Merge "[ONOS-7166] send the number of ter failed cases to the slack"
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/FUNCJenkinsFile b/TestON/JenkinsFile/FUNCJenkinsFile
index de05cee..3555299 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/FUNCJenkinsFile
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/FUNCJenkinsFile
@@ -40,15 +40,18 @@
for ( test in tests.keySet() ){
-if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
- def end = new Date()
- TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
- slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "FUNC tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
+ def end = new Date()
+ TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
+ slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "FUNC tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ }
// The testName should be the key from the FUNC
def FUNCTest( testName, toBeRun, prop ) {
return {
- try{
+ catchError{
stage(testName) {
if ( toBeRun ){
workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/"+testName
@@ -168,25 +171,21 @@
- sh '''#!/bin/bash
- if [ -e ''' + workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt ] && grep -q \"1\" " + workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt" + '''
- then
- echo ''' + testName + " : All passed." + '''
- else
- echo ''' + testName + " : not all passed." + '''
- DoingThisToSetTheResultFalse
- fi'''
+ resultContents = readFile workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt"
+ resultContents = resultContents.split("\n")
+ if( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){
+ print "All passed"
+ }else{
+ print "Failed"
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
+ slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
+ + resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n"
+ + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
+ Failed
+ }
- }catch (all) {
- catchError{
- if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
- slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
- + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
- Failed
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/HAJenkinsFile b/TestON/JenkinsFile/HAJenkinsFile
index 685ffd6..8493f3c 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/HAJenkinsFile
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/HAJenkinsFile
@@ -41,15 +41,19 @@
for ( test in tests.keySet() ){
-if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
- def end = new Date()
- TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
- slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "HA tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
+ def end = new Date()
+ TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
+ slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "HA tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ }
// The testName should be the key from the FUNC
def HATest( testName, toBeRun, prop ) {
return {
- try{
+ catchError{
stage(testName) {
if ( toBeRun ){
workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/"+testName
@@ -169,25 +173,21 @@
- sh '''#!/bin/bash
- if [ -e ''' + workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt ] && grep -q \"1\" " + workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt" + '''
- then
- echo ''' + testName + " : All passed." + '''
- else
- echo ''' + testName + " : not all passed." + '''
- DoingThisToSetTheResultFalse
- fi'''
+ resultContents = readFile workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt"
+ resultContents = resultContents.split("\n")
+ if( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){
+ print "All passed"
+ }else{
+ print "Failed"
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
+ slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
+ + resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n"
+ + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
+ Failed
+ }
- }catch (all) {
- catchError{
- if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
- slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
- + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
- Failed
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile b/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile
index 400dd5a..fa75de2 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
SCPFcbench: [ test:'SCPFcbench', table:'cbench_bm_tests', results:'cbench_bm_results', file:'CbenchDB', rFile:'SCPFcbench.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Cbench Test'], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:'', y_axis:'Throughput (Responses/sec)'],
SCPFhostLat: [ test:'SCPFhostLat', table:'host_latency_tests', results:'host_latency_results', file:'HostAddLatency', rFile:'SCPFhostLat.R', extra:none,finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Host Latency Test'], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)'],
SCPFportLat: [ test:'SCPFportLat', table:'port_latency_details', results:'port_latency_results', file:'/tmp/portEventResultDb', rFile:'SCPFportLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Port Latency Test - Port Up','Port Latency Test - Port Down'], dbCols:[ 'up_ofp_to_dev_avg,up_dev_to_link_avg,up_link_to_graph_avg', 'down_ofp_to_dev_avg,down_dev_to_link_avg,down_link_to_graph_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
- SCPFflowTp1g: [ test:'SCPFflowTp1g --params TEST/flows=12250', table:'flow_tp_tests', results:'flow_tp_results', file:'flowTP1gDB', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R n', extra:neighbors,finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=0','Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=4'], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:[ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 ','AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0' ], y_axis:'Throughput (,000 Flows/sec)' ],
