Merge "Add a Jenkinsfile for the SCPF tests"
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index c4ea4c8..18f0914 100755
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -5101,23 +5101,25 @@
             for i in range( 1, logNum ):
                 logPaths = logPath + str( i ) + " " + logPaths
             cmd = "cat " + logPaths
+            if startLine:
+                # 100000000 is just a extreme large number to make sure this function can grep all the lines after startLine
+                cmd = cmd + " | grep -A 100000000 \'" + startLine + "\'"
             if mode == 'all':
                 cmd = cmd + " | grep \'" + searchTerm + "\'"
-            if mode == 'last':
+            elif mode == 'last':
                 cmd = cmd + " | grep \'" + searchTerm + "\'" + " | tail -n 1"
-            if mode == 'first':
-                if startLine != '':
-                    # 100000000 is just a extreme large number to make sure this function can grep all the lines after startLine
-                    cmd = cmd + " | grep -A 100000000 \'" + startLine + "\' | grep \'" + searchTerm + "\'" + "| head -n 1"
-                else:
-                    cmd = cmd + " | grep \'" + searchTerm + "\'" + " | head -n 1"
-            if mode == 'num':
+            elif mode == 'first':
+                cmd = cmd + " | grep \'" + searchTerm + "\'" + " | head -n 1"
+            elif mode == 'num':
                 cmd = cmd + " | grep -c \'" + searchTerm + "\'"
                 num = self.sendline( cmd )
                 return num
-            if mode == 'total':
+            elif mode == 'total':
                 totalLines = self.sendline( "cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | wc -l" )
                 return int(totalLines)
+            else:
+                main.log.error( + " unsupported mode" )
+                return main.ERROR
             before = self.sendline( cmd )
             before = before.splitlines()
             # make sure the returned list only contains the search term
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params
index c3c0ff6..64e0ab5 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-        <cellApps>drivers,null,intentperf,metrics</cellApps>
+        <cellApps>drivers,null,metrics</cellApps>
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-        <verify>5</verify>
+        <verify>10</verify>
         # timeout for pexpect
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/
index ac0a673..ae0af63 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/
@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@
         main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount", value=main.deviceCount)
         main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "topoShape", value="reroute")
         main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled", value="true")
-        main.CLIs[0].setCfg("", "backupEnabled", value="false")
+        # "bakcupEnabled" should be true by default. Not sure if it's intended or not to disable it. Seems no impact to test results.
+        #main.CLIs[0].setCfg("", "backupEnabled", value="false")
         if main.flowObj:
                                 "useFlowObjectives", value="true")
@@ -271,24 +272,21 @@
         import json
         # from scipy import stats
-        ts = time.time()
         for batchSize in main.intentsList:
             main.batchSize = batchSize
   "Intent Batch size: " + str(batchSize) + "\n      ")
-            main.LatencyList = []
-            main.LatencyListTopoToFirstInstalled = []
-            main.LatencyListFirstInstalledToLastInstalled = []
+            firstLocalLatencies = []
+            lastLocalLatencies = []
+            firstGlobalLatencies = []
+            lastGlobalLatencies = []
+            main.startLine = {}
             main.validRun = 0
             main.invalidRun = 0
-            # initial a variables to record the term of startLine in karaf logs of each node
-            main.totalLines = []
-            for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
-                main.totalLines.append( '' )
             while main.validRun <= main.warmUp + main.sampleSize and main.invalidRun <= main.maxInvalidRun:
                 if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
-          "Starting test iteration: {} ".format( main.validRun - main.warmUp))
+          "Valid iteration: {} ".format( main.validRun - main.warmUp))
           "Total iteration: {}".format( main.validRun + main.invalidRun))
@@ -298,140 +296,112 @@
                 main.CLIs[0].pushTestIntents(main.ingress, main.egress, main.batchSize,
                                              offset=1, options="-i", timeout=main.timeout)
-                # check links and flows
-                k = 0
-                main.verify = main.FALSE
-                linkCheck = 0
-                flowsCheck = 0
-                while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
-                    time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
-                    summary = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary(timeout=main.timeout))
-                    linkCheck = summary.get("links")
-                    flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
-                    if linkCheck == main.deviceCount * 2 and flowsCheck == batchSize * (main.deviceCount - 1 ):
-              "links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
-                        main.verify = main.TRUE
-                        break
-                    k += 1
+                # check links, flows and intents
+                main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.sanityCheck( main, main.deviceCount * 2, batchSize * (main.deviceCount - 1 ), main.batchSize )
                 if not main.verify:
-                    main.log.warn("Links or flows number not as expected")
-                    main.log.warn("links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
-                    # bring back topology
-                    main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.bringBackTopology( main )
-                    if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
-                        main.invalidRun += 1
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        main.validRun += 1
-                        continue
-                # Bring link down
+                    main.log.warn( "Sanity check failed, skipping this iteration..." )
+                    continue
+                # Insert one line in karaf.log before link down
+                for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+                    main.CLIs[ i ].log( "\'Scale: {}, Batch:{}, Iteration: {}\'".format( main.numCtrls, batchSize, main.validRun + main.invalidRun ) )
+                # bring link down
                 main.CLIs[0].link( main.end1[ 'port' ], main.end2[ 'port' ], "down",
                                   timeout=main.timeout, showResponse=False)
-                main.verify = main.FALSE
-                k = 0
-                while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
-                    time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
-                    summary = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary(timeout=main.timeout))
-                    linkCheck = summary.get("links")
-                    flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
-                    if linkCheck == (main.deviceCount - 1) * 2 and flowsCheck == batchSize * main.deviceCount:
-              "links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
-                        main.verify = main.TRUE
-                        break
-                    k += 1
+                # check links, flows and intents
+                main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.sanityCheck( main, (main.deviceCount - 1) * 2, batchSize * main.deviceCount, main.batchSize )
                 if not main.verify:
-                    main.log.warn("Links or flows number not as expected")
-                    main.log.warn("links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
-                    # bring back topology
-                    main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.bringBackTopology( main )
-                    if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
-                        main.invalidRun += 1
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        main.validRun += 1
-                        continue
-                # record the link romving time as the startLine
+                    main.log.warn( "Sanity check failed, skipping this iteration..." )
+                    continue
+                # Get timestamp of last LINK_REMOVED event as separator between iterations
+                skip = False
                 for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
-                    logNum = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.checkLog( main, i )
-                    main.totalLines[i] = str(main.CLIs[ i ].getTimeStampFromLog( "last", "LINK_REMOVED", "time = ", " ", logNum=logNum ))
-          "Node " + str( i+1 ) + ": the start timestamp is " + main.totalLines[i] + " this iteration" )
-                #Calculate values
-                lastTopologyToFirstInstalled, firstInstalledToLastInstalled, totalTime = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.getValues( main )
-                if totalTime == -1:
+                    logNum = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.getLogNum( main, i )
+                    timestamp = str( main.CLIs[ i ].getTimeStampFromLog( "last", "LINK_REMOVED", "time = ", " ", logNum=logNum ) )
+                    if timestamp == main.ERROR:
+                        # Try again in case that the log number just increased
+                        logNum = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.getLogNum( main, i )
+                        timestamp = str( main.CLIs[ i ].getTimeStampFromLog( "last", "LINK_REMOVED", "time = ", " ", logNum=logNum ) )
+                    if timestamp == main.ERROR:
+                        main.log.warn( "Cannot find the event we want in the log, skipping this iteration..." )
+                        main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.bringBackTopology( main )
+                        if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
+                            main.invalidRun += 1
+                        else:
+                            main.validRun += 1
+                        skip = True
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        main.startLine[ i ] = timestamp
+               "Timestamp of last LINK_REMOVED event on node {} is {}".format( i+1, main.startLine[ i ] ) )
+                if skip: continue
+                # calculate values
+                topologyTimestamps = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.getTopologyTimestamps( main )
+                intentTimestamps = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.getIntentTimestamps( main )
+                if intentTimestamps == main.ERROR or topologyTimestamps == main.ERROR:
+           "Got invalid timestamp, skipping this iteration..." )
+                    main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.bringBackTopology( main )
                     if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
                         main.invalidRun += 1
                         main.validRun += 1
-          "Get valid latency")
+           "Got valid timestamps" )
