Merge "get networks/subnets/ports by none exsited id ,the return value is change"
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/Dependency/
index 0f25012..8d99934 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/Dependency/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/Dependency/
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ routeNumActual )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = routeNumExpected, actual = routeNumActual,
- onpass = "***Route number is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Route number is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Route number is correct!",
+ onfail = "Route number is wrong!" )
def checkM2SintentNum( main, intentNumExpected ):
main.step( "Check M2S intents installed" )
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ intentNumActual )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = intentNumExpected, actual = intentNumActual,
- onpass = "***M2S intent number is correct!***",
- onfail = "***M2S intent number is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "M2S intent number is correct!",
+ onfail = "M2S intent number is wrong!" )
def checkP2PintentNum( main, intentNumExpected ):
main.step( "Check P2P intents installed" )
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ intentNumActual )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = intentNumExpected, actual = intentNumActual,
- onpass = "***P2P intent number is correct!***",
- onfail = "***P2P intent number is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "P2P intent number is correct!",
+ onfail = "P2P intent number is wrong!" )
def checkFlowNum( main, switch, flowNumExpected ):
main.step( "Check flow entry number in " + switch )
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ flowNumActual )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = flowNumExpected, actual = flowNumActual,
- onpass = "***Flow number in " + switch + " is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow number in " + switch + " is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow number in " + switch + " is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow number in " + switch + " is wrong!" )
def pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
@@ -74,11 +74,9 @@
if expectAllSuccess:
- main.step( "Check ping between BGP peers and speakers, expect all tests\
- will SUCCEED" )
+ main.step( "BGP speakers ping peers, expect all tests to SUCCEED" )
- main.step( "Check ping between BGP peers and speakers, expect all tests\
- will FAIL" )
+ main.step( "BGP speakers ping peers, expect all tests to FAIL" )
result = True
if expectAllSuccess:
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/
index 82a6ea3..65166e8 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE_SdnipFunction/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import os
import imp
- "This case is to setup the Mininet testbed" )
+ "Setup the Mininet testbed" )
main.dependencyPath = main.testDir + \
main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'path' ]
main.topology = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'topology' ]
@@ -53,18 +53,19 @@
tunnelResult = main.TRUE
tunnelResult = main.Mininet.node( "root", command )
- if not tunnelResult:
-"Failed to create tunnel")
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = True,
+ actual = ( "PasswordAuthentication" in tunnelResult ),
+ onpass = "Created tunnel succeeded",
+ onfail = "Create tunnel failed" )
+ if ("PasswordAuthentication" not in tunnelResult) :
- elif "PasswordAuthentication" in tunnelResult:
-"Successfully created tunnel")
# This case is to setup ONOS
def CASE101( self, main ):
- CASE100 is to compile ONOS and install it
+ Compile ONOS and install it
Startup sequence:
cell <name>
@@ -84,52 +85,84 @@
main.step( "Applying cell variable to environment" )
cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = cellResult,
+ onpass = "Set cell succeeded",
+ onfail = "Set cell failed" )
verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = verifyResult,
+ onpass = "Verify cell succeeded",
+ onfail = "Verify cell failed" )
branchName = main.ONOSbench.getBranchName()
- "ONOS is on branch: " + branchName )
+ "ONOS is on branch: " + branchName )
- "Uninstalling ONOS" )
- main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( ONOS1Ip )
- # cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
- # gitPullResult = main.TRUE
+ main.log.step( "Uninstalling ONOS" )
+ uninstallResult = main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( ONOS1Ip )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = uninstallResult,
+ onpass = "Uninstall ONOS succeeded",
+ onfail = "Uninstall ONOS failed" )
main.step( "Git pull" )
gitPullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+ "gitPullResult" )
+ gitPullResult )
+ gitPullResult2 = ( gitPullResult == main.TRUE ) or ( gitPullResult == 3 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = True,
+ actual = gitPullResult2,
+ onpass = "Git pull ONOS succeeded",
+ onfail = "Git pull ONOS failed" )
main.step( "Using mvn clean install" )
if gitPullResult == main.TRUE:
- cleanInstallResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall( mciTimeout = 1000 )
+ mciResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall( mciTimeout = 1000 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = mciResult,
+ onpass = "Maven clean install ONOS succeeded",
+ onfail = "Maven clean install ONOS failed" )
main.log.warn( "Did not pull new code so skipping mvn " +
"clean install" )
- cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ mciResult = main.TRUE
main.ONOSbench.getVersion( report = True )
main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage( opTimeout = 500 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = packageResult,
+ onpass = "Package ONOS succeeded",
