Initial implementation of ONOS cluster driver

- Create CLI, REST, and "Bench" components for a cluster
- Return driver object when it is created
- Add __str__ and __repr__ implementations for drivers
- Add first pass at a cluster class
- Prototype with clustered Sample test
- Prototype with HAsanity test
- Add new Exception class for SkipCase

Change-Id: I32ee7cf655ab9a2a5cfccf5f891ca71a6a70c1ee
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a99d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Copyright 2017 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <>,
+the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <>,
+or the System Testing Guide page at <>
+    TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TestON.  If not, see <>.
+This driver is used to interact with an ONOS cluster. It should
+handle creating the necessary components to interact with each specific ONOS nodes.
+Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <>,
+the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <>,
+or the System Testing Guide page at <>
+import pexpect
+import os
+from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI
+# FIXME: Move this to it's own file?
+class Controller():
+    def __str__( self ):
+        return
+    def __repr__( self ):
+        #TODO use repr() for components?
+        return "%s<IP=%s, CLI=%s, REST=%s, Bench=%s >" % (,
+                                                          self.ipAddress,
+                                                          self.CLI,
+                                                          self.REST,
+                                                          self.Bench )
+    def __getattr__( self, name ):
+        """
+        Called when an attribute lookup has not found the attribute
+        in the usual places (i.e. it is not an instance attribute nor
+        is it found in the class tree for self). name is the attribute
+        name. This method should return the (computed) attribute value
+        or raise an AttributeError exception.
+        We will look into each of the node's component handles to try to find the attreibute, looking at REST first
+        """
+        if hasattr( self.REST, name ):
+            main.log.debug( "Using Rest driver's attribute for '%s'" % ( name ) )
+            return getattr( self.REST, name)
+        if hasattr( self.CLI, name ):
+            main.log.debug( "Using CLI driver's attribute for '%s'" % ( name ) )
+            return getattr( self.CLI, name)
+        if hasattr( self.Bench, name ):
+            main.log.debug( "Using Bench driver's attribute for '%s'" % ( name ) )
+            return getattr( self.Bench, name)
+        raise AttributeError( "Could not find the attribute %s in %s or it's component handles" % ( name, self ) )
+    def __init__( self, name, ipAddress, CLI=None, REST=None, Bench=None ):
+        #TODO: validate these arguments
+ = str( name )
+        self.ipAddress = ipAddress
+        self.CLI = CLI
+        self.REST = REST
+        self.Bench = Bench
+ = False
+class OnosClusterDriver( CLI ):
+    def __init__( self ):
+        """
+        Initialize client
+        """
+ = None
+        self.home = None
+        self.handle = None
+        self.nodes = []
+        super( OnosClusterDriver, self ).__init__()
+    def checkOptions( self, var, defaultVar ):
+        if var is None or var == "":
+            return defaultVar
+        return var
+    def connect( self, **connectargs ):
+        """
+        Creates ssh handle for ONOS "bench".
+        NOTE:
+        The ip_address would come from the topo file using the host tag, the
+        value can be an environment variable as well as a "localhost" to get
+        the ip address needed to ssh to the "bench"
+        """
+        try:
+            for key in connectargs:
+                vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
+            self.home = "~/onos"
+            for key in self.options:
+                if key == "home":
+                    self.home = self.options[ 'home' ]
+                elif key == "karaf_username":
+                    self.karafUser = self.options[ key ]
+                elif key == "karaf_password":
+                    self.karafPass = self.options[ key ]
+                elif key == "cluster_name":
+                    prefix = self.options[ key ]
+            self.home = self.checkOptions(self.home, "~/onos")
+            self.karafUser = self.checkOptions(self.karafUser, self.user_name)
+            self.karafPass = self.checkOptions(self.karafPass, self.pwd )
+            prefix = self.checkOptions( prefix, "ONOS" )
+   = self.options[ 'name' ]
+            # The 'nodes' tag is optional and it is not required in .topo file
+            for key in self.options:
+                if key == "nodes":
+                    # Maximum number of ONOS nodes to run, if there is any
+                    self.maxNodes = int( self.options[ 'nodes' ] )
+                    break
+                self.maxNodes = None
+            if self.maxNodes is None or self.maxNodes == "":
+                self.maxNodes = 100
+            # Grabs all OC environment variables based on max number of nodes
+            # TODO: Also support giving an ip range as a compononet option
+            self.onosIps = {}  # Dictionary of all possible ONOS ip
+            try:
+                if self.maxNodes:
+                    for i in range( self.maxNodes ):
+                        envString = "OC" + str( i + 1 )
+                        # If there is no more OC# then break the loop
+                        if os.getenv( envString ):
+                            self.onosIps[ envString ] = os.getenv( envString )
+                        else:
+                            self.maxNodes = len( self.onosIps )
+                   +
+                                           ": Created cluster data with " +
+                                           str( self.maxNodes ) +
+                                           " maximum number" +
+                                           " of nodes" )
+                            break
+                    if not self.onosIps:
+               "Could not read any environment variable"
+                                       + " please load a cell file with all" +
+                                        " onos IP" )
+                        self.maxNodes = None
+                    else:
+               + ": Found " +
+                                       str( self.onosIps.values() ) +
+                                       " ONOS IPs" )
+            except KeyError:
+       "Invalid environment variable" )
+            except Exception as inst:
+                main.log.error( "Uncaught exception: " + str( inst ) )
+            try:
+                if os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) ) is not None:
+                    self.ip_address = os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) )
+                else:
+           +
+                                   ": Trying to connect to " +
+                                   self.ip_address )
+            except KeyError:
+       "Invalid host name," +
+                               " connecting to local host instead" )
+                self.ip_address = 'localhost'
+            except Exception as inst:
+                main.log.error( "Uncaught exception: " + str( inst ) )
+            self.handle = super( OnosClusterDriver, self ).connect(
+                user_name=self.user_name,
+                ip_address=self.ip_address,
+                port=self.port,
+                pwd=self.pwd,
+                home=self.home )
+            if self.handle:
+                self.handle.sendline( "cd " + self.home )
+                self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+                self.createComponents( prefix=prefix )
+                return self.handle
+            else:
+       "Failed to create ONOS handle" )
+                return main.FALSE
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def disconnect( self ):
+        """
+        Called when Test is complete to disconnect the ONOS handle.
