Initial implementation of ONOS cluster driver

- Create CLI, REST, and "Bench" components for a cluster
- Return driver object when it is created
- Add __str__ and __repr__ implementations for drivers
- Add first pass at a cluster class
- Prototype with clustered Sample test
- Prototype with HAsanity test
- Add new Exception class for SkipCase

Change-Id: I32ee7cf655ab9a2a5cfccf5f891ca71a6a70c1ee
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/
index e1a66a3..c17e11d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/
@@ -67,13 +67,8 @@
         start cli sessions
         start tcpdump
-        import imp
-        import pexpect
-        import time
-        import json "ONOS HA test: Stop a minority of ONOS nodes - " +
                          "initialization" )
-        # set global variables
         # These are for csv plotting in jenkins
         main.HAlabels = []
         main.HAdata = []
@@ -85,25 +80,21 @@
+            from dependencies.Cluster import Cluster
             from tests.HA.dependencies.HA import HA
             main.HA = HA()
-            # load some variables from the params file
+            main.Cluster = Cluster( main.ONOScell.nodes )
             cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
             main.apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'appString' ]
-            main.numCtrls = int( main.params[ 'num_controllers' ] )
-            if main.ONOSbench.maxNodes and\
-                        main.ONOSbench.maxNodes < main.numCtrls:
-                main.numCtrls = int( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes )
-            main.maxNodes = main.numCtrls
-            stepResult = main.testSetUp.envSetup( hasNode=True )
+            stepResult = main.testSetUp.envSetup( main.Cluster, hasNode=True )
         except Exception as e:
             main.testSetUp.envSetupException( e )
         main.testSetUp.evnSetupConclusion( stepResult )
         main.HA.generateGraph( "HAstopNodes" )
-        main.testSetUp.ONOSSetUp( main.Mininet1, cellName=cellName, removeLog=True,
-                                 extraApply=main.HA.customizeOnosGenPartitions,
-                                 extraClean=main.HA.cleanUpGenPartition )
+        main.testSetUp.ONOSSetUp( main.Mininet1, main.Cluster, cellName=cellName, removeLog=True,
+                                  extraApply=main.HA.customizeOnosGenPartitions,
+                                  extraClean=main.HA.cleanUpGenPartition )
@@ -119,20 +110,17 @@
         main.HA.assignMastership( main )
     def CASE3( self, main ):
         Assign intents
         main.HA.assignIntents( main )
     def CASE4( self, main ):
         Ping across added host intents
-        main.HA.pingAcrossHostIntent( main, True, False )
+        main.HA.pingAcrossHostIntent( main )
     def CASE5( self, main ):
@@ -147,28 +135,26 @@
         assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
         assert main, "main not defined"
         assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
-        assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
-        assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined" "Stop minority of ONOS nodes" )
         main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
-        for node in main.nodes:
-            main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
-            main.log.warn( main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( node.ip_address ) )
+        for ctrl in
+            main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
+            main.log.warn( ctrl.checkLogs( ctrl.ipAddress ) )
-        n = len( main.nodes )  # Number of nodes
+        n = len( main.Cluster.controllers )  # Number of nodes
         p = ( ( n + 1 ) / 2 ) + 1  # Number of partitions
-        main.kill = [ 0 ]  # ONOS node to kill, listed by index in main.nodes
+        main.kill = [ main.Cluster.controllers[ 0 ] ]  # ONOS node to kill, listed by index in main.nodes
         if n > 3:
-            main.kill.append( p - 1 )
+            main.kill.append( main.Cluster.controllers[ p - 1 ] )
             # NOTE: This only works for cluster sizes of 3,5, or 7.
-        main.step( "Stopping " + str( len( main.kill ) ) + " ONOS nodes" )
+        main.step( "Stopping nodes: " + str( main.kill ) )
         killResults = main.TRUE
-        for i in main.kill:
+        for ctrl in main.kill:
             killResults = killResults and\
-                          main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.nodes[ i ].ip_address )
-            main.activeNodes.remove( i )
+                          ctrl.onosStop( ctrl.ipAddress )
+   = False
         utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=killResults,
                                  onpass="ONOS nodes stopped successfully",
                                  onfail="ONOS nodes NOT successfully stopped" )
@@ -176,7 +162,7 @@
         main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
         nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
-                                       args=[ main.activeNodes ],
+                                       args=[ ],
                                        attempts=5 )
@@ -185,11 +171,10 @@
                                  onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
         if not nodeResults:
-            for i in main.activeNodes:
-                cli = main.CLIs[ i ]
+            for ctrl in
                 main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(
-          ,
-                    cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
+          ,
+                    ctrl.CLI.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
             main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -209,21 +194,18 @@
         except AttributeError:
             main.kill = []
         main.HA.checkStateAfterONOS( main, afterWhich=0 )
         main.step( "Leadership Election is still functional" )
         # Test of LeadershipElection
         leaderList = []
         restarted = []
-        for i in main.kill:
-            restarted.append( main.nodes[ i ].ip_address )
+        for ctrl in main.kill:
+            restarted.append( ctrl.ipAddress )
         leaderResult = main.TRUE
-        for i in main.activeNodes:
-            cli = main.CLIs[ i ]
-            leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
+        for ctrl in
+            leaderN = ctrl.electionTestLeader()
             leaderList.append( leaderN )
             if leaderN == main.FALSE:
                 # error in response
@@ -232,12 +214,12 @@
                                  " error logs" )
                 leaderResult = main.FALSE
             elif leaderN is None:
-                main.log.error( +
+                main.log.error( +
                                  " shows no leader for the election-app was" +
                                  " elected after the old one died" )
                 leaderResult = main.FALSE
             elif leaderN in restarted:
-                main.log.error( + " shows " + str( leaderN ) +
+                main.log.error( + " shows " + str( leaderN ) +
                                  " as leader for the election-app, but it " +
                                  "was restarted" )
                 leaderResult = main.FALSE