Add µONOS category and setup steps in Jenkins Pipelines

Change-Id: I08850a3461aa4e84cb453f9c52be86f5edcd0e14
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/MOJenkinsFile.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/MOJenkinsFile.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7add2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/MOJenkinsFile.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
+// Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <>,
+// the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <>,
+// or the System Testing Guide page at <>
+//     TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//     the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+//     (at your option) any later version.
+//     TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//     GNU General Public License for more details.
+//     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//     along with TestON.  If not, see <>.
+test_list = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsTestONTests.groovy' )
+fileRelated = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy' )
+category = null
+prop = null
+testsToRun = null
+testsToRunStrList = null
+branch = null
+branchWithPrefix = null
+nodeLabel = null
+testStation = null
+testsOverride = null
+pipelineTimeout = null
+testsFromList = [:]
+pipeline = [:]
+def main(){
+    pipelineTimeout = params.TimeOut.toInteger() // integer minutes until the entire pipeline times out. Usually passed from upstream master-trigger job.
+    timeout( time: pipelineTimeout, unit: "MINUTES" ){
+        init()
+        runTests()
+    }
+def init(){
+    fileRelated.init()
+    test_list.init()
+    readParams()
+    if ( branch == "manually" ){
+        echo '''Warning: entered branch was: "manually". Defaulting to master branch.'''
+        branch = "master"
+        branchWithPrefix = test_list.addPrefixToBranch( branch )
+    }
+    prop = getProperties()
+    // get the list of the tests from category
+    testsFromList = test_list.getTestsFromCategory( category )
+    tokenizeTokens = "\n;, "
+    if ( testsOverride == "" || testsOverride == null ){
+        testsToRunStrList = prop[ "Tests" ].tokenize( tokenizeTokens )
+    } else {
+        testsToRunStrList = testsOverride.tokenize( tokenizeTokens )
+    }
+    testsToRun = test_list.getTestsFromStringList( testsToRunStrList )
+def getProperties(){
+    // get the properties of the test by reading the
+    filePath = '''/var/jenkins/TestONOS-''' + category + '''-''' + branchWithPrefix + '''.property'''
+    node( testStation ) {
+        return readProperties( file: filePath )
+    }
+def readParams(){
+    category = params.Category       // "MO", etc.
+    branch = params.Branch           // "1.15", "2.1", "master", etc.
+    branchWithPrefix = test_list.addPrefixToBranch( branch )
+    testStation = params.TestStation // "TestStation-BMs", etc.
+    nodeLabel = params.NodeLabel     // "BM", "VM", "Fabric-1.x", etc.
+    testsOverride = params.TestsOverride // "FUNCflow, FUNCintent, [...]", overrides property file
+def runTests(){
+    // run the test sequentially and save the function into the dictionary.
+    for ( String test : testsFromList.keySet() ){
+        toBeRun = testsToRun.keySet().contains( test )
+        stepName = ( toBeRun ? "" : "Not " ) + "Running $test"
+        pipeline[ stepName ] = runMOtest( test,
+                                          toBeRun )
+    }
+    // run the tests sequentially.
+    for ( test in pipeline.keySet() ){
+        pipeline[ test ].call()
+    }
+def runMOtest( test, toBeRun ){
+    return {
+        catchError {
+            stage( test ){
+                if ( toBeRun ){
+                    node( testStation ) {
+                        sh script: '''. ~/.profile
+                                      cd ~/onos-test
+                                      make clean
+                                      make integration
+                                   ''', label: "make integration"
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/MasterTrigger.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/MasterTrigger.groovy
index 82b5802..5df3d4a 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/MasterTrigger.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/MasterTrigger.groovy
@@ -239,56 +239,82 @@
     return result
-def preSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, isManual ){
+def preSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, isManual, category ){
     // pre setup part which will clean up and checkout to corresponding branch.