+ SCPFflowTp1g: [ test:'SCPFflowTp1g', table:'flow_tp_tests', results:'flow_tp_results', file:'flowTP1gDB', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R n', extra:neighbors,finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=0','Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=4'], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:[ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 ','AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0' ], y_axis:'Throughput (,000 Flows/sec)' ],
SCPFflowTp1gWithFlowObj: [ test:'SCPFflowTp1g --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'flow_tp_fobj_tests', results:'flow_tp_fobj_results', file:'flowTP1gDBFlowObj', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R y', extra:neighbors, finalResult:0],
SCPFscaleTopo: [ test:'SCPFscaleTopo', table:'scale_topo_latency_details', results:'scale_topo_latency_results', file:'/tmp/scaleTopoResultDb', rFile:'SCPFscaleTopo.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Scale Topology Test'], dbCols:[ 'first_connection_to_last_connection, last_connection_to_last_role_request, last_role_request_to_last_topology' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=20' , y_axis:'Latency (s)'],
SCPFswitchLat: [ test:'SCPFswitchLat', table:'switch_latency_details', results:'switch_latency_results', file:'/tmp/switchEventResultDb', rFile:'SCPFswitchLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:['Switch Latency Test - Switch Up','Switch Latency Test - Switch Down'], dbCols:[ 'tcp_to_feature_reply_avg,feature_reply_to_role_request_avg,role_request_to_role_reply_avg,role_reply_to_device_avg,up_device_to_graph_avg', 'fin_ack_to_ack_avg,ack_to_device_avg,down_device_to_graph_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
@@ -54,15 +54,19 @@
for ( test in tests.keySet() ){
-if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
- def end = new Date()
- TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
- slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "SCPF tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
+ def end = new Date()
+ TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
+ slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "SCPF tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ }
// The testName should be the key from the SCPF map
def SCPFTest( testName, toBeRun, prop ) {
return {
- try{
+ catchError{
stage(testName) {
if ( toBeRun ){
workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/"+testName
@@ -161,25 +165,21 @@
def post = build job: "Pipeline_postjob_BM", propagate: false
- sh '''#!/bin/bash
- if [ -e ''' + workSpace + "/*Result.txt ] && grep -q \"1\" " + workSpace + "/*Result.txt" + '''
- then
- echo ''' + testName + " : All passed." + '''
- else
- echo ''' + testName + " : not all passed." + '''
- DoingThisToSetTheResultFalse
- fi'''
+ resultContents = readFile workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt"
+ resultContents = resultContents.split("\n")
+ if( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){
+ print "All passed"
+ }else{
+ print "Failed"
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
+ slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
+ + resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n"
+ + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
+ Failed
+ }
- }catch (all) {
- catchError{
- if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
- slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
- + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
- Failed
- }
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/USECASEJenkinsFile b/TestON/JenkinsFile/USECASEJenkinsFile
index 63551b9..bfae6c1 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/USECASEJenkinsFile
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/USECASEJenkinsFile
@@ -48,15 +48,19 @@
for ( test in tests.keySet() ){
-if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
- def end = new Date()
- TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
- slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "USECASE tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" ){
+ def end = new Date()
+ TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, now )
+ slackSend( color:"#5816EE", message: "USECASE tests ended at: " + end.toString() + "\nTime took : " + duration )
+ }
// The testName should be the key from the FUNC
def USECASETest( testName, toBeRun, prop ) {
return {
- try{
+ catchError{
stage(testName) {
if ( toBeRun ){
workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/"+testName
@@ -178,25 +182,21 @@
- sh '''#!/bin/bash
- if [ -e ''' + workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt ] && grep -q \"1\" " + workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt" + '''
- then
- echo ''' + testName + " : All passed." + '''
- else
- echo ''' + testName + " : not all passed." + '''
- DoingThisToSetTheResultFalse
- fi'''
+ resultContents = readFile workSpace + "/" + testName + "Result.txt"
+ resultContents = resultContents.split("\n")
+ if( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){
+ print "All passed"
+ }else{
+ print "Failed"
+ if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
+ slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
+ + resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n"
+ + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
+ Failed
+ }
- }catch (all) {
- catchError{
- if( prop["manualRun"] == "false" )
- slackSend(color:"FF0000", message: "[" + prop["ONOSBranch"] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n"
- + "${env.JOB_NAME}/detail/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/pipeline" )
- Failed
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/core/ b/TestON/core/
index ed9b0bd..047c38e 100644
--- a/TestON/core/
+++ b/TestON/core/
@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@
+ executedStatus.write( "[Total]:" + str( main.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED ) + " [Executed]:" + str( main.TOTAL_TC_RUN ) + " [Failed]:" + str( main.TOTAL_TC_FAIL ) + "\n" )
def updateCaseResults(self,main):