[GEANT] Unit tests for SdxL3PeerManager.
Change-Id: I4dff9b545e121032c8051b4fc27efe3da3db2364
diff --git a/sdx-l3/pom.xml b/sdx-l3/pom.xml
index 2d33fd2..d6246ad 100644
--- a/sdx-l3/pom.xml
+++ b/sdx-l3/pom.xml
@@ -40,11 +40,6 @@
- <artifactId>onlab-misc</artifactId>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.onosproject</groupId>
diff --git a/sdx-l3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerManager.java b/sdx-l3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerManager.java
index 8f9d5e5..dfa68ba 100644
--- a/sdx-l3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerManager.java
+++ b/sdx-l3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerManager.java
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
return interfaceMatch.get();
- boolean interfaceSubnetIncludesIp(Interface peerInterface, IpAddress peerAddress) {
+ private boolean interfaceSubnetIncludesIp(Interface peerInterface, IpAddress peerAddress) {
if (peerInterface.ipAddresses().stream()
.anyMatch(intfIp -> intfIp.subnetAddress().
contains(peerAddress))) {
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
* Returns true if a given IP address has been specified as a BGP peer
* address in the network configuration.
- * @param BgpConfig BGP configuration
+ * @param bgpConfig BGP configuration
* @param peerAddress IP address of peer
* @return whether address has been specified for a peer or not
diff --git a/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/SdxProvidersConfigTest.java b/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/config/SdxProvidersConfigTest.java
similarity index 98%
rename from sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/SdxProvidersConfigTest.java
rename to sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/config/SdxProvidersConfigTest.java
index f0f7bd0..aea859a 100644
--- a/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/SdxProvidersConfigTest.java
+++ b/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/config/SdxProvidersConfigTest.java
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
-package org.onosproject.sdxl3;
+package org.onosproject.sdxl3.config;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
import org.onosproject.net.ConnectPoint;
import org.onosproject.net.config.Config;
import org.onosproject.net.config.ConfigApplyDelegate;
-import org.onosproject.sdxl3.config.SdxProvidersConfig;
+import org.onosproject.sdxl3.SdxL3;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Optional;
diff --git a/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerAdministrationTest.java b/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerAdministrationTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..168e620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerAdministrationTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.sdxl3.impl;
+import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
+import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
+import org.onlab.util.ItemNotFoundException;
+import org.onosproject.TestApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
+import org.onosproject.core.CoreServiceAdapter;
+import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.Interface;
+import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.InterfaceService;
+import org.onosproject.net.ConnectPoint;
+import org.onosproject.net.DeviceId;
+import org.onosproject.net.PortNumber;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.Config;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigRegistry;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigRegistryAdapter;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigService;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigServiceAdapter;
+import org.onosproject.net.host.InterfaceIpAddress;
+import org.onosproject.net.intent.AbstractIntentTest;
+import org.onosproject.net.intent.PointToPointIntent;
+import org.onosproject.routing.IntentSynchronizationService;
+import org.onosproject.routing.RoutingService;
+import org.onosproject.routing.config.BgpConfig;
+import org.onosproject.routing.config.BgpPeer;
+import org.onosproject.sdxl3.SdxL3;
+import org.onosproject.sdxl3.config.SdxProvidersConfig;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createMock;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expectLastCall;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.verify;
+import static org.onosproject.sdxl3.impl.SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest.dpidToUri;
+ * Unit tests for SdxL3PeerManager for the administration of peer details.
