Merge pull request #38 from opennetworkinglab/HA-rebase

Ha rebase
diff --git a/TestON/core/ b/TestON/core/
index 9c5ad4d..80fe0de 100644
--- a/TestON/core/
+++ b/TestON/core/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
         main.LogFileName = main.logdir + "/" + main.TEST + "_" +str(currentTime) + ".log"
         main.ReportFileName = main.logdir + "/" + main.TEST + "_" + str(currentTime) + ".rpt"
         main.JenkinsCSV = main.logdir + "/" + main.TEST + ".csv"
         #### Add log-level - Report
         logging.addLevelName(9, "REPORT")
         logging.addLevelName(7, "EXACT")
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
         #NOTE: the elements were orded based on the colors assigned to the data
         logfile = open(main.JenkinsCSV ,"w")
         logfile.write(",".join( ['Tests Failed', 'Tests Passed', 'Tests Planned'] ) + "\n")
-        logfile.write(",".join( [str(main.TOTAL_TC_FAIL), str(main.TOTAL_TC_PASS), str(main.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED)] ))
+        logfile.write(",".join( [str(int(main.TOTAL_TC_FAIL)), str(int(main.TOTAL_TC_PASS)), str(int(main.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED))] ))
diff --git a/TestON/core/ b/TestON/core/
index b0752ca..8934e50 100644
--- a/TestON/core/
+++ b/TestON/core/
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
     try :
         testModule = __import__(main.classPath, globals(), locals(), [main.TEST], -1)
-        print "There is no test like "+main.TEST
+        print "There was an import error, it might mean that there is no test like "+main.TEST
     testClass = getattr(testModule, main.TEST)
diff --git a/TestON/dependencies/ b/TestON/dependencies/
index 235d138..c685a14 100755
--- a/TestON/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/dependencies/
@@ -51,4 +51,4 @@
 #Maybe this should be an argument? pack-and-rotate supports that
-pack-rotate-log ${root_dir}'/'${base_name} "${root_dir}/${base_name}*.pcap" ${nr_max}
+pack-rotate-log ${root_dir}'/'${base_name} "${root_dir}/${base_name}*.pcap ${root_dir}/${base_name}*.log " ${nr_max}
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index 6f7ce3a..8da1700 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 list your email here for future contact:
 OCT 20 2014
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
 import re
 import sys
 import core.teston
+import time
 from math import pow
 from drivers.common.cli.emulatordriver import Emulator
@@ -60,9 +62,16 @@
         if self.handle :
   "Handle successfully created")
             self.home = "~/linc-oe"
             self.handle.sendline("cd "+self.home)
+            #self.handle.sendline("pgrep -g linc")
+            #self.handle.expect("\$")
+            print "handle = ", self.handle.before            
+            return main.TRUE 
+            ''' 
   "Building Linc-OE")
             self.handle.sendline("make rel")
             i = self.handle.expect(["ERROR","linc-oe\$"],timeout=60)
@@ -73,15 +82,15 @@
                 x = self.handle.expect(["\$",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
       "make rel returned: "+ str(x))
-      ": Starting Linc-OE CLI.. This may take a while")
-                time.sleep(30)
-                self.handle.sendline("sudo ./rel/linc/bin/linc console")
-                j = self.handle.expect(["linc@",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+  ": Starting Linc-OE CLI.. This may take a while")
+            time.sleep(30)
+            self.handle.sendline("sudo ./rel/linc/bin/linc console")
+            j = self.handle.expect(["linc@",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
             if j == 0:
       "Linc-OE CLI started")
                 return main.TRUE
+            '''
                     ": Connection failed to the host "+
@@ -90,6 +99,26 @@
                     ": Failed to connect to Linc-OE")
             return main.FALSE
+    def start_console(self):
+        import time
+": Starting Linc-OE CLI.. This may take a while")
+        time.sleep(30)
+        self.handle.sendline("sudo ./rel/linc/bin/linc console")
+        j = self.handle.expect(["linc@",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+        start_result = self.handle.before
+        if j == 0:
+  "Linc-OE CLI started")
+            return main.TRUE
+        else:
+            main.log.error(
+            ": Connection failed to the host "+self.user_name+"@"+self.ip_address)
+            main.log.error(
+            ": Failed to connect to Linc-OE")
+            return main.FALSE
     def build(self):
         Build Linc-OE with the specified settings
@@ -285,18 +314,42 @@
   " :::::::")
+    def stopLincOEConsole(self):
+        '''
+        This function is only used for packet optical testing
+        Send disconnect prompt to Linc-OE CLI
+        (CTRL+C) and kill the linc process
+        '''
+        try:
+            cmd = "pgrep -f linc"
+            self.handle.sendline("pgrep -f linc")
+            self.handle.expect("linc") 
+            print "stophandle = ", self.handle.before
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( ": EOF exception")
+            main.log.error( ":    " + self.handle.before) 
     def disconnect(self):
         Send disconnect prompt to Linc-OE CLI
-        (CTRL+C)
+        (CTRL+C) and kill the linc process
             #Send CTRL+C twice to exit CLI
+            handle1 = self.handle.before
+            cmd = "pgrep -f linc"
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            handle2 = self.handle.before
+  "pid's = "+handle2)
+            cmd = "sudo kill -9 `pgrep -f linc`"
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
         except pexpect.EOF:
             main.log.error( ": EOF exception")
             main.log.error( ":    " + self.handle.before)
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index 2f31b7d..bf3a2c6 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -287,7 +287,87 @@
             return main.FALSE
         else :
             return main.TRUE
+    def changeIP(self,host,intf,newIP,newNetmask):
+        '''
+        Changes the ip address of a host on the fly
+        Ex: h2 ifconfig h2-eth0 netmask
+        '''
+        if self.handle:
+            try:
+                cmd = host+" ifconfig "+intf+" "+newIP+" "+'netmask'+" "+newNetmask
+                self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+                self.handle.expect("mininet>")
+                response = self.handle.before
+      "response = "+response)
+      "Ip of host "+host+" changed to new IP "+newIP)
+                return main.TRUE
+            except pexpect.EOF:
+                main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+                main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before)
+                return main.FALSE
+    def changeDefaultGateway(self,host,newGW):
+        '''
+        Changes the default gateway of a host
+        Ex: h1 route add default gw
+        '''
+        if self.handle:
+            try:
+                cmd = host+" route add default gw "+newGW 
+                self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+                self.handle.expect("mininet>")
+                response = self.handle.before
+      "response = "+response)
+      "Default gateway of host "+host+" changed to "+newGW)
+                return main.TRUE
+            except pexpect.EOF:
+                main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+                main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before)
+                return main.FALSE
+    def addStaticMACAddress(self,host,GW,macaddr):
+        '''
+        Changes the mac address of a geateway host
+        '''
+        if self.handle:
+            try:
+                #h1  arp -s 00:00:00:00:11:11 
+                cmd = host+" arp -s "+GW+" "+macaddr
+                self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+                self.handle.expect("mininet>")
+                response = self.handle.before
+      "response = "+response)
+      "Mac adrress of gateway "+GW+" changed to "+macaddr)
+                return main.TRUE
+            except pexpect.EOF:
+                main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+                main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before)
+                return main.FALSE
+    def verifyStaticGWandMAC(self,host):
+        '''
+        Verify if the static gateway and mac address assignment 
+        '''
+        if self.handle:
+            try:
+                #h1  arp -an
+                cmd = host+" arp -an "
+                self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+                self.handle.expect("mininet>")
+                response = self.handle.before
+      " arp -an = "+response)
+                return main.TRUE
+            except pexpect.EOF:
+                main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+                main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before)
+                return main.FALSE
     def getMacAddress(self,host):
         Verifies the host's ip configured or not.
@@ -443,17 +523,40 @@
         return response
-    def iperf(self):
+    '''
+    def iperf(self,host1,host2):": Simple iperf TCP test between two (optionally specified) hosts")
-            response = self.execute(cmd = 'iperf',prompt = 'mininet>',timeout = 10)
+            if not host1 and not host2:
+                response = self.execute(cmd = 'iperf',prompt = 'mininet>',timeout = 10)
+            else:
+                cmd1 = 'iperf '+ host1 + " " + host2
+                response = self.execute(cmd = cmd1, prompt = '>',timeout = 20)
         except pexpect.EOF:  
             main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
             main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before)
         return response
+     '''
+    def iperf(self,host1,host2):
+": Simple iperf TCP test between two hosts")
+        try:
+            cmd1 = 'iperf '+ host1 + " " + host2
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd1)
+            self.handle.expect("mininet>") 
+            response = self.handle.before
+            if'Results:',response):
+      ": iperf test succssful")
+                return main.TRUE
+            else:
+                main.log.error(": iperf test failed")
+                return main.FALSE 
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def iperfudp(self):": Simple iperf TCP test between two (optionally specified) hosts")
@@ -1104,7 +1207,7 @@
-            #print "\nPorts for Switch %s:" % (switch['name'])
+            #print "\nPorts for Switch %s:" % (mn_switch['name'])
             #print "\tmn_ports[] = ", mn_ports
             #print "\tonos_ports[] = ", onos_ports
             mn_ports_log = mn_ports
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index 1795a16..ae0f599 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
         args = utilities.parse_args(["SRC","TARGET","PINGTIME"],**pingParams)
         precmd = "sudo rm /tmp/ping." + args["SRC"]
-        command = "sudo mininet/util/m " + args["SRC"] + " ping "+args ["TARGET"]+" -i .2 -w " + str(args['PINGTIME']) + " > /tmp/ping." + args["SRC"] + " &"
+        command = "sudo mininet/util/m " + args["SRC"] + " ping "+args ["TARGET"]+" -i .2 -w " + str(args['PINGTIME']) + " -D > /tmp/ping." + args["SRC"] + " &" command ) 
@@ -372,57 +372,40 @@
     def get_flowTable(self, protoVersion, sw):
         #TODO document usage
-        #FIXME: clean up print statements and such
+        #TODO add option to look at cookies. ignoreing them for now
-        #TODO: Write seperate versions of the function for this, possibly a string that tells it which switch is in use?
-        #For 1.0 version of OVS
-        #command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + " | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1 $6 $7 }' |sort -n -k1"
-        #for 1.3 version of OVS
-        #command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + " | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1 $3 $7 $8}' |sort -n -k1"
+        #print "get_flowTable(" + str(protoVersion) +" " + str(sw) +")"
         #NOTE: Use format to force consistent flow table output across versions
         if protoVersion==1.0:
-            command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + " -F OpenFlow10-table_id | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1  $3  $6  $7  $8}' |sort -n -k1"
+            command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + " -F OpenFlow10-table_id | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1  $3  $6  $7  $8}' | cut -d ',' -f 2- | sort -n -k1 -r"
-            self.handle.expect(["sort -n -k1",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+            self.handle.expect(["k1 -r",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
             response = self.handle.before
             #print "response=", response
             return response
         elif protoVersion==1.3:
-            command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + " -O OpenFlow13  | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1  $3  $6  $7}' |sort -n -k1" 
+            command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + " -O OpenFlow13  | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1  $3  $6  $7}' | cut -d ',' -f 2- | sort -n -k1 -r"
-            #print "ovs-vsctl Command sent status."
-            #self.handle.expect(["sort -n -k1",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
-            #print "sort return status: " 
-            #print self.handle.expect(["sort -n -k1",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
-            #print self.handle.before
+            self.handle.expect(["k1 -r",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
-            #print "OFPST_FLOW expected status: " 
-            #print self.handle.expect(["OFPST_FLOW",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
-            #print self.handle.before
             response = self.handle.before
             #print "response=", response
-            return response 
+            return response
+        else:
+            main.log.error("Unknown  protoVersion in get_flowTable(). given: ("+str(type(protoVersion))+") '"+str(protoVersion)+"'")
     def flow_comp(self,flow1,flow2):
-        #print "Inside flow compare function"
-        #print "Flow1 Table:"
-        #for flow in flow1:
-            #print flow1
-        #print "Flow2 Table"
-        #for flow in flow2:
-            #print flow2
         if flow1==flow2:
             return main.TRUE
   "Flow tables do not match, printing tables:")
-  "Flow Table 1:")
-  "Flow Table 2:")
+  "Flow Table 1:")
+  "Flow Table 2:")
             return main.FALSE
     def setIpTablesOUTPUT(self, dst_ip, dst_port, action='add', packet_type='tcp',rule='DROP'):
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index 4916ba5..358945f 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -693,7 +693,38 @@
   " ::::::")
+    def roles_not_null(self):
+        '''
+        Iterates through each device and checks if there is a master assigned
+        Returns: main.TRUE if each device has a master
+                 main.FALSE any device has no master
+        '''
+        try:
+            import json
+            raw_roles = self.roles()
+            roles_json = json.loads(raw_roles)
+            #search json for the device with id then return the device
+            for device in roles_json:
+                #print device
+                if device['master'] == "none":
+                    main.log.warn("Device has no master: " + str(device) )
+                    return main.FALSE
+            return main.TRUE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def paths(self, src_id, dst_id):
         Returns string of paths, and the cost.
@@ -1043,6 +1074,146 @@
+    def add_multipoint_to_singlepoint_intent(self, ingress_device1, ingress_device2,egress_device,
+            port_ingress="", port_egress="", ethType="", ethSrc="",
+            ethDst="", bandwidth="", lambda_alloc=False, 
+            ipProto="", ipSrc="", ipDst="", tcpSrc="", tcpDst="", setEthSrc="", setEthDst=""):
+        '''
+        Note:
+            This function assumes that there would be 2 ingress devices and one egress device
+            For more number of ingress devices, this function needs to be modified
+        Required:
+            * ingress_device1: device id of ingress device1
+            * ingress_device2: device id of ingress device2
+            * egress_device: device id of egress device
+        Optional:
+            * ethType: specify ethType
+            * ethSrc: specify ethSrc (i.e. src mac addr)
+            * ethDst: specify ethDst (i.e. dst mac addr)
+            * bandwidth: specify bandwidth capacity of link
+            * lambda_alloc: if True, intent will allocate lambda 
+              for the specified intent
+            * ipProto: specify ip protocol 
+            * ipSrc: specify ip source address
+            * ipDst: specify ip destination address
+            * tcpSrc: specify tcp source port
+            * tcpDst: specify tcp destination port
+            * setEthSrc: action to Rewrite Source MAC Address
+            * setEthDst: action to Rewrite Destination MAC Address
+        Description:
+            Adds a multipoint-to-singlepoint intent (uni-directional) by
+            specifying device id's and optional fields
+        NOTE: This function may change depending on the 
+              options developers provide for multipointpoint-to-singlepoint
+              intent via cli
+        '''
+        try:
+            cmd = ""
+            #If there are no optional arguments
+            if not ethType and not ethSrc and not ethDst\
+                    and not bandwidth and not lambda_alloc \
+                    and not ipProto and not ipSrc and not ipDst \
+                    and not tcpSrc and not tcpDst and not setEthSrc and not setEthDst:
+                cmd = "add-multi-to-single-intent"
+            else:
+                cmd = "add-multi-to-single-intent"
+                if ethType:
+                    cmd += " --ethType " + str(ethType)
+                if ethSrc:
+                    cmd += " --ethSrc " + str(ethSrc) 
+                if ethDst:    
+                    cmd += " --ethDst " + str(ethDst) 
+                if bandwidth:
+                    cmd += " --bandwidth " + str(bandwidth)
+                if lambda_alloc:
+                    cmd += " --lambda "
+                if ipProto:
+                    cmd += " --ipProto " + str(ipProto)
+                if ipSrc:
+                    cmd += " --ipSrc " + str(ipSrc)
+                if ipDst:
+                    cmd += " --ipDst " + str(ipDst)
+                if tcpSrc:
+                    cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str(tcpSrc)
+                if tcpDst:
+                    cmd += " --tcpDst " + str(tcpDst)
+                if setEthSrc:
+                    cmd += " --setEthSrc "+ str(setEthSrc)
+                if setEthDst:
+                    cmd += " --setEthDst "+ str(setEthDst)
+            #Check whether the user appended the port 
+            #or provided it as an input
+            if "/" in ingress_device1:
+                cmd += " "+str(ingress_device1) 
+            else:
+                if not port_ingress1:
+                    main.log.error("You must specify "+
+                        "the ingress port1")
+                    #TODO: perhaps more meaningful return
+                    return main.FALSE
+                cmd += " "+ \
+                    str(ingress_device1) + "/" +\
+                    str(port_ingress1) + " " 
+            if "/" in ingress_device2:
+                cmd += " "+str(ingress_device2)
+            else:
+                if not port_ingress2:
+                    main.log.error("You must specify "+
+                        "the ingress port2")
+                    #TODO: perhaps more meaningful return
+                    return main.FALSE
+                cmd += " "+ \
+                    str(ingress_device2) + "/" +\
+                    str(port_ingress2) + " "
+            if "/" in egress_device:
+                cmd += " "+str(egress_device)
+            else:
+                if not port_egress:
+                    main.log.error("You must specify "+
+                        "the egress port")
+                    return main.FALSE
+                cmd += " "+\
+                    str(egress_device) + "/" +\
+                    str(port_egress)  
+            print "cmd= ",cmd
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+   + " sent")
+            i = self.handle.expect([
+                "Error",
+                "onos>"])
+            if i == 0:
+                main.log.error("Error in adding point-to-point intent")
+                return self.handle
+            else:
+                return main.TRUE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def remove_intent(self, intent_id):
         Remove intent for specified intent id
@@ -1193,8 +1364,8 @@
-    def push_test_intents(self, dpid_src, dpid_dst, num_intents,
-            report=True):
+    def push_test_intents(self, dpid_src, dpid_dst, num_intents, 
+            num_mult="", app_id="", report=True):
             Push a number of intents in a batch format to 
@@ -1204,12 +1375,22 @@
             * dpid_dst: specify destination dpid
             * num_intents: specify number of intents to push
+            * num_mult: number multiplier for multiplying
+              the number of intents specified
+            * app_id: specify the application id init to further
+              modularize the intents
             * report: default True, returns latency information
             cmd = "push-test-intents "+\
                   str(dpid_src)+" "+str(dpid_dst)+" "+\
+            if num_mult:
+                cmd += " " + str(num_mult)
+                if app_id:
+                    cmd += " " + str(app_id)
@@ -1221,8 +1402,20 @@
             handle = ansi_escape.sub('', handle)
             if report:
+                lat_result = []
-                return handle
+                #Split result by newline
+                newline = handle.split("\r\r\n")
+                #Ignore the first object of list, which is empty
+                newline = newline[1:]
+                #Some sloppy parsing method to get the latency
+                for result in newline:
+                    result = result.split(": ")
+                    #Append the first result of second parse
+                    lat_result.append(result[1].split(" ")[0])
+                print lat_result 
+                return lat_result 
                 return main.TRUE
@@ -1551,7 +1744,7 @@
         onos_node is the ip of one of the onos nodes in the cluster
         role must be either master, standby, or none
-        Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE based argument varification.
+        Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE based on argument verification.
             When device-role supports errors this should be extended to
             support that output
@@ -1643,5 +1836,115 @@
+    def election_test_leader(self):
+        '''
+         * CLI command to get the current leader for the Election test application.
+         #NOTE: Requires installation of the onos-app-election feature
+         Returns: Node IP of the leader if one exists
+                  None if none exists
+                  Main.FALSE on error
+        '''
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline("election-test-leader")
+            self.handle.expect("election-test-leader")
+            self.handle.expect("onos>")
+            response = self.handle.before
+            #Leader
+            node_search ="The\scurrent\sleader\sfor\sthe\sElection\sapp\sis\s(?P<node>.+)\.", response)
+            if node_search:
+                node ='node')
+      "Election-test-leader found " + node + " as the leader")
+                return node
+            #no leader
+            null_search ="There\sis\scurrently\sno\sleader\selected\sfor\sthe\sElection\sapp", response)
+            if null_search:
+      "Election-test-leader found no leader")
+                return None
+            #error
+            main.log.error("Error in election_test_leader: unexpected response")
+            main.log.error( repr(response) )
+            return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def election_test_run(self):
+        '''
+         * CLI command to run for leadership of the Election test application.
+         #NOTE: Requires installation of the onos-app-election feature
+         Returns: Main.TRUE on success
+                  Main.FALSE on error
+        '''
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline("election-test-run")
+            self.handle.expect("election-test-run")
+            self.handle.expect("onos>")
+            response = self.handle.before
+            #success
+            search ="Entering\sleadership\selections\sfor\sthe\sElection\sapp.", response)
+            if search:
+      "Entering leadership elections for the Election app.")
+                return main.TRUE
+            #error
+            main.log.error("Error in election_test_run: unexpected response")
+            main.log.error( repr(response) )
+            return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def election_test_withdraw(self):
+        '''
+         * CLI command to withdraw the local node from leadership election for
+         * the Election test application.
+         #NOTE: Requires installation of the onos-app-election feature
+         Returns: Main.TRUE on success
+                  Main.FALSE on error
+        '''
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline("election-test-withdraw")
+            self.handle.expect("election-test-withdraw")
+            self.handle.expect("onos>")
+            response = self.handle.before
+            #success
+            search ="Withdrawing\sfrom\sleadership\selections\sfor\sthe\sElection\sapp.", response)
+            if search:
+      "Withdrawing from leadership elections for the Election app.")
+                return main.TRUE
+            #error
+            main.log.error("Error in election_test_withdraw: unexpected response")
+            main.log.error( repr(response) )
+            return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index e2625cf..678bae4 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -463,8 +463,7 @@
         #Note that you  may not want certain features listed
         #on here.
         core_feature_string = "export ONOS_FEATURES=webconsole,onos-api,"+\
-                "onos-cli,onos-openflow,onos-app-mobility,onos-app-tvue,"+\
-                "onos-app-proxyarp,"+extra_feature_string
+                "onos-cli,onos-openflow,"+extra_feature_string
         mn_string = "export OCN="
         onos_string = "export OC"
         temp_count = 1
@@ -809,6 +808,40 @@
+    def onos_die(self, node_ip):
+        '''
+        Issues the command 'onos-die <node-ip>'
+        This command calls onos-kill and also stops the node
+        '''
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline("")
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            cmd_str = "onos-kill "+str(node_ip)
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd_str)
+            i = self.handle.expect([
+                "Killing\sONOS",
+                "ONOS\sprocess\sis\snot\srunning",
+                pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=20)
+            if i == 0:
+      "ONOS instance "+str(node_ip)+
+                    " was killed and stopped")
+                return main.TRUE
+            elif i == 1:
+      "ONOS process was not running")
+                return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def onos_kill(self, node_ip):
         Calls the command: 'onos-kill [<node-ip>]'
@@ -873,6 +906,8 @@
                 if i == 1:
                     return main.FALSE
+            self.handle.sendline("")
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
             return main.TRUE
         except pexpect.EOF:
@@ -961,6 +996,61 @@
+    def push_test_intents_shell(self, dpid_src, dpid_dst, num_intents,
+            dir_file, onos_ip, num_mult="", app_id="", report=True,
+            options=""):    
+        '''  
+        Description:
+            Use the linux prompt to push test intents to 
+            better parallelize the results than the CLI
+        Required:
+            * dpid_src: specify source dpid
+            * dpid_dst: specify destination dpid
+            * num_intents: specify number of intents to push
+            * dir_file: specify directory and file name to save
+              results
+            * onos_ip: specify the IP of ONOS to install on
+        NOTE: 
+            You must invoke this command at linux shell prompt
+        '''
+        try: 
+            #Create the string to sendline 
+            if options:
+                base_cmd = "onos "+str(onos_ip)+" push-test-intents "+\
+                options+" "
+            else:
+                base_cmd = "onos "+str(onos_ip)+" push-test-intents "
+            add_dpid = base_cmd + str(dpid_src) + " " + str(dpid_dst)  
+            if not num_mult:
+                add_intents = add_dpid + " " + str(num_intents)
+            elif num_mult:
+                add_intents = add_dpid + " " + str(num_intents) + " " +\
+                              str(num_mult)
+                if app_id:
+                    add_app = add_intents + " " + str(app_id) 
+                else:
+                    add_app = add_intents
+            if report:
+                send_cmd = add_app + " > " + str(dir_file) + " &" 
+            else:
+                send_cmd = add_app + " &"
+  "Send cmd: "+send_cmd)
+            self.handle.sendline(send_cmd)
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except:
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit() 
     def get_topology(self,topology_output):
@@ -982,21 +1072,21 @@
                 if not line.startswith("time="):
-                print line
+                #print line
                 for var in line.split(","):
                     #print "'"+var+"'"
                     #print "'"+var.strip()+"'"
                     key, value = var.strip().split("=")
                     topology[key] = value
-            print "topology = ", topology
+            #print "topology = ", topology
             devices = topology.get('devices', False)
-            print "devices = ", devices
+            #print "devices = ", devices
             links = topology.get('links', False)
-            print "links = ", links
-            clusters = topology.get('clusters', False)
-            print "clusters = ", clusters
+            #print "links = ", links
+            SCCs = topology.get('SCC(s)', False)
+            #print "SCCs = ", SCCs
             paths = topology.get('paths', False)
-            print "paths = ", paths
+            #print "paths = ", paths
             return topology
         except pexpect.EOF:
@@ -1099,21 +1189,26 @@
-    def run_onos_topo_cfg(self):
+    def run_onos_topo_cfg(self, instance_name, json_file):
-         On ONOS bench, run this command: ./~/ONOS/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg
+         On ONOS bench, run this command: ./~/ONOS/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg $OC1 filename
             which starts the rest and copies the json file to the onos instance
-        self.handle.sendline("")
-        self.handle.expect("\$")
-        self.handle.sendline("cd ~/ONOS/tools/test/bin")
-        self.handle.expect("/bin$")
-        self.handle.sendline("./onos-topo-cfg")
-        self.handle.expect("{}")
-        self.handle.sendline("cd ~")
-        self.handle.expect("\$")
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline("")
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            self.handle.sendline("cd ~/ONOS/tools/test/bin")
+            self.handle.expect("/bin$")
+            cmd = "./onos-topo-cfg " +instance_name +" " +json_file
+            print "cmd = ", cmd
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            self.handle.sendline("cd ~")
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            return main.TRUE
+        except:
+            return main.FALSE
     def tshark_grep(self, grep, directory, interface='eth0'):
@@ -1244,3 +1339,26 @@
             main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
   " ::::::")
+    def check_logs(self, onos_ip):
+        '''
+        runs onos-check-logs on the given onos node
+        returns the response
+        '''
+        try:
+            cmd = "onos-check-logs " + str(onos_ip)
+            self.handle.sendline(cmd)
+            self.handle.expect(cmd)
+            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            response = self.handle.before
+            return response
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error("Lost ssh connection")
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found")
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before)
+        except:
+            main.log.error("Some error in check_logs:")
+  " ::::::")
+            main.log.error( traceback.print_exc())
+  " ::::::")
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index 19717fb..8314941 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -14,32 +14,34 @@
     def __init__(self):
         super(CLI, self).__init__()
-    #TODO: simplify this method
+    # TODO: simplify this method
     def connect(self, **connectargs):
         for key in connectargs:
             vars(self)[key] = connectargs[key]
+ = self.options['name']
-        #self.handle = super(QuaggaCliDriver,self).connect(user_name = self.user_name, ip_address = self.ip_address,port = self.port, pwd = self.pwd)
+        # self.handle = super(QuaggaCliDriver,self).connect(user_name = self.user_name, ip_address = self.ip_address,port = self.port, pwd = self.pwd)
         self.handle = super(QuaggaCliDriver, self).connect(user_name=self.user_name, ip_address="", port=self.port, pwd=self.pwd)"connect parameters:" + str(self.user_name) + ";" + str(self.ip_address) + ";" + str(self.port) + ";" + str(self.pwd))
-        if self.handle: 
-            self.handle.expect("")
-            self.handle.expect("\$")
+        if self.handle:
+            #self.handle.expect("",timeout=10)
+            #self.handle.expect("\$",timeout=10)
             self.handle.sendline("telnet localhost 2605")
-            self.handle.expect("Password:", timeout = 5)
+            #self.handle.expect("Password:", timeout=5)
+            self.handle.expect("Password:")
-            self.handle.expect("bgpd",timeout = 5)
+            #self.handle.expect("bgpd", timeout=5)
+            self.handle.expect("bgpd")
-            self.handle.expect("bgpd#", timeout = 5)
+            #self.handle.expect("bgpd#", timeout=5)
+            self.handle.expect("bgpd#")
             return self.handle
         else :
             return main.FALSE
     def loginQuagga(self, ip_address):
- = self.options['name']
         self.handle = super(QuaggaCliDriver, self).connect(
             user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=ip_address,
@@ -48,15 +50,18 @@
         + str(self.ip_address) + ";" + str(self.port) + ";" + str(self.pwd))
         if self.handle:
-            self.handle.expect("")
-            self.handle.expect("\$")
+            #self.handle.expect("")
+            #self.handle.expect("\$")
             self.handle.sendline("telnet localhost 2605")
-            self.handle.expect("Password:", timeout=5)
+            #self.handle.expect("Password:", timeout=5)
+            self.handle.expect("Password:")
-            self.handle.expect("bgpd", timeout=5)
+            #self.handle.expect("bgpd", timeout=5)
+            self.handle.expect("bgpd")
-            self.handle.expect("bgpd#", timeout=5)
-  "I am inside BGP peer Quagga!")
