
Change-Id: Idfa938f298035f757cf3d73341be8fc9c4b5ab9e
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
index 5f9097d..37a9a73 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
         SCPFflowTp1g:                            [ flows:true, test:'SCPFflowTp1g', table:'flow_tp_tests', results:'flow_tp_results', file:'flowTP1gDB', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R n', extra:neighbors, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=0', 'Flow Throughput Test - neighbors=4' ], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:[ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 ','AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0' ],  y_axis:'Throughput (,000 Flows/sec)' ],
         SCPFflowTp1gWithFlowObj:                 [ flows:true, test:'SCPFflowTp1g --params TEST/flowObj=True', table:'flow_tp_fobj_tests', results:'flow_tp_fobj_results', file:'flowTP1gDBFlowObj', rFile:'SCPFflowTp1g.R y', extra:neighbors, finalResult:0 ],
         SCPFscaleTopo:                           [ flows:false, test:'SCPFscaleTopo', table:'scale_topo_latency_details', results:'scale_topo_latency_results', file:'/tmp/scaleTopoResultDb', rFile:'SCPFscaleTopo.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Scale Topology Test' ], dbCols:[ 'first_connection_to_last_connection, last_connection_to_last_role_request, last_role_request_to_last_topology' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=20' , y_axis:'Latency (s)' ],
-        SCPFswitchLat:                           [ flows:false, test:'SCPFswitchLat', table:'switch_latency_details', results:'switch_latency_results', file:'/tmp/switchEventResultDb', rFile:'SCPFswitchLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Switch Latency Test - Switch Up','Switch Latency Test - Switch Down' ], dbCols:[ 'tcp_to_feature_reply_avg,feature_reply_to_role_request_avg,role_request_to_role_reply_avg,role_reply_to_device_avg,up_device_to_graph_avg', 'fin_ack_to_ack_avg,ack_to_device_avg,down_device_to_graph_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
+        SCPFswitchLat:                           [ flows:false, test:'SCPFswitchLat', table:'switch_latency_details', results:'switch_latency_results', file:'/tmp/switchEventResultDb', rFile:'SCPFswitchLat.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Switch Latency Test - Switch Up','Switch Latency Test - Switch Down' ], dbCols:[ 'tcp_to_feature_reply_avg,feature_reply_device_avg,up_device_to_graph_avg', 'fin_ack_to_ack_avg,ack_to_device_avg,down_device_to_graph_avg' ], dbWhere:'AND scale=5', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
         SCPFbatchFlowResp:                       [ flows:true, test:'SCPFbatchFlowResp', table:'batch_flow_tests', results:'batch_flow_results', file:'SCPFbatchFlowRespData', rFile:'SCPFbatchFlowResp.R', extra:none, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Batch Flow Test - Post', 'Batch Flow Test - Del' ], dbCols:[ 'elapsepost, posttoconfrm', 'elapsedel, deltoconfrm' ], dbWhere:'', y_axis:'Latency (s)' ],
         SCPFintentEventTp:                       [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentEventTp', table:'intent_tp_tests', results:'intent_tp_results', file:'IntentEventTPDB', rFile:'SCPFintentEventTp.R n', extra:neighbors, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Intent Throughput Test - neighbors=0','Intent Throughput Test - neighbors=4' ], dbCols:'SUM( avg ) as avg', dbWhere:[ 'AND scale=5 AND neighbors=0 GROUP BY date,build','AND scale=5 AND NOT neighbors=0 GROUP BY date,build' ], y_axis:'Throughput (Ops/sec)' ],
         SCPFintentRerouteLat:                    [ flows:true, test:'SCPFintentRerouteLat', table:'intent_reroute_latency_tests', results:'intent_reroute_latency_results', file:'IntentRerouteLatDB', rFile:'SCPFIntentInstallWithdrawRerouteLat.R n', extra:batches, finalResult:1, graphTitle:[ 'Intent Reroute Test' ], dbCols:'avg', dbWhere:'AND scale=5 AND batch_size=100', y_axis:'Latency (ms)' ],
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFswitchLat.R b/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFswitchLat.R
index 3535a5a..86290db 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFswitchLat.R
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/scripts/SCPFswitchLat.R
@@ -132,9 +132,7 @@
 print( "Sorting data for Switch Up Averages." )
 requiredColumns <- c( "up_device_to_graph_avg",
-                      "role_reply_to_device_avg",
-                      "role_request_to_role_reply_avg",
-                      "feature_reply_to_role_request_avg",
+                      "feature_reply_to_device_avg",
                       "tcp_to_feature_reply_avg" )
 tryCatch( upAvgs <- c( fileData[ requiredColumns] ),
@@ -170,9 +168,7 @@
 upAvgsData$type <- factor( upAvgsData$type, levels=unique( upAvgsData$type ) )
 sumOfUpAvgs <- fileData[ 'up_device_to_graph_avg' ] +
-               fileData[ 'role_reply_to_device_avg' ] +
-               fileData[ 'role_request_to_role_reply_avg' ] +
-               fileData[ 'feature_reply_to_role_request_avg' ] +
+               fileData[ 'feature_reply_to_device_avg' ] +
                fileData[ 'tcp_to_feature_reply_avg' ]
 print( "Up Averages Results:" )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/SCPFswitchLat.py b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/SCPFswitchLat.py
index 74afcf8..8f3dcda 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/SCPFswitchLat.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/SCPFswitchLat.py
@@ -148,9 +148,7 @@
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ] = {}
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ] = {}
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'T_F' ] = []  # TCP to Feature
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_R' ] = []  # Feature to Role
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RQ_RR' ] = []  # role request to role reply
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RR_D' ] = []  # role reply to Device
+            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_D' ] = []  # Feature to Device
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'D_G' ] = []  # Device to Graph
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'E_E' ] = []  # TCP to Graph
@@ -206,16 +204,12 @@
                 maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'max' ] = EtoEtemp
                 maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] = i
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'T_F' ] = numpy.average( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'T_F' ] )
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'F_R' ] = numpy.average( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_R' ] )
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'RQ_RR' ] = numpy.average( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RQ_RR' ] )