+ */
+public class SdxL3PeerAdministrationTest extends AbstractIntentTest {
+ private static final ApplicationId ROUTER_APPID =
+ TestApplicationId.create("foo");
+ private static final ApplicationId SDXL3_APPID =
+ TestApplicationId.create("bar");
+ private static final String DPID1 = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01";
+ private static final String DPID2 = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02";
+ private static final String DPID3 = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03";
+ private static final String PEER_IP = "";
+ private static final String NEW_PEER1_IP = "";
+ private static final String NEW_PEER2_IP = "";
+ private static final String SPEAKER1_IP = "";
+ private static final String NON_MATCHING_IP = "";
+ private static final String PREFIX24 = "/24";
+ private static final String INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1 = "s1-eth1";
+ private static final String INTERFACE_SW2_ETH1 = "s2-eth1";
+ private static final String INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1 = "s3-eth1";
+ private static final String MAC1 = "00:00:00:00:00:01";
+ private static final String PEER1_NAME = "router1";
+ private static final String NEW_PEER_NAME = "new-router";
+ private SdxL3PeerManager peerManager;
+ private CoreService coreService;
+ private IntentSynchronizationService intentSynchronizer;
+ private NetworkConfigService configService;
+ private InterfaceService interfaceService;
+ private NetworkConfigRegistry registry;
+ private BgpConfig bgpConfig;
+ private SdxProvidersConfig providersConfig;
+ private Set<BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig> bgpSpeakers;
+ private Map<String, Interface> interfaces;
+ private Map<IpAddress, BgpPeer> peers;
+ SdxProvidersConfig.PeerConfig newPeer = createNewPeer();
+ private List<PointToPointIntent> intentList;
+ private static final DeviceId DEVICE1_ID =
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri(DPID1));
+ private static final DeviceId DEVICE2_ID =
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri(DPID2));
+ private static final DeviceId DEVICE3_ID =
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri(DPID3));
+ // Ports where BGP speakers are connected
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW1_ETH100 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE1_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(100));
+ // Ports where BGP peers are connected
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW1_ETH1 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE1_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(1));
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW2_ETH1 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE2_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(1));
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW3_ETH1 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE3_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(1));
+ // Interface configured for peer
+ Interface intfSw1Eth1;
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ // Setup services and configurations
+ setupEnvironment();
+ // Initiate the object used for testing
+ initPeerManager();
+ // Set expectations on bgpConfig and interfaceService
+ interfaces = Collections.unmodifiableMap(setUpInterfaces());
+ bgpSpeakers = setUpBgpSpeakers();
+ peers = setUpPeers();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes services and configurations for the testing environment.
+ */
+ private void setupEnvironment() {
+ // Create mocks for configurations
+ bgpConfig = createMock(BgpConfig.class);
+ providersConfig = createMock(SdxProvidersConfig.class);
+ // Create mocks for services
+ coreService = new TestCoreService();
+ configService = new TestNetworkConfigService();
+ registry = new NetworkConfigRegistryAdapter();
+ interfaceService = createMock(InterfaceService.class);
+ intentSynchronizer = createMock(IntentSynchronizationService.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mocks the CoreService.
+ */
+ private class TestCoreService extends CoreServiceAdapter {
+ private final Map<String, ApplicationId> registeredApps =
+ new HashMap<>();
+ public TestCoreService() {
+ registeredApps.put(RoutingService.ROUTER_APP_ID, ROUTER_APPID);
+ registeredApps.put(SdxL3.SDX_L3_APP, SDXL3_APPID);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ApplicationId getAppId(String name) {
+ return registeredApps.get(name);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mocks the NetworkConfigService.
+ */
+ private class TestNetworkConfigService extends NetworkConfigServiceAdapter {
+ private final Map<ApplicationId, Config> registeredConfigs
+ = new HashMap<>();
+ public TestNetworkConfigService() {
+ registeredConfigs.put(ROUTER_APPID, bgpConfig);
+ registeredConfigs.put(SDXL3_APPID, providersConfig);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <S, C extends Config<S>> C getConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass) {
+ return (C) registeredConfigs.get(subject);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <S, C extends Config<S>> C addConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass) {
+ return (C) registeredConfigs.get(subject);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes SdxL3PeerManager object.
+ */
+ private void initPeerManager() {
+ peerManager = new SdxL3PeerManager();
+ peerManager.coreService = coreService;
+ peerManager.configService = configService;
+ peerManager.interfaceService = interfaceService;
+ peerManager.registry = registry;
+ peerManager.intentSynchronizer = intentSynchronizer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up logical interfaces, which emulate the configured interfaces
+ * in the SDX.
