[ONOS-7356] Decouple Scapy from TestON tests
 - Create MininetScapyCliDriver for mininet based scapy tests
 - Move scapy related setup to a single test case in FUNCflow and

Change-Id: I02e628b1fda6e6f6f7cafde420749ddda88e898f
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetscapyclidriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetscapyclidriver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4874c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetscapyclidriver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright 2016 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <onos-test@onosproject.org>,
+the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/voMg>,
+or the System Testing Guide page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/WYQg>
+TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+( at your option ) any later version.
+TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with TestON.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+MininetScapyCliDriver is for controlling scapy hosts running in Mininet
+TODO: Add Explanation on how to install scapy
+import pexpect
+import re
+import sys
+import types
+import os
+from drivers.common.cli.emulator.scapyclidriver import ScapyCliDriver
+class MininetScapyCliDriver( ScapyCliDriver ):
+    """
+    MininetScapyCliDriver is for controlling scapy hosts running in Mininet
+    """
+    def __init__( self ):
+        super( MininetScapyCliDriver, self ).__init__()
+        self.handle = self
+        self.name = None
+        self.home = None
+        self.wrapped = sys.modules[ __name__ ]
+        self.flag = 0
+        self.hostPrompt = "~#"
+        self.scapyPrompt = ">>>"
+    def connect( self, **connectargs ):
+        """
+        Here the main is the TestON instance after creating
+        all the log handles.
+        """
+        try:
+            for key in connectargs:
+                vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
+            self.home = self.options[ 'home' ] if 'home' in self.options.keys() else "~/mininet"
+            self.name = self.options[ 'name' ]
+            self.ifaceName = self.options[ 'ifaceName' ] if 'ifaceName' in self.options.keys() else self.name + "-eth0"
+            try:
+                if os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) ) is not None:
+                    self.ip_address = os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) )
+                else:
+                    main.log.info( self.name +
+                                   ": Trying to connect to " +
+                                   self.ip_address )
+            except KeyError:
+                main.log.info( "Invalid host name," +
+                               " connecting to local host instead" )
+                self.ip_address = 'localhost'
+            except Exception as inst:
+                main.log.error( "Uncaught exception: " + str( inst ) )
+            self.handle = super(
+                ScapyCliDriver,
+                self ).connect(
+                user_name=self.user_name,
+                ip_address=self.ip_address,
+                port=None,
+                pwd=self.pwd )
+            if self.handle:
+                main.log.info( "Connection successful to the host " +
+                               self.user_name +
+                               "@" +
+                               self.ip_address )
+                return main.TRUE
+            else:
+                main.log.error( "Connection failed to the host " +
+                                self.user_name +
+                                "@" +
+                                self.ip_address )
+                main.log.error( "Failed to connect to the Mininet Host" )
+                return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( self.name + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+    def disconnect( self ):
+        """
+        Called at the end of the test to stop the scapy component and
+        disconnect the handle.
+        """
+        self.handle.sendline( '' )
+        i = self.handle.expect( [ 'mininet>', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
+                                timeout=2 )
+        response = main.TRUE
+        if i == 0:
+            response = self.stopNet()
+        elif i == 1:
+            return main.TRUE
+        # print "Disconnecting Mininet"
+        if self.handle:
+            self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
+            self.handle.expect( "exit" )
+            self.handle.expect( "(.*)" )
+        else:
+            main.log.error( "Connection failed to the host" )
+        return response
+    def stopNet( self, fileName="", timeout=5 ):
+        """
+        Stops mininet.
+        Returns main.TRUE if the mininet successfully stops and
+                main.FALSE if the pexpect handle does not exist.
+        Will cleanup and exit the test if scapy fails to stop
+        """
+        main.log.info( self.name + ": Stopping scapy..." )
+        response = ''
+        if self.handle:
+            try:
+                self.handle.sendline( "" )
+                i = self.handle.expect( [ '>>>',
+                                          self.prompt,
+                                          pexpect.EOF,
+                                          pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
+                                        timeout )
+                if i == 0:
+                    main.log.info( "Exiting scapy..." )
+                response = self.execute(
+                    cmd="exit",
+                    prompt="(.*)",
+                    timeout=120 )
+                main.log.info( self.name + ": Stopped" )
+                response = main.TRUE
+                if i == 1:
+                    main.log.info( " Mininet trying to exit while not " +
+                                   "in the mininet prompt" )
+                elif i == 2:
+                    main.log.error( "Something went wrong exiting mininet" )
+                elif i == 3:  # timeout
+                    main.log.error( "Something went wrong exiting mininet " +
+                                    "TIMEOUT" )
+                if fileName:
+                    self.handle.sendline( "" )
+                    self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+                    self.handle.sendline(
+                        "sudo kill -9 \`ps -ef | grep \"" +
+                        fileName +
+                        "\" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'\`" )
+            except pexpect.EOF:
+                main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+                main.log.error( self.name + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+                main.cleanAndExit()
+        else:
+            main.log.error( self.name + ": Connection failed to the host" )
+            response = main.FALSE
+        return response
+    def createHostComponent( self, name ):
+        """
+        Creates a new mininet cli component with the same parameters as self.