+        """
+        response = main.TRUE
+        try:
+            if self.handle:
+                self.handle.sendline( "" )
+                self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+                self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
+                self.handle.expect( "closed" )
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+        except ValueError:
+            main.log.exception( "Exception in disconnect of " + )
+            response = main.TRUE
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Connection failed to the host" )
+            response = main.FALSE
+        return response
+    def setCliOptions( self, name ):
+        """
+        Parse the cluster options to create an ONOS cli component with the given name
+        """
+        main.componentDictionary[name] = main.componentDictionary[].copy()
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['type'] = "OnosCliDriver"
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['connect_order'] = str( int( main.componentDictionary[name]['connect_order'] ) + 1 )
+        main.log.debug( main.componentDictionary[name] )
+    def createCliComponent( self, name ):
+        """
+        Creates a new onos cli component.
+        Arguments:
+            name - The string of the name of this component. The new component
+                   will be assigned to main.<name> .
+                   In addition, main.<name>.name = str( name )
+        """
+        try:
+            # look to see if this component already exists
+            getattr( main, name )
+        except AttributeError:
+            # namespace is clear, creating component
+            self.setCliOptions( name )
+            return main.componentInit( name )
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        else:
+            # namespace is not clear!
+            main.log.error( name + " component already exists!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def setRestOptions( self, name, host ):
+        """
+        Parse the cluster options to create an ONOS cli component with the given name
+        """
+        main.componentDictionary[name] = main.componentDictionary[].copy()
+        main.log.debug( main.componentDictionary[name] )
+        user = main.componentDictionary[name]['COMPONENTS'].get( "web_user", "onos" )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['user'] = self.checkOptions( user, "onos" )
+        password = main.componentDictionary[name]['COMPONENTS'].get( "web_pass", "rocks" )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['pass'] = self.checkOptions( password, "rocks" )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['host'] = host
+        port = main.componentDictionary[name]['COMPONENTS'].get( "rest_port", "8181" )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['port'] = self.checkOptions( port, "8181" )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['type'] = "OnosRestDriver"
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['connect_order'] = str( int( main.componentDictionary[name]['connect_order'] ) + 1 )
+        main.log.debug( main.componentDictionary[name] )
+    def createRestComponent( self, name, ipAddress ):
+        """
+        Creates a new onos rest component.
+        Arguments:
+            name - The string of the name of this component. The new component
+                   will be assigned to main.<name> .
+                   In addition, main.<name>.name = str( name )
+        """
+        try:
+            # look to see if this component already exists
+            getattr( main, name )
+        except AttributeError:
+            # namespace is clear, creating component
+            self.setRestOptions( name, ipAddress )
+            return main.componentInit( name )
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        else:
+            # namespace is not clear!
+            main.log.error( name + " component already exists!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def setBenchOptions( self, name ):
+        """
+        Parse the cluster options to create an ONOS "bench" component with the given name
+        """
+        main.componentDictionary[name] = main.componentDictionary[].copy()
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['type'] = "OnosDriver"
+        home = main.componentDictionary[name]['COMPONENTS'].get( "onos_home", None )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['home'] = self.checkOptions( home, None )
+        main.componentDictionary[name]['connect_order'] = str( int( main.componentDictionary[name]['connect_order'] ) + 1 )
+        main.log.debug( main.componentDictionary[name] )
+    def createBenchComponent( self, name ):
+        """
+        Creates a new onos "bench" component.
+        Arguments:
+            name - The string of the name of this component. The new component
+                   will be assigned to main.<name> .
+                   In addition, main.<name>.name = str( name )
+        """
+        try:
+            # look to see if this component already exists
+            getattr( main, name )
+        except AttributeError:
+            # namespace is clear, creating component
+            self.setBenchOptions( name )
+            return main.componentInit( name )
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":     " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        else:
+            # namespace is not clear!
+            main.log.error( name + " component already exists!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+    def createComponents( self, prefix='' ):
+        """
+        Creates a CLI and REST component for each nodes in the cluster
+        """
+        # TODO: This needs work to support starting two seperate clusters in one test
+        cliPrefix = prefix + "cli"
+        restPrefix = prefix + "rest"
+        benchPrefix = prefix + "bench"
+        #self.nodes = []
+        for i in xrange( 1, self.maxNodes + 1 ):
+            cliName = cliPrefix + str( i  )
+            restName = restPrefix + str( i )
+            benchName = benchPrefix + str( i )
+            # Unfortunately this means we need to have a cell set beofre running TestON,
+            # Even if it is just the entire possible cluster size
+            ip = self.onosIps[ 'OC' + str( i ) ]
+            cli = self.createCliComponent( cliName )
+            rest = self.createRestComponent( restName, ip )
+            bench = self.createBenchComponent( benchName )
+            self.nodes.append( Controller( prefix + str( i ), ip, cli, rest, bench ) )
+        ## DEBUG ########################################################################
+        print "Prininting NODES::"
+        try:
+            print self.nodes
+            for node in self.nodes:
+                main.log.error( repr(node ))
+                main.log.warn( node )
+        except Exception as e:
+            print repr(e)
+        ## END debug ########################################################################