+ *
+ * @return configured interfaces as a map from interface name to Interface
+ */
+ private Map<String, Interface> setUpInterfaces() {
+ Map<String, Interface> configuredInterfaces = new HashMap<>();
+ InterfaceIpAddress ia1 =
+ new InterfaceIpAddress(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP),
+ IpPrefix.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX24));
+ intfSw1Eth1 = new Interface(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1,
+ SW1_ETH1,
+ Collections.singleton(ia1),
+ MacAddress.valueOf(MAC1),
+ VlanId.NONE);
+ configuredInterfaces.put(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1, intfSw1Eth1);
+ InterfaceIpAddress ia2 =
+ new InterfaceIpAddress(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP),
+ IpPrefix.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX24));
+ Interface intfSw2Eth1 = new Interface(INTERFACE_SW2_ETH1,
+ SW2_ETH1,
+ Collections.singleton(ia2),
+ MacAddress.valueOf(MAC1),
+ VlanId.NONE);
+ configuredInterfaces.put(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1, intfSw1Eth1);
+ InterfaceIpAddress ia3 =
+ new InterfaceIpAddress(IpAddress.valueOf(NON_MATCHING_IP),
+ IpPrefix.valueOf(NON_MATCHING_IP + PREFIX24));
+ Interface intfSw3Eth1 = new Interface(INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1,
+ SW3_ETH1,
+ Collections.singleton(ia3),
+ MacAddress.valueOf(MAC1),
+ VlanId.NONE);
+ configuredInterfaces.put(INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1, intfSw3Eth1);
+ // Set up the related expectations
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByIp(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw1Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ // Always return the first matching even if not associated interface
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP)))
+ .andReturn(intfSw1Eth1).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(intfSw1Eth1).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(SW1_ETH1))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw1Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(SW2_ETH1))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw2Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(SW3_ETH1))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw3Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(new ConnectPoint(
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri("00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00")),
+ PortNumber.portNumber(1))))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfaces()).andReturn(
+ Sets.newHashSet(configuredInterfaces.values())).anyTimes();
+ replay(interfaceService);
+ return configuredInterfaces;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up BGP speakers and the related expectations.
+ *
+ * @return configured BGP speakers as a map from speaker name to speaker
+ */
+ private Set<BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig> setUpBgpSpeakers() {
+ Set<IpAddress> connectedPeers = new HashSet<>();
+ connectedPeers.add(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP));
+ connectedPeers.add(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP));
+ BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig speaker1 = new BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig(
+ Optional.empty(), SW1_ETH100, connectedPeers);
+ Set<BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig> speakers = Sets.newHashSet();
+ speakers.add(speaker1);
+ // Set up the related expectations
+ expect(bgpConfig.bgpSpeakers()).andReturn(speakers).anyTimes();
+ replay(bgpConfig);
+ return speakers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up BGP daemon peers.
+ *
+ * @return configured BGP peers as a MAP from peer IP address to BgpPeer
+ */
+ private Map<IpAddress, BgpPeer> setUpPeers() {
+ Map<IpAddress, BgpPeer> configuredPeers = new HashMap<>();
+ SdxProvidersConfig.PeerConfig peer1 =
+ new SdxProvidersConfig.PeerConfig(Optional.of(PEER1_NAME),
+ IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP),
+ SW1_ETH1,
+ // First and third peer belong to the same subnet
+ configuredPeers.put(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP),
+ new BgpPeer(DPID1, 1, PEER_IP));
+ // Set up the related expectations
+ expect(providersConfig.getPortForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP)))
+ .andReturn(SW1_ETH1).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.
+ getInterfaceNameForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP)))
+ .andReturn(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPeerForName(Optional.of(PEER1_NAME)))
+ .andReturn(peer1).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPeerForIp(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP)))
+ .andReturn(peer1).anyTimes();
+ // Set up expectations for peers that will be added
+ expect(providersConfig.
+ getInterfaceNameForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPortForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPeerForIp(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.
+ getInterfaceNameForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPortForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPeerForName(Optional.of(NEW_PEER_NAME)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.node()).andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ return configuredPeers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the addition of peer when no BGP configuratin exists.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = ItemNotFoundException.class)
+ public void testAddPeerWithNoBgpConfig() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ // Reset NetworkConfigService
+ peerManager.configService = new NetworkConfigServiceAdapter();
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(newPeer.name().get(),
+ newPeer.ip(),
+ newPeer.connectPoint(),
+ newPeer.interfaceName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the addition of peer whose IP is not declared in BGP config.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = ItemNotFoundException.class)
+ public void testAddPeerUknownIp() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(newPeer.name().get(),
+ IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER2_IP),
+ newPeer.connectPoint(),
+ newPeer.interfaceName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the association of peer to a non defined interface.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = ItemNotFoundException.class)
+ public void testAddPeerToUnknownInterface() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(newPeer.name().get(),
+ newPeer.ip(),
+ newPeer.connectPoint(),
+ "dummy-interface");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the association of peer to non matching interface.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
+ public void testAddPeerToNonMatchingInterface() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(newPeer.name().get(),
+ newPeer.ip(),
+ SW3_ETH1,
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the association of an already registered peer.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
+ public void testAddAlreadyRegisteredPeer() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(newPeer.name().get(),
+ IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP),
+ newPeer.connectPoint(),
+ newPeer.interfaceName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the association of peer whose name is in use.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
+ public void testAddPeerWithNameInUse() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(PEER1_NAME,
+ newPeer.ip(),
+ newPeer.connectPoint(),
+ newPeer.interfaceName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the addition of peer whose IP is not declared in BGP config.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testAddPeerDetailsSuccess() {
+ providersConfig.addPeer(newPeer);
+ expectLastCall().once();
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.addPeerDetails(newPeer.name().get(),
+ newPeer.ip(),
+ newPeer.connectPoint(),
+ newPeer.interfaceName());
+ verify(providersConfig);
+ }
+ private SdxProvidersConfig.PeerConfig createNewPeer() {
+ return new SdxProvidersConfig.PeerConfig(Optional.of(NEW_PEER_NAME),
+ IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP),
+ SW2_ETH1,
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the removal of peer when no BGP configuration exists.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = ItemNotFoundException.class)
+ public void testRemovePeerWithNoBgpConfig() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ // Reset NetworkConfigService
+ peerManager.configService = new NetworkConfigServiceAdapter();
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.removePeerDetails(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the removal of peer when no details have been specified.