+                firstLocalLatnecy, lastLocalLatnecy, firstGlobalLatency, lastGlobalLatnecy = main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.calculateLatency( main, topologyTimestamps, intentTimestamps )
+                if firstLocalLatnecy < 0:
+           "Got negative latency, skipping this iteration..." )
+                    main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.bringBackTopology( main )
+                    if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
+                        main.invalidRun += 1
+                    else:
+                        main.validRun += 1
+                    continue
+                else:
+           "Got valid latencies" )
                     main.validRun += 1
-                # Verify Summary after we bring up link, and withdrawn intents
+                firstLocalLatencies.append( firstLocalLatnecy )
+                lastLocalLatencies.append( lastLocalLatnecy )
+                firstGlobalLatencies.append( firstGlobalLatency )
+                lastGlobalLatencies.append( lastGlobalLatnecy )
+                # bring up link and withdraw intents
                 main.CLIs[0].link( main.end1[ 'port' ], main.end2[ 'port' ], "up",
-                k = 0
-                main.verify = main.FALSE
-                linkCheck = 0
-                flowsCheck = 0
-                while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
-                    time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
-                    main.CLIs[0].pushTestIntents(main.ingress, main.egress, batchSize,
-                                                 offset=1, options="-w", timeout=main.timeout)
-                    main.CLIs[0].purgeWithdrawnIntents()
-                    summary = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary())
-                    linkCheck = summary.get("links")
-                    flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
-                    intentCheck = summary.get("intents")
-                    if linkCheck == main.deviceCount * 2 and flowsCheck == 0 and intentCheck == 0:
-              "links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck, intentCheck))
-                        main.verify = main.TRUE
-                        break
-                    k += 1
+                main.CLIs[0].pushTestIntents(main.ingress, main.egress, batchSize,
+                                             offset=1, options="-w", timeout=main.timeout)
+                main.CLIs[0].purgeWithdrawnIntents()
+                # check links, flows and intents
+                main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.sanityCheck( main, main.deviceCount * 2, 0, 0 )
                 if not main.verify:
-                    main.log.error("links, flows or intents number not as expected")
-          "links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck, intentCheck))
-                    # bring back topology
-                    main.intentRerouteLatFuncs.bringBackTopology( main )
-      "total negative results num: " + str( main.record ) )
-            aveLatency = 0
-            aveLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled = 0
-            aveLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled = 0
-            stdLatency = 0
-            stdLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled = 0
-            stdLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled = 0
-            aveLatency = numpy.average( main.LatencyList )
-            aveLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled = numpy.average( main.LatencyListTopoToFirstInstalled )
-            aveLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled = numpy.average( main.LatencyListFirstInstalledToLastInstalled )
-            stdLatency = numpy.std( main.LatencyList )
-            stdLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled = numpy.std( main.LatencyListTopoToFirstInstalled )
-            stdLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled = numpy.std( main.LatencyListFirstInstalledToLastInstalled )
+            aveLocalLatency = numpy.average( lastLocalLatencies )
+            aveGlobalLatency = numpy.average( lastGlobalLatencies )
+            stdLocalLatency = numpy.std( lastLocalLatencies )
+            stdGlobalLatency = numpy.std( lastGlobalLatencies )
    "Scale: " + str( main.numCtrls ) + "  \tIntent batch: " + str( batchSize ) )
-   "Total Latency average:................" + str( aveLatency ) )
-   "Latency standard deviation:..........." + str( stdLatency ) )
-   "Last Topology to first installed Latency average:................." + str( aveLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled ) )
-   "Last Topology to first installed Latency standard deviation:......" + str( stdLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled ) )
-   "First installed to last installed Latency average:................" + str( aveLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled ) )
-   "First installed to last installed Latency standard deviation:....." + str( stdLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled ) )
+   "Local latency average:................" + str( aveLocalLatency ) )
+   "Global latency average:................" + str( aveGlobalLatency ) )
+   "Local latency std:................" + str( stdLocalLatency ) )
+   "Global latency std:................" + str( stdGlobalLatency ) )
    "________________________________________________________" )
-            if not (numpy.isnan(aveLatency) or numpy.isnan(stdLatency)):
+            if not ( numpy.isnan( aveLocalLatency ) or numpy.isnan( aveGlobalLatency ) ):
                 # check if got NaN for result
-                resultsDB = open(main.dbFileName, "a")
-                resultsDB.write("'" + main.commit + "',")
