650e9428e15f52a2d61d1e489b4f3178d4599d96 [file] [log] [blame]
Sample Demo module. This contains the "business logic" for the topology
overlay that we are implementing.
(function () {
'use strict';
// injected refs
var $log, fs, flash, wss, tss, tds;
// constants
var displayStart = 'uiRefTopovDisplayStart',
displayUpdate = 'uiRefTopovDisplayUpdate',
displayStop = 'uiRefTopovDisplayStop';
// internal state
var currentMode = null;
// === ---------------------------
// === Helper functions
function sendDisplayStart(mode) {
wss.sendEvent(displayStart, {
mode: mode
function sendDisplayUpdate(what) {
wss.sendEvent(displayUpdate, {
id: what ? : ''
function sendDisplayStop() {
function createDialogContent(devs) {
var content = tds.createDiv('my-content-class'),
content.append('p').text('Do something to these devices?');
items = content.append('div');
devs.forEach(function (d) {
return content;
function dCancel() {
$log.debug('Dialog CANCEL button pressed');
function dOk() {
$log.debug('Dialog OK button pressed');
function createListContent() {
var content = tds.createDiv('my-list-class'),
// TODO: figure out best way to inject selectable list
content.append('p').text('(Selectable list to show here...)');
return content;
// === ---------------------------
// === Main API functions
function startDisplay(mode) {
if (currentMode === mode) {
$log.debug('(in mode', mode, 'already)');
} else {
currentMode = mode;
flash.flash('Starting display mode: ' + mode);
function updateDisplay(m) {
if (currentMode) {
function stopDisplay() {
if (currentMode) {
currentMode = null;
flash.flash('Canceling display mode');
return true;
return false;
// this example dialog invoked from the details panel, when one or more
// devices have been selected
function deviceDialog() {
var ctx = tss.selectionContext();
$log.debug('device dialog invoked with context:', ctx);
// only if at least one device was selected
if (ctx.devices.length) {
.setTitle('Process Devices')
.addButton('Cancel', dCancel)
.addButton('OK', dOk);
// this example dialog invoked from the toolbar
function listDialog() {
$log.debug('list dialog invoked');
.setTitle('A list of stuff')
.addButton('Gotcha', dOk);
// === ---------------------------
// === Module Factory Definition
angular.module('ovUiRefTopov', [])
['$log', 'FnService', 'FlashService', 'WebSocketService',
'TopoSelectService', 'TopoDialogService',
function (_$log_, _fs_, _flash_, _wss_, _tss_, _tds_) {
$log = _$log_;
fs = _fs_;
flash = _flash_;
wss = _wss_;
tss = _tss_;
tds = _tds_;
return {
startDisplay: startDisplay,
updateDisplay: updateDisplay,
stopDisplay: stopDisplay,
deviceDialog: deviceDialog,
listDialog: listDialog