Merge "[Goldeneye] BGPLS scripts"
diff --git a/TestON/core/ b/TestON/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c893adc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import time
+import random
+class Graph:
+ """
+ Graph class provides implementations of graph algorithms.
+ The functions currently supported include:
+ - Comparing two graphs with specified attributes for vertices and edges
+ - Getting DFI (Depth First Index) and back edges during a DFS
+ - Chain decomposition of a graph
+ - Finding (non-)cut-edges and vertices
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ # We use a dictionary to store all information about the graph
+ self.graphDict = {}
+ # Depth-first index of each vertex
+ self.DFI = {}
+ self.currentDFI = 0
+ # Parent vertex (and edge to that vertex) of each vertex in depth-first search tree
+ self.parentVertexInDFS = {}
+ self.parentEdgeInDFS = {}
+ # Back edges of the graph generated during DFS
+ self.backEdges = {}
+ # All chains in chain decomposition algorithm
+ self.chains = []
+ def update( self, graphDict ):
+ """
+ Update the graph data. The current graph dictionary will be replaced by the
+ new one.
+ graphDict is in a dictionary which maps each vertex to a list of attributes.
+ An example of graphDict:
+ { vertex1: { 'edges': ..., 'name': ..., 'protocol': ... },
+ vertex2: { 'edges': ..., 'name': ..., 'protocol': ... } }
+ Each vertex should at least have an 'edges' attribute which describes the
+ adjacency information. The value of 'edges' attribute is also represented by
+ a dictionary, which maps each edge (identified by the neighbor vertex) to a
+ list of attributes.
+ An example of the edges dictionary:
+ 'edges': { vertex2: { 'port': ..., 'type': ... },
+ vertex3: { 'port': ..., 'type': ... } }
+ """
+ self.graphDict = graphDict
+ return main.TRUE
+ def compareGraphs( self, graphDictA, graphDictB, vertexAttributes=['edges'], edgeAttributes=['port'] ):
+ """
+ Compare two graphs.
+ By default only the adjacency relationship, i.e. 'port' attribute in
+ 'edges' attribute for each vertex, is compared, To get other attributes
+ included, attribute name needs to be specified in the args, e.g.
+ vertexAttributes=[ 'edges', 'protocol' ] or
+ edgeAttributes=[ 'port', 'type' ]
+ Return main.TRUE if two graphs are equal, otherwise main.FALSE
+ """
+ try:
+ result = main.TRUE
+ for vertex in set( graphDictA ).difference( graphDictB ):
+ result = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph B: vertex {} not found".format( vertex ) )
+ for vertex in set( graphDictB ).difference( graphDictA ):
+ result = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph A: vertex {} not found".format( vertex ) )
+ for vertex in set( graphDictA ).intersection( graphDictB ):
+ for vertexAttribute in vertexAttributes:
+ attributeFound = True
+ if vertexAttribute not in graphDictA[ vertex ]:
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph A -> vertex {}: attribute {} not found".format( vertex, vertexAttribute ) )
+ attributeFound = False
+ if vertexAttribute not in graphDictB[ vertex ]:
+ attributeFound = False
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph B -> vertex {}: attribute {} not found".format( vertex, vertexAttribute ) )
+ if not attributeFound:
+ result = main.FALSE
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Compare two attributes
+ attributeValueA = graphDictA[ vertex ][ vertexAttribute ]
+ attributeValueB = graphDictB[ vertex ][ vertexAttribute ]
+ # FIXME: the comparison may not work for (sub)attribute values that are of list type
+ # For attributes except for 'edges', we just rely on '==' for comparison
+ if not vertexAttribute == 'edges':
+ if not attributeValueA == attributeValueB:
+ result = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: vertex {}: {} does not match: {} and {}".format( vertex,
+ vertexAttribute,
+ attributeValueA,
+ attributeValueB ) )
+ # The structure of 'edges' is similar to that of graphs, so we use the same method for comparison
+ else:
+ edgeDictA = attributeValueA
+ edgeDictB = attributeValueB
+ for neighbor in set( edgeDictA ).difference( edgeDictB ):
+ result = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph B -> vertex {}: neighbor {} not found".format( vertex, neighbor ) )
+ for neighbor in set( edgeDictB ).difference( edgeDictA ):
+ result = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph A -> vertex {}: neighbor {} not found".format( vertex, neighbor ) )
+ for neighbor in set( edgeDictA ).intersection( edgeDictB ):
+ for edgeAttribute in edgeAttributes:
+ attributeFound = True
+ if edgeAttribute not in edgeDictA[ neighbor ]:
+ attributeFound = False
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph A -> vertex {} -> neighbor {}: attribute {} not found".format( vertex,
+ neighbor,
+ edgeAttribute ) )
+ if edgeAttribute not in edgeDictB[ neighbor ]:
+ attributeFound = False
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: graph B -> vertex {} -> neighbor {}: attribute {} not found".format( vertex,
+ neighbor,
+ edgeAttribute ) )
+ if not attributeFound:
+ result = main.FALSE
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Compare two attributes
+ attributeValueA = edgeDictA[ neighbor ][ edgeAttribute ]
+ attributeValueB = edgeDictB[ neighbor ][ edgeAttribute ]
+ if not attributeValueA == attributeValueB:
+ result = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "Graph: vertex {} -> neighbor {}: {} does not match: {} and {}".format( vertex,
+ neighbor,
+ edgeAttribute,
+ attributeValueA,
+ attributeValueB ) )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.debug( "Graph: graphDictA: {}".format( graphDictA ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Graph: graphDictB: {}".format( graphDictB ) )
+ return result
+ except TypeError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: TypeError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: KeyError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: Uncaught exception" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ def getNonCutEdges( self ):
+ """
+ Get a list of non-cut-edges (non-bridges).
+ The definition of a cut-edge (bridge) is: the deletion of a cut-edge will
+ increase the number of connected component of a graph.
+ The function is realized by impelementing Schmidt's algorithm based on
+ chain decomposition.
+ Returns a list of edges, e.g.
+ [ [ vertex1, vertex2 ], [ vertex2, vertex3 ] ]
+ """
+ try:
+ if not self.depthFirstSearch():
+ return None
+ if not self.findChains():
+ return None
+ nonCutEdges = []
+ for chain in self.chains:
+ for edge in chain:
+ nonCutEdges.append( edge )
+ main.log.debug( 'Non-cut-edges: {}'.format( nonCutEdges ) )
+ return nonCutEdges
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: Uncaught exception" )
+ return None
+ def getNonCutVertices( self ):
+ """
+ Get a list of non-cut-vertices.
+ The definition of a cut-vertex is: the deletion of a cut-vertex will
+ increase the number of connected component of a graph.
+ The function is realized by impelementing Schmidt's algorithm based on
+ chain decomposition.
+ Returns a list of vertices, e.g. [ vertex1, vertex2, vertex3 ]
+ """
+ try:
+ nonCutEdges = self.getNonCutEdges()
+ # find all cycle chains
+ cycleChains = []
+ for chain in self.chains:
+ # if the source vertex of the first chain equals to the destination vertex of the last
+ # chain, the chain is a cycle chain
+ if chain[ 0 ][ 0 ] == chain[ -1 ][ 1 ]:
+ cycleChains.append( chain )
+ main.log.debug( 'Cycle chains: {}'.format( cycleChains ) )
+ # Get a set of vertices which are the first vertices of a cycle chain (excluding the first
+ # cycle chain), and these vertices are a subset of all cut-vertices
+ subsetOfCutVertices = []
+ if len( cycleChains ) > 1:
+ for cycleChain in cycleChains[ 1: ]:
+ subsetOfCutVertices.append( cycleChain[ 0 ][ 0 ] )
+ main.log.debug( 'Subset of cut vertices: {}'.format( subsetOfCutVertices ) )
+ nonCutVertices = []
+ assert nonCutEdges != None
+ for vertex in self.graphDict.keys():
+ if vertex in subsetOfCutVertices:
+ continue
+ vertexIsNonCut = True
+ for neighbor in self.graphDict[ vertex ][ 'edges' ].keys():
+ edge = [ vertex, neighbor ]
+ backwardEdge = [ neighbor, vertex ]
+ if not edge in nonCutEdges and not backwardEdge in nonCutEdges:
+ vertexIsNonCut = False
+ break
+ if vertexIsNonCut:
+ nonCutVertices.append( vertex )
+ main.log.debug( 'Non-cut-vertices: {}'.format( nonCutVertices ) )
+ return nonCutVertices
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: KeyError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: AssertionError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: Uncaught exception" )
+ return None
+ def depthFirstSearch( self ):
+ """
+ This function runs a depth-first search and gets DFI of each vertex as well
+ as generates the back edges
+ """
+ try:
+ assert self.graphDict != None and len( self.graphDict ) != 0
+ for vertex in self.graphDict.keys():
+ self.DFI[ vertex ] = -1
+ self.parentVertexInDFS[ vertex ] = ''
+ self.parentEdgeInDFS[ vertex ] = None
+ firstVertex = self.graphDict.keys()[ 0 ]
+ self.currentDFI = 0
+ self.backEdges = {}
+ if not self.depthFirstSearchRecursive( firstVertex ):
+ return main.ERROR
+ return main.TRUE
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: KeyError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: AssertionError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: Uncaught exception" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ def depthFirstSearchRecursive( self, vertex ):
+ """
+ Recursive function for depth-first search
+ """
+ try:
+ self.DFI[ vertex ] = self.currentDFI
+ self.currentDFI += 1
+ for neighbor in self.graphDict[ vertex ][ 'edges' ].keys():
+ edge = [ vertex, neighbor ]
+ backwardEdge = [ neighbor, vertex ]
+ if neighbor == self.parentVertexInDFS[ vertex ]:
+ continue
+ elif self.DFI[ neighbor ] == -1:
+ self.parentVertexInDFS[ neighbor ] = vertex
+ self.parentEdgeInDFS[ neighbor ] = backwardEdge
+ if not self.depthFirstSearchRecursive( neighbor ):
+ return main.ERROR
+ else:
+ key = self.DFI[ neighbor ]
+ if key in self.backEdges.keys():
+ if not edge in self.backEdges[ key ] and\
+ not backwardEdge in self.backEdges[ key ]:
+ self.backEdges[ key ].append( backwardEdge )
+ else:
+ tempKey = self.DFI[ vertex ]
+ if tempKey in self.backEdges.keys():
+ if not edge in self.backEdges[ tempKey ] and\
+ not backwardEdge in self.backEdges[ tempKey ]:
+ self.backEdges[ key ] = [ backwardEdge ]
+ else:
+ self.backEdges[ key ] = [ backwardEdge ]
+ return main.TRUE
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: KeyError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: Uncaught exception" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ def findChains( self ):
+ """
+ This function finds all the chains in chain-decomposition algorithm
+ """
+ keyList = self.backEdges.keys()
+ keyList.sort()
+ vertexIsVisited = {}
+ self.chains = []
+ for vertex in self.graphDict.keys():
+ vertexIsVisited[ vertex ] = False
+ try:
+ for key in keyList:
+ backEdgeList = self.backEdges[ key ]
+ for edge in backEdgeList:
+ chain = []
+ currentEdge = edge
+ sourceVertex = edge[ 0 ]
+ while True:
+ currentVertex = currentEdge[ 0 ]
+ nextVertex = currentEdge[ 1 ]
+ vertexIsVisited[ currentVertex ] = True
+ chain.append( currentEdge )
+ if nextVertex == sourceVertex or vertexIsVisited[ nextVertex ] == True:
+ break
+ currentEdge = self.parentEdgeInDFS[ nextVertex ]
+ self.chains.append( chain )
+ return main.TRUE
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: KeyError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Graph: Uncaught exception" )
+ return main.ERROR
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/ b/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/
index ebccce0..08f242d 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/api/controller/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
main.log.exception( "Error parsing jsonObject" )
return None
- def send( self, ip, port, url, base="/onos/v1", method="GET",
+ def send( self, url, ip = "DEFAULT", port = "DEFAULT", base="/onos/v1", method="GET",
query=None, data=None, debug=False ):
@@ -94,6 +94,14 @@
# TODO: should we maybe just pass kwargs straight to response?
# TODO: Do we need to allow for other protocols besides http?
# ANSWER: Not yet, but potentially https with certificates
+ if ip == "DEFAULT":
+ main.log.warn( "No ip given, reverting to ip from topo file" )
+ ip = self.ip_address
+ if port == "DEFAULT":
+ main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
+ "from topo file" )
+ port = self.port
path = "http://" + str( ip ) + ":" + str( port ) + base + url
if self.user_name and self.pwd:
@@ -137,7 +145,7 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/intents" )
+ response = self.send( url="/intents", ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -185,7 +193,7 @@
port = self.port
# NOTE: REST url requires the intent id to be in decimal form
query = "/" + str( appId ) + "/" + str( intentId )
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/intents" + query )
+ response = self.send( url="/intents" + query, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -248,7 +256,7 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/applications" )
+ response = self.send( url="/applications", ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -291,8 +299,9 @@
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
query = "/" + str( appName ) + "/active"
- response = self.send( ip, port, method="POST",
- url="/applications" + query )
+ response = self.send( method="POST",
+ url="/applications" + query,
+ ip = ip, port = port)
if response:
output = response[ 1 ]
app = json.loads( output )
@@ -347,8 +356,9 @@
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
query = "/" + str( appName ) + "/active"
- response = self.send( ip, port, method="DELETE",
- url="/applications" + query )
+ response = self.send( method="DELETE",
+ url="/applications" + query,
+ ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
output = response[ 1 ]
app = json.loads( output )
@@ -401,7 +411,8 @@
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
query = "/" + project + str( appName )
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/applications" + query )
+ response = self.send( url="/applications" + query,
+ ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -420,7 +431,7 @@
def addHostIntent( self, hostIdOne, hostIdTwo, appId='org.onosproject.cli',
- ip="DEFAULT", port="DEFAULT" ):
+ ip="DEFAULT", port="DEFAULT", vlanId="" ):
Adds a host-to-host intent ( bidirectional ) by
@@ -443,6 +454,9 @@
"constraints": [{"type": "LinkTypeConstraint",
"types": ["OPTICAL"],
"inclusive": 'false' }]}
+ if vlanId:
+ intentJson[ 'selector' ][ 'criteria' ].append( { "type":"VLAN_VID",
+ "vlanId":vlanId } )
output = None
if ip == "DEFAULT":
main.log.warn( "No ip given, reverting to ip from topo file" )
@@ -451,10 +465,8 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="POST",
- url="/intents",
+ response = self.send( method="POST",
+ url="/intents", ip = ip, port = port,
data=json.dumps( intentJson ) )
if response:
if 201:
@@ -492,7 +504,8 @@
- port="DEFAULT" ):
+ port="DEFAULT",
+ vlanId="" ):
Adds a point-to-point intent ( uni-directional ) by
@@ -590,6 +603,10 @@
intentJson[ 'selector' ][ 'criteria' ].append(
{ "type":"IP_PROTO",
"protocol": ipProto } )
+ if vlanId:
+ intentJson[ 'selector' ][ 'criteria' ].append(
+ { "type":"VLAN_VID",
+ "vlanId": vlanId } )
# TODO: Bandwidth and Lambda will be implemented if needed
@@ -603,10 +620,8 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="POST",
- url="/intents",
+ response = self.send( method="POST",
+ url="/intents", ip = ip, port = port,
data=json.dumps( intentJson ) )
if response:
if 201:
@@ -644,10 +659,8 @@
port = self.port
# NOTE: REST url requires the intent id to be in decimal form
query = "/" + str( appId ) + "/" + str( int( intentId, 16 ) )
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="DELETE",
- url="/intents" + query )
+ response = self.send( method="DELETE",
+ url="/intents" + query, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
return main.TRUE
@@ -747,7 +760,7 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/hosts" )
+ response = self.send( url="/hosts", ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -793,7 +806,7 @@
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
query = "/" + mac + "/" + vlan
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/hosts" + query )
+ response = self.send( url="/hosts" + query, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
# NOTE: What if the person wants other values? would it be better
# to have a function that gets a key and return a value instead?
@@ -832,7 +845,7 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/topology" )
+ response = self.send( url="/topology", ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -869,7 +882,7 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/devices" )
+ response = self.send( url="/devices", ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -1032,7 +1045,7 @@
main.log.warn( "No port given, reverting to port " +
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
- response = self.send( ip, port, url="/flows" )
+ response = self.send( url="/flows", ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -1075,7 +1088,7 @@
if flowId:
url += "/" + str( int( flowId ) )
print url
- response = self.send( ip, port, url=url )
+ response = self.send( url=url, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -1123,10 +1136,8 @@
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
url = "/flows/" + deviceId
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="POST",
- url=url,
+ response = self.send( method="POST",
+ url=url, ip = ip, port = port,
data=json.dumps( flowJson ) )
if response:
if 201:
@@ -1292,10 +1303,8 @@
port = self.port
# NOTE: REST url requires the intent id to be in decimal form
query = "/" + str( deviceId ) + "/" + str( int( flowId ) )
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="DELETE",
- url="/flows" + query )
+ response = self.send( method="DELETE",
+ url="/flows" + query, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
return main.TRUE
@@ -1365,7 +1374,7 @@
url += "/" + subjectKey
if configKey:
url += "/" + configKey
- response = self.send( ip, port, url=url )
+ response = self.send( url=url, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
output = response[ 1 ]
@@ -1415,9 +1424,8 @@
url += "/" + subjectKey
if configKey:
url += "/" + configKey
- response = self.send( ip, port,
- method="POST",
- url=url,
+ response = self.send( method="POST",
+ url=url, ip = ip, port = port,
data=json.dumps( cfgJson ) )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
@@ -1462,9 +1470,8 @@
url += "/" + subjectKey
if configKey:
url += "/" + configKey
- response = self.send( ip, port,
- method="DELETE",
- url=url )
+ response = self.send( method="DELETE",
+ url=url, ip = ip, port = port )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299: + ": Successfully delete cfg" )
@@ -1667,10 +1674,8 @@
"from topo file" )
port = self.port
url = "/flows/"
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="POST",
- url=url,
+ response = self.send( method="POST",
+ url=url, ip = ip, port = port,
data=json.dumps( batch ) )"Post response is: ", str(response[0]))
if response[0] == 200:
@@ -1712,10 +1717,8 @@
port = self.port
# NOTE: REST url requires the intent id to be in decimal form
- response = self.send( ip,
- port,
- method="DELETE",
- url="/flows/",
+ response = self.send( method="DELETE",
+ url="/flows/", ip = ip, port = port,
data = json.dumps(batch) )
if response:
if 200 <= response[ 0 ] <= 299:
@@ -1731,3 +1734,91 @@
main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ def getTopology( self, topologyOutput ):
+ """
+ Definition:
+ Loads a json topology output
+ Return:
+ topology = current ONOS topology
+ """
+ import json
+ try:
+ # either onos:topology or 'topology' will work in CLI
+ topology = json.loads(topologyOutput)
+ main.log.debug( topology )
+ return topology
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def checkStatus(
+ self,
+ topologyResult,
+ numoswitch,
+ numolink,
+ logLevel="info" ):
+ """
+ Checks the number of switches & links that ONOS sees against the
+ supplied values. By default this will report to main.log, but the
+ log level can be specific.
+ Params: topologyResult = the output of topology command
+ numoswitch = expected number of switches
+ numolink = expected number of links
+ logLevel = level to log to.
+ Currently accepts 'info', 'warn' and 'report'
+ Returns: main.TRUE if the number of switches and links are correct,
+ main.FALSE if the number of switches and links is incorrect,
+ and main.ERROR otherwise
+ """
+ try:
+ topology = self.getTopology( topologyResult )
+ if topology == {}:
+ return main.ERROR
+ output = ""
+ # Is the number of switches is what we expected
+ devices = topology.get( 'devices', False )
+ links = topology.get( 'links', False )
+ if devices is False or links is False:
+ return main.ERROR
+ switchCheck = ( int( devices ) == int( numoswitch ) )
+ # Is the number of links is what we expected
+ linkCheck = ( int( links ) == int( numolink ) )
+ if switchCheck and linkCheck:
+ # We expected the correct numbers
+ output = output + "The number of links and switches match "\
+ + "what was expected"
+ result = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ output = output + \
+ "The number of links and switches does not match " + \
+ "what was expected"
+ result = main.FALSE
+ output = output + "\n ONOS sees %i devices" % int( devices )
+ output = output + " (%i expected) " % int( numoswitch )
+ output = output + "and %i links " % int( links )
+ output = output + "(%i expected)" % int( numolink )
+ if logLevel == "report":
+ output )
+ elif logLevel == "warn":
+ main.log.warn( output )
+ else:
+ output )
+ return result
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/api/ b/TestON/drivers/common/api/
index f8e9e23..4a874c6 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/api/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/api/
@@ -242,14 +242,16 @@
- def onosFormCluster( self, onosIPs, cmdPath="~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/PLATdockertest/Dependency", user="karaf", passwd="karaf" ):
+ def onosFormCluster( self, onosIPs, cmdPath, user="karaf", passwd="karaf" ):
From ONOS cluster for IP addresses in onosIPs list
onosIPs = " ".join(onosIPs)
- command = cmdPath + "/onos-form-cluster -u " + user + " -p " + passwd + \
- " " + onosIPs
+ command = "{}/onos-form-cluster -u {} -p {} {}".format( cmdPath,
+ user,
+ passwd,
+ onosIPs )
result = command, shell=True )
if result == 0:
return main.TRUE
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index 5a165a2..b38e257 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -617,6 +617,60 @@
+ def pingHostSetAlternative( self, dstIPList, wait=1, IPv6=False ):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Ping a set of destination host from host CLI.
+ Logging into a Mininet host CLI is required before calling this funtion.
+ Params:
+ dstIPList is a list of destination ip addresses
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the destination host is reachable
+ main.FALSE otherwise
+ """
+ isReachable = main.TRUE
+ wait = int( wait )
+ cmd = "ping"
+ if IPv6:
+ cmd = cmd + "6"
+ cmd = cmd + " -c 1 -i 1 -W " + str( wait )
+ try:
+ for dstIP in dstIPList:
+ pingCmd = cmd + " " + dstIP
+ self.handle.sendline( pingCmd )
+ i = self.handle.expect( [ self.hostPrompt,
+ '\*\*\* Unknown command: ' + pingCmd,
+ pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
+ timeout=wait + 1 )
+ if i == 0:
+ response = self.handle.before
+ if not ',\s0\%\spacket\sloss', response ):
+ main.log.debug( "Ping failed between %s and %s" % (, dstIP ) )
+ isReachable = main.FALSE
+ elif i == 1:
+ main.log.error( + ": function should be called from host CLI instead of Mininet CLI" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ elif i == 2:
+ main.log.error( + ": timeout when waiting for response" )
+ isReachable = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( + ": unknown response: " + self.handle.before )
+ isReachable = main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.exception( + ": TIMEOUT exception" )
+ isReachable = main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ return isReachable
def checkIP( self, host ):
Verifies the host's ip configured or not."""
@@ -2075,6 +2129,8 @@
def flowTableComp( self, flowTable1, flowTable2 ):
# This function compares the selctors and treatments of each flow
+ assert flowTable1, "flowTable1 is empty or None"
+ assert flowTable2, "flowTable2 is empty or None"
returnValue = main.TRUE
if len(flowTable1) != len(flowTable2):
main.log.warn( "Flow table lengths do not match" )
@@ -2097,6 +2153,9 @@
returnValue = main.FALSE
return returnValue
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( "Nothing to compare" )
+ return main.FALSE
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Uncaught exception!" )
@@ -2115,71 +2174,80 @@
returns: A list of flows in json format
jsonFlowTable = []
- for flow in flowTable:
- jsonFlow = {}
- # split up the fields of the flow
- parsedFlow = flow.split(", ")
- # get rid of any spaces in front of the field
- for i in range( len(parsedFlow) ):
- item = parsedFlow[i]
- if item[0] == " ":
- parsedFlow[i] = item[1:]
- # grab the selector and treatment from the parsed flow
- # the last element is the selector and the treatment
- temp = parsedFlow.pop(-1)
- # split up the selector and the treatment
- temp = temp.split(" ")
- index = 0
- # parse the flags
- # NOTE: This only parses one flag
- flag = {}
- if version == "1.3":
- flag = {"flag":[temp[index]]}
+ try:
+ for flow in flowTable:
+ jsonFlow = {}
+ # split up the fields of the flow
+ parsedFlow = flow.split(", ")
+ # get rid of any spaces in front of the field
+ for i in range( len(parsedFlow) ):
+ item = parsedFlow[i]
+ if item[0] == " ":
+ parsedFlow[i] = item[1:]
+ # grab the selector and treatment from the parsed flow
+ # the last element is the selector and the treatment
+ temp = parsedFlow.pop(-1)
+ # split up the selector and the treatment
+ temp = temp.split(" ")
+ index = 0
+ # parse the flags
+ # NOTE: This only parses one flag
+ flag = {}
+ if version == "1.3":
+ flag = {"flag":[temp[index]]}
+ index += 1
+ # the first element is the selector and split it up
+ sel = temp[index]
index += 1
- # the first element is the selector and split it up
- sel = temp[index]
- index += 1
- sel = sel.split(",")
- # the priority is stuck in the selecter so put it back
- # in the flow
- parsedFlow.append(sel.pop(0))
- # parse selector
- criteria = []
- for item in sel:
- # this is the type of the packet e.g. "arp"
- if "=" not in item:
- criteria.append( {"type":item} )
- else:
+ sel = sel.split(",")
+ # the priority is stuck in the selecter so put it back
+ # in the flow
+ parsedFlow.append(sel.pop(0))
+ # parse selector
+ criteria = []
+ for item in sel:
+ # this is the type of the packet e.g. "arp"
+ if "=" not in item:
+ criteria.append( {"type":item} )
+ else:
+ field = item.split("=")
+ criteria.append( {field[0]:field[1]} )
+ selector = {"selector": {"criteria":sorted(criteria)} }
+ treat = temp[index]
+ # get rid of the action part e.g. "action=output:2"
+ # we will add it back later
+ treat = treat.split("=")
+ treat.pop(0)
+ # parse treatment
+ action = []
+ for item in treat:
+ field = item.split(":")
+ action.append( {field[0]:field[1]} )
+ # create the treatment field and add the actions
+ treatment = {"treatment": {"action":sorted(action)} }
+ # parse the rest of the flow
+ for item in parsedFlow:
field = item.split("=")
- criteria.append( {field[0]:field[1]} )
- selector = {"selector": {"criteria":sorted(criteria)} }
- treat = temp[index]
- # get rid of the action part e.g. "action=output:2"
- # we will add it back later
- treat = treat.split("=")
- treat.pop(0)
- # parse treatment
- action = []
- for item in treat:
- field = item.split(":")
- action.append( {field[0]:field[1]} )
- # create the treatment field and add the actions
- treatment = {"treatment": {"action":sorted(action)} }
- # parse the rest of the flow
- for item in parsedFlow:
- field = item.split("=")
- jsonFlow.update( {field[0]:field[1]} )
- # add the treatment and the selector to the json flow
- jsonFlow.update( selector )
- jsonFlow.update( treatment )
- jsonFlow.update( flag )
+ jsonFlow.update( {field[0]:field[1]} )
+ # add the treatment and the selector to the json flow
+ jsonFlow.update( selector )
+ jsonFlow.update( treatment )
+ jsonFlow.update( flag )
- if debug: main.log.debug( "\033[94mJson flow:\033[0m\n{}\n".format(jsonFlow) )
+ if debug: main.log.debug( "\033[94mJson flow:\033[0m\n{}\n".format(jsonFlow) )
- # add the json flow to the json flow table
- jsonFlowTable.append( jsonFlow )
+ # add the json flow to the json flow table
+ jsonFlowTable.append( jsonFlow )
- return jsonFlowTable
+ return jsonFlowTable
+ except IndexError:
+ main.log.exception( + ": IndexError found" )
+ return None
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
def getFlowTable( self, sw, version="", debug=False):
@@ -2253,6 +2321,8 @@
try: "Getting flows from Mininet" )
flows = self.getFlowTable( sw, version, debug )
+ if flows == None:
+ return main.ERROR
if debug: print "flow ids:\n{}\n\n".format(flowId)
@@ -3050,624 +3120,6 @@
- def startScapy( self, mplsPath="" ):
- """
- Start the Scapy cli
- optional:
- mplsPath - The path where the MPLS class is located
- NOTE: This can be a relative path from the user's home dir
- """
- mplsLines = ['import imp',
- 'imp.load_source( "mplsClass", "{}" )'.format(mplsPath),
- 'from mplsClass import MPLS',
- 'bind_layers(Ether, MPLS, type = 0x8847)',
- 'bind_layers(MPLS, MPLS, bottom_of_label_stack = 0)',
- 'bind_layers(MPLS, IP)']
- try:
- self.handle.sendline( "scapy" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- self.handle.sendline( "conf.color_theme = NoTheme()" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if mplsPath:
- "Adding MPLS class" )
- "MPLS class path: " + mplsPath )
- for line in mplsLines:
- "sending line: " + line )
- self.handle.sendline( line )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def stopScapy( self ):
- """
- Exit the Scapy cli
- """
- try:
- self.handle.sendline( "exit()" )
- self.handle.expect( self.hostPrompt )
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def buildEther( self, **kwargs ):
- """
- Build an Ethernet frame
- Will create a frame class with the given options. If a field is
- left blank it will default to the below value unless it is
- overwritten by the next frame.
- Default frame:
- ###[ Ethernet ]###
- dst= ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
- src= 00:00:00:00:00:00
- type= 0x800
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # Set the Ethernet frame
- cmd = 'ether = Ether( '
- options = []
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- if isinstance( value, str ):
- value = '"' + value + '"'
- options.append( str( key ) + "=" + str( value ) )
- cmd += ", ".join( options )
- cmd += ' )'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def buildIP( self, **kwargs ):
- """
- Build an IP frame
- Will create a frame class with the given options. If a field is
- left blank it will default to the below value unless it is
- overwritten by the next frame.
- Default frame:
- ###[ IP ]###
- version= 4
- ihl= None
- tos= 0x0
- len= None
- id= 1
- flags=
- frag= 0
- ttl= 64
- proto= hopopt
- chksum= None
- src=
- dst=
- \options\
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # Set the IP frame
- cmd = 'ip = IP( '
- options = []
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- if isinstance( value, str ):
- value = '"' + value + '"'
- options.append( str( key ) + "=" + str( value ) )
- cmd += ", ".join( options )
- cmd += ' )'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ip" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def buildIPv6( self, **kwargs ):
- """
- Build an IPv6 frame
- Will create a frame class with the given options. If a field is
- left blank it will default to the below value unless it is
- overwritten by the next frame.
- Default frame:
- ###[ IPv6 ]###
- version= 6
- tc= 0
- fl= 0
- plen= None
- nh= No Next Header
- hlim= 64
- src= ::1
- dst= ::1
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # Set the IPv6 frame
- cmd = 'ipv6 = IPv6( '
- options = []
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- if isinstance( value, str ):
- value = '"' + value + '"'
- options.append( str( key ) + "=" + str( value ) )
- cmd += ", ".join( options )
- cmd += ' )'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ipv6" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def buildTCP( self, ipVersion=4, **kwargs ):
- """
- Build an TCP frame
- Will create a frame class with the given options. If a field is
- left blank it will default to the below value unless it is
- overwritten by the next frame.
- NOTE: Some arguments require quotes around them. It's up to you to
- know which ones and to add them yourself. Arguments with an asterisk
- do not need quotes.
- Options:
- ipVersion - Either 4 (default) or 6, indicates what Internet Protocol
- frame to use to encapsulate into
- Default frame:
- ###[ TCP ]###
- sport= ftp_data *
- dport= http *
- seq= 0
- ack= 0
- dataofs= None
- reserved= 0
- flags= S
- window= 8192
- chksum= None
- urgptr= 0
- options= {}
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # Set the TCP frame
- cmd = 'tcp = TCP( '
- options = []
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- options.append( str( key ) + "=" + str( value ) )
- cmd += ", ".join( options )
- cmd += ' )'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- if str( ipVersion ) is '4':
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ip/tcp" )
- elif str( ipVersion ) is '6':
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ipv6/tcp" )
- else:
- main.log.error( "Unrecognized option for ipVersion, given " +
- repr( ipVersion ) )
- return main.FALSE
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def buildUDP( self, ipVersion=4, **kwargs ):
- """
- Build an UDP frame
- Will create a frame class with the given options. If a field is
- left blank it will default to the below value unless it is
- overwritten by the next frame.