+            #self.handle.expect("bgpd#", timeout=5)
+            self.handle.expect("bgpd#")
+  "I in quagga on host " + str(ip_address))
             return self.handle
@@ -73,11 +78,11 @@
             return main.FALSE
         self.handle.sendline("configure terminal")
-        self.handle.expect("config", timeout = 5)
+        self.handle.expect("config", timeout=5)
         routerAS = "router bgp " + str(asn)
-            self.handle.expect("config-router", timeout = 5)
+            self.handle.expect("config-router", timeout=5)
             return main.TRUE
             return main.FALSE
@@ -118,9 +123,9 @@
             if peer['ipAddress'] == nextHop:
                 egress = "of:" + str(peer['attachmentDpid']).replace(":", "") + ":" + str(peer['attachmentPort'])
-                ingress.append("of:" + str(peer['attachmentDpid']).replace(":", "") + ":" + str(peer['attachmentPort']) )
+                ingress.append("of:" + str(peer['attachmentDpid']).replace(":", "") + ":" + str(peer['attachmentPort']))
-        selector = "[IPV4_DST{ip=" + prefix + "}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}]"
+        selector = "ETH_TYPE{ethType=800},IPV4_DST{ip=" + prefix + "}"
         treatment = "[ETH_DST{mac=" + str(nextHopMac) + "}]"
         intent = egress + "/" + str(sorted(ingress)) + "/" + selector + "/" + treatment
@@ -128,7 +133,7 @@
     def generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(self, prefixes, nextHop, nextHopMac, sdnip_json_file_path):
         intents = []
-        sdnip_json_file=open(sdnip_json_file_path).read()
+        sdnip_json_file = open(sdnip_json_file_path).read()
         sdnip_data = json.loads(sdnip_json_file)
@@ -158,18 +163,24 @@
     def extract_actual_routeIntents(self, get_intents_result):
         intents = []
         # TODO: delete the line below when change to Mininet demo script
-        get_intents_result=open("../tests/SdnIpTest/intents.json").read()
+        # get_intents_result=open("../tests/SdnIpTest/intents.json").read()
         intents_json_obj = json.loads(get_intents_result)
         for intent in intents_json_obj:
-            if intent['appId'] != "org.onlab.onos.sdnip" :
+            if intent['appId'] != "org.onosproject.sdnip" :
-            if intent['type'] == "MultiPointToSinglePointIntent":
-                egress = str(intent['egress']['device'])+ ":" + str(intent['egress']['port'])
+            if intent['type'] == "MultiPointToSinglePointIntent" and intent['state'] == 'INSTALLED':
+                egress = str(intent['egress']['device']) + ":" + str(intent['egress']['port'])
                 ingress = []
                 for attachmentPoint in intent['ingress']:
                     ingress.append(str(attachmentPoint['device']) + ":" + str(attachmentPoint['port']))
-                intent = egress + "/" + str(sorted(ingress)) + "/" + intent['selector'] + "/" + intent['treatment']
+                selector = intent['selector'].replace("[" , "").replace("]" , "").replace(" ", "")
+                if str(selector).startswith("IPV4"):
+                    str1, str2 = str(selector).split(",")
+                    selector = str2 + "," + str1
+                intent = egress + "/" + str(sorted(ingress)) + "/" + selector + "/" + intent['treatment']
         return sorted(intents)
@@ -177,11 +188,11 @@
     def extract_actual_bgpIntents(self, get_intents_result):
         intents = []
         # TODO: delete the line below when change to Mininet demo script
-        get_intents_result=open("../tests/SdnIpTest/intents.json").read()
+        # get_intents_result=open("../tests/SdnIpTest/intents.json").read()
         intents_json_obj = json.loads(get_intents_result)
         for intent in intents_json_obj:
-            if intent['appId'] != "org.onlab.onos.sdnip":
+            if intent['appId'] != "org.onosproject.sdnip":
             if intent['type'] == "PointToPointIntent" and "protocol=6" in str(intent['selector']):
                 ingress = str(intent['ingress']['device']) + ":" + str(intent['ingress']['port'])
@@ -196,37 +207,37 @@
     def generate_expected_bgpIntents(self, sdnip_json_file_path):
         from operator import eq
-        sdnip_json_file=open(sdnip_json_file_path).read()
+        sdnip_json_file = open(sdnip_json_file_path).read()
         sdnip_data = json.loads(sdnip_json_file)
         intents = []
-        bgpPeerAttachmentPoint=""
+        bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = ""
         bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint = "of:" + str(sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['attachmentDpid']).replace(":", "") + ":" + str(sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['attachmentPort'])
         for peer in sdnip_data['bgpPeers']:
             bgpPeerAttachmentPoint = "of:" + str(peer['attachmentDpid']).replace(":", "") + ":" + str(peer['attachmentPort'])
             # find out the BGP speaker IP address for this BGP peer
-            bgpSpeakerIpAddress=""
+            bgpSpeakerIpAddress = ""
             for interfaceAddress in sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['interfaceAddresses']:
-                #if eq(interfaceAddress['interfaceDpid'],sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['attachmentDpid']) and eq(interfaceAddress['interfacePort'], sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['attachmentPort']):
-                if eq(interfaceAddress['interfaceDpid'],peer['attachmentDpid']) and eq(interfaceAddress['interfacePort'], peer['attachmentPort']):
-                    bgpSpeakerIpAddress =  interfaceAddress['ipAddress']
+                # if eq(interfaceAddress['interfaceDpid'],sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['attachmentDpid']) and eq(interfaceAddress['interfacePort'], sdnip_data['bgpSpeakers'][0]['attachmentPort']):
+                if eq(interfaceAddress['interfaceDpid'], peer['attachmentDpid']) and eq(interfaceAddress['interfacePort'], peer['attachmentPort']):
+                    bgpSpeakerIpAddress = interfaceAddress['ipAddress']
             # from bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint to bgpPeerAttachmentPoint direction
-            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer['ipAddress']+ "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"            
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer['ipAddress'] + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
             selector = selector_str.replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",")
             intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str(sorted(selector))
-            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer['ipAddress']+ "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + peer['ipAddress'] + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_SRC{tcpPort=179}"
             selector = selector_str.replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",")
             intent = bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str(sorted(selector))
             # from bgpPeerAttachmentPoint to bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint direction
-            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer['ipAddress'] + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"            
+            selector_str = "IPV4_SRC{ip=" + peer['ipAddress'] + "/32}," + "IPV4_DST{ip=" + bgpSpeakerIpAddress + "/32}," + "IP_PROTO{protocol=6}, ETH_TYPE{ethType=800}, TCP_DST{tcpPort=179}"
             selector = selector_str.replace(" ", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",")
             intent = bgpPeerAttachmentPoint + "/" + bgpSpeakerAttachmentPoint + "/" + str(sorted(selector))
@@ -237,14 +248,14 @@
         return sorted(intents)
     def add_routes(self, routes, routeRate):"I am in add_routes method!")
         routes_added = 0
-            #self.handle.expect("config-router")
+            # self.handle.expect("config-router")
             self.handle.expect("config-router", timeout=5)
             main.log.warn("Probably not in config-router mode!")
@@ -265,7 +276,60 @@
   "Finished adding routes")
             return main.TRUE
         return main.FALSE
+    def delete_routes(self, routes, routeRate):
+"I am in delete_routes method!")
+        routes_added = 0
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline("")
+            # self.handle.expect("config-router")
+            self.handle.expect("config-router", timeout=5)
+        except:
+            main.log.warn("Probably not in config-router mode!")
+            self.disconnect()
+"Start to delete routes")
+        for i in range(0, len(routes)):
+            routeCmd = "no network " + routes[i]
+            try:
+                self.handle.sendline(routeCmd)
+                self.handle.expect("bgpd", timeout=5)
+            except:
+                main.log.warn("Failed to add route")
+                self.disconnect()
+            waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
+            time.sleep(waitTimer)
+        if routes_added == len(routes):
+  "Finished deleting routes")
+            return main.TRUE
+        return main.FALSE
+    def ping_test(self, ip_address, ping_test_file, ping_test_result_file):
+"Start the ping test on host:" + str(ip_address))
+ = self.options['name']
+        self.handle = super(QuaggaCliDriver, self).connect(
+            user_name=self.user_name, ip_address=ip_address,
+            port=self.port, pwd=self.pwd)
+"connect parameters:" + str(self.user_name) + ";"
+        + str(self.ip_address) + ";" + str(self.port) + ";" + str(self.pwd))
+        if self.handle:
+            #self.handle.expect("")
+            #self.handle.expect("\$")
+  "I in host " + str(ip_address))
+   + " > " + ping_test_result_file + " &")
+            self.handle.sendline(ping_test_file + " > " + ping_test_result_file + " &")
+            self.handle.expect("\$", timeout=60)
+            handle = self.handle.before
+            return handle
+        else:
+            return main.FALSE
     # Please use the generate_routes plus add_routes instead of this one
     def add_route(self, net, numRoutes, routeRate):
@@ -274,9 +338,9 @@
             main.log.warn("Probably not in config-router mode!")
-"Adding Routes")
-        j=0
-        k=0
+"Adding Routes")
+        j = 0
+        k = 0
         while numRoutes > 255:
             numRoutes = numRoutes - 255
             j = j + 1
@@ -284,8 +348,8 @@
         routes_added = 0
         if numRoutes > 255:
             numRoutes = 255
-        for m in range(1,j+1):
-            for n in range(1, numRoutes+1):
+        for m in range(1, j + 1):
+            for n in range(1, numRoutes + 1):
                 network = str(net) + "." + str(m) + "." + str(n) + ".0/24"
                 routeCmd = "network " + network
@@ -293,12 +357,12 @@
                     main.log.warn("failed to add route")
-                    self.disconnect() 
-                waitTimer = 1.00/routeRate
+                    self.disconnect()
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
                 routes_added = routes_added + 1
-        for d in range(j+1,j+2):
-            for e in range(1,k+1):
+        for d in range(j + 1, j + 2):
+            for e in range(1, k + 1):
                 network = str(net) + "." + str(d) + "." + str(e) + ".0/24"
                 routeCmd = "network " + network
@@ -307,7 +371,7 @@
                     main.log.warn("failed to add route")
-                waitTimer = 1.00/routeRate
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
                 routes_added = routes_added + 1
         if routes_added == numRoutes:
@@ -321,9 +385,9 @@
             main.log.warn("Probably not in config-router mode!")
-"Deleting Routes")
-        j=0
-        k=0
+"Deleting Routes")
+        j = 0
+        k = 0
         while numRoutes > 255:
             numRoutes = numRoutes - 255
             j = j + 1
@@ -331,8 +395,8 @@
         routes_deleted = 0
         if numRoutes > 255:
             numRoutes = 255
-        for m in range(1,j+1):
-            for n in range(1, numRoutes+1):
+        for m in range(1, j + 1):
+            for n in range(1, numRoutes + 1):
                 network = str(net) + "." + str(m) + "." + str(n) + ".0/24"
                 routeCmd = "no network " + network
@@ -341,11 +405,11 @@
                     main.log.warn("Failed to delete route")
-                waitTimer = 1.00/routeRate
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
                 routes_deleted = routes_deleted + 1
-        for d in range(j+1,j+2):
-            for e in range(1,k+1):
+        for d in range(j + 1, j + 2):
+            for e in range(1, k + 1):
                 network = str(net) + "." + str(d) + "." + str(e) + ".0/24"
                 routeCmd = "no network " + network
@@ -354,17 +418,18 @@
                     main.log.warn("Failed to delete route")
-                waitTimer = 1.00/routeRate
+                waitTimer = 1.00 / routeRate
                 routes_deleted = routes_deleted + 1
         if routes_deleted == numRoutes:
             return main.TRUE
         return main.FALSE
     def check_routes(self, brand, ip, user, pw):
         def pronto(ip, user, passwd):
             print "Connecting to Pronto switch"
             child = pexpect.spawn("telnet " + ip)
-            i = child.expect(["login:", "CLI#",pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+            i = child.expect(["login:", "CLI#", pexpect.TIMEOUT])
             if i == 0:
                 print "Username and password required. Passing login info."
@@ -382,7 +447,7 @@
             child.expect("Flow table show")
             count = 0
             while 1:
-                i = child.expect(['17\d\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}','CLI#',pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+                i = child.expect(['17\d\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', 'CLI#', pexpect.TIMEOUT])
                 if i == 0:
                     count = count + 1
                 elif i == 1:
@@ -390,10 +455,10 @@
-        def cisco(ip,user,passwd):
+        def cisco(ip, user, passwd):
             print "Establishing Cisco switch connection"
-            child = pexpect.spawn("ssh " +  user + "@" + ip)
-            i = child.expect(["Password:", "CLI#",pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+            child = pexpect.spawn("ssh " + user + "@" + ip)
+            i = child.expect(["Password:", "CLI#", pexpect.TIMEOUT])
             if i == 0:
                 print "Password required. Passing now."
@@ -404,7 +469,7 @@
             print "Flow table retrieved. Counting flows"
             count = 0
             while 1:
-                i = child.expect(["nw_src=17","#",pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+                i = child.expect(["nw_src=17", "#", pexpect.TIMEOUT])
                 if i == 0:
                     count = count + 1
                 elif i == 1:
@@ -413,9 +478,9 @@
             if brand == "pronto" or brand == "PRONTO":
-                pronto(ip,user,passwd)
-            #elif brand  == "cisco" or brand == "CISCO":
-            #    cisco(ip,user,passwd) 
+                pronto(ip, user, passwd)
+            # elif brand  == "cisco" or brand == "CISCO":
+            #    cisco(ip,user,passwd)
     def disconnect(self):
         Called when Test is complete to disconnect the Quagga handle.  
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/ b/TestON/drivers/common/
index 7bf7667..878839e 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
         ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
         refused = "ssh: connect to host "+self.ip_address+" port 22: Connection refused"
         if self.port:
-            self.handle =pexpect.spawn('ssh -p '+self.port+' '+self.user_name+'@'+self.ip_address,maxread=50000)
+            self.handle =pexpect.spawn('ssh -p '+self.port+' '+self.user_name+'@'+self.ip_address, env = {"TERM": "vt100"} , maxread=50000)
         else :
-            self.handle =pexpect.spawn('ssh -X '+self.user_name+'@'+self.ip_address,maxread=50000)
+            self.handle =pexpect.spawn('ssh -X '+self.user_name+'@'+self.ip_address,maxread=1000000,timeout=60)
         self.handle.logfile = self.logfile_handler
 	i = 5
@@ -190,7 +190,9 @@
         ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
         refused = "ssh: connect to host "+ip_address+" port 22: Connection refused"
-        self.handle =pexpect.spawn('scp '+user_name+'@'+ip_address+':'+filepath+' '+dst_path)
+        cmd = 'scp '+str(user_name)+'@'+str(ip_address)+':'+str(filepath)+' '+str(dst_path)
+"Sending: " + cmd )
+        self.handle =pexpect.spawn( cmd )
         if i==0:    
@@ -212,7 +214,9 @@
             main.log.error("ssh: connect to host "+ip_address+" port 22: Connection refused")
             return main.FALSE
-        self.handle.sendline("\r")
+        self.handle.sendline("")
+        self.handle.expect("$")
+        print self.handle.before
         return self.handle
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ClassTest.params b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ClassTest.params
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456881b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ClassTest.params
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+    <testcases>1,2</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d7a153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import time
+import os
+import re
+class ClassTest:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.default = ''
+    def CASE1(self, main):
+        import time
+        import imp
+        init = imp.load_source('ClassInit',
+            '/home/admin/ONLabTest/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/')
+        ip1_from_class = init.getIp1()  
+        init.printMain(main)
+    def CASE2(self, main):
+"Case 2")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ClassTest.topo b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ClassTest.topo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ecb7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ClassTest.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+        <ONOSbench>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>OnosDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+        </ONOSbench>
+        <Mininet1>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>MininetCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <arg1> --custom </arg1>
+                <arg2> --arp --mac --topo mytopo </arg2>
+                <arg3> </arg3>
+                <controller> remote </controller>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </Mininet1>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74ff627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+def __init__(self):
+    self._ip1 = '1'
+    self._ip2 = '2'
+def getIp1():
+    print 'some ip' 
+def printMain(main):
+    print"Main from classinit") 
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependency/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependencyc b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependencyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bafe4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/Dependencyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ClassTest/ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ClassTest/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/HATestClusterRestart.params b/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/HATestClusterRestart.params
index 0a8bd57..68f12a8 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/HATestClusterRestart.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/HATestClusterRestart.params
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],7,8,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],8,3,7,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/
index 47dc744..3e0a055 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HATestClusterRestart/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
         cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
         verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
-        #FIXME:this is short term fix 
+        #FIXME:this is short term fix"Removing raft logs")
         main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()"Uninstalling ONOS")
@@ -145,29 +145,32 @@
         main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
         #TODO: Refactor
         # check bundle:list?
-        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
-        if not onos1_isup:
-  "ONOS1 didn't start!")
-        onos2_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS2_ip)
-        if not onos2_isup:
-  "ONOS2 didn't start!")
-        onos3_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS3_ip)
-        if not onos3_isup:
-  "ONOS3 didn't start!")
-        onos4_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS4_ip)
-        if not onos4_isup:
-  "ONOS4 didn't start!")
-        onos5_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS5_ip)
-        if not onos5_isup:
-  "ONOS5 didn't start!")
-        onos6_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS6_ip)
-        if not onos6_isup:
-  "ONOS6 didn't start!")
-        onos7_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS7_ip)
-        if not onos7_isup:
-  "ONOS7 didn't start!")
-        onos_isup_result = onos1_isup and onos2_isup and onos3_isup\
-                and onos4_isup and onos5_isup and onos6_isup and onos7_isup
+        for i in range(2):
+            onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
+            if not onos1_isup:
+      "ONOS1 didn't start!")
+            onos2_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS2_ip)
+            if not onos2_isup:
+      "ONOS2 didn't start!")
+            onos3_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS3_ip)
+            if not onos3_isup:
+      "ONOS3 didn't start!")
+            onos4_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS4_ip)
+            if not onos4_isup:
+      "ONOS4 didn't start!")
+            onos5_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS5_ip)
+            if not onos5_isup:
+      "ONOS5 didn't start!")
+            onos6_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS6_ip)
+            if not onos6_isup:
+      "ONOS6 didn't start!")
+            onos7_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS7_ip)
+            if not onos7_isup:
+      "ONOS7 didn't start!")
+            onos_isup_result = onos1_isup and onos2_isup and onos3_isup\
+                    and onos4_isup and onos5_isup and onos6_isup and onos7_isup
+            if onos_isup_result == main.TRUE:
+                break
         # TODO: if it becomes an issue, we can retry this step  a few times
@@ -197,9 +200,9 @@
                 onfail="Test startup NOT successful")
-        #if case1_result==main.FALSE:
-        #    main.cleanup()
-        #    main.exit()
+        if case1_result==main.FALSE:
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def CASE2(self,main) :
@@ -209,25 +212,6 @@
         import json
         import re
-        '''
-        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
-        ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
-        ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
-        ONOS2_port = main.params['CTRL']['port2']
-        ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
-        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']
-        ONOS4_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip4']
-        ONOS4_port = main.params['CTRL']['port4']
-        ONOS5_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip5']
-        ONOS5_port = main.params['CTRL']['port5']
-        ONOS6_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip6']
-        ONOS6_port = main.params['CTRL']['port6']
-        ONOS7_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip7']
-        ONOS7_port = main.params['CTRL']['port7']
-        '''
-"Assigning switches to controllers")"Assigning Controllers")
         main.step("Assign switches to controllers")
@@ -265,8 +249,217 @@
                 onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
                 onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers")
-        #TODO: If assign roles is working reliably then manually 
-        #   assign mastership to the controller we want
+        #Manually assign mastership to the controller we want
+        role_call = main.TRUE
+        role_check = main.TRUE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("1000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS1_ip)
+        if ONOS1_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("2800")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS1_ip)
+        if ONOS1_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("2000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS2_ip)
+        if ONOS2_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS2_ip)
+        if ONOS2_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("5000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS3_ip)
+        if ONOS3_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS3_ip)
+        if ONOS3_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id =  main.ONOScli1.get_device("3004")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS4_ip)
+        if ONOS4_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3008")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3009")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3010")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3011")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3012")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3013")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3014")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3015")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3016")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3017")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6007")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS6_ip)
+        if ONOS6_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6018")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6019")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6020")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6021")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6022")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6023")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6024")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6025")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6026")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6027")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=role_call,
+                onpass="Re-assigned switch mastership to designated controller",
+                onfail="Something wrong with device_role calls")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=role_check,
+                onpass="Switches were successfully reassigned to designated controller",
+                onfail="Switches were not successfully reassigned")
+        mastership_check = mastership_check and role_call and role_check
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=mastership_check,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
     def CASE3(self,main) :
@@ -274,6 +467,7 @@
         Assign intents
+        #FIXME: This should only be called once when we have persistence
         import time
         import json
         import re
@@ -283,6 +477,16 @@
         main.step("Discovering  Hosts( Via pingall for now)")
         #FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
+        #install onos-app-fwd
+"Install reactive forwarding app")
+        main.ONOScli1.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli2.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli3.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli4.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli5.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli6.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli7.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
         #REACTIVE FWD test
         ping_result = main.FALSE
         time1 = time.time()
@@ -304,7 +508,7 @@
         #TODO:  move the host numbers to params
         import json
         intents_json= json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
-        intent_add_result = main.FALSE
+        intent_add_result = True
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
             host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
@@ -314,7 +518,10 @@
             host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
             host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
             tmp_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )
-            intent_add_result = intent_add_result and tmp_result
+            intent_add_result = bool(intent_add_result and tmp_result)
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=intent_add_result,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
         #TODO Check if intents all exist in datastore
         #NOTE: Do we need to print this once the test is working?,
@@ -360,6 +567,25 @@
         main.step("Get the Mastership of each switch from each controller")
         global mastership_state
+        mastership_state = []
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        ONOS1_master_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS2_master_not_null = main.ONOScli2.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS3_master_not_null = main.ONOScli3.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS4_master_not_null = main.ONOScli4.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS5_master_not_null = main.ONOScli5.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS6_master_not_null = main.ONOScli6.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS7_master_not_null = main.ONOScli7.roles_not_null()
+        roles_not_null = ONOS1_master_not_null and ONOS2_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS3_master_not_null and ONOS4_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS5_master_not_null and ONOS6_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS7_master_not_null
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         ONOS2_mastership = main.ONOScli2.roles()
         ONOS3_mastership = main.ONOScli3.roles()
@@ -416,6 +642,7 @@
         main.step("Get the intents from each controller")
         global intent_state
+        intent_state = []
         ONOS1_intents = main.ONOScli1.intents( json_format=True )
         ONOS2_intents = main.ONOScli2.intents( json_format=True )
         ONOS3_intents = main.ONOScli3.intents( json_format=True )
@@ -470,6 +697,7 @@
         main.step("Get the flows from each controller")
         global flow_state
+        flow_state = []
         ONOS1_flows = main.ONOScli1.flows( json_format=True )
         ONOS2_flows = main.ONOScli2.flows( json_format=True )
         ONOS3_flows = main.ONOScli3.flows( json_format=True )
@@ -527,7 +755,7 @@
         global flows
         for i in range(1,29):
-            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i),1.0))
+            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i)))
         #TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
@@ -578,7 +806,6 @@
         devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
         devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
         devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
-        '''
         hosts = []
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
@@ -587,7 +814,6 @@
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
-        '''
         ports = []
         ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
         ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
@@ -604,6 +830,91 @@
         links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
         links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
         links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+        clusters = []
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli2.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli3.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli4.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli5.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli6.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli7.clusters() )
+        paths = []
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli1.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli2.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli3.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli4.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli5.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli6.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli7.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        #Compare json objects for hosts, dataplane clusters and paths
+        #hosts
+        consistent_hosts_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+            if not "Error" in hosts[controller]:
+                if hosts[controller] == hosts[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#hosts not consistent
+          "hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    main.log.warn( repr( hosts[controller] ) )
+                    consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " hosts response: " + repr(hosts[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_hosts_result,
+                onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts")
+        #Strongly connected clusters of devices
+        consistent_clusters_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+            if not "Error" in clusters[controller]:
+                if clusters[controller] == clusters[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#clusters not consistent
+          "clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting dataplane clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " clusters response: " + repr(clusters[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_clusters_result,
+                onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters")
+        num_clusters =  len(json.loads(clusters[0])) #there should always only be one cluster
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = 1, actual = num_clusters,
+                onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+                onfail="ONOS shows "+str(num_clusters) +" SCCs")
+        #paths
+        consistent_paths_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( paths ) ):
+            if not "Error" in paths[controller]:
+                if paths[controller] == paths[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#paths not consistent
+          "paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " paths response: " + repr(paths[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_paths_result,
+                onpass="Paths count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different counts of paths")
         main.step("Comparing ONOS topology to MN")
@@ -639,14 +950,16 @@
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
+        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results\
+                and consistent_hosts_result and consistent_clusters_result\
+                and consistent_paths_result
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
                 onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful")
         final_assert = main.TRUE
         final_assert = final_assert and topo_result and flow_check \
-                and intent_check and consistent_mastership
+                and intent_check and consistent_mastership and roles_not_null
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=final_assert,
                 onpass="State check successful",
                 onfail="State check NOT successful")
@@ -708,6 +1021,24 @@
         import json"Running ONOS Constant State Tests")
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        ONOS1_master_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS2_master_not_null = main.ONOScli2.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS3_master_not_null = main.ONOScli3.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS4_master_not_null = main.ONOScli4.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS5_master_not_null = main.ONOScli5.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS6_master_not_null = main.ONOScli6.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS7_master_not_null = main.ONOScli7.roles_not_null()
+        roles_not_null = ONOS1_master_not_null and ONOS2_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS3_master_not_null and ONOS4_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS5_master_not_null and ONOS6_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS7_master_not_null
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         main.step("Check if switch roles are consistent across all nodes")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         ONOS2_mastership = main.ONOScli2.roles()
@@ -739,7 +1070,6 @@
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS5_mastership\
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS6_mastership\
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS7_mastership:
-                    #mastership_state = ONOS1_mastership
                     consistent_mastership = main.TRUE
           "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
@@ -822,25 +1152,36 @@
                     intent_check = main.TRUE
           "Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
-            main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS2 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS2_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS3 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS3_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS4 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS4_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS5 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS5_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS6 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS6_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS7 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS7_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents: ") 
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS2 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS2_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS3 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS3_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS4 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS4_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS5 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS5_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS6 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS6_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS7 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS7_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
         utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=intent_check,
                 onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
                 onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents")
+        #NOTE: Hazelcast has no durability, so intents are lost
+        '''
         main.step("Compare current intents with intents before the failure")
+        #NOTE: this requires case 5 to pass for intent_state to be set.
+        #      maybe we should stop the test if that fails?
         if intent_state == ONOS1_intents:
             same_intents = main.TRUE
   "Intents are consistent with before failure")
@@ -851,6 +1192,7 @@
                 onpass="Intents are consistent with before failure",
                 onfail="The Intents changed during failure")
         intent_check = intent_check and same_intents
+        '''
@@ -859,12 +1201,12 @@
         for i in range(28):
   "Checking flow table on s" + str(i+1))
-            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i+1),1.0)
+            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i+1))
-            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            temp_result = main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and temp_result
             if Flow_Tables == main.FALSE:
       "Differences in flow table for switch: "+str(i+1))
-                break
         if Flow_Tables == main.TRUE:
   "No changes were found in the flow tables")
@@ -880,7 +1222,7 @@
         #NOTE: checkForLoss returns main.FALSE with 0% packet loss
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Checking for a loss in pings along flow from s" + str(i))
-            Loss_In_Pings = Loss_In_Pings or main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i))
+            Loss_In_Pings = main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i)) or Loss_In_Pings
         if Loss_In_Pings == main.TRUE:
   "Loss in ping detected")
         elif Loss_In_Pings == main.ERROR:
@@ -891,10 +1233,12 @@
                 onpass="No Loss of connectivity",
                 onfail="Loss of dataplane connectivity detected")
+        #NOTE: Since intents are not persisted with Hazelcast, we expect this
+        Loss_In_Pings = main.FALSE
         #TODO:add topology to this or leave as a seperate case?