     result = ""
     if ( !isManual ){
-        result = '''echo -e "\n#####  Set TestON Branch #####"
-        echo "TestON Branch is set on: ''' + test_branch + '''"
-        cd ~/OnosSystemTest/
-        git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
-        git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
-        git branch -D ''' + test_branch + ''' # just in case there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
-        git clean -df # clean any local files
-        git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
-        git reset --hard origin/''' + test_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
-        git clean -df # clean any local files
-        git checkout ''' + test_branch + ''' #create new local branch
-        git branch
-        git log -1 --decorate
-        echo -e "\n#####  Set ONOS Branch #####"
-        echo "ONOS Branch is set on: ''' + onos_branch + '''"
-        echo -e "\n #### check karaf version ######"
-        env |grep karaf
-        cd ~/onos
-        git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
-        git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
-        git branch -D ''' + onos_branch + ''' # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
-        git clean -df # clean any local files
-        git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
-        git reset --hard origin/''' + onos_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
-        git clean -df # clean any local files
-        rm -rf buck-out
-        rm -rf bazel-*
-        ''' + tagCheck( onos_tag, onos_branch ) + '''
-        git branch
-        git log -1 --decorate
-        echo -e "\n##### set jvm heap size to 8G #####"
-        echo ${ONOSJAVAOPTS}
-        inserted_line="export JAVA_OPTS=\"\${ONOSJAVAOPTS}\""
-        sed -i "s/bash/bash\\n$inserted_line/" ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service
-        echo "##### Check onos-service setting..... #####"
-        cat ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service
-        export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle'''
+        if ( category == "MO" ){
+            result = '''echo -e "\n#####  Set onos-config branch"
+            cd ~/onos-test/
+            git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't on a branch
+            git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
+            git branch -D ''' + test_branch + ''' # just in case there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
+            git reset --hard origin/''' + test_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
+            git clean -df # clean any local files
+            git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
+            git reset --hard origin/''' + onos_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
+            git clean -df
+            git branch
+            git log -1 --decorate
+            '''
+        } else {
+            result = '''echo -e "\n#####  Set TestON Branch #####"
+            echo "TestON Branch is set on: ''' + test_branch + '''"
+            cd ~/OnosSystemTest/
+            git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
+            git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
+            git branch -D ''' + test_branch + ''' # just in case there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
+            git clean -df # clean any local files
+            git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
+            git reset --hard origin/''' + test_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
+            git clean -df # clean any local files
+            git checkout ''' + test_branch + ''' #create new local branch
+            git branch
+            git log -1 --decorate
+            echo -e "\n#####  Set ONOS Branch #####"
+            echo "ONOS Branch is set on: ''' + onos_branch + '''"
+            echo -e "\n #### check karaf version ######"
+            env |grep karaf
+            cd ~/onos
+            git checkout HEAD~1      # Make sure you aren't pn a branch
+            git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote
+            git branch -D ''' + onos_branch + ''' # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error
+            git clean -df # clean any local files
+            git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes
+            git reset --hard origin/''' + onos_branch + '''  # force local index to match remote branch
+            git clean -df # clean any local files
+            rm -rf buck-out
+            rm -rf bazel-*
+            ''' + tagCheck( onos_tag, onos_branch ) + '''
+            git branch
+            git log -1 --decorate
+            echo -e "\n##### set jvm heap size to 8G #####"
+            echo ${ONOSJAVAOPTS}
+            inserted_line="export JAVA_OPTS=\"\${ONOSJAVAOPTS}\""
+            sed -i "s/bash/bash\\n$inserted_line/" ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service
+            echo "##### Check onos-service setting..... #####"
+            cat ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service
+            export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle'''
+        }
     } else {
-        result = '''echo "Since this is a manual run, we'll use the current ONOS and TestON branch:"
-                    echo "ONOS branch:"
-                    cd ~/OnosSystemTest/
-                    git branch
-                    echo "TestON branch:"
-                    cd ~/TestON/
-                    git branch'''
+        if ( category == "MO" ) {
+            result = '''echo "Since this is a manual run, we'll use the current onos-test branch:"
+                        echo "onos-test branch:"
+                        cd ~/onos-test
+                        git branch
+            '''
+        } else {
+            result = '''echo "Since this is a manual run, we'll use the current ONOS and TestON branch:"
+                        echo "ONOS branch:"
+                        cd ~/OnosSystemTest/
+                        git branch
+                        echo "TestON branch:"
+                        cd ~/TestON/
+                        git branch'''
+        }
     return result
@@ -338,9 +364,11 @@
         set +e
         . ~/.bashrc
-        ''' + preSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, manuallyRun ), label: "Repo Setup", returnStdout: false
-        sh script: postSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, manuallyRun ), label: "Install Bazel", returnStdout: false
-        generateKey()
+        ''' + preSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, manuallyRun, category ), label: "Repo Setup", returnStdout: false
+        if ( category != "MO" ){
+            sh script: postSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag, manuallyRun ), label: "Install Bazel", returnStdout: false
+            generateKey()
+        }
@@ -420,7 +448,7 @@
-                echo "=========================================="
+                echo "========================================="
                 echo "BRANCH: " + branch
                 echo "CATEGORY: " + category
                 echo "TESTS: " + filteredList
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/schedule.json b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/schedule.json
index 8bae191..c70fe45 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/schedule.json
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/schedule.json
@@ -16,5 +16,6 @@
     "onos-1.x_schedule": [ "sat" ],
     "onos-2.x_schedule": [ "sun" ],
     "USECASE_master": [ "tue" ],
-    "SR_schedule": [ "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "sat" ]
+    "SR_schedule": [ "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "sat" ],
+    "none": []
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/tests.json b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/tests.json
index 9d0a132..4609386 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/tests.json
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/tests.json
@@ -1452,6 +1452,11 @@
     "MOmakeIntegration":  {
         "wikiName": "Micro ONOS Integration Tests",
         "schedules" : [
+            {
+                "branch": "master",
+                "day": "none",
+                "nodeLabel": "micro-onos"
+            }
         "category": "MO",
         "supportedBranches": [ "all" ]