+ onfail = "Package ONOS failed" )
main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
onos1InstallResult = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( options = "-f",
- node = ONOS1Ip )
+ node = ONOS1Ip )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = onos1InstallResult,
+ onpass = "Install ONOS succeeded",
+ onfail = "Install ONOS failed" )
main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
- for i in range( 2 ):
- onos1Isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOS1Ip, timeout = 420 )
- if onos1Isup:
- break
- if not onos1Isup:
- "ONOS1 didn't start!" )
+ onos1UpResult = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOS1Ip, timeout = 420 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = onos1UpResult,
+ onpass = "ONOS is up",
+ onfail = "ONOS is NOT up" )
+ main.step( "Checking if ONOS CLI is ready" )
cliResult = main.ONOScli.startOnosCli( ONOS1Ip,
commandlineTimeout = 100, onosStartTimeout = 600 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = cliResult,
+ onpass = "ONOS CLI is ready",
+ onfail = "ONOS CLI is NOT ready" )
- caseResult = ( cleanInstallResult and packageResult and
- cellResult and verifyResult and
- onos1InstallResult and
- onos1Isup and cliResult )
+ caseResult = ( cellResult and verifyResult and
+ gitPullResult and mciResult and packageResult and
+ onos1InstallResult and onos1UpResult and cliResult )
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE, actual = caseResult,
onpass = "ONOS startup successful",
@@ -139,13 +172,18 @@
- main.step( "Get links in the network" )
+ "Get links in the network" )
listResult = main.ONOScli.links( jsonFormat = False ) listResult )
- "Activate sdn-ip application" )
- main.ONOScli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.sdnip" )
- "Wait sdn-ip to finish installing connectivity intents, \
+ main.step( "Activate sdn-ip application" )
+ activeSDNIPresult = main.ONOScli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.sdnip" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = activeSDNIPresult,
+ onpass = "Activate SDN-IP succeeded",
+ onfail = "Activate SDN-IP failed" )
+ "Wait SDN-IP to finish installing connectivity intents \
and the BGP paths in data plane are ready..." )
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SdnIpSetup' ] ) ) "Wait Quagga to finish delivery all routes to each \
@@ -158,7 +196,7 @@
This test case is to load the methods from other Python files.
- "Loading the methods from other Python file" )
+ "Loading methods from other Python file" )
# load the methods from other file
wrapperFile = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'wrapper1' ]
main.Functions = imp.load_source( wrapperFile,
@@ -172,7 +210,7 @@
ping test from 3 bgp peers to BGP speaker
- "This case is to check ping between BGP peers and speakers" )
+ "Ping tests between BGP peers and speakers" )
main.Functions.pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
peers = ["peer64514", "peer64515", "peer64516"],
expectAllSuccess = True )
@@ -182,10 +220,10 @@
point-to-point intents test for each BGP peer and BGP speaker pair
- "This case is to check point-to-point intents" )
+ "Check point-to-point intents" ) "There are %s BGP peers in total "
% main.params[ 'config' ][ 'peerNum' ] )
- main.step( "Get point-to-point intents from ONOS CLI" )
+ main.step( "Check P2P intents number from ONOS CLI" )
getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat = True )
bgpIntentsActualNum = \
@@ -198,15 +236,15 @@
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = True,
actual = eq( bgpIntentsExpectedNum, bgpIntentsActualNum ),
- onpass = "***PointToPointIntent Intent Num in SDN-IP are correct!***",
- onfail = "***PointToPointIntent Intent Num in SDN-IP are wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "PointToPointIntent Intent Num is correct!",
+ onfail = "PointToPointIntent Intent Num is wrong!" )
def CASE3( self, main ):
routes and intents check to all BGP peers
- "This case is to check routes and intents to all BGP peers" )
+ "Check routes and M2S intents to all BGP peers" )
allRoutesExpected = []
allRoutesExpected.append( "" + "/" + "" )
@@ -226,10 +264,10 @@ allRoutesStrActual )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = allRoutesStrExpected, actual = allRoutesStrActual,
- onpass = "***Routes in SDN-IP are correct!***",
- onfail = "***Routes in SDN-IP are wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Routes are correct!",
+ onfail = "Routes are wrong!" )
- main.step( "Check MultiPointToSinglePointIntent intents installed" )
+ main.step( "Check M2S intents installed" )
getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat = True )
routeIntentsActualNum = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualRouteIntentNum( getIntentsResult )
@@ -242,25 +280,22 @@
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = True,
actual = eq( routeIntentsExpectedNum, routeIntentsActualNum ),
- onpass = "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intent Num in SDN-IP is \
- correct!***",
- onfail = "***MultiPointToSinglePoint Intent Num in SDN-IP is \
- wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "MultiPointToSinglePoint Intent Num is correct!",
+ onfail = "MultiPointToSinglePoint Intent Num is wrong!" )
main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
def CASE4( self, main ):
Ping test in data plane for each route
- "This case is to check ping for each route, \
- all hosts behind BGP peers" )
+ "Ping test for each route, all hosts behind BGP peers" )
main.Functions.pingHostToHost( main,
hosts = ["host64514", "host64515", "host64516"],
expectAllSuccess = True )
@@ -271,46 +306,62 @@
Cut links to peers one by one, check routes/intents
import time
- "This case is to bring down links and check routes/intents" )
+ "Bring down links and check routes/intents" )