-        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings)
+        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings) and roles_not_null 
         result = int(result)
         if result == main.TRUE:
   "Constant State Tests Passed")
@@ -936,87 +1280,173 @@
         ports_results = main.TRUE
         links_results = main.TRUE
         topo_result = main.FALSE
-        start_time = time.time()
         elapsed = 0
         count = 0
-        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 120:
+        main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 60:
             count = count + 1
-            try:
-                main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
-                devices = []
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli2.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli3.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli4.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
-                '''
-                hosts = []
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli3.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli4.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
-                '''
-                ports = []
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli3.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli4.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli5.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli6.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli7.ports() )
-                links = []
-                links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli2.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli3.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli4.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+            if count > 1:
+                MNTopo = TestONTopology(main.Mininet1, ctrls) # can also add Intent API info for intent operations
+            cli_start = time.time()
+            devices = []
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli2.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli3.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli4.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
+            hosts = []
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli3.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli4.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
+            ports = []
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli3.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli4.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli5.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli6.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli7.ports() )
+            links = []
+            links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli2.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli3.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli4.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+            clusters = []
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli2.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli3.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli4.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli5.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli6.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli7.clusters() )
+            paths = []
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli1.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli2.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli3.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli4.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli5.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli6.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli7.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
-                for controller in range(7): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
-                    if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
-                        current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_devices_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
-                    if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
-                        current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_ports_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+            cli_time = time.time() - cli_start
+            print "CLI time: " + str(cli_time)
-                    if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
-                        current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_links_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
-            except:
-                main.log.error("something went wrong in topo comparison")
-                main.log.warn( repr( devices ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( ports ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( links ) )
+            for controller in range(7): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
+                if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
+                    current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_devices_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
+                if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
+                    current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_ports_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+                if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
+                    current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_links_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
             devices_results = devices_results and current_devices_result
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
-            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
-        time_threshold = elapsed < 1
-        topo_result = topo_result and time_threshold
-        #TODO make sure this step is non-blocking. IE add a timeout
-"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence: " +\
+            #Compare json objects for hosts, dataplane clusters and paths
+            #hosts
+            consistent_hosts_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+                if not "Error" in hosts[controller]:
+                    if hosts[controller] == hosts[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#hosts not consistent
+              "hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        main.log.warn( repr( hosts[controller] ) )
+                        consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " hosts response: " + repr(hosts[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_hosts_result,
+                    onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts")
+            #Strongly connected clusters of devices
+            consistent_clusters_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+                if not "Error" in clusters[controller]:
+                    if clusters[controller] == clusters[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#clusters not consistent
+              "clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting dataplane clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " clusters response: " + repr(clusters[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_clusters_result,
+                    onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters")
+            num_clusters =  len(json.loads(clusters[0])) #there should always only be one cluster
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = 1, actual = num_clusters,
+                    onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+                    onfail="ONOS shows "+str(num_clusters) +" SCCs")
+            #paths
+            consistent_paths_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( paths ) ):
+                if not "Error" in paths[controller]:
+                    if paths[controller] == paths[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#paths not consistent
+              "paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " paths response: " + repr(paths[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_paths_result,
+                    onpass="Paths count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different counts of paths")
+            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results\
+                    and consistent_hosts_result and consistent_clusters_result and consistent_paths_result
+        topo_result = topo_result and int(count <= 2)
+        note = "note it takes about "+str( int(cli_time) )+" seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch the topology from each ONOS instance"
+"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence("+ str(note) + "): " +\
                 str(elapsed) + " seconds, " + str(count) +" tries" )
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
@@ -1085,13 +1515,18 @@
         #TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
         main.step("Kill s28 ")"Deleting s28")
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         main.Mininet1.del_switch("s28")"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch down to be discovered")
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
         #Peek at the deleted switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == False:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="Kill switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to kill switch?")
     def CASE12 (self, main) :
@@ -1099,7 +1534,6 @@
         #NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
         import time
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
@@ -1121,9 +1555,15 @@
                 ip7=ONOS7_ip,port7=ONOS7_port)"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch up to be discovered")
-        #Peek at the added switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
+        #Peek at the deleted switch
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == True:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="add switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to add switch?")
     def CASE13 (self, main) :
@@ -1137,8 +1577,26 @@
         main.step("Killing tcpdumps")
+        main.step("Checking ONOS Logs for errors")
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS1:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS1_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS2:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS2_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS3:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS3_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS4:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS4_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS5:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS5_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS6:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS6_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS7:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS7_ip)
         main.step("Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station")
         testname = main.TEST
+        teststation_user = main.params['TESTONUSER']
+        teststation_IP = main.params['TESTONIP']
         #NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to ~/packet_captures
         #       scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
         #FIXME: scp
@@ -1150,19 +1608,26 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS2_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS2_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS2-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS3_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS3_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS3-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS4_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS4_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS4-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS5_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS5_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS5-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS6_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS6_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS6-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS7_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS7_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS7-"+f )
@@ -1172,24 +1637,29 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS2_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS2_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS2-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS3_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS3_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS3-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS4_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS4_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS4-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS5_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS5_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS5-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS6_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS6_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS6-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS7_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS7_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS7-"+f )
         #sleep so scp can finish
         main.step("Packing and rotating pcap archives")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/HATestMinorityRestart.params b/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/HATestMinorityRestart.params
index 0a8bd57..5b97b66 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/HATestMinorityRestart.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/HATestMinorityRestart.params
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],7,8,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],8,7,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/
index 2af775d..3fbc29d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HATestMinorityRestart/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
         cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
         verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
-        #FIXME:this is short term fix 
+        #FIXME:this is short term fix"Removing raft logs")
         main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()"Uninstalling ONOS")
@@ -145,29 +145,32 @@
         main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
         #TODO: Refactor
         # check bundle:list?
-        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
-        if not onos1_isup:
-  "ONOS1 didn't start!")
-        onos2_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS2_ip)
-        if not onos2_isup:
-  "ONOS2 didn't start!")
-        onos3_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS3_ip)
-        if not onos3_isup:
-  "ONOS3 didn't start!")
-        onos4_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS4_ip)
-        if not onos4_isup:
-  "ONOS4 didn't start!")
-        onos5_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS5_ip)
-        if not onos5_isup:
-  "ONOS5 didn't start!")
-        onos6_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS6_ip)
-        if not onos6_isup:
-  "ONOS6 didn't start!")
-        onos7_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS7_ip)
-        if not onos7_isup:
-  "ONOS7 didn't start!")
-        onos_isup_result = onos1_isup and onos2_isup and onos3_isup\
-                and onos4_isup and onos5_isup and onos6_isup and onos7_isup
+        for i in range(2):
+            onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
+            if not onos1_isup:
+      "ONOS1 didn't start!")
+            onos2_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS2_ip)
+            if not onos2_isup:
+      "ONOS2 didn't start!")
+            onos3_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS3_ip)
+            if not onos3_isup:
+      "ONOS3 didn't start!")
+            onos4_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS4_ip)
+            if not onos4_isup:
+      "ONOS4 didn't start!")
+            onos5_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS5_ip)
+            if not onos5_isup:
+      "ONOS5 didn't start!")
+            onos6_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS6_ip)
+            if not onos6_isup:
+      "ONOS6 didn't start!")
+            onos7_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS7_ip)
+            if not onos7_isup:
+      "ONOS7 didn't start!")
+            onos_isup_result = onos1_isup and onos2_isup and onos3_isup\
+                    and onos4_isup and onos5_isup and onos6_isup and onos7_isup
+            if onos_isup_result == main.TRUE:
+                break
         # TODO: if it becomes an issue, we can retry this step  a few times
@@ -197,9 +200,9 @@
                 onfail="Test startup NOT successful")
-        #if case1_result==main.FALSE:
-        #    main.cleanup()
-        #    main.exit()
+        if case1_result==main.FALSE:
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def CASE2(self,main) :
@@ -209,25 +212,6 @@
         import json
         import re
-        '''
-        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
-        ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
-        ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
-        ONOS2_port = main.params['CTRL']['port2']
-        ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
-        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']
-        ONOS4_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip4']
-        ONOS4_port = main.params['CTRL']['port4']
-        ONOS5_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip5']
-        ONOS5_port = main.params['CTRL']['port5']
-        ONOS6_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip6']
-        ONOS6_port = main.params['CTRL']['port6']
-        ONOS7_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip7']
-        ONOS7_port = main.params['CTRL']['port7']
-        '''
-"Assigning switches to controllers")"Assigning Controllers")
         main.step("Assign switches to controllers")
@@ -265,8 +249,217 @@
                 onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
                 onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers")
-        #TODO: If assign roles is working reliably then manually 
-        #   assign mastership to the controller we want
+        #Manually assign mastership to the controller we want
+        role_call = main.TRUE
+        role_check = main.TRUE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("1000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS1_ip)
+        if ONOS1_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("2800")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS1_ip)
+        if ONOS1_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("2000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS2_ip)
+        if ONOS2_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS2_ip)
+        if ONOS2_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("5000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS3_ip)
+        if ONOS3_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS3_ip)
+        if ONOS3_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id =  main.ONOScli1.get_device("3004")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS4_ip)
+        if ONOS4_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3008")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3009")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3010")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3011")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3012")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3013")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3014")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3015")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3016")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3017")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6007")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS6_ip)
+        if ONOS6_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6018")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6019")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6020")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6021")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6022")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6023")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6024")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6025")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6026")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6027")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=role_call,
+                onpass="Re-assigned switch mastership to designated controller",
+                onfail="Something wrong with device_role calls")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=role_check,
+                onpass="Switches were successfully reassigned to designated controller",
+                onfail="Switches were not successfully reassigned")
+        mastership_check = mastership_check and role_call and role_check
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=mastership_check,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
     def CASE3(self,main) :
@@ -283,6 +476,16 @@
         main.step("Discovering  Hosts( Via pingall for now)")
         #FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
+        #install onos-app-fwd
+"Install reactive forwarding app")
+        main.ONOScli1.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli2.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli3.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli4.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli5.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli6.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli7.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
         #REACTIVE FWD test
         ping_result = main.FALSE
         time1 = time.time()
@@ -304,7 +507,7 @@
         #TODO:  move the host numbers to params
         import json
         intents_json= json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
-        intent_add_result = main.FALSE
+        intent_add_result = True
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
             host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
@@ -314,7 +517,10 @@
             host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
             host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
             tmp_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )
-            intent_add_result = intent_add_result and tmp_result
+            intent_add_result = bool(intent_add_result and tmp_result)
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=intent_add_result,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
         #TODO Check if intents all exist in datastore
         #NOTE: Do we need to print this once the test is working?,
@@ -360,6 +566,25 @@
         main.step("Get the Mastership of each switch from each controller")
         global mastership_state
+        mastership_state = []
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        ONOS1_master_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS2_master_not_null = main.ONOScli2.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS3_master_not_null = main.ONOScli3.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS4_master_not_null = main.ONOScli4.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS5_master_not_null = main.ONOScli5.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS6_master_not_null = main.ONOScli6.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS7_master_not_null = main.ONOScli7.roles_not_null()
+        roles_not_null = ONOS1_master_not_null and ONOS2_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS3_master_not_null and ONOS4_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS5_master_not_null and ONOS6_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS7_master_not_null
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         ONOS2_mastership = main.ONOScli2.roles()
         ONOS3_mastership = main.ONOScli3.roles()
@@ -416,6 +641,7 @@
         main.step("Get the intents from each controller")
         global intent_state
+        intent_state = []
         ONOS1_intents = main.ONOScli1.intents( json_format=True )
         ONOS2_intents = main.ONOScli2.intents( json_format=True )
         ONOS3_intents = main.ONOScli3.intents( json_format=True )
@@ -470,6 +696,7 @@
         main.step("Get the flows from each controller")
         global flow_state
+        flow_state = []
         ONOS1_flows = main.ONOScli1.flows( json_format=True )
         ONOS2_flows = main.ONOScli2.flows( json_format=True )
         ONOS3_flows = main.ONOScli3.flows( json_format=True )
@@ -527,7 +754,7 @@
         global flows
         for i in range(1,29):
-            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i),1.0))
+            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i)))
         #TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
@@ -578,7 +805,6 @@
         devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
         devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
         devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
-        '''
         hosts = []
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
@@ -587,7 +813,6 @@
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
-        '''
         ports = []
         ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
         ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
@@ -604,6 +829,91 @@
         links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
         links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
         links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+        clusters = []
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli2.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli3.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli4.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli5.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli6.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli7.clusters() )
+        paths = []
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli1.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli2.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli3.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli4.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli5.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli6.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli7.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        #Compare json objects for hosts, dataplane clusters and paths
+        #hosts
+        consistent_hosts_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+            if not "Error" in hosts[controller]:
+                if hosts[controller] == hosts[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#hosts not consistent
+          "hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    main.log.warn( repr( hosts[controller] ) )
+                    consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " hosts response: " + repr(hosts[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_hosts_result,
+                onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts")
+        #Strongly connected clusters of devices
+        consistent_clusters_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+            if not "Error" in clusters[controller]:
+                if clusters[controller] == clusters[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#clusters not consistent
+          "clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting dataplane clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " clusters response: " + repr(clusters[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_clusters_result,
+                onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters")
+        num_clusters =  len(json.loads(clusters[0])) #there should always only be one cluster
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = 1, actual = num_clusters,
+                onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+                onfail="ONOS shows "+str(num_clusters) +" SCCs")
+        #paths
+        consistent_paths_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( paths ) ):
+            if not "Error" in paths[controller]:
+                if paths[controller] == paths[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#paths not consistent
+          "paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " paths response: " + repr(paths[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_paths_result,
+                onpass="Paths count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different counts of paths")
         main.step("Comparing ONOS topology to MN")
@@ -639,14 +949,16 @@
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
+        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results\
+                and consistent_hosts_result and consistent_clusters_result\
+                and consistent_paths_result
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
                 onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful")
         final_assert = main.TRUE
         final_assert = final_assert and topo_result and flow_check \
-                and intent_check and consistent_mastership
+                and intent_check and consistent_mastership and roles_not_null
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=final_assert,
                 onpass="State check successful",
                 onfail="State check NOT successful")
@@ -656,11 +968,14 @@
         The Failure case.
+        import time"Killing 3 ONOS nodes")"Restart minority of ONOS nodes")
         #TODO: Randomize these nodes
+        time.sleep(10)
+        time.sleep(10)
         main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
@@ -694,6 +1009,24 @@
         import json"Running ONOS Constant State Tests")
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        ONOS1_master_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS2_master_not_null = main.ONOScli2.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS3_master_not_null = main.ONOScli3.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS4_master_not_null = main.ONOScli4.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS5_master_not_null = main.ONOScli5.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS6_master_not_null = main.ONOScli6.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS7_master_not_null = main.ONOScli7.roles_not_null()
+        roles_not_null = ONOS1_master_not_null and ONOS2_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS3_master_not_null and ONOS4_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS5_master_not_null and ONOS6_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS7_master_not_null
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         main.step("Check if switch roles are consistent across all nodes")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         ONOS2_mastership = main.ONOScli2.roles()
@@ -702,20 +1035,6 @@
         ONOS5_mastership = main.ONOScli5.roles()
         ONOS6_mastership = main.ONOScli6.roles()
         ONOS7_mastership = main.ONOScli7.roles()
-        print type(ONOS1_mastership)
-        print ONOS1_mastership
-        print type(ONOS2_mastership)
-        print ONOS2_mastership
-        print type(ONOS3_mastership)
-        print ONOS3_mastership
-        print type(ONOS4_mastership)
-        print ONOS4_mastership
-        print type(ONOS5_mastership)
-        print ONOS5_mastership
-        print type(ONOS6_mastership)
-        print ONOS6_mastership
-        print type(ONOS7_mastership)
-        print ONOS7_mastership
         #print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_mastership), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
         if "Error" in ONOS1_mastership or not ONOS1_mastership\
                 or "Error" in ONOS2_mastership or not ONOS2_mastership\
@@ -739,7 +1058,6 @@
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS5_mastership\
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS6_mastership\
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS7_mastership:
-                    #mastership_state = ONOS1_mastership
                     consistent_mastership = main.TRUE
           "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
@@ -822,25 +1140,35 @@
                     intent_check = main.TRUE
           "Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
-            main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS2 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS2_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS3 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS3_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS4 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS4_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS5 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS5_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS6 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS6_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS7 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS7_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents: ") 
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS2 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS2_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS3 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS3_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS4 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS4_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS5 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS5_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS6 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS6_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS7 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS7_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
         utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=intent_check,
                 onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
                 onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents")
+        #NOTE: Hazelcast has no durability, so intents are lost
         main.step("Compare current intents with intents before the failure")
+        #NOTE: this requires case 5 to pass for intent_state to be set.
+        #      maybe we should stop the test if that fails?
         if intent_state == ONOS1_intents:
             same_intents = main.TRUE
   "Intents are consistent with before failure")
@@ -859,12 +1187,12 @@
         for i in range(28):
   "Checking flow table on s" + str(i+1))
-            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i+1),1.0)
+            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i+1))
-            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            temp_result = main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and temp_result
             if Flow_Tables == main.FALSE:
       "Differences in flow table for switch: "+str(i+1))
-                break
         if Flow_Tables == main.TRUE:
   "No changes were found in the flow tables")
@@ -880,7 +1208,7 @@
         #NOTE: checkForLoss returns main.FALSE with 0% packet loss
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Checking for a loss in pings along flow from s" + str(i))
-            Loss_In_Pings = Loss_In_Pings or main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i))
+            Loss_In_Pings = main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i)) or Loss_In_Pings
         if Loss_In_Pings == main.TRUE:
   "Loss in ping detected")
         elif Loss_In_Pings == main.ERROR:
@@ -894,7 +1222,7 @@
         #TODO:add topology to this or leave as a seperate case?
-        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings)
+        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings) and roles_not_null 
         result = int(result)
         if result == main.TRUE:
   "Constant State Tests Passed")
@@ -936,87 +1264,175 @@
         ports_results = main.TRUE
         links_results = main.TRUE
         topo_result = main.FALSE
-        start_time = time.time()
         elapsed = 0
         count = 0
-        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 120:
+        main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 60:
             count = count + 1
-            try:
-                main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
-                devices = []
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli2.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli3.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli4.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
-                '''
-                hosts = []
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli3.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli4.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
-                '''
-                ports = []
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli3.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli4.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli5.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli6.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli7.ports() )
-                links = []
-                links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli2.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli3.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli4.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+            if count > 1:
+                MNTopo = TestONTopology(main.Mininet1, ctrls) # can also add Intent API info for intent operations
+            cli_start = time.time()
+            devices = []
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli2.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli3.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli4.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
+            hosts = []
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli3.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli4.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
+            ports = []
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli3.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli4.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli5.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli6.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli7.ports() )
+            links = []
+            links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli2.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli3.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli4.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+            clusters = []
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli2.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli3.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli4.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli5.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli6.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli7.clusters() )
+            paths = []
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli1.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli2.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli3.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli4.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli5.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli6.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli7.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
-                for controller in range(7): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
-                    if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
-                        current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_devices_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
-                    if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
-                        current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_ports_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+            cli_time = time.time() - cli_start
+            print "CLI time: " + str(cli_time)
-                    if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
-                        current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_links_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
-            except:
-                main.log.error("something went wrong in topo comparison")
-                main.log.warn( repr( devices ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( ports ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( links ) )
+            for controller in range(7): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
+                if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
+                    current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_devices_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
+                if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
+                    current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_ports_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+                if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
+                    current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_links_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
             devices_results = devices_results and current_devices_result
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
-            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
-        time_threshold = elapsed < 1
-        topo_result = topo_result and time_threshold
-        #TODO make sure this step is non-blocking. IE add a timeout
-"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence: " +\
+            #Compare json objects for hosts, dataplane clusters and paths
+            #hosts
+            consistent_hosts_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+                if not "Error" in hosts[controller]:
+                    if hosts[controller] == hosts[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#hosts not consistent
+              "hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        main.log.warn( repr( hosts[controller] ) )
+                        consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+            if consistent_hosts_result == main.FALSE:
+                for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " hosts response: " + repr(hosts[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_hosts_result,
+                    onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts")
+            #Strongly connected clusters of devices
+            consistent_clusters_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+                if not "Error" in clusters[controller]:
+                    if clusters[controller] == clusters[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#clusters not consistent
+              "clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting dataplane clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " clusters response: " + repr(clusters[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_clusters_result,
+                    onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters")
+            num_clusters =  len(json.loads(clusters[0])) #there should always only be one cluster
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = 1, actual = num_clusters,
+                    onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+                    onfail="ONOS shows "+str(num_clusters) +" SCCs")
+            #paths
+            consistent_paths_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( paths ) ):
+                if not "Error" in paths[controller]:
+                    if paths[controller] == paths[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#paths not consistent
+              "paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " paths response: " + repr(paths[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_paths_result,
+                    onpass="Paths count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different counts of paths")
+            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results\
+                    and consistent_hosts_result and consistent_clusters_result and consistent_paths_result
+        topo_result = topo_result and int(count <= 2)
+        note = "note it takes about "+str( int(cli_time) )+" seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch the topology from each ONOS instance"
+"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence("+ str(note) + "): " +\
                 str(elapsed) + " seconds, " + str(count) +" tries" )
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
@@ -1085,13 +1501,18 @@
         #TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
         main.step("Kill s28 ")"Deleting s28")
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         main.Mininet1.del_switch("s28")"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch down to be discovered")
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
         #Peek at the deleted switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == False:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="Kill switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to kill switch?")
     def CASE12 (self, main) :
@@ -1099,7 +1520,6 @@
         #NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
         import time
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
@@ -1121,9 +1541,15 @@
                 ip7=ONOS7_ip,port7=ONOS7_port)"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch up to be discovered")
-        #Peek at the added switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
+        #Peek at the deleted switch
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == True:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="add switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to add switch?")
     def CASE13 (self, main) :
@@ -1137,8 +1563,26 @@
         main.step("Killing tcpdumps")
+        main.step("Checking ONOS Logs for errors")
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS1:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS1_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS2:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS2_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS3:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS3_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS4:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS4_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS5:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS5_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS6:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS6_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS7:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS7_ip)
         main.step("Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station")
         testname = main.TEST
+        teststation_user = main.params['TESTONUSER']
+        teststation_IP = main.params['TESTONIP']
         #NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to ~/packet_captures
         #       scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
         #FIXME: scp
@@ -1150,19 +1594,26 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS2_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS2_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS2-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS3_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS3_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS3-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS4_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS4_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS4-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS5_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS5_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS5-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS6_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS6_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS6-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS7_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS7_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS7-"+f )
@@ -1172,24 +1623,29 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS2_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS2_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS2-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS3_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS3_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS3-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS4_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS4_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS4-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS5_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS5_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS5-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS6_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS6_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS6-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS7_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS7_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS7-"+f )
         #sleep so scp can finish
         main.step("Packing and rotating pcap archives")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/HATestSanity.params b/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/HATestSanity.params
index e1e75f9..5259a47 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/HATestSanity.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/HATestSanity.params
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],7,8,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],8,7,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/ b/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/
index 614d514..4e5b463 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HATestSanity/
@@ -214,25 +214,6 @@
         import json
         import re
-        '''
-        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
-        ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
-        ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
-        ONOS2_port = main.params['CTRL']['port2']
-        ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
-        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']
-        ONOS4_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip4']
-        ONOS4_port = main.params['CTRL']['port4']
-        ONOS5_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip5']
-        ONOS5_port = main.params['CTRL']['port5']
-        ONOS6_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip6']
-        ONOS6_port = main.params['CTRL']['port6']
-        ONOS7_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip7']
-        ONOS7_port = main.params['CTRL']['port7']
-        '''
-"Assigning switches to controllers")"Assigning Controllers")
         main.step("Assign switches to controllers")
@@ -270,8 +251,217 @@
                 onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
                 onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers")
-        #TODO: If assign roles is working reliably then manually 
-        #   assign mastership to the controller we want
+        #Manually assign mastership to the controller we want
+        role_call = main.TRUE
+        role_check = main.TRUE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("1000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS1_ip)
+        if ONOS1_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("2800")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS1_ip)
+        if ONOS1_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("2000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS2_ip)
+        if ONOS2_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS2_ip)
+        if ONOS2_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("5000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS3_ip)
+        if ONOS3_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6000")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS3_ip)
+        if ONOS3_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id =  main.ONOScli1.get_device("3004")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS4_ip)
+        if ONOS4_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3008")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3009")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3010")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3011")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3012")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3013")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3014")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3015")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3016")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("3017")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS5_ip)
+        if ONOS5_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6007")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS6_ip)
+        if ONOS6_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6018")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6019")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6020")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6021")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6022")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6023")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6024")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6025")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6026")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        device_id = main.ONOScli1.get_device("6027")['id']
+        role_call = role_call and main.ONOScli1.device_role(device_id, ONOS7_ip)
+        if ONOS7_ip in main.ONOScli1.get_role(device_id)['master']:
+            role_check = role_check and main.TRUE
+        else:
+            role_check = role_check and main.FALSE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=role_call,
+                onpass="Re-assigned switch mastership to designated controller",
+                onfail="Something wrong with device_role calls")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=role_check,
+                onpass="Switches were successfully reassigned to designated controller",
+                onfail="Switches were not successfully reassigned")
+        mastership_check = mastership_check and role_call and role_check
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=mastership_check,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
     def CASE3(self,main) :
@@ -288,6 +478,16 @@
         main.step("Discovering  Hosts( Via pingall for now)")
         #FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
+        #install onos-app-fwd
+"Install reactive forwarding app")
+        main.ONOScli1.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli2.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli3.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli4.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli5.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli6.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
+        main.ONOScli7.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
         #REACTIVE FWD test
         ping_result = main.FALSE
         time1 = time.time()
@@ -309,7 +509,7 @@
         #TODO:  move the host numbers to params
         import json
         intents_json= json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
-        intent_add_result = main.FALSE
+        intent_add_result = True
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
             host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
@@ -319,7 +519,10 @@
             host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
             host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
             tmp_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )
-            intent_add_result = intent_add_result and tmp_result
+            intent_add_result = bool(intent_add_result and tmp_result)
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=intent_add_result,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
         #TODO Check if intents all exist in datastore
         #NOTE: Do we need to print this once the test is working?,
@@ -365,6 +568,25 @@
         main.step("Get the Mastership of each switch from each controller")
         global mastership_state
+        mastership_state = []
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        ONOS1_master_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS2_master_not_null = main.ONOScli2.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS3_master_not_null = main.ONOScli3.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS4_master_not_null = main.ONOScli4.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS5_master_not_null = main.ONOScli5.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS6_master_not_null = main.ONOScli6.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS7_master_not_null = main.ONOScli7.roles_not_null()
+        roles_not_null = ONOS1_master_not_null and ONOS2_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS3_master_not_null and ONOS4_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS5_master_not_null and ONOS6_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS7_master_not_null
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         ONOS2_mastership = main.ONOScli2.roles()
         ONOS3_mastership = main.ONOScli3.roles()
@@ -421,6 +643,7 @@
         main.step("Get the intents from each controller")
         global intent_state
+        intent_state = []
         ONOS1_intents = main.ONOScli1.intents( json_format=True )
         ONOS2_intents = main.ONOScli2.intents( json_format=True )
         ONOS3_intents = main.ONOScli3.intents( json_format=True )
@@ -475,6 +698,7 @@
         main.step("Get the flows from each controller")
         global flow_state
+        flow_state = []
         ONOS1_flows = main.ONOScli1.flows( json_format=True )
         ONOS2_flows = main.ONOScli2.flows( json_format=True )
         ONOS3_flows = main.ONOScli3.flows( json_format=True )
@@ -532,7 +756,7 @@
         global flows
         for i in range(1,29):
-            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i),1.0))
+            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i)))
         #TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
@@ -583,7 +807,6 @@
         devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
         devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
         devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
-        '''
         hosts = []
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
@@ -592,7 +815,6 @@
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
         hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
-        '''
         ports = []
         ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
         ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
@@ -609,6 +831,91 @@
         links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
         links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
         links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+        clusters = []
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli2.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli3.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli4.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli5.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli6.clusters() )
+        clusters.append( main.ONOScli7.clusters() )
+        paths = []
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli1.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli2.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli3.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli4.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli5.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli6.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli7.topology() )
+        paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+        #Compare json objects for hosts, dataplane clusters and paths
+        #hosts
+        consistent_hosts_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+            if not "Error" in hosts[controller]:
+                if hosts[controller] == hosts[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#hosts not consistent
+          "hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    main.log.warn( repr( hosts[controller] ) )
+                    consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " hosts response: " + repr(hosts[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_hosts_result,
+                onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts")
+        #Strongly connected clusters of devices
+        consistent_clusters_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+            if not "Error" in clusters[controller]:
+                if clusters[controller] == clusters[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#clusters not consistent
+          "clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting dataplane clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " clusters response: " + repr(clusters[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_clusters_result,
+                onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters")
+        num_clusters =  len(json.loads(clusters[0])) #there should always only be one cluster
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = 1, actual = num_clusters,
+                onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+                onfail="ONOS shows "+str(num_clusters) +" SCCs")
+        #paths
+        consistent_paths_result = main.TRUE
+        for controller in range( len( paths ) ):
+            if not "Error" in paths[controller]:
+                if paths[controller] == paths[0]:
+                    continue
+                else:#paths not consistent
+          "paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                    consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Error in getting paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " paths response: " + repr(paths[controller]) )
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_paths_result,
+                onpass="Paths count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                onfail="ONOS nodes have different counts of paths")
         main.step("Comparing ONOS topology to MN")
@@ -644,14 +951,16 @@
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
+        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results\
+                and consistent_hosts_result and consistent_clusters_result\
+                and consistent_paths_result
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
                 onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful")
         final_assert = main.TRUE
         final_assert = final_assert and topo_result and flow_check \
-                and intent_check and consistent_mastership
+                and intent_check and consistent_mastership and roles_not_null
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=final_assert,
                 onpass="State check successful",
                 onfail="State check NOT successful")
@@ -676,6 +985,24 @@
         import json"Running ONOS Constant State Tests")
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        ONOS1_master_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS2_master_not_null = main.ONOScli2.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS3_master_not_null = main.ONOScli3.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS4_master_not_null = main.ONOScli4.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS5_master_not_null = main.ONOScli5.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS6_master_not_null = main.ONOScli6.roles_not_null()
+        ONOS7_master_not_null = main.ONOScli7.roles_not_null()
+        roles_not_null = ONOS1_master_not_null and ONOS2_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS3_master_not_null and ONOS4_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS5_master_not_null and ONOS6_master_not_null and\
+                ONOS7_master_not_null
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         main.step("Check if switch roles are consistent across all nodes")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         ONOS2_mastership = main.ONOScli2.roles()
@@ -707,7 +1034,6 @@
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS5_mastership\
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS6_mastership\
                 and ONOS1_mastership == ONOS7_mastership:
-                    #mastership_state = ONOS1_mastership
                     consistent_mastership = main.TRUE
           "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
@@ -789,25 +1115,35 @@
                     intent_check = main.TRUE
           "Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
-            main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS2 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS2_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS3 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS3_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS4 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS4_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS5 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS5_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS6 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS6_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
-            main.log.warn("ONOS7 intents: ", json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS7_intents),
-                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents: ") 
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS2 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS2_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS3 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS3_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS4 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS4_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS5 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS5_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS6 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS6_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS7 intents: ")
+            print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS7_intents),
+                sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
         utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=intent_check,
                 onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
                 onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents")
+        #NOTE: Hazelcast has no durability, so intents are lost
         main.step("Compare current intents with intents before the failure")
+        #NOTE: this requires case 5 to pass for intent_state to be set.
