Improvements to the SCPF and FUNC/HA/USECASE front page graphs.

- Legend was moved below the graph.
- Color changes (more notable in SCPF).
- SCPF now displays 50 builds instead of 100.
- Increased text size of x-axis labels on FUNC/HA/USECASE graphs.
- Increase the overall quality of the images.

Change-Id: I65f4aa758ce31ccb3f52a71743b3838ed45becd6
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile b/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile
index d9593c4..400dd5a 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/SCPFJenkinsFile
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@
 def generateCombinedResultGraph( host, port, user, pass, testName, branchName ){
     result = ""
     for ( int i=0; i< SCPF[testName]['graphTitle'].size(); i++){
-        result += "Rscript " + graph_generator_directory + "SCPFLineGraph.R " + host + " " + port + " " + user + " " + pass + " \"" + SCPF[testName]['graphTitle'][i] + "\" " + branchName + " " + 100 + " \"SELECT " +
+        result += "Rscript " + graph_generator_directory + "SCPFLineGraph.R " + host + " " + port + " " + user + " " + pass + " \"" + SCPF[testName]['graphTitle'][i] + "\" " + branchName + " " + 50 + " \"SELECT " +
         checkIfList( testName, 'dbCols', i ) + " FROM " + SCPF[testName]['table'] + " WHERE  branch=\'" + branchName + "\' " + checkIfList( testName, 'dbWhere', i ) +
-        " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100\" \"" + SCPF[testName]['y_axis'] + "\" " + graph_saved_directory + ";"
+        " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50\" \"" + SCPF[testName]['y_axis'] + "\" " + graph_saved_directory + ";"
     return result