- NOTE: Some arguments require quotes around them. It's up to you to
- know which ones and to add them yourself. Arguments with an asterisk
- do not need quotes.
- Options:
- ipVersion - Either 4 (default) or 6, indicates what Internet Protocol
- frame to use to encapsulate into
- Default frame:
- ###[ UDP ]###
- sport= domain *
- dport= domain *
- len= None
- chksum= None
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # Set the UDP frame
- cmd = 'udp = UDP( '
- options = []
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- options.append( str( key ) + "=" + str( value ) )
- cmd += ", ".join( options )
- cmd += ' )'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- if str( ipVersion ) is '4':
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ip/udp" )
- elif str( ipVersion ) is '6':
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ipv6/udp" )
- else:
- main.log.error( "Unrecognized option for ipVersion, given " +
- repr( ipVersion ) )
- return main.FALSE
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def buildICMP( self, **kwargs ):
- """
- Build an ICMP frame
- Will create a frame class with the given options. If a field is
- left blank it will default to the below value unless it is
- overwritten by the next frame.
- Default frame:
- ###[ ICMP ]###
- type= echo-request
- code= 0
- chksum= None
- id= 0x0
- seq= 0x0
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # Set the ICMP frame
- cmd = 'icmp = ICMP( '
- options = []
- for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
- if isinstance( value, str ):
- value = '"' + value + '"'
- options.append( str( key ) + "=" + str( value ) )
- cmd += ", ".join( options )
- cmd += ' )'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- self.handle.sendline( "packet = ether/ip/icmp" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def sendPacket( self, iface=None, packet=None, timeout=1 ):
- """
- Send a packet with either the given scapy packet command, or use the
- packet saved in the variable 'packet'.
- Examples of a valid string for packet:
- Simple IP packet
- packet='Ether(dst="a6:d9:26:df:1d:4b")/IP(dst="")'
- A Ping with two vlan tags
- packet='Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')/Dot1Q(vlan=1)/Dot1Q(vlan=10)/
- IP(dst='', src='')/ICMP()'
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # TODO: add all params, or use kwargs
- sendCmd = 'srp( '
- if packet:
- sendCmd += packet
- else:
- sendCmd += "packet"
- if iface:
- sendCmd += ", iface='{}'".format( iface )
- sendCmd += ', timeout=' + str( timeout ) + ')'
- self.handle.sendline( sendCmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
- # KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
- main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
- return main.FALSE
- # TODO: Check # of packets sent?
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def startFilter( self, ifaceName=None, sniffCount=1, pktFilter="ip" ):
- """
- Listen for packets using the given filters
- Options:
- ifaceName - the name of the interface to listen on. If none is given,
- defaults to <host name>-eth0
- pktFilter - A string in Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) format which
- specifies which packets to sniff
- sniffCount - The number of matching packets to capture before returning
- Returns main.TRUE or main.FALSE on error
- """
- try:
- # TODO: add all params, or use kwargs
- ifaceName = str( ifaceName ) if ifaceName else + "-eth0"
- # Set interface
- self.handle.sendline( ' conf.iface = "' + ifaceName + '"' )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- cmd = 'pkt = sniff(count = ' + str( sniffCount ) +\
- ', filter = "' + str( pktFilter ) + '")'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( '"\)\r\n' )
- # TODO: parse this?
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def checkFilter( self ):
- """
- Check that a filter returned and returns the reponse
- """
- try:
- i = self.handle.expect( [ self.scapyPrompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
- if i == 0:
- return main.TRUE
- else:
- return main.FALSE
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def killFilter( self ):
- """
- Kill a scapy filter
- """
- try:
- self.handle.send( "\x03" ) # Send a ctrl-c to kill the filter
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- return self.handle.before
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return None
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def readPackets( self ):
- """
- Read all the packets captured by the previous filter
- """
- try:
- self.handle.sendline( "for p in pkt: p \n")
- self.handle.expect( "for p in pkt: p \r\n... \r\n" )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return None
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- return self.handle.before
- def updateSelf( self ):
- """
- Updates local MAC and IP fields
- """
- self.hostMac = self.getMac()
- self.hostIp = self.getIp()
- def getMac( self, ifaceName=None ):
- """
- Save host's MAC address
- """
- try:
- ifaceName = str( ifaceName ) if ifaceName else + "-eth0"
- cmd = 'get_if_hwaddr("' + str( ifaceName ) + '")'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- pattern = r'(([0-9a-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9a-f]{2}))'
- match = pattern, self.handle.before )
- if match:
- return
- else:
- # the command will have an exception if iface doesn't exist
- return None
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return None
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def getIp( self, ifaceName=None ):
- """
- Save host's IP address
- """
- try:
- ifaceName = ifaceName if ifaceName else + "-eth0"
- cmd = 'get_if_addr("' + str( ifaceName ) + '")'
- self.handle.sendline( cmd )
- self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
- pattern = r'(((2[0-5]|1[0-9]|[0-9])?[0-9]\.){3}((2[0-5]|1[0-9]|[0-9])?[0-9]))'
- match = pattern, self.handle.before )
- if match:
- # NOTE: The command will return if the iface doesn't exist
- return
- else:
- return None
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": Command timed out" )
- return None
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.exception( + ": connection closed." )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
if __name__ != "__main__":
sys.modules[ __name__ ] = MininetCliDriver()
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
index a083183..39c5c4d 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/
@@ -700,6 +700,7 @@
sendCmd += ', timeout=' + str( timeout ) + ')'
self.handle.sendline( sendCmd )
self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
+ # main.log.warn( "Send packet response: {}".format( self.handle.before ) )
if "Traceback" in self.handle.before:
# KeyError, SyntaxError, ...
main.log.error( "Error in sending command: " + self.handle.before )
@@ -739,7 +740,7 @@
self.handle.expect( self.scapyPrompt )
cmd = 'pkt = sniff(count = ' + str( sniffCount ) +\
', filter = "' + str( pktFilter ) + '")'
- print + ' > ' + cmd
+ "Filter on " + + ' > ' + cmd )
self.handle.sendline( cmd )
self.handle.expect( '"\)\r\n' )
# TODO: parse this?
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index e1d298a..a3e2b6a 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -151,7 +151,10 @@
# ONOS didn't fully load, and logout command isn't working
# or the command timed out
self.handle.send( "\x04" ) # send ctrl-d
- self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+ try:
+ self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS did not respond to 'logout' or CTRL-d" )
return main.TRUE
else: # some other output
main.log.warn( "Unknown repsonse to logout command: '{}'",
@@ -301,11 +304,93 @@
- def log( self, cmdStr, level="" ):
+ def startCellCli( self, karafTimeout="",
+ commandlineTimeout=10, onosStartTimeout=60 ):
+ """
+ Start CLI on onos ecll handle.
+ karafTimeout is an optional argument. karafTimeout value passed
+ by user would be used to set the current karaf shell idle timeout.
+ Note that when ever this property is modified the shell will exit and
+ the subsequent login would reflect new idle timeout.
+ Below is an example to start a session with 60 seconds idle timeout
+ ( input value is in milliseconds ):
+ tValue = "60000"
+ Note: karafTimeout is left as str so that this could be read
+ and passed to startOnosCli from PARAMS file as str.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ x = self.handle.expect( [
+ "\$", "onos>" ], commandlineTimeout)
+ if x == 1:
+ "ONOS cli is already running" )
+ return main.TRUE
+ # Wait for onos start ( -w ) and enter onos cli
+ self.handle.sendline( "/opt/onos/bin/onos" )
+ i = self.handle.expect( [
+ "onos>",
+ pexpect.TIMEOUT ], onosStartTimeout )
+ if i == 0:
+ + " CLI Started successfully" )
+ if karafTimeout:
+ self.handle.sendline(
+ "config:property-set -p\
+ sshIdleTimeout " +
+ karafTimeout )
+ self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+ self.handle.sendline( "/opt/onos/bin/onos" )
+ self.handle.expect( "onos>" )
+ return main.TRUE
+ else:
+ # If failed, send ctrl+c to process and try again
+ "Starting CLI failed. Retrying..." )
+ self.handle.send( "\x03" )
+ self.handle.sendline( "/opt/onos/bin/onos" )
+ i = self.handle.expect( [ "onos>", pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
+ timeout=30 )
+ if i == 0:
+ + " CLI Started " +
+ "successfully after retry attempt" )
+ if karafTimeout:
+ self.handle.sendline(
+ "config:property-set -p\
+ sshIdleTimeout " +
+ karafTimeout )
+ self.handle.expect( "\$" )
+ self.handle.sendline( "/opt/onos/bin/onos" )
+ self.handle.expect( "onos>" )
+ return main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Connection to CLI " +
+ + " timeout" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except TypeError:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
+ return None
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def log( self, cmdStr, level="",noExit=False):
log the commands in the onos CLI.
returns main.TRUE on success
returns main.FALSE if Error occurred
+ if noExit is True, TestON will not exit, but clean up
Available level: DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARN, ERROR
Level defaults to INFO
@@ -314,6 +399,54 @@
if level:
lvlStr = "--level=" + level
+ self.handle.sendline( "log:log " + lvlStr + " " + cmdStr )
+ self.handle.expect( "log:log" )
+ self.handle.expect( "onos>" )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ if "Error", response ):
+ return main.FALSE
+ return main.TRUE
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.exception( + ": TIMEOUT exception found" )
+ if noExit:
+ main.cleanup()
+ return None
+ else:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ if noExit:
+ main.cleanup()
+ return None
+ else:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ if noExit:
+ main.cleanup()
+ return None
+ else:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def sendline( self, cmdStr, showResponse=False, debug=False, timeout=10, noExit=False ):
+ """
+ Send a completely user specified string to
+ the onos> prompt. Use this function if you have
+ a very specific command to send.
+ if noExit is True, TestON will not exit, but clean up
+ Warning: There are no sanity checking to commands
+ sent using this method.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Try to reconnect if disconnected from cli
self.handle.sendline( "" )
i = self.handle.expect( [ "onos>", "\$", pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
if i == 1:
@@ -333,41 +466,11 @@
if i == 2:
self.handle.sendline( "" )
self.handle.expect( "onos>" )
- self.handle.sendline( "log:log " + lvlStr + " " + cmdStr )
- self.handle.expect( "log:log" )
- self.handle.expect( "onos>" )
- response = self.handle.before
- if "Error", response ):
- return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- main.log.exception( + ": TIMEOUT exception found" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
- main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def sendline( self, cmdStr, showResponse=False, debug=False, timeout=10 ):
- """
- Send a completely user specified string to
- the onos> prompt. Use this function if you have
- a very specific command to send.
- Warning: There are no sanity checking to commands
- sent using this method.
- """
- try:
- logStr = "\"Sending CLI command: '" + cmdStr + "'\""
- self.log( logStr )
+ if debug:
+ # NOTE: This adds and average of .4 seconds per call
+ logStr = "\"Sending CLI command: '" + cmdStr + "'\""
+ self.log( logStr,noExit=noExit )
self.handle.sendline( cmdStr )
i = self.handle.expect( ["onos>", "\$"], timeout )
response = self.handle.before
@@ -415,6 +518,7 @@
return None
except IndexError:
main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
+ main.log.debug( "response: {}".format( repr( response ) ) )
return None
except TypeError:
main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
@@ -422,12 +526,20 @@
except pexpect.EOF:
main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
+ if noExit:
+ main.cleanup()
+ return None
+ else:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
except Exception:
main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
+ if noExit:
+ main.cleanup()
+ return None
+ else:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
# For all cli commands, naming convention should match
@@ -449,6 +561,7 @@
cmdStr = "add-node " + str( nodeId ) + " " +\
str( ONOSIp ) + " " + str( tcpPort )
handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert handle is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
if "Error", handle ):
main.log.error( "Error in adding node" )
@@ -484,6 +597,7 @@
cmdStr = "remove-node " + str( nodeId )
handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert handle is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
if "Error", handle ):
main.log.error( "Error in removing node" )
@@ -519,6 +633,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
return output
except AssertionError:
@@ -670,6 +785,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
return output
except AssertionError:
@@ -733,7 +849,7 @@
- def links( self, jsonFormat=True ):
+ def links( self, jsonFormat=True, timeout=30 ):
Lists all core links
Optional argument:
@@ -743,7 +859,7 @@
cmdStr = "links"
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
- handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ handle = self.sendline( cmdStr, timeout=timeout )
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
return handle
except AssertionError:
@@ -1032,11 +1148,14 @@
- def addHostIntent( self, hostIdOne, hostIdTwo ):
+ def addHostIntent( self, hostIdOne, hostIdTwo, vlanId="", setVlan="" ):
* hostIdOne: ONOS host id for host1
* hostIdTwo: ONOS host id for host2
+ Optional:
+ * vlanId: specify a VLAN id for the intent
+ * setVlan: specify a VLAN id treatment
Adds a host-to-host intent ( bidirectional ) by
specifying the two hosts.
@@ -1044,8 +1163,12 @@
A string of the intent id or None on Error
- cmdStr = "add-host-intent " + str( hostIdOne ) +\
- " " + str( hostIdTwo )
+ cmdStr = "add-host-intent "
+ if vlanId:
+ cmdStr += "-v " + str( vlanId ) + " "
+ if setVlan:
+ cmdStr += "--setVlan " + str( vlanId ) + " "
+ cmdStr += str( hostIdOne ) + " " + str( hostIdTwo )
handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
if "Error", handle ):
@@ -1141,7 +1264,9 @@
- tcpDst="" ):
+ tcpDst="",
+ vlanId="",
+ setVlan="" ):
* ingressDevice: device id of ingress device
@@ -1158,6 +1283,8 @@
* ipDst: specify ip destination address
* tcpSrc: specify tcp source port
* tcpDst: specify tcp destination port
+ * vlanId: specify vlan ID
+ * setVlan: specify a VLAN id treatment
Adds a point-to-point intent ( uni-directional ) by
specifying device id's and optional fields
@@ -1169,36 +1296,32 @@
intent via cli
- # If there are no optional arguments
- if not ethType and not ethSrc and not ethDst\
- and not bandwidth and not lambdaAlloc \
- and not ipProto and not ipSrc and not ipDst \
- and not tcpSrc and not tcpDst:
- cmd = "add-point-intent"
+ cmd = "add-point-intent"
- else:
- cmd = "add-point-intent"
- if ethType:
- cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
- if ethSrc:
- cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
- if ethDst:
- cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
- if bandwidth:
- cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
- if lambdaAlloc:
- cmd += " --lambda "
- if ipProto:
- cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
- if ipSrc:
- cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
- if ipDst:
- cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
- if tcpSrc:
- cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
- if tcpDst:
- cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
+ if ethType:
+ cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
+ if ethSrc:
+ cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
+ if ethDst:
+ cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
+ if bandwidth:
+ cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
+ if lambdaAlloc:
+ cmd += " --lambda "
+ if ipProto:
+ cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
+ if ipSrc:
+ cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
+ if ipDst:
+ cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
+ if tcpSrc:
+ cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
+ if tcpDst:
+ cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
+ if vlanId:
+ cmd += " -v " + str( vlanId )
+ if setVlan:
+ cmd += " --setVlan " + str( setVlan )
# Check whether the user appended the port
# or provided it as an input
@@ -1277,7 +1400,10 @@
- setEthDst="" ):
+ setEthDst="",
+ vlanId="",
+ setVlan="",
+ partial=False ):
This function assumes the format of all ingress devices
@@ -1302,6 +1428,8 @@
* tcpDst: specify tcp destination port
* setEthSrc: action to Rewrite Source MAC Address
* setEthDst: action to Rewrite Destination MAC Address
+ * vlanId: specify vlan Id
+ * setVlan: specify VLAN Id treatment
Adds a multipoint-to-singlepoint intent ( uni-directional ) by
specifying device id's and optional fields
@@ -1313,41 +1441,38 @@
intent via cli
- # If there are no optional arguments
- if not ethType and not ethSrc and not ethDst\
- and not bandwidth and not lambdaAlloc\
- and not ipProto and not ipSrc and not ipDst\
- and not tcpSrc and not tcpDst and not setEthSrc\
- and not setEthDst:
- cmd = "add-multi-to-single-intent"
+ cmd = "add-multi-to-single-intent"
- else:
- cmd = "add-multi-to-single-intent"
- if ethType:
- cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
- if ethSrc:
- cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
- if ethDst:
- cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
- if bandwidth:
- cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
- if lambdaAlloc:
- cmd += " --lambda "
- if ipProto:
- cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
- if ipSrc:
- cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
- if ipDst:
- cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
- if tcpSrc:
- cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
- if tcpDst:
- cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
- if setEthSrc:
- cmd += " --setEthSrc " + str( setEthSrc )
- if setEthDst:
- cmd += " --setEthDst " + str( setEthDst )
+ if ethType:
+ cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
+ if ethSrc:
+ cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
+ if ethDst:
+ cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
+ if bandwidth:
+ cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
+ if lambdaAlloc:
+ cmd += " --lambda "
+ if ipProto:
+ cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
+ if ipSrc:
+ cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
+ if ipDst:
+ cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
+ if tcpSrc:
+ cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
+ if tcpDst:
+ cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
+ if setEthSrc:
+ cmd += " --setEthSrc " + str( setEthSrc )
+ if setEthDst:
+ cmd += " --setEthDst " + str( setEthDst )
+ if vlanId:
+ cmd += " -v " + str( vlanId )
+ if setVlan:
+ cmd += " --setVlan " + str( setVlan )
+ if partial:
+ cmd += " --partial"
# Check whether the user appended the port
# or provided it as an input
@@ -1430,7 +1555,10 @@
- setEthDst="" ):
+ setEthDst="",
+ vlanId="",
+ setVlan="",
+ partial=False ):
This function assumes the format of all egress devices
@@ -1455,6 +1583,8 @@
* tcpDst: specify tcp destination port
* setEthSrc: action to Rewrite Source MAC Address
* setEthDst: action to Rewrite Destination MAC Address
+ * vlanId: specify vlan Id
+ * setVlan: specify VLAN ID treatment
Adds a singlepoint-to-multipoint intent ( uni-directional ) by
specifying device id's and optional fields
@@ -1466,41 +1596,38 @@
intent via cli
- # If there are no optional arguments
- if not ethType and not ethSrc and not ethDst\
- and not bandwidth and not lambdaAlloc\
- and not ipProto and not ipSrc and not ipDst\
- and not tcpSrc and not tcpDst and not setEthSrc\
- and not setEthDst:
- cmd = "add-single-to-multi-intent"
+ cmd = "add-single-to-multi-intent"
- else:
- cmd = "add-single-to-multi-intent"
- if ethType:
- cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
- if ethSrc:
- cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
- if ethDst:
- cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
- if bandwidth:
- cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
- if lambdaAlloc:
- cmd += " --lambda "
- if ipProto:
- cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
- if ipSrc:
- cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
- if ipDst:
- cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
- if tcpSrc:
- cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
- if tcpDst:
- cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
- if setEthSrc:
- cmd += " --setEthSrc " + str( setEthSrc )
- if setEthDst:
- cmd += " --setEthDst " + str( setEthDst )
+ if ethType:
+ cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
+ if ethSrc:
+ cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
+ if ethDst:
+ cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
+ if bandwidth:
+ cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
+ if lambdaAlloc:
+ cmd += " --lambda "
+ if ipProto:
+ cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
+ if ipSrc:
+ cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
+ if ipDst:
+ cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
+ if tcpSrc:
+ cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
+ if tcpDst:
+ cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
+ if setEthSrc:
+ cmd += " --setEthSrc " + str( setEthSrc )
+ if setEthDst:
+ cmd += " --setEthDst " + str( setEthDst )
+ if vlanId:
+ cmd += " -v " + str( vlanId )
+ if setVlan:
+ cmd += " --setVlan " + str( setVlan )
+ if partial:
+ cmd += " --partial"
# Check whether the user appended the port
# or provided it as an input
@@ -1615,43 +1742,34 @@
intent via cli
- # If there are no optional arguments
- if not ethType and not ethSrc and not ethDst\
- and not bandwidth and not lambdaAlloc \
- and not ipProto and not ipSrc and not ipDst \
- and not tcpSrc and not tcpDst and not ingressLabel \
- and not egressLabel:
- cmd = "add-mpls-intent"
+ cmd = "add-mpls-intent"
- else:
- cmd = "add-mpls-intent"
- if ethType:
- cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
- if ethSrc:
- cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
- if ethDst:
- cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
- if bandwidth:
- cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
- if lambdaAlloc:
- cmd += " --lambda "
- if ipProto:
- cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
- if ipSrc:
- cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
- if ipDst:
- cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
- if tcpSrc:
- cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
- if tcpDst:
- cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
- if ingressLabel:
- cmd += " --ingressLabel " + str( ingressLabel )
- if egressLabel:
- cmd += " --egressLabel " + str( egressLabel )
- if priority:
- cmd += " --priority " + str( priority )
+ if ethType:
+ cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
+ if ethSrc:
+ cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
+ if ethDst:
+ cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
+ if bandwidth:
+ cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
+ if lambdaAlloc:
+ cmd += " --lambda "
+ if ipProto:
+ cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
+ if ipSrc:
+ cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
+ if ipDst:
+ cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
+ if tcpSrc:
+ cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
+ if tcpDst:
+ cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
+ if ingressLabel:
+ cmd += " --ingressLabel " + str( ingressLabel )
+ if egressLabel:
+ cmd += " --egressLabel " + str( egressLabel )
+ if priority:
+ cmd += " --priority " + str( priority )
# Check whether the user appended the port
# or provided it as an input
@@ -1754,7 +1872,7 @@
- def removeAllIntents( self, purge=False, sync=False, app='org.onosproject.cli' ):
+ def removeAllIntents( self, purge=False, sync=False, app='org.onosproject.cli', timeout=30 ):
Remove all the intents
@@ -1773,7 +1891,7 @@
cmdStr += " -s"
cmdStr += " " + app
- handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ handle = self.sendline( cmdStr, timeout=timeout )
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
if "Error", handle ):
main.log.error( "Error in removing intent" )
@@ -1937,19 +2055,18 @@
def getIntentState(self, intentsId, intentsJson=None):
- Check intent state.
- Accepts a single intent ID (string type) or a list of intent IDs.
- Returns the state(string type) of the id if a single intent ID is
- accepted.
- Returns a dictionary with intent IDs as the key and its
- corresponding states as the values
- Parameters:
- intentId: intent ID (string type)
+ Description:
+ Gets intent state. Accepts a single intent ID (string type) or a
+ list of intent IDs.
+ Parameters:
+ intentsId: intent ID, both string type and list type are acceptable
intentsJson: parsed json object from the onos:intents api
- Returns:
- state = An intent's state- INSTALL,WITHDRAWN etc.
- stateDict = Dictionary of intent's state. intent ID as the keys and
- state as the values.
+ Returns:
+ Returns the state (string type) of the ID if a single intent ID is
+ accepted.
+ Returns a list of dictionaries if a list of intent IDs is accepted,
+ and each dictionary maps 'id' to the Intent ID and 'state' to
+ corresponding intent state.
state = "State is Undefined"
@@ -2061,6 +2178,55 @@
+ def compareIntent( self, intentDict ):
+ """
+ Description:
+ Compare the intent ids and states provided in the argument with all intents in ONOS
+ Return:
+ Returns main.TRUE if the two sets of intents match exactly, otherwise main.FALSE
+ Arguments:
+ intentDict: a dictionary which maps intent ids to intent states
+ """
+ try:
+ intentsRaw = self.intents()
+ intentsJson = json.loads( intentsRaw )
+ intentDictONOS = {}
+ for intent in intentsJson:
+ intentDictONOS[ intent[ 'id' ] ] = intent[ 'state' ]
+ if len( intentDict ) != len( intentDictONOS ):
+ + ": expected intent count does not match that in ONOS, " +
+ str( len( intentDict ) ) + " expected and " +
+ str( len( intentDictONOS ) ) + " actual" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ returnValue = main.TRUE
+ for intentID in intentDict.keys():
+ if not intentID in intentDictONOS.keys():
+ main.log.debug( + ": intent ID - " + intentID + " is not in ONOS" )
+ returnValue = main.FALSE
+ elif intentDict[ intentID ] != intentDictONOS[ intentID ]:
+ main.log.debug( + ": intent ID - " + intentID +
+ " expected state is " + intentDict[ intentID ] +
+ " but actual state is " + intentDictONOS[ intentID ] )
+ returnValue = main.FALSE
+ if returnValue == main.TRUE:
+ + ": all intent IDs and states match that in ONOS" )
+ return returnValue
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( + ": KeyError exception found" )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "{}: Object not as expected: {!r}".format(, intentsRaw ) )
+ return main.ERROR
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
def checkIntentSummary( self, timeout=60 ):
@@ -2101,8 +2267,11 @@
main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( + ": ONOS timeout" )
+ return None
- def flows( self, state="", jsonFormat=True, timeout=60 ):
+ def flows( self, state="", jsonFormat=True, timeout=60, noExit=False ):
* jsonFormat: enable output formatting in json
@@ -2114,7 +2283,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j "
cmdStr += state
- handle = self.sendline( cmdStr, timeout=timeout )
+ handle = self.sendline( cmdStr, timeout=timeout, noExit=noExit )
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
if "Error:", handle ):
main.log.error( + ": flows() response: " +
@@ -2139,8 +2308,11 @@
+ def checkFlowCount(self, min=0, timeout=60 ):
+ count = int(self.getTotalFlowsNum( timeout=timeout ))
+ return count if (count > min) else False
- def checkFlowsState( self, isPENDING=True, timeout=60 ):
+ def checkFlowsState( self, isPENDING=True, timeout=60,noExit=False ):
Check the if all the current flows are in ADDED state
@@ -2160,7 +2332,12 @@
statesCount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for s in states:
rawFlows = self.flows( state=s, timeout = timeout )
- checkedStates.append( json.loads( rawFlows ) )
+ if rawFlows:
+ # if we didn't get flows or flows function return None, we should return
+ # main.Flase
+ checkedStates.append( json.loads( rawFlows ) )
+ else:
+ return main.FALSE
for i in range( len( states ) ):
for c in checkedStates[i]:
@@ -2180,6 +2357,10 @@
except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
main.log.exception( "{}: Object not as expected: {!r}".format(, rawFlows ) )
return None
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( "" )
+ return None
except pexpect.EOF:
main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
@@ -2189,9 +2370,13 @@
main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( + ": ONOS timeout" )
+ return None
def pushTestIntents( self, ingress, egress, batchSize, offset="",
- options="", timeout=10, background = False ):
+ options="", timeout=10, background = False, noExit=False ):
Push a number of intents in a batch format to
@@ -2220,7 +2405,7 @@
back )
- response = self.sendline( cmd, timeout=timeout )
+ response = self.sendline( cmd, timeout=timeout, noExit=noExit )
assert "Command not found:" not in response, response response )
if response == None:
@@ -2248,7 +2433,7 @@
- def getTotalFlowsNum( self, timeout=60 ):
+ def getTotalFlowsNum( self, timeout=60, noExit=False ):
Get the number of ADDED flows.
@@ -2259,7 +2444,7 @@
# get total added flows number
cmd = "flows -s|grep ADDED|wc -l"
- totalFlows = self.sendline( cmd, timeout=timeout )
+ totalFlows = self.sendline( cmd, timeout=timeout, noExit=noExit )
if totalFlows == None:
# if timeout, we will get total number of all flows, and subtract other states
@@ -2269,7 +2454,7 @@
statesCount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
# get total flows from summary
- response = json.loads( self.sendline( "summary -j", timeout=timeout ) )
+ response = json.loads( self.sendline( "summary -j", timeout=timeout, noExit=noExit ) )
totalFlows = int( response.get("flows") )
for s in states:
@@ -2291,10 +2476,10 @@
return totalFlows
- return totalFlows
+ return int(totalFlows)
- except TypeError:
- main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "{}: Object not as expected: {!r}".format(, rawFlows ) )
return None
except pexpect.EOF:
main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
@@ -2305,8 +2490,11 @@
main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( + ": ONOS timeout" )
+ return None
- def getTotalIntentsNum( self ):
+ def getTotalIntentsNum( self, timeout=60 ):
Get the total number of intents, include every states.
@@ -2315,13 +2503,13 @@
cmd = "summary -j"
- response = self.sendline( cmd )
+ response = self.sendline( cmd, timeout=timeout )
if response == None:
return -1
response = json.loads( response )
return int( response.get("intents") )
- except TypeError:
- main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "{}: Object not as expected: {!r}".format(, response ) )
return None
except pexpect.EOF:
main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
@@ -2569,28 +2757,56 @@
- def checkStatus( self, ip, numoswitch, numolink, logLevel="info" ):
+ def getTopology( self, topologyOutput ):
+ """
+ Definition:
+ Loads a json topology output
+ Return:
+ topology = current ONOS topology
+ """
+ import json
+ try:
+ # either onos:topology or 'topology' will work in CLI
+ topology = json.loads(topologyOutput)
+ main.log.debug( topology )
+ return topology
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "{}: Object not as expected: {!r}".format(, topologyOutput ) )
+ return None
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def checkStatus(
+ self,
+ topologyResult,
+ numoswitch,
+ numolink,
+ logLevel="info" ):
Checks the number of switches & links that ONOS sees against the
supplied values. By default this will report to main.log, but the
- log level can be specified.
+ log level can be specific.
- Params: ip = ip used for the onos cli
+ Params: topologyResult = the output of topology command
numoswitch = expected number of switches
numolink = expected number of links
- logLevel = level to log to. Currently accepts
- 'info', 'warn' and 'report'
- logLevel can
+ logLevel = level to log to.
