Refactor ONOS Drivers
Changes include:
        Include component handle in log messages
        Replace carriage returns with new line characters
        Remove static IP addresses and passwords
        Add exception handling to prevent TestON crashes
        Delete old tests and duplicate files

Onoscli driver
        Remove assert from isup()
        Parameterize REST port and set default to 8080
        Add ONOS home directory, default to ~/ONOS
        Merge into
        Remove ctrl_one and ctrl_none functions
        Improve git_pull() error checking
        Parameterize the interface for tcpdump
        Print more information in get_version
        Parameterize the scp source username and password for add_flow
        Remove Link_up and Link_down - see link() in mininet driver

Mininet Driver
        assign_sw_controller takes COUNT to indicate how many controllers to assign to a switch - requires change to each test that uses this function to assign more than 1 controller to a switch
        remove static password
        doubled timeout for cleanup(larger networks can take longer to clean)

Zookeeper Driver
        Remove start() call from connect()
        add Zookeeper home directory, with default as ~/zookeeper-3.4.5

Cassandra Driver
        Improve logic of status function
        Check if self is up in isup instead of 4 instances running
43 files changed
tree: 21b99a36e879583e3bb94e44a7303174aca28a6c
  1. .gitignore
  3. TestON/

TestON, a testing infastructure by Paxterra

TestON is the testing platform that all the ONOS tests are being run on curretly.


  1. Pull the git repo from

    $ git clone

  2. Make a symbolic link for TestON on the HOMEDIR Execute the following from the home directory

    $ ln -s ONLabTest/TestON TestON

  3. Make sure python path is correct


    $ echo $PYTHONPATH


  1. Zookeeper

  2. Cassandra

  3. ONOS

  4. Mininet

  5. Install python packages configObj and pexpect. they can be installed as :

    $ sudo pip install configObj

    $ sudo easy_install pexpect


  1. Config file at TestON/config/teston.cfg

    Change the file paths to the appropriate paths

  2. The .topo file for each test

    Must change the IPs/login/etc to point to the nodes you want to run on

Running TestON

  1. TestON must be ran from its bin directory

    $ cd TestON/bin

  2. Launch cli

    $ ./

  3. Run the test

    teston> run MininetTest

The Tests

The tests are all located it TestON/tests/ Each test has its own folder with the following files:

  1. .ospk file

    • This is written in Openspeak, an word based language developed by Paxterra.

    • It defines the cases and sequence of events for the test

  2. .py file

    • This file serves the same exact function as the openspeak file.

    • It will only be used if there is NO .ospk file, so if you like python, delete or rename the .ospk file

  3. .topo file

    • This defines all the components that TestON creates for that test and includes data such as IP address, login info, and device drivers

    • The Components must be defined in this file to be uesd in the openspeak or python files.

  4. .params file

    • Defines all the test-specific variables that are used by the test.

    • NOTE: The variable testcases which defines which testcases run when the test is ran.


Here are a few things to check if it doesn't work

  1. Double check the topo file for that specific test the nodes must be able to run that specific component ( Mininet IP -> machine with mn installed)

  2. Enable passwordless logins between your nodes and the TestON node.