main.step( "Bring down the link between sw32 and peer64514" )
- result = END1 = "sw32", END2 = "peer64514",
- OPTION = "down" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
+ linkResult1 = END1 = "sw32", END2 = "peer64514",
+ OPTION = "down" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = linkResult1,
+ onpass = "Bring down link succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Bring down link failed!" )
+ if linkResult1 == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 2 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 2 )
- "Bring down link failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Bring down link failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Bring down the link between sw8 and peer64515" )
- result = END1 = "sw8", END2 = "peer64515",
- OPTION = "down" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
+ linkResult2 = END1 = "sw8", END2 = "peer64515",
+ OPTION = "down" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = linkResult2,
+ onpass = "Bring down link succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Bring down link failed!" )
+ if linkResult2 == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 1 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 1 )
- "Bring down link failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Bring down link failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Bring down the link between sw28 and peer64516" )
- result = END1 = "sw28", END2 = "peer64516",
- OPTION = "down" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
+ linkResult3 = END1 = "sw28", END2 = "peer64516",
+ OPTION = "down" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = linkResult3,
+ onpass = "Bring down link succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Bring down link failed!" )
+ if linkResult3 == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 0 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 0 )
- "Bring down link failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Bring down link failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
# Ping test
main.Functions.pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
@@ -326,46 +377,61 @@
Recover links to peers one by one, check routes/intents
import time
- "This case is to bring up links and check routes/intents" )
+ "Bring up links and check routes/intents" )
main.step( "Bring up the link between sw32 and peer64514" )
- result = END1 = "sw32", END2 = "peer64514",
- OPTION = "up" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
+ linkResult1 = END1 = "sw32", END2 = "peer64514",
+ OPTION = "up" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = linkResult1,
+ onpass = "Bring up link succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Bring up link failed!" )
+ if linkResult1 == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 1 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 1 )
- "Bring up link failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Bring up link failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Bring up the link between sw8 and peer64515" )
- result = END1 = "sw8", END2 = "peer64515",
- OPTION = "up" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
+ linkResult2 = END1 = "sw8", END2 = "peer64515",
+ OPTION = "up" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = linkResult2,
+ onpass = "Bring up link succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Bring up link failed!" )
+ if linkResult2 == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 2 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 2 )
- "Bring up link failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Bring up link failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Bring up the link between sw28 and peer64516" )
- result = END1 = "sw28", END2 = "peer64516",
- OPTION = "up" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
+ linkResult3 = END1 = "sw28", END2 = "peer64516",
+ OPTION = "up" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = linkResult3,
+ onpass = "Bring up link succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Bring up link failed!" )
+ if linkResult3 == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 3 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 3 )
- "Bring up link failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Bring up link failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
# Ping test
main.Functions.pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
@@ -381,18 +447,24 @@
Shut down a edge switch, check P-2-P and M-2-S intents, ping test
import time
- "This case is to stop 1 edge switch,\
- check P-2-P and M-2-S intents, ping test" )
+ "Stop edge sw32,check P-2-P and M-2-S intents, ping test" )
main.step( "Stop sw32" )
result = main.Mininet.switch( SW = "sw32", OPTION = "stop" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = result,
+ onpass = "Stopping switch succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Stopping switch failed!" )
if result == main.TRUE:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 2 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 2 )
main.Functions.checkP2PintentNum( main, 12 )
- "Stop switch failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
+ "Stopping switch failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Check ping between hosts behind BGP peers" )
result1 = main.Mininet.pingHost( src = "host64514", target = "host64515" )
@@ -428,47 +500,31 @@
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
- '''
- main.step( "Stop sw8" )
- result = main.Mininet.switch( SW = "sw8", OPTION = "stop" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
- time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
- main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 1 )
- # Note: there should be 0 M2S intent, not 1.
- main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 0 )
- main.Functions.checkP2PintentNum( main, 6 )
- else:
- "Stop switch failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
- main.step( "Stop sw28" )
- result = main.Mininet.switch( SW = "sw28", OPTION = "stop" )
- if result == main.TRUE:
- time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
- main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 0 )
- main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 0 )
- main.Functions.checkP2PintentNum( main, 0 )
- else:
- "Stop switch failed!!!" )
- main.exit();
- '''
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
def CASE8( self, main ):
- Bring up the edge switch which was shut down in CASE7,
+ Bring up the edge switch (sw32) which was shut down in CASE7,
check P-2-P and M-2-S intents, ping test
import time
- "This case is to start the switch which was shut down in CASE7,\
- check P-2-P and M-2-S intents, ping test" )
+ "Start the edge sw32, check P-2-P and M-2-S intents, ping test" )
main.step( "Start sw32" )
result1 = main.Mininet.switch( SW = "sw32", OPTION = "start" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = result1,
+ onpass = "Starting switch succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Starting switch failed!" )
result2 = main.Mininet.assignSwController( "sw32", ONOS1Ip )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = result2,
+ onpass = "Connect switch to ONOS succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Connect switch to ONOS failed!" )
if result1 and result2:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
@@ -476,16 +532,16 @@
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 3 )
main.Functions.checkP2PintentNum( main, 18 )
- "Start switch failed!!!" )
+ "Starting switch failed!" )
- main.exit();
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
# Ping test
main.Functions.pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
@@ -501,10 +557,10 @@
Bring down a switch in best path, check:
route number, P2P intent number, M2S intent number, ping test
- "This case is to stop switch in best path, \
+ "Stop sw11 located in best path, \
check route number, P2P intent number, M2S intent number, ping test" )
- main.step( "Check the flow status before stopping sw11" )
+ main.step( "Check the flow number correctness before stopping sw11" )
main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw11", 13 )
main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 3 )
main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 3 )
@@ -514,22 +570,28 @@
main.step( "Stop sw11" )
result = main.Mininet.switch( SW = "sw11", OPTION = "stop" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = result,
+ onpass = "Stopping switch succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Stopping switch failed!" )
if result:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
+ time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 3 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 3 )
main.Functions.checkP2PintentNum( main, 18 )
- "Stop switch failed!!!" )
+ "Stopping switch failed!" )
- main.exit();
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
# Ping test
main.Functions.pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
peers = ["peer64514", "peer64515", "peer64516"],
@@ -544,35 +606,49 @@
Bring up the switch which was stopped in CASE9, check:
route number, P2P intent number, M2S intent number, ping test
- "This case is to start switch which was stopped in CASE9, \
+ "Start sw11 which was stopped in CASE9, \
check route number, P2P intent number, M2S intent number, ping test" )
+ main.step( "Check the flow status before starting sw11" )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 11 )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 5 )
+ main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw1" ) )
+ main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw7" ) )
main.step( "Start sw11" )
result1 = main.Mininet.switch( SW = "sw11", OPTION = "start" )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = result1,
+ onpass = "Starting switch succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Starting switch failed!" )
result2 = main.Mininet.assignSwController( "sw11", ONOS1Ip )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect = main.TRUE,
+ actual = result2,
+ onpass = "Connect switch to ONOS succeeded!",
+ onfail = "Connect switch to ONOS failed!" )
if result1 and result2:
time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'RouteDelivery' ] ) )
main.Functions.checkRouteNum( main, 3 )
main.Functions.checkM2SintentNum( main, 3 )
main.Functions.checkP2PintentNum( main, 18 )
- main.step( "Check the flow status after stop and start sw11" )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw11", 3 )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 11 )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 5 )
+ # log for debug main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw11" ) ) main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw1" ) ) main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw7" ) )
- "Start switch failed!!!" )
+ "Starting switch failed!" )
- main.exit();
+ main.exit()
main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = main.TRUE,
actual = main.ONOScli.checkFlowsState( isPENDING_ADD = False ),
- onpass = "***Flow status is correct!***",
- onfail = "***Flow status is wrong!***" )
+ onpass = "Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail = "Flow status is wrong!" )
# Ping test
main.Functions.pingSpeakerToPeer( main, speakers = ["speaker1"],
peers = ["peer64514", "peer64515", "peer64516"],