+ Currently accepts 'info', 'warn' and 'report'
Returns: main.TRUE if the number of switches and links are correct,
main.FALSE if the number of switches and links is incorrect,
and main.ERROR otherwise
- topology = self.getTopology( ip )
- if topology == {}:
+ topology = self.getTopology( topologyResult )
+ if topology == {} or topology == None:
return main.ERROR
output = ""
# Is the number of switches is what we expected
@@ -2601,29 +2817,27 @@
switchCheck = ( int( devices ) == int( numoswitch ) )
# Is the number of links is what we expected
linkCheck = ( int( links ) == int( numolink ) )
- if ( switchCheck and linkCheck ):
+ if switchCheck and linkCheck:
# We expected the correct numbers
- output += "The number of links and switches match " +\
- "what was expected"
+ output = output + "The number of links and switches match "\
+ + "what was expected"
result = main.TRUE
- output += "The number of links and switches does not match " +\
- "what was expected"
+ output = output + \
+ "The number of links and switches does not match " + \
+ "what was expected"
result = main.FALSE
- output = output + "\n ONOS sees %i devices (%i expected) \
- and %i links (%i expected)" % (
- int( devices ), int( numoswitch ), int( links ),
- int( numolink ) )
+ output = output + "\n ONOS sees %i devices" % int( devices )
+ output = output + " (%i expected) " % int( numoswitch )
+ output = output + "and %i links " % int( links )
+ output = output + "(%i expected)" % int( numolink )
if logLevel == "report": output )
elif logLevel == "warn":
main.log.warn( output )
- + ": " + output )
+ output )
return result
- except TypeError:
- main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
- return None
except pexpect.EOF:
main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
@@ -2864,12 +3078,12 @@
dpid = str( dpid )
cmdStr = "onos:ports -e " + dpid + " | wc -l"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
if "No such device", output ):
main.log.error( "Error in getting ports" )
return ( output, "Error" )
- else:
- return output
+ return output
except AssertionError:
main.log.exception( "" )
return None
@@ -2894,12 +3108,12 @@
dpid = str( dpid )
cmdStr = "onos:links " + dpid + " | grep ACTIVE | wc -l"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
if "No such device", output ):
main.log.error( "Error in getting ports " )
return ( output, "Error " )
- else:
- return output
+ return output
except AssertionError:
main.log.exception( "" )
return None
@@ -2923,12 +3137,12 @@
cmdStr = "onos:intents | grep id="
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
if "Error", output ):
main.log.error( "Error in getting ports" )
return ( output, "Error" )
- else:
- return output
+ return output
except AssertionError:
main.log.exception( "" )
return None
@@ -2981,6 +3195,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
return output
except AssertionError:
@@ -3010,6 +3225,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
return output
except AssertionError:
@@ -3038,6 +3254,7 @@
cmdStr = "onos:leaders -j"
rawOutput = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert rawOutput is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in rawOutput, rawOutput
output = json.loads( rawOutput )
results = []
@@ -3073,6 +3290,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
return output
except AssertionError:
@@ -3111,6 +3329,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
return output
except AssertionError:
@@ -3144,6 +3363,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output
return output
@@ -3450,6 +3670,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output
return output
@@ -3587,6 +3808,7 @@
elif short:
baseStr += " -s"
output = self.sendline( baseStr + cmdStr + componentStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output
return output
@@ -3628,6 +3850,7 @@
if value is not None:
cmdStr += " " + str( value )
output = self.sendline( baseStr + cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output
if value and check:
@@ -3679,6 +3902,7 @@
cmdStr = "set-test-add " + str( setName ) + " " + str( values )
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
@@ -3694,6 +3918,7 @@
"seconds before retrying." )
time.sleep( retryTime ) # Due to change in mastership
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Error executing command" not in output
positiveMatch = "\[(.*)\] was added to the set " + str( setName )
negativeMatch = "\[(.*)\] was already in set " + str( setName )
@@ -3748,6 +3973,7 @@
cmdStr += str( setName ) + " " + str( values )
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
# ConsistentMap Exceptions
assert "" not in output
@@ -3761,6 +3987,7 @@
"seconds before retrying." )
time.sleep( retryTime ) # Due to change in mastership
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output + ": " + output )
@@ -3847,6 +4074,7 @@
cmdStr += setName + " " + values
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
# ConsistentMap Exceptions
assert "" not in output
@@ -3860,6 +4088,7 @@
"seconds before retrying." )
time.sleep( retryTime ) # Due to change in mastership
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output + ": " + output )
@@ -3940,6 +4169,7 @@
cmdStr += setName
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
# ConsistentMap Exceptions
assert "" not in output
@@ -3953,6 +4183,7 @@
"seconds before retrying." )
time.sleep( retryTime ) # Due to change in mastership
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output + ": " + output )
@@ -4006,6 +4237,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output + ": " + output )
@@ -4046,6 +4278,7 @@
cmdStr += " " + str( delta )
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
# ConsistentMap Exceptions
assert "" not in output
@@ -4059,6 +4292,7 @@
"seconds before retrying." )
time.sleep( retryTime ) # Due to change in mastership
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output + ": " + output )
@@ -4108,6 +4342,7 @@
cmdStr += " " + str( delta )
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
# ConsistentMap Exceptions
assert "" not in output
@@ -4121,6 +4356,7 @@
"seconds before retrying." )
time.sleep( retryTime ) # Due to change in mastership
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
assert "Error executing command" not in output, output + ": " + output )
@@ -4150,7 +4386,7 @@
- def summary( self, jsonFormat=True ):
+ def summary( self, jsonFormat=True, timeout=30 ):
Description: Execute summary command in onos
Returns: json object ( summary -j ), returns main.FALSE if there is
@@ -4161,7 +4397,8 @@
cmdStr = "summary"
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
- handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ handle = self.sendline( cmdStr, timeout=timeout )
+ assert handle is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
assert "Error:" not in handle, handle
if not handle:
@@ -4201,6 +4438,7 @@
cmdStr = "transactional-map-test-get "
cmdStr += keyName
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
@@ -4214,6 +4452,7 @@
return None
pattern = "Key-value pair \(" + keyName + ", (?P<value>.+)\) found."
if "Key " + keyName + " not found." in output:
+ main.log.warn( output )
return None
match = pattern, output )
@@ -4266,6 +4505,7 @@
cmdStr = "transactional-map-test-put "
cmdStr += numKeys + " " + value
output = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert output is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in output, output
# TODO: Maybe make this less hardcoded
@@ -4323,6 +4563,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmdStr += " -j"
handle = self.sendline( cmdStr )
+ assert handle is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in handle, handle
return handle
except AssertionError:
@@ -4350,6 +4591,7 @@
if jsonFormat:
cmd += "-j "
response = self.sendline( cmd + uri )
+ assert response is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in response, response
return response
except AssertionError:
@@ -4412,6 +4654,7 @@
cmd += " {}:{}:{}".format( proto, item, port )
response = self.sendline( cmd )
+ assert response is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in response, response
if "Error" in response:
main.log.error( response )
@@ -4452,6 +4695,7 @@
for d in device:
time.sleep( 1 )
response = self.sendline( "device-remove {}".format( d ) )
+ assert response is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in response, response
if "Error" in response:
main.log.warn( "Error for device: {}\nResponse: {}".format( d, response ) )
@@ -4492,6 +4736,7 @@
for h in host:
time.sleep( 1 )
response = self.sendline( "host-remove {}".format( h ) )
+ assert response is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in response, response
if "Error" in response:
main.log.warn( "Error for host: {}\nResponse: {}".format( h, response ) )
@@ -4513,7 +4758,7 @@
- def link( self, begin, end, state ):
+ def link( self, begin, end, state, timeout=30, showResponse=True ):
Bring link down or up in the null-provider.
@@ -4526,7 +4771,8 @@
cmd = "null-link null:{} null:{} {}".format( begin, end, state )
- response = self.sendline( cmd, showResponse=True )
+ response = self.sendline( cmd, showResponse=showResponse, timeout=timeout )
+ assert response is not None, "Error in sendline"
assert "Command not found:" not in response, response
if "Error" in response or "Failure" in response:
main.log.error( response )
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index e0a1a6a..dde65d3
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
from requests.models import Response
from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI
class OnosDriver( CLI ):
def __init__( self ):
@@ -194,28 +193,33 @@
ret = main.TRUE
self.handle.sendline( "onos-package" )
self.handle.expect( "onos-package" )
- i = self.handle.expect( [ "Downloading",
- "tar.gz",
- "\$",
- "Unknown options" ],
- opTimeout )
- handle = str( self.handle.before + self.handle.after )
- if i == 0:
- # Give more time to download the file
- self.handle.expect( "\$", opTimeout * 2 )
- handle += str( self.handle.before )
- elif i == 1:
- self.handle.expect( "\$" )
- handle += str( self.handle.before )
- elif i == 2:
- # This seems to be harmless, but may be a problem
- main.log.warn( "onos-package output not as expected" )
- elif i == 3:
- # Incorrect usage
- main.log.error( "onos-package does not recognize the given options" )
- self.handle.expect( "\$" )
- handle += str( self.handle.before )
- ret = main.FALSE
+ while True:
+ i = self.handle.expect( [ "Downloading",
+ "Unknown options",
+ "No such file or directory",
+ "tar.gz",
+ "\$" ],
+ opTimeout )
+ handle = str( self.handle.before + self.handle.after )
+ if i == 0:
+ # Give more time to download the file
+ continue # expect again
+ elif i == 1:
+ # Incorrect usage
+ main.log.error( "onos-package does not recognize the given options" )
+ ret = main.FALSE
+ continue # expect again
+ elif i == 2:
+ # File(s) not found
+ main.log.error( "onos-package could not find a file or directory" )
+ ret = main.FALSE
+ continue # expect again
+ elif i == 3:
+ # tar.gz
+ continue # expect again
+ elif i == 4:
+ # Prompt returned
+ break "onos-package command returned: " + handle )
# As long as the sendline does not time out,
# return true. However, be careful to interpret
@@ -790,7 +794,7 @@
handleMore = self.handle.before
cell_result = handleBefore + handleAfter + handleMore
- print cell_result
+ #print cell_result
if( "No such cell", cell_result ) ):
main.log.error( "Cell call returned: " + handleBefore +
handleAfter + handleMore )
@@ -1345,97 +1349,6 @@
- def getTopology( self, topologyOutput ):
- """
- Definition:
- Loads a json topology output
- Return:
- topology = current ONOS topology
- """
- import json
- try:
- # either onos:topology or 'topology' will work in CLI
- topology = json.loads(topologyOutput)
- print topology
- return topology
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
- main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def checkStatus(
- self,
- topologyResult,
- numoswitch,
- numolink,
- logLevel="info" ):
- """
- Checks the number of switches & links that ONOS sees against the
- supplied values. By default this will report to main.log, but the
- log level can be specific.
- Params: ip = ip used for the onos cli
- numoswitch = expected number of switches
- numolink = expected number of links
- logLevel = level to log to.
- Currently accepts 'info', 'warn' and 'report'
- logLevel can
- Returns: main.TRUE if the number of switches and links are correct,
- main.FALSE if the number of switches and links is incorrect,
- and main.ERROR otherwise
- """
- try:
- topology = self.getTopology( topologyResult )
- if topology == {}:
- return main.ERROR
- output = ""
- # Is the number of switches is what we expected
- devices = topology.get( 'devices', False )
- links = topology.get( 'links', False )
- if not devices or not links:
- return main.ERROR
- switchCheck = ( int( devices ) == int( numoswitch ) )
- # Is the number of links is what we expected
- linkCheck = ( int( links ) == int( numolink ) )
- if switchCheck and linkCheck:
- # We expected the correct numbers
- output = output + "The number of links and switches match "\
- + "what was expected"
- result = main.TRUE
- else:
- output = output + \
- "The number of links and switches does not match " + \
- "what was expected"
- result = main.FALSE
- output = output + "\n ONOS sees %i devices" % int( devices )
- output = output + " (%i expected) " % int( numoswitch )
- output = output + "and %i links " % int( links )
- output = output + "(%i expected)" % int( numolink )
- if logLevel == "report":
- output )
- elif logLevel == "warn":
- main.log.warn( output )
- else:
- output )
- return result
- except pexpect.EOF:
- main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
- main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- except Exception:
- main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
def tsharkPcap( self, interface, dirFile ):
Capture all packet activity and store in specified
@@ -1609,6 +1522,54 @@
+ def dumpFlows(self,ONOSIp, destDir, filename="flows" ):
+ """
+ Dump Flow Tables to a desired directory.
+ For debugging purposes, you may want to use
+ this function to capture flows at a given point in time.
+ Localtime will be attached to the filename
+ Required:
+ * ONOSIp: the IP of the target ONOS instance
+ * destDir: specify directory to copy to.
+ ex ) /tmp/
+ Optional:
+ * fileName: Name of the file
+ """
+ localtime = time.strftime( '%x %X' )
+ localtime = localtime.replace( "/", "" )
+ localtime = localtime.replace( " ", "_" )
+ localtime = localtime.replace( ":", "" )
+ if destDir[ -1: ] != "/":
+ destDir += "/"
+ cmd="flows > "+ str( destDir ) + str( filename ) + localtime
+ return self.onosCli(ONOSIp,cmd)
+ def dumpGroups(self,ONOSIp, destDir, filename="groups" ):
+ """
+ Dump Group Tables to a desired directory.
+ For debugging purposes, you may want to use
+ this function to capture groups at a given point in time.
+ Localtime will be attached to the filename
+ Required:
+ * ONOSIp: the IP of the target ONOS instance
+ * destDir: specify directory to copy to.
+ ex ) /tmp/
+ Optional:
+ * fileName: Name of the file
+ """
+ localtime = time.strftime( '%H %M' )
+ localtime = localtime.replace( "/", "" )
+ localtime = localtime.replace( " ", "_" )
+ localtime = localtime.replace( ":", "" )
+ if destDir[ -1: ] != "/":
+ destDir += "/"
+ cmd="groups > "+ str( destDir ) + str( filename ) + localtime
+ return self.onosCli(ONOSIp,cmd)
def cpLogsToDir( self, logToCopy,
destDir, copyFileName="" ):
@@ -1634,7 +1595,7 @@
with multiple file copying
- localtime = time.strftime( '%x %X' )
+ localtime = time.strftime( '%H %M' )
localtime = localtime.replace( "/", "" )
localtime = localtime.replace( " ", "_" )
localtime = localtime.replace( ":", "" )
@@ -1703,6 +1664,8 @@
"Not Running ...",
pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=120 )
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( "\$" )
if i == 0 or i == 1: "ONOS is running" )
@@ -2269,7 +2232,7 @@
return passed
- def getIpAddr( self ):
+ def getIpAddr( self, iface=None ):
Update self.ip_address with numerical ip address. If multiple IP's are
located on the device, will attempt to use self.nicAddr to choose the
@@ -2279,7 +2242,7 @@
- localhost = ""
ipPat = "\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}"
pattern = re.compile( ipPat )
match = pattern, self.ip_address )
@@ -2296,22 +2259,76 @@
nicMatch = nicPat, curIp )
if nicMatch:
return self.ip_address
- # ELSE: attempt to get correct address.
- raw = subprocess.check_output( "ifconfig")
+ # ELSE: IF iface, return ip of interface
+ cmd = "ifconfig"
+ ifPat = re.compile( "inet addr:({})".format( ipPat ) )
+ if iface:
+ cmd += " " + str( iface )
+ raw = subprocess.check_output( cmd.split() )
ifPat = re.compile( "inet addr:({})".format( ipPat ) )
ips = re.findall( ifPat, raw )
+ if iface:
+ if ips:
+ ip = ips[0]
+ self.ip_address = ip
+ return ip
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error finding ip, ifconfig output:".format( raw ) )
+ # ELSE: attempt to get address matching nicPat.
if nicPat:
for ip in ips:
curMatch = nicPat, ip )
if curMatch:
self.ip_address = ip
return ip
- else:
- tmpList = [ ip for ip in ips if ip is not localhost ]
+ else: # If only one non-localhost ip, return that
+ tmpList = [ ip for ip in ips if ip is not LOCALHOST ]
if len(tmpList) == 1:
curIp = tmpList[0]
self.ip_address = curIp
return curIp
- return localhost
+ # Either no non-localhost IPs, or more than 1
+ main.log.warn( "getIpAddr failed to find a public IP address" )
+ return LOCALHOST
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ main.log.exception( "Error executing ifconfig" )
+ except IndexError:
+ main.log.exception( "Error getting IP Address" )
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Uncaught exception" )
+ def startBasicONOS(self, nodeList, opSleep = 60, onosStartupSleep = 60):
+ '''
+ Start onos cluster with defined nodes, but only with drivers app
+ '''
+ import time
+ self.createCellFile( self.ip_address,
+ "temp",
+ self.ip_address,
+ "drivers",
+ nodeList )
+ + ": Apply cell to environment" )
+ cellResult = self.setCell( "temp" )
+ verifyResult = self.verifyCell()
+ + ": Creating ONOS package" )
+ packageResult = self.onosPackage( opTimeout=opSleep )
+ + ": Installing ONOS package" )
+ for nd in nodeList:
+ self.onosInstall( node=nd )
+ + ": Starting ONOS service" )
+ time.sleep( onosStartupSleep )
+ onosStatus = True
+ for nd in nodeList:
+ onosStatus = onosStatus & self.isup( node = nd )
+ #print "onosStatus is: " + str( onosStatus )
+ return main.TRUE if onosStatus else main.FALSE
diff --git a/TestON/logs/.gitignore b/TestON/logs/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e7d273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/logs/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Ignore everything in this directory
+# Except this file
diff --git a/TestON/logs/placeHolder.txt b/TestON/logs/placeHolder.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b18e51..0000000
--- a/TestON/logs/placeHolder.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-hello world
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/CHOtest.params b/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/CHOtest.params
index 45d0fef..9cf0709 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/CHOtest.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/CHOtest.params
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# 19X. IPv6 ping across Point,Multi-single,Single-Multi Intents
- 1,21,3,48,148,[5,61,161,72,172,82,182,10,5,91,191,73,173,83,183,10]*20,200,20,3,47,147,[5,60,160,70,170,80,180,10,5,90,190,71,171,81,181,10]*20,200,22,3,49,149,[5,62,162,74,174,84,184,10,5,92,192,75,175,85,185,10]*20
+ 1,20,3,47,147,[5,60,160,70,170,80,180,10,5,90,190,71,171,81,181,10]*500
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/ b/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/
index a1fb04f..8c92c20 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
time.sleep( 5 )
topology_output = main.ONOScli1.topology()
- topology_result = main.ONOSbench.getTopology( topology_output )
+ topology_result = main.ONOScli1.getTopology( topology_output )
case2Result = ( switch_mastership and startStatus )
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ "Collect and Store Topology Details from ONOS" )
main.step( "Collect and store current number of switches and links" )
topology_output = main.ONOScli1.topology()
- topology_result = main.ONOSbench.getTopology( topology_output )
+ topology_result = main.ONOScli1.getTopology( topology_output )
numOnosDevices = topology_result[ 'devices' ]
numOnosLinks = topology_result[ 'links' ]
topoResult = main.TRUE
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/dependencies/
index 7441a5b..c8d40ac 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHO/CHOtest/dependencies/
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
for e in range( int( main.numCtrls ) ): "Checking link number on ONOS%s" % (e+1) )
topology_output = main.CLIs[e].topology()
- linkResultIndividual = main.ONOSbench.checkStatus( topology_output,
+ linkResultIndividual = main.ONOScli1.checkStatus( topology_output,
str( linkNum ) )
if not linkResultIndividual:
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3a7346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ # 0. Initialize CHOTestMonkey
+ # 1. Load topology and balances all switches
+ # 2. Collect and store device and link data from ONOS
+ # 3. Collect and store host data from ONOS
+ # 10. Run all enabled checks
+ # 20. Bring down/up links and check topology and ping
+ # 21. Bring down/up a group of links and check topology and ping
+ # 30. Install host intents and check intent states and ping
+ # 31. Uninstall host intents and check intent states
+ # 32. Install point intents and check intent states and ping
+ # 33. Uninstall point intents and check intent states
+ # 40. Randomly bring down one ONOS node
+ # 41. Randomly bring up one ONOS node that is down
+ # 50. Set FlowObjective to True
+ # 51. Set FlowObjective to False
+ # 60. Rebalance devices across controllers
+ # 90. Sleep for some time
+ # 100. Do something else
+ # Sample sequence: 0,1,2,3,[10,30,21,31,10,32,21,33,50,10,30,21,31,10,32,21,33,51,40,60,10,30,21,31,10,32,21,33,50,10,30,21,31,10,32,21,33,51,41,60]*500,100
+ <testcases>
+ 0,1,2,3,10,[30,21,31,32,21,33,50,30,21,31,32,21,33,51]*500,100
+ </testcases>
+ <TEST>
+ <topo>1</topo>
+ <IPv6>on</IPv6>
+ <numCtrl>3</numCtrl>
+ <pauseTest>on</pauseTest>
+ <caseSleep>0</caseSleep>
+ <setIPv6CfgSleep>5</setIPv6CfgSleep>
+ <loadTopoSleep>5</loadTopoSleep>
+ <ipv6Prefix>1000::</ipv6Prefix>
+ <ipv4Prefix>10.1.</ipv4Prefix>
+ <karafCliTimeout>7200000</karafCliTimeout>
+ <testDuration>86400</testDuration>
+ <package>off</package>
+ <autoPull>off</autoPull>
+ <branch>master</branch>
+ </TEST>
+ <Event>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>0</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NULL</typeString>
+ <CLI>null</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </Event>
+ <TestPause>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>1</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_PAUSE</typeString>
+ <CLI>pause-test</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestPause>
+ <TestResume>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>2</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_RESUME</typeString>
+ <CLI>resume-test</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestResume>
+ <TestSleep>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>3</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_SLEEP</typeString>
+ <CLI>sleep</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestSleep>
+ <IntentCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>10</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_INTENT</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-intent</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </IntentCheck>
+ <FlowCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>11</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_FLOW</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-flow</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </FlowCheck>
+ <TrafficCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>12</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_TRAFFIC</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-traffic</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <pingWait>1</pingWait>
+ <pingTimeout>10</pingTimeout>
+ </TrafficCheck>
+ <TopoCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>13</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_TOPO</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-topo</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </TopoCheck>
+ <ONOSCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>14</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_ONOS</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-onos</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </ONOSCheck>
+ <LinkDown>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>20</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_LINK_DOWN</typeString>
+ <CLI>link-down</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>2</CLIParamNum>
+ </LinkDown>
+ <LinkUp>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>21</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_LINK_UP</typeString>
+ <CLI>link-up</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>2</CLIParamNum>
+ </LinkUp>
+ <DeviceDown>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>22</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN</typeString>
+ <CLI>device-down</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ </DeviceDown>
+ <DeviceUp>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>23</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_DEVICE_UP</typeString>
+ <CLI>device-up</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ </DeviceUp>
+ <AddHostIntent>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>30</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_HOST_ADD</typeString>
+ <CLI>add-host-intent</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </AddHostIntent>
+ <DelHostIntent>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>31</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_HOST_DEL</typeString>
+ <CLI>del-host-intent</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </DelHostIntent>
+ <AddPointIntent>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>32</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_POINT_ADD</typeString>
+ <CLI>add-point-intent</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </AddPointIntent>
+ <DelPointIntent>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>33</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_POINT_DEL</typeString>
+ <CLI>del-point-intent</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </DelPointIntent>
+ <ONOSDown>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>40</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_ONOS_DOWN</typeString>
+ <CLI>onos-down</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </ONOSDown>
+ <ONOSUp>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>41</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_ONOS_UP</typeString>
+ <CLI>onos-up</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </ONOSUp>
+ <SetCfg>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>42</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_SET_CFG</typeString>
+ <CLI>set-cfg</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </SetCfg>
+ <SetFlowObj>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>43</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_SET_FLOWOBJ</typeString>
+ <CLI>set-flowobj</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </SetFlowObj>
+ <BalanceMasters>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>44</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_BALANCE_MASTERS</typeString>
+ <CLI>balance-masters</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ </BalanceMasters>
+ <addAllChecks>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>110</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_ALL</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-all</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </addAllChecks>
+ <randomLinkToggle>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>120</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_LINK_RANDOM_TOGGLE</typeString>
+ <CLI>link-toggle-random</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </randomLinkToggle>
+ <randomLinkGroupToggle>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>121</typeIndex>
+ <CLI>link-group-toggle-random</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </randomLinkGroupToggle>
+ <randomDeviceToggle>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>122</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_DEVICE_RANDOM_TOGGLE</typeString>
+ <CLI>device-toggle-random</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </randomDeviceToggle>
+ <randomDeviceGroupToggle>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>123</typeIndex>
+ <CLI>device-group-toggle-random</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </randomDeviceGroupToggle>
+ <installAllHostIntents>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>130</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_HOST_ADD_ALL</typeString>
+ <CLI>add-all-host-intents</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </installAllHostIntents>
+ <removeAllHostIntents>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>131</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_HOST_DEL_ALL</typeString>
+ <CLI>del-all-host-intents</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>5</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </removeAllHostIntents>
+ <installAllPointIntents>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>132</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_POINT_ADD_ALL</typeString>
+ <CLI>add-all-point-intents</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </installAllPointIntents>
+ <removeAllPointIntents>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>133</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>APP_INTENT_POINT_DEL_ALL</typeString>
+ <CLI>del-all-point-intents</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>5</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </removeAllPointIntents>
+ <randomONOSToggle>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>140</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_ONOS_RANDOM_TOGGLE</typeString>
+ <CLI>onos-toggle-random</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
+ </randomONOSToggle>
+ </EVENT>
+ <pendingEventsCapacity>1</pendingEventsCapacity>
+ <runningEventsCapacity>10</runningEventsCapacity>
+ <scheduleLoopSleep>0.1</scheduleLoopSleep>
+ <listenerPort>6000</listenerPort>
+ <insertEventRetryInterval>1</insertEventRetryInterval>
+ <TOPO>
+ <topo0>
+ <fileName></fileName>
+ </topo0>
+ <topo1>
+ <fileName></fileName>
+ </topo1>
+ <topo2>
+ <fileName></fileName>
+ </topo2>
+ <topo3>
+ <fileName></fileName>
+ </topo3>
+ <topo4>
+ <fileName></fileName>
+ </topo4>
+ </TOPO>
+ <CASE20>
+ <linkToggleNum>5</linkToggleNum>
+ <linkDownUpInterval>1</linkDownUpInterval>
+ </CASE20>
+ <CASE21>
+ <linkGroupSize>5</linkGroupSize>
+ <linkDownDownInterval>1</linkDownDownInterval>
+ <linkDownUpInterval>1</linkDownUpInterval>
+ </CASE21>
+ <CASE90>
+ <sleepSec>60</sleepSec>
+ </CASE90>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..314bde9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+CHOTestMonkey class
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import json
+import itertools
+class CHOTestMonkey:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ def CASE0( self, main ):
+ """
+ Startup sequence:
+ apply cell <name>
+ git pull
+ mvn clean install
+ onos-package
+ onos-verify-cell
+ onos-uninstall
+ onos-install
+ onos-start-cli
+ Set IPv6 cfg parameters for Neighbor Discovery
+ start event scheduler
+ start event listener
+ """
+ import time
+ from threading import Lock, Condition
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.elements.ONOSElement import Controller
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventGenerator import EventGenerator
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduler
+ gitPull = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'autoPull' ]
+ onosPackage = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'package' ]
+ gitBranch = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'branch' ]
+ karafTimeout = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'karafCliTimeout' ]
+ main.enableIPv6 = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'IPv6' ]
+ main.enableIPv6 = True if main.enableIPv6 == "on" else False
+ main.caseSleep = int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'caseSleep' ] )
+ main.numCtrls = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'numCtrl' ]
+ main.controllers = []
+ for i in range( 1, int( main.numCtrls ) + 1 ):
+ newController = Controller( i )
+ newController.setCLI( getattr( main, 'ONOScli' + str( i ) ) )
+ main.controllers.append( newController )
+ main.devices = []
+ main.links = []
+ main.hosts = []
+ main.intents = []
+ main.enabledEvents = {}
+ for eventName in main.params[ 'EVENT' ].keys():
+ if main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ eventName ][ 'status' ] == 'on':
+ main.enabledEvents[ int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ eventName ][ 'typeIndex' ] ) ] = eventName
+ print main.enabledEvents
+ main.eventScheduler = EventScheduler()
+ main.eventGenerator = EventGenerator()
+ main.variableLock = Lock()
+ main.mininetLock = Lock()
+ main.ONOSbenchLock = Lock()
+ main.threadID = 0
+ main.eventID = 0
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ "Set up test environment" )
+ "Set up test environment" )
+ "_______________________" )
+ main.step( "Apply Cell environment for ONOS" )
+ if ( main.onoscell ):
+ cellName = main.onoscell
+ cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cellResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Please provide onoscell option at TestON CLI to run CHO tests" )
+ main.log.error( "Example: ~/TestON/bin/ run CHOTestMonkey onoscell <cellName>" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + gitBranch )
+ if gitPull == 'on':
+ checkoutResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( gitBranch )
+ pullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+ cpResult = ( checkoutResult and pullResult )
+ else:
+ checkoutResult = main.TRUE
+ pullResult = main.TRUE
+ "Skipped git checkout and pull as they are disabled in params file" )
+ cpResult = ( checkoutResult and pullResult )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cpResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ main.step( "mvn clean & install" )
+ if gitPull == 'on':
+ mvnResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+ else:
+ mvnResult = main.TRUE
+ "Skipped mvn clean install as it is disabled in params file" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=mvnResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ main.ONOSbench.getVersion( report=True )
+ main.step( "Create ONOS package" )
+ if onosPackage == 'on':
+ packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+ else:
+ packageResult = main.TRUE
+ "Skipped onos package as it is disabled in params file" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=packageResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ main.step( "Uninstall ONOS package on all Nodes" )
+ uninstallResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( int( main.numCtrls ) ):
+ "Uninstalling package on ONOS Node IP: " + main.onosIPs[i] )
+ uResult = main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( main.onosIPs[i] )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=uResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ uninstallResult = ( uninstallResult and uResult )
+ main.step( "Install ONOS package on all Nodes" )
+ installResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( int( main.numCtrls ) ):
+ "Installing package on ONOS Node IP: " + main.onosIPs[i] )
+ iResult = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( node=main.onosIPs[i] )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=iResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ installResult = ( installResult and iResult )
+ main.step( "Start ONOS CLI on all nodes" )
+ cliResult = main.TRUE
+ startCliResult = main.TRUE
+ pool = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ t = main.Thread( target=controller.startCLI,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="startOnosCli",
+ args=[ ] )
+ pool.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
+ for t in pool:
+ t.join()
+ startCliResult = startCliResult and t.result
+ if not startCliResult:
+ "ONOS CLI did not start up properly" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ else:
+ "Successful CLI startup" )
+ startCliResult = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=startCliResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ main.step( "Set IPv6 cfg parameters for Neighbor Discovery" )
+ setIPv6CfgSleep = int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'setIPv6CfgSleep' ] )
+ if main.enableIPv6:
+ time.sleep( setIPv6CfgSleep )
+ cfgResult1 = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.setCfg( "org.onosproject.proxyarp.ProxyArp",
+ "ipv6NeighborDiscovery",
+ "true" )
+ time.sleep( setIPv6CfgSleep )
+ cfgResult2 = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.setCfg( "",
+ "ipv6NeighborDiscovery",
+ "true" )
+ else:
+ "Skipped setting IPv6 cfg parameters as it is disabled in params file" )
+ cfgResult1 = main.TRUE
+ cfgResult2 = main.TRUE
+ cfgResult = cfgResult1 and cfgResult2
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cfgResult,
+ onpass="ipv6NeighborDiscovery cfg is set to true",
+ onfail="Failed to cfg set ipv6NeighborDiscovery" )
+ main.step( "Start a thread for the scheduler" )
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.eventScheduler.startScheduler,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="startScheduler",
+ args=[] )
+ t.start()
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL" )
+ main.step( "Start a thread to listen to and handle network, ONOS and application events" )
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.eventGenerator.startListener,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="startListener",
+ args=[] )
+ t.start()
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
+ caseResult = installResult and uninstallResult and startCliResult and cfgResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=caseResult,
+ onpass="Set up test environment PASS",
+ onfail="Set up test environment FAIL" )
+ def CASE1( self, main ):
+ """
+ Load Mininet topology and balances all switches
+ """
+ import re
+ import time
+ import copy
+ main.topoIndex = "topo" + str ( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'topo' ] )
+ "Load Mininet topology and Balance all Mininet switches across controllers" )
+ "________________________________________________________________________" )
+ "Assign and Balance all Mininet switches across controllers" )
+ main.step( "Start Mininet topology" )
+ newTopo = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ main.topoIndex ][ 'fileName' ]
+ mininetDir = main.Mininet1.home + "/custom/"
+ topoPath = main.testDir + "/" + main.TEST + "/dependencies/topologies/" + newTopo
+ main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( main.Mininet1.user_name, main.Mininet1.ip_address, topoPath, mininetDir, direction="to" )
+ topoPath = mininetDir + newTopo
+ startStatus = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile = topoPath )
+ main.mininetSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
+ main.mininetHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
+ main.mininetLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=startStatus,
+ onpass="Start Mininet topology test PASS",
+ onfail="Start Mininet topology test FAIL" )
+ main.step( "Assign switches to controllers" )
+ switchMastership = main.TRUE
+ for switchName in main.mininetSwitches.keys():
+ main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=switchName, ip=main.onosIPs )
+ response = main.Mininet1.getSwController( switchName )
+ print( "Response is " + str( response ) )
+ if "tcp:" + main.onosIPs[ 0 ], response ):
+ switchMastership = switchMastership and main.TRUE
+ else:
+ switchMastership = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=switchMastership,
+ onpass="Assign switches to controllers test PASS",
+ onfail="Assign switches to controllers test FAIL" )
+ # Waiting here to make sure topology converges across all nodes
+ sleep = int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'loadTopoSleep' ] )
+ time.sleep( sleep )
+ main.step( "Balance devices across controllers" )
+ balanceResult = main.ONOScli1.balanceMasters()
+ # giving some breathing time for ONOS to complete re-balance
+ time.sleep( sleep )
+ caseResult = ( startStatus and switchMastership and balanceResult )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=caseResult,
+ onpass="Starting new Att topology test PASS",
+ onfail="Starting new Att topology test FAIL" )
+ def CASE2( self, main ):
+ """
+ Collect and store device and link data from ONOS
+ """
+ import json
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.elements.NetworkElement import Device, Link
+ "Collect and Store topology details from ONOS" )
+ "____________________________________________________________________" )
+ "Collect and Store Topology Details from ONOS" )
+ topoResult = main.TRUE
+ topologyOutput = main.ONOScli1.topology()
+ topologyResult = main.ONOScli1.getTopology( topologyOutput )
+ ONOSDeviceNum = int( topologyResult[ 'devices' ] )
+ ONOSLinkNum = int( topologyResult[ 'links' ] )
+ mininetSwitchNum = len( main.mininetSwitches )
+ mininetLinkNum = ( len( main.mininetLinks ) - len( main.mininetHosts ) ) * 2
+ if mininetSwitchNum == ONOSDeviceNum and mininetLinkNum == ONOSLinkNum:
+ main.step( "Collect and store device data" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ dpidToName = {}
+ for key, value in main.mininetSwitches.items():
+ dpidToName[ 'of:' + str( value[ 'dpid' ] ) ] = key
+ devicesRaw = main.ONOScli1.devices()
+ devices = json.loads( devicesRaw )
+ deviceInitIndex = 0
+ for device in devices:
+ name = dpidToName[ device[ 'id' ] ]
+ newDevice = Device( deviceInitIndex, name, device[ 'id' ] )
+ print newDevice
+ main.devices.append( newDevice )
+ deviceInitIndex += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully collected and stored device data",
+ onfail="Failed to collect and store device data" )
+ main.step( "Collect and store link data" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ linksRaw = main.ONOScli1.links()
+ links = json.loads( linksRaw )
+ linkInitIndex = 0
+ for link in links:
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if device.dpid == link[ 'src' ][ 'device' ]:
+ deviceA = device
+ elif device.dpid == link[ 'dst' ][ 'device' ]:
+ deviceB = device
+ assert deviceA != None and deviceB != None
+ newLink = Link( linkInitIndex, deviceA, link[ 'src' ][ 'port' ], deviceB, link[ 'dst' ][ 'port' ] )
+ print newLink
+ main.links.append( newLink )
+ linkInitIndex += 1
+ # Set backward links and outgoing links of devices
+ for linkA in main.links:
+ linkA.deviceA.outgoingLinks.append( linkA )
+ if linkA.backwardLink != None:
+ continue
+ for linkB in main.links:
+ if linkB.backwardLink != None:
+ continue
+ if linkA.deviceA == linkB.deviceB and\
+ linkA.deviceB == linkB.deviceA and\
+ linkA.portA == linkB.portB and\
+ linkA.portB == linkB.portA:
+ linkA.setBackwardLink( linkB )
+ linkB.setBackwardLink( linkA )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully collected and stored link data",
+ onfail="Failed to collect and store link data" )
+ else:
+ "Devices (expected): %s, Links (expected): %s" % ( mininetSwitchNum, mininetLinkNum ) )
+ "Devices (actual): %s, Links (actual): %s" % ( ONOSDeviceNum, ONOSLinkNum ) )
+ topoResult = main.FALSE
+ caseResult = topoResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=caseResult,
+ onpass="Saving ONOS topology data test PASS",
+ onfail="Saving ONOS topology data test FAIL" )
+ if not caseResult:
+"Topology does not match, exiting test...")
