remove shell script, use for SouthBound load generation
diff --git a/TestON/dependencies/ b/TestON/dependencies/
deleted file mode 100755
index 41b12fd..0000000
--- a/TestON/dependencies/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-This is the southbound load generator to generator topology events for tests, such as scale-out and performance testing.
-Example command: ./ startload "" 100 4 100 300 11 - will have 100 switches RR connection to the list of controllers. There will be 4 dataplane ports per switch; switch connection rate (aggregated) is 100 switch/second; duration is 300 seconds; "11" is used as part of the dpid to distinguish switch generated from multiple instances of this generator. Switch disconnnect will use "" as its connection."
-case "$1" in
- addsw)
- numsw=$2
- ;;
- delsw)
- numsw=$2
- ;;
- startload)
- list_ctrl=$2;numsw=$3;numport=$4;rate=$5;duration=$6;prefix_dpid=$7
- sleeptimer=$(echo "scale=4; (1/$rate)"|bc)
- ;;
- chksw)
- numsw=$2
- ;;
- *)
- #echo "Enter action:"
- #echo "addsw number_switches - addsw 200"
- #echo "delsw number_switches - delsw 200"
- echo "startload list of controllers numsw numportPerSW rate(#/s) duration(s) dpid_prefix - startload "" 100 4 10 300 11 #switches will be evenly spread to those controllers"
- echo "prefix_dpid is the first two octect of dpid in hex, such as "11", or "aa"."
- echo "This command will first add numb_of_switches to OVSDB; then generate the load as configured; when finished, delete all switches from OVSDB."
- #echo "chsw num_switches - chsw 200 #get all switches and their current controller connection"
- exit 1
-add-ovs ()
- for ((i=1;i<=$numsw;i++))
- do
- str=$(printf '%014X' $i); dpid=$prefix_dpid$str
- echo "adding ovs switch s$i"
- sudo ovs-vsctl add-br "s"$i
- sudo ovs-vsctl set bridge "s"$i other-config:datapath-id=$dpid
- #echo "adding $numport dataplane ports to switch s$i ... "
- for ((p=1; p<=$numport; p++))
- do
- echo "adding port $p to switch s$i ... "
- sudo ovs-vsctl add-port "s"$i "s"$i"p"$p
- done
- done
-del-ovs ()
- for ((i=1;i<=$numsw;i++))
- do
- #echo "deleting ovs switch s$i"
- sudo ovs-vsctl del-br "s"$i
- done
-conn-ovs ()
- i=1
- while (($i<=$numsw))
- do
- for ctrl_port in ${list_ctrl[@]}
- do
- if (($i!=0))
- then
- #ovsctrl="tcp:"$ctrl_port
- #echo "s"$i
- sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait --no-syslog set-controller "s"$i "tcp:"$ctrl_port &
- let i+=1
- sleep $sleeptimer
- fi
- done
- done
-disconn-ovs ()
- i=1
- while (($i<=$numsw))
- do
- ovsctrl="tcp:"
- #echo "s"$i
- sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set-controller "s"$i $ovsctrl &
- let i+=1
- sleep $sleeptimer
- done
-get-ovs ()
- i=$numsw
- while (($i>0))
- do
- echo "s"$i
- sudo ovs-vsctl get-controller "s"$i
- let i-=1
- done
-loadsw ()
- echo "adding $numsw ovs switches..."
- add-ovs
- echo "starting to generate south bound load ...."
- let "roundtime = numsw / rate"
- #let "iter = duration / roundtime / 2 "
- iter=1
- echo "Running load for $duration seconds..."
- start=$(date +%s )
- time while [[ $(( $(date +%s) - start )) -lt $duration ]]
- do
- #echo "start time is: $start"
- #echo "current time is: $(date +%s)"
- #echo "diff is: $(($(date +%s) - $start ))"
- time conn-ovs; echo "Number of switches connected: $numsw. Events generated: $(( ($numport + 2) * $numsw )) - each switch added generates one switch event, one default port event, and $numport dataplane port events."
- time disconn-ovs; echo "Number of switches disconnected: $numsw. Events generated: $(( ($numport + 2) * $numsw )) - each switch added generates one switch event, one default port event, and $numport dataplane port events."
- let "iter = iter + 1"
- done
- echo "Iteration is: $iter"
- let "total = (( iter * numsw * (numport + 2))) "
- echo "************************** "
- echo "Total number of switches connected/disconnected: $(( iter * numsw * 2 )). Total events generated: $(( 2 * total)) - each switch added generates one switch event, one default port event, and $numport dataplane port events."
- echo "**************************"
- echo ""
- echo "deleting $numsw ovs switches ..."
- del-ovs
-case "$1" in
- addsw)
- time add-ovs
- ;;
- delsw)
- time del-ovs
- ;;
- startload)
- echo $sleeptimer
- time loadsw
- ;;
- chksw)
- time get-ovs
- ;;
- #*)
- #exit 1