+ */
+ @Test(expected = ItemNotFoundException.class)
+ public void testRemoveNonFoundPeer() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.removePeerDetails(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the removal of peer.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testRemovePeerDetailsSuccess() {
+ providersConfig.removePeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP));
+ expectLastCall().once();
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ peerManager.removePeerDetails(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP));
+ verify(providersConfig);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the retrieval of IP addresses for all BGP peers defined.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetPeerAddresses() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ List<IpAddress> expectedAddresses = new ArrayList<>();
+ expectedAddresses.add(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP));
+ expectedAddresses.add(IpAddress.valueOf(NEW_PEER1_IP));
+ Collections.sort(expectedAddresses);
+ List<IpAddress> actualAddresses =
+ peerManager.getPeerAddresses(bgpConfig);
+ Collections.sort(actualAddresses);
+ assertEquals(expectedAddresses, actualAddresses);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the retrieval of interface used as connection point to peer.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testGetInterfaceForPeer() {
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ assertEquals(intfSw1Eth1, peerManager
+ .getInterfaceForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER_IP)));
+ }
diff --git a/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest.java b/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..995f9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdx-l3/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl3/impl/SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ * Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.sdxl3.impl;
+import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.onlab.packet.Ethernet;
+import org.onlab.packet.IPv4;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
+import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.TpPort;
+import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
+import org.onosproject.TestApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
+import org.onosproject.core.CoreServiceAdapter;
+import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.Interface;
+import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.InterfaceService;
+import org.onosproject.net.ConnectPoint;
+import org.onosproject.net.DeviceId;
+import org.onosproject.net.PortNumber;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.Config;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigRegistry;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigRegistryAdapter;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigService;
+import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigServiceAdapter;
+import org.onosproject.net.flow.DefaultTrafficSelector;
+import org.onosproject.net.flow.DefaultTrafficTreatment;
+import org.onosproject.net.flow.TrafficSelector;
+import org.onosproject.net.flow.TrafficTreatment;
+import org.onosproject.net.host.InterfaceIpAddress;
+import org.onosproject.net.intent.AbstractIntentTest;
+import org.onosproject.net.intent.Intent;
+import org.onosproject.net.intent.Key;
+import org.onosproject.net.intent.PointToPointIntent;
+import org.onosproject.routing.IntentSynchronizationService;
+import org.onosproject.routing.RoutingService;
+import org.onosproject.routing.config.BgpConfig;
+import org.onosproject.routing.config.BgpPeer;
+import org.onosproject.routing.config.BgpSpeaker;
+import org.onosproject.routing.config.InterfaceAddress;
+import org.onosproject.sdxl3.SdxL3;
+import org.onosproject.sdxl3.config.SdxProvidersConfig;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.anyObject;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.createMock;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.reset;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.verify;
+import static org.onosproject.routing.TestIntentServiceHelper.eqExceptId;
+ * Unit tests on setting up peer connectivity through SdxL3PeerManager.
