1. 5665f1b modifying FUNCoptical to use new topology by Jeremy Songster · 9 years ago
  2. 17147f2 add testcase for copying karaf logs to preserve them between by Jeremy Songster · 9 years ago
  3. 53c5e66 Creating subfolders for test suites by Jon Hall · 9 years ago[Renamed (96%) from TestON/tests/FUNCoptical/FUNCoptical.params]
  4. e4bc713 Added Activate Flow Objectives test case by Jeremy · 9 years ago
  5. 51a7fe0 ONOS-2480 Added FUNCoptical test. Launches opticalTest topology, checks that it loaded, tests arping, pingall, point-to-point intents and host-to-host intents. Added lincoemininetdriver.py which inherits from the mininet driver and has linc oe specific methods. by acsmars · 9 years ago