[ONOS-7346] Ver.f

Change-Id: I1e7d2f30876eee53d01baac7558f4563f4fdfaca
diff --git a/jjb/OnosSystemTest/check-style.sh b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/check-style.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..094e896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/check-style.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+rm -rf OnosSystemTest
+rm -f pep8Result.txt
+git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/OnosSystemTest; cd OnosSystemTest
+git review -d ${GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER}
+cd $WORKSPACE/OnosSystemTest/
+modifiedFiles=$(git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r HEAD | grep \.py) || modifiedFiles=""
+if [ -n "$modifiedFiles" ]
+	pep8 --repeat --show-source --show-pep8 --ignore=E251,E201,E302,E202,E126,E127,E203,E226,E501,W391 $modifiedFiles > $WORKSPACE/pep8Result.txt
+	touch $WORKSPACE/pep8Result.txt
+    rm -rf $WORKSPACE/OnosSystemTest/
+    echo "There were no files to code check, failing test so Jenkins doesn't comment."
+    exit 2
+cat $WORKSPACE/pep8Result.txt
+rm -rf $WORKSPACE/OnosSystemTest/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jjb/OnosSystemTest/cho-init.sh b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/cho-init.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c0e11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/cho-init.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+echo -e "\n#####  Set TestON Branch #####"
+echo "TestON Branch is set on: $TestONBranch"
+cd ~/OnosSystemTest/
+git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
+git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
+git branch -D $TestONBranch # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
+git clean -df # clean any local files
+git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
+git reset --hard origin/$TestONBranch  # force local index to match remote branch
+git clean -df # clean any local files
+git checkout $TestONBranch #create new local branch
+git branch
+git log -1 --decorate
+# Cherry pick the debugging patch for CHO
+git fetch ssh://you@gerrit.onosproject.org:29418/OnosSystemTest refs/changes/51/14951/5 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
+echo -e "\n#####  Set ONOS Branch #####"
+echo "ONOS Branch is set on: $ONOSBranch"
+echo -e "\n##### set a branch param for downstream project to use #####"
+echo $ONOSBranch > /tmp/branchToTest #set a param for downstream project to use
+#cat /tmp/branchToTest
+cd ~/onos
+git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
+git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
+git branch -D $ONOSBranch # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
+git clean -df # clean any local files
+git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
+git reset --hard origin/$ONOSBranch  # force local index to match remote branch
+git clean -df # clean any local files
+if [ -z "$ONOSTag" ] #if tag is not specified
+    git checkout $ONOSBranch #create new local branch
+    git checkout $ONOSTag #checkout the tag
+git branch
+git log -1 --decorate
+# Cherry pick the debugging patch for CHO
+# git fetch ssh://you@gerrit.onosproject.org:29418/onos refs/changes/53/14953/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
+echo -e "\n##### set jvm heap size to 8G #####"
+echo ${ONOSJVMHeap}
+inserted_line="export JAVA_OPTS="${ONOSJVMHeap}""
+sed -i "s/bash/bash\n$inserted_line/" ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service
+echo "##### Check onos-service setting..... #####"
+cat ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_51
+#Copy cell file over
+cp ~/choTest3 ~/onos/tools/test/cells/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jjb/OnosSystemTest/cho-post.sh b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/cho-post.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586ad1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/cho-post.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+export PYTHONPATH=/home/admin/TestON:/home/admin/sts
+#Run LogReport
+#/var/lib/jenkins/LogReport.py --nodes '' '' '' --terms 'WARN' 'ERROR' 'Except' > /tmp/LogReport.txt
+#Copy generated wiki report file from TestON .rpt to /tmp
+#/var/lib/jenkins/Jenkins_getresult.py > /tmp/CHOresults.txt
+cd ~/CHO_Jenkins_Scripts
+# Generate the cvs files for plotting
+bash log-summary
+#source log-summary-cumulative 500
+# Refrest the images generated by Monitorix
+#curl\&graph=all\&when=1week\&color=black > /dev/null
+#curl\&graph=all\&when=1week\&color=black > /dev/null
+#curl\&graph=all\&when=1week\&color=black > /dev/null
+#curl\&graph=all\&when=1week\&color=black > /dev/null
+# Download required images to workspace folder
+#curl -o onos1cpu.png
+#curl -o onos1mem.png
+#curl -o onos1net.png
+#curl -o mininetcpu.png
+#curl -o mininetnet.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jjb/OnosSystemTest/onos-test-freestyle.yaml b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/onos-test-freestyle.yaml
index 50af7e5..3d2ec67 100644
--- a/jjb/OnosSystemTest/onos-test-freestyle.yaml
+++ b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/onos-test-freestyle.yaml
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
                if [ $? -eq 0 ]
-                   echo "Checking if there are logs older than ${DAYS_OLD} days...."
