Merge "ONOS Node rolling restart test"
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/ b/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/
index 50c8c39..1150d4c 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/
@@ -364,15 +364,18 @@
         :param ports: List of ports ids to monitor
         :param time_interval: Interval between read
-        :return: Statistics read while traffic is active
+        :return: Statistics read while traffic is active, or empty result if no
+                 ports provided.
         results = {
             port_id: {"rx_bps": [], "tx_bps": [], "rx_pps": [], "tx_pps": []}
             for port_id in ports
         results["duration"] = []
+        if not ports:
+            return results
         prev = {
             port_id: {
                 "opackets": 0,
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index c2d80ed..d1c17fa 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -171,10 +171,10 @@
             self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
             self.handle.sendline( "ssh {}@{}".format( self.options[ 'username' ],
                                                       self.options[ 'ip' ] ) )
-            i = self.handle.expect( [ "password:|Password:", self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=30 )
+            i = self.handle.expect( [ "password|Password", self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=30 )
             if i == 0:
-                self.handle.sendline( self.options[ 'password' ] )
-                j = self.handle.expect( [ "password:|Password:", self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=10 )
+                self.handle.sendline( self.pwd )
+                j = self.handle.expect( [ "password|Password", self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=10 )
                 if j != 1:
                     main.log.error( "Incorrect password" )
                     return main.FALSE
@@ -539,14 +539,21 @@
    + ": Sending: " + cmd )
             self.handle.sendline( cmd )
-            i = self.handle.expect( [ self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
+            i = self.handle.expect( [ "password|Password", self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
                                     timeout=wait + 5 )
             response = self.handle.before
             if debug:
                 main.log.debug( response )
-            if i == 1:
+            if i == 0:
+                self.handle.sendline( self.pwd )
+                j = self.handle.expect( [ "password|Password", self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=10 )
+                if j != 1:
+                    main.log.error( "Incorrect password" )
+                    return main.FALSE
+            if i == 2:
                 main.log.error( + ": timeout when waiting for response" )
                 main.log.error( + ": response: " + str( response ) )
+            main.log.debug( self.prompt )
             return response
         except pexpect.EOF:
             main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
@@ -555,3 +562,4 @@
         except Exception:
             main.log.exception( + ": uncaught exception!" )
+            self.clearBuffer()
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index 678bc50..89edfb3 100755
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
         except Exception:
             main.log.error( + ": failed to get host MAC address" )
-    def runCmdOnHost( self, hostName, cmd ):
+    def runCmdOnHost( self, hostName, cmd, debug=False ):
         Run shell command on specified host and return output
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
         hostComponent = self.hosts[ hostName ]
         if hostComponent:
-            return hostComponent.command( cmd )
+            return hostComponent.command( cmd, debug )
         return None
     def assignSwController( self, sw, ip, port="6653", ptcp="" ):
@@ -1074,13 +1074,13 @@
                 intf = hosts[host]['interfaces'][0].get( 'name' )
                 hostIp = self.getIPAddress( host, iface=intf ) or hosts[host]['interfaces'][0].get( 'ips', False )
                 if hostIp:
-                    flushCmd = "sudo ip neigh flush all"
+                    flushCmd = "sudo /sbin/ip neigh flush all"
                     intfStr = "-i {}".format( intf ) if intf else ""
