Changed copyMininetFile of onosdriver to scp function in clidriver

Change-Id: I52a11e7f97e727777e3ea891b453d4741fc32d1e
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMPscaleTopo/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SAMPscaleTopo/Dependency/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa67b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMPscaleTopo/Dependency/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+Custom topology for Mininet
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+import sys
+coreSwitches = {}
+spineSwitches = {}
+leafSwitches = {}
+endSwitches = {}
+allSwitches = {}
+# Counters for nodes
+totalSwitches = 0
+totalEndSwitches = 0
+totalHosts = 0
+endSwitchCount = 0 # total count of end switch in each row in gui
+class spineTopo( Topo ):
+    def __init__( self, **opts ):
+        "Create a topology."
+        Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+    def build( self, s, l, c, e, h, **opts ):
+        """
+            s = number of spine switches
+            l = number of leaf switches
+            c = number of core
+            e = number of end switch
+            h = number of end host
+        """
+        global totalSwitches
+        global coreSwitches
+        global spineSwitches
+        global leafSwitches
+        global endSwitches
+        global totalEndSwitches
+        global totalHosts
+        global allSwitches
+        global endSwitchCount
+        endSwitchCount = e
+        print "Creating topology with", s,"spine", l,"leaf", c,"core",\
+                e,"end switches and",h,"host for each end switches"
+        self.addCore( c )
+        self.addSpine( s )
+        self.addLeaf( l )
+        self.linkLayer( coreSwitches, spineSwitches )
+        self.linkLayer( spineSwitches, leafSwitches )
+        self.linkEndSwitch( e, leafSwitches )
+        self.linkHosts( h )
+        allSwitches = coreSwitches
+        allSwitches.update( spineSwitches )
+        allSwitches.update( leafSwitches )
+        allSwitches.update( endSwitches )
+        deviceData = self.createSwitchDict()
+        self.genCfgJson( deviceData )
+    def addCore( self, numSwitch ):
+        global totalSwitches
+        global coreSwitches
+        for i in range( numSwitch ):
+            coreSwitches[ 'core' + str( i + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
+                                             's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
+            totalSwitches += 1
+    def addSpine( self, numSwitch ):
+        global totalSwitches
+        global spineSwitches
+        for i in range( numSwitch ):
+            spineSwitches[ 'spine' + str( i + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
+                                                 's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
+            totalSwitches += 1
+    def addLeaf( self, numSwitch ):
+        global totalSwitches
+        global leafSwitches
+        for i in range( numSwitch ):
+            leafSwitches[ 'leaf' + str( i + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
+                                         's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
+            totalSwitches += 1
+    def addEnd( self ):
+        global totalSwitches
+        global totalEndSwitches
+        global endSwitches
+        endSwitches[ 'end' + str( totalEndSwitches + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
+                                      's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
+        totalSwitches += 1
+        totalEndSwitches += 1
+        return endSwitches[ 'end' + str( totalEndSwitches ) ]
+    def addEndHosts( self ):
+        global totalHosts
+        totalHosts += 1
+        host = self.addHost( 'h' + str( totalHosts ) )
+        return host
+    def linkHosts( self, numHosts ):
+        global endSwitches
+        switches = sorted( endSwitches.values() )
+        for sw in switches:
+            for i in xrange( numHosts ):
+                self.addLink( sw, self.addEndHosts() )
+    def linkLayer( self, topLayer, botLayer ):
+        """
+        Description:
+            The top layer is the upper layer in the spine topology eg. top layer
+            can be the spine and the bottom layer is the leaf, another is the
+            core layer is the top layer and the spine is the bottom layer and
+            so on.