-                   for i in $(find . -mtime +${DAYS_OLD} -type d)
+                   echo "Checking if there are logs older than ${{DAYS_OLD}} days...."
+                   for i in $(find . -mtime +${{DAYS_OLD}} -type d)
                    echo -e "DIRs older than $DAYS_OLD are: "
                    echo $i
@@ -52,7 +52,20 @@
                  echo -e "\n After clean up disk usage:\n"
                  df -h
-      - shell: !include-raw-escape: vm-bm-clean-up.sh
+      - shell: |
+                #!/bin/bash
+                source ./clean-up.sh
+                {beforeClean}
+                cd /home/{user}/OnosSystemTest/TestON/logs
+                {cleaning}
+                {additional}
+                {afterClean}
 # post_Job
 - job-template:
@@ -116,7 +129,8 @@
       - clean-up-bash:
-        cleanFileName: 'vm-bm-clean-up.sh'
+        user: 'sdn'
+        additional: ''
 - job-template:
     name: test-station-log-cleanup-BM
@@ -148,7 +162,8 @@
       - clean-up-bash:
-        cleanFileName: 'vm-bm-clean-up.sh'
+        user: 'sdn'
+        additional: ''
 - job-template:
     name: test-station-log-cleanup-CHO
@@ -180,7 +195,17 @@
       - clean-up-bash:
-        cleanFileName: 'cho-clean-up.sh'
+        user: 'admin'
+        additional: |
+                     cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OnosProdCHOpost
+                     echo "Checking if there are jenkins-logs older than ${{DAYS_OLD}} days...."
+                     for i in $(find . -mtime +${{DAYS_OLD}})
+                     do
+                     echo -e "logs older than $DAYS_OLD are: "
+                     echo $i
+                     rm -rf $i
+                     done
 # haven't done this yet.
 - job-template:
@@ -190,13 +215,14 @@
       - build-discarder:
-         num-to-keep: 15
+         num-to-keep: 100
       - string:
-         name: 'DAYS_OLD'
-         default: '15'
+         name: 'GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER'
+         default: ''
+         description: '5-digit number that corresponds to the patch set change on Gerrit.'
       - lf-infra-parameters:
          project: '{project}'
@@ -204,10 +230,13 @@
          stream: '{stream}'
          lftools-version: '{lftools-version}'
-    node: 'TestStation-CHOs'
+    concurrent: true
-#    triggers:
-#      - timed: '@daily'
+    node: 'TestStation-Jeremys'
+    builders:
+      - shell: !include-raw-escape: check-style.sh
 - job-template:
     name: delta-nightly
@@ -263,6 +292,116 @@
     # Todo : add graph and confluence ( use pipeline for post build ..? )
+- job-template:
+    name: init-CHO
+    <<: *test-free-job-boiler-plate
+    properties:
+      - build-discarder:
+         num-to-keep: 30
+    parameters:
+      - string:
+         name: 'ONOSBranch'
+         default: 'master'
+         description: |
+                       set onos branch to test. default to "master",
+                       but can also be set at "onos-1.2", etc.