                     srcIp = "-S {}".format( hostIp if isinstance( hostIp, types.StringType ) else hostIp[0] ) if intf else ""
-                    cmd = "sudo arping -c 1 -w {} {} {} {}".format( wait, intfStr, srcIp, dstIp )
+                    cmd = "sudo /usr/sbin/arping -c 1 -w {} {} {} {}".format( wait, intfStr, srcIp, dstIp )
                     main.log.debug( "Sending IPv4 arping from host {}".format( host ) )
                 elif self.getIPAddress( host, proto='IPV6' ):
-                    flushCmd = "sudo ip -6 neigh flush all"
+                    flushCmd = "sudo /sbin/ip -6 neigh flush all"
                     intf = hosts[host]['interfaces'][0]['name']
                     cmd = "ndisc6 -r 1 -w {} {} {}".format( wait, dstIp6, intf )
                     main.log.debug( "Sending IPv6 ND from host {}".format( host ) )
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index 8e6a90a..f041871 100755
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+import ipaddress
 import pexpect
 import re
 import json
@@ -1364,7 +1365,7 @@
             main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception" )
             return None
-    def verifyHostIp( self, hostList=[], prefix="" ):
+    def verifyHostIp( self, hostList=[], prefix="", prefixLength=24 ):
             Verify that all hosts have IP address assigned to them
@@ -1379,19 +1380,28 @@
             hosts = self.hosts()
-            hosts = json.loads( hosts )
+            hosts = json.loads( hosts, "utf-8" )
             if not hostList:
                 hostList = [ host[ "id" ] for host in hosts ]
+            hostList = [ str( h.lower() ) for h in hostList ]
             for host in hosts:
                 hostId = host[ "id" ]
-                if hostId not in hostList:
+                hostId = str( hostId.lower() )
+                match = False
+                for onosHostId in hostList:
+                    if onosHostId == hostId:
+                        match = True
+                if not match:
                 ipList = host[ "ipAddresses" ]
                 main.log.debug( + ": IP list on host " + str( hostId ) + ": " + str( ipList ) )
                 if not ipList:
                     main.log.warn( + ": Failed to discover any IP addresses on host " + str( hostId ) )
-                    if not any( ip.startswith( str( prefix ) ) for ip in ipList ):
+                    # if no hostIp in subnet: Get warning otherwise remove hostId from hostList
+                    subnetString = u"%s/%s" % (prefix, prefixLength)
+                    subnet =  ipaddress.ip_network( subnetString, strict=False )
+                    if not any( ipaddress.ip_address( ip ) in subnet for ip in ipList ):
                         main.log.warn( + ": None of the IPs on host " + str( hostId ) + " has prefix " + str( prefix ) )
                         main.log.debug( + ": Found matching IP on host " + str( hostId ) )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/QOS.params b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/QOS.params
index 427917f..f9575fe 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/QOS.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/QOS.params
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
                 <!-- Verify the 90th percentile instead of 99.9th because of latency introduced by TRex SW Mode -->
-                <expected_90_percentile_latency>150</expected_90_percentile_latency>
+                <expected_90_percentile_latency>200</expected_90_percentile_latency>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/dependencies/
index fcb4b7c..6fc1ba9 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/QOS/dependencies/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
         up4 = UP4()
         trex = Trex()
         # Get the P4RT client connected to UP4 in the first available ONOS instance
-        up4.setup(
+        up4.setup(, no_host=True)
         main.step("Program PDRs and FARs via UP4")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params.tucson b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params.tucson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0bb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.params.tucson
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+    <testcases>1,3,4,6,7,9,101,103,104,106,107,109,201,203,204,206,207,209,301,303,304,306,307,309,601,602,606,620,621,622,630,640,652,653</testcases>
+    <GRAPH>