+        This new component is intended to be used to login to the hosts created
+        by mininet.
+        Arguments:
+            name - The string of the name of this component. The new component
+                   will be assigned to main.<name> .
+                   In addition, main.<name>.name = str( name )
+        """
+        try:
+            # look to see if this component already exists
+            getattr( main, name )
+        except AttributeError:
+            # namespace is clear, creating component
+            main.componentDictionary[ name ] = main.componentDictionary[ self.name ].copy()
+            main.componentDictionary[ name ][ 'connect_order' ] = str( int( main.componentDictionary[ name ][ 'connect_order' ] ) + 1 )
+            main.componentInit( name )
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        else:
+            # namespace is not clear!
+            main.log.error( name + " component already exists!" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+    def removeHostComponent( self, name ):
+        """
+        Remove host component
+        Arguments:
+            name - The string of the name of the component to delete.
+        """
+        try:
+            # Get host component
+            component = getattr( main, name )
+        except AttributeError:
+            main.log.error( "Component " + name + " does not exist." )
+            return main.FALSE
+        try:
+            # Disconnect from component
+            component.disconnect()
+            # Delete component
+            delattr( main, name )
+            # Delete component from ComponentDictionary
+            del( main.componentDictionary[ name ] )
+            return main.TRUE
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+    def startHostCli( self, host=None ):
+        """
+        Use the mininet m utility to connect to the host's cli
+        """
+        # These are fields that can be used by scapy packets. Initialized to None
+        self.hostIp = None
+        self.hostMac = None
+        try:
+            if not host:
+                host = self.name
+            self.handle.sendline( self.home + "/util/m " + host )
+            self.handle.sendline( "cd" )
+            self.handle.expect( self.hostPrompt )
+            self.handle.sendline( "" )
+            self.handle.expect( self.hostPrompt )
+            return main.TRUE
+        except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Command timed out" )
+            return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": connection closed." )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+if __name__ != "__main__":
+    sys.modules[ __name__ ] = MininetScapyCliDriver()
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/scapyclidriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/scapyclidriver.py
index 6ef63c4..418aa9e 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/scapyclidriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/scapyclidriver.py
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@
         self.wrapped = sys.modules[ __name__ ]
         self.flag = 0
         # TODO: Refactor driver to use these everywhere
-        self.hostPrompt = "~#"
-        self.bashPrompt = "\$"
+        self.hostPrompt = "\$"
         self.scapyPrompt = ">>>"
     def connect( self, **connectargs ):
@@ -56,15 +55,9 @@
             for key in connectargs:
                 vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
-            self.home = "~/mininet"
+            self.home = self.options[ 'home' ] if 'home' in self.options.keys() else "~/"
             self.name = self.options[ 'name' ]
-            for key in self.options:
-                if key == "home":
-                    self.home = self.options[ 'home' ]
-                    break
-            if self.home is None or self.home == "":
-                self.home = "~/mininet"
+            self.ifaceName = self.options[ 'ifaceName' ] if 'ifaceName' in self.options.keys() else self.name + "-eth0"
                 if os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) ) is not None:
                     self.ip_address = os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) )
@@ -114,152 +107,19 @@
         Called at the end of the test to stop the scapy component and
         disconnect the handle.
-        self.handle.sendline( '' )
-        i = self.handle.expect( [ 'mininet>', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
-                                timeout=2 )
         response = main.TRUE
-        if i == 0:
-            response = self.stopNet()
-        elif i == 1:
-            return main.TRUE
-        # print "Disconnecting Mininet"
-        if self.handle:
-            self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
-            self.handle.expect( "exit" )
-            self.handle.expect( "(.*)" )
-        else:
-            main.log.error( "Connection failed to the host" )
-        return response
-    def stopNet( self, fileName="", timeout=5 ):
-        """
-        Stops mininet.
