tree: 54d8ed81b2f8c2939b41cde2df749e680222609d [path history] [tgz]
  1. CHO_Graph_Generator
  2. CommonJenkinsFile.groovy
  3. MOJenkinsFile.groovy
  4. MasterTrigger.groovy
  5. Overall_Graph_Generator
  7. dependencies/
  8. generateReleaseTestONWiki.groovy
  9. generateWikiTestList.groovy
  10. wikiGraphRScripts/

TestON Jenkins Scripts

General Information

For those unfamiliar with the ONOS QA Jenkins structure, please refer to the QA Jenkins Structure page on the ONOS wiki.

ONOS QA Jenkins may be found here:

The files in this directory are read from the ONOS ci-management repo and run as pipeline scripts.

Quick Start

If you are here to add/modify a branch, schedule, or test, you only need to modify the .json files in the dependencies/ directory. Please follow the formatting carefully!

Adding a Branch

The list of branches is located in dependencies/branches.json. The file is constructed in the following format:

  • "latest_branches" - dict of the latest branches for each major ONOS version.
    • "onos-LTS1" - Latest version of ONOS LTS1 (ie: "1.15").
    • ...
  • "support_branches" - dict of other ONOS support branches that are not necessarily the latest branches.
    • "onos-1.sb1" - Support branch 1 of ONOS LTS1 (ie: "1.12").
    • ...

Note: Please avoid adding the onos- prefix as the value.

  • Correct: "onos-LTS1": 1.15,
  • Incorrect: "onos-LTS1": onos-1.15,

Adding a Schedule

The list of schedules is located in dependencies/schedule.json. The file is constructed in the following format:

  • <schedule name> - List of abbreviated (first 3 letters) days for the schedule (ie: ["mon", "wed", "fri"]).

Adding a Test

The list of tests is located in dependencies/tests.json. The file is constructed in the following format:

  • <test name> - Name of the test in Jenkins.
    • test - Name of the test in TestON. Key can be omitted if same as test name
    • arguments - Any cli arguments to be passed to TestON
    • "wikiName" - Name of the TestON test as it would appear on the ONOS wiki (this is usually identical to the <test name>).
    • "wikiFile" - Filename of the text file that the ONOS wiki uses to display the test result summary.
    • "schedules" - List of dict containing the following:
      • "branch" - ONOS branch label mapping from branches.json. (ie: "onos-LTS1")
      • "day" - Name of the schedule from schedule.json that this test runs on the given "branch" and "nodeLabel". (ie: "weekdays")
      • "nodeLabel" - Node label mapping from Jenkins specifying the node to run the test on (ie: "BM").
    • "category" - Category of the test (ie: "FUNC").
    • "supportedBranches" - List of supported branches the test can run on.



MasterTrigger.groovy is the script that runs the master-trigger job in ONOS QA Jenkins. The structure of the script is as follows:

  1. Initialization

    • Initializing repo paths in dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy.
    • Initializing tests, branches, and schedules lists in dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy.
    • Reading parameters from Jenkins:
      • manual_run - If this option is checked, the branches and tests to run will be determined by the parameters from Jenkins. If unchecked, this will be treated as a nightly run; the branches and tests to run are determined in branches.json and tests.json.
      • TimeOut - Time (in minutes) until the entire pipeline is aborted. By default, this is set to 1410 minutes (23 hours 30 minutes). This value is also passed to the downstream jobs.
      • PostResult - If manual_run is true, the results of the test will be recorded and posted to the ONOS wiki if this option is checked. Otherwise, results of the manually run test will not be recorded.
      • branches - If manual_run is true, this parameter determines the branches to run as a \n-separated list.
      • Tests - If manual_run is true, this parameter determines the tests to run as a \n-separated list.
      • simulate_day - If manual_run is false, this parameter overrides the day of a nightly test to run (ie: "mon", "wed", etc.) if this option is checked. Otherwise, the current day will be used.
    • Initializing the current date, if triggered by time as a nightly test. If the simulate_day parameter is not empty, this overrides the date.
    • Determine branches to run based on the parameters or date if manual or nightly run, respectively.
    • Determine tests to select from the list of tests based on the parameters or date if manual or nightly run, respectively.
    • Initializing graph paths.
  2. Run Tests

    • Get valid schedules from schedules.json based on the given date. This is ignored in a manual run.
    • Get tests by ONOS branch, node label, and test category, and determine if a test should run if it is set to run on that day (if a test contains a valid schedule based on the given date). Manual runs override this and will always run the provided tests.
    • Create lists of tests from dependencies/TriggerFuncs.groovy that run in parallel based on the branch, node label, and test category.
    • Prints list of tests to run.
    • Runs environment setups in parallel and triggers downstream jobs (ie: FUNC-pipeline-master) for each test list.
  3. Generate Graphs

    • After all downstream jobs have concluded, overall graphs are generated for each branch and posted to the ONOS wiki.


