Improvements to Docker build job

- include a parameter for a tag name to pull
- remove useless new version parameter

Change-Id: Ieae837ef807278a84e8eb9f1e3e34a9e55917d70
diff --git a/jjb/onos/ b/jjb/onos/
index aa2b431..b0e1753 100644
--- a/jjb/onos/
+++ b/jjb/onos/
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
 # set up release build credentials
 . onos-build-credentials
-# get the sources
+on# get the sources
 git checkout $GERRIT_BRANCH
+git checkout -b docker $ONOS_TAG
 # build and deploy the Docker image
-$DOCKER build -t onosproject/onos:${ONOS_VERSION} .
+$DOCKER build -t onosproject/onos:${ONOS_TAG} .
 $DOCKER login --username ${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME} --password ${DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD}
-$DOCKER push onosproject/onos:${ONOS_VERSION}
+$DOCKER push onosproject/onos:${ONOS_TAG}
diff --git a/jjb/onos/onos-verify.yaml b/jjb/onos/onos-verify.yaml
index efb7f10..5a6e7a4 100644
--- a/jjb/onos/onos-verify.yaml
+++ b/jjb/onos/onos-verify.yaml
@@ -122,12 +122,38 @@
       - string:
          name: ONOS_VERSION
          default: '1.12'
-         description: 'Version of ONOS to build'
+         description: 'Version tag of ONOS to build'
       - string:
          name: ONOS_NEXT_VERSION
          default: '1.13.0-SNAPSHOT'
-         description: 'Version of ONOS to build'
+         description: 'Version of ONOS to reset tree to'
+    scm:
+      - lf-infra-gerrit-scm:
+          git-url: '{git-url}'
+          refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
+          branch: '$GERRIT_BRANCH'
+          submodule-recursive: '{submodule-recursive}'
+          choosing-strategy: gerrit
+          jenkins-ssh-credential: '{jenkins-ssh-credential}'
+- docker_build_boiler_plate: &docker_build_boiler_plate
+    name: release_build_boiler_plate
+    concurrent: true
+    parameters:
+      - lf-infra-parameters:
+         project: '{project}'
+         branch: '{stream}'
+         stream: '{stream}'
+         lftools-version: '{lftools-version}'
+      - string:
+         name: ONOS_TAG
+         default: ''
+         description: 'Tag of ONOS to build'
       - lf-infra-gerrit-scm:
@@ -309,7 +335,7 @@
     <<: *job_boiler_plate
     # yamllint disable-line rule:key-duplicates
-    <<: *release_build_boiler_plate
+    <<: *docker_build_boiler_plate
       - lf-provide-maven-settings: