[SDFAB-540] Add UP4 test with attached UE and GTP routed traffic
Ensure that when UEs are attached, traffic to the BESS UPF is not
terminated in the fabric, but forwarded to the BESS host
Change-Id: I5dbd95fda9e51d63cdc09a204b4a28fca8cfe098
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/UP4/UP4.py b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/UP4/UP4.py
index 0dcbbd8..14b845f 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/UP4/UP4.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/UP4/UP4.py
@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
# TODO: add test case that checks entries are being inserted and deleted from ONOS correclty
def CASE1(self, main):
+ main.case("Fabric UPF traffic terminated in the fabric")
- Attach UE
+ Program PDRs and FARs for UEs
+ Verify PDRs and FARs
Generate traffic from UE to PDN
Verify traffic received from PDN
Generate traffic from PDN to UE
Verify traffic received from UE
- Detach UE
+ Remove PDRs and FARs for UEs
+ Verify removed PDRs and FARs
from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.up4 import UP4
@@ -28,13 +31,18 @@
run.installOnos(main, skipPackage=True, cliSleep=5)
main.step("Start scapy and p4rt client")
+ # Use the first available ONOS instance CLI
+ onos_cli = main.Cluster.active(0).CLI
up4 = UP4()
# Get the P4RT client connected to UP4 in the first available ONOS instance
- main.step("Attach UEs")
+ main.step("Program PDRs and FARs via UP4")
+ main.step("Verify PDRs and FARs in ONOS")
+ up4.verifyUp4Flow(onos_cli)
# ------- Test Upstream traffic (enb->pdn)
main.step("Test upstream traffic")
@@ -43,9 +51,202 @@
main.step("Test downstream traffic")
- main.step("Detach UEs")
+ main.step("Remove PDRs and FARs via UP4")
+ main.step("Verify removed PDRs and FARs from ONOS")
+ up4.verifyNoUesFlow(onos_cli)
main.step("Stop scapy and p4rt client")
+ def CASE2(self):
+ main.case("BESS traffic routed")
+ """
+ Program PDRs and FARs for UEs managed via UP4
+ Verify PDRs and FARs
+ Verify Upstream Traffic: eNB -> Fabric -> BESS (encapped)
+ Verify Upstream Traffic: BESS -> Fabric -> PDN (not encapped)
+ Verify Downstream Traffic: PDN -> Fabric -> BESS (not encapped)
+ Verify Downstream Traffic: BESS -> Fabric -> eNB (encapped)
+ Remove PDRs and FARs for UEs managed via UP4
+ Verify removed PDRs and FARs
+ """
+ BESS_TEID = 300
+ GPDU_PORT = 2152
+ UE_PORT = 400
+ PDN_PORT = 800
+ try:
+ from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.up4 import UP4
+ from tests.USECASE.SegmentRouting.dependencies.Testcaselib import \
+ Testcaselib as run
+ except ImportError as e:
+ main.log.error("Import not found. Exiting the test")
+ main.log.error(e)
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ run.initTest(main)
+ main.log.info(main.Cluster.numCtrls)
+ main.Cluster.setRunningNode(3)
+ run.installOnos(main, skipPackage=True, cliSleep=5)
+ main.step("Start scapy and p4rt client + Scapy on BESS Host")
+ # Use the first available ONOS instance CLI
+ onos_cli = main.Cluster.active(0).CLI
+ up4 = UP4()
+ # Get the P4RT client connected to UP4 in the first available ONOS instance
+ up4.setup(main.Cluster.active(0).p4rtUp4)
+ # Setup the emulated BESS host and required parameters
+ bess_host = main.Compute2 # FIXME: Parametrize?
+ bess_interface = bess_host.interfaces[0]
+ bess_s1u_address = bess_interface["ips"][0]
+ bess_host.startScapy(ifaceName=bess_interface["name"], enableGtp=True)
+ enodeb_host = up4.enodeb_host
+ enodeb_interface = up4.enodeb_interface
+ pdn_host = up4.pdn_host
+ pdn_interface = up4.pdn_interface
+ main.step("Program PDRs and FARs for UEs via UP4")
+ up4.attachUes()
+ main.step("Verify PDRs and FARs in ONOS")
+ up4.verifyUp4Flow(onos_cli)
+ # ------------------- UPSTREAM -------------------
+ # ------- eNB -> fabric -> BESS (encapped)
+ main.step("Test upstream eNB -> fabric -> BESS")
+ # Start filter before sending packets, BESS should receive GTP encapped
+ # packets
+ pkt_filter_upstream = "ip and udp src port %d and udp dst port %d and src host %s and dst host %s" % (
+ GPDU_PORT, GPDU_PORT, up4.enb_address, bess_s1u_address)
+ main.log.info("Start listening on %s intf %s" % (
+ bess_host.name, bess_interface["name"]))
+ main.log.debug("BPF Filter BESS Upstream: \n %s" % pkt_filter_upstream)
+ bess_host.startFilter(ifaceName=bess_interface["name"],
+ sniffCount=1,
+ pktFilter=pkt_filter_upstream)
+ # Send GTP Packet
+ UP4.buildGtpPacket(enodeb_host,
+ src_ip_outer=up4.enb_address,
+ dst_ip_outer=bess_s1u_address,
+ src_ip_inner=BESS_UE_ADDR,
+ dst_ip_inner=pdn_interface["ips"][0],
+ src_udp_inner=UE_PORT,
+ dst_udp_inner=PDN_PORT,
+ teid=BESS_TEID)
+ enodeb_host.sendPacket()
+ packets = UP4.checkFilterAndGetPackets(bess_host)
+ # FIXME: with newer scapy TEID becomes teid (required for Scapy 2.4.5)
+ n_packets = packets.count("TEID=" + hex(BESS_TEID) + "L ")
+ tot_packets = packets.count('Ether')
+ utilities.assert_equal(expect=True,
+ actual=n_packets == 1 and tot_packets == 1,
+ onpass="BESS correctly received 1 GTP encapped packet",
+ onfail="ERROR: BESS received %d GTP encapped packets and filter captured %d packets" % (
+ n_packets, tot_packets))
+ # ------- BESS -> fabric -> PDN (not-encapped)
+ main.step("Test upstream BESS -> fabric -> PDN")
+ # Start filter before sending packets, PDN should receive non-GTP packet
+ pkt_filter_upstream = "ip and udp src port %d and udp dst port %d and src host %s and dst host %s" % (
+ UE_PORT, PDN_PORT, BESS_UE_ADDR, pdn_interface["ips"][0])
+ main.log.info("Start listening on %s intf %s" % (
+ pdn_host.name, pdn_interface["name"]))
+ main.log.debug("BPF Filter PDN Upstream: \n %s" % pkt_filter_upstream)
+ pdn_host.startFilter(ifaceName=pdn_interface["name"],
+ sniffCount=1,
+ pktFilter=pkt_filter_upstream)
+ # Send UDP Packet
+ UP4.buildUdpPacket(bess_host,
+ src_ip=BESS_UE_ADDR,
+ dst_ip=pdn_interface["ips"][0],
+ src_udp=UE_PORT,
+ dst_udp=PDN_PORT)
+ bess_host.sendPacket()
+ packets = UP4.checkFilterAndGetPackets(pdn_host)
+ tot_packets = packets.count('Ether')
+ utilities.assert_equal(expect=True,
+ actual=tot_packets == 1,
+ onpass="PDN correctly received 1 packet",
+ onfail="ERROR: PDN received %d packets" % (
+ tot_packets))
+ # ------------------------------------------------
+ # ------------------ DOWNSTREAM ------------------
+ # ------- PDN -> fabric -> BESS (not-encapped)
+ main.step("Test downstream PDN -> fabric -> BESS")
+ pkt_filter_downstream = "ip and udp src port %d and udp dst port %d and src host %s and dst host %s" % (
+ PDN_PORT, UE_PORT, pdn_interface["ips"][0], BESS_UE_ADDR)
+ main.log.info("Start listening on %s intf %s" % (
+ bess_host.name, bess_interface["name"]))
+ main.log.debug(
+ "BPF Filter BESS Downstream: \n %s" % pkt_filter_downstream)
+ bess_host.startFilter(ifaceName=bess_interface["name"],
+ sniffCount=1,
+ pktFilter=pkt_filter_downstream)
+ UP4.buildUdpPacket(pdn_host,
+ dst_eth=up4.router_mac,
+ src_ip=pdn_interface["ips"][0],
+ dst_ip=BESS_UE_ADDR,
+ src_udp=PDN_PORT,
+ dst_udp=UE_PORT)
+ pdn_host.sendPacket()
+ packets = UP4.checkFilterAndGetPackets(bess_host)
+ tot_packets = packets.count('Ether')
+ utilities.assert_equal(expect=True,
+ actual=tot_packets == 1,
+ onpass="BESS correctly received 1 packet",
+ onfail="ERROR: BESS received %d packets" % (
+ tot_packets))
+ # ------- BESS -> fabric -> eNB (encapped)
+ main.step("Test downstream BESS -> fabric -> eNB")
+ pkt_filter_downstream = "ip and udp src port %d and udp dst port %d and src host %s and dst host %s" % (
+ GPDU_PORT, GPDU_PORT, bess_s1u_address, up4.enb_address)
+ main.log.info("Start listening on %s intf %s" % (
+ enodeb_host.name, enodeb_interface["name"]))
+ main.log.debug(
+ "BPF Filter BESS Downstream: \n %s" % pkt_filter_downstream)
+ enodeb_host.startFilter(ifaceName=enodeb_interface["name"],
+ sniffCount=1,
+ pktFilter=pkt_filter_downstream)
+ # Build GTP packet from BESS host
+ UP4.buildGtpPacket(bess_host,
+ src_ip_outer=bess_s1u_address,
+ dst_ip_outer=up4.enb_address,
+ src_ip_inner=pdn_interface["ips"][0],
+ dst_ip_inner=BESS_UE_ADDR,
+ src_udp_inner=PDN_PORT,
+ dst_udp_inner=UE_PORT,
+ teid=BESS_TEID)
+ bess_host.sendPacket()
+ packets = UP4.checkFilterAndGetPackets(enodeb_host)
+ # FIXME: with newer scapy TEID becomes teid (required for Scapy 2.4.5)
+ n_packets = packets.count("TEID=" + hex(BESS_TEID) + "L ")
+ tot_packets = packets.count('Ether')
+ utilities.assert_equal(expect=True,
+ actual=n_packets == 1 and tot_packets == 1,
+ onpass="eNodeB correctly received 1 GTP encapped packet",
+ onfail="ERROR: eNodeb received %d GTP encapped packets and filter captured %d packets" % (
+ n_packets, tot_packets))
+ # ------------------------------------------------
+ main.step("Remove PDRs and FARs for UEs via UP4")
+ up4.detachUes()
+ main.step("Verify removed PDRs and FARs from ONOS")
+ up4.verifyNoUesFlow(onos_cli)
+ main.step("Stop scapy and p4rt client")
+ up4.teardown()
+ bess_host.stopScapy()
+ run.cleanup(main)