+                       This parameter is also use to trigger where the test results to be posted
+      - string:
+         name: 'ONOSJVMHeap'
+         default: "\"${{JAVA_OPTS:--Xms8G -Xmx8G}}\""
+         description: 'onos cell jvm heap size setting'
+      - string:
+         name: 'TestONBranch'
+         default: 'master'
+         description: 'sets TestON branch'
+      - string:
+         name: 'ONOSTag'
+         default: ''
+      - lf-infra-parameters:
+         project: '{project}'
+         branch: '{stream}'
+         stream: '{stream}'
+         lftools-version: '{lftools-version}'
+    node: 'TestStation-CHOs'
+    wrappers:
+      - inject:
+         properties-file: '/var/lib/jenkins/TestONOS.property'
+         script-content: |
+                          echo "ONOSBranch=$ONOSBranch" > /var/lib/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+                          echo "TestONBranch=$TestONBranch" >> /var/lib/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+                          echo "ONOSTag=$ONOSTag" >> /var/lib/jenkins/TestONOS.property
+         override-build-parameters: true
+    builders:
+      - shell: !include-raw-escape: cho-init.sh
+- job-template:
+    name: running-CHO
+    <<: *test-free-job-boiler-plate
+    properties:
+      - build-discarder:
+         num-to-keep: 30
+    parameters:
+      - lf-infra-parameters:
+         project: '{project}'
+         branch: '{stream}'
+         stream: '{stream}'
+         lftools-version: '{lftools-version}'
+    node: 'TestStation-CHOs'
+    triggers:
+      - reverse:
+         jobs: 'init-CHO'
+         result: 'failure'
+    builders:
+      - shell: !include-raw-escape: running-cho.sh
+- job-template:
+    name: post-CHO-master
+    <<: *test-free-job-boiler-plate
+    properties:
+      - lf-infra-properties:
+          project: '{project}'
+          build-days-to-keep: 7
+    parameters:
+      - lf-infra-parameters:
+         project: '{project}'
+         branch: '{stream}'
+         stream: '{stream}'
+         lftools-version: '{lftools-version}'
+    node: 'TestStation-CHOs'
+#    triggers:
+#      - timed: 'H/60 * * * *'
+    wrappers:
+      - inject:
+         properties-file: '/var/lib/jenkins/TestONOS.property'
+    builders:
+      - shell: !include-raw-escape: cho-post.sh
+# plot data needed.
 #TODO LIST : DELTA -> perhaps change into pipeline?? , CHO_jobs, Check_style, Personal stations : necessary?
@@ -302,12 +441,12 @@
       - 'delta-nightly'
-#- project:
-#    name: cho-tests
-#    project-name: cho-tests
-#    <<: *test-free-init-procedure-plate
-#    jobs:
-#      - 'init-CHO'
-#      - 'running-CHO'
-#      - 'post-CHO-master'
+- project:
+    name: cho-tests
+    project-name: cho-tests
+    <<: *test-free-init-procedure-plate
+    jobs:
+      - 'init-CHO'
+      - 'running-CHO'
+      - 'post-CHO-master'
diff --git a/jjb/OnosSystemTest/running-cho.sh b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/running-cho.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f184bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jjb/OnosSystemTest/running-cho.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/bin/bash -i
+echo "hello"
+cd ~
+export PATH=$PATH:onos/tools/test/bin
+echo "Test date: "
+source .bash_killcmd
+# Reset csv files for posting
+source /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/OnosProdCHOpost/log-summary-reset
+cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin
+echo "*** copy Apache Karaf log config to onos directory for packaging."
+cp /home/admin/Applications/apache-karaf-3.0.5/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg /home/admin/onos/tools/package/etc/
+timeout 240 stc shutdown | head -100
+timeout 240 stc teardown | head -100
+#Start TestON test
+./cli.py run CHOTestMonkey
\ No newline at end of file