+        #      maybe we should stop the test if that fails?
         if intent_state == ONOS1_intents:
             same_intents = main.TRUE
   "Intents are consistent with before failure")
@@ -826,12 +1162,12 @@
         for i in range(28):
   "Checking flow table on s" + str(i+1))
-            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i+1),1.0)
+            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i+1))
-            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            temp_result = main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and temp_result
             if Flow_Tables == main.FALSE:
       "Differences in flow table for switch: "+str(i+1))
-                break
         if Flow_Tables == main.TRUE:
   "No changes were found in the flow tables")
@@ -847,7 +1183,7 @@
         #NOTE: checkForLoss returns main.FALSE with 0% packet loss
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Checking for a loss in pings along flow from s" + str(i))
-            Loss_In_Pings = Loss_In_Pings or main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i))
+            Loss_In_Pings = main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i)) or Loss_In_Pings
         if Loss_In_Pings == main.TRUE:
   "Loss in ping detected")
         elif Loss_In_Pings == main.ERROR:
@@ -861,7 +1197,7 @@
         #TODO:add topology to this or leave as a seperate case?
-        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings)
+        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings) and roles_not_null 
         result = int(result)
         if result == main.TRUE:
   "Constant State Tests Passed")
@@ -903,89 +1239,173 @@
         ports_results = main.TRUE
         links_results = main.TRUE
         topo_result = main.FALSE
-        start_time = time.time()
         elapsed = 0
         count = 0
-        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 120:
-            print "cond 1:" + str(topo_result == main.FALSE)
-            print "cond 2:" + str(elapsed < 120)
+        main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 60:
             count = count + 1
-            try:
-                main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
-                devices = []
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli2.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli3.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli4.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
-                '''
-                hosts = []
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli3.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli4.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
-                '''
-                ports = []
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli3.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli4.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli5.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli6.ports() )
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli7.ports() )
-                links = []
-                links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli2.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli3.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli4.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
-                links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+            if count > 1:
+                MNTopo = TestONTopology(main.Mininet1, ctrls) # can also add Intent API info for intent operations
+            cli_start = time.time()
+            devices = []
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli2.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli3.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli4.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli5.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli6.devices() )
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli7.devices() )
+            hosts = []
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli2.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli3.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli4.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli5.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli6.hosts() )
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli7.hosts() )
+            ports = []
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli2.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli3.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli4.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli5.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli6.ports() )
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli7.ports() )
+            links = []
+            links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli2.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli3.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli4.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli5.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli6.links() )
+            links.append( main.ONOScli7.links() )
+            clusters = []
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli1.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli2.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli3.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli4.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli5.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli6.clusters() )
+            clusters.append( main.ONOScli7.clusters() )
+            paths = []
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli1.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli2.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli3.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli4.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli5.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli6.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
+            temp_topo = main.ONOSbench.get_topology( main.ONOScli7.topology() )
+            paths.append( temp_topo.get('paths', False) )
-                for controller in range(7): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
-                    if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
-                        current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_devices_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
-                    if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
-                        current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_ports_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+            cli_time = time.time() - cli_start
+            print "CLI time: " + str(cli_time)
-                    if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
-                        current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_links_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
-            except:
-                main.log.error("something went wrong in topo comparison")
-                main.log.warn( repr( devices ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( ports ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( links ) )
+            for controller in range(7): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
+                if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
+                    current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_devices_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
+                if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
+                    current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_ports_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+                if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
+                    current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_links_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
             devices_results = devices_results and current_devices_result
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
-            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
-        time_threshold = elapsed < 1
-        topo_result = topo_result and time_threshold
-        #TODO make sure this step is non-blocking. IE add a timeout
-"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence: " +\
+            #Compare json objects for hosts, dataplane clusters and paths
+            #hosts
+            consistent_hosts_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+                if not "Error" in hosts[controller]:
+                    if hosts[controller] == hosts[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#hosts not consistent
+              "hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        main.log.warn( repr( hosts[controller] ) )
+                        consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_hosts_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " hosts response: " + repr(hosts[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_hosts_result,
+                    onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts")
+            #Strongly connected clusters of devices
+            consistent_clusters_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+                if not "Error" in clusters[controller]:
+                    if clusters[controller] == clusters[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#clusters not consistent
+              "clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting dataplane clusters from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_clusters_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " clusters response: " + repr(clusters[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_clusters_result,
+                    onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters")
+            num_clusters =  len(json.loads(clusters[0])) #there should always only be one cluster
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = 1, actual = num_clusters,
+                    onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+                    onfail="ONOS shows "+str(num_clusters) +" SCCs")
+            #paths
+            consistent_paths_result = main.TRUE
+            for controller in range( len( paths ) ):
+                if not "Error" in paths[controller]:
+                    if paths[controller] == paths[0]:
+                        continue
+                    else:#paths not consistent
+              "paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " is inconsistent with ONOS1")
+                        consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Error in getting paths from ONOS" + str(controller + 1) )
+                    consistent_paths_result = main.FALSE
+                    main.log.warn("ONOS" + str(controller + 1) + " paths response: " + repr(paths[controller]) )
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_paths_result,
+                    onpass="Paths count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+                    onfail="ONOS nodes have different counts of paths")
+            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results\
+                    and consistent_hosts_result and consistent_clusters_result and consistent_paths_result
+        topo_result = topo_result and int(count <= 2)
+        note = "note it takes about "+str( int(cli_time) )+" seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch the topology from each ONOS instance"
+"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence("+ str(note) + "): " +\
                 str(elapsed) + " seconds, " + str(count) +" tries" )
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
@@ -1054,13 +1474,18 @@
         #TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
         main.step("Kill s28 ")"Deleting s28")
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         main.Mininet1.del_switch("s28")"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch down to be discovered")
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
         #Peek at the deleted switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == False:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="Kill switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to kill switch?")
     def CASE12 (self, main) :
@@ -1068,7 +1493,6 @@
         #NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
         import time
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
@@ -1090,9 +1514,15 @@
                 ip7=ONOS7_ip,port7=ONOS7_port)"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch up to be discovered")
-        #Peek at the added switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
+        #Peek at the deleted switch
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == True:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="add switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to add switch?")
     def CASE13 (self, main) :
@@ -1106,8 +1536,26 @@
         main.step("Killing tcpdumps")
+        main.step("Checking ONOS Logs for errors")
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS1:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS1_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS2:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS2_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS3:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS3_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS4:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS4_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS5:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS5_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS6:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS6_ip)
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS7:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS7_ip)
         main.step("Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station")
         testname = main.TEST
+        teststation_user = main.params['TESTONUSER']
+        teststation_IP = main.params['TESTONIP']
         #NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to ~/packet_captures
         #       scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
         #FIXME: scp
@@ -1119,19 +1567,26 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS2_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS2_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS2-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS3_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS3_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS3-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS4_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS4_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS4-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS5_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS5_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS5-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS6_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS6_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS6-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS7_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS7_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS7-"+f )
@@ -1141,24 +1596,29 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS2_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS2_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS2-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS3_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS3_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS3-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS4_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS4_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS4-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS5_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS5_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS5-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS6_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS6_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS6-"+f )
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS7_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS7_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS7-"+f )
         #sleep so scp can finish
         main.step("Packing and rotating pcap archives")
@@ -1169,3 +1629,22 @@
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=main.TRUE,
                 onpass="Test cleanup successful",
                 onfail="Test cleanup NOT successful")
+    def CASE14 ( self, main ) :
+        '''
+        start election app on all onos nodes
+        '''
+        #install app on onos 1
+        #wait for election
+        #check for leader
+        #install on other nodes
+        #check for leader. Should be onos1 and each app shows same leader
+        #
+        #Next Case
+        #add to reboot case?
+        #check for conistent leader
+        #new leader should have been elected
diff --git a/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.params b/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.params
index 87e7998..cdf0766 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.params
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <testcases>1,4</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,5,2,3</testcases>
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
+        <ip4></ip4>
+        <ip5></ip5>
+        <ip6></ip6>
+        <ip7></ip7>
@@ -32,8 +36,13 @@
         #Number of times to iterate each case
-        <numIter>3</numIter>
-        <batchIntentSize>50</batchIntentSize>
+        <numIter>15</numIter>
+        <numIgnore>3</numIgnore>
+        <numSwitch>9</numSwitch>
+        <batchThresholdMin>0</batchThresholdMin>
+        <batchThresholdMax>1000</batchThresholdMax>
+        <batchIntentSize>200</batchIntentSize>
+        <numMult>1</numMult>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/ b/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/
index dc9fadc..c212e9e 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/
+++ b/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
         import time
+        global cluster_count
+        cluster_count = 1 
         cell_name = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
@@ -23,7 +25,19 @@
         ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
         ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
         ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
+        ONOS4_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip4']
+        ONOS5_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip5']
+        ONOS6_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip6']
+        ONOS7_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip7']
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS1_ip)
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS2_ip)
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS3_ip)
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS4_ip)
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS5_ip)
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS6_ip)
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(node_ip=ONOS7_ip)
         MN1_ip = main.params['MN']['ip1']
         BENCH_ip = main.params['BENCH']['ip']
@@ -33,12 +47,16 @@
         cell_file_result = main.ONOSbench.create_cell_file(
                 BENCH_ip, cell_name, MN1_ip,
-                ONOS1_ip, ONOS2_ip, ONOS3_ip)
+                #ONOS1_ip, ONOS2_ip, ONOS3_ip)
+                ONOS1_ip)
         main.step("Applying cell file to environment")
         cell_apply_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
         verify_cell_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+        main.step("Removing raft logs")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
         main.step("Git checkout and pull "+checkout_branch)
         if git_pull == 'on':
             checkout_result = \
@@ -62,27 +80,27 @@
         main.step("Installing ONOS package")
         install1_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS1_ip)
-        install2_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS2_ip)
-        install3_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS3_ip)
+        #install2_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS2_ip)
+        #install3_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS3_ip)
         main.step("Set cell for ONOScli env")
-        main.ONOS2cli.set_cell(cell_name)
-        main.ONOS3cli.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #main.ONOS2cli.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #main.ONOS3cli.set_cell(cell_name)
         main.step("Start onos cli")
         cli1 = main.ONOS1cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)
-        cli2 = main.ONOS2cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS2_ip)
-        cli3 = main.ONOS3cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS3_ip)
+        #cli2 = main.ONOS2cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS2_ip)
+        #cli3 = main.ONOS3cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS3_ip)
                 actual = cell_file_result and cell_apply_result and\
                          verify_cell_result and checkout_result and\
                          pull_result and build_result and\
-                         install1_result and install2_result and\
-                         install3_result,
+                         install1_result, #and install2_result and\
+                         #install3_result,
                 onpass="ONOS started successfully",
                 onfail="Failed to start ONOS")
@@ -95,6 +113,7 @@
         import json
         import requests
         import os
+        import numpy
         ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
         ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
@@ -105,6 +124,7 @@
         #number of iterations of case
         num_iter = main.params['TEST']['numIter']
+        num_ignore = int(main.params['TEST']['numIgnore'])
         #Timestamp keys for json metrics output
         submit_time = main.params['JSON']['submittedTime']
@@ -128,6 +148,8 @@
+"Single intent add latency test")
         devices_json_str = main.ONOS1cli.devices()
         devices_json_obj = json.loads(devices_json_str)
         device_id_list = []
@@ -183,10 +205,10 @@
                      intent_install_lat_3 ) / 3
   "Intent add latency avg for iteration "+str(i)+
-                    ": "+str(intent_install_lat_avg))
+                    ": "+str(intent_install_lat_avg)+" ms")
             if intent_install_lat_avg > 0.0 and \
-               intent_install_lat_avg < 1000:
+               intent_install_lat_avg < 1000 and i > num_ignore:
       "Intent add latency exceeded "+
@@ -211,16 +233,14 @@
-        intent_add_lat_min = min(intent_add_lat_list)
-        intent_add_lat_max = max(intent_add_lat_list)
         intent_add_lat_avg = sum(intent_add_lat_list) /\
+        intent_add_lat_std = \
+            round(numpy.std(intent_add_lat_list),1)
         #END ITERATION FOR LOOP"Single intent add latency - \n"+
-                "Min: "+str(intent_add_lat_min)+" ms\n"+
-                "Max: "+str(intent_add_lat_max)+" ms\n"+
-                "Avg: "+str(intent_add_lat_avg)+" ms\n")
+                "Avg: "+str(intent_add_lat_avg)+" ms\n"+
+                "Std Deviation: "+str(intent_add_lat_std)+" ms")
     def CASE3(self, main):
@@ -230,6 +250,7 @@
         import json
         import requests
         import os
+        import numpy
         ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
         ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
@@ -240,6 +261,7 @@
         #number of iterations of case
         num_iter = main.params['TEST']['numIter']
+        num_ignore = int(main.params['TEST']['numIgnore'])
         #Timestamp keys for json metrics output
         submit_time = main.params['JSON']['submittedTime']
@@ -264,9 +286,12 @@
         for i in range(0, int(num_iter)):
             #add_point_intent(ingr_device, ingr_port, 
             #                 egr_device, egr_port)
-            main.ONOS1cli.add_point_intent(
-                device_id_list[0]+"/2", device_id_list[4]+"/1")
+            if len(device_id_list) > 0:
+                main.ONOS1cli.add_point_intent(
+                    device_id_list[0]+"/2", device_id_list[4]+"/1")
+            else:
+      "Failed to fetch devices from ONOS")
             intents_str = main.ONOS1cli.intents(json_format=True)
@@ -324,7 +349,7 @@
                     str(i)+": "+str(intent_reroute_lat_avg))
             if intent_reroute_lat_avg > 0.0 and \
-               intent_reroute_lat_avg < 1000:
+               intent_reroute_lat_avg < 1000 and i > num_ignore:
       "Intent reroute latency exceeded "+
@@ -342,41 +367,127 @@
             #            determine what timestsamp to get
-        #TODO: Report framework
-        print intent_reroute_lat_list
+  "Bringing Mininet interface up for next "+
+                "iteration")
+            main.Mininet1.handle.sendline(
+                    "sh ifconfig s2-eth3 up")
+        intent_reroute_lat_avg = sum(intent_reroute_lat_list) /\
+                             len(intent_reroute_lat_list)
+        intent_reroute_lat_std = \
+            round(numpy.std(intent_reroute_lat_list),1)
+"Single intent reroute latency - \n"+
+                "Avg: "+str(intent_reroute_lat_avg)+" ms\n"+
+                "Std Deviation: "+str(intent_reroute_lat_std)+" ms")
     def CASE4(self, main):
         import time
         import json
         import requests
         import os
+        import numpy
         ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
         ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
         ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
+        ONOS4_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip4']
+        ONOS5_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip5']
+        ONOS6_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip6']
+        ONOS7_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip7']
+        ONOS_ip_list = []
+        for i in range(1, 8):
+            ONOS_ip_list.append(main.params['CTRL']['ip'+str(i)])
         ONOS_user = main.params['CTRL']['user']
         default_sw_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
         batch_intent_size = main.params['TEST']['batchIntentSize']
+        batch_thresh_min = int(main.params['TEST']['batchThresholdMin'])
+        batch_thresh_max = int(main.params['TEST']['batchThresholdMax'])
         #number of iterations of case
         num_iter = main.params['TEST']['numIter']
+        num_ignore = int(main.params['TEST']['numIgnore'])
+        num_switch = int(main.params['TEST']['numSwitch'])
+        n_thread = main.params['TEST']['numMult']
+        #n_thread = 105
+        #*****
+        global cluster_count
+        #*****
+        #Switch assignment NOTE: hardcoded 
+        if cluster_count == 1:
+            for i in range(1, num_switch+1):
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw=str(i), 
+                    ip1=ONOS1_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+        if cluster_count == 3:
+            for i in range(1, 3):
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw=str(i),
+                    ip1=ONOS1_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            for i in range(3, 6):
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw=str(i),
+                    ip1=ONOS2_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            for i in range(6, 9):
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw=str(i),
+                    ip1=ONOS3_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+        if cluster_count == 5:
+            main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw="1",
+                    ip1=ONOS1_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw="2",
+                    ip1=ONOS2_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            for i in range(3, 6):
+                main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw=str(i),
+                    ip1=ONOS3_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw="6",
+                    ip1=ONOS4_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw="7",
+                    ip1=ONOS5_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
+            main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                    sw="8",
+                    ip1=ONOS5_ip,
+                    port1=default_sw_port)
-        main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
-                sw="1", ip1=ONOS1_ip,port1=default_sw_port)
-        main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
-                sw="2", ip1=ONOS2_ip,port1=default_sw_port)
-        main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
-                sw="3", ip1=ONOS2_ip,port1=default_sw_port)
-        main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
-                sw="4", ip1=ONOS2_ip,port1=default_sw_port)
-        main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
-                sw="5", ip1=ONOS3_ip,port1=default_sw_port)
+        if cluster_count == 7:
+            for i in range(1,9):
+                if i < 8:
+                    main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                        sw=str(i),
+                        ip1=ONOS_ip_list[i-1],
+                        port1=default_sw_port)
+                elif i >= 8: 
+                    main.Mininet1.assign_sw_controller(
+                        sw=str(i),
+                        ip1=ONOS_ip_list[6],
+                        port1=default_sw_port)
+        time.sleep(30)
 "Batch intent installation test of "+
-                str(batch_intent_size) +" intents")
+               batch_intent_size +" intents")
+        batch_result_list = []
 "Getting list of available devices")
         device_id_list = []
@@ -385,14 +496,223 @@
         for device in json_obj:
+        batch_install_lat = []
+        batch_withdraw_lat = []
+        sleep_time = 10
+        base_dir = "/tmp/"
+        max_install_lat = []
         for i in range(0, int(num_iter)):
-  "Pushing "+batch_intent_size+" intents")
-            batch_result = main.ONOS1cli.push_test_intents(
-                "of:0000000000000001/1", "of:0000000000000005/2", 
-                batch_intent_size)
+  "Pushing "+
+                    str(int(batch_intent_size)*int(n_thread))+
+                    " intents. Iteration "+str(i))
+            for node in range(1, cluster_count+1):
+                save_dir = base_dir + "batch_intent_"+str(node)+".txt" 
+                main.ONOSbench.push_test_intents_shell(
+                "of:0000000000000001/"+str(node),
+                "of:0000000000000008/"+str(node),
+                int(batch_intent_size),
+                save_dir, ONOS_ip_list[node-1],
+                num_mult=n_thread, app_id=node)
+            #Wait sufficient time for intents to start
+            #installing
+            time.sleep(sleep_time)
+            print sleep_time 
+            intent = ""
+            counter = 300
+            while len(intent) > 0 and counter > 0:
+                main.ONOS1cli.handle.sendline(
+                    "intents | wc -l")
+                main.ONOS1cli.handle.expect(
+                    "intents | wc -l")
+                main.ONOS1cli.handle.expect(
+                    "onos>")
+                intent_temp = main.ONOS1cli.handle.before()
+                print intent_temp
+                intent = main.ONOS1cli.intents()
+                intent = json.loads(intent)
+                counter = counter-1
+                time.sleep(1)
+            for node in range(1, cluster_count+1):
+                save_dir = base_dir + "batch_intent_"+str(node)+".txt"
+                with open(save_dir) as f_onos:
+                    line_count = 0
+                    for line in f_onos:
+                        line = line[1:]
+                        line = line.split(": ")
+                        result = line[1].split(" ")[0]
+                        #TODO: add parameters before appending latency
+                        if line_count == 0:
+                            batch_install_lat.append(int(result))
+                        elif line_count == 1:
+                            batch_withdraw_lat.append(int(result))
+                        line_count += 1
+      "Batch install latency for ONOS"+
+                    str(node)+" with "+\
+                    str(batch_intent_size) + "intents: "+\
+                    str(batch_install_lat))
+            if len(batch_install_lat) > 0 and int(i) > num_ignore:
+                max_install_lat.append(max(batch_install_lat))
+            elif len(batch_install_lat) == 0:
+                #If I failed to read anything from the file,
+                #increase the wait time before checking intents
+                sleep_time += 30
+            batch_install_lat = []
+            #Sleep in between iterations
+            time.sleep(5)
+"Avg of batch installation latency "+
+            ": "+
+            str(sum(max_install_lat) / len(max_install_lat)))
+"Std Deviation of batch installation latency "+
+            ": "+
+            str(numpy.std(max_install_lat)))
+    def CASE5(self,main):
+        '''
+        Increase number of nodes and initiate CLI
+        '''
+        import time
+        import json
+        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
+        ONOS2_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip2']
+        ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
+        ONOS4_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip4']
+        ONOS5_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip5']
+        ONOS6_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip6']
+        ONOS7_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip7']
+        global cluster_count
+        cluster_count += 2
+"Increasing cluster size to "+
+                str(cluster_count))
+        install_result = main.FALSE
+        if cluster_count == 3:
+            install_result1 = \
+                main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS2_ip)
+            install_result2 = \
+                main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS3_ip)
+            time.sleep(5)
+  "Starting ONOS CLI")
+            main.ONOS2cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS2_ip)
+            main.ONOS3cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS3_ip)
+            install_result = install_result1 and install_result2
+        if cluster_count == 5:
+  "Installing ONOS on node 4 and 5")
+            install_result1 = \
+                main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS4_ip)
+            install_result2 = \
+                main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS5_ip)
+  "Starting ONOS CLI")
+            main.ONOS4cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS4_ip)
+            main.ONOS5cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS5_ip)
+            install_result = install_result1 and install_result2
+        if cluster_count == 7:
+  "Installing ONOS on node 6 and 7")
+            install_result1 = \
+                main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS6_ip)
+            install_result2 = \
+                main.ONOSbench.onos_install(node=ONOS7_ip)
+  "Starting ONOS CLI")
+            main.ONOS6cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS6_ip)
+            main.ONOS7cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS7_ip)
+            install_result = install_result1 and install_result2
+        time.sleep(5)
+        if install_result == main.TRUE:
+            assertion = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            assertion = main.FALSE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=assertion,
+            onpass="Scale out to "+str(cluster_count)+\
+                   " nodes successful",
+            onfail="Scale out to "+str(cluster_count)+\
+                   " nodes failed")
+    def CASE9(self, main):
+        count = 0
+        sw_num1 = 1 
+        sw_num2 = 1
+        appid = 0
+        port_num1 = 1
+        port_num2 = 1
+        time.sleep(30)
+        while True:
+            #main.ONOS1cli.push_test_intents(
+                    #"of:0000000000001001/1",
+                #"of:0000000000002001/1",
+                #    100, num_mult="10", app_id="1")
+            #main.ONOS2cli.push_test_intents(
+            #    "of:0000000000001002/1",
+            #    "of:0000000000002002/1",
+            #    100, num_mult="10", app_id="2")
+            #main.ONOS2cli.push_test_intents(
+            #    "of:0000000000001003/1",
+            #    "of:0000000000002003/1",
+            #    100, num_mult="10", app_id="3")
+            count += 1
+            if count >= 100:
+                main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(
+                    "onos intents-events-metrics >>"+\
+                    " /tmp/metrics_intents_temp.txt &")
+                count = 0
+            arg1 = "of:000000000000100"+str(sw_num1)+"/"+str(port_num1)
+            arg2 = "of:000000000000200"+str(sw_num2)+"/"+str(port_num2)
+            sw_num1 += 1
+            if sw_num1 > 7:
+                sw_num1 = 1
+                sw_num2 += 1
+                if sw_num2 > 7:
+                    appid += 1
+            if sw_num2 > 7:
+                sw_num2 = 1
+            main.ONOSbench.push_test_intents_shell(
+                arg1,
+                arg2, 
+                150, "/tmp/temp.txt", "",
+                num_mult="10", app_id=appid,report=False)
+            #main.ONOSbench.push_test_intents_shell(
+            #    "of:0000000000001002/1",
+            #    "of:0000000000002002/1",
+            #    133, "/tmp/temp2.txt", "",
+            #    num_mult="6", app_id="2",report=False)
+            #main.ONOSbench.push_test_intents_shell(
+            #    "of:0000000000001003/1",
+            #    "of:0000000000002003/1",
+            #    133, "/tmp/temp3.txt", "",
+            #    num_mult="6", app_id="3",report=False)
+            time.sleep(0.1)
diff --git a/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.topo b/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.topo
index 75cb259..048695d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/IntentPerfNext/IntentPerfNext.topo
@@ -36,6 +36,42 @@
+        <ONOS4cli>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+        </ONOS4cli>
+        <ONOS5cli>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+        </ONOS5cli>
+        <ONOS6cli>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+        </ONOS6cli>
+        <ONOS7cli>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+        </ONOS7cli>
@@ -54,7 +90,7 @@
                 <arg1> --custom </arg1>
-                <arg2> --arp --mac --topo mytopo</arg2>
+                <arg2> --arp --mac --topo mytopo </arg2>
                 <arg3> </arg3>
                 <controller> remote </controller>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/MultiProd/MultiProd.params b/TestON/tests/MultiProd/MultiProd.params
index 2f99555..8bf1600 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/MultiProd/MultiProd.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/MultiProd/MultiProd.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    <testcases>1,4,5,6,7,8,9</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,4,10,5,6,7,8,6,8,9,31,32,8,33</testcases>    
     #Environment variables
@@ -16,6 +16,24 @@
+    <SDNIP>
+        <ethType>IPV4</ethType>
+        <tcpProto>6</tcpProto>
+        <icmpProto>1</icmpProto>
+        <srcPort>5001</srcPort>
+        <dstPort>5001</dstPort>
+    </SDNIP>
+        <device1>of:0000000000003008/1 </device1>
+        <device2>of:0000000000003009/1 </device2>
+        <device3>of:0000000000003010/1 </device3>
+        <mac1>00:00:00:00:00:0A </mac1>
+        <mac2>00:00:00:00:00:08 </mac2>
+        <ip1> </ip1>
+        <ip2> </ip2>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/MultiProd/ b/TestON/tests/MultiProd/
index 33d86b4..dda3ad4 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/MultiProd/
+++ b/TestON/tests/MultiProd/
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
     def CASE1(self, main):
         Startup sequence:
+        cell <name>
+        onos-verify-cell
+        onos-remove-raft-logs        
         git pull
         mvn clean install
-        cell <name>
-        onos-verify-cell
         onos-install -f
@@ -32,11 +33,23 @@
         ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
         ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
         ONOS2_port = main.params['CTRL']['port2']
-        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']
+        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']   
+       "Setting up test environment")"This testcase is testing setting up test environment") "__________________________________")
+        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
+        cell_result1 = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #cell_result2 = main.ONOScli1.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #cell_result3 = main.ONOScli2.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #cell_result4 = main.ONOScli3.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell() 
+        cell_result = cell_result1
+        main.step("Removing raft logs before a clen installation of ONOS")
+        remove_log_Result = main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()        
         main.step("Git checkout and pull master and get version")
         git_pull_result = main.ONOSbench.git_pull()
@@ -48,14 +61,6 @@
             clean_install_result = main.ONOSbench.clean_install()
             #clean_install_result = main.TRUE 
-        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
-        cell_result1 = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #cell_result2 = main.ONOScli1.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #cell_result3 = main.ONOScli2.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #cell_result4 = main.ONOScli3.set_cell(cell_name)
-        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell() 
-        cell_result = cell_result1
         main.step("Creating ONOS package")
         package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
@@ -223,9 +228,9 @@
         devices1 = main.ONOScli1.devices()
         devices2 = main.ONOScli2.devices()
         devices3 = main.ONOScli3.devices()
-        print "devices1 = ", devices1
-        print "devices2 = ", devices2
-        print "devices3 = ", devices3
+        #print "devices1 = ", devices1
+        #print "devices2 = ", devices2
+        #print "devices3 = ", devices3
         hosts1 = main.ONOScli1.hosts()
         hosts2 = main.ONOScli2.hosts()
         hosts3 = main.ONOScli3.hosts()
@@ -355,14 +360,36 @@
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
                 onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful")
+    def CASE10(self):
+"This testcase uninstalls the reactive forwarding app")
+"Uninstalling reactive forwarding app")
+        #Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding
+        appUninstall_result1 = main.ONOScli1.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
+        appUninstall_result2 = main.ONOScli2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
+        appUninstall_result3 = main.ONOScli3.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
+"onos-app-fwd uninstalled")
+        #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
+        #So sleep for 15s
+        time.sleep(15)
+        hosts = main.ONOScli1.hosts()
+        case10_result = appUninstall_result1 and appUninstall_result2 and appUninstall_result3
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case10_result,onpass="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation successful",onfail="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation failed")
     def CASE6(self):"This testcase is testing the addition of host intents and then doing pingall")"__________________________________")        
-"Uninstalling reactive forwarding app and addhost intents")
+"Obtaining hostsfor adding host intents")
         main.step("Get hosts")
-        main.ONOScli1.handle.sendline("hosts")
-        main.ONOScli1.handle.expect("onos>")
-        hosts = main.ONOScli1.handle.before
+        hosts = main.ONOScli1.hosts()
         main.step("Get all devices id")
@@ -371,7 +398,8 @@
         #ONOS displays the hosts in hex format unlike mininet which does in decimal format
         #So take care while adding intents
+        '''
         main.step("Add host intents for mn hosts(h8-h18,h9-h19,h10-h20,h11-h21,h12-h22,h13-h23,h14-h24,h15-h25,h16-h26,h17-h27)")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:08/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:12/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:09/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:13/-1")
@@ -383,16 +411,17 @@
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:0F/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:19/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:10/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:1A/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:11/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:1B/-1") 
+        '''
-        #Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding
-        main.step("Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding")
-        appUninstall_result = main.ONOScli1.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
-"onos-app-fwd uninstalled")
-        #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
-        #So sleep for 15s
-        time.sleep(15)
+        for i in range(8,18):
+  "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
+            host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host2 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i+10)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            #NOTE: get host can return None
+            #TODO: handle this
+            host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
+            host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
+            tmp_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )
         flowHandle = main.ONOScli1.flows()
         #print "flowHandle = ", flowHandle
@@ -634,56 +663,68 @@
     def CASE8(self):
-        Host intents removal
+        Intent removal
-"This testcase removes host intents before adding the point intents")
+"This testcase removes host any previously added intents")"__________________________________")        
-"Host intents removal")
-"Removing host intents")
+"Removing any previously installed intents")
+"Removing intents")
         main.step("Obtain the intent id's")
-        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
-        #print "intent_result = ",intent_result
+        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
         intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        intent_linewise = intent_linewise[1:-1] #ignore the first and last item of the list obtained from split 
-        #for line in intent_linewise:
-            #print "line = ", line
-        intentids = []
+        intentList = []
         for line in intent_linewise:
+            if line.startswith("id="):
+                intentList.append(line)
+        intentids = []
+        for line in intentList:
         for id in intentids:
-            print "id = ", id
+  "id = " +id)
         main.step("Iterate through the intentids list and remove each intent")
         for id in intentids:
             main.ONOScli1.remove_intent(intent_id = id)
-        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
-        intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        intent_linewise = intent_linewise[1:-1] #ignore the first and last item of the list obtained from split 
-        intentState = {}
-        for id, line in zip(intentids, intent_linewise):
-            #print "line after removing intent = ", line
-            x = line.split(",")
-            state = x[1].split("=")[1]
-            intentState[id] = state
-        case8_result = main.TRUE
-        for key,value in intentState.iteritems():
-            print "key,value = ", key, value
-            if value == "WITHDRAWN": 
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.TRUE
-            else:    
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.FALSE
-        if case8_result == main.TRUE:
+        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+"intent_result = " +intent_result)
+        case8_result = main.TRUE
+        i = 8
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        while i <18 :
+  "\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+10))
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+10))
+            if ping==main.TRUE:
+                i = 19
+                Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+            elif ping==main.FALSE:
+                i+=1
+                Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+            else:
+      "Unknown error")
+                Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        #Note: If the ping result failed, that means the intents have been withdrawn correctly.