-        Returns main.TRUE if the mininet successfully stops and
-                main.FALSE if the pexpect handle does not exist.
-        Will cleanup and exit the test if scapy fails to stop
-        """
-        main.log.info( self.name + ": Stopping scapy..." )
-        response = ''
-        if self.handle:
-            try:
-                self.handle.sendline( "" )
-                i = self.handle.expect( [ '>>>',
-                                          self.prompt,
-                                          pexpect.EOF,
-                                          pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
-                                        timeout )
-                if i == 0:
-                    main.log.info( "Exiting scapy..." )
-                response = self.execute(
-                    cmd="exit",
-                    prompt="(.*)",
-                    timeout=120 )
-                main.log.info( self.name + ": Stopped" )
-                response = main.TRUE
-                if i == 1:
-                    main.log.info( " Mininet trying to exit while not " +
-                                   "in the mininet prompt" )
-                elif i == 2:
-                    main.log.error( "Something went wrong exiting mininet" )
-                elif i == 3:  # timeout
-                    main.log.error( "Something went wrong exiting mininet " +
-                                    "TIMEOUT" )
-                if fileName:
-                    self.handle.sendline( "" )
-                    self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
-                    self.handle.sendline(
-                        "sudo kill -9 \`ps -ef | grep \"" +
-                        fileName +
-                        "\" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'\`" )
-            except pexpect.EOF:
-                main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
-                main.log.error( self.name + ":     " + self.handle.before )
-                main.cleanAndExit()
-        else:
-            main.log.error( self.name + ": Connection failed to the host" )
+        try:
+            if self.handle:
+                self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
+                self.handle.expect( "closed" )
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( self.name + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Connection failed to the host" )
             response = main.FALSE
         return response
-    def createHostComponent( self, name ):
-        """
-        Creates a new mininet cli component with the same parameters as self.
-        This new component is intended to be used to login to the hosts created
-        by mininet.
-        Arguments:
-            name - The string of the name of this component. The new component
-                   will be assigned to main.<name> .
-                   In addition, main.<name>.name = str( name )
-        """
-        try:
-            # look to see if this component already exists
-            getattr( main, name )
-        except AttributeError:
-            # namespace is clear, creating component
-            main.componentDictionary[ name ] = main.componentDictionary[ self.name ].copy()
-            main.componentDictionary[ name ][ 'connect_order' ] = str( int( main.componentDictionary[ name ][ 'connect_order' ] ) + 1 )
-            main.componentInit( name )
-        except Exception:
-            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
-            main.cleanAndExit()
-        else:
-            # namespace is not clear!
-            main.log.error( name + " component already exists!" )
-            main.cleanAndExit()
-    def removeHostComponent( self, name ):
-        """
-        Remove host component
-        Arguments:
-            name - The string of the name of the component to delete.
-        """
-        try:
-            # Get host component
-            component = getattr( main, name )
-        except AttributeError:
-            main.log.error( "Component " + name + " does not exist." )
-            return main.FALSE
-        try:
-            # Disconnect from component
-            component.disconnect()
-            # Delete component
-            delattr( main, name )
-            # Delete component from ComponentDictionary
-            del( main.componentDictionary[ name ] )
-            return main.TRUE
-        except Exception:
-            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
-            main.cleanAndExit()
-    def startHostCli( self, host=None ):
-        """
-        Use the mininet m utility to connect to the host's cli
-        """
-        # These are fields that can be used by scapy packets. Initialized to None
-        self.hostIp = None
-        self.hostMac = None
-        try:
-            if not host:
-                host = self.name
-            self.handle.sendline( self.home + "/util/m " + host )
-            self.handle.sendline( "cd" )
-            self.handle.expect( self.hostPrompt )
-            self.handle.sendline( "" )
-            self.handle.expect( self.hostPrompt )
-            return main.TRUE
-        except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
-            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Command timed out" )
-            return main.FALSE
-        except pexpect.EOF:
-            main.log.exception( self.name + ": connection closed." )
-            main.cleanAndExit()
-        except Exception:
-            main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
-            main.cleanAndExit()
     def startScapy( self, mplsPath="" ):
         Start the Scapy cli
@@ -847,7 +707,7 @@
         ifaceName - the name of the interface to listen on. If none is given,
-                    defaults to <host name>-eth0
+                    defaults to self.ifaceName which is <host name>-eth0
         pktFilter - A string in Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) format which
                     specifies which packets to sniff
