Framework of the new CHOtest

Change-Id: Ie5b58bfa2ed487386443692cbea0d469d7419c24
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48f674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+This file contains classes for CHOTestMonkey that are related to check event
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+class CheckEvent( Event ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        Event.__init__( self )
+    def startCheckEvent( self ):
+        return EventStates().PASS
+    def startEvent( self, args ):
+        with self.eventLock:
+   "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+            result = self.startCheckEvent()
+            return result
+class IntentCheck( CheckEvent ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+        self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+        self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+    def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+        checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+        intentIDs = []
+        for intent in main.intents:
+            if intent.isHostIntent():
+                deviceA = intent.hostA.device
+                deviceB = intent.hostB.device
+            elif intent.isPointIntent():
+                deviceA = intent.deviceA
+                deviceB = intent.deviceB
+            # Exclude the intents that are to or from removed devices/hosts
+            if not deviceA.isRemoved() and not deviceB.isRemoved():
+                intentIDs.append( )
+        for controller in main.controllers:
+            if controller.isUp():
+                with controller.CLILock:
+                    intentState = controller.CLI.checkIntentState( intentsId=intentIDs )
+                if not intentState:
+                    main.log.warn( "Intent Check - Not all intents are in INSTALLED state on ONOS%s" % ( controller.index ) )
+                    checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+        #TODO: check flows?
+        return checkResult
+class TopoCheck( CheckEvent ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+        self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+        self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+    def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+        import json
+        checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+        upLinkNum = 0
+        upDeviceNum = 0
+        upHostNum = 0
+        with main.variableLock:
+            for link in main.links:
+                if not link.isDown() and not link.isRemoved():
+                    upLinkNum += 1
+            for device in main.devices:
+                if not device.isDown() and not device.isRemoved():
+                    upDeviceNum += 1
+            for host in main.hosts:
+                if not host.isDown() and not host.isRemoved():
+                    upHostNum += 1
+        clusterNum = 1
+        for controller in main.controllers:
+            if controller.isUp():
+                with controller.CLILock:
+                    topologyOutput = controller.CLI.topology()
+                    topoState = controller.CLI.checkStatus( topologyOutput, upDeviceNum, upLinkNum )
+                    #if not topoState:
+                    #    main.log.warn( "Topo Check - link or device number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect" % ( controller.index ) )
+                    #    checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                    # Check links
+                    links = controller.CLI.links()
+                    links = json.loads( links )
+                    if not len( links ) == upLinkNum:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "Topo Check - link number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, upLinkNum, len( links ) ) )
+                    # Check devices
+                    devices = controller.CLI.devices()
+                    devices = json.loads( devices )
+                    availableDeviceNum = 0
+                    for device in devices:
+                        if device[ 'available' ] == True:
+                            availableDeviceNum += 1
+                    if not availableDeviceNum == upDeviceNum:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "Topo Check - device number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, upDeviceNum, availableDeviceNum ) )
+                    # Check hosts
+                    hosts = controller.CLI.hosts()
+                    hosts = json.loads( hosts )
+                    if not len( hosts ) == upHostNum:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "Topo Check - host number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, upHostNum, len( hosts ) ) )
+                    # Check clusters
+                    clusters = controller.CLI.clusters()
+                    clusters = json.loads( clusters )
+                    if not len( clusters ) == clusterNum:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "Topo Check - cluster number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, clusterNum, len( clusters ) ) )
+        return checkResult
+class ONOSCheck( CheckEvent ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+        self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+        self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+    def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+        import json
+        checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+        topics = []
+        # TODO: Other topics?