-                resultsDB.write(str(main.numCtrls) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(batchSize) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(aveLatency) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(stdLatency) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(aveLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(stdLatencyTopoToFirstInstalled) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(aveLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled) + ",")
-                resultsDB.write(str(stdLatencyFirstInstalledToLastInstalled) + "\n")
+                resultsDB = open( main.dbFileName, "a" )
+                resultsDB.write( "'" + main.commit + "'," )
+                resultsDB.write( str( main.numCtrls ) + "," )
+                resultsDB.write( str( batchSize ) + "," )
+                resultsDB.write( str( aveLocalLatency ) + "," )
+                resultsDB.write( str( stdLocalLatency ) + "\n" )
-        del main.scale[0]
+        del main.scale[ 0 ]
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/dependencies/
index 24cf32b..1f830ad 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/dependencies/
@@ -4,20 +4,40 @@
 import numpy
 import time
+import json
 def _init_( self ):
     self.default = ''
-def checkLog( main, nodeId ):
-    try:
-        logNames = main.ONOSbench.listLog( main.onosIp[ nodeId ] )
-        assert logNames is not None
-        if len( logNames ) >= 2:
-            return 2
-        return 1
-    except AssertionError:
-        main.log.error("There is no karaf log")
-        return -1
+def sanityCheck( main, linkNumExpected, flowNumExpected, intentNumExpected ):
+    '''
+    Sanity check on numbers of links, flows and intents in ONOS
+    '''
+    attemps = 0
+    main.verify = main.FALSE
+    linkNum = 0
+    flowNum = 0
+    intentNum = 0
+    while attemps <= main.verifyAttempts:
+        time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
+        summary = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].summary( timeout=main.timeout ) )
+        linkNum = summary.get("links")
+        flowNum = summary.get("flows")
+        intentNum = summary.get("intents")
+        if linkNum == linkNumExpected and flowNum == flowNumExpected and intentNum == intentNumExpected:
+  "links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {}".format(linkNum, flowNum, intentNum))
+            main.verify = main.TRUE
+            break
+        attemps += 1
+    if not main.verify:
+        main.log.warn("Links or flows or intents number not as expected")
+        main.log.warn("links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {}".format(linkNum, flowNum, intentNum))
+        # bring back topology
+        bringBackTopology( main )
+        if main.validRun >= main.warmUp:
+            main.invalidRun += 1
+        else:
+            main.validRun += 1
 def bringBackTopology( main ): "Bring back topology " )
@@ -35,75 +55,86 @@
         main.CLIs[ 0 ].deviceRole(main.end2[ 'name' ], main.ONOSip[ 0 ])
     time.sleep( main.setMasterSleep )
-def getValues( main ):
+def getLogNum( main, nodeId ):
-    Calculated the wanted values for intentRerouteTest
-    1. Get the first "last topology timestamp" from karaf.log in different node
-    2. Get the first "first intent installed timestamp" from  karaf log in different node
-    3. Get the last "last intent installed timestamp" from karaf log in different node
-    Return:
-        last_topology_to_first_installed: The time from the last topology to the first intent installed
-        first_installed_to_last_installed: Time time from the first topology to the last intent installed
-        totalTime: The time from the last topology to the last intent installed
+    Return the number of karaf log files
-    lastTopologyTimestamp = compareTimestamp( main, main.searchTerm[ "TopologyTime" ], "creationTime=", ",",  'last',func='min' )
-    firstIntentInstalledTimestamp = compareTimestamp( main, main.searchTerm[ "InstallTime" ], "time = ", " ",  'first',func='min' )
-    lastIntentInstalledTimestamp = compareTimestamp( main, main.searchTerm[ "InstallTime" ], "time = ", " ",  'last',func='max' )
-    if lastTopologyTimestamp == -1 or firstIntentInstalledTimestamp == -1 or lastIntentInstalledTimestamp == -1:
-        main.log.warn( "Can't get timestamp from karaf log! " )
-        bringBackTopology( main )
-        return -1, -1, -1
-    #calculate values
-    lastTopologyToFirstInstalled = firstIntentInstalledTimestamp - lastTopologyTimestamp
-    if lastTopologyToFirstInstalled < 0:
-        main.record = main.record + 1
-    firstInstalledToLastInstalled = lastIntentInstalledTimestamp - firstIntentInstalledTimestamp
-    totalTime = lastIntentInstalledTimestamp - lastTopologyTimestamp
-    if main.validRun >= main.warmUp and main.verify:
- "Last topology time stamp: {0:f}".format( lastTopologyTimestamp ))
- "First installed time stamp: {0:f}".format( firstIntentInstalledTimestamp ))
- "Last installed time stamp: {0:f}".format( lastIntentInstalledTimestamp ))
- "Last topology to first installed latency:{0:f}".format( lastTopologyToFirstInstalled ))
- "First installed to last installed latency:{0:f}".format( firstInstalledToLastInstalled ))
- "Overall latency:{0:f}".format( totalTime ))
-        main.LatencyList.append( totalTime )
-        main.LatencyListTopoToFirstInstalled.append( lastTopologyToFirstInstalled )
-        main.LatencyListFirstInstalledToLastInstalled.append( firstInstalledToLastInstalled )
-    return lastTopologyToFirstInstalled, firstInstalledToLastInstalled, totalTime
-def compareTimestamp( main, compareTerm, splitTerm_before, splitTerm_after, mode, func='max' ):
-    '''
-    Compare all the timestamps of compareTerm from different node.
-    func:
-        max: Compare which one is the biggest and retun it
-        min: Compare which one is the smallest and return it
-    return:
-        This function will return the biggest or smallest timestamps of the compareTerm.