         sniffCount - The number of matching packets to capture before returning
@@ -856,7 +716,7 @@
             # TODO: add all params, or use kwargs
-            ifaceName = str( ifaceName ) if ifaceName else self.name + "-eth0"
+            ifaceName = str( ifaceName ) if ifaceName else self.ifaceName
             # Set interface
             self.handle.sendline( ' conf.iface = "' + ifaceName + '"' )
             self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
@@ -946,7 +806,7 @@
         Save host's MAC address
-            ifaceName = str( ifaceName ) if ifaceName else self.name + "-eth0"
+            ifaceName = str( ifaceName ) if ifaceName else self.ifaceName
             cmd = 'get_if_hwaddr("' + str( ifaceName ) + '")'
             self.handle.sendline( cmd )
             self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCbgpls/FUNCbgpls.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCbgpls/FUNCbgpls.topo
index c8b48a0..1dd294d 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCbgpls/FUNCbgpls.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCbgpls/FUNCbgpls.topo
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-            <type>ScapyCliDriver</type>
+            <type>MininetScapyCliDriver</type>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params
index 6eda334..f40372c 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
     # 1 - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
     # 2 - install ONOS
     # 10 - Start mininet and verify topology
+    # 11 - Start mininet scapy hosts
+    # 12 - Stop mininet and scapy hosts
     # 66 - Testing Scapy
     # 100 - Check logs for Errors and Warnings
     # 1000 - Add flows with MAC selector
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@
     # 2000 - Add flows with ICMPv6 selector
     # 3000 - Delete flows
-    <testcases>1,2,10,1000,3000,1100,3000,1200,3000,1300,3000,1400,3000,1500,3000,1600,3000,1700,3000,1800,3000,1900,3000,2000,100</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,10,11,1000,3000,1100,3000,1200,3000,1300,3000,1400,3000,1500,3000,1600,3000,1700,3000,1800,3000,1900,3000,2000,12,100</testcases>
@@ -82,4 +84,8 @@
+    <SCAPY>
+        <HOSTNAMES>h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6</HOSTNAMES>
+    </SCAPY>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.py b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.py
index 7f2f01c..f161202 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.py
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
             main.delFlowSleep = int( main.params[ 'SLEEP' ][ 'delFlow' ] )
             main.debug = main.params[ 'DEBUG' ]
             main.swDPID = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'swDPID' ]
+            main.scapyHostNames = main.params[ 'SCAPY' ][ 'HOSTNAMES' ].split( ',' )
+            main.scapyHosts = []  # List of scapy hosts for iterating
             main.debug = True if "on" in main.debug else False
@@ -145,17 +147,77 @@
         main.topoRelated.compareTopos( main.Mininet1 )
+    def CASE11( self, main ):
+        """
+            Start Scapy with Mininet
+        """
+        main.case( "Starting scapy with Mininet" )
+        main.step( "Creating Host component" )
+        scapyResult = main.TRUE
+        for hostName in main.scapyHostNames:
+            main.Scapy.createHostComponent( hostName )
+            main.scapyHosts.append( getattr( main, hostName ) )
+        main.step( "Start scapy components" )
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.startHostCli()
+            host.startScapy()
+            host.updateSelf()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=scapyResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully created Scapy Components",
+                                 onfail="Failed to discover Scapy Components" )
+    def CASE12( self, main ):
+        """
+            Stop mininet and remove scapy host
+        """
+        try:
+            from tests.dependencies.utils import Utils
+        except ImportError:
+            main.log.error( "Utils not found exiting the test" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        try:
+            main.Utils
+        except ( NameError, AttributeError ):
+            main.Utils = Utils()
+        main.log.report( "Stop Mininet and Scapy" )
+        main.case( "Stop Mininet and Scapy" )
+        main.caseExplanation = "Stopping the current mininet topology " +\
+                                "to start up fresh"
+        main.step( "Stopping and Removing Scapy Host Components" )
+        scapyResult = main.TRUE
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            scapyResult = scapyResult and host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.info( "Stopped Scapy Host: {0}".format( host.name ) )
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            scapyResult = scapyResult and main.Scapy.removeHostComponent( host.name )
+            main.log.info( "Removed Scapy Host Component: {0}".format( host.name ) )
+        main.scapyHosts = []
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=scapyResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully stopped scapy and removed host components",
+                                 onfail="Failed to stop mininet and scapy" )
+        mininetResult = main.Utils.mininetCleanup( main.Mininet1 )
+        # Exit if topology did not load properly
+        if not ( mininetResult and scapyResult ):
+            main.cleanAndExit()
     def CASE66( self, main ):
         Testing scapy
         main.case( "Testing scapy" )
-        main.step( "Creating Host1 component" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
             main.log.debug( host.name )
@@ -210,12 +272,6 @@
                                  onfail="Fail" )
-        main.step( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
     def CASE1000( self, main ):
             Add flows with MAC selectors and verify the flows
@@ -229,15 +285,13 @@
                 "send a packet that only specifies the MAC src and dst."