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Host intents have not been withdrawn correctly")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Host intents have been withdrawn correctly")
+        case8_result = case8_result and Ping_Result
+        if case8_result == main.FALSE:
   "Intent removal successful")
   "Intent removal failed")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case8_result,
-                onpass="Intent removal test successful",
-                onfail="Intent removal test failed")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.FALSE, actual=case8_result,
+                onpass="Intent removal test failed",
+                onfail="Intent removal test successful")
     def CASE9(self):
@@ -696,117 +737,117 @@"Adding point intents")"Adding bidirectional point for mn hosts(h8-h18,h9-h19,h10-h20,h11-h21,h12-h22,h13-h23,h14-h24,h15-h25,h16-h26,h17-h27)") 
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h8 and h18 or ONOS hosts h8 and h12")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008", 1, "of:0000000000006018", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008/1", "of:0000000000006018/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018", 1, "of:0000000000003008", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018/1", "of:0000000000003008/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h9 and h19 or ONOS hosts h9 and h13")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009", 1, "of:0000000000006019", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009/1", "of:0000000000006019/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019", 1, "of:0000000000003009", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019/1", "of:0000000000003009/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h10 and h20 or ONOS hosts hA and h14")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010", 1, "of:0000000000006020", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010/1", "of:0000000000006020/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020", 1, "of:0000000000003010", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020/1", "of:0000000000003010/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h11 and h21 or ONOS hosts hB and h15")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011", 1, "of:0000000000006021", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011/1", "of:0000000000006021/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021", 1, "of:0000000000003011", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021/1", "of:0000000000003011/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h12 and h22 or ONOS hosts hC and h16")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012", 1, "of:0000000000006022", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012/1", "of:0000000000006022/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022", 1, "of:0000000000003012", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022/1", "of:0000000000003012/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h13 and h23 or ONOS hosts hD and h17")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013", 1, "of:0000000000006023", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013/1", "of:0000000000006023/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023", 1, "of:0000000000003013", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023/1", "of:0000000000003013/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h14 and h24 or ONOS hosts hE and h18")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014", 1, "of:0000000000006024", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014/1", "of:0000000000006024/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024", 1, "of:0000000000003014", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024/1", "of:0000000000003014/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h15 and h25 or ONOS hosts hF and h19")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015", 1, "of:0000000000006025", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015/1", "of:0000000000006025/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025", 1, "of:0000000000003015", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025/1", "of:0000000000003015/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h16 and h26 or ONOS hosts h10 and h1A")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016", 1, "of:0000000000006026", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016/1", "of:0000000000006026/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026", 1, "of:0000000000003016", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026/1", "of:0000000000003016/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
@@ -814,13 +855,13 @@
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h17 and h27 or ONOS hosts h11 and h1B")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017", 1, "of:0000000000006027", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017/1", "of:0000000000006027/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027", 1, "of:0000000000003017", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027/1", "of:0000000000003017/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
@@ -867,3 +908,256 @@
                 onpass="Ping all test after Point intents addition successful",
                 onfail="Ping all test after Point intents addition failed")
+    def CASE31(self):
+        ''' 
+            This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP (ethertype=IPV4, ipProto=1)
+        '''
+        import json
+"This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP")
+"Adding bidirectional point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP")
+        main.step("Adding bidirectional point intent")
+        #add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=1  of:0000000000003008/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        hosts_json = json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
+        for  i in range(8,11):
+  "Adding point intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
+            host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host2 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i+10)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
+            host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
+            for host in hosts_json:
+                if host['id'] == host1_id:
+                    ip1 = host['ips'][0]
+                    ip1 = str(ip1+"/32")
+                    device1 = host['location']['device']
+                    device1 = str(device1+"/1")
+                elif host['id'] == host2_id:
+                    ip2 = str(host['ips'][0])+"/32"
+                    device2 = host['location']["device"]
+                    device2 = str(device2+"/1")
+            p_intent_result1 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device1, egress_device=device2, ipSrc=ip1, ipDst=ip2,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['icmpProto'])
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+            p_intent_result2 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device2, egress_device=device1, ipSrc=ip2, ipDst=ip1, 
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['icmpProto']) 
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+            if (p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2) == main.TRUE:
+                #get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
+      "Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP install successful")
+        time.sleep(15) 
+        get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+"intents = "+ get_intent_result)
+        get_flows_result = main.ONOScli1.flows()
+"flows = " + get_flows_result)
+        count = 1
+        i = 8
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        while i <11 :
+  "\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+10))
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+10))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count <3:
+                count+=1
+                #i = 8
+                Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+      "Ping between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) + " failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+                time.sleep(2)
+            elif ping==main.FALSE:
+      "All ping attempts between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) +"have failed")
+                i=19
+                Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+            elif ping==main.TRUE:
+      "Ping test between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) + "passed!")
+                i+=1
+                Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+            else:
+      "Unknown error")
+                Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Ping test after Point intents related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP failed.")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping all test after Point intents related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP successful")
+        case31_result = Ping_Result and p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case31_result,
+                onpass="Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP and ping test successful",
+                onfail="Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP and ping test failed")
+    def CASE32(self):
+        ''' 
+            This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP (ethertype=IPV4, ipProto=6, DefaultPort for iperf=5001)
+            Note: Although BGP port is 179, we are using 5001 because iperf is used for verifying and iperf's default port is 5001
+        '''
+        import json
+"This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP")
+"Adding bidirectional point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP")
+        main.step("Adding bidirectional point intent")
+        """
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpDst=5001  of:0000000000003008/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpDst=5001  of:0000000000006018/1 of:0000000000003008/1
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpSrc=5001  of:0000000000003008/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpSrc=5001  of:0000000000006018/1 of:0000000000003008/1
+        """           
+        hosts_json = json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
+        for  i in range(8,9):
+  "Adding point intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
+            host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host2 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i+10)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
+            host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
+            for host in hosts_json:
+                if host['id'] == host1_id:
+                    ip1 = host['ips'][0]
+                    ip1 = str(ip1+"/32")
+                    device1 = host['location']['device']
+                    device1 = str(device1+"/1")
+                elif host['id'] == host2_id:
+                    ip2 = str(host['ips'][0])+"/32"
+                    device2 = host['location']["device"]
+                    device2 = str(device2+"/1")
+            p_intent_result1 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device1, egress_device=device2, ipSrc=ip1, ipDst=ip2,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpDst=main.params['SDNIP']['dstPort']) 
+            p_intent_result2 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device2, egress_device=device1, ipSrc=ip2, ipDst=ip1, 
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpDst=main.params['SDNIP']['dstPort'])
+            p_intent_result3 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device1, egress_device=device2, ipSrc=ip1, ipDst=ip2,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpSrc=main.params['SDNIP']['srcPort'])
+            p_intent_result4 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device2, egress_device=device1, ipSrc=ip2, ipDst=ip1,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpSrc=main.params['SDNIP']['srcPort']) 
+            p_intent_result = p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2 and p_intent_result3 and p_intent_result4
+            if p_intent_result ==main.TRUE:
+                get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+      "Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP install successful")
+        iperf_result = main.Mininet1.iperf('h8', 'h18') 
+        if iperf_result == main.TRUE:
+  "iperf test successful")
+        else:
+  "iperf test failed")
+        case32_result = p_intent_result and iperf_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case32_result,
+                onpass="Ping all test after Point intents addition related to SDN-IP on TCP match successful",
+                onfail="Ping all test after Point intents addition related to SDN-IP on TCP match failed")
+    def CASE33(self):
+        ''' 
+            This test case adds multipoint to singlepoint  intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip and the action is to rewrite the mac address 
+            Here the mac address to be rewritten is the mac address of the egress device
+        '''
+        import json
+        import time
+"This test case adds multipoint to singlepoint intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip and rewrite mac address action")
+"Adding multipoint to singlepoint intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip")
+        main.step("Adding bidirectional multipoint to singlepoint intent")
+        """
+        add-multi-to-single-intent --ipDst= --setEthDst=00:00:00:00:00:12 of:0000000000003008/1 0000000000003009/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        add-multi-to-single-intent --ipDst= --setEthDst=00:00:00:00:00:08 of:0000000000006018/1 0000000000003009/1 of:0000000000003008/1 
+        """    
+"Installing multipoint to single point intent with rewrite mac address")
+        main.step("Uninstalling proxy arp app")
+        #Unistall onos-app-proxyarp app to disable reactive forwarding
+        appUninstall_result1 = main.ONOScli1.feature_uninstall("onos-app-proxyarp")
+        appUninstall_result2 = main.ONOScli2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-proxyarp")
+        appUninstall_result3 = main.ONOScli3.feature_uninstall("onos-app-proxyarp")
+"onos-app-proxyarp uninstalled") 
+        main.step("Changing ipaddress of hosts h8,h9 and h18")
+        main.Mininet1.changeIP(host='h8', intf='h8-eth0', newIP='', newNetmask='') 
+        main.Mininet1.changeIP(host='h9', intf='h9-eth0', newIP='', newNetmask='')
+        main.Mininet1.changeIP(host='h10', intf='h10-eth0', newIP='', newNetmask='')
+        main.step("Changing default gateway of hosts h8,h9 and h18")
+        main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway(host='h8', newGW='')
+        main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway(host='h9', newGW='')
+        main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway(host='h10', newGW='')
+        main.step("Assigning random mac address to the default gateways since proxyarp app is uninstalled")
+        main.Mininet1.addStaticMACAddress(host='h8', GW='', macaddr='00:00:00:00:11:11')
+        main.Mininet1.addStaticMACAddress(host='h9', GW='', macaddr='00:00:00:00:22:22')
+        main.Mininet1.addStaticMACAddress(host='h10', GW='', macaddr='00:00:00:00:33:33')
+        main.step("Verify static gateway and MAC address assignment")
+        main.Mininet1.verifyStaticGWandMAC(host='h8')
+        main.Mininet1.verifyStaticGWandMAC(host='h9')
+        main.Mininet1.verifyStaticGWandMAC(host='h10')
+        main.step("Adding multipoint to singlepoint intent")               
+        p_intent_result1 = main.ONOScli1.add_multipoint_to_singlepoint_intent(ingress_device1=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device1'], ingress_device2=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device2'],
+                                 egress_device=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device3'], ipDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['ip1'], setEthDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['mac1']) 
+        p_intent_result2 = main.ONOScli1.add_multipoint_to_singlepoint_intent(ingress_device1=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device3'], ingress_device2=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device2'],                            
+                                egress_device=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device1'], ipDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['ip2'], setEthDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['mac2'])    
+        get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+"intents = "+ get_intent_result)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        get_flows_result = main.ONOScli1.flows(json_format = False)
+"flows = " + get_flows_result) 
+        count = 1
+        i = 8
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+"\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+2))
+        ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+2))
+        if ping == main.FALSE and count <3:
+            count+=1
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+  "Ping between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+2) + " failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+            time.sleep(2)
+        elif ping==main.FALSE:
+  "All ping attempts between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) +"have failed")
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+        elif ping==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+2) + "passed!")
+            Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+  "Unknown error")
+            Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Ping test failed.")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping all successful")
+        p_intent_result = p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2
+        if p_intent_result ==main.TRUE:
+  "Multi point intent with rewrite mac address installation successful")
+        else:
+  "Multi point intent with rewrite mac address installation failed")
+        case33_result = p_intent_result and Ping_Result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case33_result,
+                onpass="Ping all test after multipoint to single point intent addition with rewrite mac address successful",
+                onfail="Ping all test after multipoint to single point intent addition with rewrite mac address failed")  
diff --git a/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/MultiProd13.params b/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/MultiProd13.params
index b60f5cf..8bf1600 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/MultiProd13.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/MultiProd13.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    <testcases>1,4,10,31</testcases>    
+    <testcases>1,4,10,5,6,7,8,6,8,9,31,32,8,33</testcases>    
     #Environment variables
@@ -16,6 +16,24 @@
+    <SDNIP>
+        <ethType>IPV4</ethType>
+        <tcpProto>6</tcpProto>
+        <icmpProto>1</icmpProto>
+        <srcPort>5001</srcPort>
+        <dstPort>5001</dstPort>
+    </SDNIP>
+        <device1>of:0000000000003008/1 </device1>
+        <device2>of:0000000000003009/1 </device2>
+        <device3>of:0000000000003010/1 </device3>
+        <mac1>00:00:00:00:00:0A </mac1>
+        <mac2>00:00:00:00:00:08 </mac2>
+        <ip1> </ip1>
+        <ip2> </ip2>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/ b/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/
index d825c62..1276d33 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/
+++ b/TestON/tests/MultiProd13/
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
     def CASE1(self, main):
         Startup sequence:
+        cell <name>
+        onos-verify-cell
+        onos-remove-raft-logs        
         git pull
         mvn clean install
-        cell <name>
-        onos-verify-cell
         onos-install -f
@@ -32,11 +33,23 @@
         ONOS3_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip3']
         ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
         ONOS2_port = main.params['CTRL']['port2']
-        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']
+        ONOS3_port = main.params['CTRL']['port3']   
+       "Setting up test environment")"This testcase is testing setting up test environment") "__________________________________")
+        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
+        cell_result1 = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #cell_result2 = main.ONOScli1.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #cell_result3 = main.ONOScli2.set_cell(cell_name)
+        #cell_result4 = main.ONOScli3.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell() 
+        cell_result = cell_result1
+        main.step("Removing raft logs before a clen installation of ONOS")
+        remove_log_Result = main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()        
         main.step("Git checkout and pull master and get version")
         git_pull_result = main.ONOSbench.git_pull()
@@ -48,14 +61,6 @@
             clean_install_result = main.ONOSbench.clean_install()
             #clean_install_result = main.TRUE 
-        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
-        cell_result1 = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #cell_result2 = main.ONOScli1.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #cell_result3 = main.ONOScli2.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #cell_result4 = main.ONOScli3.set_cell(cell_name)
-        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell() 
-        cell_result = cell_result1
         main.step("Creating ONOS package")
         package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
@@ -371,7 +376,10 @@
         #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
         #So sleep for 15s
+        hosts = main.ONOScli1.hosts()
         case10_result = appUninstall_result1 and appUninstall_result2 and appUninstall_result3
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case10_result,onpass="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation successful",onfail="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation failed")
@@ -657,13 +665,12 @@
         Intent removal
-"This testcase removes host intents before adding the point intents")
+"This testcase removes host any previously added intents")"__________________________________")        
-"Host intents removal")
-"Removing host intents")
+"Removing any previously installed intents")
+"Removing intents")
         main.step("Obtain the intent id's")
-        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
-        #print "intent_result = ",intent_result
+        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
         intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
         intentList = []
@@ -675,40 +682,23 @@
         for line in intentList:
         for id in intentids:
-            print "id = ", id
+  "id = " +id)
         main.step("Iterate through the intentids list and remove each intent")
         for id in intentids:
             main.ONOScli1.remove_intent(intent_id = id)
-        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
-        intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        list_afterRemoval = []
-        for line in intent_linewise:
-            if line.startswith("id="):
-                list_afterRemoval.append(line)
-        intentState = {}
-        for id, line in zip(intentids, list_afterRemoval):
-            #print "line after removing intent = ", line
-            x = line.split(",")
-            state = x[1].split("=")[1]
-            intentState[id] = state
+        intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+"intent_result = " +intent_result)
         case8_result = main.TRUE
-        for key,value in intentState.iteritems():
-            print "key,value = ", key, value
-            if value == "WITHDRAWN": 
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.TRUE
-            else:    
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.FALSE
         i = 8
         Ping_Result = main.TRUE
         while i <18 :
   "\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+10))
             ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+10))
             if ping==main.TRUE:
+                i = 19
                 Ping_Result = main.TRUE
             elif ping==main.FALSE:
@@ -733,8 +723,8 @@
   "Intent removal failed")
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.FALSE, actual=case8_result,
-                onpass="Intent removal test successful",
-                onfail="Intent removal test failed")
+                onpass="Intent removal test failed",
+                onfail="Intent removal test successful")
     def CASE9(self):
@@ -747,117 +737,117 @@"Adding point intents")"Adding bidirectional point for mn hosts(h8-h18,h9-h19,h10-h20,h11-h21,h12-h22,h13-h23,h14-h24,h15-h25,h16-h26,h17-h27)") 
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h8 and h18 or ONOS hosts h8 and h12")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008", 1, "of:0000000000006018", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008/1", "of:0000000000006018/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018", 1, "of:0000000000003008", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018/1", "of:0000000000003008/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h9 and h19 or ONOS hosts h9 and h13")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009", 1, "of:0000000000006019", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009/1", "of:0000000000006019/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019", 1, "of:0000000000003009", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019/1", "of:0000000000003009/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h10 and h20 or ONOS hosts hA and h14")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010", 1, "of:0000000000006020", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010/1", "of:0000000000006020/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020", 1, "of:0000000000003010", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020/1", "of:0000000000003010/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h11 and h21 or ONOS hosts hB and h15")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011", 1, "of:0000000000006021", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011/1", "of:0000000000006021/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021", 1, "of:0000000000003011", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021/1", "of:0000000000003011/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h12 and h22 or ONOS hosts hC and h16")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012", 1, "of:0000000000006022", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012/1", "of:0000000000006022/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022", 1, "of:0000000000003012", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022/1", "of:0000000000003012/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h13 and h23 or ONOS hosts hD and h17")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013", 1, "of:0000000000006023", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013/1", "of:0000000000006023/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023", 1, "of:0000000000003013", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023/1", "of:0000000000003013/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h14 and h24 or ONOS hosts hE and h18")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014", 1, "of:0000000000006024", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014/1", "of:0000000000006024/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024", 1, "of:0000000000003014", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024/1", "of:0000000000003014/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h15 and h25 or ONOS hosts hF and h19")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015", 1, "of:0000000000006025", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015/1", "of:0000000000006025/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025", 1, "of:0000000000003015", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025/1", "of:0000000000003015/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h16 and h26 or ONOS hosts h10 and h1A")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016", 1, "of:0000000000006026", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016/1", "of:0000000000006026/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026", 1, "of:0000000000003016", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026/1", "of:0000000000003016/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
@@ -865,13 +855,13 @@
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h17 and h27 or ONOS hosts h11 and h1B")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017", 1, "of:0000000000006027", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017/1", "of:0000000000006027/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027", 1, "of:0000000000003017", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027/1", "of:0000000000003017/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
@@ -925,6 +915,7 @@
         import json
 "This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP")
+"Adding bidirectional point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP")
         main.step("Adding bidirectional point intent")
         #add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=1  of:0000000000003008/1 of:0000000000006018/1
@@ -937,15 +928,236 @@
             host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
             for host in hosts_json:
                 if host['id'] == host1_id:
-                    ip1 = host['ips']+"/"+"32"
-                    device1 = str(host['location']['device'])
-                    port1 = 1
-                    print "ip1 = ", ip1
-                    print "device1 = ", device1
+                    ip1 = host['ips'][0]
+                    ip1 = str(ip1+"/32")
+                    device1 = host['location']['device']
+                    device1 = str(device1+"/1")
                 elif host['id'] == host2_id:
-                    ip2 = str(host['ips'])+"/"+"32"
-                    device2 = str(host['location']["device"])
-                    port2 = 1
-                    print "ip2 = ", ip2
-                    print "device2 = ", device2
+                    ip2 = str(host['ips'][0])+"/32"
+                    device2 = host['location']["device"]
+                    device2 = str(device2+"/1")
+            p_intent_result1 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device1, egress_device=device2, ipSrc=ip1, ipDst=ip2,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['icmpProto'])
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+            p_intent_result2 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device2, egress_device=device1, ipSrc=ip2, ipDst=ip1, 
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['icmpProto']) 
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+            if (p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2) == main.TRUE:
+                #get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents()
+      "Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP install successful")
+        time.sleep(15) 
+        get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+"intents = "+ get_intent_result)
+        get_flows_result = main.ONOScli1.flows()
+"flows = " + get_flows_result)
+        count = 1
+        i = 8
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        while i <11 :
+  "\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+10))
+            ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+10))
+            if ping == main.FALSE and count <3:
+                count+=1
+                #i = 8
+                Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+      "Ping between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) + " failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+                time.sleep(2)
+            elif ping==main.FALSE:
+      "All ping attempts between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) +"have failed")
+                i=19
+                Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+            elif ping==main.TRUE:
+      "Ping test between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) + "passed!")
+                i+=1
+                Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+            else:
+      "Unknown error")
+                Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Ping test after Point intents related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP failed.")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping all test after Point intents related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP successful")
+        case31_result = Ping_Result and p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case31_result,
+                onpass="Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP and ping test successful",
+                onfail="Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on ICMP and ping test failed")
+    def CASE32(self):
+        ''' 
+            This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP (ethertype=IPV4, ipProto=6, DefaultPort for iperf=5001)
+            Note: Although BGP port is 179, we are using 5001 because iperf is used for verifying and iperf's default port is 5001
+        '''
+        import json
+"This test case adds point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP")
+"Adding bidirectional point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP")
+        main.step("Adding bidirectional point intent")
+        """
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpDst=5001  of:0000000000003008/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpDst=5001  of:0000000000006018/1 of:0000000000003008/1
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpSrc=5001  of:0000000000003008/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        add-point-intent --ipSrc= --ipDst= --ethType=IPV4 --ipProto=6 --tcpSrc=5001  of:0000000000006018/1 of:0000000000003008/1
+        """           
+        hosts_json = json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
+        for  i in range(8,9):
+  "Adding point intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
+            host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host2 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i+10)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
+            host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
+            for host in hosts_json:
+                if host['id'] == host1_id:
+                    ip1 = host['ips'][0]
+                    ip1 = str(ip1+"/32")
+                    device1 = host['location']['device']
+                    device1 = str(device1+"/1")
+                elif host['id'] == host2_id:
+                    ip2 = str(host['ips'][0])+"/32"
+                    device2 = host['location']["device"]
+                    device2 = str(device2+"/1")
+            p_intent_result1 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device1, egress_device=device2, ipSrc=ip1, ipDst=ip2,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpDst=main.params['SDNIP']['dstPort']) 
+            p_intent_result2 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device2, egress_device=device1, ipSrc=ip2, ipDst=ip1, 
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpDst=main.params['SDNIP']['dstPort'])
+            p_intent_result3 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device1, egress_device=device2, ipSrc=ip1, ipDst=ip2,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpSrc=main.params['SDNIP']['srcPort'])
+            p_intent_result4 = main.ONOScli1.add_point_intent(ingress_device=device2, egress_device=device1, ipSrc=ip2, ipDst=ip1,
+                                  ethType=main.params['SDNIP']['ethType'], ipProto=main.params['SDNIP']['tcpProto'], tcpSrc=main.params['SDNIP']['srcPort']) 
+            p_intent_result = p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2 and p_intent_result3 and p_intent_result4
+            if p_intent_result ==main.TRUE:
+                get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+      "Point intent related to SDN-IP matching on TCP install successful")
+        iperf_result = main.Mininet1.iperf('h8', 'h18') 
+        if iperf_result == main.TRUE:
+  "iperf test successful")
+        else:
+  "iperf test failed")
+        case32_result = p_intent_result and iperf_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case32_result,
+                onpass="Ping all test after Point intents addition related to SDN-IP on TCP match successful",
+                onfail="Ping all test after Point intents addition related to SDN-IP on TCP match failed")
+    def CASE33(self):
+        ''' 
+            This test case adds multipoint to singlepoint  intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip and the action is to rewrite the mac address 
+            Here the mac address to be rewritten is the mac address of the egress device
+        '''
+        import json
+        import time
+"This test case adds multipoint to singlepoint intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip and rewrite mac address action")
+"Adding multipoint to singlepoint intent related to SDN-IP matching on destination ip")
+        main.step("Adding bidirectional multipoint to singlepoint intent")
+        """
+        add-multi-to-single-intent --ipDst= --setEthDst=00:00:00:00:00:12 of:0000000000003008/1 0000000000003009/1 of:0000000000006018/1
+        add-multi-to-single-intent --ipDst= --setEthDst=00:00:00:00:00:08 of:0000000000006018/1 0000000000003009/1 of:0000000000003008/1 
+        """    
+"Installing multipoint to single point intent with rewrite mac address")
+        main.step("Uninstalling proxy arp app")
+        #Unistall onos-app-proxyarp app to disable reactive forwarding
+        appUninstall_result1 = main.ONOScli1.feature_uninstall("onos-app-proxyarp")
+        appUninstall_result2 = main.ONOScli2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-proxyarp")
+        appUninstall_result3 = main.ONOScli3.feature_uninstall("onos-app-proxyarp")
+"onos-app-proxyarp uninstalled") 
+        main.step("Changing ipaddress of hosts h8,h9 and h18")
+        main.Mininet1.changeIP(host='h8', intf='h8-eth0', newIP='', newNetmask='') 
+        main.Mininet1.changeIP(host='h9', intf='h9-eth0', newIP='', newNetmask='')
+        main.Mininet1.changeIP(host='h10', intf='h10-eth0', newIP='', newNetmask='')
+        main.step("Changing default gateway of hosts h8,h9 and h18")
+        main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway(host='h8', newGW='')
+        main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway(host='h9', newGW='')
+        main.Mininet1.changeDefaultGateway(host='h10', newGW='')
+        main.step("Assigning random mac address to the default gateways since proxyarp app is uninstalled")
+        main.Mininet1.addStaticMACAddress(host='h8', GW='', macaddr='00:00:00:00:11:11')
+        main.Mininet1.addStaticMACAddress(host='h9', GW='', macaddr='00:00:00:00:22:22')
+        main.Mininet1.addStaticMACAddress(host='h10', GW='', macaddr='00:00:00:00:33:33')
+        main.step("Verify static gateway and MAC address assignment")
+        main.Mininet1.verifyStaticGWandMAC(host='h8')
+        main.Mininet1.verifyStaticGWandMAC(host='h9')
+        main.Mininet1.verifyStaticGWandMAC(host='h10')
+        main.step("Adding multipoint to singlepoint intent")               
+        p_intent_result1 = main.ONOScli1.add_multipoint_to_singlepoint_intent(ingress_device1=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device1'], ingress_device2=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device2'],
+                                 egress_device=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device3'], ipDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['ip1'], setEthDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['mac1']) 
+        p_intent_result2 = main.ONOScli1.add_multipoint_to_singlepoint_intent(ingress_device1=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device3'], ingress_device2=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device2'],                            
+                                egress_device=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['device1'], ipDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['ip2'], setEthDst=main.params['MULTIPOINT_INTENT']['mac2'])    
+        get_intent_result = main.ONOScli1.intents(json_format = False)
+"intents = "+ get_intent_result)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        get_flows_result = main.ONOScli1.flows(json_format = False)
+"flows = " + get_flows_result) 
+        count = 1
+        i = 8
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+"\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+2))
+        ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+2))
+        if ping == main.FALSE and count <3:
+            count+=1
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+  "Ping between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+2) + " failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+            time.sleep(2)
+        elif ping==main.FALSE:
+  "All ping attempts between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+10) +"have failed")
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+        elif ping==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test between h" + str(i) + " and h" + str(i+2) + "passed!")
