Introduces Virtual Circuit functionality for SDX-L2

- Implements commands: sdxl2vc, sdxl2vc-add, sdxl2vc-list, sdxl2vc-remove
- Custom exceptions handled at the VC manager
- Updated README
- Updated unit tests
- Grouped some documentation and code
- Reduced checkstyle warnings

Change-Id: I4cb211dcfd1f3517f4e594c1cc1c816f9c3cdbe3
diff --git a/sdx-l2/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl2/ b/sdx-l2/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26323fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdx-l2/src/test/java/org/onosproject/sdxl2/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.sdxl2;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
+import org.onosproject.TestApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.IdGenerator;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static java.lang.String.format;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+public class SdxL2VCManagerTest {
+    private static final String SDXL2_1 = "sdxl2_test1";
+    private static final String CP1 = "of:00000000000001/1";
+    private static final String CP2 = "of:00000000000002/1";
+    private static final String VLANS1 = "2,3,4";
+    private static final String VLANS2 = "4,5,6";
+    private static final String CEMAC1 = "52:40:00:12:44:01";
+    private static final String CEMAC2 = "51:12:11:00:23:01";
+    private static final String CP3 = "of:00000000000002/2";
+    private static final String VLANS3 = "8,9,10";
+    private static final String CEMAC3 = "52:12:11:00:23:01";
+    private static final String SDXL2_2 = "sdxl2_test2";
+    private static final String CP5 = "of:00000000000002/4";
+    private static final String VLANS5 = "100";
+    private static final String CEMAC5 = "52:12:11:00:23:11";
+    private static final String CP6 = "of:00000000000004/4";
+    private static final String VLANS6 = "1";
+    private static final String CEMAC6 = "52:12:11:a0:23:11";
+    private static final String CP7 = "of:0000000000000a/4";
+    private static final String VLANS7 = "1";
+    private static final String CEMAC7 = "52:12:21:00:25:11";
+    private static final String CP8 = "of:00000000000009/4";
+    private static final String VLANS8 = "111";
+    private static final String CEMAC8 = "52:12:14:a0:23:11";
+    private static final String CP9 = "of:0000000000000a/4";
+    private static final String VLANS9 = "1";
+    private static final String CEMAC9 = "52:12:21:00:28:11";
+    private static final String CP10 = "of:00000000000009/4";
+    private static final String VLANS10 = "1";
+    private static final String CEMAC10 = "52:12:14:aa:23:11";
+    private static final ApplicationId APPID = TestApplicationId.create("foo");
+    @Rule
+    public ExpectedException exceptionAddVC = ExpectedException.none();
+    @Rule
+    public ExpectedException exceptionRemoveVC = ExpectedException.none();
+    @Rule
+    public ExpectedException exceptionGetVC = ExpectedException.none();
+    private SdxL2MacVCManager manager;
+    private IdGenerator idGenerator = new MockIdGenerator();
+    /**
+     * Prepare environment before starting testing VCs.
+     */
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        SdxL2DistributedStore store = new SdxL2DistributedStore();
+        store.initForTest();
+        manager = new SdxL2MacVCManager(
+                APPID, store, new IntentServiceTest());
+        Intent.bindIdGenerator(idGenerator);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Clean up environment after finishing testing VCs.
+     */
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() {
+        Intent.unbindIdGenerator(idGenerator);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testgenerateKey() {
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpOne = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpOneAux = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpTwo = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpTwoAux = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        Key key1 = manager.generateIntentKey(SDXL2_1, cpOne, cpTwo, "1");
+        Key key2 = manager.generateIntentKey(SDXL2_1, cpOneAux, cpTwoAux, "1");
+        assertNotEquals(key1, key2);
+        Key key3 = manager.generateIntentKey(SDXL2_1, cpOne, cpTwoAux, "1");
+        Key key4 = manager.generateIntentKey(SDXL2_1, cpOneAux, cpTwo, "1");
+        assertNotEquals(key3, key4);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testAddVCChecks() {
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpFive = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpSix = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC2);
+        manager.addVC(SDXL2_1, cpFive, cpSix);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpSeven = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC2);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpEight = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        manager.addVC(SDXL2_1, cpSeven, cpEight);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpNine = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpTen = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST3", CP3, VLANS3, CEMAC3);
+        manager.addVC(SDXL2_1, cpNine, cpTen);
+        exceptionAddVC.expect(IllegalStateException.class);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpOne = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpTwo = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC1);
+        manager.addVC(SDXL2_1, cpOne, cpTwo);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testremoveVCChecks() {
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpOne = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpTwo = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpFive = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpSix = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC2);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpSeven = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC2);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpEight = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpNine = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpTen = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST3", CP3, VLANS3, CEMAC3);
+        manager.addVC(SDXL2_1, cpFive, cpSix);
+        manager.removeVC(cpFive, cpSix);
+        manager.removeVC(cpSeven, cpEight);
+        manager.removeVC(cpNine, cpTen);
+        exceptionRemoveVC.expect(IllegalStateException.class);
+        manager.removeVC(cpOne, cpTwo);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testGetVC() {
+        connectionSetup();
+        Iterator<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> lhs = setupLhsCPs().iterator();
+        Iterator<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> rhs = setupRhsCPs().iterator();
+        String vc;
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint one;
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint two;
+        while (lhs.hasNext()) {
+            one =;
+            two =;
+            vc = one.toString().compareTo(two.toString()) < 0 ?