+        <nodeCluster>pairedleaves</nodeCluster>
+        <builds>20</builds>
+        <jobName>SRRouting-tofino</jobName>
+        <branch>master</branch>
+    </GRAPH>
+    <SCALE>
+        <size>3</size>
+        <max>3</max>
+    </SCALE>
+        <useCommonConf>False</useCommonConf>
+        <useCommonTopo>True</useCommonTopo>
+        <useBmv2>True</useBmv2>
+        <bmv2SwitchType>stratum</bmv2SwitchType>
+        <switchPrefix></switchPrefix>
+        <stratumRoot>~/stratum</stratumRoot>
+        <confName>tucson</confName>
+        <topology></topology>
+        <lib>,,</lib>
+    <jsonFileSuffix>.tucson</jsonFileSuffix>
+    <persistent_setup>True</persistent_setup>
+    <kubernetes>
+        <appName>onos-classic</appName>
+        <namespace>tost</namespace>
+    </kubernetes>
+    <ENV>
+        <cellName>productionCell</cellName>
+        <cellApps>drivers,fpm,lldpprovider,hostprovider,netcfghostprovider,drivers.bmv2,pipelines.fabric,org.stratumproject.fabric-tna,,segmentrouting,t3</cellApps>
+    </ENV>
+    <ONOS_Configuration>
+        <org.onosproject.grpc.ctl.GrpcChannelControllerImpl>
+            <enableMessageLog>true</enableMessageLog>
+        </org.onosproject.grpc.ctl.GrpcChannelControllerImpl>
+    </ONOS_Configuration>
+    <ONOS_Logging>
+        <>TRACE</>
+        <org.onosproject.segmentrouting>DEBUG</org.onosproject.segmentrouting>
+        <org.onosproject.routeservice.impl>DEBUG</org.onosproject.routeservice.impl>
+        <>DEBUG</>
+        <org.onosproject.routing.fpm>DEBUG</org.onosproject.routing.fpm>
+        <org.onosproject.fpm>DEBUG</org.onosproject.fpm>
+    </ONOS_Logging>
+    <ONOS_Logging_Reset>
+        <org.onosproject.segmentrouting>DEBUG</org.onosproject.segmentrouting>
+    </ONOS_Logging_Reset>
+    <GIT>
+        <pull>False</pull>
+        <branch>master</branch>
+    </GIT>
+    <CTRL>
+        <port>6653</port>
+    </CTRL>
+    <timers>
+        <LinkDiscovery>30</LinkDiscovery>
+        <SwitchDiscovery>45</SwitchDiscovery>
+        <TrafficDiscovery>10</TrafficDiscovery>
+        <OnosDiscovery>45</OnosDiscovery>
+        <loadNetcfgSleep>5</loadNetcfgSleep>
+        <startMininetSleep>25</startMininetSleep>
+        <dhcpSleep>150</dhcpSleep>
+        <balanceMasterSleep>10</balanceMasterSleep>
+    </timers>
+    <SLEEP>
+        <startup>10</startup>
+    </SLEEP>
+    <TOPO>
+        <internalIpv4Hosts>h1,h2,h3,mgmt</internalIpv4Hosts>
+        <switchNum>2</switchNum>
+        <linkNum>2</linkNum>
+    </TOPO>
+    <ALARM>
+        <minPassPercent>100</minPassPercent>
+    </ALARM>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo.0x2.tucson b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo.0x2.tucson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aa179c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/SRRouting.topo.0x2.tucson
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+        <ONOScell>
+            <host>localhost</host>  # ONOS "bench" machine
+            <user>jenkins</user>
+            <password></password>
+            <type>OnosClusterDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+            <home>~/onos</home>   # defines where onos home is on the build machine. Defaults to "~/onos/" if empty.
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <kubeConfig>~/.kube/dev-pairedleaves-tucson</kubeConfig>  # If set, will attempt to use this file for setting up port-forwarding
+                <useDocker>True</useDocker>  # Whether to use docker for ONOS nodes
+                <docker_prompt>\$</docker_prompt>
+                <cluster_name></cluster_name>  # Used as a prefix for cluster components. Defaults to 'ONOS'
+                <diff_clihost>True</diff_clihost> # if it has different host other than localhost for CLI. True or empty. OC# will be used if True.
+                <karaf_username>karaf</karaf_username>
+                <karaf_password>karaf</karaf_password>
+                <karafPrompt_username>karaf</karafPrompt_username>
+                <karafPrompt_password>karaf</karafPrompt_password>
+                <web_user>karaf</web_user>
+                <web_pass>karaf</web_pass>
+                <rest_port></rest_port>
+                <prompt></prompt>  # TODO: we technically need a few of these, one per component
+                <onos_home>~/onos/</onos_home>  # defines where onos home is on the target cell machine. Defaults to entry in "home" if empty.