         main.step( "Add flows with MAC addresses as the only selectors" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         # send output on port2
@@ -288,12 +342,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -312,15 +360,13 @@
                 "send a packet that only specifies the IP src and dst."
         main.step( "Add flows with IPv4 addresses as the only selectors" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         # send output on port2
@@ -371,12 +417,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -394,17 +434,13 @@
                                "send a packet that only specifies the IP src and dst."
         main.step( "Add flows with IPv6 addresses as the only selectors" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h5" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h6" )
-        hosts = [ main.h5, main.h6 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
             host.updateSelf( IPv6=True )
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         # send output on port2
@@ -454,12 +490,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h5" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h6" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -477,16 +507,13 @@
                 "specified, then verify the flow is added in ONOS, and finally " +\
                 "broadcast a packet with the correct VLAN tag."
-        # We do this here to utilize the hosts information
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h3" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h4" )
-        hosts = [ main.h3, main.h4 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         main.step( "Add a flow with the VLAN tag as the only selector" )
@@ -539,12 +566,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h3" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h4" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -563,16 +584,15 @@
                                "send a packet via scapy that has a MPLS label."
         main.step( "Add a flow with a MPLS selector" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
             host.startScapy( main.dependencyPath )
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
+        ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
         # ports
         egress = 2
@@ -655,12 +675,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -680,14 +694,13 @@
         main.step( "Add a flow with a TCP selector" )
         ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         egress = 2
@@ -740,12 +753,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -765,14 +772,13 @@
         main.step( "Add a flow with a UDP selector" )
         ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         egress = 2
@@ -825,12 +831,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -850,14 +850,13 @@
         main.step( "Add a flow with a ICMPv4 selector" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         egress = 2
@@ -907,12 +906,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -932,14 +925,13 @@
         main.step( "Add a flow with a ICMPv6 selector" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h5" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h6" )
-        hosts = [ main.h5, main.h6 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
             host.updateSelf( IPv6=True )
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         egress = 6
@@ -989,12 +981,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h5" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h6" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -1047,14 +1033,14 @@
         main.step( "Add flows with ARP addresses as the only selectors" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         ctrl = main.Cluster.active( 0 )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         # send output on port2
@@ -1104,12 +1090,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
@@ -1129,14 +1109,13 @@
         main.step( "Add a flow with a SCTP selector" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         # Add a flow that connects host1 on port1 to host2 on port2
         egress = 2
@@ -1186,12 +1165,6 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully sent a packet",
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo
index 41c97e3..6959073 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-            <type>ScapyCliDriver</type>
+            <type>MininetScapyCliDriver</type>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.params
index 90a5082..99a8e01 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.params
@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
     # CASE - Description
     # 1    - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
     # 2    - install ONOS
-    # 3    - Start mininet and verify topology
+    # 3    - Start mininet and scapy and verify topology
     # 4    - Testing Scapy
     # 5    - Testing GROUP with type "ALL"
     # 6    - Deleting the Group and Flow
     # 7    - Testing GROUP with type "INDIRECT"
     # 8    - Deleting the group and flow
+    # 10    - Stop mininet and scapy
     # 100  - Check logs for Errors and Warnings
-    <testcases>1,2,3,5,6,7,6,100</testcases>
+    <testcases>1,2,3,5,6,7,6,10,100</testcases>
@@ -68,4 +69,8 @@
+    <SCAPY>
+        <HOSTNAMES>h1,h2,h3,h4</HOSTNAMES>
+    </SCAPY>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.py b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.py
index 80ffe94..bbe759d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.py
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
             groupId = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'groupId' ]
             priority = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'priority' ]
             deviceId = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'swDPID' ]
+            main.scapyHostNames = main.params[ 'SCAPY' ][ 'HOSTNAMES' ].split( ',' )