+            Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+  "Unknown error")
+            Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Ping test failed.")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping all successful")
+        p_intent_result = p_intent_result1 and p_intent_result2
+        if p_intent_result ==main.TRUE:
+  "Multi point intent with rewrite mac address installation successful")
+        else:
+  "Multi point intent with rewrite mac address installation failed")
+        case33_result = p_intent_result and Ping_Result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case33_result,
+                onpass="Ping all test after multipoint to single point intent addition with rewrite mac address successful",
+                onfail="Ping all test after multipoint to single point intent addition with rewrite mac address failed")  
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ONOSNextTest/ b/TestON/tests/ONOSNextTest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/ONOSNextTest/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/ProdFunc.params b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/ProdFunc.params
index 9b44a53..6879c37 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/ProdFunc.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/ProdFunc.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    <testcases>1,4,5,6,7,8,9</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,4,10,5,6,7,8,6,8,9</testcases>
     #Environment variables
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/
index 67a2981..05c420e 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/
+++ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import sys
 import os
 import re
-import time
 import json
@@ -17,11 +16,12 @@
     def CASE1(self, main):
         Startup sequence:
+        cell <name>
+        onos-verify-cell
+        onos-remove-raft-log
         git pull
         mvn clean install
-        cell <name>
-        onos-verify-cell
         onos-install -f
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@"Setting up test environment")"This testcase is testing setting up test environment")"__________________________________") 
+        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
+        cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+        main.step("Removing raft logs before a clen installation of ONOS")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
         main.step("Git checkout and pull master and get version")
         git_pull_result = main.ONOSbench.git_pull()
@@ -43,21 +51,10 @@
             main.step("Using mvn clean & install")
             clean_install_result = main.ONOSbench.clean_install()
             #clean_install_result = main.TRUE
-        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
-        cell_result1 = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
-        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
-        cell_result2 = main.ONOS2.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #verify_result = main.ONOS2.verify_cell()
-        main.ONOS2.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'])
-        cell_result = cell_result1 and cell_result2
         main.step("Creating ONOS package")
         package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
-        #main.step("Creating a cell")
-        #cell_create_result = main.ONOSbench.create_cell_file(**************)
         main.step("Installing ONOS package")
         onos_install_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install()
@@ -74,6 +71,8 @@
         main.step("Starting ONOS service")
         start_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_start(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.ONOS2.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'])        
         case1_result = (package_result and\
                 cell_result and verify_result and onos_install_result and\
@@ -125,6 +124,281 @@"onos command returned: "+cmd_result2)
+    def CASE20(self):
+        '''
+            Exit from mininet cli
+            reinstall ONOS
+        '''
+        cell_name = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
+        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
+        ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
+"This testcase exits the mininet cli and reinstalls ONOS to switch over to Packet Optical topology")
+"Disconnecting mininet and restarting ONOS")
+        main.step("Disconnecting mininet and restarting ONOS")
+        mininet_disconnect = main.Mininet1.disconnect()
+        main.step("Removing raft logs before a clen installation of ONOS")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
+        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
+        cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+        onos_install_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install()
+        if onos_install_result == main.TRUE:
+  "Installing ONOS package successful")
+        else:
+  "Installing ONOS package failed")
+        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup()
+        if onos1_isup == main.TRUE:
+  "ONOS instance is up and ready")
+        else:
+  "ONOS instance may not be up")
+        main.step("Starting ONOS service")
+        start_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_start(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.ONOS2.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1']) 
+        print "mininet_disconnect =", mininet_disconnect
+        print "onos_install_result =", onos_install_result
+        print "onos1_isup =", onos1_isup
+        print "start_result =", start_result
+        case20_result = mininet_disconnect and cell_result and onos_install_result and onos1_isup and start_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case20_result,
+                onpass="Exiting functionality mininet topology and reinstalling ONOS successful",
+                onfail="Exiting functionality mininet topology and reinstalling ONOS failed") 
+    def CASE21(self, main):
+        import time
+        '''
+            On ONOS bench, run this command: ./~/ONOS/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg
+            which starts the rest and copies the links json file to the onos instance
+            Note that in case of Packet Optical, the links are not learnt from the topology, instead the links are learnt 
+            from the json config file
+        ''' 
+"This testcase starts the packet layer topology and REST")
+"Starting LINC-OE and other components")
+        main.step("Starting LINC-OE and other components")
+        start_console_result = main.LincOE1.start_console()
+        optical_mn_script = main.LincOE2.run_optical_mn_script()
+        onos_topo_cfg_result = main.ONOSbench.run_onos_topo_cfg(instance_name = main.params['CTRL']['ip1'], json_file = main.params['OPTICAL']['jsonfile'])
+        print "start_console_result =",start_console_result 
+        print "optical_mn_script = ",optical_mn_script 
+        print "onos_topo_cfg_result =",onos_topo_cfg_result 
+        case21_result = start_console_result and optical_mn_script and onos_topo_cfg_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case21_result,
+                onpass="Packet optical topology spawned successsfully",
+                onfail="Packet optical topology spawning failed") 
+    def CASE22(self, main):
+        '''
+            Curretly we use, 4 linear switch optical topology and 2 packet layer mininet switches each with one host.
+             Therefore, the roadmCount variable = 4, packetLayerSWCount variable = 2, hostCount =2
+            and this is hardcoded in the testcase. If the topology changes, these hardcoded values need to be changed
+        '''
+"This testcase compares the optical+packet topology against what is expected")
+"Topology comparision")
+        main.step("Topology comparision")
+        main.ONOS3.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'])
+        devices_result = main.ONOS3.devices(json_format = False)
+        print "devices_result = ", devices_result
+        devices_linewise = devices_result.split("\n")
+        devices_linewise = devices_linewise[1:-1]
+        roadmCount = 0
+        packetLayerSWCount = 0
+        for line in devices_linewise:
+            components = line.split(",")
+            availability = components[1].split("=")[1]
+            type = components[3].split("=")[1]
+            if availability == 'true' and type == 'ROADM':
+                roadmCount += 1
+            elif availability == 'true' and type =='SWITCH':
+                packetLayerSWCount += 1
+        if roadmCount == 4:
+            print "Number of Optical Switches = %d and is correctly detected" %roadmCount
+   ("Number of Optical Switches = " +str(roadmCount) +" and is correctly detected")
+            opticalSW_result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            print "Number of Optical Switches = %d and is wrong" %roadCount
+   ("Number of Optical Switches = " +str(roadmCount) +" and is wrong")
+            opticalSW_result = main.FALSE
+        if packetLayerSWCount == 2:
+            print "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = %d and is correctly detected" %packetLayerSWCount
+  "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = " +str(packetLayerSWCount) + " and is correctly detected")
+            packetSW_result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            print "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = %d and is wrong" %packetLayerSWCount
+  "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = " +str(packetLayerSWCount) + " and is wrong")
+            packetSW_result = main.FALSE
+        print "_________________________________"
+        links_result = main.ONOS3.links(json_format = False)
+        print "links_result = ", links_result
+        print "_________________________________"
+        #Discover hosts using pingall
+        pingall_result = main.LincOE2.pingall()    
+        hosts_result = main.ONOS3.hosts(json_format = False)
+"hosts_result = "+hosts_result)   
+        hosts_linewise = hosts_result.split("\n")
+        hosts_linewise = hosts_linewise[1:-1]
+        hostCount = 0
+        for line in hosts_linewise:
+            hostid = line.split(",")[0].split("=")[1]
+            hostCount +=1
+        if hostCount ==2:
+            print "Number of hosts = %d and is correctly detected" %hostCount
+  "Number of hosts = " + str(hostCount) +" and is correctly detected")
+            hostDiscovery = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            print "Number of hosts = %d and is wrong" %hostCount
+  "Number of hosts = " + str(hostCount) +" and is wrong")
+            hostDiscovery = main.FALSE
+        case22_result = opticalSW_result and packetSW_result and hostDiscovery
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case22_result,
+                onpass="Packet optical topology discovery successful",
+                onfail="Packet optical topology discovery failed")
+    def CASE23(self, main):
+        import time
+        '''
+            Add bidirectional point intents between 2 packet layer(mininet) devices and 
+            ping mininet hosts
+        '''
+"This testcase adds bidirectional point intents between 2 packet layer(mininet) devices and ping mininet hosts")
+"Topology comparision")
+        main.step("Adding point intents")
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS3.add_point_intent("of:0000ffffffff0001/1", "of:0000ffffffff0002/1")
+        if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOS3.intents()
+  "Point to point intent install successful")
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS3.add_point_intent("of:0000ffffffff0002/1", "of:0000ffffffff0001/1")
+        if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOS3.intents()
+  "Point to point intent install successful")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        flowHandle = main.ONOS3.flows()
+"flows :" + flowHandle)
+        # Sleep for 30 seconds to provide time for the intent state to change
+        time.sleep(30)
+        intentHandle = main.ONOS3.intents()        
+"intents :" + intentHandle)        
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        count = 1
+"\n\nh1 is Pinging h2")
+        ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+        #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        if ping == main.FALSE and count<5:
+            count+=1
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+  "Ping between h1 and h2  failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+            time.sleep(2)
+            ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+            #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        elif ping==main.FALSE:
+  "All ping attempts between h1 and h2 have failed")
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+        elif ping==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test between h1 and h2 passed!")
+            Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+  "Unknown error")
+            Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Point intents for packet optical have not ben installed correctly. Cleaning up")
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Point Intents for packet optical have been installed correctly")
+        case23_result = Ping_Result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case23_result,
+                onpass="Point intents addition for packet optical and Pingall Test successful",
+                onfail="Point intents addition for packet optical and Pingall Test NOT successful")
+    def CASE24(self, main):
+        import time
+        import json
+        '''
+            Test Rerouting of Packet Optical by bringing a port down (port 22) of a switch(switchID=1), so that link (between switch1 port22 - switch4-port30) is inactive
+            and do a ping test. If rerouting is successful, ping should pass. also check the flows
+        '''
+"This testcase tests rerouting and pings mininet hosts")
+        main.step("Test rerouting and pings mininet hosts")
+"Bring a port down and verify the link state")
+        main.LincOE1.port_down(sw_id="1", pt_id="22") 
+        links = main.ONOS3.links()
+        links_result = json.loads(links)
+        links_state_result = main.FALSE
+        for item in links_result:
+            if item['src'] == "of:0000ffffffffff01/22" and item['dst'] == "of:0000ffffffffff04/30":
+                links_state = item['state']
+                if links_state == "INACTIVE":
+          "Links state is inactive as expected due to one of the ports being down")
+          "Links state is inactive as expected due to one of the ports being down")
+                    links_state_result = main.TRUE
+                    break
+                else:
+          "Links state is not inactive as expected")
+          "Links state is not inactive as expected")
+                    links_state_result = main.FALSE
+        print "links_state_result = ", links_state_result
+"Verify Rerouting by a ping test")
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        count = 1
+"\n\nh1 is Pinging h2")
+        ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+        #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        if ping == main.FALSE and count<5:
+            count+=1
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+  "Ping between h1 and h2  failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+            time.sleep(2)
+            ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+            #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        elif ping==main.FALSE:
+  "All ping attempts between h1 and h2 have failed")
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+        elif ping==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test between h1 and h2 passed!")
+            Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+  "Unknown error")
+            Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Ping test successful ")
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test failed")
+        case24_result = Ping_Result and links_state_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case24_result,
+                onpass="Packet optical rerouting successful",
+                onfail="Packet optical rerouting failed")
     def CASE4(self, main):
         import re
@@ -235,26 +509,42 @@
   "Pingall Test in reactive mode to discover the hosts failed")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case4_result,onpass="Controller assignment and Pingall T        est successful",onfail="Controller assignment and Pingall Test NOT successful")   
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case4_result,onpass="Controller assignment and Pingall Test successful",onfail="Controller assignment and Pingall Test NOT successful")   
+    def CASE10(self):
+"This testcase uninstalls the reactive forwarding app")
+"Uninstalling reactive forwarding app")
+        #Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding
+        appUninstall_result = main.ONOS2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
+"onos-app-fwd uninstalled")
+        #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
+        #So sleep for 15s
+        time.sleep(15)
+        flows = main.ONOS2.flows()
+        case10_result = appUninstall_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case10_result,onpass="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation successful",onfail="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation failed") 
     def CASE6(self):
-"This testcase is testing the addition of host intents and then doing pingall")
+"This testcase is testing the addition of host intents and then does pingall")"__________________________________")
-"Uninstalling reactive forwarding app and addhost intents")
+"Obtaining host id's")
         main.step("Get hosts")
-        main.ONOS2.handle.sendline("hosts")
-        main.ONOS2.handle.expect("onos>")
-        hosts = main.ONOS2.handle.before
+        hosts = main.ONOS2.hosts()
         main.step("Get all devices id")
         devices_id_list = main.ONOS2.get_all_devices_id()
         #ONOS displays the hosts in hex format unlike mininet which does in decimal format
         #So take care while adding intents
+        '''
         main.step("Add host-to-host intents for mininet hosts h8 and h18 or ONOS hosts h8 and h12")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:08/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:12/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:09/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:13/-1")
@@ -266,22 +556,24 @@
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:0F/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:19/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:10/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:1A/-1") 
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:11/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:1B/-1")
         print "_____________________________________________________________________________________"
+        '''
-        #Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding
-        appUninstall_result = main.ONOS2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
-"onos-app-fwd uninstalled")
+        for i in range(8,18):
+  "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
+            host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host2 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i+10)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            #NOTE: get host can return None
+            #TODO: handle this
+            host1_id = main.ONOS2.get_host(host1)['id']
+            host2_id = main.ONOS2.get_host(host2)['id']
+            tmp_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )        
-        #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
-        #So sleep for 15s
-        time.sleep(15)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        h_intents = main.ONOS2.intents(json_format = False)
+"intents:" +h_intents)
         flowHandle = main.ONOS2.flows()
-        #print "flowHandle = ", flowHandle
-"flow:" +flowHandle)
+"flow:" +flowHandle)
         count = 1
         i = 8
@@ -315,7 +607,7 @@
   "Ping all test after Host intent addition successful")
         case6_result = Ping_Result
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case4_result,
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case6_result,
                 onpass="Pingall Test after Host intents addition successful",
                 onfail="Pingall Test after Host intents addition failed")
@@ -413,6 +705,7 @@"__________________________________")"Killing a link to ensure that link discovery is consistent")"Killing a link to Ensure that Link Discovery is Working Properly")
+        '''
         main.step("Start continuous pings")
@@ -435,7 +728,7 @@
+        '''
         main.step("Determine the current number of switches and links")
         topology_output = main.ONOS2.topology()
@@ -470,30 +763,9 @@
                 onpass="Link up discovered properly",
                 onfail="Link up was not discovered in "+ str(link_sleep) + " seconds")
-        #Check ping result here..add code for it
-        main.step("Start continuous pings")
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source1'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target1'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source2'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target2'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source3'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target3'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source4'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target4'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source5'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target5'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source6'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target6'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source7'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target7'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source8'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target8'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source9'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target9'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source10'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target10'],pingTime=500)
+        #NOTE Check ping result here..add code for it
         main.step("Compare ONOS Topology to MN Topology")
         Topo = TestONTopology(main.Mininet1, ctrls) # can also add Intent API info for intent operations
         MNTopo = Topo
@@ -532,19 +804,22 @@
         Host intents removal
-"This testcase removes host intents before adding the point intents")
+"This testcase removes host intents before adding the same intents or point intents")"__________________________________")        "Host intents removal")"Removing host intents")
         main.step("Obtain the intent id's")
-        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
-        #print "intent_result = ",intent_result
+        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents(json_format = False)
+"intent_result = " +intent_result)        
         intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        intent_linewise = intent_linewise[1:-1] #ignore the first and last item of the list obtained from split 
-        #for line in intent_linewise:
-            #print "line = ", line
-        intentids = []
+        intentList = []
         for line in intent_linewise:
+            if line.startswith("id="):
+                intentList.append(line)
+        intentids = []
+        for line in intentList:
         for id in intentids:
             print "id = ", id
@@ -553,36 +828,49 @@
         for id in intentids:
             main.ONOS2.remove_intent(intent_id = id)
-        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
-        intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        intent_linewise = intent_linewise[1:-1] #ignore the first and last item of the list obtained from split 
-        intentState = {}
-        for id, line in zip(intentids, intent_linewise):
-            #print "line after removing intent = ", line
-            x = line.split(",")
-            state = x[1].split("=")[1]
-            intentState[id] = state
-        case8_result = main.TRUE
-        for key,value in intentState.iteritems():
-            print "key,value = ", key, value
-            if value == "WITHDRAWN": 
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.TRUE
-            else:    
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.FALSE
+        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents(json_format = False)
+"intent_result = " +intent_result)        
+        case8_result = main.TRUE
         if case8_result == main.TRUE:
   "Intent removal successful")
   "Intent removal failed")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case8_result,
-                onpass="Intent removal test successful",
-                onfail="Intent removal test failed")
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        if case8_result == main.TRUE:
+            i = 8
+            while i <18 :
+      "\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+10))
+                ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+10))
+                if ping==main.TRUE:
+                    i = 19
+                    Ping_Result = Ping_Result and main.TRUE
+                elif ping==main.FALSE:
+                    i+=1
+                    Ping_Result = Ping_Result and main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Unknown error")
+                    Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+            #Note: If the ping result failed, that means the intents have been withdrawn correctly.
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Host intents have not been withdrawn correctly")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Host intents have been withdrawn correctly")
+        case8_result = case8_result and Ping_Result
+        if case8_result == main.FALSE:
+  "Intent removal successful")
+        else:
+  "Intent removal failed")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.FALSE, actual=case8_result,
+                onpass="Intent removal test failed",
+                onfail="Intent removal test passed")
     def CASE9(self):
@@ -591,135 +879,135 @@"Adding point intents")"Adding bidirectional point for mn hosts(h8-h18,h9-h19,h10-h20,h11-h21,h12-h22,h13-h23,h14-h24,h15-h25,h16-h26,h17-h27)") 
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h8 and h18 or ONOS hosts h8 and h12")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008", 1, "of:0000000000006018", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008/1", "of:0000000000006018/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018", 1, "of:0000000000003008", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018/1", "of:0000000000003008/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h9 and h19 or ONOS hosts h9 and h13")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009", 1, "of:0000000000006019", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009/1", "of:0000000000006019/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019", 1, "of:0000000000003009", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019/1", "of:0000000000003009/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h10 and h20 or ONOS hosts hA and h14")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010", 1, "of:0000000000006020", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010/1", "of:0000000000006020/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020", 1, "of:0000000000003010", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020/1", "of:0000000000003010/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h11 and h21 or ONOS hosts hB and h15")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011", 1, "of:0000000000006021", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011/1", "of:0000000000006021/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021", 1, "of:0000000000003011", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021/1", "of:0000000000003011/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h12 and h22 or ONOS hosts hC and h16")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012", 1, "of:0000000000006022", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012/1", "of:0000000000006022/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022", 1, "of:0000000000003012", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022/1", "of:0000000000003012/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h13 and h23 or ONOS hosts hD and h17")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013", 1, "of:0000000000006023", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013/1", "of:0000000000006023/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023", 1, "of:0000000000003013", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023/1", "of:0000000000003013/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h14 and h24 or ONOS hosts hE and h18")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014", 1, "of:0000000000006024", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014/1", "of:0000000000006024/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024", 1, "of:0000000000003014", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024/1", "of:0000000000003014/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h15 and h25 or ONOS hosts hF and h19")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015", 1, "of:0000000000006025", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015/1", "of:0000000000006025/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025", 1, "of:0000000000003015", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025/1", "of:0000000000003015/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h16 and h26 or ONOS hosts h10 and h1A")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016", 1, "of:0000000000006026", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016/1", "of:0000000000006026/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026", 1, "of:0000000000003016", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026/1", "of:0000000000003016/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h17 and h27 or ONOS hosts h11 and h1B")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017", 1, "of:0000000000006027", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017/1", "of:0000000000006027/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027", 1, "of:0000000000003017", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027/1", "of:0000000000003017/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.params b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.params
index 9b44a53..2af3237 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    <testcases>1,4,5,6,7,8,9</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,4,10,5,6,7,8,9,20,21,22,10,23,24</testcases>
     #Environment variables
@@ -40,4 +40,10 @@
+    <OPTICAL>
+        <jsonfile> /home/admin/ONOS/tools/test/topos/oe-nonlinear-4.json </jsonfile>
+    </OPTICAL>    
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/
index 63a15cc..abb99d2 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/
+++ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import sys
 import os
 import re
-import time
 import json
@@ -17,11 +16,12 @@
     def CASE1(self, main):
         Startup sequence:
+        cell <name>
+        onos-verify-cell
+        onos-remove-raft-log
         git pull
         mvn clean install
-        cell <name>
-        onos-verify-cell
         onos-install -f
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@"Setting up test environment")"This testcase is testing setting up test environment")"__________________________________") 
+        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
+        cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+        main.step("Removing raft logs before a clen installation of ONOS")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
         main.step("Git checkout and pull master and get version")
         git_pull_result = main.ONOSbench.git_pull()
@@ -43,21 +51,10 @@
             main.step("Using mvn clean & install")
             clean_install_result = main.ONOSbench.clean_install()
             #clean_install_result = main.TRUE
-        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
-        cell_result1 = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
-        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
-        cell_result2 = main.ONOS2.set_cell(cell_name)
-        #verify_result = main.ONOS2.verify_cell()
-        main.ONOS2.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'])
-        cell_result = cell_result1 and cell_result2
         main.step("Creating ONOS package")
         package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
-        #main.step("Creating a cell")
-        #cell_create_result = main.ONOSbench.create_cell_file(**************)
         main.step("Installing ONOS package")
         onos_install_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install()
@@ -74,6 +71,8 @@
         main.step("Starting ONOS service")
         start_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_start(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.ONOS2.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'])        
         case1_result = (package_result and\
                 cell_result and verify_result and onos_install_result and\
@@ -125,6 +124,291 @@"onos command returned: "+cmd_result2)
+    def CASE20(self):
+        '''
+            Exit from mininet cli
+            reinstall ONOS
+        '''
+        cell_name = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
+        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
+        ONOS1_port = main.params['CTRL']['port1']
+"This testcase exits the mininet cli and reinstalls ONOS to switch over to Packet Optical topology")
+"Disconnecting mininet and restarting ONOS")
+        main.step("Disconnecting mininet and restarting ONOS")
+        mininet_disconnect = main.Mininet1.disconnect()
+        main.step("Removing raft logs before a clen installation of ONOS")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
+        main.step("Applying cell variable to environment")
+        cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+        onos_install_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install()
+        if onos_install_result == main.TRUE:
+  "Installing ONOS package successful")
+        else:
+  "Installing ONOS package failed")
+        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup()
+        if onos1_isup == main.TRUE:
+  "ONOS instance is up and ready")
+        else:
+  "ONOS instance may not be up")
+        main.step("Starting ONOS service")
+        start_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_start(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.ONOS2.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1']) 
+        print "mininet_disconnect =", mininet_disconnect
+        print "onos_install_result =", onos_install_result
+        print "onos1_isup =", onos1_isup
+        print "start_result =", start_result
+        case20_result = mininet_disconnect and cell_result and onos_install_result and onos1_isup and start_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case20_result,
+                onpass="Exiting functionality mininet topology and reinstalling ONOS successful",
+                onfail="Exiting functionality mininet topology and reinstalling ONOS failed") 
+    def CASE21(self, main):
+        import time
+        '''
+            On ONOS bench, run this command: ./~/ONOS/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg
+            which starts the rest and copies the links json file to the onos instance
+            Note that in case of Packet Optical, the links are not learnt from the topology, instead the links are learnt 
+            from the json config file
+        ''' 
+"This testcase starts the packet layer topology and REST")
+"Starting LINC-OE and other components")
+        main.step("Starting LINC-OE and other components")
+        start_console_result = main.LincOE1.start_console()
+        optical_mn_script = main.LincOE2.run_optical_mn_script()
+        onos_topo_cfg_result = main.ONOSbench.run_onos_topo_cfg(instance_name = main.params['CTRL']['ip1'], json_file = main.params['OPTICAL']['jsonfile'])
+        print "start_console_result =",start_console_result 
+        print "optical_mn_script = ",optical_mn_script 
+        print "onos_topo_cfg_result =",onos_topo_cfg_result 
+        case21_result = start_console_result and optical_mn_script and onos_topo_cfg_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case21_result,
+                onpass="Packet optical topology spawned successsfully",
+                onfail="Packet optical topology spawning failed") 
+    def CASE22(self, main):
+        '''
+            Curretly we use, 4 linear switch optical topology and 2 packet layer mininet switches each with one host.
+             Therefore, the roadmCount variable = 4, packetLayerSWCount variable = 2, hostCount =2
+            and this is hardcoded in the testcase. If the topology changes, these hardcoded values need to be changed
+        '''
+"This testcase compares the optical+packet topology against what is expected")
+"Topology comparision")
+        main.step("Topology comparision")
+        main.ONOS3.start_onos_cli(ONOS_ip=main.params['CTRL']['ip1'])
+        devices_result = main.ONOS3.devices(json_format = False)
+        print "devices_result = ", devices_result
+        devices_linewise = devices_result.split("\n")
+        devices_linewise = devices_linewise[1:-1]
+        roadmCount = 0
+        packetLayerSWCount = 0
+        for line in devices_linewise:
+            components = line.split(",")
+            availability = components[1].split("=")[1]
+            type = components[3].split("=")[1]
+            if availability == 'true' and type == 'ROADM':
+                roadmCount += 1
+            elif availability == 'true' and type =='SWITCH':
+                packetLayerSWCount += 1
+        if roadmCount == 4:
+            print "Number of Optical Switches = %d and is correctly detected" %roadmCount
+   ("Number of Optical Switches = " +str(roadmCount) +" and is correctly detected")
+            opticalSW_result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            print "Number of Optical Switches = %d and is wrong" %roadCount
+   ("Number of Optical Switches = " +str(roadmCount) +" and is wrong")
+            opticalSW_result = main.FALSE
+        if packetLayerSWCount == 2:
+            print "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = %d and is correctly detected" %packetLayerSWCount
+  "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = " +str(packetLayerSWCount) + " and is correctly detected")
+            packetSW_result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            print "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = %d and is wrong" %packetLayerSWCount
+  "Number of Packet layer or mininet Switches = " +str(packetLayerSWCount) + " and is wrong")
+            packetSW_result = main.FALSE
+        print "_________________________________"
+        links_result = main.ONOS3.links(json_format = False)
+        print "links_result = ", links_result
+        print "_________________________________"
+        #NOTE:Since only point intents are added, there is no requirement to discover the hosts
+                #Therfore, the below portion of the code is commented.