+ */
+public class SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest extends AbstractIntentTest {
+ private static final ApplicationId ROUTER_APPID =
+ TestApplicationId.create("foo");
+ private static final ApplicationId SDXL3_APPID =
+ TestApplicationId.create("bar");
+ private static final String DPID1 = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01";
+ private static final String DPID2 = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02";
+ private static final String DPID3 = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03";
+ private static final String PEER1_IP = "";
+ private static final String PEER2_IP = "";
+ private static final String PEER3_IP = "";
+ private static final String SPEAKER1_IP = "";
+ private static final String SPEAKER2_IP = "";
+ private static final String PREFIX32 = "/32";
+ private static final String PREFIX24 = "/24";
+ private static final String INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1 = "s1-eth1";
+ private static final String INTERFACE_SW2_ETH1 = "s2-eth1";
+ private static final String INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1 = "s3-eth1";
+ private static final String MAC1 = "00:00:00:00:00:01";
+ private static final String MAC2 = "00:00:00:00:00:02";
+ private SdxL3PeerManager peerManager;
+ private CoreService coreService;
+ private IntentSynchronizationService intentSynchronizer;
+ private NetworkConfigService configService;
+ private InterfaceService interfaceService;
+ private NetworkConfigRegistry registry;
+ private BgpConfig bgpConfig;
+ private SdxProvidersConfig providersConfig;
+ private Set<BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig> bgpSpeakers;
+ private Map<String, Interface> interfaces;
+ private Map<IpAddress, BgpPeer> peers;
+ private List<PointToPointIntent> intentList;
+ private static final DeviceId DEVICE1_ID =
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri(DPID1));
+ private static final DeviceId DEVICE2_ID =
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri(DPID2));
+ private static final DeviceId DEVICE3_ID =
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri(DPID3));
+ // Ports where BGP speakers are connected
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW1_ETH100 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE1_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(100));
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW2_ETH100 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE2_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(100));
+ // Ports where BGP peers are connected
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW1_ETH1 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE1_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(1));
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW2_ETH1 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE2_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(1));
+ private static final ConnectPoint SW3_ETH1 =
+ new ConnectPoint(DEVICE3_ID, PortNumber.portNumber(1));
+ private final TrafficTreatment noTreatment =
+ DefaultTrafficTreatment.emptyTreatment();
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ // Setup services and configurations
+ setupEnvironment();
+ // Initiate the object used for testing
+ initPeerManager();
+ // Set expectations on bgpConfig and interfaceService
+ interfaces = Collections.unmodifiableMap(setUpInterfaces());
+ bgpSpeakers = setUpBgpSpeakers();
+ peers = setUpPeers();
+ intentList = setUpIntentList();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes services and configurations for the testing environment.
+ */
+ private void setupEnvironment() {
+ // Create mocks for configurations
+ bgpConfig = createMock(BgpConfig.class);
+ providersConfig = createMock(SdxProvidersConfig.class);
+ // Create mocks for services
+ coreService = new TestCoreService();
+ configService = new TestNetworkConfigService();
+ registry = new NetworkConfigRegistryAdapter();
+ interfaceService = createMock(InterfaceService.class);
+ intentSynchronizer = createMock(IntentSynchronizationService.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mocks the CoreService.
+ */
+ private class TestCoreService extends CoreServiceAdapter {
+ private final Map<String, ApplicationId> registeredApps =
+ new HashMap<>();
+ public TestCoreService() {
+ registeredApps.put(RoutingService.ROUTER_APP_ID, ROUTER_APPID);
+ registeredApps.put(SdxL3.SDX_L3_APP, SDXL3_APPID);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ApplicationId getAppId(String name) {
+ return registeredApps.get(name);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mocks the NetworkConfigService.
+ */
+ private class TestNetworkConfigService extends NetworkConfigServiceAdapter {
+ private final Map<ApplicationId, Config> registeredConfigs
+ = new HashMap<>();
+ public TestNetworkConfigService() {
+ registeredConfigs.put(ROUTER_APPID, bgpConfig);
+ registeredConfigs.put(SDXL3_APPID, providersConfig);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <S, C extends Config<S>> C getConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass) {
+ return (C) registeredConfigs.get(subject);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <S, C extends Config<S>> C addConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass) {
+ return (C) registeredConfigs.get(subject);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes SdxL3PeerManager object.
+ */
+ private void initPeerManager() {
+ peerManager = new SdxL3PeerManager();
+ peerManager.coreService = coreService;
+ peerManager.configService = configService;
+ peerManager.interfaceService = interfaceService;
+ peerManager.registry = registry;
+ peerManager.intentSynchronizer = intentSynchronizer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up logical interfaces, which emulate the configured interfaces
+ * in the SDX.
