Re-enable temporary the env. variables until
[AETHER-523] and [AETHER=544] are not closed.

Change-Id: Ifeafe1c9bbcdd1fe1abc40dfb9fb7a838fd80ced
1 file changed
tree: b9b808ef5e294e15a7380b392e8d27aa64905143
  1. .coafile
  2. .editorconfig
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitmodules
  5. .gitreview
  6. Makefile
  8. jenkins-scripts/
  9. jenkins.ini.example
  10. jjb/
  11. packer/
  12. scripts/
  13. tox.ini
  14. yamllint.conf

ONOS ci-management repo

Sets up the CI system for ONOS on Jenkins via Jenkins Job Builder, and the EC2 executor nodes via Packer.

Notable files

  • jjb/defaults.yaml: default values used to parameterize all jjb jobs

  • jjb/onf-macros.yaml: JJB macros used by other jobs that set common behavior and reduce verbosity of normal jobs.

  • jjb/templates/*.yaml: JJB job-templates that are used by other jobs.

  • jjb/repos/*.yaml: normal location of per-gerrit-repo validation jobs, file name is the same as the repo name.