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def CASE3( self, main ):
+ """
+ Collect and store host data from ONOS
+ """
+ import json
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.elements.NetworkElement import Host
+ "Collect and store host adta from ONOS" )
+ "______________________________________________" )
+ "Use fwd app and pingall to discover all the hosts, then collect and store host data" )
+ main.step( "Enable Reactive forwarding" )
+ appResult = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+ cfgResult1 = main.TRUE
+ cfgResult2 = main.TRUE
+ if main.enableIPv6:
+ cfgResult1 = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.setCfg( "org.onosproject.fwd.ReactiveForwarding", "ipv6Forwarding", "true" )
+ cfgResult2 = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.setCfg( "org.onosproject.fwd.ReactiveForwarding", "matchIpv6Address", "true" )
+ stepResult = appResult and cfgResult1 and cfgResult2
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully enabled reactive forwarding",
+ onfail="Failed to enable reactive forwarding" )
+ main.step( "Discover hosts using pingall" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ if main.enableIPv6:
+ ping6Result = main.Mininet1.pingall( protocol="IPv6" )
+ hosts = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.hosts()
+ hosts = json.loads( hosts )
+ if not len( hosts ) == len( main.mininetHosts ):
+ stepResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Host discovery PASS",
+ onfail="Host discovery FAIL" )
+ if not stepResult:
+ main.log.debug( hosts )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.step( "Disable Reactive forwarding" )
+ appResult = main.controllers[ 0 ].CLI.deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+ stepResult = appResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully deactivated fwd app",
+ onfail="Failed to deactivate fwd app" )
+ main.step( "Collect and store host data" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ macToName = {}
+ for key, value in main.mininetHosts.items():
+ macToName[ value[ 'interfaces' ][ 0 ][ 'mac' ].upper() ] = key
+ dpidToDevice = {}
+ for device in main.devices:
+ dpidToDevice[ device.dpid ] = device
+ hostInitIndex = 0
+ for host in hosts:
+ name = macToName[ host[ 'mac' ] ]
+ dpid = host[ 'location' ][ 'elementId' ]
+ device = dpidToDevice[ dpid ]
+ newHost = Host( hostInitIndex,
+ name, host[ 'id' ], host[ 'mac' ],
+ device, host[ 'location' ][ 'port' ],
+ host[ 'vlan' ], host[ 'ipAddresses' ] )
+ print newHost
+ main.hosts.append( newHost )
+ main.devices[ device.index ].hosts.append( newHost )
+ hostInitIndex += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully collected and stored host data",
+ onfail="Failed to collect and store host data" )
+ main.step( "Create one host component for each host and then start host cli" )
+ for host in main.hosts:
+ main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( )
+ hostHandle = getattr( main, )
+ "Starting CLI on host " + str( ) )
+ startCLIResult = hostHandle.startHostCli()
+ host.setHandle( hostHandle )
+ stepResult = startCLIResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=startCLIResult,
+ onpass="Host CLI started",
+ onfail="Failed to start host CLI" )
+ def CASE10( self, main ):
+ """
+ Run all enabled checks
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Run all enabled checks" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Run all enabled checks" )
+ main.step( "Run all enabled checks" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_ALL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ # Wait for the scheduler to become idle before going to the next testcase
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="All enabled checks passed",
+ onfail="Not all enabled checks passed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE20( self, main ):
+ """
+ Bring down/up links and check topology and ping
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Bring down/up links and check topology and ping" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Bring down/up links and check topology and ping" )
+ main.step( "Bring down/up links and check topology and ping" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ linkToggleNum = int( main.params[ 'CASE20' ][ 'linkToggleNum' ] )
+ linkDownUpInterval = int( main.params[ 'CASE20' ][ 'linkDownUpInterval' ] )
+ for i in range( 0, linkToggleNum ):
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_RANDOM_TOGGLE, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, linkDownUpInterval )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Toggle network links test passed",
+ onfail="Toggle network links test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE21( self, main ):
+ """
+ Bring down/up a group of links and check topology and ping
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Bring down/up a group of links and check topology and ping" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Bring down/up a group of links and check topology and ping" )
+ main.step( "Bring down/up a group of links and check topology and ping" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ linkGroupSize = int( main.params[ 'CASE21' ][ 'linkGroupSize' ] )
+ linkDownDownInterval = int( main.params[ 'CASE21' ][ 'linkDownDownInterval' ] )
+ linkDownUpInterval = int( main.params[ 'CASE21' ][ 'linkDownUpInterval' ] )
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_GROUP_RANDOM_TOGGLE, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, linkGroupSize, linkDownDownInterval, linkDownUpInterval )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Toggle network link group test passed",
+ onfail="Toggle network link group test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE30( self, main ):
+ """
+ Install host intents and check intent states and ping
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Install host intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Install host intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.step( "Install host intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_ADD_ALL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Install host intents test passed",
+ onfail="Install host intents test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE31( self, main ):
+ """
+ Uninstall host intents and check intent states and ping
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Uninstall host intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Uninstall host intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.step( "Uninstall host intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_DEL_ALL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Uninstall host intents test passed",
+ onfail="Uninstall host intents test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE32( self, main ):
+ """
+ Install point intents and check intent states and ping
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Install point intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Install point intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.step( "Install point intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_ADD_ALL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Install point intents test passed",
+ onfail="Install point intents test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE33( self, main ):
+ """
+ Uninstall point intents and check intent states and ping
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Uninstall point intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Uninstall point intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.step( "Uninstall point intents and check intent states and ping" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_DEL_ALL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Uninstall point intents test passed",
+ onfail="Uninstall point intents test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE40( self, main ):
+ """
+ Randomly bring down one ONOS node
+ """
+ import time
+ import random
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Randomly bring down one ONOS node" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Randomly bring down one ONOS node" )
+ main.step( "Randomly bring down one ONOS node" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ availableControllers = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ availableControllers.append( controller.index )
+ if len( availableControllers ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "No available controllers" )
+ main.caseResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ index = random.sample( availableControllers, 1 )
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_ONOS_DOWN, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, index[ 0 ] )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Randomly bring down ONOS test passed",
+ onfail="Randomly bring down ONOS test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE41( self, main ):
+ """
+ Randomly bring up one ONOS node that is down
+ """
+ import time
+ import random
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Randomly bring up one ONOS node that is down" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Randomly bring up one ONOS node that is down" )
+ main.step( "Randomly bring up one ONOS node that is down" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ targetControllers = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if not controller.isUp():
+ targetControllers.append( controller.index )
+ if len( targetControllers ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All controllers are up" )
+ main.caseResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ index = random.sample( targetControllers, 1 )
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_ONOS_UP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, index[ 0 ] )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Randomly bring up ONOS test passed",
+ onfail="Randomly bring up ONOS test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE50( self, main ):
+ """
+ Set FlowObjective to True
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Set FlowObjective to True" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Set FlowObjective to True" )
+ main.step( "Set FlowObjective to True" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_SET_FLOWOBJ, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'true' )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Set FlowObjective test passed",
+ onfail="Set FlowObjective test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE51( self, main ):
+ """
+ Set FlowObjective to False
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Set FlowObjective to False" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Set FlowObjective to False" )
+ main.step( "Set FlowObjective to False" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_SET_FLOWOBJ, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'false' )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Set FlowObjective test passed",
+ onfail="Set FlowObjective test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE60( self, main ):
+ """
+ Balance device masters
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Balance device masters" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Balance device masters" )
+ main.step( "Balance device masters" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_BALANCE_MASTERS, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Balance masters test passed",
+ onfail="Balance masters test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE90( self, main ):
+ """
+ Sleep for some time
+ """
+ import time
+ from import EventType
+ from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+ "Sleep for some time" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "Sleep for some time" )
+ main.step( "Sleep for some time" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ sleepSec = int( main.params[ 'CASE90' ][ 'sleepSec' ] )
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, sleepSec )
+ with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
+ main.eventScheduler.idleCondition.wait()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Sleep test passed",
+ onfail="Sleep test failed" )
+ time.sleep( main.caseSleep )
+ def CASE100( self, main ):
+ """
+ Do something else?
+ """
+ import time
+ "Do something else?" )
+ "__________________________________________________" )
+ "..." )
+ main.step( "Wait until the test stops" )
+ main.caseResult = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.caseResult,
+ onpass="Test PASS",
+ onfail="Test FAIL" )
+ testDuration = int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'testDuration' ] )
+ time.sleep( testDuration )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.topo b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.topo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c7cfd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ <ONOSbench>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>admin</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+ </ONOSbench>
+ <ONOScli1>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>admin</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli1>
+ <ONOScli2>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>admin</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli2>
+ <ONOScli3>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>admin</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli3>
+ <Mininet1>
+ <host>OCN</host>
+ <user>admin</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>MininetCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>10</connect_order>
+ </Mininet1>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/README b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd85e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/README
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ This is a long-term regression test that is aimed to run for weeks
+ at a time. It's goal is to find memory leaks or bugs that otherwise
+ cannot be easily seen with short-term tests.
+ CHOTestMonkey is the 2016 version of CHOtest. The suffix "Monkey"
+ implies both the Chaos Monkey style testing and the year of the
+ Monkey 2016.
+ Att topology - 25 switches and 25 hosts and its structure is
+ designed to simulate a real world configuration.
+ Chordal topology - 25 swithces and 25 hosts and because of its
+ chordal graph structure, it's particulary useful
+ in testing the rerouting capability of ONOS.
+ Leaf-spine topology - 78 switches and 68 hosts and designed to
+ simulate modern data centers.
+ To run out-of-the box this test requires 3 NODES. The cell file
+ must be passed through the startup test command, e.g.,
+ ./ run CHOTestMonkey onoscell <cell name>.
+ Passwordless login must be set from TestStation "sdn" root user.
+ This test relies on the topology files to start Mininet located in
+ the dependencies/topologies folder. Be sure to check that each
+ topology file can be loaded properly by Mininet by using this
+ command:
+ sudo ~/dependencies/topologies/<topology name>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de32193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+This file contains the event generator class for CHOTestMonkey
+from threading import Lock, Condition
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.EventScheduler import EventScheduleMethod
+from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.GraphHelper import GraphHelper
+class MessageType:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ = {}
+ # This message type is used for requesting an event injection from outside CHOTestMonkey
+ self.EVENT_REQUEST = 1
+[ 1 ] = 'EVENT_REQUEST'
+ # This message tyoe will force the event generator to accept the event injection request for debugging purpose
+ # This message type implies the event generator has inserted the event
+ self.EVENT_INSERTED = 10
+[ 10 ] = 'EVENT_INSERTED'
+ # This message type implies CHOTestMonkey has refused the event injection request
+ # due to, e.g. too many pending events in the scheduler
+ self.EVENT_DENIED = 11
+[ 11 ] = 'EVENT_DENIED'
+ # The followings are error messages
+class EventGenerator:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.eventGeneratorLock = Lock()
+ def startListener( self ):
+ """
+ Listen to event triggers
+ """
+ from multiprocessing.connection import Listener
+ import time
+ host = "localhost"
+ port = int( main.params[ 'GENERATOR' ][ 'listenerPort' ] )
+ address = ( host, port )
+ listener = Listener( address )
+ "Event Generator - Event listener start listening on %s:%s" % ( host, port ) )
+ while 1:
+ conn = listener.accept()
+ t = main.Thread( target=self.handleConnection,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="handleConnection",
+ args=[ conn ])
+ t.start()
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.threadID += 1
+ listener.close()
+ def handleConnection( self, conn ):
+ """
+ Handle connections from event triggers
+ """
+ request = conn.recv()
+ if isinstance( request, list ) and ( request[ 0 ] == MessageType().EVENT_REQUEST or request[ 0 ] == MessageType().EVENT_REQUEST_DEBUG ):
+ if len( request ) < 3:
+ response = MessageType().NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENT
+ elif request[ 0 ] == MessageType().EVENT_REQUEST and not main.eventScheduler.isAvailable():
+ response = MessageType().EVENT_DENIED
+ else:
+ typeString = str( request[ 1 ] )
+ scheduleMethodString = str( request[ 2 ] )
+ if len( request ) > 3:
+ args = request[ 3: ]
+ else:
+ args = None
+ for key, value in EventType().map.items():
+ if value == typeString:
+ typeIndex = key
+ break
+ if not value == typeString:
+ response = MessageType().UNKNOWN_EVENT_TYPE
+ else:
+ for key, value in EventScheduleMethod().map.items():
+ if value == scheduleMethodString:
+ scheduleMethod = key
+ break
+ if not value == scheduleMethodString:
+ response = MessageType().UNKNOWN_SCHEDULE_METHOD
+ else:
+ self.insertEvent( typeIndex, scheduleMethod, args )
+ response = MessageType().EVENT_INSERTED
+ else:
+ response = MessageType().UNKNOWN_MESSAGE
+ conn.send( response )
+ conn.close()
+ def triggerEvent( self, typeIndex, scheduleMethod, *args ):
+ """
+ This function triggers an event from inside of CHOTestMonkey
+ """
+ import time
+ if not typeIndex in EventType().map.keys():
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Unknown event type: " + str( typeIndex ) )
+ return
+ if not scheduleMethod in EventScheduleMethod().map.keys():
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Unknown event schedule method: " + str( scheduleMethod ) )
+ return
+ while not main.eventScheduler.isAvailable():
+ time.sleep( int( main.params[ 'GENERATOR' ][ 'insertEventRetryInterval' ] ) )
+ self.insertEvent( typeIndex, scheduleMethod, list( args ) )
+ def insertEvent( self, typeIndex, scheduleMethod, args=None ):
+ """
+ This function inserts an event into the scheduler
+ """
+ if typeIndex > 100:
+ # Handle group events
+ if not typeIndex in main.enabledEvents.keys():
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - event type %s not enabled" % ( typeIndex ) )
+ return
+ function = getattr( self, main.enabledEvents[ typeIndex ] )
+ assert function != None, "Event Generator - funtion for group event " + typeIndex + " not found"
+ function( scheduleMethod, args )
+ else:
+ # Add individual events to the scheduler
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( typeIndex, scheduleMethod, args )
+ def insertAllChecks( self, args=None ):
+ """
+ Acquire eventGeneratorLock before calling this funtion
+ """
+ for eventType in main.enabledEvents.keys():
+ if eventType < 100 and EventType().map[ eventType ].startswith( 'CHECK' ):
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( eventType,
+ EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK,
+ args )
+ def addAllChecks( self, scheduleMethod, args=None ):
+ """
+ The function adds all check events into the scheduler
+ """
+ with self.eventGeneratorLock:
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ self.insertAllChecks( args )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ def randomLinkToggle( self, scheduleMethod, args=[ 5 ], blocking=True ):
+ """
+ The function randomly adds a link down-up event pair into the scheduler
+ After each individual link event, all checks are inserted into the scheduler
+ param:
+ args[0] is the average interval between link down and link up events
+ blocking means blocking other events from being scheduled between link down and link up
+ """
+ import random
+ import time
+ if len( args ) < 1:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Not enough arguments for randomLinkToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ elif len( args ) > 1:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Too many arguments for randomLinkToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ else:
+ downUpAvgInterval = int( args[ 0 ] )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ graphHelper = GraphHelper()
+ availableLinks = graphHelper.getNonCutEdges()
+ if len( availableLinks ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All links are cut edges, aborting event" )
+ return
+ link = random.sample( availableLinks, 1 )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_DOWN,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ link[ 0 ], link[ 0 ] ] )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ link[ 0 ].setPendingDown()
+ link[ 0 ].backwardLink.setPendingDown()
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'randomLinkToggle' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ # Insert a NULL BLOCK event
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ downUpInterval = abs( random.gauss( downUpAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_UP,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ link[ 0 ], link[ 0 ] ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ def randomLinkGroupToggle( self, scheduleMethod, args=None, blocking=True ):
+ """
+ The function randomly adds a group of link down-up events into the scheduler
+ After each link down or up, all checks are inserted into the scheduler
+ param:
+ args[0] is the number of links that are to be brought down
+ args[1] is the average interval between link down events
+ args[2] is the average interval between link group down and group up events
+ blocking means blocking other events from being scheduled between link events
+ """
+ import random
+ import time
+ if len( args ) < 3:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Not enough arguments for randomLinkGroupToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ elif len( args ) > 3:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Too many arguments for randomLinkGroupToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ else:
+ linkGroupSize = int( args[ 0 ] )
+ downDownAvgInterval = int( args[ 1 ] )
+ downUpAvgInterval = int( args[ 2 ] )
+ downLinks = []
+ for i in range( 0, linkGroupSize ):
+ with main.variableLock:
+ graphHelper = GraphHelper()
+ availableLinks = graphHelper.getNonCutEdges()
+ if len( availableLinks ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All links are cut edges, aborting event" )
+ continue
+ link = random.sample( availableLinks, 1 )
+ if i == 0:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_DOWN,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ link[ 0 ], link[ 0 ] ] )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ link[ 0 ].setPendingDown()
+ link[ 0 ].backwardLink.setPendingDown()
+ downLinks.append( link[ 0 ] )
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'randomLinkGroupToggle' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ # Insert a NULL BLOCK event
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ downDownInterval = abs( random.gauss( downDownAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( downDownInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( downDownInterval )
+ downUpInterval = abs( random.gauss( downUpAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ for link in downLinks:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_UP,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [, ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ upUpInterval = abs( random.gauss( downDownAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( upUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( upUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ def randomDeviceToggle( self, scheduleMethod, args=[ 5 ], blocking=True ):
+ """
+ The function randomly removes a device and then adds it back
+ After each individual device event, all checks are inserted into the scheduler
+ param:
+ args[0] is the average interval between device down and device up events
+ blocking means blocking other events from being scheduled between device down and device up
+ """
+ import random
+ import time
+ if len( args ) < 1:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Not enough arguments for randomDeviceToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ elif len( args ) > 1:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Too many arguments for randomDeviceToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ else:
+ downUpAvgInterval = int( args[ 0 ] )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ graphHelper = GraphHelper()
+ availableDevices = graphHelper.getNonCutVertices()
+ if len( availableDevices ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All devices are Cut vertices, aborting event" )
+ return
+ device = random.sample( availableDevices, 1 )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ device[ 0 ].name ] )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ device[ 0 ].setPendingDown()
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'randomLinkToggle' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ # Insert a NULL BLOCK event
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ downUpInterval = abs( random.gauss( downUpAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_UP,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ device[ 0 ].name ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ def randomDeviceGroupToggle( self, scheduleMethod, args=None, blocking=True ):
+ """
+ The function randomly adds a group of device down-up events into the scheduler
+ After each device down or up, all checks are inserted into the scheduler
+ param:
+ args[0] is the number of devices that are to be brought down
+ args[1] is the average interval between device down events
+ args[2] is the average interval between device group down and group up events
+ blocking means blocking other events from being scheduled between device events
+ """
+ import random
+ import time
+ if len( args ) < 3:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Not enough arguments for randomDeviceGroupToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ elif len( args ) > 3:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - Too many arguments for randomDeviceGroupToggle: %s" % ( args ) )
+ else:
+ deviceGroupSize = int( args[ 0 ] )
+ downDownAvgInterval = int( args[ 1 ] )
+ downUpAvgInterval = int( args[ 2 ] )
+ downDevices = []
+ for i in range( 0, deviceGroupSize ):
+ with main.variableLock:
+ graphHelper = GraphHelper()
+ availableDevices = graphHelper.getNonCutVertices()
+ if len( availableDevices ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All devices are cut vertices, aborting event" )
+ continue
+ device = random.sample( availableDevices, 1 )
+ if i == 0:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ device[ 0 ].name ] )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ device[ 0 ].setPendingDown()
+ downDevices.append( device[ 0 ] )
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'randomLinkGroupToggle' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ # Insert a NULL BLOCK event
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ downDownInterval = abs( random.gauss( downDownAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( downDownInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( downDownInterval )
+ downUpInterval = abs( random.gauss( downUpAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( downUpInterval )
+ for device in downDevices:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_UP,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ [ ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ self.insertAllChecks( EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ upUpInterval = abs( random.gauss( downDownAvgInterval, 1 ) )
+ if not blocking:
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ time.sleep( upUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.acquire()
+ else:
+ time.sleep( upUpInterval )
+ self.eventGeneratorLock.release()
+ def installAllHostIntents( self, scheduleMethod, args=None ):
+ """
+ This function installs host intents for all host pairs
+ After all intent events are inserted, this funciton also insert intent and traffic checks
+ """
+ import itertools
+ with self.eventGeneratorLock:
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ availableControllers = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ availableControllers.append( controller.index )
+ if len( availableControllers ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - No available controllers" )
+ return
+ hostCombos = list( itertools.combinations( main.hosts, 2 ) )
+ for i in xrange( 0, len( hostCombos ), len( availableControllers ) ):
+ for CLIIndex in availableControllers:
+ if i >= len( hostCombos ):
+ break
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_ADD,
+ EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK,
+ [ hostCombos[ i ][ 0 ].name, hostCombos[ i ][ 1 ].name, CLIIndex ] )
+ i += 1
+ # Pending checks after installing all intents
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'installAllHostIntents' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_INTENT, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_FLOW, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_TRAFFIC, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ def removeAllHostIntents( self, scheduleMethod, args=None ):
+ """
+ This function removes host intents for all host pairs
+ After all intent events are inserted, this funciton also insert intent and traffic checks
+ """
+ import itertools
+ with self.eventGeneratorLock:
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ availableControllers = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ availableControllers.append( controller.index )
+ if len( availableControllers ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - No available controllers" )
+ return
+ hostCombos = list( itertools.combinations( main.hosts, 2 ) )
+ for i in xrange( 0, len( hostCombos ), len( availableControllers ) ):
+ for CLIIndex in availableControllers:
+ if i >= len( hostCombos ):
+ break
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_DEL,
+ EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK,
+ [ hostCombos[ i ][ 0 ].name, hostCombos[ i ][ 1 ].name, CLIIndex ] )
+ i += 1
+ # Pending checks after removing all intents
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'removeAllHostIntents' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_INTENT, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_FLOW, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_TRAFFIC, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ def installAllPointIntents( self, scheduleMethod, args=None ):
+ """
+ This function installs point intents for all device pairs
+ After all intent events are inserted, this funciton also insert intent and traffic checks
+ """
+ import itertools
+ with self.eventGeneratorLock:
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ availableControllers = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ availableControllers.append( controller.index )
+ if len( availableControllers ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - No available controllers" )
+ return
+ deviceCombos = list( itertools.permutations( main.devices, 2 ) )
+ for i in xrange( 0, len( deviceCombos ), len( availableControllers ) ):
+ for CLIIndex in availableControllers:
+ if i >= len( deviceCombos ):
+ break
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_ADD,
+ EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK,
+ [ deviceCombos[ i ][ 0 ].name, deviceCombos[ i ][ 1 ].name, CLIIndex ] )
+ i += 1
+ # Pending checks after installing all intents
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'installAllPointIntents' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_INTENT, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_FLOW, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_TRAFFIC, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ def removeAllPointIntents( self, scheduleMethod, args=None ):
+ """
+ This function removes point intents for all device pairs
+ After all intent events are inserted, this funciton also insert intent and traffic checks
+ """
+ import itertools
+ with self.eventGeneratorLock:
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ availableControllers = []
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ availableControllers.append( controller.index )
+ if len( availableControllers ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Generator - No available controllers" )
+ return
+ deviceCombos = list( itertools.permutations( main.devices, 2 ) )
+ for i in xrange( 0, len( deviceCombos ), len( availableControllers ) ):
+ for CLIIndex in availableControllers:
+ if i >= len( deviceCombos ):
+ break
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_DEL,
+ EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK,
+ [ deviceCombos[ i ][ 0 ].name, deviceCombos[ i ][ 1 ].name, CLIIndex ] )
+ i += 1
+ # Pending checks after removing all intents
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
+ sleepTime = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'removeAllPointIntents' ][ 'sleepBeforeCheck' ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().TEST_SLEEP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, [ sleepTime ] )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_INTENT, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_FLOW, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().CHECK_TRAFFIC, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ if scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ main.eventScheduler.scheduleEvent( EventType().NULL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4c95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+This file contains the event scheduler class for CHOTestMonkey
+from threading import Lock, Condition
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+from import *
+from import *
+from import *
+from import *
+from import *
+class EventScheduleMethod:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ = {}
+ self.RUN_NON_BLOCK = 1
+[ 1 ] = 'RUN_NON_BLOCK'
+ self.RUN_BLOCK = -1
+[ -1 ] = 'RUN_BLOCK'
+class EventTuple:
+ def __init__( self, id, className, typeString, typeIndex, scheduleMethod, args, rerunInterval, maxRerunNum ):
+ self.default = ''
+ = 0
+ self.className = className
+ self.typeString = typeString
+ self.typeIndex = typeIndex
+ self.scheduleMethod = scheduleMethod
+ self.args = args
+ self.rerunInterval = rerunInterval
+ self.maxRerunNum = maxRerunNum
+ def startEvent( self ):
+ assert self.className in globals().keys()
+ event = globals()[ self.className ]
+ return event().startEvent( self.args )
+class EventScheduler:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.pendingEvents = []
+ self.pendingEventsCondition = Condition()
+ self.runningEvents = []
+ self.runningEventsCondition = Condition()
+ self.isRunning = True
+ self.idleCondition = Condition()
+ self.pendingEventsCapacity = int( main.params[ 'SCHEDULER' ][ 'pendingEventsCapacity' ] )
+ self.runningEventsCapacity = int( main.params[ 'SCHEDULER' ][ 'runningEventsCapacity' ] )
+ self.scheduleLoopSleep = float( main.params[ 'SCHEDULER' ][ 'scheduleLoopSleep' ] )
+ def scheduleEvent( self, typeIndex, scheduleMethod, args=None, index=-1 ):
+ """
+ Insert an event to pendingEvents
+ param:
+ index: the position to insert into pendingEvents, default value -1 implies the tail of pendingEvents
+ """
+ if not typeIndex in main.enabledEvents.keys():
+ main.log.warn( "Event Scheduler - event type %s not enabled" % ( typeIndex ) )
+ return
+ if main.enabledEvents[ typeIndex ] in main.params[ 'EVENT' ].keys():
+ if 'rerunInterval' in main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ main.enabledEvents[ typeIndex ] ].keys():
+ rerunInterval = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ main.enabledEvents[ typeIndex ] ][ 'rerunInterval' ] )
+ maxRerunNum = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ main.enabledEvents[ typeIndex ] ][ 'maxRerunNum' ] )
+ else:
+ rerunInterval = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'Event' ][ 'rerunInterval' ] )
+ maxRerunNum = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'Event' ][ 'maxRerunNum' ] )
+ eventTuple = EventTuple( main.eventID, main.enabledEvents[ typeIndex ], EventType().map[ typeIndex ], typeIndex, scheduleMethod, args, rerunInterval, maxRerunNum )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.eventID += 1
+ main.log.debug( "Event Scheduler - Event added: %s, %s, %s" % ( typeIndex,
+ scheduleMethod,
+ args ) )
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ if index == -1:
+ self.pendingEvents.append( eventTuple )
+ elif index > -1 and index <= len( self.pendingEvents ):
+ self.pendingEvents.insert( index, eventTuple )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Event Scheduler - invalid index when isnerting event: %s" % ( index ) )
+ self.pendingEventsCondition.notify()
+ self.printEvents()
+ def startScheduler( self ):
+ """
+ Start the loop which schedules the events in pendingEvents
+ """
+ import time
+ while 1:
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ while len( self.pendingEvents ) == 0:
+ self.pendingEventsCondition.wait()
+ eventTuple = self.pendingEvents[ 0 ]
+ main.log.debug( "Event Scheduler - Scheduling event: %s, %s, %s" % ( eventTuple.typeIndex,
+ eventTuple.scheduleMethod,
+ eventTuple.args ) )
+ if eventTuple.scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK:
+ # Run NON_BLOCK events using threads
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ self.pendingEvents.remove( eventTuple )
+ t = main.Thread( target=self.startEvent,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="startEvent",
+ args=[ eventTuple ])
+ t.start()
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.threadID += 1
+ elif eventTuple.scheduleMethod == EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK:
+ # Wait for all other events before start
+ with self.runningEventsCondition:
+ while not len( self.runningEvents ) == 0:
+ self.runningEventsCondition.wait()
+ # BLOCK events will temporarily block the following events until finish running
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ self.pendingEvents.remove( eventTuple )
+ self.startEvent( eventTuple )
+ else:
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ self.pendingEvents.remove( eventTuple )
+ time.sleep( self.scheduleLoopSleep )
+ def startEvent( self, eventTuple ):
+ """
+ Start a network/ONOS/application event
+ """
+ import time
+ with self.runningEventsCondition:
+ self.runningEvents.append( eventTuple )
+ self.printEvents()
+ rerunNum = 0
+ result = eventTuple.startEvent()
+ while result == EventStates().FAIL and rerunNum < eventTuple.maxRerunNum:
+ time.sleep( eventTuple.rerunInterval )
+ rerunNum += 1
+ main.log.debug( eventTuple.typeString + ": retry number " + str( rerunNum ) )
+ result = eventTuple.startEvent()
+ if result == EventStates().FAIL:
+ main.log.error( eventTuple.typeString + " failed" )
+ main.caseResult = main.FALSE
+ if main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'pauseTest' ] == 'on':
+ #self.isRunning = False
+ #main.log.error( "Event Scheduler - Test paused. To resume test, run \'resume-test\' command in CLI debugging mode" )
+ main.stop()
+ with self.runningEventsCondition:
+ self.runningEvents.remove( eventTuple )
+ if len( self.runningEvents ) == 0:
+ self.runningEventsCondition.notify()
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ if len( self.pendingEvents ) == 0:
+ with self.idleCondition:
+ self.idleCondition.notify()
+ self.printEvents()
+ def printEvents( self ):
+ """
+ Print all the events in pendingEvents and runningEvents
+ """
+ events = " ["
+ with self.runningEventsCondition:
+ for index in range( 0, len( self.runningEvents ) - 1 ):
+ events += str( self.runningEvents[ index ].typeIndex )
+ events += ", "
+ if len( self.runningEvents ) > 0:
+ events += str( self.runningEvents[ -1 ].typeIndex )
+ events += "]"
+ events += " ["
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ for index in range( 0, len( self.pendingEvents ) - 1 ):
+ events += str( self.pendingEvents[ index ].typeIndex )
+ events += ", "
+ if len( self.pendingEvents ) > 0:
+ events += str( self.pendingEvents[ -1 ].typeIndex )
+ events += "]"
+ main.log.debug( "Event Scheduler - Events: " + events )
+ def isAvailable( self ):
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ with self.runningEventsCondition:
+ return len( self.pendingEvents ) < self.pendingEventsCapacity and\
+ len( self.runningEvents ) < self.runningEventsCapacity and\
+ self.isRunning
+ def isIdle( self ):
+ with self.pendingEventsCondition:
+ with self.runningEventsCondition:
+ return len( self.pendingEvents ) == 0 and\
+ len( self.runningEvents ) == 0 and\
+ self.isRunning
+ def setPendingEventsCapacity( self, capacity ):
+ self.pendingEventsCapacity = capacity
+ def setRunningState( self, state ):
+ assert state == True or state == False
+ self.isRunning = state
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c3e0e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Insert network/ONOS/app events into CHOTestMonkey
+import time
+import random
+from multiprocessing.connection import Client
+def triggerEvent( type, scheduleMethod, *args ):
+ """
+ This function inserts an event into CHOTestMonkey
+ """
+ host = "localhost"
+ port = 6000
+ address = ( host, port )
+ conn = Client( address )
+ request = []
+ request.append( 2 )
+ request.append( type )
+ request.append( scheduleMethod )
+ for arg in args:
+ request.append( arg )
+ conn.send( request )
+ response = conn.recv()
+ while response == 11:
+ time.sleep( 1 )
+ conn.send( request )
+ response = conn.recv()
+ if response == 10:
+ print "Event inserted:", type, scheduleMethod, args
+ elif response == 20:
+ print "Unknown message to server"
+ elif response == 21:
+ print "Unknown event type to server"
+ elif response == 22:
+ print "Unknown schedule method to server"
+ elif response == 23:
+ print "Not enough argument"
+ else:
+ print "Unknown response from server:", response
+ conn.close()
+def testLoop( sleepTime=5 ):
+ downLinkNum = 0
+ downDeviceNum = 0
+ while True:
+ r = random.random()
+ if r < 0.2:
+ triggerEvent( 'NETWORK_LINK_DOWN', 'RUN_BLOCK', 'random', 'random' )
+ downLinkNum += 1
+ time.sleep( sleepTime )
+ elif r < 0.4:
+ triggerEvent( 'NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN', 'RUN_BLOCK', 'random' )
+ downDeviceNum += 1
+ time.sleep( sleepTime * 2 )
+ elif r < 0.7 and downLinkNum > 0:
+ triggerEvent( 'NETWORK_LINK_UP', 'RUN_BLOCK', 'random', 'random' )
+ downLinkNum -= 1
+ time.sleep( sleepTime )
+ elif downDeviceNum > 0:
+ triggerEvent( 'NETWORK_DEVICE_UP', 'RUN_BLOCK', 'random' )
+ downDeviceNum -= 1
+ time.sleep( sleepTime * 2 )
+ else:
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ testLoop( 2 )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f110b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Graph algorithm implementations for CHOTestMonkey
+class GraphHelper:
+ """
+ This class implements graph algorithms for CHOTestMonkey.