+                <nodes> 3 </nodes>  # number of nodes in the cluster
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ONOScell>
+        <Leaf1>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>root</user>
+            <password>onl</password>
+            <type>StratumOSSwitchDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <shortName>leaf1</shortName>
+                <port1>1</port1>
+                <link1>Host1</link1>
+                <onosConfigPath></onosConfigPath>
+                <onosConfigFile></onosConfigFile>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Leaf1>
+        <Leaf2>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>root</user>
+            <password>onl</password>
+            <type>StratumOSSwitchDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <shortName>leaf2</shortName>
+                <port1>2</port1>
+                <link1>Host2</link1>
+                <onosConfigPath></onosConfigPath>
+                <onosConfigFile></onosConfigFile>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Leaf2>
+        <Compute1>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>jenkins</user>
+            <password></password>
+            <type>HostDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+            <jump_host></jump_host>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <mac></mac>
+                <inband>false</inband>
+                <dhcp>False</dhcp>
+                <ip></ip>
+                <shortName>h1</shortName>
+                <port1></port1>
+                <link1></link1>
+                <ifaceName>pairbond</ifaceName>
+                <scapy_path>/usr/bin/scapy</scapy_path>
+                <routes>
+                    <route1>
+                        <network></network>
+                        <netmask>25</netmask>
+                        <gw></gw>
+                        <interface>pairbond</interface>
+                    </route1>
+                </routes>
+                <sudo_required>true</sudo_required>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Compute1>
+        <Compute2>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>jenkins</user>
+            <password></password>
+            <type>HostDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+            <jump_host></jump_host>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <mac></mac>
+                <inband>false</inband>
+                <dhcp>False</dhcp>
+                <ip></ip>
+                <shortName>h2</shortName>
+                <port1></port1>
+                <link1></link1>
+                <ifaceName>pairbond</ifaceName>
+                <scapy_path>/usr/bin/scapy</scapy_path>
+                <routes>
+                    <route1>
+                        <network></network>
+                        <netmask>25</netmask>
+                        <gw></gw>
+                        <interface>pairbond</interface>
+                    </route1>
+                </routes>
+                <sudo_required>true</sudo_required>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Compute2>
+        <Compute3>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>jenkins</user>
+            <password></password>
+            <type>HostDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+            <jump_host></jump_host>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <mac></mac>
+                <inband>false</inband>
+                <dhcp>False</dhcp>
+                <ip></ip>
+                <shortName>h3</shortName>
+                <port1></port1>
+                <link1></link1>
+                <ifaceName>eno2</ifaceName>
+                <scapy_path>/usr/bin/scapy</scapy_path>
+                <routes>
+                    <route1>
+                        <network></network>
+                        <netmask>26</netmask>
+                        <gw></gw>
+                        <interface>26</interface>
+                    </route1>
+                </routes>
+                <sudo_required>true</sudo_required>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Compute3>
+        <ManagmentServer>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>jenkins</user>
+            <password></password>
+            <type>HostDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <mac></mac>
+                <inband>false</inband>
+                <dhcp>False</dhcp>
+                <ip></ip>
+                <shortName>mgmt</shortName>
+                <port1></port1>
+                <link1></link1>
+                <ifaceName>pairbond</ifaceName>
+                <scapy_path>/usr/bin/scapy</scapy_path>
+                <routes>
+                    <route1>
+                        <network></network>
+                        <netmask>25</netmask>
+                        <gw></gw>
+                        <interface>pairbond</interface>
+                    </route1>
+                </routes>
+                <sudo_required>true</sudo_required>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </ManagmentServer>
+        <NetworkBench>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>jenkins</user>
+            <password></password>
+            <type>NetworkDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>10</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </NetworkBench>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/
index fd6f018..bcf9728 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
         # if static route flag add routes
         # these routes are topology specific
+        # these should be in the params file
         if static:
             if ipv4:
                 lib.addStaticOnosRoute( main, "", "")
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@
             # Run the test with physical devices
             lib.connectToPhysicalNetwork( main )
-        lib.saveOnosDiagnostics( main )
+        # lib.saveOnosDiagnostics( main )
         # wait some time for onos to install the rules! "Waiting %i seconds for ONOS to program the dataplane" % float( main.params[ "timers" ][ "dhcpSleep" ] ))
         time.sleep( float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'dhcpSleep' ] ) )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/host/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/host/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db6e183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/SRRouting/dependencies/host/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+    "onos":
+    {
+        "A4:23:05:01:A2:F2/None": "",
+        "A4:23:05:01:A2:F3/None": "",
+        "3C:EC:EF:47:B6:09/None": "",
+        "66:72:77:60:68:A2/None": ""
+    },
+    "network":
+    {
+        "h1": "",
+        "h2": "",
+        "h3": "",
+        "mgmt": ""
+    }