Change-Id: I9e738b2bea1c3faf2b8e1775c3ce005a093c472b
diff --git a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/README b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018e42d
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+++ b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/README
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+FUNCflow test suite
+ This test suite consists of basic flow-rule based functionality testing.
+ The main goal of this test suite is to verify that the flow subsytem is
+ compiling flows correctly. We verify each flow by utilizing Scapy, a
+ Python library for generating and sending packets. The following is an
+ overview of the test.
+ Steps:
+ - Discover hosts
+ - add specific flow
+ - verify flow
+ - remove flow
+ Each repetion of the steps tests a specific selector. Here is a list
+ of the selectors that are being tested:
+ Selectors:
+ - MAC
+ - IPv4
+ - VLAN
+ - MPLS
+ - TCP
+ - UDP
+ We verify the selectors by sending a tailor made packet through the
+ two hosts. If the packet was recieved, then the flow was compiled
+ correctly.
+ The topology consists of one switch with four hosts connected to it.
+ Two hosts are regular IPv4 hosts, while the other two are hosts with
+ vlan interfaces to test the vlan selector.
+ This test requires Mininet topology file located in the
+ dependency folder. The topology consistes of VLAN hosts, so you will
+ need to install the VLAN module. You will also need to install the
+ Python module, Scapy.
+VLAN configuration:
+ Execute command:
+ $ sudo apt-get install vlan
+ Configuration:
+ $ sudo modprobe 8021q
+ NOTE:To make this configuration permanent
+ $ sudo su -c 'echo "8021q" >> /etc/modules'
+Scapy install:
+ sudo apt-get install Scapy