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'RR_D' ] = numpy.average( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RR_D' ] )
+            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'F_D' ] = numpy.average( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_D' ] )
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'D_G' ] = numpy.average( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'D_G' ] )
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'E_E' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'E_E' ] )
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'T_F' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'T_F' ] )
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'F_R' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_R' ] )
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'RQ_RR' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RQ_RR' ] )
-            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'RR_D' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RR_D' ] )
+            resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'F_D' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_D' ] )
             resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'D_G' ] = numpy.std( resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'D_G' ] )
             # calculate average and std for result, and grep the max End to End data
@@ -248,19 +242,9 @@
                             "TCP to Feature Std: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'T_F' ] ) ) )
-                            "Feature to Role average: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'F_R' ] ) ) )
+                            "Feature to Device average: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'F_D' ] ) ) )
-                            "Feature to Role Std: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'F_R' ] ) ) )
-            main.log.report(
-                            "Role request to Role reply average: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'RQ_RR' ] ) ) )
-            main.log.report(
-                            "Role request to Role reply Std: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'RQ_RR' ] ) ) )
-            main.log.report(
-                            "Role reply to Device average: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'RR_D' ] ) ) )
-            main.log.report(
-                            "Role reply to Device Std: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'RR_D' ] ) ) )
+                            "Feature to Device Std: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Std' ][ 'F_D' ] ) ) )
                             "Device to Graph average: {}".format( str( resultDict[ "up" ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'D_G' ] ) ) )
@@ -297,9 +281,7 @@
             # put result
             temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'E_E' ] )
             temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'T_F' ] )
-            temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'F_R' ] )
-            temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'RQ_RR' ] )
-            temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'RR_D' ] )
+            temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'F_D' ] )
             temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'up' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'D_G' ] )
             temp += "," + str( "%.2f" % resultDict[ 'down' ][ 'node' + str( maxDict[ 'down' ][ 'node' ] ) ][ 'Ave' ][ 'E_E' ] )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/dependencies/switchFunc.py b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/dependencies/switchFunc.py
index a96fc20..b097166 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/dependencies/switchFunc.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFswitchLat/dependencies/switchFunc.py
@@ -260,12 +260,8 @@
         # up Latency
         for d in resultDict[ switchStatus ]:
             T_Ftemp = 0
-            F_Rtemp = 0
-            RQ_RRtemp = 0
                 T_Ftemp = tempResultDict[ 'Feature' ] - tempResultDict[ 'TCP' ]
-                F_Rtemp = tempResultDict[ 'RQ' ] - tempResultDict[ 'Feature' ]
-                RQ_RRtemp = tempResultDict[ 'RR' ] - tempResultDict[ 'RQ' ]
             except KeyError:
                 main.log.warn( "Tshark Result was incorrect!" )
                 main.log.warn( tempResultDict )
@@ -275,15 +271,11 @@
             if not warmup:
                 resultDict[ switchStatus ][ d ][ 'T_F' ].append( T_Ftemp )
-                resultDict[ switchStatus ][ d ][ 'F_R' ].append( F_Rtemp )
-                resultDict[ switchStatus ][ d ][ 'RQ_RR' ].append( RQ_RRtemp )
             main.log.info( "{} TCP to Feature: {}".format( d, str( T_Ftemp ) ) )
-            main.log.info( "{} Feature to Role Request: {}".format( d, str( F_Rtemp ) ) )
-            main.log.info( "{} Role Request to Role Reply: {}".format( d, str( RQ_RRtemp ) ) )
         for i in range( 1, main.Cluster.numCtrls + 1 ):
-            RR_Dtemp = 0
+            F_Dtemp = 0
             D_Gtemp = 0
             E_Etemp = 0
             main.log.info( "================================================" )
@@ -315,12 +307,12 @@
             if DeviceTime != 0:
-                    RR_Dtemp = DeviceTime - tempResultDict[ 'RR' ]
+                    F_Dtemp = DeviceTime - tempResultDict[ 'Feature' ]
                     D_Gtemp = GraphTime - DeviceTime
                     E_Etemp = GraphTime - tempResultDict[ 'TCP' ]
-                    check = checkResult( RR_Dtemp, D_Gtemp, E_Etemp )
+                    check = checkResult( F_Dtemp, D_Gtemp, E_Etemp )
                     if check == 1:
-                        main.log.info( "Role reply to Device:{}".format( RR_Dtemp ) )
+                        main.log.info( "Feature to Device:{}".format( F_Dtemp ) )
                         main.log.info( "Device to Graph:{}".format( D_Gtemp ) )
                         main.log.info( "End to End:{}".format( E_Etemp ) )
                         main.log.info( "================================================" )
@@ -344,7 +336,7 @@
                 if not warmup and check == 1:
-                    resultDict[ switchStatus ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'RR_D' ].append( RR_Dtemp )
+                    resultDict[ switchStatus ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'F_D' ].append( F_Dtemp )
                     resultDict[ switchStatus ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'D_G' ].append( D_Gtemp )
                     resultDict[ switchStatus ][ 'node' + str( i ) ][ 'E_E' ].append( E_Etemp )