+        for i in range( 14 ):
+            topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+        dpidToAvailability = {}
+        dpidToMaster = {}
+        for device in main.devices:
+            if device.isDown() or device.isRemoved():
+                dpidToAvailability[ device.dpid ] = False
+            else:
+                dpidToAvailability[ device.dpid ] = True
+            dpidToMaster[ device.dpid ] = 'unknown'
+        # Check mastership, leaders and node states on each controller node
+        for controller in main.controllers:
+            if controller.isUp():
+                # Check mastership
+                with controller.CLILock:
+                    roles = controller.CLI.roles()
+                roles = json.loads( roles )
+                for device in roles:
+                    dpid = device[ 'id' ]
+                    if dpidToMaster[ dpid ] == 'unknown':
+                        dpidToMaster[ dpid ] = device[ 'master' ]
+                    elif dpidToMaster[ dpid ] != device[ 'master' ]:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - Mastership of %s on ONOS%s is inconsistent with that on ONOS1" % (, controller.index ) )
+                    if dpidToAvailability[ dpid ] and device[ 'master' ] == "none":
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - Device %s has no master on ONOS%s" % (, controller.index ) )
+                # Check leaders
+                with controller.CLILock:
+                    leaders = controller.CLI.leaders()
+                leaders = json.loads( leaders )
+                ONOSTopics = [ j['topic'] for j in leaders ]
+                for topic in topics:
+                    if topic not in ONOSTopics:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - Topic %s not in leaders on ONOS%s" % ( topic, controller.index ) )
+                # Check node state
+                with controller.CLILock:
+                    nodes = controller.CLI.nodes()
+                nodes = json.loads( nodes )
+                ipToState = {}
+                for node in nodes:
+                    ipToState[ node[ 'ip' ] ] = node[ 'state' ]
+                for c in main.controllers:
+                    if c.isUp() and ipToState[ c.ip ] == 'READY':
+                        pass
+                    elif not c.isUp() and ipToState[ c.ip ] == 'INACTIVE':
+                        pass
+                    else:
+                        checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                        main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - ONOS%s shows wrong node state: ONOS%s is %s but state is %s" % ( controller.index, c.index, c.status, ipToState[ c.ip ] ) )
+                # TODO: check partitions?
+        return checkResult
+class TrafficCheck( CheckEvent ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+        self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+        self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+    def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+        checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+        pool = []
+        wait = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'TrafficCheck' ][ 'pingWait' ] )
+        timeout = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'TrafficCheck' ][ 'pingTimeout' ] )
+        dstIPv4List = {}
+        dstIPv6List = {}
+        upHosts = []
+        for host in main.hosts:
+            if host.isUp():
+                upHosts.append( host )
+        for host in upHosts:
+            dstIPv4List[ host.index ] = []
+            dstIPv6List[ host.index ] = []
+            for correspondent in host.correspondents:
+                if not correspondent in upHosts:
+                    continue
+                for ipAddress in correspondent.ipAddresses:
+                    if ipAddress.startswith( str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'ipv6Prefix' ] ) ):
+                        dstIPv6List[ host.index ].append( ipAddress )
+                    elif ipAddress.startswith( str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'ipv4Prefix' ] ) ):
+                        dstIPv4List[ host.index ].append( ipAddress )
+            thread = main.Thread( target=host.handle.pingHostSetAlternative,
+                                  threadID=main.threadID,
+                                  name="pingHostSetAlternative",
+                                  args=[ dstIPv4List[ host.index ], 1 ] )
+            pool.append( thread )
+            thread.start()
+            with main.variableLock:
+                main.threadID += 1
+        for thread in pool:
+            thread.join( 10 )
+            if not thread.result:
+                checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                main.log.warn( "Traffic Check - ping failed" )
+        if not main.enableIPv6:
+            return checkResult
+        # Check ipv6 ping
+        for host in upHosts:
+            thread = main.Thread( target=host.handle.pingHostSetAlternative,
+                                  threadID=main.threadID,
+                                  name="pingHostSetAlternative",
+                                  args=[ dstIPv6List[ host.index ], 1, True ] )
+            pool.append( thread )
+            thread.start()
+            with main.variableLock:
+                main.threadID += 1
+        for thread in pool:
+            thread.join( 10 )
+            if not thread.result:
+                checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+                main.log.warn( "Traffic Check - ping6 failed" )
+        return checkResult