Merge "[ONOS-2424] Move flowTable functions from remotemininetdriver to mininetdriver"
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index e988577..af660d7 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -1733,6 +1733,58 @@
+    def getFlowTable( self, protoVersion, sw ):
+        """
+        Returns certain fields of an OVS flow table. Will force output to
+        either OF 1.0 or 1.3 format for consistency.
+        TODO add option to look at cookies. ignoring them for now
+         NOTE: Use format to force consistent flow table output across
+         versions
+        """
+        try:
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            self.handle.expect( "mininet>" )
+            command = "sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw
+            if protoVersion == 1.0:
+                command += " -F OpenFlow10-table_id | awk '{OFS=\",\" ;" +\
+                           " print $1  $3  $6  $7  $8}' | "
+            elif protoVersion == 1.3:
+                command += " -O OpenFlow13 | awk '{OFS=\",\" ;" +\
+                           " print $1  $3  $6  $7}' | "
+            else:
+                main.log.error(
+                    "Unknown protoVersion in getFlowTable(). given: (" +
+                    str( type( protoVersion ) ) +
+                    ") '" + str( protoVersion ) + "'" )
+                return None
+            command += "cut -d ',' -f 2- | sort -n -k1 -r"
+            self.handle.sendline( command )
+            self.handle.expect( "sort" )
+            self.handle.expect( "OFPST_FLOW" )
+            response = self.handle.before
+            return response
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Timeout exception: " )
+            return None
+    def flowComp( self, flow1, flow2 ):
+        if flow1 == flow2:
+            return main.TRUE
+        else:
+   "Flow tables do not match, printing tables:" )
+   "Flow Table 1:" )
+   flow1 )
+   "Flow Table 2:" )
+   flow2 )
+            return main.FALSE
     def startTcpdump( self, filename, intf="eth0", port="port 6633" ):
            Runs tpdump on an interface and saves the file
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index f11c172..6b7197f 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -112,31 +112,6 @@
             main.log.warn( outputs )
             return main.TRUE
-    def arping( self, host="", ip="" ):
-        """
-        Description:
-            Sends arp message from mininet host for hosts discovery
-        Required:
-            host - hosts name
-        Optional:
-            ip - ip address that does not exist in the network so there would
-                 be no reply.
-        """
-        cmd = " py " + host  + ".cmd(\"arping -c 1 " + ip + "\")"
-        try:
-            main.log.warn( "Sending: " + cmd )
-            self.handle.sendline( cmd )
-            response = self.handle.before
-            self.handle.sendline( "" )
-            self.handle.expect( "mininet>" )
-            return main.TRUE
-        except pexpect.EOF:
-            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
-            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
-            main.cleanup()
-            main.exit()
     def pingLong( self, **pingParams ):
         Starts a continuous ping on the mininet host outputting
@@ -480,63 +455,6 @@
             main.log.error( "Connection failed to the host" )
         return main.TRUE
-    def getFlowTable( self, protoVersion, sw ):
-        """
-         TODO document usage
-         TODO add option to look at cookies. ignoring them for now
-         print "get_flowTable(" + str( protoVersion ) +" " + str( sw ) +")"
-         NOTE: Use format to force consistent flow table output across
-         versions
-        """
-        try:
-            self.handle.sendline( "cd" )
-            self.handle.expect( "\$" )
-            if protoVersion == 1.0:
-                command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + \
-                    " -F OpenFlow10-table_id | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1  $3  $6 \
-                    $7  $8}' | cut -d ',' -f 2- | sort -n -k1 -r"
-                self.handle.sendline( command )
-                self.handle.expect( "sort" )
-                self.handle.expect( "OFPST_FLOW" )
-                response = self.handle.before
-                # print "response=", response
-                return response
-            elif protoVersion == 1.3:
-                command = "sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows " + sw + \
-                    " -O OpenFlow13  | awk '{OFS=\",\" ; print $1  $3  $6  $7}'\
-                    | cut -d ',' -f 2- | sort -n -k1 -r"
-                self.handle.sendline( command )
-                self.handle.expect( "sort" )
-                self.handle.expect( "OFPST_FLOW" )
-                response = self.handle.before
-                # print "response=", response
-                return response
-            else:
-                main.log.error(
-                    "Unknown  protoVersion in get_flowTable(). given: (" +
-                    str( type( protoVersion ) ) +
-                    ") '" + str( protoVersion ) + "'" )
-        except pexpect.EOF:
-            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
-            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
-            main.cleanup()
-            main.exit()
-        except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
-            main.log.exception( + ": Timeout exception: " )
-            return None
-    def flowComp( self, flow1, flow2 ):
-        if flow1 == flow2:
-            return main.TRUE
-        else:
-   "Flow tables do not match, printing tables:" )
-   "Flow Table 1:" )
-   flow1 )
-   "Flow Table 2:" )
-   flow2 )
-            return main.FALSE
     def setIpTablesOUTPUT( self, dstIp, dstPort, action='add',
                            packetType='tcp', rule='DROP' ):
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/
index 8205ac9..85c5a3a 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAclusterRestart/
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@
         global flows
         flows = []
         for i in range( 1, 29 ):
-            flows.append( main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
+            flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
         if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
             for table in flows:
                 main.log.warn( table )
@@ -2052,9 +2052,9 @@
         flows2 = []
         for i in range( 28 ):
    "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
-            tmpFlows = main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
+            tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
             flows2.append( tmpFlows )
-            tempResult = main.Mininet2.flowComp(
+            tempResult = main.Mininet1.flowComp(
                 flow1=flows[ i ],
                 flow2=tmpFlows )
             FlowTables = FlowTables and tempResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/
index 94482ea..1103309 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAminorityRestart/
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@
         global flows
         flows = []
         for i in range( 1, 29 ):
-            flows.append( main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
+            flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
         if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
             for table in flows:
                 main.log.warn( table )
@@ -1995,9 +1995,9 @@
         flows2 = []
         for i in range( 28 ):
    "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
-            tmpFlows = main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
+            tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
             flows2.append( tmpFlows )
-            tempResult = main.Mininet2.flowComp(
+            tempResult = main.Mininet1.flowComp(
                 flow1=flows[ i ],
                 flow2=tmpFlows )
             FlowTables = FlowTables and tempResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAsanity/ b/TestON/tests/HAsanity/
index b52943c..9cbb10a 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAsanity/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAsanity/
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@
         global flows
         flows = []
         for i in range( 1, 29 ):
-            flows.append( main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
+            flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
         if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
             for table in flows:
                 main.log.warn( table )
@@ -1955,9 +1955,9 @@
         flows2 = []
         for i in range( 28 ):
    "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
-            tmpFlows = main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
+            tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
             flows2.append( tmpFlows )
-            tempResult = main.Mininet2.flowComp(
+            tempResult = main.Mininet1.flowComp(
                 flow1=flows[ i ],
                 flow2=tmpFlows )
             FlowTables = FlowTables and tempResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/
index 1fa2e33..3dbc561 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HAsingleInstanceRestart/
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
         global flows
         flows = []
         for i in range( 1, 29 ):
-            flows.append( main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
+            flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i ) ) )
         if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
             for table in flows:
                 main.log.warn( table )
@@ -1359,9 +1359,9 @@
         flows2 = []
         for i in range( 28 ):
    "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
-            tmpFlows = main.Mininet2.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
+            tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( 1.3, "s" + str( i + 1 ) )
             flows2.append( tmpFlows )
-            tempResult = main.Mininet2.flowComp(
+            tempResult = main.Mininet1.flowComp(
                 flow1=flows[ i ],
                 flow2=tmpFlows )
             FlowTables = FlowTables and tempResult