Merge branch 'ONOS-Next' of into ONOS-Next
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index 03fc5ca..9c48e32 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@
pattern = 'Results\:\s0\%\sdropped\s'
#FIXME:Pending Mininet Pull Request #408
#pattern = 'Results\:\s0\.00\%\sdropped\s'
- print response
#if utilities.assert_matches(expect=pattern,actual=response,onpass="All hosts are reaching",onfail="Unable to reach all the hosts"):
if,response):": All hosts are reachable")
@@ -799,6 +798,62 @@
+ def compare_switches(self, topo, switches_json):
+ '''
+ Compare mn and onos switches
+ topo: sts TestONTopology object
+ switches_json: parsed json object from the onos devices api
+ This uses the sts TestONTopology object
+ '''
+ import json
+ results = main.TRUE
+ output = {"switches":[]}
+ for switch in topo.graph.switches: #iterate through the MN topology and pull out switches and and port info
+ #print vars(switch)
+ ports = []
+ for port in switch.ports.values():
+ #print port.hw_addr.toStr(separator = '')
+ ports.append({'of_port': port.port_no, 'mac': str(port.hw_addr).replace('\'',''), 'name':})
+ output['switches'].append({"name":, "dpid": str(switch.dpid).zfill(16), "ports": ports })
+ #print output
+ #print json.dumps(output, sort_keys=True,indent=4,separators=(',', ': '))
+ # created sorted list of dpid's in MN and ONOS for comparison
+ mnDPIDs=[]
+ for switch in output['switches']:
+ mnDPIDs.append(switch['dpid'])
+ mnDPIDs.sort()
+ #print mnDPIDs
+ if switches_json == "":#if rest call fails
+ main.log.error( + ".compare_topo(): Empty JSON object given from ONOS")
+ return main.FALSE
+ onos=switches_json
+ onosDPIDs=[]
+ for switch in onos:
+ onosDPIDs.append(switch['id'].replace(":",'').replace("of",''))
+ #print switch
+ onosDPIDs.sort()
+ #print onosDPIDs
+ if mnDPIDs!=onosDPIDs:
+ switch_results = main.FALSE
+ "Switches in MN but not in ONOS:")
+ str([switch for switch in mnDPIDs if switch not in onosDPIDs]))
+ "Switches in ONOS but not in MN:")
+ str([switch for switch in onosDPIDs if switch not in mnDPIDs]))
+ else:#list of dpid's match in onos and mn
+"DEBUG: The dpid's of the switches in Mininet and ONOS match")
+ switch_results = main.TRUE
+ return switch_results
def compare_topo(self, topo, onos_json):
compares mn topology with ONOS topology