Adding build numbers to the SCPF Trend Graphs

Change-Id: Ib2b52d1427647e0a027b7563fc7b28ce983afb72
diff --git a/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy b/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
index 5761497..a459e74 100644
--- a/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
+++ b/TestON/JenkinsFile/PerformanceFuncs.groovy
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     for ( int i=0; i< SCPF[ testName ][ 'graphTitle' ].size(); i++ ){
         result += generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( generalFuncs.rScriptLocation + "SCPFLineGraph.R", host, port, user, pass, "\"" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'graphTitle' ][ i ] + "\"", branchName ) +
-        " " + 50 + " \"SELECT " + checkIfList( testName, 'dbCols', i ) + " FROM " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " WHERE  branch=\'" + branchName + "\' " + sqlOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) +
+        " " + 50 + " \"SELECT " + checkIfList( testName, 'dbCols', i ) + ", build FROM " + SCPF[ testName ][ 'table' ] + " WHERE  branch=\'" + branchName + "\' " + sqlOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) +
         checkIfList( testName, 'dbWhere', i ) + " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 50\" \"" + SCPF[ testName ][ 'y_axis' ] + "\" " + hasOldFlow( isOldFlow, testName ) + graph_saved_directory + ";"
     return result