fabric-tna: fix killing of existing stratum instances

The previous command was exiting if a stratum_bfrt container
was not running, failing to kill stratum is running as a
regular process. Also, it was using the wrong process name.

Moreover, we improve the logic to kill stratum containers by
removing the dependency on the name. Often developers run the
stratum container without a name.

Change-Id: I1c49acdd61b96e0c2031c0672a5491d8adce6099
1 file changed
tree: aaa11d9c7d7256824a878e3546a90b39e89d9477
  1. .coafile
  2. .editorconfig
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitmodules
  5. .gitreview
  6. Makefile
  7. README.md
  8. jenkins-scripts/
  9. jenkins.ini.example
  10. jjb/
  11. packer/
  12. scripts/
  13. tox.ini
  14. yamllint.conf

ONOS ci-management repo

Sets up the CI system for ONOS on Jenkins via Jenkins Job Builder, and the EC2 executor nodes via Packer.

Notable files

  • jjb/defaults.yaml: default values used to parameterize all jjb jobs

  • jjb/onf-macros.yaml: JJB macros used by other jobs that set common behavior and reduce verbosity of normal jobs.

  • jjb/templates/*.yaml: JJB job-templates that are used by other jobs.

  • jjb/repos/*.yaml: normal location of per-gerrit-repo validation jobs, file name is the same as the repo name.