+                    format(SdxL2VCManager.SDXL2_CPS_FORMAT, one, two) :
+                    format(SdxL2VCManager.SDXL2_CPS_FORMAT, two, one);
+            assertEquals(vc, manager.getVC(one, two));
+        }
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpLeft = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpRight = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP3, VLANS3, CEMAC1);
+        // This VC has not been created before
+        vc = cpLeft.toString().compareTo(cpRight.toString()) < 0 ?
+                format(SdxL2VCManager.SDXL2_CPS_FORMAT, cpLeft, cpRight) :
+                format(SdxL2VCManager.SDXL2_CPS_FORMAT, cpRight, cpLeft);
+        assertNull(manager.getVC(cpLeft, cpRight));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testgetVCs() {
+        connectionSetup();
+        Iterator<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> lhs = setupLhsCPs().iterator();
+        Iterator<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> rhs = setupRhsCPs().iterator();
+        Set<String> expectedVCs = Sets.newHashSet();
+        String vc;
+        String lhsName;
+        String rhsName;
+        while (lhs.hasNext()) {
+            lhsName =;
+            rhsName =;
+            vc = lhsName.compareTo(rhsName.toString()) < 0 ?
+                    format(SdxL2VCManager.NAME_FORMAT, SDXL2_2, lhsName, rhsName) :
+                    format(SdxL2VCManager.NAME_FORMAT, SDXL2_2, rhsName, lhsName);
+            expectedVCs.add(vc);
+        }
+        Set<String> vcs = manager.getVCs(Optional.of(SDXL2_2));
+        assertEquals(expectedVCs, vcs);
+        vcs = manager.getVCs(Optional.of(SDXL2_1));
+        assertEquals(Collections.emptySet(), vcs);
+        vcs = manager.getVCs(Optional.ofNullable(null));
+        assertEquals(expectedVCs, vcs);
+    }
+    public List<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> setupLhsCPs() {
+        List<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> cps = new ArrayList<SdxL2ConnectionPoint>();
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpone = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST1", CP1, VLANS1, CEMAC1);
+        cps.add(cpone);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpfive = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST5", CP5, VLANS5, CEMAC5);
+        cps.add(cpfive);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpseven = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST7", CP7, VLANS7, CEMAC7);
+        cps.add(cpseven);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpnine = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST9", CP9, VLANS9, CEMAC9);
+        cps.add(cpnine);
+        return cps;
+    }
+    public List<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> setupRhsCPs() {
+        List<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> cps = new ArrayList<SdxL2ConnectionPoint>();
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cptwo = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST2", CP2, VLANS2, CEMAC2);
+        cps.add(cptwo);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpsix = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST6", CP6, VLANS6, CEMAC6);
+        cps.add(cpsix);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpeight = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST8", CP8, VLANS8, CEMAC8);
+        cps.add(cpeight);
+        SdxL2ConnectionPoint cpten = SdxL2ConnectionPoint.sdxl2ConnectionPoint("TEST10", CP10, VLANS10, CEMAC10);
+        cps.add(cpten);
+        return cps;
+    }
+    private void connectionSetup() {
+        Iterator<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> lhs = setupLhsCPs().iterator();
+        Iterator<SdxL2ConnectionPoint> rhs = setupRhsCPs().iterator();
+        while (lhs.hasNext()) {
+            manager.addVC(SDXL2_2,,;
+        }
+    }