+ It reads main.devices and main.links as vertices and edges.
+ Currently it offers functions for finding (non-)cut-edges and vertices,
+ which is realized based on chain-decomposition algorithm
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ # Depth-first index of each node
+ self.DFI = []
+ # Parent vertex and egde of each node in depth-first search tree
+ self.parentDeviceInDFS = []
+ self.parentLinkInDFS = []
+ # Data structures for chain-decomposition algorithm
+ self.backEdges = {}
+ self.chains = []
+ self.currentDFI = 0
+ self.upDevices = []
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if device.isUp():
+ self.upDevices.append( device )
+ for i in range( len( main.devices ) ):
+ self.DFI.append( -1 )
+ self.parentDeviceInDFS.append( None )
+ self.parentLinkInDFS.append( None )
+ def genDFIandBackEdge( self, device ):
+ """
+ This function runs a depth-first search and get DFI of each node
+ as well as collect the back edges
+ """
+ self.DFI[ device.index ] = self.currentDFI
+ self.currentDFI += 1
+ for link in device.outgoingLinks:
+ if not link.isUp():
+ continue
+ backwardLink = link.backwardLink
+ neighbor = link.deviceB
+ if neighbor == self.parentDeviceInDFS[ device.index ]:
+ continue
+ elif self.DFI[ neighbor.index ] == -1:
+ self.parentDeviceInDFS[ neighbor.index ] = device
+ self.parentLinkInDFS[ neighbor.index ] = backwardLink
+ self.genDFIandBackEdge( neighbor )
+ else:
+ key = self.DFI[ neighbor.index ]
+ if key in self.backEdges.keys():
+ if not link in self.backEdges[ key ] and\
+ not backwardLink in self.backEdges[ key ]:
+ self.backEdges[ key ].append( backwardLink )
+ else:
+ tempKey = self.DFI[ device.index ]
+ if tempKey in self.backEdges.keys():
+ if not link in self.backEdges[ tempKey ] and\
+ not backwardLink in self.backEdges[ tempKey ]:
+ self.backEdges[ key ] = [ backwardLink ]
+ else:
+ self.backEdges[ key ] = [ backwardLink ]
+ def findChains( self ):
+ """
+ This function finds all the 'chains' for chain-decomposition algorithm
+ """
+ keyList = self.backEdges.keys()
+ keyList.sort()
+ deviceIsVisited = []
+ for i in range( len( main.devices ) ):
+ deviceIsVisited.append( 0 )
+ for key in keyList:
+ backEdgeList = self.backEdges[ key ]
+ for link in backEdgeList:
+ chain = []
+ currentLink = link
+ sourceDevice = link.deviceA
+ while True:
+ currentDevice = currentLink.deviceA
+ nextDevice = currentLink.deviceB
+ deviceIsVisited[ currentDevice.index ] = 1
+ chain.append( currentLink )
+ if nextDevice == sourceDevice or deviceIsVisited[ nextDevice.index ] == 1:
+ break
+ currentLink = self.parentLinkInDFS[ nextDevice.index ]
+ self.chains.append( chain )
+ def getNonCutEdges( self ):
+ """
+ This function returns all non-cut-edges of a graph
+ """
+ assert len( self.upDevices ) != 0
+ self.genDFIandBackEdge( self.upDevices[ 0 ] )
+ self.findChains()
+ nonCutEdges = []
+ for chain in self.chains:
+ for link in chain:
+ nonCutEdges.append( link )
+ return nonCutEdges
+ def getNonCutVertices( self ):
+ """
+ This function returns all non-cut-vertices of a graph
+ """
+ nonCutEdges = self.getNonCutEdges()
+ nonCutVertices = []
+ for device in self.upDevices:
+ deviceIsNonCut = True
+ for link in device.outgoingLinks:
+ if link.isUp() and not ( link in nonCutEdges or link.backwardLink in nonCutEdges ):
+ deviceIsNonCut = False
+ break
+ if deviceIsNonCut:
+ nonCutVertices.append( device )
+ return nonCutVertices
+ def printDFI( self ):
+ print self.DFI
+ def printParentInDFS( self ):
+ print self.parentInDFS
+ def printBackEdges( self ):
+ print self.backEdges
+ def printChains( self ):
+ chainIndex = 0
+ for chain in self.chains:
+ print chainIndex
+ for link in chain:
+ print link
+ chainIndex += 1
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a8448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Start CLI for CHOTestMonkey
+from multiprocessing.connection import Client
+commandMap = {}
+paramNum = {}
+def triggerEvent( debugMode, name, scheduleMethod, args ):
+ """
+ This function inserts an event from CLI to CHOTestMonkey
+ """
+ host = "localhost"
+ port = 6000
+ address = ( host, port )
+ conn = Client( address )
+ request = []
+ if debugMode:
+ request.append( 2 )
+ else:
+ request.append( 1 )
+ request.append( name )
+ request.append( scheduleMethod )
+ for arg in args:
+ request.append( arg )
+ conn.send( request )
+ response = conn.recv()
+ return response
+def startCLI():
+ debugMode = False
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ if debugMode:
+ cmd = raw_input("CHOTestMonkey-debug>")
+ else:
+ cmd = raw_input("CHOTestMonkey>")
+ except EOFError:
+ print "exit"
+ return
+ except Exception:
+ print "Uncaught exception!"
+ return
+ if cmd == 'help':
+ print 'Supported commands:'
+ print 'help'
+ print 'debug'
+ print 'exit'
+ for command in commandMap.keys():
+ print command
+ elif cmd == '':
+ pass
+ elif cmd == 'debug':
+ debugMode = True
+ elif cmd == 'exit':
+ if debugMode:
+ debugMode = False
+ else:
+ return
+ else:
+ cmdList = cmd.split( ' ' )
+ if cmdList[ 0 ] in commandMap.keys():
+ num = paramNum[ cmdList[ 0 ] ]
+ name = commandMap[ cmdList[ 0 ] ]
+ if len( cmdList ) < num + 1:
+ print 'not enough arguments'
+ elif len( cmdList ) > num + 1:
+ print 'Too many arguments'
+ else:
+ result = triggerEvent( debugMode, name, 'RUN_BLOCK', cmdList[ 1: ] )
+ if result == 10:
+ pass
+ elif result == 11:
+ print "Scheduler busy...Try later or use debugging mode by entering \'debug\'"
+ elif result == 20:
+ print "Unknown message to server"
+ elif result == 21:
+ print "Unknown event type to server"
+ elif result == 22:
+ print "Unknown schedule method to server"
+ elif result == 23:
+ print "Not enough argument"
+ else:
+ print "Unknown response from server"
+ else:
+ print 'Unknown command'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import xml.etree.ElementTree
+ try:
+ root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse( '../CHOTestMonkey.params' ).getroot()
+ except Exception:
+ print "Uncaught exception!"
+ for child in root:
+ if child.tag == 'EVENT':
+ for event in child:
+ for item in event:
+ if item.tag == 'CLI':
+ CLI = str( item.text )
+ if item.tag == 'typeString':
+ name = str( item.text )
+ if item.tag == 'CLIParamNum':
+ num = int( item.text )
+ commandMap[ CLI ] = name
+ paramNum[ CLI ] = num
+ startCLI()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a18ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+This file contains device, host and link class for CHOTestMonkey
+class NetworkElement:
+ def __init__( self, index ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.index = index
+ self.status = 'up'
+ def isUp( self ):
+ return self.status == 'up'
+ def isDown( self ):
+ return self.status == 'down'
+ def isRemoved( self ):
+ return self.status == 'removed'
+ def setPendingDown( self ):
+ self.status = 'pending_down'
+ def setRemoved( self ):
+ self.status = 'removed'
+ def bringDown( self ):
+ self.status = 'down'
+ def bringUp( self ):
+ self.status = 'up'
+class Device( NetworkElement ):
+ def __init__( self, index, name, dpid ):
+ NetworkElement.__init__( self, index )
+ = name
+ self.dpid = dpid
+ self.hosts = []
+ # For each bidirectional link, we only store one direction here
+ self.outgoingLinks = []
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return "name: " + + ", dpid: " + self.dpid
+class Host( NetworkElement ):
+ def __init__( self, index, name, id, mac, device, devicePort, vlan, ipAddresses ):
+ NetworkElement.__init__( self, index )
+ = name
+ = id
+ self.mac = mac
+ self.device = device
+ self.devicePort = devicePort
+ self.vlan = vlan
+ self.ipAddresses = ipAddresses
+ self.correspondents = []
+ self.handle = None
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return "name: " + + ", mac: " + self.mac + ", device: " + self.device.dpid + ", ipAddresses: " + str( self.ipAddresses )
+ def setHandle( self, handle ):
+ self.handle = handle
+class Link( NetworkElement ):
+ """
+ Unidirectional link
+ """
+ def __init__( self, index, deviceA, portA, deviceB, portB ):
+ NetworkElement.__init__( self, index )
+ self.backwardLink = None
+ self.deviceA = deviceA
+ self.portA = portA
+ self.deviceB = deviceB
+ self.portB = portB
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return self.deviceA.dpid + "/" + self.portA + " - " + self.deviceB.dpid + "/" + self.portB
+ def setBackwardLink( self, link ):
+ self.backwardLink = link
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6831811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+This file contains intent class for CHOTestMonkey
+from threading import Lock
+class Controller:
+ def __init__( self, index ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.index = index
+ self.ip = main.onosIPs[ index - 1 ]
+ self.CLI = None
+ self.CLILock = Lock()
+ self.status = 'up'
+ def setCLI( self, CLI ):
+ self.CLI = CLI
+ def startCLI( self ):
+ return self.CLI.startOnosCli( self.ip )
+ def isUp( self ):
+ return self.status == 'up'
+ def bringDown( self ):
+ self.status = 'down'
+ def bringUp( self ):
+ self.status = 'up'
+class Intent:
+ def __init__( self, id ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.type = 'INTENT'
+ = id
+ self.expectedState = 'INSTALLED'
+ def isHostIntent( self ):
+ return self.type == 'INTENT_HOST'
+ def isPointIntent( self ):
+ return self.type == 'INTENT_POINT'
+ def isFailed( self ):
+ return self.expectedState == 'FAILED'
+ def isInstalled( self ):
+ return self.expectedState == 'INSTALLED'
+ def setFailed( self ):
+ self.expectedState = 'FAILED'
+ def setInstalled( self ):
+ self.expectedState = 'INSTALLED'
+class HostIntent( Intent ):
+ def __init__( self, id, hostA, hostB ):
+ Intent.__init__( self, id )
+ self.type = 'INTENT_HOST'
+ self.hostA = hostA
+ self.hostB = hostB
+ self.deviceA = hostA.device
+ self.deviceB = hostB.device
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return "ID: " +
+class PointIntent( Intent ):
+ def __init__( self, id, deviceA, deviceB ):
+ Intent.__init__( self, id )
+ self.type = 'INTENT_POINT'
+ self.deviceA = deviceA
+ self.deviceB = deviceB
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return "ID: " +
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/elements/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0ca7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+This file contains classes for CHOTestMonkey that are related to application event
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.elements.ONOSElement import HostIntent, PointIntent
+class IntentEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ # The index of the ONOS CLI that is going to run the command
+ self.CLIIndex = 0
+class HostIntentEvent( IntentEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ IntentEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.hostA = None
+ self.hostB = None
+ def startHostIntentEvent( self ):
+ return EventStates().PASS
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ if self.typeIndex == EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_ADD or self.typeIndex == EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_DEL:
+ if len( args ) < 3:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 3:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ if args[ 0 ] == args[ 1 ]:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - invalid argument: %s" % ( self.typeString, index ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ for host in main.hosts:
+ if == args[ 0 ]:
+ self.hostA = host
+ elif == args[ 1 ]:
+ self.hostB = host
+ if self.hostA != None and self.hostB != None:
+ break
+ if self.hostA == None:
+ main.log.warn( "Host %s does not exist: " % ( args[ 0 ] ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if self.hostB == None:
+ main.log.warn( "Host %s does not exist: " % ( args[ 1 ] ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ index = int( args[ 2 ] )
+ if index < 1 or index > int( main.numCtrls ):
+ main.log.warn( "%s - invalid argument: %s" % ( self.typeString, index ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if not main.controllers[ index - 1 ].isUp():
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - invalid argument: onos %s is down" % ( controller.index ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ self.CLIIndex = index
+ return self.startHostIntentEvent()
+class AddHostIntent( HostIntentEvent ):
+ """
+ Add a host-to-host intent (bidirectional)
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ HostIntentEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startHostIntentEvent( self ):
+ assert self.hostA != None and self.hostB != None
+ # Check whether there already exists some intent for the host pair
+ # For now we should avoid installing overlapping intents
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ if not intent.type == 'INTENT_HOST':
+ continue
+ if intent.hostA == self.hostA and intent.hostB == self.hostB or\
+ intent.hostB == self.hostA and intent.hostA == self.hostB:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - find an exiting intent for the host pair, abort installation" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ controller = main.controllers[ self.CLIIndex - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ id = controller.CLI.addHostIntent(, )
+ if id == None:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - add host intent failed" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ newHostIntent = HostIntent( id, self.hostA, self.hostB )
+ main.intents.append( newHostIntent )
+ # Update host connectivity status
+ # TODO: should we check whether hostA and hostB are already correspondents?
+ self.hostB.correspondents.append( self.hostA )
+ self.hostA.correspondents.append( self.hostB )
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class DelHostIntent( HostIntentEvent ):
+ """
+ Delete a host-to-host intent (bidirectional)
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ HostIntentEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startHostIntentEvent( self ):
+ assert self.hostA != None and self.hostB != None
+ targetIntent = None
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ if not intent.type == 'INTENT_HOST':
+ continue
+ if intent.hostA == self.hostA and intent.hostB == self.hostB or\
+ intent.hostB == self.hostA and intent.hostA == self.hostB:
+ targetIntent = intent
+ break
+ if targetIntent == None:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - intent does not exist" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ controller = main.controllers[ self.CLIIndex - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ result = controller.CLI.removeIntent(, purge=True )
+ if result == None or result == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - delete host intent failed" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.intents.remove( targetIntent )
+ # Update host connectivity status
+ self.hostB.correspondents.remove( self.hostA )
+ self.hostA.correspondents.remove( self.hostB )
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class PointIntentEvent( IntentEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ IntentEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.deviceA = None
+ self.deviceB = None
+ def startPointIntentEvent( self ):
+ return EventStates().PASS
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ if self.typeIndex == EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_ADD or self.typeIndex == EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_DEL:
+ if len( args ) < 3:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 3:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if == args[ 0 ]:
+ self.deviceA = device
+ elif == args[ 1 ]:
+ self.deviceB = device
+ if self.deviceA != None and self.deviceB != None:
+ break
+ if self.deviceA == None:
+ main.log.warn( "Device %s does not exist: " % ( args[ 0 ] ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if self.deviceB == None:
+ main.log.warn( "Device %s does not exist: " % ( args[ 1 ] ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ index = int( args[ 2 ] )
+ if index < 1 or index > int( main.numCtrls ):
+ main.log.warn( "%s - invalid argument: %s" % ( self.typeString, index ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if not main.controllers[ index - 1 ].isUp():
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - invalid argument: onos %s is down" % ( controller.index ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ self.CLIIndex = index
+ return self.startPointIntentEvent()
+class AddPointIntent( PointIntentEvent ):
+ """
+ Add a point-to-point intent
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ PointIntentEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startPointIntentEvent( self ):
+ assert self.deviceA != None and self.deviceB != None
+ controller = main.controllers[ self.CLIIndex - 1 ]
+ # TODO: the following check only work when we use default port number for point intents
+ # Check whether there already exists some intent for the device pair
+ # For now we should avoid installing overlapping intents
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ if not intent.type == 'INTENT_POINT':
+ continue
+ if intent.deviceA == self.deviceA and intent.deviceB == self.deviceB:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - find an exiting intent for the device pair, abort installation" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ controller = main.controllers[ self.CLIIndex - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ # TODO: handle the case that multiple hosts attach to one device
+ id = controller.CLI.addPointIntent( self.deviceA.dpid, self.deviceB.dpid,
+ 1, 1, '',
+ self.deviceA.hosts[ 0 ].mac,
+ self.deviceB.hosts[ 0 ].mac )
+ if id == None:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - add point intent failed" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ newPointIntent = PointIntent( id, self.deviceA, self.deviceB )
+ main.intents.append( newPointIntent )
+ # Update host connectivity status
+ for hostA in self.deviceA.hosts:
+ for hostB in self.deviceB.hosts:
+ hostA.correspondents.append( hostB )
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class DelPointIntent( PointIntentEvent ):
+ """
+ Delete a point-to-point intent
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ PointIntentEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startPointIntentEvent( self ):
+ assert self.deviceA != None and self.deviceB != None
+ targetIntent = None
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ if not intent.type == 'INTENT_POINT':
+ continue
+ if intent.deviceA == self.deviceA and intent.deviceB == self.deviceB:
+ targetIntent = intent
+ break
+ if targetIntent == None:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - intent does not exist" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ controller = main.controllers[ self.CLIIndex - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ result = controller.CLI.removeIntent(, purge=True )
+ if result == None or result == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( self.typeString + " - delete host intent failed" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.intents.remove( targetIntent )
+ # Update host connectivity status
+ for hostA in self.deviceA.hosts:
+ for hostB in self.deviceB.hosts:
+ hostA.correspondents.remove( hostB )
+ return EventStates().PASS
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0408f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+This file contains classes for CHOTestMonkey that are related to check event
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+class CheckEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ def startCheckEvent( self ):
+ return EventStates().PASS
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ result = self.startCheckEvent()
+ return result
+class IntentCheck( CheckEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+ checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+ intentDict = {}
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ intentDict[ ] = intent.expectedState
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ intentState = controller.CLI.compareIntent( intentDict )
+ if not intentState:
+ main.log.warn( "Intent Check - not all intent ids and states match that on ONOS%s" % ( controller.index ) )
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ return checkResult
+class FlowCheck( CheckEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+ import json
+ checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ flows = controller.CLI.flows()
+ try:
+ flows = json.loads( flows )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Flow Check - Object not as expected: {!r}".format( flows ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ # Compare flow IDs in ONOS and Mininet
+ flowIDList = []
+ for item in flows:
+ for flow in item[ "flows" ]:
+ flowIDList.append( hex( int( flow[ 'id' ] ) ) )
+ "Flow Check - current flow number on ONOS%s: %s" % ( controller.index, len( flowIDList ) ) )
+ switchList = []
+ for device in main.devices:
+ switchList.append( )
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ flowCompareResult = main.Mininet1.checkFlowId( switchList, flowIDList, debug=False )
+ if not flowCompareResult:
+ main.log.warn( "Flow Check - flows on ONOS%s do not match that in Mininet" % ( controller.index ) )
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ # Check flow state
+ flowState = controller.CLI.checkFlowsState( isPENDING=False )
+ if not flowState:
+ main.log.warn( "Flow Check - not all flows are in ADDED state on ONOS%s" % ( controller.index ) )
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ return checkResult
+class TopoCheck( CheckEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+ import json
+ checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+ upLinkNum = 0
+ upDeviceNum = 0
+ upHostNum = 0
+ with main.variableLock:
+ for link in main.links:
+ if not link.isDown() and not link.isRemoved():
+ upLinkNum += 1
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if not device.isDown() and not device.isRemoved():
+ upDeviceNum += 1
+ for host in main.hosts:
+ if not host.isDown() and not host.isRemoved():
+ upHostNum += 1
+ clusterNum = 1
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ topologyOutput = controller.CLI.topology()
+ topoState = controller.CLI.checkStatus( topologyOutput, upDeviceNum, upLinkNum )
+ #if not topoState:
+ # main.log.warn( "Topo Check - link or device number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect" % ( controller.index ) )
+ # checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ # Check links
+ try:
+ links = controller.CLI.links()
+ links = json.loads( links )
+ if not len( links ) == upLinkNum:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "Topo Check - link number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, upLinkNum, len( links ) ) )
+ # Check devices
+ devices = controller.CLI.devices()
+ devices = json.loads( devices )
+ availableDeviceNum = 0
+ for device in devices:
+ if device[ 'available' ] == True:
+ availableDeviceNum += 1
+ if not availableDeviceNum == upDeviceNum:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "Topo Check - device number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, upDeviceNum, availableDeviceNum ) )
+ # Check hosts
+ hosts = controller.CLI.hosts()
+ hosts = json.loads( hosts )
+ if not len( hosts ) == upHostNum:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "Topo Check - host number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, upHostNum, len( hosts ) ) )
+ # Check clusters
+ clusters = controller.CLI.clusters()
+ clusters = json.loads( clusters )
+ if not len( clusters ) == clusterNum:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "Topo Check - cluster number discoverd by ONOS%s is incorrect: %s expected and %s actual" % ( controller.index, clusterNum, len( clusters ) ) )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Flow Check - Object not as expected" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ return checkResult
+class ONOSCheck( CheckEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+ import json
+ checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+ topics = []
+ # TODO: Other topics?
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ dpidToAvailability = {}
+ dpidToMaster = {}
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if device.isDown() or device.isRemoved():
+ dpidToAvailability[ device.dpid ] = False
+ else:
+ dpidToAvailability[ device.dpid ] = True
+ dpidToMaster[ device.dpid ] = 'unknown'
+ # Check mastership, leaders and node states on each controller node
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ # Check mastership
+ try:
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ roles = controller.CLI.roles()
+ roles = json.loads( roles )
+ for device in roles:
+ dpid = device[ 'id' ]
+ if dpidToMaster[ dpid ] == 'unknown':
+ dpidToMaster[ dpid ] = device[ 'master' ]
+ elif dpidToMaster[ dpid ] != device[ 'master' ]:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - Mastership of %s on ONOS%s is inconsistent with that on ONOS1" % ( dpid, controller.index ) )
+ if dpidToAvailability[ dpid ] and device[ 'master' ] == "none":
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - Device %s has no master on ONOS%s" % ( dpid, controller.index ) )
+ # Check leaders
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ leaders = controller.CLI.leaders()
+ leaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ ONOSTopics = [ j['topic'] for j in leaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOSTopics:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - Topic %s not in leaders on ONOS%s" % ( topic, controller.index ) )
+ # Check node state
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ nodes = controller.CLI.nodes()
+ nodes = json.loads( nodes )
+ ipToState = {}
+ for node in nodes:
+ ipToState[ node[ 'ip' ] ] = node[ 'state' ]
+ for c in main.controllers:
+ if c.isUp() and ipToState[ c.ip ] == 'READY':
+ pass
+ elif not c.isUp() and ipToState[ c.ip ] == 'INACTIVE':
+ pass
+ else:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS Check - ONOS%s shows wrong node state: ONOS%s is %s but state is %s" % ( controller.index, c.index, c.status, ipToState[ c.ip ] ) )
+ # TODO: check partitions?
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "ONOS Check - Object not as expected" )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ return checkResult
+class TrafficCheck( CheckEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CheckEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCheckEvent( self, args=None ):
+ checkResult = EventStates().PASS
+ pool = []
+ wait = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'TrafficCheck' ][ 'pingWait' ] )
+ timeout = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ 'TrafficCheck' ][ 'pingTimeout' ] )
+ dstIPv4List = {}
+ dstIPv6List = {}
+ upHosts = []
+ for host in main.hosts:
+ if host.isUp():
+ upHosts.append( host )
+ for host in upHosts:
+ dstIPv4List[ host.index ] = []
+ dstIPv6List[ host.index ] = []
+ for correspondent in host.correspondents:
+ if not correspondent in upHosts:
+ continue
+ for ipAddress in correspondent.ipAddresses:
+ if ipAddress.startswith( str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'ipv6Prefix' ] ) ):
+ dstIPv6List[ host.index ].append( ipAddress )
+ elif ipAddress.startswith( str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'ipv4Prefix' ] ) ):
+ dstIPv4List[ host.index ].append( ipAddress )
+ thread = main.Thread( target=host.handle.pingHostSetAlternative,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="pingHostSetAlternative",
+ args=[ dstIPv4List[ host.index ], 1 ] )
+ pool.append( thread )
+ thread.start()
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.threadID += 1
+ for thread in pool:
+ thread.join( 10 )
+ if not thread.result:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "Traffic Check - ping failed" )
+ if not main.enableIPv6:
+ return checkResult
+ # Check ipv6 ping
+ for host in upHosts:
+ thread = main.Thread( target=host.handle.pingHostSetAlternative,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="pingHostSetAlternative",
+ args=[ dstIPv6List[ host.index ], 1, True ] )
+ pool.append( thread )
+ thread.start()
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.threadID += 1
+ for thread in pool:
+ thread.join( 10 )
+ if not thread.result:
+ checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
+ main.log.warn( "Traffic Check - ping6 failed" )
+ return checkResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2abd77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+This file contains the Event class for CHOTestMonkey
+from threading import Lock
+class EventType:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ = {}
+ # Group events (>100) should be divided into individual events by the generator before going to the scheduler
+ self.NULL = 0
+ for eventName in main.params[ 'EVENT' ].keys():
+ typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ eventName ][ 'typeString' ]
+ typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ eventName ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ setattr( self, typeString, typeIndex )
+[ typeIndex ] = typeString
+class EventStates:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ = {}
+ self.FAIL = 0
+[ 0 ] = 'FAIL'
+ self.PASS = 1
+[ 1 ] = 'PASS'
+ self.ABORT = -1
+[ -1 ] = 'ABORT'
+class Event:
+ """
+ Event class for CHOTestMonkey
+ It is the super class for CheckEvent and NetworkEvent
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ self.eventLock = Lock()
+ self.variableLock = Lock()
+ def startEvent( self, args=None ):
+ """
+ Start running the event
+ """
+ return EventStates().PASS
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7247ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+This file contains classes for CHOTestMonkey that are related to network event
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.elements.NetworkElement import NetworkElement, Device, Host, Link
+from tests.CHOTestMonkey.dependencies.GraphHelper import GraphHelper
+class LinkEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ self.linkA = None
+ self.linkB = None
+ def startLinkEvent( self ):
+ return EventStates().PASS
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ """
+ args are the names of the two link ends, e.g. ['s1', 's2']
+ """
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ if len( args ) < 2:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 2:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if args[ 0 ] == 'random' or args[ 1 ] == 'random':
+ import random
+ if self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_LINK_DOWN:
+ with main.variableLock:
+ graphHelper = GraphHelper()
+ availableLinks = graphHelper.getNonCutEdges()
+ if len( availableLinks ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All links are cut edges, aborting event" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ linkList = random.sample( availableLinks, 1 )
+ self.linkA = linkList[ 0 ]
+ self.linkB = linkList[ 0 ].backwardLink
+ elif self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_LINK_UP:
+ with main.variableLock:
+ downLinks = []
+ for link in main.links:
+ if link.isDown():
+ downLinks.append( link )
+ if len( downLinks ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "None of the links are in 'down' state, aborting event" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ linkList = random.sample( downLinks, 1 )
+ self.linkA = linkList[ 0 ]
+ self.linkB = linkList[ 0 ].backwardLink
+ elif args[ 0 ] == args[ 1 ]:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - invalid arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ for link in main.links:
+ if == args[ 0 ] and == args[ 1 ]:
+ self.linkA = link
+ elif == args[ 1 ] and == args[ 0 ]:
+ self.linkB = link
+ if self.linkA != None and self.linkB != None:
+ break
+ if self.linkA == None or self.linkB == None:
+ main.log.warn( "Bidirectional link %s - %s does not exist: " % ( args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ] ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ main.log.debug( "%s - %s" % ( self.typeString, self.linkA ) )
+ return self.startLinkEvent()
+class LinkDown( LinkEvent ):
+ """
+ Generate a link down event giving the two ends of the link
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ LinkEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startLinkEvent( self ):
+ # TODO: do we need to handle a unidirectional link?