CommonJenkinsFile.groovy handles running TestON tests in sequence, uploading test results to the database, creating plots, and posting the results to the ONOS wiki. This can also be run to manually refresh the wiki graphs. The structure of the script is as follows:

  1. Initialization

    • Initializing repo paths in dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy.
    • Initializing tests, branches, and schedules lists in dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy.
    • Reading parameters from Jenkins.
      • OnlyRefreshGraphs - If this option is checked, the run will only refresh the graphs without running any of the tests.
      • TimeOut - Time (in minutes) until the entire pipeline is aborted. By default, this is set to 1410 minutes (23 hours 30 minutes). In a nightly run, the value from the upstream master-trigger job is used.
      • TestStation - Test station to run the job on.
      • NodeLabel - Node label of the test station that runs the job.
      • TestsOverride - List of tests to run. Overrides the list in the .property file.
      • Category - Category of the pipeline. Primarily used when triggered by the upstream master-trigger job.
      • Branch - Branch of the pipeline. Primarily used when triggered by the upstream master-trigger job.
    • Initialize graph related variables and functions.
    • Get test and branch properties from the .property file generated by the upstream master-trigger job.
    • Initialize graph paths.
    • Generate string list of tests to run, which retrieves a dict of tests to run.
  2. Run Tests

    • Each test has the environment initialized before running the test. stc shutdown, stc teardown, and ./ -f is run before ./ [...] to ensure another test is not running simultaneously on the same node.
    • Results are recorded and saved onto the database.
    • Logs are exported and summary of results is posted to the ONOS wiki.
  3. Generate Graphs

    • Trend graphs (for non-SCPF tests) or test graphs (for SCPF tests) are generated and published to the ONOS wiki.
  4. Send to Slack

    • If there was a problem with the test, a message is sent on the ONOS Slack on the channel #jenkins-related.
    • The pipeline step result is failed if there was at least one problem with the test, and passed if there were no problems.
  5. Generate Overall Graph

    • Once all tests have concluded, the test category overall graph is generated and published to the ONOS wiki.


generateReleaseTestONWiki.groovy generates all necessary test result wiki pages when there is a new version of ONOS about to release. The job needs to be run multiple times in this specific order to generate all pages correctly.

  1. First, run the job with the following parameters to generate only the top-level result page for that version:
    • top_level_page_id: -1
    • SCPF_page_id: -1
    • USECASE_page_id: -1
  2. Second, get the pageID of the top-level result page just generated, and run this job again with top_level_page_id as the known pageID to generate the test category front pages.
    • top_level_page_id: page ID of top-level result page
    • SCPF_page_id: -1
    • USECASE_page_id: -1
  3. Next, get the pageID of the SCPF result page just generated, and run this job again with SCPF_page_id as the known pageID to generate SCPF individual result pages.
    • top_level_page_id: -1
    • SCPF_page_id: page ID of SCPF result page
    • USECASE_page_id: -1
  4. Finally, get the pageID of the USECASE result page, and run this job again with USECASE_page_id as the known pageID to generate the SR results page.
    • top_level_page_id: -1
    • SCPF_page_id: -1
    • USECASE_page_id: page ID of USECASE result page


generateWikiTestList.groovy creates the automated test schedule on the ONOS wiki. The script reads from JenkinsTestONTests.groovy and creates a timetable for all tests in tests.json.


Overall_Graph_Generator refreshes the overall graphs on the ONOS wiki. This script performs similar steps as the ending of the master-trigger script.


CHO_Graph_Generator refreshes the CHO graphs on the ONOS wiki.



This script contains functions related to posting/retrieving from database, generating any type of wiki graph, and triggering the downstream postjob to publish the graphs.


This small script contains the paths for Jenkins workspaces and R script locations. Paths are obtained from paths.json.


This script contains methods for retrieving tests, branches, schedules, and node labels. tests.json, branches.json, and schedules.json are initially read and are organized as dict format.


This script contains methods similar to JenkinsGraphs, but are tailored towards SCPF related tests.