+        Required:
+            topLayer - Upper layer in the spine topology to be linked in the
+                       layer below
+            botLater - Layer that is below the upper layer to be linked at
+        """
+        topSwitches = sorted( topLayer.keys() )
+        botSwitches = sorted( botLayer.keys() )
+        for topSw in topSwitches:
+            for botSw in botSwitches:
+                self.addLink( topLayer.get( topSw ), botLayer.get( botSw ) )
+    def linkEndSwitch( self, numSwitch, leafLayer ):
+        global totalSwitches
+        global totalEndSwitches
+        leaf = sorted( leafLayer.values() )
+        for i in xrange( len( leafSwitches ) ):
+            if len( leafSwitches ) == 1:
+                for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ 0 ], self.addEnd() )
+                break
+            if len( leafSwitches ) == 2:
+                for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
+                    endSw = self.addEnd()
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i ], endSw )
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i + 1 ], endSw )
+                break
+            if i == ( len( leafSwitches ) - 1 ) and len( leafSwitches )%2:
+                for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i ], self.addEnd() )
+                break
+            if i == 0:
+                for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
+                    endSw = self.addEnd()
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i ], endSw )
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i + 1 ], endSw )
+                continue
+            if i == 1:
+                continue
+            if i%2 == 0:
+                for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
+                    endSw = self.addEnd()
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i ], endSw )
+                    self.addLink( leaf[ i + 1 ], endSw )
+    def genCfgJson( self, deviceData ):
+        import json
+        configJson = {}
+        configJson[ "devices" ] = deviceData
+        with open( 'spine.json', 'w+' ) as outfile:
+            json.dump( configJson, outfile )
+        #cfgFile = open( "spine.json" , 'w+' )
+        #cfgFile.write( configJson )
+        #cfgFile.close()
+    def createSwitchDict( self ):
+        global allSwitches
+        global endSwitchCount
+        latitude = 0
+        longitude = 0
+        coreLong = -70
+        spineLong = -80
+        leafLong = -90
+        endLat = 30
+        rowCount = 0 # count of end switches or rows
+        colOffSet = 0 # off set for end switches; longitude
+        #for i in xrange( len( allSwitches ) ):
+        deviceList = []
+        deviceDict = {}
+        for sw in allSwitches:
+            tempSw = allSwitches.get( sw )
+            uri = str( "{0:0>16}".format( str( hex( int( tempSw[ 1: ] ) )\
+                            ).split( "x" )[ 1 ] ) )
+            mac = str( "{0:0>12}".format( str( hex( int( tempSw[ 1: ] ) )\
+                            ).split( "x" )[ 1 ] ) )
+            if "core" in sw:
+                latitude = 45
+                longitude = coreLong
+                coreLong += 2.5
+            elif "spine" in sw:
+                latitude = 40
+                longitude = spineLong
+                spineLong += 1.5
+            elif "leaf" in sw:
+                latitude = 35
+                longitude = leafLong
+                leafLong += 1.5
+            elif "end" in sw:
+                # Reset position and move to the right once every
+                # number of end switches
+                if rowCount == endSwitchCount:
+                    colOffSet += 2.5
+                    rowCount = 0
+                    endLat = 30
+                longitude = -80 + colOffSet
+                latitude = endLat
+                endLat -= 1
+                rowCount += 1
+            tempItem = { "alias": allSwitches.get( sw ) ,
+                         "uri": "of:" + uri,
+                         "mac": mac,
+                         "annotations": { "name": sw,
+                                          "latitude": latitude,
+                                          "longitude": longitude },
+                         "type": "SWITCH" }
+            deviceList.append( tempItem )
+        return deviceList
+    #def createHostsJson( hostDict ):
+topos = { 'spine': ( lambda s=2, l=3, c=1, e=5, h=1: spineTopo( s=s,
+                                                                l=l,
+                                                                c=c,
+                                                                e=e,
+                                                                h=h) ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+    "Create network"
+    topo = spineTopo()
+    #if controller_ip == '':
+        #controller_ip = '';
+    #    controller_ip = '';
+    network = Mininet( topo=topo,
+                       autoSetMacs=True,
+                       controller=None )
+    network.start()
+    CLI( network )
+    network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setLogLevel( 'info' )
+    #setLogLevel('debug')
+    setupNetwork()