+ assert self.linkA != None and self.linkB != None
+ with main.variableLock:
+ if self.linkA.isDown() or self.linkB.isDown():
+ main.log.warn( "Link Down - link already down" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif self.linkA.isRemoved() or self.linkB.isRemoved():
+ main.log.warn( "Link Down - link has been removed" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ result =,
+ OPTION="down")
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring down link" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ self.linkA.bringDown()
+ self.linkB.bringDown()
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class LinkUp( LinkEvent ):
+ """
+ Generate a link up event giving the two ends of the link
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ LinkEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startLinkEvent( self ):
+ assert self.linkA != None and self.linkB != None
+ with main.variableLock:
+ if self.linkA.isUp() or self.linkB.isUp():
+ main.log.warn( "Link Up - link already up" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if self.linkA.isRemoved() or self.linkB.isRemoved():
+ main.log.warn( "Link Up - link has been removed" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ result =,
+ OPTION="up")
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring up link" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ self.linkA.bringUp()
+ self.linkB.bringUp()
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class DeviceEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ self.device = None
+ def startDeviceEvent( self ):
+ return EventStates().PASS
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ """
+ args are the names of the device, e.g. 's1'
+ """
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ if len( args ) < 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ if args[ 0 ] == 'random':
+ import random
+ if self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN:
+ with main.variableLock:
+ graphHelper = GraphHelper()
+ availableDevices = graphHelper.getNonCutVertices()
+ if len( availableDevices ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "All devices are cut vertices, aborting event" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ deviceList = random.sample( availableDevices, 1 )
+ self.device = deviceList[ 0 ]
+ elif self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_UP:
+ with main.variableLock:
+ removedDevices = []
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if device.isRemoved():
+ removedDevices.append( device )
+ if len( removedDevices ) == 0:
+ main.log.warn( "None of the devices are removed, aborting event" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ deviceList = random.sample( removedDevices, 1 )
+ self.device = deviceList[ 0 ]
+ else:
+ for device in main.devices:
+ if == args[ 0 ]:
+ self.device = device
+ if self.device == None:
+ main.log.warn( "Device %s does not exist: " % ( args[ 0 ] ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ main.log.debug( "%s - %s" % ( self.typeString, self.device ) )
+ return self.startDeviceEvent()
+class DeviceDown( DeviceEvent ):
+ """
+ Generate a device down event (which actually removes this device for now) giving its name
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ DeviceEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startDeviceEvent( self ):
+ assert self.device != None
+ with main.variableLock:
+ if self.device.isRemoved():
+ main.log.warn( "Device Down - device has been removed" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ result = main.Mininet1.delSwitch( )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring down device" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ self.device.setRemoved()
+ for link in self.device.outgoingLinks:
+ link.setRemoved()
+ link.backwardLink.setRemoved()
+ for host in self.device.hosts:
+ host.setRemoved()
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ if intent.deviceA == self.device or intent.deviceB == self.device:
+ intent.setFailed()
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class DeviceUp( DeviceEvent ):
+ """
+ Generate a device up event (which re-adds this device in case the device is removed) giving its name
+ """
+ def __init__( self ):
+ DeviceEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startDeviceEvent( self ):
+ assert self.device != None
+ with main.variableLock:
+ if self.device.isUp():
+ main.log.warn( "Device Up - device already up" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ # Re-add the device
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ result = main.Mininet1.addSwitch(, dpid=self.device.dpid[3:] )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-add device" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ self.device.bringUp()
+ # Re-add links
+ # We add host-device links first since we did the same in mininet topology file
+ # TODO: a more rubust way is to add links according to the port info of the device
+ for host in self.device.hosts:
+ # Add host-device link
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ result = main.Mininet1.addLink(, )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-connect host %s to device" % ( self.typeString, ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ for link in self.device.outgoingLinks:
+ neighbor = link.deviceB
+ # Skip bringing up any link that connecting this device to a removed neighbor
+ if neighbor.isRemoved():
+ continue
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ result = main.Mininet1.addLink(, )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-add link to %s" % ( self.typeString, ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ link.bringUp()
+ link.backwardLink.bringUp()
+ for intent in main.intents:
+ if intent.isFailed():
+ if intent.deviceA == self.device and intent.deviceB.isUp() or\
+ intent.deviceB == self.device and intent.deviceA.isUp():
+ intent.setInstalled()
+ # Re-assign mastership for the device
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ main.Mininet1.assignSwController(, ip=main.onosIPs )
+ # Re-discover hosts
+ for host in self.device.hosts:
+ correspondent = None
+ for h in main.hosts:
+ if h.isUp() and h != host:
+ correspondent = h
+ break
+ if correspondent == None:
+ with main.mininetLock:
+ main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ if main.enableIPv6:
+ main.Mininet1.pingall( protocol="IPv6" )
+ else:
+ ipv4Addr = None
+ ipv6Addr = None
+ for ipAddress in correspondent.ipAddresses:
+ if ipAddress.startswith( str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'ipv6Prefix' ] ) ) and ipv6Addr == None:
+ ipv6Addr = ipAddress
+ elif ipAddress.startswith( str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'ipv4Prefix' ] ) ) and ipv4Addr == None:
+ ipv4Addr = ipAddress
+ assert ipv4Addr != None
+ host.handle.pingHostSetAlternative( [ ipv4Addr ], 1 )
+ if main.enableIPv6:
+ assert ipv6Addr != None
+ host.handle.pingHostSetAlternative( [ ipv6Addr ], 1, True )
+ with main.variableLock:
+ host.bringUp()
+ return EventStates().PASS
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e2a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+This file contains classes for CHOTestMonkey that are related to application event
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+class ONOSEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ self.ONOSIndex = -1
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ result = EventStates().PASS
+ if self.typeIndex == EventType().ONOS_ONOS_DOWN or self.typeIndex == EventType().ONOS_ONOS_UP:
+ if len( args ) < 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ result = EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ result = EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ index = int( args[ 0 ] )
+ if index < 1 or index > int( main.numCtrls ):
+ main.log.warn( "%s - invalid argument: %s" % ( self.typeString, index ) )
+ result = EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ self.ONOSIndex = index
+ result = self.startONOSEvent()
+ return result
+class ONOSDown( ONOSEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ ONOSEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startONOSEvent( self ):
+ assert self.ONOSIndex != -1
+ with main.variableLock:
+ if not main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].isUp():
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS Down - ONOS already down" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ with main.ONOSbenchLock:
+ result = main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].ip )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring down ONOS" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].bringDown()
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class ONOSUp( ONOSEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ ONOSEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startONOSEvent( self ):
+ assert self.ONOSIndex != -1
+ with main.variableLock:
+ if main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].isUp():
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS Up - ONOS already up" )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ with main.ONOSbenchLock:
+ startResult = main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].ip )
+ if not startResult:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring up ONOS" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ else:
+ ONOSState = main.ONOSbench.isup( main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].ip )
+ if not ONOSState:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - ONOS is not up" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ else:
+ cliResult = main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].startCLI()
+ if not cliResult:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to start ONOS cli" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ else:
+ with main.variableLock:
+ main.controllers[ self.ONOSIndex - 1 ].bringUp()
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class CfgEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ self.component = ''
+ self.propName = ''
+ self.value = ''
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ result = self.startCfgEvent( args )
+ return result
+class SetCfg( CfgEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CfgEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCfgEvent( self, args ):
+ if len( args ) < 3:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 3:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ self.component = str( args[ 0 ] )
+ self.propName = str( args[ 1 ] )
+ self.value = str( args[ 2 ] )
+ assert self.component != '' and self.propName != '' and self.value != ''
+ index = -1
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ index = controller.index
+ if index == -1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - No available controllers" %s ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ controller = main.controllers[ index - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ result = controller.CLI.setCfg( component=self.component,
+ propName=self.propName,
+ value=self.value )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to set configuration" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class SetFlowObj( CfgEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ CfgEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startCfgEvent( self, args ):
+ if len( args ) < 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ elif args[ 0 ] != 'true' and args[ 0 ] != 'false':
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Invalid arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ else:
+ self.component = ''
+ self.propName = 'useFlowObjectives'
+ self.value = str( args[ 0 ] )
+ index = -1
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ index = controller.index
+ if index == -1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - No available controllers" %s ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ controller = main.controllers[ index - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ result = controller.CLI.setCfg( component=self.component,
+ propName=self.propName,
+ value=self.value )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to set configuration" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ return EventStates().PASS
+class BalanceMasters( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex= int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startEvent( self, args=None ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ index = -1
+ for controller in main.controllers:
+ if controller.isUp():
+ index = controller.index
+ if index == -1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - No available controllers" %s ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().ABORT
+ controller = main.controllers[ index - 1 ]
+ with controller.CLILock:
+ result = controller.CLI.balanceMasters()
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to balance masters" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ return EventStates().PASS
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..605e43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+This file contains classes for CHOTestMonkey that are related to check event
+from import EventType, EventStates, Event
+class TestEvent( Event ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ Event.__init__( self )
+ def startTestEvent( self ):
+ return EventStates().PASS
+ def startEvent( self, args ):
+ with self.eventLock:
+ "%s - starting event" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ result = self.startTestEvent( args )
+ return result
+class TestPause( TestEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ TestEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startTestEvent( self, args=None ):
+ result = EventStates().PASS
+ main.eventScheduler.setRunningState( False )
+ return result
+class TestResume( TestEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ TestEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startTestEvent( self, args=None ):
+ result = EventStates().PASS
+ main.eventScheduler.setRunningState( True )
+ return result
+class TestSleep( TestEvent ):
+ def __init__( self ):
+ TestEvent.__init__( self )
+ self.typeString = main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeString' ]
+ self.typeIndex = int( main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ self.__class__.__name__ ][ 'typeIndex' ] )
+ def startTestEvent( self, args ):
+ import time
+ result = EventStates().PASS
+ if len( args ) < 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Not enough arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ result = EventStates().ABORT
+ elif len( args ) > 1:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - Too many arguments: %s" % ( self.typeString, args ) )
+ result = EventStates().ABORT
+ sleepTime = int( args[ 0 ] )
+ time.sleep( sleepTime )
+ return result
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4291f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Custom topology for Mininet
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class attTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ # add nodes, switches first...
+ NY54 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ CMBR = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ CHCG = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ CLEV = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ RLGH = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ ATLN = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ PHLA = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ WASH = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ NSVL = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ STLS = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ NWOR = self.addSwitch( 's11' )
+ HSTN = self.addSwitch( 's12' )
+ SNAN = self.addSwitch( 's13' )
+ DLLS = self.addSwitch( 's14' )
+ ORLD = self.addSwitch( 's15' )
+ DNVR = self.addSwitch( 's16' )
+ KSCY = self.addSwitch( 's17' )
+ SNFN = self.addSwitch( 's18' )
+ SCRM = self.addSwitch( 's19' )
+ PTLD = self.addSwitch( 's20' )
+ STTL = self.addSwitch( 's21' )
+ SLKC = self.addSwitch( 's22' )
+ LA03 = self.addSwitch( 's23' )
+ SNDG = self.addSwitch( 's24' )
+ PHNX = self.addSwitch( 's25' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ NY54_host = self.addHost( 'h1' )
+ CMBR_host = self.addHost( 'h2' )
+ CHCG_host = self.addHost( 'h3' )
+ CLEV_host = self.addHost( 'h4' )
+ RLGH_host = self.addHost( 'h5' )
+ ATLN_host = self.addHost( 'h6' )
+ PHLA_host = self.addHost( 'h7' )
+ WASH_host = self.addHost( 'h8' )
+ NSVL_host = self.addHost( 'h9' )
+ STLS_host = self.addHost( 'h10' )
+ NWOR_host = self.addHost( 'h11' )
+ HSTN_host = self.addHost( 'h12' )
+ SNAN_host = self.addHost( 'h13' )
+ DLLS_host = self.addHost( 'h14' )
+ ORLD_host = self.addHost( 'h15' )
+ DNVR_host = self.addHost( 'h16' )
+ KSCY_host = self.addHost( 'h17' )
+ SNFN_host = self.addHost( 'h18' )
+ SCRM_host = self.addHost( 'h19' )
+ PTLD_host = self.addHost( 'h20' )
+ STTL_host = self.addHost( 'h21' )
+ SLKC_host = self.addHost( 'h22' )
+ LA03_host = self.addHost( 'h23' )
+ SNDG_host = self.addHost( 'h24' )
+ PHNX_host = self.addHost( 'h25' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ self.addLink( NY54 , NY54_host )
+ self.addLink( CMBR , CMBR_host )
+ self.addLink( CHCG , CHCG_host )
+ self.addLink( CLEV , CLEV_host )
+ self.addLink( RLGH , RLGH_host )
+ self.addLink( ATLN , ATLN_host )
+ self.addLink( PHLA , PHLA_host )
+ self.addLink( WASH , WASH_host )
+ self.addLink( NSVL , NSVL_host )
+ self.addLink( STLS , STLS_host )
+ self.addLink( NWOR , NWOR_host )
+ self.addLink( HSTN , HSTN_host )
+ self.addLink( SNAN , SNAN_host )
+ self.addLink( DLLS , DLLS_host )
+ self.addLink( ORLD , ORLD_host )
+ self.addLink( DNVR , DNVR_host )
+ self.addLink( KSCY , KSCY_host )
+ self.addLink( SNFN , SNFN_host )
+ self.addLink( SCRM , SCRM_host )
+ self.addLink( PTLD , PTLD_host )
+ self.addLink( STTL , STTL_host )
+ self.addLink( SLKC , SLKC_host )
+ self.addLink( LA03 , LA03_host )
+ self.addLink( SNDG , SNDG_host )
+ self.addLink( PHNX , PHNX_host )
+ # add edges between switches
+ self.addLink( NY54 , CMBR, bw=10, delay='0.979030824185ms')
+ self.addLink( NY54 , CHCG, bw=10, delay='0.806374975652ms')
+ self.addLink( NY54 , PHLA, bw=10, delay='0.686192970166ms')
+ self.addLink( NY54 , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.605826192092ms')
+ self.addLink( CMBR , PHLA, bw=10, delay='1.4018238197ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , CLEV, bw=10, delay='0.232315346482ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , PHLA, bw=10, delay='1.07297714274ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.12827896944ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , DNVR, bw=10, delay='1.35964770335ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , KSCY, bw=10, delay='1.5199778541ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.620743405435ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , STTL, bw=10, delay='0.93027212534ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.735621751348ms')
+ self.addLink( CLEV , NSVL, bw=10, delay='0.523419372248ms')
+ self.addLink( CLEV , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.00360290845ms')
+ self.addLink( CLEV , PHLA, bw=10, delay='0.882912133249ms')
+ self.addLink( RLGH , ATLN, bw=10, delay='1.1644489729ms')
+ self.addLink( RLGH , WASH, bw=10, delay='1.48176810502ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.557636936322ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , NSVL, bw=10, delay='1.32869749865ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , STLS, bw=10, delay='0.767705554748ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='0.544782086448ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , ORLD, bw=10, delay='1.46119152532ms')
+ self.addLink( PHLA , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.372209320106ms')
+ self.addLink( NSVL , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.43250491305ms')
+ self.addLink( NSVL , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.67698215288ms')
+ self.addLink( STLS , DLLS, bw=10, delay='0.256389964194ms')
+ self.addLink( STLS , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.395511571791ms')
+ self.addLink( STLS , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.257085227363ms')
+ self.addLink( NWOR , HSTN, bw=10, delay='0.0952906633914ms')
+ self.addLink( NWOR , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.60231329739ms')
+ self.addLink( NWOR , ORLD, bw=10, delay='0.692731063896ms')
+ self.addLink( HSTN , SNAN, bw=10, delay='0.284150653798ms')
+ self.addLink( HSTN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.65690128332ms')
+ self.addLink( HSTN , ORLD, bw=10, delay='0.731886304782ms')
+ self.addLink( SNAN , PHNX, bw=10, delay='1.34258627257ms')
+ self.addLink( SNAN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.50063532341ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , DNVR, bw=10, delay='0.251471593235ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.18026026737ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.74304274592ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.506439293357ms')
+ self.addLink( DNVR , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.223328790403ms')
+ self.addLink( DNVR , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.889017541903ms')
+ self.addLink( DNVR , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.631898982721ms')
+ self.addLink( KSCY , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.922778522233ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , SCRM, bw=10, delay='0.630352278097ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , PTLD, bw=10, delay='0.828572513655ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , STTL, bw=10, delay='1.54076081649ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.621507502625ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.602936230151ms')
+ self.addLink( SCRM , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.461350343644ms')
+ self.addLink( PTLD , STTL, bw=10, delay='1.17591515181ms')
+ self.addLink( SLKC , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.243225267023ms')
+ self.addLink( LA03 , SNDG, bw=10, delay='0.681264950821ms')
+ self.addLink( LA03 , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.343709457969ms')
+ self.addLink( SNDG , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.345064487693ms')
+topos = { 'att': ( lambda: attTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = attTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink, autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f135c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+Custom topology for Mininet
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class dualStackHost( Host ):
+ def config( self, v6Addr='1000::1/64', **params ):
+ r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+ intf = self.defaultIntf()
+ self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+ return r
+class attTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ NY54 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ CMBR = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ CHCG = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ CLEV = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ RLGH = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ ATLN = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ PHLA = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ WASH = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ NSVL = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ STLS = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ NWOR = self.addSwitch( 's11' )
+ HSTN = self.addSwitch( 's12' )
+ SNAN = self.addSwitch( 's13' )
+ DLLS = self.addSwitch( 's14' )
+ ORLD = self.addSwitch( 's15' )
+ DNVR = self.addSwitch( 's16' )
+ KSCY = self.addSwitch( 's17' )
+ SNFN = self.addSwitch( 's18' )
+ SCRM = self.addSwitch( 's19' )
+ PTLD = self.addSwitch( 's20' )
+ STTL = self.addSwitch( 's21' )
+ SLKC = self.addSwitch( 's22' )
+ LA03 = self.addSwitch( 's23' )
+ SNDG = self.addSwitch( 's24' )
+ PHNX = self.addSwitch( 's25' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ NY54_host = self.addHost( 'h1', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::1/64' )
+ CMBR_host = self.addHost( 'h2', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::2/64' )
+ CHCG_host = self.addHost( 'h3', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::3/64' )
+ CLEV_host = self.addHost( 'h4', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::4/64' )
+ RLGH_host = self.addHost( 'h5', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::5/64' )
+ ATLN_host = self.addHost( 'h6', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::6/64' )
+ PHLA_host = self.addHost( 'h7', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::7/64' )
+ WASH_host = self.addHost( 'h8', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::8/64' )
+ NSVL_host = self.addHost( 'h9', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::9/64' )
+ STLS_host = self.addHost( 'h10', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::10/64' )
+ NWOR_host = self.addHost( 'h11', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::11/64' )
+ HSTN_host = self.addHost( 'h12', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::12/64' )
+ SNAN_host = self.addHost( 'h13', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::13/64' )
+ DLLS_host = self.addHost( 'h14', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::14/64' )
+ ORLD_host = self.addHost( 'h15', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::15/64' )
+ DNVR_host = self.addHost( 'h16', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::16/64' )
+ KSCY_host = self.addHost( 'h17', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::17/64' )
+ SNFN_host = self.addHost( 'h18', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::18/64' )
+ SCRM_host = self.addHost( 'h19', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::19/64' )
+ PTLD_host = self.addHost( 'h20', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::20/64' )
+ STTL_host = self.addHost( 'h21', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::21/64' )
+ SLKC_host = self.addHost( 'h22', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::22/64' )
+ LA03_host = self.addHost( 'h23', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::23/64' )
+ SNDG_host = self.addHost( 'h24', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::24/64' )
+ PHNX_host = self.addHost( 'h25', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::25/64' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ self.addLink( NY54 , NY54_host )
+ self.addLink( CMBR , CMBR_host )
+ self.addLink( CHCG , CHCG_host )
+ self.addLink( CLEV , CLEV_host )
+ self.addLink( RLGH , RLGH_host )
+ self.addLink( ATLN , ATLN_host )
+ self.addLink( PHLA , PHLA_host )
+ self.addLink( WASH , WASH_host )
+ self.addLink( NSVL , NSVL_host )
+ self.addLink( STLS , STLS_host )
+ self.addLink( NWOR , NWOR_host )
+ self.addLink( HSTN , HSTN_host )
+ self.addLink( SNAN , SNAN_host )
+ self.addLink( DLLS , DLLS_host )
+ self.addLink( ORLD , ORLD_host )
+ self.addLink( DNVR , DNVR_host )
+ self.addLink( KSCY , KSCY_host )
+ self.addLink( SNFN , SNFN_host )
+ self.addLink( SCRM , SCRM_host )
+ self.addLink( PTLD , PTLD_host )
+ self.addLink( STTL , STTL_host )
+ self.addLink( SLKC , SLKC_host )
+ self.addLink( LA03 , LA03_host )
+ self.addLink( SNDG , SNDG_host )
+ self.addLink( PHNX , PHNX_host )
+ # add edges between switches
+ self.addLink( NY54 , CMBR, bw=10, delay='0.979030824185ms')
+ self.addLink( NY54 , CHCG, bw=10, delay='0.806374975652ms')
+ self.addLink( NY54 , PHLA, bw=10, delay='0.686192970166ms')
+ self.addLink( NY54 , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.605826192092ms')
+ self.addLink( CMBR , PHLA, bw=10, delay='1.4018238197ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , CLEV, bw=10, delay='0.232315346482ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , PHLA, bw=10, delay='1.07297714274ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.12827896944ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , DNVR, bw=10, delay='1.35964770335ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , KSCY, bw=10, delay='1.5199778541ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.620743405435ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , STTL, bw=10, delay='0.93027212534ms')
+ self.addLink( CHCG , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.735621751348ms')
+ self.addLink( CLEV , NSVL, bw=10, delay='0.523419372248ms')
+ self.addLink( CLEV , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.00360290845ms')
+ self.addLink( CLEV , PHLA, bw=10, delay='0.882912133249ms')
+ self.addLink( RLGH , ATLN, bw=10, delay='1.1644489729ms')
+ self.addLink( RLGH , WASH, bw=10, delay='1.48176810502ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.557636936322ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , NSVL, bw=10, delay='1.32869749865ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , STLS, bw=10, delay='0.767705554748ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='0.544782086448ms')
+ self.addLink( ATLN , ORLD, bw=10, delay='1.46119152532ms')
+ self.addLink( PHLA , WASH, bw=10, delay='0.372209320106ms')
+ self.addLink( NSVL , STLS, bw=10, delay='1.43250491305ms')
+ self.addLink( NSVL , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.67698215288ms')
+ self.addLink( STLS , DLLS, bw=10, delay='0.256389964194ms')
+ self.addLink( STLS , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.395511571791ms')
+ self.addLink( STLS , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.257085227363ms')
+ self.addLink( NWOR , HSTN, bw=10, delay='0.0952906633914ms')
+ self.addLink( NWOR , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.60231329739ms')
+ self.addLink( NWOR , ORLD, bw=10, delay='0.692731063896ms')
+ self.addLink( HSTN , SNAN, bw=10, delay='0.284150653798ms')
+ self.addLink( HSTN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.65690128332ms')
+ self.addLink( HSTN , ORLD, bw=10, delay='0.731886304782ms')
+ self.addLink( SNAN , PHNX, bw=10, delay='1.34258627257ms')
+ self.addLink( SNAN , DLLS, bw=10, delay='1.50063532341ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , DNVR, bw=10, delay='0.251471593235ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.18026026737ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.74304274592ms')
+ self.addLink( DLLS , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.506439293357ms')
+ self.addLink( DNVR , KSCY, bw=10, delay='0.223328790403ms')
+ self.addLink( DNVR , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.889017541903ms')
+ self.addLink( DNVR , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.631898982721ms')
+ self.addLink( KSCY , SNFN, bw=10, delay='0.922778522233ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , SCRM, bw=10, delay='0.630352278097ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , PTLD, bw=10, delay='0.828572513655ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , STTL, bw=10, delay='1.54076081649ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.621507502625ms')
+ self.addLink( SNFN , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.602936230151ms')
+ self.addLink( SCRM , SLKC, bw=10, delay='0.461350343644ms')
+ self.addLink( PTLD , STTL, bw=10, delay='1.17591515181ms')
+ self.addLink( SLKC , LA03, bw=10, delay='0.243225267023ms')
+ self.addLink( LA03 , SNDG, bw=10, delay='0.681264950821ms')
+ self.addLink( LA03 , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.343709457969ms')
+ self.addLink( SNDG , PHNX, bw=10, delay='0.345064487693ms')
+topos = { 'att': ( lambda: attTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = attTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink, autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..542c3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class chordalTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ # add nodes, switches first...