+ *
+ * @return configured interfaces as a map from interface name to Interface
+ */
+ private Map<String, Interface> setUpInterfaces() {
+ Map<String, Interface> configuredInterfaces = new HashMap<>();
+ InterfaceIpAddress ia1 =
+ new InterfaceIpAddress(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP),
+ IpPrefix.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX24));
+ Interface intfSw1Eth1 = new Interface(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1,
+ SW1_ETH1,
+ Collections.singleton(ia1),
+ MacAddress.valueOf(MAC1),
+ VlanId.NONE);
+ configuredInterfaces.put(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1, intfSw1Eth1);
+ InterfaceIpAddress ia2 =
+ new InterfaceIpAddress(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER2_IP),
+ IpPrefix.valueOf(SPEAKER2_IP + PREFIX24));
+ Interface intfSw2Eth1 = new Interface(INTERFACE_SW2_ETH1,
+ SW2_ETH1,
+ Collections.singleton(ia2),
+ MacAddress.valueOf(MAC2),
+ VlanId.NONE);
+ configuredInterfaces.put(INTERFACE_SW2_ETH1, intfSw2Eth1);
+ InterfaceIpAddress ia3 =
+ new InterfaceIpAddress(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP),
+ IpPrefix.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX24));
+ Interface intfSw3Eth1 = new Interface(INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1,
+ SW3_ETH1,
+ Collections.singleton(ia3),
+ MacAddress.valueOf(MAC1),
+ VlanId.NONE);
+ configuredInterfaces.put(INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1, intfSw3Eth1);
+ // Set up the related expectations
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByIp(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw1Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ // Always return the first matching even if not associated interface
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(intfSw1Eth1).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER3_IP)))
+ .andReturn(intfSw1Eth1).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByIp(IpAddress.valueOf(SPEAKER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw2Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(intfSw2Eth1).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(SW1_ETH1))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw1Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(SW2_ETH1))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw2Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(SW3_ETH1))
+ .andReturn(Collections.singleton(intfSw3Eth1)).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(new ConnectPoint(
+ DeviceId.deviceId(dpidToUri("00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00")),
+ PortNumber.portNumber(1))))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfaces()).andReturn(
+ Sets.newHashSet(configuredInterfaces.values())).anyTimes();
+ replay(interfaceService);
+ return configuredInterfaces;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts DPIDs of the form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx to OpenFlow provider
+ * device URIs.
+ *
+ * @param dpid the DPID string to convert
+ * @return the URI string for this device
+ */
+ static String dpidToUri(String dpid) {
+ return "of:" + dpid.replace(":", "");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up BGP speakers and the related expectations.
+ *
+ * @return configured BGP speakers as a map from speaker name to speaker
+ */
+ private Set<BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig> setUpBgpSpeakers() {
+ Set<IpAddress> connectedPeers = new HashSet<>();
+ connectedPeers.add(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER1_IP));
+ connectedPeers.add(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER3_IP));
+ BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig speaker1 = new BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig(
+ Optional.empty(), SW1_ETH100, connectedPeers);
+ BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig speaker2 = new BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig(
+ Optional.empty(),
+ SW2_ETH100, Collections.singleton(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER2_IP)));
+ Set<BgpConfig.BgpSpeakerConfig> speakers = Sets.newHashSet();
+ speakers.add(speaker1);
+ speakers.add(speaker2);
+ // Set up the related expectations
+ expect(bgpConfig.bgpSpeakers()).andReturn(speakers).anyTimes();
+ replay(bgpConfig);
+ return speakers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up BGP daemon peers.
+ *
+ * @return configured BGP peers as a MAP from peer IP address to BgpPeer
+ */
+ private Map<IpAddress, BgpPeer> setUpPeers() {
+ Map<IpAddress, BgpPeer> configuredPeers = new HashMap<>();
+ // First and third peer belong to the same subnet
+ configuredPeers.put(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER1_IP),
+ new BgpPeer(DPID1, 1, PEER1_IP));
+ configuredPeers.put(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER2_IP),
+ new BgpPeer(DPID2, 1, PEER2_IP));
+ configuredPeers.put(IpAddress.valueOf(SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest.PEER3_IP),
+ new BgpPeer(DPID3, 1, SdxL3PeerConnectivityTest.PEER3_IP));
+ // Set up the related expectations
+ expect(providersConfig.getPortForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(SW1_ETH1).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.
+ getInterfaceNameForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER1_IP)))
+ .andReturn(INTERFACE_SW1_ETH1).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPortForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig
+ .getInterfaceNameForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER2_IP)))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig.getPortForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER3_IP)))
+ .andReturn(SW3_ETH1).anyTimes();
+ expect(providersConfig
+ .getInterfaceNameForPeer(IpAddress.valueOf(PEER3_IP)))
+ .andReturn(INTERFACE_SW3_ETH1).anyTimes();
+ replay(providersConfig);
+ return configuredPeers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up expected point to point intent list.
+ *
+ * @return point to point intent list
+ */
+ private List<PointToPointIntent> setUpIntentList() {
+ intentList = new ArrayList<>();
+ setUpBgpIntents();
+ setUpIcmpIntents();
+ return intentList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a BGP intent and put it into the intentList.
+ * <p/>
+ * The purpose of this method is too simplify the setUpBgpIntents() method,
+ * and to make the setUpBgpIntents() easy to read.
+ *
+ * @param srcPrefix source IP prefix to match
+ * @param dstPrefix destination IP prefix to match
+ * @param srcTcpPort source TCP port to match
+ * @param dstTcpPort destination TCP port to match
+ * @param srcConnectPoint source connect point for PointToPointIntent
+ * @param dstConnectPoint destination connect point for PointToPointIntent
+ */
+ private void bgpPathintentConstructor(String srcPrefix, String dstPrefix,
+ Short srcTcpPort, Short dstTcpPort,
+ ConnectPoint srcConnectPoint, ConnectPoint dstConnectPoint) {
+ TrafficSelector.Builder builder = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+ .matchEthType(Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4)
+ .matchIPProtocol(IPv4.PROTOCOL_TCP)
+ .matchIPSrc(IpPrefix.valueOf(srcPrefix))
+ .matchIPDst(IpPrefix.valueOf(dstPrefix));
+ if (srcTcpPort != null) {
+ builder.matchTcpSrc(TpPort.tpPort(srcTcpPort));
+ }
+ if (dstTcpPort != null) {
+ builder.matchTcpDst(TpPort.tpPort(dstTcpPort));
+ }
+ Key key = Key.of(srcPrefix.split("/")[0] + "-" + dstPrefix.split("/")[0]
+ + "-" + ((srcTcpPort == null) ? "dst" : "src"), SDXL3_APPID);
+ PointToPointIntent intent = PointToPointIntent.builder()
+ .appId(SDXL3_APPID)
+ .key(key)
+ .selector(builder.build())
+ .treatment(noTreatment)
+ .ingressPoint(srcConnectPoint)
+ .egressPoint(dstConnectPoint)
+ .build();
+ intentList.add(intent);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up intents for BGP paths.
+ */
+ private void setUpBgpIntents() {
+ Short bgpPort = 179;
+ // Start to build intents between BGP speaker1 and BGP peer1
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, PEER1_IP + PREFIX32, null, bgpPort,
+ SW1_ETH100, SW1_ETH1);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, PEER1_IP + PREFIX32, bgpPort, null,
+ SW1_ETH100, SW1_ETH1);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ PEER1_IP + PREFIX32, SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, null, bgpPort,
+ SW1_ETH1, SW1_ETH100);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ PEER1_IP + PREFIX32, SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, bgpPort, null,
+ SW1_ETH1, SW1_ETH100);
+ // Start to build intents between BGP speaker2 and BGP peer2
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ SPEAKER2_IP + PREFIX32, PEER2_IP + PREFIX32, null, bgpPort,
+ SW2_ETH100, SW2_ETH1);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ SPEAKER2_IP + PREFIX32, PEER2_IP + PREFIX32, bgpPort, null,
+ SW2_ETH100, SW2_ETH1);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ PEER2_IP + PREFIX32, SPEAKER2_IP + PREFIX32, null, bgpPort,
+ SW2_ETH1, SW2_ETH100);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ PEER2_IP + PREFIX32, SPEAKER2_IP + PREFIX32, bgpPort, null,
+ SW2_ETH1, SW2_ETH100);
+ // Start to build intents between BGP speaker1 and BGP peer3
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, PEER3_IP + PREFIX32, null, bgpPort,
+ SW1_ETH100, SW3_ETH1);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, PEER3_IP + PREFIX32, bgpPort, null,
+ SW1_ETH100, SW3_ETH1);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ PEER3_IP + PREFIX32, SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, null, bgpPort,
+ SW3_ETH1, SW1_ETH100);
+ bgpPathintentConstructor(
+ PEER3_IP + PREFIX32, SPEAKER1_IP + PREFIX32, bgpPort, null,
+ SW3_ETH1, SW1_ETH100);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a BGP intent and put it into the intentList.
