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Software Defined eXchange - L2 (SDX-L2)

SDX-L2 is an application for ONOS project which can provide layer 2 connectivity between edge ports of a given SDN network.


This sofware is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Information can be found here: Apache License 2.0.



SDX-L2 dependencies

SDX-L2 implements its own ARP/NDP handler, it is important to disable the ONOS ARP/NDP handler.

SDX-L2 installation

  • Compile the project:


    or to skip unit tests:

      mci -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  • Install in your ONOS deployment:

      onos-app $OC1 install target/onos-app-sdx-l2-1.7.0-SNAPSHOT.oar

SDX-L2 cli commands

  • Create a named SDX:

      sdxl2-add $sdxname
  • Delete a named SDX:

      sdxl2-remove $sdxname
  • List all the active SDXs:

  • Create a named SDX-L2 connection point:

      sdxl2cp-add [-ce_mac] $mac $sdxname $connectionpoint $vlans $sdxcpname
  • Remove a named SDX-L2 connection point:

      sdxl2cp-remove $sdxcpname
  • List all the active SDX-L2 connection points or all the active SDX connection points related to an SDX:

      sdxl2cps-list [$sdxname]
  • Get the information of an SDX-L2 connection point:

      sdxl2cp $sdxcpname