+        '''
+        #Discover hosts using pingall
+        pingall_result = main.LincOE2.pingall()    
+        hosts_result = main.ONOS3.hosts(json_format = False)
+"hosts_result = "+hosts_result)   
+        hosts_linewise = hosts_result.split("\n")
+        hosts_linewise = hosts_linewise[1:-1]
+        hostCount = 0
+        for line in hosts_linewise:
+            hostid = line.split(",")[0].split("=")[1]
+            hostCount +=1
+        if hostCount ==2:
+            print "Number of hosts = %d and is correctly detected" %hostCount
+  "Number of hosts = " + str(hostCount) +" and is correctly detected")
+            hostDiscovery = main.TRUE
+        else:
+            print "Number of hosts = %d and is wrong" %hostCount
+  "Number of hosts = " + str(hostCount) +" and is wrong")
+            hostDiscovery = main.FALSE
+        '''
+        case22_result = opticalSW_result and packetSW_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case22_result,
+                onpass="Packet optical topology discovery successful",
+                onfail="Packet optical topology discovery failed")
+    def CASE23(self, main):
+        import time
+        '''
+            Add bidirectional point intents between 2 packet layer(mininet) devices and 
+            ping mininet hosts
+        '''
+"This testcase adds bidirectional point intents between 2 packet layer(mininet) devices and ping mininet hosts")
+"Topology comparision")
+        main.step("Adding point intents")
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS3.add_point_intent("of:0000ffffffff0001/1", "of:0000ffffffff0002/1")
+        if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOS3.intents(json_format = False)
+  "Point to point intent install successful")
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS3.add_point_intent("of:0000ffffffff0002/1", "of:0000ffffffff0001/1")
+        if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
+            get_intent_result = main.ONOS3.intents(json_format = False)
+  "Point to point intent install successful")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        flowHandle = main.ONOS3.flows()
+"flows :" + flowHandle)
+        # Sleep for 30 seconds to provide time for the intent state to change
+        time.sleep(30)
+        intentHandle = main.ONOS3.intents(json_format = False)        
+"intents :" + intentHandle)        
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        count = 1
+"\n\nh1 is Pinging h2")
+        ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+        #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        if ping == main.FALSE and count<5:
+            count+=1
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+  "Ping between h1 and h2  failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+            time.sleep(2)
+            ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+            #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        elif ping==main.FALSE:
+  "All ping attempts between h1 and h2 have failed")
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+        elif ping==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test between h1 and h2 passed!")
+            Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+  "Unknown error")
+            Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Point intents for packet optical have not ben installed correctly. Cleaning up")
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Point Intents for packet optical have been installed correctly")
+        case23_result = Ping_Result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case23_result,
+                onpass="Point intents addition for packet optical and Pingall Test successful",
+                onfail="Point intents addition for packet optical and Pingall Test NOT successful")
+    def CASE24(self, main):
+        import time
+        import json
+        '''
+            Test Rerouting of Packet Optical by bringing a port down (port 22) of a switch(switchID=1), so that link (between switch1 port22 - switch4-port30) is inactive
+            and do a ping test. If rerouting is successful, ping should pass. also check the flows
+        '''
+"This testcase tests rerouting and pings mininet hosts")
+"Test rerouting and pings mininet hosts")
+        main.step("Bring a port down and verify the link state")
+        main.LincOE1.port_down(sw_id="1", pt_id="22") 
+        links_nonjson = main.ONOS3.links(json_format = False)
+"links = " +links_nonjson)
+        links = main.ONOS3.links()
+"links = " +links)
+        links_result = json.loads(links)
+        links_state_result = main.FALSE
+        for item in links_result:
+            if item['src']['device'] == "of:0000ffffffffff01" and item['src']['port'] == "22":
+                if item['dst']['device'] == "of:0000ffffffffff04" and item['dst']['port'] == "30":
+                    links_state = item['state']
+                    if links_state == "INACTIVE":
+              "Links state is inactive as expected due to one of the ports being down")
+              "Links state is inactive as expected due to one of the ports being down")
+                        links_state_result = main.TRUE
+                        break
+                    else:
+              "Links state is not inactive as expected")
+              "Links state is not inactive as expected")
+                        links_state_result = main.FALSE
+        print "links_state_result = ", links_state_result
+        time.sleep(10)
+        flowHandle = main.ONOS3.flows()
+"flows :" + flowHandle)
+        main.step("Verify Rerouting by a ping test")
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        count = 1        
+"\n\nh1 is Pinging h2")
+        ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+        #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        if ping == main.FALSE and count<5:
+            count+=1
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+  "Ping between h1 and h2  failed. Making attempt number "+str(count) + " in 2 seconds")
+            time.sleep(2)
+            ping = main.LincOE2.pingHostOptical(src="h1", target="h2")
+            #ping = main.LincOE2.pinghost()
+        elif ping==main.FALSE:
+  "All ping attempts between h1 and h2 have failed")
+            Ping_Result = main.FALSE
+        elif ping==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test between h1 and h2 passed!")
+            Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        else:
+  "Unknown error")
+            Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Ping test successful ")
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Ping test failed")
+        case24_result = Ping_Result and links_state_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case24_result,
+                onpass="Packet optical rerouting successful",
+                onfail="Packet optical rerouting failed")
     def CASE4(self, main):
         import re
@@ -235,26 +519,42 @@
   "Pingall Test in reactive mode to discover the hosts failed")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case4_result,onpass="Controller assignment and Pingall T        est successful",onfail="Controller assignment and Pingall Test NOT successful")   
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case4_result,onpass="Controller assignment and Pingall Test successful",onfail="Controller assignment and Pingall Test NOT successful")   
+    def CASE10(self):
+"This testcase uninstalls the reactive forwarding app")
+"Uninstalling reactive forwarding app")
+        #Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding
+        appUninstall_result = main.ONOS2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
+"onos-app-fwd uninstalled")
+        #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
+        #So sleep for 15s
+        time.sleep(15)
+        flows = main.ONOS2.flows()
+        case10_result = appUninstall_result
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case10_result,onpass="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation successful",onfail="Reactive forwarding app uninstallation failed") 
     def CASE6(self):
-"This testcase is testing the addition of host intents and then doing pingall")
+"This testcase is testing the addition of host intents and then does pingall")"__________________________________")
-"Uninstalling reactive forwarding app and addhost intents")
+"Obtaining host id's")
         main.step("Get hosts")
-        main.ONOS2.handle.sendline("hosts")
-        main.ONOS2.handle.expect("onos>")
-        hosts = main.ONOS2.handle.before
+        hosts = main.ONOS2.hosts()
         main.step("Get all devices id")
         devices_id_list = main.ONOS2.get_all_devices_id()
         #ONOS displays the hosts in hex format unlike mininet which does in decimal format
         #So take care while adding intents
+        '''
         main.step("Add host-to-host intents for mininet hosts h8 and h18 or ONOS hosts h8 and h12")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:08/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:12/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:09/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:13/-1")
@@ -266,22 +566,24 @@
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:0F/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:19/-1")
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:10/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:1A/-1") 
         hth_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent("00:00:00:00:00:11/-1", "00:00:00:00:00:1B/-1")
         print "_____________________________________________________________________________________"
+        '''
-        #Unistall onos-app-fwd app to disable reactive forwarding
-        appUninstall_result = main.ONOS2.feature_uninstall("onos-app-fwd")
-"onos-app-fwd uninstalled")
+        for i in range(8,18):
+  "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
+            host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            host2 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i+10)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
+            #NOTE: get host can return None
+            #TODO: handle this
+            host1_id = main.ONOS2.get_host(host1)['id']
+            host2_id = main.ONOS2.get_host(host2)['id']
+            tmp_result = main.ONOS2.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )        
-        #After reactive forwarding is disabled, the reactive flows on switches timeout in 10-15s
-        #So sleep for 15s
-        time.sleep(15)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        h_intents = main.ONOS2.intents(json_format = False)
+"intents:" +h_intents)
         flowHandle = main.ONOS2.flows()
-        #print "flowHandle = ", flowHandle
-"flow:" +flowHandle)
+"flow:" +flowHandle)
         count = 1
         i = 8
@@ -315,7 +617,7 @@
   "Ping all test after Host intent addition successful")
         case6_result = Ping_Result
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case4_result,
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case6_result,
                 onpass="Pingall Test after Host intents addition successful",
                 onfail="Pingall Test after Host intents addition failed")
@@ -413,6 +715,7 @@"__________________________________")"Killing a link to ensure that link discovery is consistent")"Killing a link to Ensure that Link Discovery is Working Properly")
+        '''
         main.step("Start continuous pings")
@@ -435,7 +738,7 @@
+        '''
         main.step("Determine the current number of switches and links")
         topology_output = main.ONOS2.topology()
@@ -470,30 +773,9 @@
                 onpass="Link up discovered properly",
                 onfail="Link up was not discovered in "+ str(link_sleep) + " seconds")
-        #Check ping result here..add code for it
-        main.step("Start continuous pings")
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source1'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target1'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source2'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target2'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source3'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target3'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source4'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target4'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source5'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target5'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source6'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target6'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source7'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target7'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source8'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target8'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source9'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target9'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source10'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target10'],pingTime=500)
+        #NOTE Check ping result here..add code for it
         main.step("Compare ONOS Topology to MN Topology")
         Topo = TestONTopology(main.Mininet1, ctrls) # can also add Intent API info for intent operations
         MNTopo = Topo
@@ -532,19 +814,22 @@
         Host intents removal
-"This testcase removes host intents before adding the point intents")
+"This testcase removes host intents before adding the same intents or point intents")"__________________________________")        "Host intents removal")"Removing host intents")
         main.step("Obtain the intent id's")
-        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
-        #print "intent_result = ",intent_result
+        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents(json_format = False)
+"intent_result = " +intent_result)        
         intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        intent_linewise = intent_linewise[1:-1] #ignore the first and last item of the list obtained from split 
-        #for line in intent_linewise:
-            #print "line = ", line
-        intentids = []
+        intentList = []
         for line in intent_linewise:
+            if line.startswith("id="):
+                intentList.append(line)
+        intentids = []
+        for line in intentList:
         for id in intentids:
             print "id = ", id
@@ -553,36 +838,49 @@
         for id in intentids:
             main.ONOS2.remove_intent(intent_id = id)
-        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
-        intent_linewise = intent_result.split("\n")
-        intent_linewise = intent_linewise[1:-1] #ignore the first and last item of the list obtained from split 
-        intentState = {}
-        for id, line in zip(intentids, intent_linewise):
-            #print "line after removing intent = ", line
-            x = line.split(",")
-            state = x[1].split("=")[1]
-            intentState[id] = state
-        case8_result = main.TRUE
-        for key,value in intentState.iteritems():
-            print "key,value = ", key, value
-            if value == "WITHDRAWN": 
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.TRUE
-            else:    
-                case8_result = case8_result and main.FALSE
+        intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents(json_format = False)
+"intent_result = " +intent_result)        
+        case8_result = main.TRUE
         if case8_result == main.TRUE:
   "Intent removal successful")
   "Intent removal failed")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case8_result,
-                onpass="Intent removal test successful",
-                onfail="Intent removal test failed")
+        Ping_Result = main.TRUE
+        if case8_result == main.TRUE:
+            i = 8
+            while i <18 :
+      "\n\nh"+str(i)+" is Pinging h" + str(i+10))
+                ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost(src="h"+str(i),target="h"+str(i+10))
+                if ping==main.TRUE:
+                    i = 19
+                    Ping_Result = Ping_Result and main.TRUE
+                elif ping==main.FALSE:
+                    i+=1
+                    Ping_Result = Ping_Result and main.FALSE
+                else:
+          "Unknown error")
+                    Ping_Result = main.ERROR
+            #Note: If the ping result failed, that means the intents have been withdrawn correctly.
+        if Ping_Result==main.TRUE:
+  "Host intents have not been withdrawn correctly")
+            #main.cleanup()
+            #main.exit()
+        if Ping_Result==main.FALSE:
+  "Host intents have been withdrawn correctly")
+        case8_result = case8_result and Ping_Result
+        if case8_result == main.FALSE:
+  "Intent removal successful")
+        else:
+  "Intent removal failed")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.FALSE, actual=case8_result,
+                onpass="Intent removal test failed",
+                onfail="Intent removal test passed")
     def CASE9(self):
@@ -591,135 +889,135 @@"Adding point intents")"Adding bidirectional point for mn hosts(h8-h18,h9-h19,h10-h20,h11-h21,h12-h22,h13-h23,h14-h24,h15-h25,h16-h26,h17-h27)") 
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h8 and h18 or ONOS hosts h8 and h12")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008", 1, "of:0000000000006018", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003008/1", "of:0000000000006018/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018", 1, "of:0000000000003008", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006018/1", "of:0000000000003008/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h9 and h19 or ONOS hosts h9 and h13")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009", 1, "of:0000000000006019", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003009/1", "of:0000000000006019/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019", 1, "of:0000000000003009", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006019/1", "of:0000000000003009/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h10 and h20 or ONOS hosts hA and h14")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010", 1, "of:0000000000006020", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003010/1", "of:0000000000006020/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020", 1, "of:0000000000003010", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006020/1", "of:0000000000003010/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h11 and h21 or ONOS hosts hB and h15")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011", 1, "of:0000000000006021", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003011/1", "of:0000000000006021/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021", 1, "of:0000000000003011", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006021/1", "of:0000000000003011/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h12 and h22 or ONOS hosts hC and h16")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012", 1, "of:0000000000006022", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003012/1", "of:0000000000006022/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022", 1, "of:0000000000003012", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006022/1", "of:0000000000003012/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h13 and h23 or ONOS hosts hD and h17")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013", 1, "of:0000000000006023", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003013/1", "of:0000000000006023/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023", 1, "of:0000000000003013", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006023/1", "of:0000000000003013/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h14 and h24 or ONOS hosts hE and h18")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014", 1, "of:0000000000006024", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003014/1", "of:0000000000006024/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024", 1, "of:0000000000003014", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006024/1", "of:0000000000003014/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h15 and h25 or ONOS hosts hF and h19")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015", 1, "of:0000000000006025", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003015/1", "of:0000000000006025/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025", 1, "of:0000000000003015", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006025/1", "of:0000000000003015/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h16 and h26 or ONOS hosts h10 and h1A")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016", 1, "of:0000000000006026", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003016/1", "of:0000000000006026/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026", 1, "of:0000000000003016", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006026/1", "of:0000000000003016/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
         main.step("Add point-to-point intents for mininet hosts h17 and h27 or ONOS hosts h11 and h1B")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017", 1, "of:0000000000006027", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000003017/1", "of:0000000000006027/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
-        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027", 1, "of:0000000000003017", 1)
+        ptp_intent_result = main.ONOS2.add_point_intent("of:0000000000006027/1", "of:0000000000003017/1")
         if ptp_intent_result == main.TRUE:
             get_intent_result = main.ONOS2.intents()
   "Point to point intent install successful")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.topo b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.topo
index cf6ffac..c592e18 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/ProdFunc13/ProdFunc13.topo
@@ -28,12 +28,22 @@
+         <ONOS3>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+        </ONOS3>
-            <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+            <connect_order>5</connect_order>
                 #Specify the Option for mininet
                 <arg1> --custom ~/mininet/custom/ </arg1>
@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@
-            <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+            <connect_order>6</connect_order>
                 #Specify the Option for mininet
                 <arg1> --custom ~/mininet/custom/ </arg1>
@@ -57,5 +67,37 @@
                 <controller> remote </controller>
+        <LincOE1>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>LincOEDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <arg1> </arg1>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </LincOE1>
+        <LincOE2>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>RemoteMininetDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+            <COMPONENTS>
+                <arg1> sudo python /home/admin/ </arg1>
+                <arg2> </arg2>
+            </COMPONENTS>
+        </LincOE2>
+        <LincOE3>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>LincOEDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>9</connect_order>
+        </LincOE3>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.params b/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.params
index 9d3627a..bb5826d 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.params
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-    <testcases>1</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2</testcases>
     #Environment variables
-        <cellName>driver_test</cellName>
+        <cellName>sdnip_single_instance</cellName>
-        <ip1></ip1>
+        <ip1></ip1>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/ b/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/
index dd73766..4f55c02 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+# from cupshelpers.config import prefix
-#Testing the basic functionality of SDN-IP
+# Testing the basic functionality of SDN-IP
 class SdnIpTest:
     def __init__(self):
@@ -10,111 +11,156 @@
         Test the SDN-IP functionality
         allRoutes_expected: all expected routes for all BGP peers
-		routeIntents_expected: all expected MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents
-		bgpIntents_expected: expected PointToPointIntent intents
-		allRoutes_actual: all routes from ONOS LCI
-		routeIntents_actual: actual MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents from ONOS CLI
-		bgpIntents_actual: actual PointToPointIntent intents from ONOS CLI
+        routeIntents_expected: all expected MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents
+        bgpIntents_expected: expected PointToPointIntent intents
+        allRoutes_actual: all routes from ONOS LCI
+        routeIntents_actual: actual MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents from ONOS CLI
+        bgpIntents_actual: actual PointToPointIntent intents from ONOS CLI
         import time
         import json
         from operator import eq
+        # from datetime import datetime
+        from time import localtime, strftime
+"The test case is to help to setup the TestON environment and test new drivers")
         SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH = "../tests/SdnIpTest/sdnip.json"
         # all expected routes for all BGP peers
         allRoutes_expected = []
-        main.step("Start to generate routes for BGP peer on host1")
-        prefixes = main.Quaggacli.generate_prefixes(1, 3)
+        main.step("Start to generate routes for all BGP peers")
+        # bgpPeerHosts = []
+        # for i in range(3, 5):
+        #    bgpPeerHosts.append("host" + str(i))
+        #"BGP Peer Hosts are:" + bgpPeerHosts)
-        # TODO: delete the static prefix below after integration with Demo Mininet script
-        prefixes = []
-        prefixes.append("")
-        prefixes.append("")
-        prefixes.append("")
-        prefixes.append("")
+        # for i in range(3, 5):
+         #   QuaggaCliHost = "QuaggaCliHost" + str(i)
+          #  prefixes = main.QuaggaCliHost.generate_prefixes(3, 10)
+           #
+            # allRoutes_expected.append(prefixes)
+"Generate prefixes for host3")
+        prefixes_host3 = main.QuaggaCliHost3.generate_prefixes(3, 10)
+        # generate route with next hop
+        for prefix in prefixes_host3:
+            allRoutes_expected.append(prefix + "/" + "")
+        routeIntents_expected_host3 = main.QuaggaCliHost3.generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(prefixes_host3, "", "00:00:00:00:02:02", SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
-        for prefix in prefixes:
-            # generate route with next hop
-            allRoutes_expected.append(prefix + "/" + "")
+"Generate prefixes for host4")
+        prefixes_host4 = main.QuaggaCliHost4.generate_prefixes(4, 10)
+        # generate route with next hop
+        for prefix in prefixes_host4:
+            allRoutes_expected.append(prefix + "/" + "")
+        routeIntents_expected_host4 = main.QuaggaCliHost4.generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(prefixes_host4, "", "00:00:00:00:03:01", SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
-        routeIntents_expected = main.Quaggacli.generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(prefixes, "", "00:00:00:00:03:01", SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
+        routeIntents_expected = routeIntents_expected_host3 + routeIntents_expected_host4
-        # start to insert routes into the bgp peer
-        main.step("Start Quagga-cli on host1")
-        main.Quaggacli.loginQuagga("")
-        main.step("Start to configure Quagga on host1")
-        main.Quaggacli.enter_config(64513)
-        main.step("Start to generate and add routes for BGP peer on host1")
-        routes = main.Quaggacli.generate_prefixes(8, 3)
-        main.Quaggacli.add_routes(routes, 1)
-        # add generates routes to allRoutes
-        for route in routes:
-            allRoutes_expected.append(route + "/" + "")
         cell_name = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
         ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
+        main.step("Set cell for ONOS-cli environment")
+        main.ONOScli.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+"Removing raft logs")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
+"Uninstalling ONOS")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.step("Creating ONOS package")
+        package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
         main.step("Starting ONOS service")
         # TODO: start ONOS from Mininet Script
         # start_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_start("")
+        main.step("Installing ONOS package")
+        onos1_install_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(options="-f", node=ONOS1_ip)
-        main.step("Set cell for ONOS-cli environment")
-        main.ONOScli.set_cell(cell_name)
+        main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
+        time.sleep(60)
+        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
+        if not onos1_isup:
+  "ONOS1 didn't start!")
         main.step("Start ONOS-cli")
         # TODO: change the hardcode in start_onos_cli method in ONOS CLI driver
-        time.sleep(5)
-        main.ONOScli.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)    
+        main.ONOScli.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)
         main.step("Get devices in the network")
         list_result = main.ONOScli.devices(json_format=False)
+        time.sleep(10)
+"Installing sdn-ip feature")
+        main.ONOScli.feature_install("onos-app-sdnip")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        main.step("Login all BGP peers and add routes into peers")
+"Login Quagga CLI on host3")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost3.loginQuagga("")
+"Enter configuration model of Quagga CLI on host3")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost3.enter_config(64514)
+"Add routes to Quagga on host3")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost3.add_routes(prefixes_host3, 1)
-        #get all routes inside SDN-IP
-        get_routes_result = main.ONOScli.routes(json_format=True)  
+"Login Quagga CLI on host4")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost4.loginQuagga("")
+"Enter configuration model of Quagga CLI on host4")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost4.enter_config(64516)
+"Add routes to Quagga on host4")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost4.add_routes(prefixes_host4, 1)
+        time.sleep(60)
+        # get all routes inside SDN-IP
+        get_routes_result = main.ONOScli.routes(json_format=True)
         # parse routes from ONOS CLI
-        allRoutes_actual = main.Quaggacli.extract_actual_routes(get_routes_result)
+        allRoutes_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routes(get_routes_result)
+        allRoutes_str_expected = str(sorted(allRoutes_expected))
+        allRoutes_str_actual = str(allRoutes_actual).replace('u', "")
         main.step("Check routes installed")"Routes expected:")
+"Routes get from ONOS CLI:")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=sorted(allRoutes_expected), actual=allRoutes_actual,
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=allRoutes_str_expected, actual=allRoutes_str_actual,
                                 onpass="***Routes in SDN-IP are correct!***",
                                 onfail="***Routes in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+        if(eq(allRoutes_str_expected, allRoutes_str_actual)):
+  "***Routes in SDN-IP after adding routes are correct!***")
+        else:
+  "***Routes in SDN-IP after adding routes are wrong!***")
-        time.sleep(2)
+        time.sleep(20)
         get_intents_result = main.ONOScli.intents(json_format=True)
         main.step("Check MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents installed")
         # route_intents_expected are generated when generating routes
         # get rpoute intents from ONOS CLI
-        routeIntents_actual  = main.Quaggacli.extract_actual_routeIntents(get_intents_result)
+        routeIntents_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routeIntents(get_intents_result)
+        routeIntents_str_expected = str(sorted(routeIntents_expected))
+        routeIntents_str_actual = str(routeIntents_actual).replace('u', "")"MultiPointToSinglePoint intents expected:")
+"MultiPointToSinglePoint intents get from ONOS CLI:")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=eq(routeIntents_expected, routeIntents_actual),
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=eq(routeIntents_str_expected, routeIntents_str_actual),
                                 onpass="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents in SDN-IP are correct!***",
                                 onfail="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+        if(eq(routeIntents_str_expected, routeIntents_str_actual)):
+  "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents before deleting routes correct!***")
+        else:
+  "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents before deleting routes wrong!***")
         main.step("Check BGP PointToPointIntent intents installed")
         # bgp intents expected
-        bgpIntents_expected = main.Quaggacli.generate_expected_bgpIntents(SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
+        bgpIntents_expected = main.QuaggaCliHost3.generate_expected_bgpIntents(SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
         # get BGP intents from ONOS CLI
-        bgpIntents_actual = main.Quaggacli.extract_actual_bgpIntents(get_intents_result)
+        bgpIntents_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_bgpIntents(get_intents_result)
-        bgpIntents_str_expected = str(bgpIntents_expected).replace('u',"")
+        bgpIntents_str_expected = str(bgpIntents_expected).replace('u', "")
         bgpIntents_str_actual = str(bgpIntents_actual)"PointToPointIntent intents expected:")
@@ -125,7 +171,293 @@
                                 onpass="***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are correct!***",
                                 onfail="***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
-        #main.step("Test whether Mininet is started")
-        #main.Mininet2.handle.sendline("xterm host1")
-        #main.Mininet2.handle.expect("mininet>")
+        if (eq(bgpIntents_str_expected, bgpIntents_str_actual)):
+  "***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are correct!***")
+        else:
+  "***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+        #============================= Ping Test ========================
+        # wait until all MultiPointToSinglePoint
+        time.sleep(20)
+        ping_test_script = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/"
+        ping_test_results_file = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/log/CASE1-ping-results-before-delete-routes-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + ".txt"
+        ping_test_results = main.QuaggaCliHost.ping_test("", ping_test_script, ping_test_results_file)
+        # ping test
+        #============================= Deleting Routes ==================
+        main.step("Check deleting routes installed")
+        main.QuaggaCliHost3.delete_routes(prefixes_host3, 1)
+        main.QuaggaCliHost4.delete_routes(prefixes_host4, 1)
+        #"main.ONOScli.get_routes_num() = " )
+        #
+        # utilities.assert_equals(expect = "Total SDN-IP routes = 1", actual= main.ONOScli.get_routes_num(),
+        get_routes_result = main.ONOScli.routes(json_format=True)
+        allRoutes_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routes(get_routes_result)
+"allRoutes_actual = ")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect="[]", actual=str(allRoutes_actual),
+                                onpass="***Route number in SDN-IP is 0, correct!***",
+                                onfail="***Routes number in SDN-IP is not 0, wrong!***")
+        if(eq(allRoutes_str_expected, allRoutes_str_actual)):
+  "***Routes in SDN-IP after deleting correct!***")
+        else:
+  "***Routes in SDN-IP after deleting wrong!***")
+        main.step("Check intents after deleting routes")
+        get_intents_result = main.ONOScli.intents(json_format=True)
+        routeIntents_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routeIntents(get_intents_result)
+"main.ONOScli.intents()= ")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect="[]", actual=str(routeIntents_actual),
+                                onpass="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents number in SDN-IP is 0, correct!***",
+                                onfail="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents number in SDN-IP is 0, wrong!***")
+        if(eq(routeIntents_str_expected, routeIntents_str_actual)):
+  "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents after deleting routes correct!***")
+        else:
+  "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents after deleting routes wrong!***")
+        time.sleep(20)
+        ping_test_script = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/"
+        ping_test_results_file = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/log/CASE1-ping-results-after-delete-routes-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + ".txt"
+        ping_test_results = main.QuaggaCliHost.ping_test("", ping_test_script, ping_test_results_file)
+        time.sleep(30)
+        # main.step("Test whether Mininet is started")
+        # main.Mininet2.handle.sendline("xterm host1")
+        # main.Mininet2.handle.expect("mininet>")
+    def CASE2(self, main):
+        '''
+        Test the SDN-IP functionality
+        allRoutes_expected: all expected routes for all BGP peers
+        routeIntents_expected: all expected MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents
+        bgpIntents_expected: expected PointToPointIntent intents
+        allRoutes_actual: all routes from ONOS LCI
+        routeIntents_actual: actual MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents from ONOS CLI
+        bgpIntents_actual: actual PointToPointIntent intents from ONOS CLI
+        '''
+        import time
+        import json
+        from operator import eq
+        from time import localtime, strftime
+"The test case is to help to setup the TestON environment and test new drivers")
+        SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH = "../tests/SdnIpTest/sdnip.json"
+        # all expected routes for all BGP peers
+        allRoutes_expected = []
+        main.step("Start to generate routes for all BGP peers")
+"Generate prefixes for host3")
+        prefixes_host3 = main.QuaggaCliHost3.generate_prefixes(3, 10)
+        # generate route with next hop
+        for prefix in prefixes_host3:
+            allRoutes_expected.append(prefix + "/" + "")
+        routeIntents_expected_host3 = main.QuaggaCliHost3.generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(prefixes_host3, "", "00:00:00:00:02:02", SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
+"Generate prefixes for host4")
+        prefixes_host4 = main.QuaggaCliHost4.generate_prefixes(4, 10)
+        # generate route with next hop
+        for prefix in prefixes_host4:
+            allRoutes_expected.append(prefix + "/" + "")
+        routeIntents_expected_host4 = main.QuaggaCliHost4.generate_expected_onePeerRouteIntents(prefixes_host4, "", "00:00:00:00:03:01", SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
+        routeIntents_expected = routeIntents_expected_host3 + routeIntents_expected_host4
+"Removing raft logs")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
+"Uninstalling ONOS")
+        main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(ONOS1_ip)
+        cell_name = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
+        ONOS1_ip = main.params['CTRL']['ip1']
+        main.step("Set cell for ONOS-cli environment")
+        main.ONOScli.set_cell(cell_name)
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
+"Removing raft logs")
+        #main.ONOSbench.onos_remove_raft_logs()
+"Uninstalling ONOS")
+        #main.ONOSbench.onos_uninstall(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.step("Creating ONOS package")
+        package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
+        main.step("Installing ONOS package")
+        onos1_install_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_install(options="-f", node=ONOS1_ip)
+        main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
+        time.sleep(60)
+        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
+        if not onos1_isup:
+  "ONOS1 didn't start!")
