Major refactoring to always link EVCs to FCs + adding EVC-to-FC fragmentation

- Making EVCs to always be composed of FCs
- Subclassing EVCs and FCs from abstract CarrierEthernetConnection class
- Refactored CarrierEthernetProvisioner to only work with FCs
- Adding basing orchestration functionality in CarrierEthernetManager to create set of FCs out of an EVC based on LTPs in topology
- Automatically assign vlanIds to FCs and corresponding S-TAGs to INNIs of neighboring FCs
- Allowing setting forwarding for single-device FCs
- Making sure that INNIs always appear in pairs
- Minor modifications in some CLI commands
- Getting rid of the ActiveState enum in and doing some relevant refactoring
- Renaming addNi/removeNi/validateNi methods in

Change-Id: I3e4972bd792585a05912943cabb45becfe2e82a4
22 files changed
tree: 61c8ab0ece326e724499a6d8f9fef4b128eb2026
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  4. calendar/
  5. database-perf/
  6. ecord/
  7. flowtest/
  8. ifwd/
  9. ipfix/
  10. oneping/
  11. onos-byon-gui/
  12. pom.xml
  13. sdx-l2/
  14. sdx-l3/
  15. tvue/
  16. uiref/

ONOS : Open Network Operating System

Sample Applications

This repository contains sample and testing applications for ONOS.

What is ONOS?

ONOS is a new SDN network operating system designed for high availability, performance, scale-out.

You can find the main project repository here:

Where can I learn more about ONOS?

Checkout out our website and our tools