-    '''
-    compareTermList = []
-    for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
-        timestamp = main.CLIs[ i ].getTimeStampFromLog( mode, compareTerm, splitTerm_before, splitTerm_after, startLine=main.totalLines[ i ], logNum=checkLog( main, i ) )
-        compareTermList.append( timestamp )
-    for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- "ONOS Node {} {} {} time stamp: {}".format((i+1), mode, compareTerm, compareTermList[ i ]))
-    x = min( compareTermList )
-    if x == -1:
-        main.log.warn( "Can't compare timestamps" )
+    try:
+        logNameList = main.ONOSbench.listLog( main.onosIp[ nodeId ] )
+        assert logNameList is not None
+        # FIXME: are two karaf logs enough to cover the events we want?
+        if len( logNameList ) >= 2:
+            return 2
+        return 1
+    except AssertionError:
+        main.log.error("There is no karaf log")
         return -1
-    else:
-        if func == 'max':
-            return max( compareTermList )
-        if func == 'min':
-            return min( compareTermList )
+def getTopologyTimestamps( main ):
+    '''
+    Get timestamps for the last topology events on all cluster nodes
+    '''
+    timestamps = []
+    for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+        # Search for last topology event in karaf log
+        lines = main.CLIs[ i ].logSearch( mode='last', searchTerm=main.searchTerm[ "TopologyTime" ], startLine=main.startLine[ i ], logNum=getLogNum( main, i ) )
+        if lines is None or len( lines ) != 1:
+            main.log.error( "Error when trying to get topology event timestamp" )
+            return main.ERROR
+        try:
+            timestampField = lines[0].split( "creationTime=" )
+            timestamp = timestampField[ 1 ].split( "," )
+            timestamp = int( timestamp[ 0 ] )
+            timestamps.append( timestamp )
+        except KeyError:
+            main.log.error( "Error when trying to get intent key or timestamp" )
+            return main.ERROR
+    return timestamps
+def getIntentTimestamps( main ):
+    '''
+    Get timestamps for all intent keys on all cluster nodes
+    '''
+    timestamps = {}
+    for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+        # Search for intent INSTALLED event in karaf log
+        lines = main.CLIs[ i ].logSearch( mode='all', searchTerm=main.searchTerm[ "InstallTime" ], startLine=main.startLine[ i ], logNum=getLogNum( main, i ) )
+        if lines is None or len( lines ) == 0:
+            main.log.error( "Error when trying to get intent key or timestamp" )
+            return main.ERROR
+        for line in lines:
+            try:
+                # Get intent key
+                keyField = line.split( "key=" )
+                key = keyField[ 1 ].split( "," )
+                key = key[ 0 ]
+                if not key in timestamps.keys():
+                    timestamps[ key ] = []
+                # Get timestamp
+                timestampField = line.split( "time = " )
+                timestamp = timestampField[ 1 ].split( " " )
+                timestamp = int( timestamp[ 0 ] )
+                timestamps[ key ].append( timestamp )
+            except KeyError:
+                main.log.error( "Error when trying to get intent key or timestamp" )
+                return main.ERROR
+    return timestamps
+def calculateLatency( main, topologyTimestamps, intentTimestamps ):
+    '''
+    Calculate reroute latency values using timestamps
+    '''
+    topologyTimestamp = numpy.min( topologyTimestamps )
+    firstInstalledLatency = {}
+    lastInstalledLatency = {}
+    for key in intentTimestamps.keys():
+        firstInstalledTimestamp = numpy.min( intentTimestamps[ key ] )
+        lastInstalledTimestamp = numpy.max( intentTimestamps[ key ] )
+        firstInstalledLatency[ key ] = firstInstalledTimestamp - topologyTimestamp
+        lastInstalledLatency[ key ] = lastInstalledTimestamp - topologyTimestamp
+    firstLocalLatnecy = numpy.min( firstInstalledLatency.values() )
+    lastLocalLatnecy = numpy.max( firstInstalledLatency.values() )
+    firstGlobalLatency = numpy.min( lastInstalledLatency.values() )
+    lastGlobalLatnecy = numpy.max( lastInstalledLatency.values() )
+ "firstLocalLatnecy: {}, lastLocalLatnecy: {}, firstGlobalLatency: {}, lastGlobalLatnecy: {}".format( firstLocalLatnecy, lastLocalLatnecy, firstGlobalLatency, lastGlobalLatnecy ) )
+    return firstLocalLatnecy, lastLocalLatnecy, firstGlobalLatency, lastGlobalLatnecy