+ s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ s4 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ s5 = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ s6 = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ s7 = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ s8 = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ s9 = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ s10 = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ s11 = self.addSwitch( 's11' )
+ s12 = self.addSwitch( 's12' )
+ s13 = self.addSwitch( 's13' )
+ s14 = self.addSwitch( 's14' )
+ s15 = self.addSwitch( 's15' )
+ s16 = self.addSwitch( 's16' )
+ s17 = self.addSwitch( 's17' )
+ s18 = self.addSwitch( 's18' )
+ s19 = self.addSwitch( 's19' )
+ s20 = self.addSwitch( 's20' )
+ s21 = self.addSwitch( 's21' )
+ s22 = self.addSwitch( 's22' )
+ s23 = self.addSwitch( 's23' )
+ s24 = self.addSwitch( 's24' )
+ s25 = self.addSwitch( 's25' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ s1_host = self.addHost( 'h1' )
+ s2_host = self.addHost( 'h2' )
+ s3_host = self.addHost( 'h3' )
+ s4_host = self.addHost( 'h4' )
+ s5_host = self.addHost( 'h5' )
+ s6_host = self.addHost( 'h6' )
+ s7_host = self.addHost( 'h7' )
+ s8_host = self.addHost( 'h8' )
+ s9_host = self.addHost( 'h9' )
+ s10_host = self.addHost( 'h10' )
+ s11_host = self.addHost( 'h11' )
+ s12_host = self.addHost( 'h12' )
+ s13_host = self.addHost( 'h13' )
+ s14_host = self.addHost( 'h14' )
+ s15_host = self.addHost( 'h15' )
+ s16_host = self.addHost( 'h16' )
+ s17_host = self.addHost( 'h17' )
+ s18_host = self.addHost( 'h18' )
+ s19_host = self.addHost( 'h19' )
+ s20_host = self.addHost( 'h20' )
+ s21_host = self.addHost( 'h21' )
+ s22_host = self.addHost( 'h22' )
+ s23_host = self.addHost( 'h23' )
+ s24_host = self.addHost( 'h24' )
+ s25_host = self.addHost( 'h25' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ self.addLink( s1 , s1_host )
+ self.addLink( s2 , s2_host )
+ self.addLink( s3 , s3_host )
+ self.addLink( s4 , s4_host )
+ self.addLink( s5 , s5_host )
+ self.addLink( s6 , s6_host )
+ self.addLink( s7 , s7_host )
+ self.addLink( s8 , s8_host )
+ self.addLink( s9 , s9_host )
+ self.addLink( s10 , s10_host )
+ self.addLink( s11 , s11_host )
+ self.addLink( s12 , s12_host )
+ self.addLink( s13 , s13_host )
+ self.addLink( s14 , s14_host )
+ self.addLink( s15 , s15_host )
+ self.addLink( s16 , s16_host )
+ self.addLink( s17 , s17_host )
+ self.addLink( s18 , s18_host )
+ self.addLink( s19 , s19_host )
+ self.addLink( s20 , s20_host )
+ self.addLink( s21 , s21_host )
+ self.addLink( s22 , s22_host )
+ self.addLink( s23 , s23_host )
+ self.addLink( s24 , s24_host )
+ self.addLink( s25 , s25_host )
+ self.addLink(s1, s2)
+ self.addLink(s1, s3)
+ self.addLink(s1, s4)
+ self.addLink(s1, s5)
+ self.addLink(s1, s6)
+ self.addLink(s1, s7)
+ self.addLink(s1, s8)
+ self.addLink(s1, s9)
+ self.addLink(s1, s10)
+ self.addLink(s1, s11)
+ self.addLink(s1, s12)
+ self.addLink(s1, s13)
+ self.addLink(s1, s14)
+ self.addLink(s1, s15)
+ self.addLink(s1, s16)
+ self.addLink(s1, s17)
+ self.addLink(s1, s18)
+ self.addLink(s1, s19)
+ self.addLink(s1, s20)
+ self.addLink(s1, s21)
+ self.addLink(s1, s22)
+ self.addLink(s1, s23)
+ self.addLink(s1, s24)
+ self.addLink(s1, s25)
+ self.addLink(s2, s3)
+ self.addLink(s2, s4)
+ self.addLink(s2, s5)
+ self.addLink(s2, s6)
+ self.addLink(s2, s7)
+ self.addLink(s2, s8)
+ self.addLink(s2, s9)
+ self.addLink(s2, s10)
+ self.addLink(s2, s11)
+ self.addLink(s2, s12)
+ self.addLink(s2, s13)
+ self.addLink(s2, s14)
+ self.addLink(s2, s15)
+ self.addLink(s2, s16)
+ self.addLink(s2, s17)
+ self.addLink(s2, s18)
+ self.addLink(s2, s19)
+ self.addLink(s2, s20)
+ self.addLink(s2, s21)
+ self.addLink(s2, s22)
+ self.addLink(s2, s23)
+ self.addLink(s2, s24)
+ self.addLink(s2, s25)
+ self.addLink(s3, s4)
+ self.addLink(s3, s5)
+ self.addLink(s3, s6)
+ self.addLink(s3, s7)
+ self.addLink(s3, s8)
+ self.addLink(s3, s9)
+ self.addLink(s3, s10)
+ self.addLink(s3, s11)
+ self.addLink(s3, s12)
+ self.addLink(s3, s13)
+ self.addLink(s3, s14)
+ self.addLink(s3, s15)
+ self.addLink(s3, s16)
+ self.addLink(s3, s17)
+ self.addLink(s3, s18)
+ self.addLink(s3, s19)
+ self.addLink(s3, s20)
+ self.addLink(s3, s21)
+ self.addLink(s3, s22)
+ self.addLink(s3, s23)
+ self.addLink(s3, s24)
+ self.addLink(s3, s25)
+ self.addLink(s4, s5)
+ self.addLink(s4, s6)
+ self.addLink(s4, s7)
+ self.addLink(s4, s8)
+ self.addLink(s4, s9)
+ self.addLink(s4, s10)
+ self.addLink(s4, s11)
+ self.addLink(s4, s12)
+ self.addLink(s4, s13)
+ self.addLink(s4, s14)
+ self.addLink(s4, s15)
+ self.addLink(s4, s16)
+ self.addLink(s4, s17)
+ self.addLink(s4, s18)
+ self.addLink(s4, s19)
+ self.addLink(s4, s20)
+ self.addLink(s4, s21)
+ self.addLink(s4, s22)
+ self.addLink(s4, s23)
+ self.addLink(s4, s24)
+ self.addLink(s4, s25)
+ self.addLink(s5, s6)
+ self.addLink(s5, s7)
+ self.addLink(s5, s8)
+ self.addLink(s5, s9)
+ self.addLink(s5, s10)
+ self.addLink(s5, s11)
+ self.addLink(s5, s12)
+ self.addLink(s5, s13)
+ self.addLink(s5, s14)
+ self.addLink(s5, s15)
+ self.addLink(s5, s16)
+ self.addLink(s5, s17)
+ self.addLink(s5, s18)
+ self.addLink(s5, s19)
+ self.addLink(s5, s20)
+ self.addLink(s5, s21)
+ self.addLink(s5, s22)
+ self.addLink(s5, s23)
+ self.addLink(s5, s24)
+ self.addLink(s5, s25)
+ self.addLink(s6, s7)
+ self.addLink(s6, s8)
+ self.addLink(s6, s9)
+ self.addLink(s6, s10)
+ self.addLink(s6, s11)
+ self.addLink(s6, s12)
+ self.addLink(s6, s13)
+ self.addLink(s6, s14)
+ self.addLink(s6, s15)
+ self.addLink(s6, s16)
+ self.addLink(s6, s17)
+ self.addLink(s6, s18)
+ self.addLink(s6, s19)
+ self.addLink(s6, s20)
+ self.addLink(s6, s21)
+ self.addLink(s6, s22)
+ self.addLink(s6, s23)
+ self.addLink(s6, s24)
+ self.addLink(s6, s25)
+ self.addLink(s7, s8)
+ self.addLink(s7, s9)
+ self.addLink(s7, s10)
+ self.addLink(s7, s11)
+ self.addLink(s7, s12)
+ self.addLink(s7, s13)
+ self.addLink(s7, s14)
+ self.addLink(s7, s15)
+ self.addLink(s7, s16)
+ self.addLink(s7, s17)
+ self.addLink(s7, s18)
+ self.addLink(s7, s19)
+ self.addLink(s7, s20)
+ self.addLink(s7, s21)
+ self.addLink(s7, s22)
+ self.addLink(s7, s23)
+ self.addLink(s7, s24)
+ self.addLink(s7, s25)
+ self.addLink(s8, s9)
+ self.addLink(s8, s10)
+ self.addLink(s8, s11)
+ self.addLink(s8, s12)
+ self.addLink(s8, s13)
+ self.addLink(s8, s14)
+ self.addLink(s8, s15)
+ self.addLink(s8, s16)
+ self.addLink(s8, s17)
+ self.addLink(s8, s18)
+ self.addLink(s8, s19)
+ self.addLink(s8, s20)
+ self.addLink(s8, s21)
+ self.addLink(s8, s22)
+ self.addLink(s8, s23)
+ self.addLink(s8, s24)
+ self.addLink(s8, s25)
+ self.addLink(s9, s10)
+ self.addLink(s9, s11)
+ self.addLink(s9, s12)
+ self.addLink(s9, s13)
+ self.addLink(s9, s14)
+ self.addLink(s9, s15)
+ self.addLink(s9, s16)
+ self.addLink(s9, s17)
+ self.addLink(s9, s18)
+ self.addLink(s9, s19)
+ self.addLink(s9, s20)
+ self.addLink(s9, s21)
+ self.addLink(s9, s22)
+ self.addLink(s9, s23)
+ self.addLink(s9, s24)
+ self.addLink(s9, s25)
+ self.addLink(s10, s11)
+ self.addLink(s10, s12)
+ self.addLink(s10, s13)
+ self.addLink(s10, s14)
+ self.addLink(s10, s15)
+ self.addLink(s10, s16)
+ self.addLink(s10, s17)
+ self.addLink(s10, s18)
+ self.addLink(s10, s19)
+ self.addLink(s10, s20)
+ self.addLink(s10, s21)
+ self.addLink(s10, s22)
+ self.addLink(s10, s23)
+ self.addLink(s10, s24)
+ self.addLink(s10, s25)
+ self.addLink(s11, s12)
+ self.addLink(s11, s13)
+ self.addLink(s11, s14)
+ self.addLink(s11, s15)
+ self.addLink(s11, s16)
+ self.addLink(s11, s17)
+ self.addLink(s11, s18)
+ self.addLink(s11, s19)
+ self.addLink(s11, s20)
+ self.addLink(s11, s21)
+ self.addLink(s11, s22)
+ self.addLink(s11, s23)
+ self.addLink(s11, s24)
+ self.addLink(s11, s25)
+ self.addLink(s12, s13)
+ self.addLink(s12, s14)
+ self.addLink(s12, s15)
+ self.addLink(s12, s16)
+ self.addLink(s12, s17)
+ self.addLink(s12, s18)
+ self.addLink(s12, s19)
+ self.addLink(s12, s20)
+ self.addLink(s12, s21)
+ self.addLink(s12, s22)
+ self.addLink(s12, s23)
+ self.addLink(s12, s24)
+ self.addLink(s12, s25)
+ self.addLink(s13, s14)
+ self.addLink(s13, s15)
+ self.addLink(s13, s16)
+ self.addLink(s13, s17)
+ self.addLink(s13, s18)
+ self.addLink(s13, s19)
+ self.addLink(s13, s20)
+ self.addLink(s13, s21)
+ self.addLink(s13, s22)
+ self.addLink(s13, s23)
+ self.addLink(s13, s24)
+ self.addLink(s13, s25)
+ self.addLink(s14, s15)
+ self.addLink(s14, s16)
+ self.addLink(s14, s17)
+ self.addLink(s14, s18)
+ self.addLink(s14, s19)
+ self.addLink(s14, s20)
+ self.addLink(s14, s21)
+ self.addLink(s14, s22)
+ self.addLink(s14, s23)
+ self.addLink(s14, s24)
+ self.addLink(s14, s25)
+ self.addLink(s15, s16)
+ self.addLink(s15, s17)
+ self.addLink(s15, s18)
+ self.addLink(s15, s19)
+ self.addLink(s15, s20)
+ self.addLink(s15, s21)
+ self.addLink(s15, s22)
+ self.addLink(s15, s23)
+ self.addLink(s15, s24)
+ self.addLink(s15, s25)
+ self.addLink(s16, s17)
+ self.addLink(s16, s18)
+ self.addLink(s16, s19)
+ self.addLink(s16, s20)
+ self.addLink(s16, s21)
+ self.addLink(s16, s22)
+ self.addLink(s16, s23)
+ self.addLink(s16, s24)
+ self.addLink(s16, s25)
+ self.addLink(s17, s18)
+ self.addLink(s17, s19)
+ self.addLink(s17, s20)
+ self.addLink(s17, s21)
+ self.addLink(s17, s22)
+ self.addLink(s17, s23)
+ self.addLink(s17, s24)
+ self.addLink(s17, s25)
+ self.addLink(s18, s19)
+ self.addLink(s18, s20)
+ self.addLink(s18, s21)
+ self.addLink(s18, s22)
+ self.addLink(s18, s23)
+ self.addLink(s18, s24)
+ self.addLink(s18, s25)
+ self.addLink(s19, s20)
+ self.addLink(s19, s21)
+ self.addLink(s19, s22)
+ self.addLink(s19, s23)
+ self.addLink(s19, s24)
+ self.addLink(s19, s25)
+ self.addLink(s20, s21)
+ self.addLink(s20, s22)
+ self.addLink(s20, s23)
+ self.addLink(s20, s24)
+ self.addLink(s20, s25)
+ self.addLink(s21, s22)
+ self.addLink(s21, s23)
+ self.addLink(s21, s24)
+ self.addLink(s21, s25)
+ self.addLink(s22, s23)
+ self.addLink(s22, s24)
+ self.addLink(s22, s25)
+ self.addLink(s23, s24)
+ self.addLink(s23, s25)
+ self.addLink(s24, s25)
+topos = { 'chordal': ( lambda: chordalTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = chordalTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, switch=OVSSwitch,autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..87d5946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class dualStackHost( Host ):
+ def config( self, v6Addr='1000::1/64', **params ):
+ r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+ intf = self.defaultIntf()
+ self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+ return r
+class chordalTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ s4 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ s5 = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ s6 = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ s7 = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ s8 = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ s9 = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ s10 = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ s11 = self.addSwitch( 's11' )
+ s12 = self.addSwitch( 's12' )
+ s13 = self.addSwitch( 's13' )
+ s14 = self.addSwitch( 's14' )
+ s15 = self.addSwitch( 's15' )
+ s16 = self.addSwitch( 's16' )
+ s17 = self.addSwitch( 's17' )
+ s18 = self.addSwitch( 's18' )
+ s19 = self.addSwitch( 's19' )
+ s20 = self.addSwitch( 's20' )
+ s21 = self.addSwitch( 's21' )
+ s22 = self.addSwitch( 's22' )
+ s23 = self.addSwitch( 's23' )
+ s24 = self.addSwitch( 's24' )
+ s25 = self.addSwitch( 's25' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ s1_host = self.addHost( 'h1', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::1/64' )
+ s2_host = self.addHost( 'h2', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::2/64' )
+ s3_host = self.addHost( 'h3', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::3/64' )
+ s4_host = self.addHost( 'h4', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::4/64' )
+ s5_host = self.addHost( 'h5', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::5/64' )
+ s6_host = self.addHost( 'h6', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::6/64' )
+ s7_host = self.addHost( 'h7', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::7/64' )
+ s8_host = self.addHost( 'h8', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::8/64' )
+ s9_host = self.addHost( 'h9', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::9/64' )
+ s10_host = self.addHost( 'h10', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::10/64' )
+ s11_host = self.addHost( 'h11', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::11/64' )
+ s12_host = self.addHost( 'h12', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::12/64' )
+ s13_host = self.addHost( 'h13', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::13/64' )
+ s14_host = self.addHost( 'h14', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::14/64' )
+ s15_host = self.addHost( 'h15', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::15/64' )
+ s16_host = self.addHost( 'h16', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::16/64' )
+ s17_host = self.addHost( 'h17', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::17/64' )
+ s18_host = self.addHost( 'h18', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::18/64' )
+ s19_host = self.addHost( 'h19', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::19/64' )
+ s20_host = self.addHost( 'h20', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::20/64' )
+ s21_host = self.addHost( 'h21', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::21/64' )
+ s22_host = self.addHost( 'h22', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::22/64' )
+ s23_host = self.addHost( 'h23', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::23/64' )
+ s24_host = self.addHost( 'h24', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::24/64' )
+ s25_host = self.addHost( 'h25', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::25/64' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ self.addLink( s1 , s1_host )
+ self.addLink( s2 , s2_host )
+ self.addLink( s3 , s3_host )
+ self.addLink( s4 , s4_host )
+ self.addLink( s5 , s5_host )
+ self.addLink( s6 , s6_host )
+ self.addLink( s7 , s7_host )
+ self.addLink( s8 , s8_host )
+ self.addLink( s9 , s9_host )
+ self.addLink( s10 , s10_host )
+ self.addLink( s11 , s11_host )
+ self.addLink( s12 , s12_host )
+ self.addLink( s13 , s13_host )
+ self.addLink( s14 , s14_host )
+ self.addLink( s15 , s15_host )
+ self.addLink( s16 , s16_host )
+ self.addLink( s17 , s17_host )
+ self.addLink( s18 , s18_host )
+ self.addLink( s19 , s19_host )
+ self.addLink( s20 , s20_host )
+ self.addLink( s21 , s21_host )
+ self.addLink( s22 , s22_host )
+ self.addLink( s23 , s23_host )
+ self.addLink( s24 , s24_host )
+ self.addLink( s25 , s25_host )
+ self.addLink(s1, s2)
+ self.addLink(s1, s3)
+ self.addLink(s1, s4)
+ self.addLink(s1, s5)
+ self.addLink(s1, s6)
+ self.addLink(s1, s7)
+ self.addLink(s1, s8)
+ self.addLink(s1, s9)
+ self.addLink(s1, s10)
+ self.addLink(s1, s11)
+ self.addLink(s1, s12)
+ self.addLink(s1, s13)
+ self.addLink(s1, s14)
+ self.addLink(s1, s15)
+ self.addLink(s1, s16)
+ self.addLink(s1, s17)
+ self.addLink(s1, s18)
+ self.addLink(s1, s19)
+ self.addLink(s1, s20)
+ self.addLink(s1, s21)
+ self.addLink(s1, s22)
+ self.addLink(s1, s23)
+ self.addLink(s1, s24)
+ self.addLink(s1, s25)
+ self.addLink(s2, s3)
+ self.addLink(s2, s4)
+ self.addLink(s2, s5)
+ self.addLink(s2, s6)
+ self.addLink(s2, s7)
+ self.addLink(s2, s8)
+ self.addLink(s2, s9)
+ self.addLink(s2, s10)
+ self.addLink(s2, s11)
+ self.addLink(s2, s12)
+ self.addLink(s2, s13)
+ self.addLink(s2, s14)
+ self.addLink(s2, s15)
+ self.addLink(s2, s16)
+ self.addLink(s2, s17)
+ self.addLink(s2, s18)
+ self.addLink(s2, s19)
+ self.addLink(s2, s20)
+ self.addLink(s2, s21)
+ self.addLink(s2, s22)
+ self.addLink(s2, s23)
+ self.addLink(s2, s24)
+ self.addLink(s2, s25)
+ self.addLink(s3, s4)
+ self.addLink(s3, s5)
+ self.addLink(s3, s6)
+ self.addLink(s3, s7)
+ self.addLink(s3, s8)
+ self.addLink(s3, s9)
+ self.addLink(s3, s10)
+ self.addLink(s3, s11)
+ self.addLink(s3, s12)
+ self.addLink(s3, s13)
+ self.addLink(s3, s14)
+ self.addLink(s3, s15)
+ self.addLink(s3, s16)
+ self.addLink(s3, s17)
+ self.addLink(s3, s18)
+ self.addLink(s3, s19)
+ self.addLink(s3, s20)
+ self.addLink(s3, s21)
+ self.addLink(s3, s22)
+ self.addLink(s3, s23)
+ self.addLink(s3, s24)
+ self.addLink(s3, s25)
+ self.addLink(s4, s5)
+ self.addLink(s4, s6)
+ self.addLink(s4, s7)
+ self.addLink(s4, s8)
+ self.addLink(s4, s9)
+ self.addLink(s4, s10)
+ self.addLink(s4, s11)
+ self.addLink(s4, s12)
+ self.addLink(s4, s13)
+ self.addLink(s4, s14)
+ self.addLink(s4, s15)
+ self.addLink(s4, s16)
+ self.addLink(s4, s17)
+ self.addLink(s4, s18)
+ self.addLink(s4, s19)
+ self.addLink(s4, s20)
+ self.addLink(s4, s21)
+ self.addLink(s4, s22)
+ self.addLink(s4, s23)
+ self.addLink(s4, s24)
+ self.addLink(s4, s25)
+ self.addLink(s5, s6)
+ self.addLink(s5, s7)
+ self.addLink(s5, s8)
+ self.addLink(s5, s9)
+ self.addLink(s5, s10)
+ self.addLink(s5, s11)
+ self.addLink(s5, s12)
+ self.addLink(s5, s13)
+ self.addLink(s5, s14)
+ self.addLink(s5, s15)
+ self.addLink(s5, s16)
+ self.addLink(s5, s17)
+ self.addLink(s5, s18)
+ self.addLink(s5, s19)
+ self.addLink(s5, s20)
+ self.addLink(s5, s21)
+ self.addLink(s5, s22)
+ self.addLink(s5, s23)
+ self.addLink(s5, s24)
+ self.addLink(s5, s25)
+ self.addLink(s6, s7)
+ self.addLink(s6, s8)
+ self.addLink(s6, s9)
+ self.addLink(s6, s10)
+ self.addLink(s6, s11)
+ self.addLink(s6, s12)
+ self.addLink(s6, s13)
+ self.addLink(s6, s14)
+ self.addLink(s6, s15)
+ self.addLink(s6, s16)
+ self.addLink(s6, s17)
+ self.addLink(s6, s18)
+ self.addLink(s6, s19)
+ self.addLink(s6, s20)
+ self.addLink(s6, s21)
+ self.addLink(s6, s22)
+ self.addLink(s6, s23)
+ self.addLink(s6, s24)
+ self.addLink(s6, s25)
+ self.addLink(s7, s8)
+ self.addLink(s7, s9)
+ self.addLink(s7, s10)
+ self.addLink(s7, s11)
+ self.addLink(s7, s12)
+ self.addLink(s7, s13)
+ self.addLink(s7, s14)
+ self.addLink(s7, s15)
+ self.addLink(s7, s16)
+ self.addLink(s7, s17)
+ self.addLink(s7, s18)
+ self.addLink(s7, s19)
+ self.addLink(s7, s20)
+ self.addLink(s7, s21)
+ self.addLink(s7, s22)
+ self.addLink(s7, s23)
+ self.addLink(s7, s24)
+ self.addLink(s7, s25)
+ self.addLink(s8, s9)
+ self.addLink(s8, s10)
+ self.addLink(s8, s11)
+ self.addLink(s8, s12)
+ self.addLink(s8, s13)
+ self.addLink(s8, s14)
+ self.addLink(s8, s15)
+ self.addLink(s8, s16)
+ self.addLink(s8, s17)
+ self.addLink(s8, s18)
+ self.addLink(s8, s19)
+ self.addLink(s8, s20)
+ self.addLink(s8, s21)
+ self.addLink(s8, s22)
+ self.addLink(s8, s23)
+ self.addLink(s8, s24)
+ self.addLink(s8, s25)
+ self.addLink(s9, s10)
+ self.addLink(s9, s11)
+ self.addLink(s9, s12)
+ self.addLink(s9, s13)
+ self.addLink(s9, s14)
+ self.addLink(s9, s15)
+ self.addLink(s9, s16)
+ self.addLink(s9, s17)
+ self.addLink(s9, s18)
+ self.addLink(s9, s19)
+ self.addLink(s9, s20)
+ self.addLink(s9, s21)
+ self.addLink(s9, s22)
+ self.addLink(s9, s23)
+ self.addLink(s9, s24)
+ self.addLink(s9, s25)
+ self.addLink(s10, s11)
+ self.addLink(s10, s12)
+ self.addLink(s10, s13)
+ self.addLink(s10, s14)
+ self.addLink(s10, s15)
+ self.addLink(s10, s16)
+ self.addLink(s10, s17)
+ self.addLink(s10, s18)
+ self.addLink(s10, s19)
+ self.addLink(s10, s20)
+ self.addLink(s10, s21)
+ self.addLink(s10, s22)
+ self.addLink(s10, s23)
+ self.addLink(s10, s24)
+ self.addLink(s10, s25)
+ self.addLink(s11, s12)
+ self.addLink(s11, s13)
+ self.addLink(s11, s14)
+ self.addLink(s11, s15)
+ self.addLink(s11, s16)
+ self.addLink(s11, s17)
+ self.addLink(s11, s18)
+ self.addLink(s11, s19)
+ self.addLink(s11, s20)
+ self.addLink(s11, s21)
+ self.addLink(s11, s22)
+ self.addLink(s11, s23)
+ self.addLink(s11, s24)
+ self.addLink(s11, s25)
+ self.addLink(s12, s13)
+ self.addLink(s12, s14)
+ self.addLink(s12, s15)
+ self.addLink(s12, s16)
+ self.addLink(s12, s17)
+ self.addLink(s12, s18)
+ self.addLink(s12, s19)
+ self.addLink(s12, s20)
+ self.addLink(s12, s21)
+ self.addLink(s12, s22)
+ self.addLink(s12, s23)
+ self.addLink(s12, s24)
+ self.addLink(s12, s25)
+ self.addLink(s13, s14)
+ self.addLink(s13, s15)
+ self.addLink(s13, s16)
+ self.addLink(s13, s17)
+ self.addLink(s13, s18)
+ self.addLink(s13, s19)
+ self.addLink(s13, s20)
+ self.addLink(s13, s21)
+ self.addLink(s13, s22)
+ self.addLink(s13, s23)
+ self.addLink(s13, s24)
+ self.addLink(s13, s25)
+ self.addLink(s14, s15)
+ self.addLink(s14, s16)
+ self.addLink(s14, s17)
+ self.addLink(s14, s18)
+ self.addLink(s14, s19)
+ self.addLink(s14, s20)
+ self.addLink(s14, s21)
+ self.addLink(s14, s22)
+ self.addLink(s14, s23)
+ self.addLink(s14, s24)
+ self.addLink(s14, s25)
+ self.addLink(s15, s16)
+ self.addLink(s15, s17)
+ self.addLink(s15, s18)
+ self.addLink(s15, s19)
+ self.addLink(s15, s20)
+ self.addLink(s15, s21)
+ self.addLink(s15, s22)
+ self.addLink(s15, s23)
+ self.addLink(s15, s24)
+ self.addLink(s15, s25)
+ self.addLink(s16, s17)
+ self.addLink(s16, s18)
+ self.addLink(s16, s19)
+ self.addLink(s16, s20)
+ self.addLink(s16, s21)
+ self.addLink(s16, s22)
+ self.addLink(s16, s23)
+ self.addLink(s16, s24)
+ self.addLink(s16, s25)
+ self.addLink(s17, s18)
+ self.addLink(s17, s19)
+ self.addLink(s17, s20)
+ self.addLink(s17, s21)
+ self.addLink(s17, s22)
+ self.addLink(s17, s23)
+ self.addLink(s17, s24)
+ self.addLink(s17, s25)
+ self.addLink(s18, s19)
+ self.addLink(s18, s20)
+ self.addLink(s18, s21)
+ self.addLink(s18, s22)
+ self.addLink(s18, s23)
+ self.addLink(s18, s24)
+ self.addLink(s18, s25)
+ self.addLink(s19, s20)
+ self.addLink(s19, s21)
+ self.addLink(s19, s22)
+ self.addLink(s19, s23)
+ self.addLink(s19, s24)
+ self.addLink(s19, s25)
+ self.addLink(s20, s21)
+ self.addLink(s20, s22)
+ self.addLink(s20, s23)
+ self.addLink(s20, s24)
+ self.addLink(s20, s25)
+ self.addLink(s21, s22)
+ self.addLink(s21, s23)
+ self.addLink(s21, s24)
+ self.addLink(s21, s25)
+ self.addLink(s22, s23)
+ self.addLink(s22, s24)
+ self.addLink(s22, s25)
+ self.addLink(s23, s24)
+ self.addLink(s23, s25)
+ self.addLink(s24, s25)
+topos = { 'chordal': ( lambda: chordalTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = chordalTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, switch=OVSSwitch,autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b81223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class dualStackHost( Host ):
+ def config( self, v6Addr='1000::1/64', **params ):
+ r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+ intf = self.defaultIntf()
+ self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+ return r
+class ringTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ s4 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ s5 = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ s6 = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ s7 = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ s8 = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ s9 = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ s10 = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ s1_host = self.addHost( 'h1', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::1/64' )
+ s2_host = self.addHost( 'h2', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::2/64' )
+ s3_host = self.addHost( 'h3', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::3/64' )
+ s4_host = self.addHost( 'h4', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::4/64' )
+ s5_host = self.addHost( 'h5', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::5/64' )
+ s6_host = self.addHost( 'h6', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::6/64' )
+ s7_host = self.addHost( 'h7', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::7/64' )
+ s8_host = self.addHost( 'h8', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::8/64' )
+ s9_host = self.addHost( 'h9', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::9/64' )
+ s10_host = self.addHost( 'h10', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::10/64' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ self.addLink( s1 , s1_host )
+ self.addLink( s2 , s2_host )
+ self.addLink( s3 , s3_host )
+ self.addLink( s4 , s4_host )
+ self.addLink( s5 , s5_host )
+ self.addLink( s6 , s6_host )
+ self.addLink( s7 , s7_host )
+ self.addLink( s8 , s8_host )
+ self.addLink( s9 , s9_host )
+ self.addLink( s10 , s10_host )
+ self.addLink(s1, s2)
+ self.addLink(s2, s3)
+ self.addLink(s3, s4)
+ self.addLink(s4, s5)
+ self.addLink(s5, s6)
+ self.addLink(s6, s7)
+ self.addLink(s7, s8)
+ self.addLink(s8, s9)
+ self.addLink(s9, s10)
+ self.addLink(s10, s1)
+topos = { 'ring': ( lambda: ringTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = ringTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, switch=OVSSwitch, autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5787d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Controller, RemoteController, OVSController
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost, Host, Node
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
+from import TCLink, Intf
+from subprocess import call
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class spineTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ # add nodes, Leaf switches
+ s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ s4 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ s5 = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ s6 = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ s7 = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ s8 = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ s9 = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ s10 = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ s11 = self.addSwitch( 's11' )
+ s12 = self.addSwitch( 's12' )
+ s13 = self.addSwitch( 's13' )
+ s14 = self.addSwitch( 's14' )
+ # add nodes, Spine switches first...
+ s15 = self.addSwitch( 's15' )
+ s16 = self.addSwitch( 's16' )
+ s17 = self.addSwitch( 's17' )
+ s18 = self.addSwitch( 's18' )
+ s19 = self.addSwitch( 's19' )
+ s20 = self.addSwitch( 's20' )
+ s21 = self.addSwitch( 's21' )
+ s22 = self.addSwitch( 's22' )
+ s23 = self.addSwitch( 's23' )
+ s24 = self.addSwitch( 's24' )
+ s25 = self.addSwitch( 's25' )
+ s26 = self.addSwitch( 's26' )
+ s27 = self.addSwitch( 's27' )
+ s28 = self.addSwitch( 's28' )
+ s29 = self.addSwitch( 's29' )
+ s30 = self.addSwitch( 's30' )
+ s31 = self.addSwitch( 's31' )
+ s32 = self.addSwitch( 's32' )
+ s33 = self.addSwitch( 's33' )
+ s34 = self.addSwitch( 's34' )
+ s35 = self.addSwitch( 's35' )
+ s36 = self.addSwitch( 's36' )
+ s37 = self.addSwitch( 's37' )
+ s38 = self.addSwitch( 's38' )
+ s39 = self.addSwitch( 's39' )
+ s40 = self.addSwitch( 's40' )
+ s41 = self.addSwitch( 's41' )
+ s42 = self.addSwitch( 's42' )
+ s43 = self.addSwitch( 's43' )
+ s44 = self.addSwitch( 's44' )
+ s45 = self.addSwitch( 's45' )
+ s46 = self.addSwitch( 's46' )
+ s47 = self.addSwitch( 's47' )
+ s48 = self.addSwitch( 's48' )
+ s49 = self.addSwitch( 's49' )
+ s50 = self.addSwitch( 's50' )
+ s51 = self.addSwitch( 's51' )
+ s52 = self.addSwitch( 's52' )
+ s53 = self.addSwitch( 's53' )
+ s54 = self.addSwitch( 's54' )
+ s55 = self.addSwitch( 's55' )
+ s56 = self.addSwitch( 's56' )
+ s57 = self.addSwitch( 's57' )
+ s58 = self.addSwitch( 's58' )
+ s59 = self.addSwitch( 's59' )
+ s60 = self.addSwitch( 's60' )
+ s61 = self.addSwitch( 's61' )
+ s62 = self.addSwitch( 's62' )
+ s63 = self.addSwitch( 's63' )
+ s64 = self.addSwitch( 's64' )
+ s65 = self.addSwitch( 's65' )
+ s66 = self.addSwitch( 's66' )
+ s67 = self.addSwitch( 's67' )
+ s68 = self.addSwitch( 's68' )
+ s69 = self.addSwitch( 's69' )
+ s70 = self.addSwitch( 's70' )
+ s71 = self.addSwitch( 's71' )
+ s72 = self.addSwitch( 's72' )
+ s73 = self.addSwitch( 's73' )
+ s74 = self.addSwitch( 's74' )
+ s75 = self.addSwitch( 's75' )
+ s76 = self.addSwitch( 's76' )
+ s77 = self.addSwitch( 's77' )
+ s78 = self.addSwitch( 's78' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ #s1_host = self.addHost( 'h1' )
+ #s2_host = self.addHost( 'h2' )
+ #s3_host = self.addHost( 'h3' )
+ #s4_host = self.addHost( 'h4' )
+ #s5_host = self.addHost( 'h5' )
+ #s6_host = self.addHost( 'h6' )
+ #s7_host = self.addHost( 'h7' )
+ #s8_host = self.addHost( 'h8' )
+ #s9_host = self.addHost( 'h9' )
+ #s10_host = self.addHost( 'h10' )
+ s11_host = self.addHost( 'h11' )
+ s12_host = self.addHost( 'h12' )
+ s13_host = self.addHost( 'h13' )
+ s14_host = self.addHost( 'h14' )
+ s15_host = self.addHost( 'h15' )
+ s16_host = self.addHost( 'h16' )
+ s17_host = self.addHost( 'h17' )
+ s18_host = self.addHost( 'h18' )
+ s19_host = self.addHost( 'h19' )
+ s20_host = self.addHost( 'h20' )
+ s21_host = self.addHost( 'h21' )
+ s22_host = self.addHost( 'h22' )
+ s23_host = self.addHost( 'h23' )
+ s24_host = self.addHost( 'h24' )
+ s25_host = self.addHost( 'h25' )
+ s26_host = self.addHost( 'h26' )
+ s27_host = self.addHost( 'h27' )
+ s28_host = self.addHost( 'h28' )
+ s29_host = self.addHost( 'h29' )
+ s30_host = self.addHost( 'h30' )
+ s31_host = self.addHost( 'h31' )
+ s32_host = self.addHost( 'h32' )
+ s33_host = self.addHost( 'h33' )
+ s34_host = self.addHost( 'h34' )
+ s35_host = self.addHost( 'h35' )
+ s36_host = self.addHost( 'h36' )
+ s37_host = self.addHost( 'h37' )
+ s38_host = self.addHost( 'h38' )
+ s39_host = self.addHost( 'h39' )
+ s40_host = self.addHost( 'h40' )
+ s41_host = self.addHost( 'h41' )
+ s42_host = self.addHost( 'h42' )
+ s43_host = self.addHost( 'h43' )
+ s44_host = self.addHost( 'h44' )
+ s45_host = self.addHost( 'h45' )
+ s46_host = self.addHost( 'h46' )
+ s47_host = self.addHost( 'h47' )
+ s48_host = self.addHost( 'h48' )
+ s49_host = self.addHost( 'h49' )
+ s50_host = self.addHost( 'h50' )
+ s51_host = self.addHost( 'h51' )
+ s52_host = self.addHost( 'h52' )
+ s53_host = self.addHost( 'h53' )
+ s54_host = self.addHost( 'h54' )
+ s55_host = self.addHost( 'h55' )
+ s56_host = self.addHost( 'h56' )
+ s57_host = self.addHost( 'h57' )
+ s58_host = self.addHost( 'h58' )
+ s59_host = self.addHost( 'h59' )
+ s60_host = self.addHost( 'h60' )
+ s61_host = self.addHost( 'h61' )
+ s62_host = self.addHost( 'h62' )
+ s63_host = self.addHost( 'h63' )
+ s64_host = self.addHost( 'h64' )
+ s65_host = self.addHost( 'h65' )
+ s66_host = self.addHost( 'h66' )
+ s67_host = self.addHost( 'h67' )
+ s68_host = self.addHost( 'h68' )
+ s69_host = self.addHost( 'h69' )
+ s70_host = self.addHost( 'h70' )
+ s71_host = self.addHost( 'h71' )
+ s72_host = self.addHost( 'h72' )
+ s73_host = self.addHost( 'h73' )
+ s74_host = self.addHost( 'h74' )
+ s75_host = self.addHost( 'h75' )
+ s76_host = self.addHost( 'h76' )
+ s77_host = self.addHost( 'h77' )
+ s78_host = self.addHost( 'h78' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ #self.addLink( s1 , s1_host )
+ #self.addLink( s2 , s2_host )
+ #self.addLink( s3 , s3_host )
+ #self.addLink( s4 , s4_host )
+ #self.addLink( s5 , s5_host )
+ #self.addLink( s6 , s6_host )
+ #self.addLink( s7 , s7_host )
+ #self.addLink( s8 , s8_host )
+ #self.addLink( s9 , s9_host )
+ #self.addLink( s10 , s10_host )
+ self.addLink( s11 , s11_host )
+ self.addLink( s12 , s12_host )
+ self.addLink( s13 , s13_host )
+ self.addLink( s14 , s14_host )
+ self.addLink( s15 , s15_host )
+ self.addLink( s16 , s16_host )
+ self.addLink( s17 , s17_host )
+ self.addLink( s18 , s18_host )
+ self.addLink( s19 , s19_host )
+ self.addLink( s20 , s20_host )
+ self.addLink( s21 , s21_host )
+ self.addLink( s22 , s22_host )
+ self.addLink( s23 , s23_host )
+ self.addLink( s24 , s24_host )
+ self.addLink( s25 , s25_host )
+ self.addLink( s26 , s26_host )
+ self.addLink( s27 , s27_host )
+ self.addLink( s28 , s28_host )
+ self.addLink( s29 , s29_host )
+ self.addLink( s30 , s30_host )
+ self.addLink( s31 , s31_host )
+ self.addLink( s32 , s32_host )
+ self.addLink( s33 , s33_host )
+ self.addLink( s34 , s34_host )
+ self.addLink( s35 , s35_host )
+ self.addLink( s36 , s36_host )
+ self.addLink( s37 , s37_host )
+ self.addLink( s38 , s38_host )
+ self.addLink( s39 , s39_host )
+ self.addLink( s40 , s40_host )
+ self.addLink( s41 , s41_host )
+ self.addLink( s42 , s42_host )
+ self.addLink( s43 , s43_host )
+ self.addLink( s44 , s44_host )
+ self.addLink( s45 , s45_host )
+ self.addLink( s46 , s46_host )
+ self.addLink( s47 , s47_host )
+ self.addLink( s48 , s48_host )
+ self.addLink( s49 , s49_host )
+ self.addLink( s50 , s50_host )
+ self.addLink( s51 , s51_host )
+ self.addLink( s52 , s52_host )
+ self.addLink( s53 , s53_host )
+ self.addLink( s54 , s54_host )
+ self.addLink( s55 , s55_host )
+ self.addLink( s56 , s56_host )
+ self.addLink( s57 , s57_host )
+ self.addLink( s58 , s58_host )
+ self.addLink( s59 , s59_host )
+ self.addLink( s60 , s60_host )
+ self.addLink( s61 , s61_host )
+ self.addLink( s62 , s62_host )
+ self.addLink( s63 , s63_host )
+ self.addLink( s64 , s64_host )
+ self.addLink( s65 , s65_host )
+ self.addLink( s66 , s66_host )
+ self.addLink( s67 , s67_host )
+ self.addLink( s68 , s68_host )
+ self.addLink( s69 , s69_host )
+ self.addLink( s70 , s70_host )
+ self.addLink( s71 , s71_host )
+ self.addLink( s72 , s72_host )
+ self.addLink( s73 , s73_host )
+ self.addLink( s74 , s74_host )
+ self.addLink( s75 , s75_host )
+ self.addLink( s76 , s76_host )
+ self.addLink( s77 , s77_host )
+ self.addLink( s78 , s78_host )
+ #info( '*** Add Leaf links\n')
+ self.addLink(s1, s9)
+ self.addLink(s2, s10)
+ self.addLink(s3, s9)
+ self.addLink(s4, s10)
+ self.addLink(s5, s9)
+ self.addLink(s6, s10)
+ self.addLink(s7, s9)
+ self.addLink(s8, s10)
+ self.addLink(s9, s11)
+ self.addLink(s9, s12)
+ self.addLink(s10, s13)
+ self.addLink(s10, s14)
+ self.addLink(s11, s12)
+ self.addLink(s13, s14)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-1 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s15, s1)
+ self.addLink(s15, s2)
+ self.addLink(s16, s1)
+ self.addLink(s16, s2)
+ self.addLink(s17, s1)
+ self.addLink(s17, s2)
+ self.addLink(s18, s1)
+ self.addLink(s18, s2)
+ self.addLink(s19, s1)
+ self.addLink(s19, s2)
+ self.addLink(s20, s1)
+ self.addLink(s20, s2)
+ self.addLink(s21, s1)
+ self.addLink(s21, s2)
+ self.addLink(s22, s1)
+ self.addLink(s22, s2)
+ self.addLink(s23, s1)
+ self.addLink(s23, s2)
+ self.addLink(s24, s1)
+ self.addLink(s24, s2)
+ self.addLink(s25, s1)
+ self.addLink(s25, s2)
+ self.addLink(s26, s1)
+ self.addLink(s26, s2)
+ self.addLink(s27, s1)
+ self.addLink(s27, s2)
+ self.addLink(s28, s1)
+ self.addLink(s28, s2)
+ self.addLink(s29, s1)
+ self.addLink(s29, s2)
+ self.addLink(s30, s1)
+ self.addLink(s30, s2)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-2 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s31, s3)
+ self.addLink(s31, s4)
+ self.addLink(s32, s3)
+ self.addLink(s32, s4)
+ self.addLink(s33, s3)
+ self.addLink(s33, s4)
+ self.addLink(s34, s3)
+ self.addLink(s34, s4)
+ self.addLink(s35, s3)
+ self.addLink(s35, s4)
+ self.addLink(s36, s3)
+ self.addLink(s36, s4)
+ self.addLink(s37, s3)
+ self.addLink(s37, s4)
+ self.addLink(s38, s3)
+ self.addLink(s38, s4)
+ self.addLink(s39, s3)
+ self.addLink(s39, s4)
+ self.addLink(s40, s3)
+ self.addLink(s40, s4)
+ self.addLink(s41, s3)
+ self.addLink(s41, s4)
+ self.addLink(s42, s3)
+ self.addLink(s42, s4)
+ self.addLink(s43, s3)
+ self.addLink(s43, s4)
+ self.addLink(s44, s3)
+ self.addLink(s44, s4)
+ self.addLink(s45, s3)
+ self.addLink(s45, s4)
+ self.addLink(s46, s3)
+ self.addLink(s46, s4)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-3 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s47, s5)
+ self.addLink(s47, s6)
+ self.addLink(s48, s5)
+ self.addLink(s48, s6)
+ self.addLink(s49, s5)
+ self.addLink(s49, s6)
+ self.addLink(s50, s5)
+ self.addLink(s50, s6)
+ self.addLink(s51, s5)
+ self.addLink(s51, s6)
+ self.addLink(s52, s5)
+ self.addLink(s52, s6)
+ self.addLink(s53, s5)
+ self.addLink(s53, s6)
+ self.addLink(s54, s5)
+ self.addLink(s54, s6)
+ self.addLink(s55, s5)
+ self.addLink(s55, s6)
+ self.addLink(s56, s5)
+ self.addLink(s56, s6)
+ self.addLink(s57, s5)
+ self.addLink(s57, s6)
+ self.addLink(s58, s5)
+ self.addLink(s58, s6)
+ self.addLink(s59, s5)
+ self.addLink(s59, s6)
+ self.addLink(s60, s5)
+ self.addLink(s60, s6)
+ self.addLink(s61, s5)
+ self.addLink(s61, s6)
+ self.addLink(s62, s5)
+ self.addLink(s62, s6)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-4 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s63, s7)
+ self.addLink(s63, s8)
+ self.addLink(s64, s7)
+ self.addLink(s64, s8)
+ self.addLink(s65, s7)
+ self.addLink(s65, s8)
+ self.addLink(s66, s7)
+ self.addLink(s66, s8)
+ self.addLink(s67, s7)
+ self.addLink(s67, s8)
+ self.addLink(s68, s7)
+ self.addLink(s68, s8)
+ self.addLink(s69, s7)
+ self.addLink(s69, s8)
+ self.addLink(s70, s7)
+ self.addLink(s70, s8)
+ self.addLink(s71, s7)
+ self.addLink(s71, s8)
+ self.addLink(s72, s7)
+ self.addLink(s72, s8)
+ self.addLink(s73, s7)
+ self.addLink(s73, s8)
+ self.addLink(s74, s7)
+ self.addLink(s74, s8)
+ self.addLink(s75, s7)
+ self.addLink(s75, s8)
+ self.addLink(s76, s7)
+ self.addLink(s76, s8)
+ self.addLink(s77, s7)
+ self.addLink(s77, s8)
+ self.addLink(s78, s7)
+ self.addLink(s78, s8)
+topos = { 'spine': ( lambda: spineTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = spineTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, switch=OVSSwitch, link=TCLink, autoSetMacs = True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f35494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class dualStackHost( Host ):
+ def config( self, v6Addr='1000::1/64', **params ):
+ r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+ intf = self.defaultIntf()
+ self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+ return r
+class spineTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ # add nodes, Leaf switches
+ s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ s4 = self.addSwitch( 's4' )
+ s5 = self.addSwitch( 's5' )
+ s6 = self.addSwitch( 's6' )
+ s7 = self.addSwitch( 's7' )
+ s8 = self.addSwitch( 's8' )
+ s9 = self.addSwitch( 's9' )
+ s10 = self.addSwitch( 's10' )
+ s11 = self.addSwitch( 's11' )
+ s12 = self.addSwitch( 's12' )
+ s13 = self.addSwitch( 's13' )
+ s14 = self.addSwitch( 's14' )
+ # add nodes, Spine switches first...