+ * <p/>
+ * The purpose of this method is too simplify the setUpBgpIntents() method,
+ * and to make the setUpBgpIntents() easy to read.
+ *
+ * @param srcPrefix source IP prefix to match
+ * @param dstPrefix destination IP prefix to match
+ * @param srcConnectPoint source connect point for PointToPointIntent
+ * @param dstConnectPoint destination connect point for PointToPointIntent
+ */
+ private void icmpPathintentConstructor(String srcPrefix, String dstPrefix,
+ ConnectPoint srcConnectPoint, ConnectPoint dstConnectPoint) {
+ TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+ .matchEthType(Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4)
+ .matchIPProtocol(IPv4.PROTOCOL_ICMP)
+ .matchIPSrc(IpPrefix.valueOf(srcPrefix))
+ .matchIPDst(IpPrefix.valueOf(dstPrefix))
+ .build();
+ Key key = Key.of(srcPrefix.split("/")[0] + "-" + dstPrefix.split("/")[0]
+ + "-" + "icmp", SDXL3_APPID);
+ PointToPointIntent intent = PointToPointIntent.builder()
+ .appId(SDXL3_APPID)
+ .key(key)
+ .selector(selector)
+ .treatment(noTreatment)
+ .ingressPoint(srcConnectPoint)
+ .egressPoint(dstConnectPoint)
+ .build();
+ intentList.add(intent);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up intents for ICMP paths.
+ */
+ private void setUpIcmpIntents() {
+ // Start to build intents between BGP speaker1 and BGP peer1
+ icmpPathintentConstructor(
+ icmpPathintentConstructor(
+ // Start to build intents between BGP speaker1 and BGP peer2
+ icmpPathintentConstructor(
+ icmpPathintentConstructor(
+ icmpPathintentConstructor(
+ icmpPathintentConstructor(
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests whether manager can set up correct BGP and
+ * ICMP intents according to specific configuration.
+ * <p/>
+ * Two tricky cases included in the configuration are: 2 peers on a same
+ * switch port, peer on the same switch with BGPd.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testConnectionSetup() {
+ reset(intentSynchronizer);
+ // Setup the expected intents
+ for (Intent intent : intentList) {
+ intentSynchronizer.submit(eqExceptId(intent));
+ }
+ replay(intentSynchronizer);
+ // Running the interface to be tested.
+ peerManager.activate();
+ verify(intentSynchronizer);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests a corner case, when there are no interfaces in the configuration.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNullInterfaces() {
+ reset(interfaceService);
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfaces()).andReturn(Sets.newHashSet())
+ .anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByPort(anyObject()))
+ .andReturn(Collections.emptySet()).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getInterfacesByIp(anyObject()))
+ .andReturn(Collections.emptySet()).anyTimes();
+ expect(interfaceService.getMatchingInterface(anyObject()))
+ .andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+ replay(interfaceService);
+ reset(intentSynchronizer);
+ replay(intentSynchronizer);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ verify(intentSynchronizer);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests a corner case, when there is no BGP speakers in the configuration.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNullBgpSpeakers() {
+ reset(bgpConfig);
+ expect(bgpConfig.bgpSpeakers()).andReturn(Collections.emptySet()).anyTimes();
+ replay(bgpConfig);
+ reset(intentSynchronizer);
+ replay(intentSynchronizer);
+ peerManager.activate();
+ verify(intentSynchronizer);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests a corner case, when there is no Interface configured for one BGP
+ * peer.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNoPeerInterface() {
+ String peerSw100Eth1 = "";
+ peers.put(IpAddress.valueOf(peerSw100Eth1),
+ new BgpPeer("00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00", 1, peerSw100Eth1));
+ testConnectionSetup();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests a corner case, when there is no Interface configured for one BGP
+ * speaker.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNoSpeakerInterface() {
+ BgpSpeaker bgpSpeaker100 = new BgpSpeaker(
+ "bgpSpeaker100",
+ "00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00", 100,
+ "00:00:00:00:01:00");
+ List<InterfaceAddress> interfaceAddresses100 = new LinkedList<>();
+ interfaceAddresses100.add(new InterfaceAddress(DPID1, 1, ""));
+ interfaceAddresses100.add(new InterfaceAddress(DPID2, 1, ""));
+ bgpSpeaker100.setInterfaceAddresses(interfaceAddresses100);
+ testConnectionSetup();
+ }