+            main.scapyHosts = []  # List of scapy hosts for iterating
             main.debug = True if "on" in main.debug else False
             # -- INIT SECTION, ONLY RUNS ONCE -- #
@@ -153,17 +155,33 @@
         main.topoRelated.compareTopos( main.Mininet1 )
+        main.step( "Create hosts and start scapy" )
+        scapyResult = main.TRUE
+        for hostName in main.scapyHostNames:
+            main.Scapy.createHostComponent( hostName )
+            main.scapyHosts.append( getattr( main, hostName ) )
+        main.step( "Start scapy components" )
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.startHostCli()
+            host.startScapy()
+            host.updateSelf()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=scapyResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully created Scapy Components",
+                                 onfail="Failed to discover Scapy Components" )
     def CASE4( self, main ):
         Testing scapy
         main.case( "Testing scapy" )
-        main.step( "Creating Host1 component" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
             main.log.debug( host.name )
@@ -218,12 +236,6 @@
                                  onfail="Fail" )
-        main.step( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
     def CASE5( self, main ):
            Adding Group of type "ALL" using Rest api
@@ -307,17 +319,14 @@
         Sends a packet using  scapy
         main.step( "Testing Group by sending packet using Scapy" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h3" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h4" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2, main.h3, main.h4 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         main.log.info( "Constructing Packet" )
         main.h1.buildEther( dst=main.h1.hostMac )
         main.h1.buildIP( dst=main.h1.hostIp )
@@ -354,14 +363,6 @@
             main.log.info( "Failure!!!Packet sent to port 1 is not received at port 2,3 and 4" )
             stepResult = main.FALSE
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h3" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h4" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Packet sent to port 1 is received at port 2,3,4 ",
@@ -489,15 +490,14 @@
         Sends a packet using scapy
         main.step( "Testing Group by sending packet using Scapy" )
-        main.log.info( "Creating host components" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
-        hosts = [ main.h1, main.h2 ]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.startHostCli()
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.debug( host.name )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostIp )
+            main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
         main.log.info( "Constructing Packet" )
         main.h1.buildEther( dst=main.h1.hostMac )
         main.h1.buildIP( dst=main.h1.hostIp )
@@ -513,17 +513,50 @@
-        main.log.info( "Clean up host components" )
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.stopScapy()
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h1" )
-        main.Mininet1.removeHostComponent( "h2" )
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Packet sent to port 1 is received at port 2 successfully!!!",
                                  onfail="Failure!!!Packet sent to port 1 is not received at port 2" )
+    def CASE10( self, main ):
+        """
+            Stop mininet and remove scapy host
+        """
+        try:
+            from tests.dependencies.utils import Utils
+        except ImportError:
+            main.log.error( "Utils not found exiting the test" )
+            main.cleanAndExit()
+        try:
+            main.Utils
+        except ( NameError, AttributeError ):
+            main.Utils = Utils()
+        main.log.report( "Stop Mininet and Scapy" )
+        main.case( "Stop Mininet and Scapy" )
+        main.caseExplanation = "Stopping the current mininet topology " +\
+                                "to start up fresh"
+        main.step( "Stopping and Removing Scapy Host Components" )
+        scapyResult = main.TRUE
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            scapyResult = scapyResult and host.stopScapy()
+            main.log.info( "Stopped Scapy Host: {0}".format( host.name ) )
+        for host in main.scapyHosts:
+            scapyResult = scapyResult and main.Scapy.removeHostComponent( host.name )
+            main.log.info( "Removed Scapy Host Component: {0}".format( host.name ) )
+        main.scapyHosts = []
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=scapyResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully stopped scapy and removed host components",
+                                 onfail="Failed to stop mininet and scapy" )
+        mininetResult = main.Utils.mininetCleanup( main.Mininet1 )
+        # Exit if topology did not load properly
+        if not ( mininetResult and scapyResult ):
+            main.cleanAndExit()
     def CASE100( self, main ):
             Report errors/warnings/exceptions
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.topo
index 41c97e3..6959073 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCgroup/FUNCgroup.topo
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-            <type>ScapyCliDriver</type>
+            <type>MininetScapyCliDriver</type>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.topo
index ff5eccd..b5e4f03 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.topo
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
-            <type>ScapyCliDriver</type>
+            <type>MininetScapyCliDriver</type>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.topo
index 33bcf52..9f36491 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.topo
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
-            <type>ScapyCliDriver</type>
+            <type>MininetScapyCliDriver</type>