+        main.step("Start ONOS-cli")
+        main.ONOScli.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)
+        main.step("Get devices in the network")
+        list_result = main.ONOScli.devices(json_format=False)
+        time.sleep(10)
+"Installing sdn-ip feature")
+        main.ONOScli.feature_install("onos-app-sdnip")
+        time.sleep(10)
+        main.step("Check BGP PointToPointIntent intents installed")
+        # bgp intents expected
+        bgpIntents_expected = main.QuaggaCliHost3.generate_expected_bgpIntents(SDNIP_JSON_FILE_PATH)
+        # get BGP intents from ONOS CLI
+        get_intents_result = main.ONOScli.intents(json_format=True)
+        bgpIntents_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_bgpIntents(get_intents_result)
+        bgpIntents_str_expected = str(bgpIntents_expected).replace('u', "")
+        bgpIntents_str_actual = str(bgpIntents_actual)
+"PointToPointIntent intents expected:")
+"PointToPointIntent intents get from ONOS CLI:")
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=eq(bgpIntents_str_expected, bgpIntents_str_actual),
+                                onpass="***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are correct!***",
+                                onfail="***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+        if (eq(bgpIntents_str_expected, bgpIntents_str_actual)):
+  "***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are correct!***")
+        else:
+  "***PointToPointIntent Intents in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+        allRoutes_str_expected = str(sorted(allRoutes_expected))
+        routeIntents_str_expected = str(sorted(routeIntents_expected))
+        ping_test_script = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/"
+        # round_num = 0;
+        # while(True):
+        for round_num in range(1, 6):
+            # round = round + 1;
+  "The Round " + str(round_num) + " test starts........................................")
+            main.step("Login all BGP peers and add routes into peers")
+  "Login Quagga CLI on host3")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost3.loginQuagga("")
+  "Enter configuration model of Quagga CLI on host3")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost3.enter_config(64514)
+  "Add routes to Quagga on host3")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost3.add_routes(prefixes_host3, 1)
+  "Login Quagga CLI on host4")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost4.loginQuagga("")
+  "Enter configuration model of Quagga CLI on host4")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost4.enter_config(64516)
+  "Add routes to Quagga on host4")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost4.add_routes(prefixes_host4, 1)
+            time.sleep(60)
+            # get all routes inside SDN-IP
+            get_routes_result = main.ONOScli.routes(json_format=True)
+            # parse routes from ONOS CLI
+            allRoutes_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routes(get_routes_result)
+            # allRoutes_str_expected = str(sorted(allRoutes_expected))
+            allRoutes_str_actual = str(allRoutes_actual).replace('u', "")
+            main.step("Check routes installed")
+  "Routes expected:")
+  "Routes get from ONOS CLI:")
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect=allRoutes_str_expected, actual=allRoutes_str_actual,
+                                    onpass="***Routes in SDN-IP are correct!***",
+                                    onfail="***Routes in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+            if(eq(allRoutes_str_expected, allRoutes_str_actual)):
+      "***Routes in SDN-IP after adding correct!***")
+            else:
+      "***Routes in SDN-IP after adding wrong!***")
+            time.sleep(20)
+            get_intents_result = main.ONOScli.intents(json_format=True)
+            main.step("Check MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents installed")
+            # route_intents_expected are generated when generating routes
+            # get route intents from ONOS CLI
+            routeIntents_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routeIntents(get_intents_result)
+            # routeIntents_str_expected = str(sorted(routeIntents_expected))
+            routeIntents_str_actual = str(routeIntents_actual).replace('u', "")
+  "MultiPointToSinglePoint intents expected:")
+  "MultiPointToSinglePoint intents get from ONOS CLI:")
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=eq(routeIntents_str_expected, routeIntents_str_actual),
+                                    onpass="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents in SDN-IP are correct!***",
+                                    onfail="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents in SDN-IP are wrong!***")
+            if(eq(routeIntents_str_expected, routeIntents_str_actual)):
+      "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents after adding routes correct!***")
+            else:
+      "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents after adding routes wrong!***")
+            #============================= Ping Test ========================
+            # wait until all MultiPointToSinglePoint
+            time.sleep(20)
+            # ping_test_script = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/"
+            ping_test_results_file = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/log/CASE2-Round" + str(round_num) + "-ping-results-before-delete-routes-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + ".txt"
+            ping_test_results = main.QuaggaCliHost.ping_test("", ping_test_script, ping_test_results_file)
+            # ping test
+            #============================= Deleting Routes ==================
+            main.step("Check deleting routes installed")
+  "Delete routes to Quagga on host3")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost3.delete_routes(prefixes_host3, 1)
+  "Delete routes to Quagga on host4")
+            main.QuaggaCliHost4.delete_routes(prefixes_host4, 1)
+            get_routes_result = main.ONOScli.routes(json_format=True)
+            allRoutes_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routes(get_routes_result)
+  "allRoutes_actual = ")
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect="[]", actual=str(allRoutes_actual),
+                                    onpass="***Route number in SDN-IP is 0, correct!***",
+                                    onfail="***Routes number in SDN-IP is not 0, wrong!***")
+            if(eq(allRoutes_str_expected, allRoutes_str_actual)):
+      "***Routes in SDN-IP after deleting correct!***")
+            else:
+      "***Routes in SDN-IP after deleting wrong!***")
+            main.step("Check intents after deleting routes")
+            get_intents_result = main.ONOScli.intents(json_format=True)
+            routeIntents_actual = main.QuaggaCliHost3.extract_actual_routeIntents(get_intents_result)
+  "main.ONOScli.intents()= ")
+            utilities.assert_equals(expect="[]", actual=str(routeIntents_actual),
+                                    onpass="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents number in SDN-IP is 0, correct!***",
+                                    onfail="***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents number in SDN-IP is 0, wrong!***")
+            if(eq(routeIntents_str_expected, routeIntents_str_actual)):
+      "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents after deleting routes correct!***")
+            else:
+      "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intents after deleting routes wrong!***")
+            time.sleep(20)
+            # ping_test_script = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/"
+            ping_test_results_file = "~/SDNIP/SdnIpIntentDemo/log/CASE2-Round" + str(round_num) + "-ping-results-after-delete-routes-" + strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + ".txt"
+            ping_test_results = main.QuaggaCliHost.ping_test("", ping_test_script, ping_test_results_file)
+            time.sleep(30)
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.topo b/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.topo
index 1d23878..6df1975 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/SdnIpTest/SdnIpTest.topo
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
-            <user>sdn</user>
-            <password>rocks</password>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
-            <user>sdn</user>
-            <password>rocks</password>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
-            <host></host>
+            <host></host>
@@ -28,14 +28,30 @@
-      	<Quaggacli>
+        <QuaggaCliHost3>
-            <user>username</user>
-            <password>password</password>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
-        </Quaggacli>
+        </QuaggaCliHost3>
+        <QuaggaCliHost4>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>QuaggaCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+        </QuaggaCliHost4>
+        <QuaggaCliHost>
+            <host></host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>
+            <type>QuaggaCliDriver</type>
+            <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+        </QuaggaCliHost>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/SingleInstanceHATestRestart.params b/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/SingleInstanceHATestRestart.params
index e1e75f9..68f12a8 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/SingleInstanceHATestRestart.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/SingleInstanceHATestRestart.params
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],7,8,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,[6],8,3,7,4,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
-    <Git>True</Git>
+    <Git>False</Git>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/ b/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/
index e6f2fde..a82bbd5 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SingleInstanceHATestRestart/
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@
                         "clean install")
+        cell_result = main.ONOSbench.set_cell("SingleHA")
+        verify_result = main.ONOSbench.verify_cell()
         main.step("Creating ONOS package")
         package_result = main.ONOSbench.onos_package()
@@ -123,15 +125,17 @@
         main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
         #TODO: Refactor
         # check bundle:list?
-        #this should be enough for ONOS to start
-        time.sleep(60)
-        onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
+        for i in range(2):
+            onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
+            if onos1_isup:
+                break
         if not onos1_isup:
   "ONOS1 didn't start!")
         # TODO: if it becomes an issue, we can retry this step  a few times
-        cli_result1 = main.ONOScli1.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)
+        cli_result = main.ONOScli1.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)
         main.step("Start Packet Capture MN")
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@
         case1_result = (clean_install_result and package_result and
                 cell_result and verify_result and onos1_install_result and
-                onos1_isup and cli1_results)
+                onos1_isup and cli_result)
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case1_result,
                 onpass="Test startup successful",
@@ -186,8 +190,6 @@
                 onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
                 onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers")
-        #TODO: If assign roles is working reliably then manually 
-        #   assign mastership to the controller we want
     def CASE3(self,main) :
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@
         Assign intents
+        #FIXME: Only call this once when using a persistent datastore!!!!
         import time
         import json
         import re
@@ -204,6 +207,10 @@
         main.step("Discovering  Hosts( Via pingall for now)")
         #FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
+        #install onos-app-fwd
+"Install reactive forwarding app")
+        main.ONOScli1.feature_install("onos-app-fwd")
         #REACTIVE FWD test
         ping_result = main.FALSE
         time1 = time.time()
@@ -219,7 +226,7 @@
         #TODO:  move the host numbers to params
         import json
         intents_json= json.loads(main.ONOScli1.hosts())
-        intent_add_result = main.FALSE
+        intent_add_result = True
         for i in range(8,18):
   "Adding host intent between h"+str(i)+" and h"+str(i+10))
             host1 =  "00:00:00:00:00:" + str(hex(i)[2:]).zfill(2).upper()
@@ -229,7 +236,10 @@
             host1_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host1)['id']
             host2_id = main.ONOScli1.get_host(host2)['id']
             tmp_result = main.ONOScli1.add_host_intent(host1_id, host2_id )
-            intent_add_result = intent_add_result and tmp_result
+            intent_add_result = bool(intent_add_result and tmp_result)
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=intent_add_result,
+                onpass="Switch mastership correctly assigned",
+                onfail="Error in (re)assigning switch mastership")
         #TODO Check if intents all exist in datastore
         #NOTE: Do we need to print this once the test is working?,
@@ -275,6 +285,15 @@
         main.step("Get the Mastership of each switch from each controller")
         global mastership_state
+        mastership_state = []
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        roles_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         #print json.dumps(json.loads(ONOS1_mastership), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
         #TODO: Make this a meaningful check
@@ -285,14 +304,11 @@
             mastership_state = ONOS1_mastership
             consistent_mastership = main.TRUE
-  "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=consistent_mastership,
-                onpass="Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
-                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of switch roles")
         main.step("Get the intents from each controller")
         global intent_state
+        intent_state = []
         ONOS1_intents = main.ONOScli1.intents( json_format=True )
         intent_check = main.FALSE
         if "Error" in ONOS1_intents or not ONOS1_intents:
@@ -300,14 +316,11 @@
             main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents response: " + repr(ONOS1_intents))
             intent_check = main.TRUE
-  "Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=intent_check,
-                onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
-                onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents")
         main.step("Get the flows from each controller")
         global flow_state
+        flow_state = []
         ONOS1_flows = main.ONOScli1.flows( json_format=True )
         flow_check = main.FALSE
         if "Error" in ONOS1_flows or not ONOS1_flows:
@@ -317,42 +330,16 @@
             #TODO: Do a better check, maybe compare flows on switches?
             flow_state = ONOS1_flows
             flow_check = main.TRUE
-  "Flow count is consistent across all ONOS nodes")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=flow_check,
-                onpass="The flow count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
-                onfail="ONOS nodes have different flow counts")
         main.step("Get the OF Table entries")
         global flows
         for i in range(1,29):
-            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i),1.0))
+            flows.append(main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i)))
         #TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
-        main.step("Start continuous pings")
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source1'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target1'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source2'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target2'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source3'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target3'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source4'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target4'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source5'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target5'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source6'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target6'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source7'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target7'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source8'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target8'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source9'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target9'],pingTime=500)
-        main.Mininet2.pingLong(src=main.params['PING']['source10'],
-                            target=main.params['PING']['target10'],pingTime=500)
         main.step("Create TestONTopology object")
         ctrls = []
         count = 1
@@ -417,7 +404,7 @@
         final_assert = main.TRUE
         final_assert = final_assert and topo_result and flow_check \
-                and intent_check and consistent_mastership
+                and intent_check and consistent_mastership and roles_not_null
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=final_assert,
                 onpass="State check successful",
                 onfail="State check NOT successful")
@@ -436,7 +423,7 @@
         main.step("Checking if ONOS is up yet")
         count = 0
-        while count < 10
+        while count < 10:
             onos1_isup = main.ONOSbench.isup(ONOS1_ip)
             if onos1_isup == main.TRUE:
                 elapsed = time.time() - start
@@ -446,11 +433,12 @@
         cli_result = main.ONOScli1.start_onos_cli(ONOS1_ip)
-        case_results = main.TRUE and onosi1_isup and cli_result
+        case_results = main.TRUE and onos1_isup and cli_result
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=case_results,
                 onpass="ONOS restart successful",
                 onfail="ONOS restart NOT successful")
-"ONOS took %s seconds to restart" % str(elapsed) )
+"ESTIMATE: ONOS took %s seconds to restart" % str(elapsed) )
+        time.sleep(5)
     def CASE7(self,main) :
@@ -460,6 +448,14 @@
         import json"Running ONOS Constant State Tests")
+        #Assert that each device has a master
+        roles_not_null = main.ONOScli1.roles_not_null()
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=roles_not_null,
+                onpass="Each device has a master",
+                onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned")
         main.step("Check if switch roles are consistent across all nodes")
         ONOS1_mastership = main.ONOScli1.roles()
         #FIXME: Refactor this whole case for single instance
@@ -508,13 +504,14 @@
   "Error in getting ONOS intents")
             main.log.warn("ONOS1 intents response: " + repr(ONOS1_intents))
-            intent_state = ONOS1_intents
             intent_check = main.TRUE
   "Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes")
         utilities.assert_equals(expect = main.TRUE,actual=intent_check,
                 onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
                 onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents")
+        #NOTE: Hazelcast has no durability, so intents are lost
+        '''
         main.step("Compare current intents with intents before the failure")
         if intent_state == ONOS1_intents:
             same_intents = main.TRUE
@@ -526,6 +523,7 @@
                 onpass="Intents are consistent with before failure",
                 onfail="The Intents changed during failure")
         intent_check = intent_check and same_intents
+        '''
@@ -534,42 +532,20 @@
         for i in range(28):
   "Checking flow table on s" + str(i+1))
-            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable("s"+str(i+1),1.0)
+            tmp_flows = main.Mininet2.get_flowTable(1.3, "s"+str(i+1))
-            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            temp_result = main.Mininet2.flow_comp(flow1=flows[i],flow2=tmp_flows)
+            Flow_Tables = Flow_Tables and temp_result
             if Flow_Tables == main.FALSE:
       "Differences in flow table for switch: "+str(i+1))
-                break
         if Flow_Tables == main.TRUE:
   "No changes were found in the flow tables")
                 onpass="No changes were found in the flow tables",
                 onfail="Changes were found in the flow tables")
-        main.step("Check the continuous pings to ensure that no packets were dropped during component failure")
-        #FIXME: This check is always failing. Investigate cause
-        #NOTE:  this may be something to do with file permsissions
-        #       or slight change in format
-        main.Mininet2.pingKill(main.params['TESTONUSER'], main.params['TESTONIP'])
-        Loss_In_Pings = main.FALSE 
-        #NOTE: checkForLoss returns main.FALSE with 0% packet loss
-        for i in range(8,18):
-  "Checking for a loss in pings along flow from s" + str(i))
-            Loss_In_Pings = Loss_In_Pings or main.Mininet2.checkForLoss("/tmp/ping.h"+str(i))
-        if Loss_In_Pings == main.TRUE:
-  "Loss in ping detected")
-        elif Loss_In_Pings == main.ERROR:
-  "There are multiple mininet process running")
-        elif Loss_In_Pings == main.FALSE:
-  "No Loss in the pings")
-  "No loss of dataplane connectivity")
-        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.FALSE,actual=Loss_In_Pings,
-                onpass="No Loss of connectivity",
-                onfail="Loss of dataplane connectivity detected")
         #TODO:add topology to this or leave as a seperate case?
-        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and (not Loss_In_Pings)
+        result = mastership_check and intent_check and Flow_Tables and roles_not_null 
         result = int(result)
         if result == main.TRUE:
   "Constant State Tests Passed")
@@ -606,62 +582,62 @@
         ports_results = main.TRUE
         links_results = main.TRUE
         topo_result = main.FALSE
-        start_time = time.time()
         elapsed = 0
         count = 0
-        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 120:
+        main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
+        start_time = time.time()
+        while topo_result == main.FALSE and elapsed < 60:
             count = count + 1
-            try:
-                main.step("Collecting topology information from ONOS")
-                devices = []
-                devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
-                '''
-                hosts = []
-                hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
-                '''
-                ports = []
-                ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
-                links = []
-                links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
-                for controller in range(1): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
-                    if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
-                        current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_devices_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
+            if count > 1:
+                MNTopo = TestONTopology(main.Mininet1, ctrls) # can also add Intent API info for intent operations
+            cli_start = time.time()
+            devices = []
+            devices.append( main.ONOScli1.devices() )
+            '''
+            hosts = []
+            hosts.append( main.ONOScli1.hosts() )
+            '''
+            ports = []
+            ports.append( main.ONOScli1.ports() )
+            links = []
+            links.append( main.ONOScli1.links() )
+            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
+            print "CLI time: " + str(time.time() - cli_start)
-                    if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
-                        current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_ports_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+            for controller in range(1): #TODO parameterize the number of controllers
+                if devices[controller] or not "Error" in devices[controller]:
+                    current_devices_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_switches(MNTopo, json.loads(devices[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_devices_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_devices_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" Switches view is incorrect")
-                    if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
-                        current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
-                    else:
-                        current_links_result = main.FALSE
-                    utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
-                            onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
-                            onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
-            except:
-                main.log.error("something went wrong in topo comparison")
-                main.log.warn( repr( devices ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( ports ) )
-                main.log.warn( repr( links ) )
+                if ports[controller] or not "Error" in ports[controller]:
+                    current_ports_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_ports(MNTopo, json.loads(ports[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_ports_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_ports_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" ports view is incorrect")
+                if links[controller] or not "Error" in links[controller]:
+                    current_links_result =  main.Mininet1.compare_links(MNTopo, json.loads(links[controller]))
+                else:
+                    current_links_result = main.FALSE
+                utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=current_links_result,
+                        onpass="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is correct",
+                        onfail="ONOS"+str(int(controller+1))+" links view is incorrect")
             devices_results = devices_results and current_devices_result
             ports_results = ports_results and current_ports_result
             links_results = links_results and current_links_result
-            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
-        time_threshold = elapsed < 1
-        topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results and time_threshold
-        #TODO make sure this step is non-blocking. IE add a timeout
-"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence: " +\
+            topo_result = devices_results and ports_results and links_results
+        topo_result = topo_result and int(count <= 2)
+"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence(note it takes about 1 seconds to read the topology from each ONOS instance): " +\
                 str(elapsed) + " seconds, " + str(count) +" tries" )
+        if elapsed > 60:
+  "Giving up on topology convergence")
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topo_result,
                 onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
                 onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful")
@@ -729,13 +705,18 @@
         #TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
         main.step("Kill s28 ")"Deleting s28")
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         main.Mininet1.del_switch("s28")"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch down to be discovered")
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
         #Peek at the deleted switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == False:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="Kill switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to kill switch?")
     def CASE12 (self, main) :
@@ -743,7 +724,6 @@
         #NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
         import time
-        #FIXME: use new dynamic topo functions
         description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
@@ -759,9 +739,15 @@
                 ip1=ONOS1_ip,port1=ONOS1_port)"Waiting " + str(switch_sleep) + " seconds for switch up to be discovered")
-        #Peek at the added switch
-        main.log.warn(main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028"))
-        #TODO do some sort of check here
+        device = main.ONOScli1.get_device(dpid="0028")
+        #Peek at the deleted switch
+        main.log.warn( str(device) )
+        result = main.FALSE
+        if device and device['available'] == True:
+            result = main.TRUE
+        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,
+                onpass="add switch succesful",
+                onfail="Failed to add switch?")
     def CASE13 (self, main) :
@@ -775,8 +761,13 @@
         main.step("Killing tcpdumps")
+        main.step("Checking ONOS Logs for errors")
+        print "Checking logs for errors on ONOS1:"
+        print main.ONOSbench.check_logs(ONOS1_ip)
         main.step("Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station")
         testname = main.TEST
+        teststation_user = main.params['TESTONUSER']
+        teststation_IP = main.params['TESTONIP']
         #NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to ~/packet_captures
         #       scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
         #FIXME: scp
@@ -788,8 +779,11 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.expect("\$")
+            print main.ONOSbench.handle.before
         #NOTE: must end in /
@@ -798,7 +792,8 @@
         #NOTE: must end in /
         dst_dir = "~/packet_captures/"
         for f in log_files:
-            main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( "sdn", ONOS1_ip,log_folder+f,"rocks",\
+            main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "scp sdn@"+ONOS1_ip+":"+log_folder+f+" "+
+                    teststation_user +"@"+teststation_IP+":"+\
                     dst_dir + str(testname) + "-ONOS1-"+f )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/TopoConvNext.params b/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/TopoConvNext.params
index 96cb9ad..198befb 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/TopoConvNext.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/TopoConvNext.params
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <testcases>1,2,3,2,3,2,3,4,2,3,2,3,2,4,2,3,2,3,2</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,4,2,3,2,3,2,3,2</testcases>
@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@
         #Number of times to iterate each case
-        <numIter>5</numIter>
-        <numSwitch1>200</numSwitch1>
+        <numIter>3</numIter>
+        <numSwitch1>500</numSwitch1>
-        <numSwitch3>500</numSwitch3>
+        <numSwitch3>200</numSwitch3>
+        <numSwitch4>300</numSwitch4>
         #Number of iterations to ignore initially
diff --git a/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/ b/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/
index 52a951c..68d7b5d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/
+++ b/TestON/tests/TopoConvNext/
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@
             num_sw = main.params['TEST']['numSwitch2']
         elif topo_iteration == 3:
             num_sw = main.params['TEST']['numSwitch3']
+        elif topo_iteration == 4:
+            num_sw = main.params['TEST']['numSwitch4']
         #Timestamp 'keys' for json metrics output.
@@ -323,7 +325,7 @@
             #       Delay before checking devices to 
             #       help prevent timing out from CLI
-            #       due to multiple command drop
+            #       due to multiple command issuing 
             loop = True
@@ -338,6 +340,9 @@
                 device_json1 = json.loads(device_str1)
                 json_len = len(device_json1) 
+                #NOTE: May want to check the rest of 
+                #      the ONOS instances for device down as well
                 for device1 in device_json1: 
                     temp_len = temp_len + 1
                     if device1['available'] == True:
@@ -361,73 +366,10 @@
                         loop = False
-                #if cluster_count == 1:
-                #    device_str1 = main.ONOS1cli.devices(
-                #        node_ip=ONOS_ip_list[1])
-                #    device_json1 = json.loads(device_str1)
-                #    for device1 in device_json1:
-                #        if device1['available'] == False:
-                #            device_count += 1
-                #        else:
-                #            device_count = 0
-                #if cluster_count == 2:
-                #    device_str2 = main.ONOS2cli.devices(
-                #        node_ip=ONOS_ip_list[2])
-                #    device_json2 = json.loads(device_str2)
-                #    for device2 in device_json2:
-                #        if device2['available'] == False:
-                #            device_count += 1
-                #        else:
-                #            device_count = 0
-                #if cluster_count == 3:
-                #    device_str3 = main.ONOS3cli.devices(
-                #        node_ip=ONOS_ip_list[3])
-                #    device_json3 = json.loads(device_str3)
-                #    for device3 in device_json3:
-                #        if device3['available'] == False:
-                #            device_count += 1
-                #        else:
-                #            device_count = 0
-                #if cluster_count == 4:
-                #    device_str4 = main.ONOS4cli.devices(
-                #        node_ip=ONOS_ip_list[4])
-                #    device_json4 = json.loads(device_str4)
-                #    for device4 in device_json4:
-                #        if device4['available'] == False:
-                #            device_count += 1
-                #        else:
-                #            device_count = 0
-                #if cluster_count == 5:
-                #    device_str5 = main.ONOS5cli.devices(
-                #        node_ip=ONOS_ip_list[5])
-                #    device_json5 = json.loads(device_str5)
-                #    for device5 in device_json5:
-                #        if device5['available'] == False:
-                #            device_count += 1
-                #        else:
-                #            device_count = 0
-                #if cluster_count == 7:
-                #    device_str7 = main.ONOS7cli.devices(
-                #        node_ip=ONOS_ip_list[7])
-                #    device_json7 = json.loads(device_str7)
-                #    for device7 in device_json7:
-                #        if device7['available'] == False:
-                #            device_count += 1
-                #        else:
-                #            device_count = 0
-                #If device count is greater than the 
-                #number of switches discovered by all nodes
-                #then remove iptables and measure t0 system time
                 loop_count += 1
-            if device_count < int(num_sw):
-      "Devices down did not ")
   "System time t0: "+str(t0_system))
             counter_loop = 0
@@ -590,7 +532,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
                         #Break while loop 
                 if cluster_count == 2:
@@ -635,7 +577,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
                 if cluster_count == 3:
                     if onos1_dev and onos2_dev and onos3_dev:
@@ -693,7 +635,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
                 if cluster_count == 4:
@@ -756,7 +698,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
                 if cluster_count == 5:
@@ -835,7 +777,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
                 if cluster_count == 6:
@@ -918,7 +860,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
                 if cluster_count == 7:
@@ -1018,7 +960,7 @@
                   "Switch discovery latency "+
                                 "exceeded the threshold.")
+                  " ms")
@@ -1153,7 +1095,9 @@
             sw_lat_avg = sum(sw_discovery_lat_list) / \
             sw_lat_dev = numpy.std(sw_discovery_lat_list)
-        else: 
+        else:
+            sw_lat_avg = 0
+            sw_lat_dev = 0
             assertion = main.FALSE
         "Switch connection attempt time avg "+
@@ -1329,3 +1273,6 @@
         utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=assertion,
             onpass="Topology size increased successfully",
             onfail="Topology size was not increased")
diff --git a/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/TopoPerfNext.params b/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/TopoPerfNext.params
index 42512e8..851522c 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/TopoPerfNext.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/TopoPerfNext.params
@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@
-    </TEST>
+        <tabletFile>tablets_3node.json</tabletFile>
+   </TEST>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/ b/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/
index 49089bf..65bc7a9 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/
+++ b/TestON/tests/TopoPerfNext/
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
         "Setting up test environment")"Copying topology event accumulator config"+\
-            " to ONOS /ppackage/etc")
+            " to ONOS /package/etc")
         main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("cp ~/"+\
-            "~/ONOS/tools/package/etc/"+\
+            " ~/ONOS/tools/package/etc/"+\
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
         main.step("Creating cell file")
         cell_file_result = main.ONOSbench.create_cell_file(
-                BENCH_ip, cell_name, MN1_ip, "onos-core",
+                BENCH_ip, cell_name, MN1_ip, "onos-core,onos-app-metrics",
                 ONOS1_ip, ONOS2_ip, ONOS3_ip)
         main.step("Applying cell file to environment")
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
         #      copy cat log functionality
         main.step("Removing raft/copy-cat logs from ONOS nodes")
+        time.sleep(30)
         main.step("Git checkout and pull "+checkout_branch)
         if git_pull == 'on':
             checkout_result = \
@@ -114,11 +115,6 @@
         cli2 = main.ONOS2cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS2_ip)
         cli3 = main.ONOS3cli.start_onos_cli(ONOS3_ip)
-        main.step("Enable metrics feature")
-        main.ONOS1cli.feature_install("onos-app-metrics")
-        main.ONOS2cli.feature_install("onos-app-metrics")
-        main.ONOS3cli.feature_install("onos-app-metrics")
                 actual= cell_file_result and cell_apply_result and\
                         verify_cell_result and checkout_result and\