+ s15 = self.addSwitch( 's15' )
+ s16 = self.addSwitch( 's16' )
+ s17 = self.addSwitch( 's17' )
+ s18 = self.addSwitch( 's18' )
+ s19 = self.addSwitch( 's19' )
+ s20 = self.addSwitch( 's20' )
+ s21 = self.addSwitch( 's21' )
+ s22 = self.addSwitch( 's22' )
+ s23 = self.addSwitch( 's23' )
+ s24 = self.addSwitch( 's24' )
+ s25 = self.addSwitch( 's25' )
+ s26 = self.addSwitch( 's26' )
+ s27 = self.addSwitch( 's27' )
+ s28 = self.addSwitch( 's28' )
+ s29 = self.addSwitch( 's29' )
+ s30 = self.addSwitch( 's30' )
+ s31 = self.addSwitch( 's31' )
+ s32 = self.addSwitch( 's32' )
+ s33 = self.addSwitch( 's33' )
+ s34 = self.addSwitch( 's34' )
+ s35 = self.addSwitch( 's35' )
+ s36 = self.addSwitch( 's36' )
+ s37 = self.addSwitch( 's37' )
+ s38 = self.addSwitch( 's38' )
+ s39 = self.addSwitch( 's39' )
+ s40 = self.addSwitch( 's40' )
+ s41 = self.addSwitch( 's41' )
+ s42 = self.addSwitch( 's42' )
+ s43 = self.addSwitch( 's43' )
+ s44 = self.addSwitch( 's44' )
+ s45 = self.addSwitch( 's45' )
+ s46 = self.addSwitch( 's46' )
+ s47 = self.addSwitch( 's47' )
+ s48 = self.addSwitch( 's48' )
+ s49 = self.addSwitch( 's49' )
+ s50 = self.addSwitch( 's50' )
+ s51 = self.addSwitch( 's51' )
+ s52 = self.addSwitch( 's52' )
+ s53 = self.addSwitch( 's53' )
+ s54 = self.addSwitch( 's54' )
+ s55 = self.addSwitch( 's55' )
+ s56 = self.addSwitch( 's56' )
+ s57 = self.addSwitch( 's57' )
+ s58 = self.addSwitch( 's58' )
+ s59 = self.addSwitch( 's59' )
+ s60 = self.addSwitch( 's60' )
+ s61 = self.addSwitch( 's61' )
+ s62 = self.addSwitch( 's62' )
+ s63 = self.addSwitch( 's63' )
+ s64 = self.addSwitch( 's64' )
+ s65 = self.addSwitch( 's65' )
+ s66 = self.addSwitch( 's66' )
+ s67 = self.addSwitch( 's67' )
+ s68 = self.addSwitch( 's68' )
+ s69 = self.addSwitch( 's69' )
+ s70 = self.addSwitch( 's70' )
+ s71 = self.addSwitch( 's71' )
+ s72 = self.addSwitch( 's72' )
+ s73 = self.addSwitch( 's73' )
+ s74 = self.addSwitch( 's74' )
+ s75 = self.addSwitch( 's75' )
+ s76 = self.addSwitch( 's76' )
+ s77 = self.addSwitch( 's77' )
+ s78 = self.addSwitch( 's78' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ # s1_host = self.addHost( 'h1', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::1/64' )
+ # s2_host = self.addHost( 'h2', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::2/64' )
+ # s3_host = self.addHost( 'h3', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::3/64' )
+ # s4_host = self.addHost( 'h4', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::4/64' )
+ # s5_host = self.addHost( 'h5', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::5/64' )
+ # s6_host = self.addHost( 'h6', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::6/64' )
+ # s7_host = self.addHost( 'h7', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::7/64' )
+ # s8_host = self.addHost( 'h8', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::8/64' )
+ # s9_host = self.addHost( 'h9', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::9/64' )
+ # s10_host = self.addHost( 'h10', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::10/64' )
+ s11_host = self.addHost( 'h11', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::11/64' )
+ s12_host = self.addHost( 'h12', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::12/64' )
+ s13_host = self.addHost( 'h13', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::13/64' )
+ s14_host = self.addHost( 'h14', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::14/64' )
+ s15_host = self.addHost( 'h15', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::15/64' )
+ s16_host = self.addHost( 'h16', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::16/64' )
+ s17_host = self.addHost( 'h17', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::17/64' )
+ s18_host = self.addHost( 'h18', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::18/64' )
+ s19_host = self.addHost( 'h19', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::19/64' )
+ s20_host = self.addHost( 'h20', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::20/64' )
+ s21_host = self.addHost( 'h21', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::21/64' )
+ s22_host = self.addHost( 'h22', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::22/64' )
+ s23_host = self.addHost( 'h23', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::23/64' )
+ s24_host = self.addHost( 'h24', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::24/64' )
+ s25_host = self.addHost( 'h25', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::25/64' )
+ s26_host = self.addHost( 'h26', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::26/64' )
+ s27_host = self.addHost( 'h27', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::27/64' )
+ s28_host = self.addHost( 'h28', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::28/64' )
+ s29_host = self.addHost( 'h29', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::29/64' )
+ s30_host = self.addHost( 'h30', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::30/64' )
+ s31_host = self.addHost( 'h31', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::31/64' )
+ s32_host = self.addHost( 'h32', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::32/64' )
+ s33_host = self.addHost( 'h33', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::33/64' )
+ s34_host = self.addHost( 'h34', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::34/64' )
+ s35_host = self.addHost( 'h35', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::35/64' )
+ s36_host = self.addHost( 'h36', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::36/64' )
+ s37_host = self.addHost( 'h37', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::37/64' )
+ s38_host = self.addHost( 'h38', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::38/64' )
+ s39_host = self.addHost( 'h39', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::39/64' )
+ s40_host = self.addHost( 'h40', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::40/64' )
+ s41_host = self.addHost( 'h41', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::41/64' )
+ s42_host = self.addHost( 'h42', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::42/64' )
+ s43_host = self.addHost( 'h43', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::43/64' )
+ s44_host = self.addHost( 'h44', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::44/64' )
+ s45_host = self.addHost( 'h45', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::45/64' )
+ s46_host = self.addHost( 'h46', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::46/64' )
+ s47_host = self.addHost( 'h47', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::47/64' )
+ s48_host = self.addHost( 'h48', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::48/64' )
+ s49_host = self.addHost( 'h49', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::49/64' )
+ s50_host = self.addHost( 'h50', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::50/64' )
+ s51_host = self.addHost( 'h51', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::51/64' )
+ s52_host = self.addHost( 'h52', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::52/64' )
+ s53_host = self.addHost( 'h53', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::53/64' )
+ s54_host = self.addHost( 'h54', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::54/64' )
+ s55_host = self.addHost( 'h55', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::55/64' )
+ s56_host = self.addHost( 'h56', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::56/64' )
+ s57_host = self.addHost( 'h57', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::57/64' )
+ s58_host = self.addHost( 'h58', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::58/64' )
+ s59_host = self.addHost( 'h59', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::59/64' )
+ s60_host = self.addHost( 'h60', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::60/64' )
+ s61_host = self.addHost( 'h61', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::61/64' )
+ s62_host = self.addHost( 'h62', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::62/64' )
+ s63_host = self.addHost( 'h63', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::63/64' )
+ s64_host = self.addHost( 'h64', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::64/64' )
+ s65_host = self.addHost( 'h65', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::65/64' )
+ s66_host = self.addHost( 'h66', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::66/64' )
+ s67_host = self.addHost( 'h67', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::67/64' )
+ s68_host = self.addHost( 'h68', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::68/64' )
+ s69_host = self.addHost( 'h69', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::69/64' )
+ s70_host = self.addHost( 'h70', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::70/64' )
+ s71_host = self.addHost( 'h71', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::71/64' )
+ s72_host = self.addHost( 'h72', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::72/64' )
+ s73_host = self.addHost( 'h73', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::73/64' )
+ s74_host = self.addHost( 'h74', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::74/64' )
+ s75_host = self.addHost( 'h75', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::75/64' )
+ s76_host = self.addHost( 'h76', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::76/64' )
+ s77_host = self.addHost( 'h77', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::77/64' )
+ s78_host = self.addHost( 'h78', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::78/64' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ #self.addLink( s1 , s1_host )
+ #self.addLink( s2 , s2_host )
+ #self.addLink( s3 , s3_host )
+ #self.addLink( s4 , s4_host )
+ #self.addLink( s5 , s5_host )
+ #self.addLink( s6 , s6_host )
+ #self.addLink( s7 , s7_host )
+ #self.addLink( s8 , s8_host )
+ #self.addLink( s9 , s9_host )
+ #self.addLink( s10 , s10_host )
+ self.addLink( s11 , s11_host )
+ self.addLink( s12 , s12_host )
+ self.addLink( s13 , s13_host )
+ self.addLink( s14 , s14_host )
+ self.addLink( s15 , s15_host )
+ self.addLink( s16 , s16_host )
+ self.addLink( s17 , s17_host )
+ self.addLink( s18 , s18_host )
+ self.addLink( s19 , s19_host )
+ self.addLink( s20 , s20_host )
+ self.addLink( s21 , s21_host )
+ self.addLink( s22 , s22_host )
+ self.addLink( s23 , s23_host )
+ self.addLink( s24 , s24_host )
+ self.addLink( s25 , s25_host )
+ self.addLink( s26 , s26_host )
+ self.addLink( s27 , s27_host )
+ self.addLink( s28 , s28_host )
+ self.addLink( s29 , s29_host )
+ self.addLink( s30 , s30_host )
+ self.addLink( s31 , s31_host )
+ self.addLink( s32 , s32_host )
+ self.addLink( s33 , s33_host )
+ self.addLink( s34 , s34_host )
+ self.addLink( s35 , s35_host )
+ self.addLink( s36 , s36_host )
+ self.addLink( s37 , s37_host )
+ self.addLink( s38 , s38_host )
+ self.addLink( s39 , s39_host )
+ self.addLink( s40 , s40_host )
+ self.addLink( s41 , s41_host )
+ self.addLink( s42 , s42_host )
+ self.addLink( s43 , s43_host )
+ self.addLink( s44 , s44_host )
+ self.addLink( s45 , s45_host )
+ self.addLink( s46 , s46_host )
+ self.addLink( s47 , s47_host )
+ self.addLink( s48 , s48_host )
+ self.addLink( s49 , s49_host )
+ self.addLink( s50 , s50_host )
+ self.addLink( s51 , s51_host )
+ self.addLink( s52 , s52_host )
+ self.addLink( s53 , s53_host )
+ self.addLink( s54 , s54_host )
+ self.addLink( s55 , s55_host )
+ self.addLink( s56 , s56_host )
+ self.addLink( s57 , s57_host )
+ self.addLink( s58 , s58_host )
+ self.addLink( s59 , s59_host )
+ self.addLink( s60 , s60_host )
+ self.addLink( s61 , s61_host )
+ self.addLink( s62 , s62_host )
+ self.addLink( s63 , s63_host )
+ self.addLink( s64 , s64_host )
+ self.addLink( s65 , s65_host )
+ self.addLink( s66 , s66_host )
+ self.addLink( s67 , s67_host )
+ self.addLink( s68 , s68_host )
+ self.addLink( s69 , s69_host )
+ self.addLink( s70 , s70_host )
+ self.addLink( s71 , s71_host )
+ self.addLink( s72 , s72_host )
+ self.addLink( s73 , s73_host )
+ self.addLink( s74 , s74_host )
+ self.addLink( s75 , s75_host )
+ self.addLink( s76 , s76_host )
+ self.addLink( s77 , s77_host )
+ self.addLink( s78 , s78_host )
+ #info( '*** Add Leaf links\n')
+ self.addLink(s1, s9)
+ self.addLink(s2, s10)
+ self.addLink(s3, s9)
+ self.addLink(s4, s10)
+ self.addLink(s5, s9)
+ self.addLink(s6, s10)
+ self.addLink(s7, s9)
+ self.addLink(s8, s10)
+ self.addLink(s9, s11)
+ self.addLink(s9, s12)
+ self.addLink(s10, s13)
+ self.addLink(s10, s14)
+ self.addLink(s11, s12)
+ self.addLink(s13, s14)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-1 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s15, s1)
+ self.addLink(s15, s2)
+ self.addLink(s16, s1)
+ self.addLink(s16, s2)
+ self.addLink(s17, s1)
+ self.addLink(s17, s2)
+ self.addLink(s18, s1)
+ self.addLink(s18, s2)
+ self.addLink(s19, s1)
+ self.addLink(s19, s2)
+ self.addLink(s20, s1)
+ self.addLink(s20, s2)
+ self.addLink(s21, s1)
+ self.addLink(s21, s2)
+ self.addLink(s22, s1)
+ self.addLink(s22, s2)
+ self.addLink(s23, s1)
+ self.addLink(s23, s2)
+ self.addLink(s24, s1)
+ self.addLink(s24, s2)
+ self.addLink(s25, s1)
+ self.addLink(s25, s2)
+ self.addLink(s26, s1)
+ self.addLink(s26, s2)
+ self.addLink(s27, s1)
+ self.addLink(s27, s2)
+ self.addLink(s28, s1)
+ self.addLink(s28, s2)
+ self.addLink(s29, s1)
+ self.addLink(s29, s2)
+ self.addLink(s30, s1)
+ self.addLink(s30, s2)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-2 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s31, s3)
+ self.addLink(s31, s4)
+ self.addLink(s32, s3)
+ self.addLink(s32, s4)
+ self.addLink(s33, s3)
+ self.addLink(s33, s4)
+ self.addLink(s34, s3)
+ self.addLink(s34, s4)
+ self.addLink(s35, s3)
+ self.addLink(s35, s4)
+ self.addLink(s36, s3)
+ self.addLink(s36, s4)
+ self.addLink(s37, s3)
+ self.addLink(s37, s4)
+ self.addLink(s38, s3)
+ self.addLink(s38, s4)
+ self.addLink(s39, s3)
+ self.addLink(s39, s4)
+ self.addLink(s40, s3)
+ self.addLink(s40, s4)
+ self.addLink(s41, s3)
+ self.addLink(s41, s4)
+ self.addLink(s42, s3)
+ self.addLink(s42, s4)
+ self.addLink(s43, s3)
+ self.addLink(s43, s4)
+ self.addLink(s44, s3)
+ self.addLink(s44, s4)
+ self.addLink(s45, s3)
+ self.addLink(s45, s4)
+ self.addLink(s46, s3)
+ self.addLink(s46, s4)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-3 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s47, s5)
+ self.addLink(s47, s6)
+ self.addLink(s48, s5)
+ self.addLink(s48, s6)
+ self.addLink(s49, s5)
+ self.addLink(s49, s6)
+ self.addLink(s50, s5)
+ self.addLink(s50, s6)
+ self.addLink(s51, s5)
+ self.addLink(s51, s6)
+ self.addLink(s52, s5)
+ self.addLink(s52, s6)
+ self.addLink(s53, s5)
+ self.addLink(s53, s6)
+ self.addLink(s54, s5)
+ self.addLink(s54, s6)
+ self.addLink(s55, s5)
+ self.addLink(s55, s6)
+ self.addLink(s56, s5)
+ self.addLink(s56, s6)
+ self.addLink(s57, s5)
+ self.addLink(s57, s6)
+ self.addLink(s58, s5)
+ self.addLink(s58, s6)
+ self.addLink(s59, s5)
+ self.addLink(s59, s6)
+ self.addLink(s60, s5)
+ self.addLink(s60, s6)
+ self.addLink(s61, s5)
+ self.addLink(s61, s6)
+ self.addLink(s62, s5)
+ self.addLink(s62, s6)
+ #info( '*** Add Spine-4 links\n')
+ self.addLink(s63, s7)
+ self.addLink(s63, s8)
+ self.addLink(s64, s7)
+ self.addLink(s64, s8)
+ self.addLink(s65, s7)
+ self.addLink(s65, s8)
+ self.addLink(s66, s7)
+ self.addLink(s66, s8)
+ self.addLink(s67, s7)
+ self.addLink(s67, s8)
+ self.addLink(s68, s7)
+ self.addLink(s68, s8)
+ self.addLink(s69, s7)
+ self.addLink(s69, s8)
+ self.addLink(s70, s7)
+ self.addLink(s70, s8)
+ self.addLink(s71, s7)
+ self.addLink(s71, s8)
+ self.addLink(s72, s7)
+ self.addLink(s72, s8)
+ self.addLink(s73, s7)
+ self.addLink(s73, s8)
+ self.addLink(s74, s7)
+ self.addLink(s74, s8)
+ self.addLink(s75, s7)
+ self.addLink(s75, s8)
+ self.addLink(s76, s7)
+ self.addLink(s76, s8)
+ self.addLink(s77, s7)
+ self.addLink(s77, s8)
+ self.addLink(s78, s7)
+ self.addLink(s78, s8)
+topos = { 'spine': ( lambda: spineTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = spineTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, switch=OVSSwitch, link=TCLink, autoSetMacs = True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2a53b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
+from mininet.node import Node
+from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
+from import TCLink
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
+from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
+class dualStackHost( Host ):
+ def config( self, v6Addr='1000::1/64', **params ):
+ r = super( Host, self ).config( **params )
+ intf = self.defaultIntf()
+ self.cmd( 'ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % ( v6Addr, intf ) )
+ return r
+class tripleTopo( Topo ):
+ def __init__( self, **opts ):
+ "Create a topology."
+ # Initialize Topology
+ Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
+ s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+ s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+ s3 = self.addSwitch( 's3' )
+ # ... and now hosts
+ s1_host = self.addHost( 'h1', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::1/64' )
+ s2_host = self.addHost( 'h2', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::2/64' )
+ s3_host = self.addHost( 'h3', ip='', cls=dualStackHost, v6Addr='1000::3/64' )
+ # add edges between switch and corresponding host
+ self.addLink( s1 , s1_host )
+ self.addLink( s2 , s2_host )
+ self.addLink( s3 , s3_host )
+ self.addLink(s1, s2)
+ self.addLink(s1, s3)
+ self.addLink(s2, s3)
+topos = { 'triple': ( lambda: tripleTopo() ) }
+def setupNetwork():
+ "Create network"
+ topo = tripleTopo()
+ #if controller_ip == '':
+ #controller_ip = '';
+ # controller_ip = '';
+ network = Mininet(topo=topo, switch=OVSSwitch, autoSetMacs=True, controller=None)
+ network.start()
+ CLI( network )
+ network.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel('info')
+ #setLogLevel('debug')
+ setupNetwork()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params
index 5defc95..aa7c358 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.params
@@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
# 1,2,10,1000,1100,2000,1200,2000,100
# 1 - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
# 2 - install ONOS
- # 8 - Compare topology
- # 9 - Report logs
# 10 - Start mininet and verify topology
# 66 - Testing Scapy
+ # 100 - Check logs for Errors and Warnings
# 1000 - Add flows with MAC selector
# 1100 - Add flows with IPv4 selector
# 1200 - Add flows with VLAN selector
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/
index 7851d51..eeed451 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
''' "Testing scapy" )
main.step( "Creating Host1 component" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h1" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h2" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
hosts = [main.h1, main.h2]
for host in hosts:
@@ -317,10 +317,15 @@
main.log.debug( host.hostMac )
main.step( "Sending/Receiving Test packet - Filter doesn't match" )
+ "Starting Filter..." )
+ "Building Ether frame..." )
main.h1.buildEther( dst=main.h2.hostMac )
+ "Sending Packet..." )
main.h1.sendPacket( )
+ "Checking Filter..." )
finished = main.h2.checkFilter()
+ main.log.debug( finished )
i = ""
if finished:
a = main.h2.readPackets()
@@ -382,8 +387,8 @@
main.step( "Add flows with MAC addresses as the only selectors" ) "Creating host components" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h1" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h2" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
hosts = [main.h1, main.h2]
stepResult = main.TRUE
for host in hosts:
@@ -504,8 +509,8 @@
main.step( "Add flows with IPv4 addresses as the only selectors" ) "Creating host components" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h1" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h2" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
hosts = [main.h1, main.h2]
stepResult = main.TRUE
for host in hosts:
@@ -625,8 +630,8 @@
# We do this here to utilize the hosts information "Creating host components" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h3" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h4" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h3" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h4" )
hosts = [main.h3, main.h4]
stepResult = main.TRUE
for host in hosts:
@@ -751,8 +756,8 @@
main.step( "Add a flow with a MPLS selector" ) "Creating host components" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h1" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h2" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
hosts = [main.h1, main.h2]
stepResult = main.TRUE
for host in hosts:
@@ -867,8 +872,8 @@
main.step( "Add a flow with a TCP selector" ) "Creating host components" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h1" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h2" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
hosts = [main.h1, main.h2]
stepResult = main.TRUE
for host in hosts:
@@ -991,8 +996,8 @@
main.step( "Add a flow with a UDP selector" ) "Creating host components" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h1" )
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( "h2" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h1" )
+ main.Scapy.createHostComponent( "h2" )
hosts = [main.h1, main.h2]
stepResult = main.TRUE
for host in hosts:
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo
index d910446..50e5d63 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCflow/FUNCflow.topo
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- <host>localhost</host>
+ <host>OCN</host>
@@ -42,5 +42,13 @@
+ <Scapy>
+ <host>OCN</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>ScapyCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+ </Scapy>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.params
index d0fcfa8..c201411 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/FUNCintent.params
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
# 16 - Balance ownership of switches
# 17 - Activate Flow Objectives
# 18 - Stop Mininet
+ # 19 - Copy karaf logs from ONOS nodes to TestON log directory
# 1000 - Test host intents
# 2000 - Test point intents
# 3000 - Test single to multi point intents
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
# 5000 - Test host mobility
# 6000 - Test Multi Point intent End Point Failure
- <testcases>1,[2,10,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18]*2,[2,10,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18]*2</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,[2,10,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18,19]*2,[2,10,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18,19]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18,19]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,18,19]*2</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/
index ceb4b2d..ba0f2a9 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
main.scapyHostNames = main.params[ 'SCAPY' ][ 'HOSTNAMES' ].split( ',' )
main.scapyHosts = [] # List of scapy hosts for iterating
main.assertReturnString = '' # Assembled assert return string
+ main.cycle = 0 # How many times FUNCintent has run through its tests
main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
print main.ONOSip
@@ -132,6 +133,8 @@
- Connect to cli
+ main.cycle += 1
# main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
main.flowCompiler = "Flow Rules"
@@ -209,8 +212,9 @@
onosIsUp = main.TRUE
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- onosIsUp = main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- if onosIsUp == main.TRUE:
+ isUp = main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ onosIsUp = onosIsUp and isUp
+ if isUp == main.TRUE: "ONOS instance {0} is up and ready".format( i + 1 ) )
else: "ONOS instance {0} may not be up, stop and ".format( i + 1 ) +
@@ -654,6 +658,39 @@
+ def CASE19( self, main ):
+ """
+ Copy the karaf.log files after each testcase cycle
+ """
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Copying the karaf logs to preserve them through" +\
+ "reinstalling ONOS"
+ main.step( "Copying karaf logs" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ scpResult = main.TRUE
+ copyResult = main.TRUE
+ i = 0
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ main.node = cli
+ ip = main.ONOSip[ i ]
+ main.node.ip_address = ip
+ scpResult = scpResult and main.ONOSbench.scp( main.node ,
+ "/opt/onos/log/karaf.log",
+ "/tmp/karaf.log",
+ direction="from" )
+ copyResult = copyResult and main.ONOSbench.cpLogsToDir( "/tmp/karaf.log", main.logdir,
+ copyFileName=( "karaf.log.node{0}.cycle{1}".format( str( i + 1 ), str( main.cycle ) ) ) )
+ if scpResult and copyResult:
+ stepResult = main.TRUE and stepResult
+ else:
+ stepResult = main.FALSE and stepResult
+ i += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully copied remote ONOS logs",
+ onfail="Failed to copy remote ONOS logs" )
def CASE1000( self, main ):
Add host intents between 2 host:
@@ -835,8 +872,8 @@
main.step( "VLAN1: Add vlan host intents between h4 and h12" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result vlan IPV4\n"
- host1 = { "name":"h4","id":"00:00:00:00:00:04/100" }
- host2 = { "name":"h12","id":"00:00:00:00:00:0C/100 "}
+ host1 = { "name":"h4","id":"00:00:00:00:00:04/100", "vlan":"100" }
+ host2 = { "name":"h12","id":"00:00:00:00:00:0C/100", "vlan":"100" }
testResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installHostIntent( main,
@@ -863,10 +900,10 @@
- main.step( "VLAN2: Add inter vlan host intents between h13 and h20" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result different VLAN negative test\n"
- host1 = { "name":"h13" }
- host2 = { "name":"h20" }
+ main.step( "VLAN2: Add vlan host intents between h4 and h13" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result vlan IPV4\n"
+ host1 = { "name":"h5", "vlan":"200" }
+ host2 = { "name":"h12", "vlan":"100" }
testResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installHostIntent( main,
@@ -1105,7 +1142,8 @@
- expectedLink=18)
+ expectedLink=18,
+ useTCP=True)
main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
@@ -1183,25 +1221,57 @@
main.step( "VLAN: Add point intents between h5 and h21" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result for VLAN IPV4 with mac address point intents\n"
senders = [
- { "name":"h5","device":"of:0000000000000005/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:05" }
+ { "name":"h5","device":"of:0000000000000005/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:05", "vlan":"200" }
recipients = [
- { "name":"h21","device":"of:0000000000000007/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:15" }
+ { "name":"h21","device":"of:0000000000000007/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:15", "vlan":"200" }
testResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installPointIntent(
- name="DUALSTACK1",
+ name="VLAN",
- recipients=recipients,
- ethType="IPV4" )
+ recipients=recipients)
if installResult:
testResult = main.intentFunction.testPointIntent(
- name="DUALSTACK1",
+ name="VLAN",
+ senders=senders,
+ recipients=recipients,
+ sw1="s5",
+ sw2="s2",
+ expectedLink=18)
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "VLAN: Add point intents between h5 and h21" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result for VLAN IPV4 point intents with VLAN treatment\n"
+ senders = [
+ { "name":"h4", "vlan":"100" }
+ ]
+ recipients = [
+ { "name":"h21", "vlan":"200" }
+ ]
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ installResult = main.FALSE
+ installResult = main.intentFunction.installPointIntent(
+ main,
+ name="VLAN2",
+ senders=senders,
+ recipients=recipients,
+ setVlan=200)
+ if installResult:
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testPointIntent(
+ main,
+ intentId=installResult,
+ name="VLAN2",
@@ -1433,11 +1503,11 @@
main.step( "VLAN: Add single point to multi point intents" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi point intent with IPV4 type and MAC addresses in the same VLAN\n"
senders = [
- { "name":"h4", "device":"of:0000000000000005/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:04" }
+ { "name":"h4", "device":"of:0000000000000005/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:04", "vlan":"100" }
recipients = [
- { "name":"h12", "device":"of:0000000000000006/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:0C" },
- { "name":"h20", "device":"of:0000000000000007/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:14" }
+ { "name":"h12", "device":"of:0000000000000006/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:0C", "vlan":"100" },
+ { "name":"h20", "device":"of:0000000000000007/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:14", "vlan":"100" }
badSenders=[ { "name":"h13" } ] # Senders that are not in the intent
badRecipients=[ { "name":"h21" } ] # Recipients that are not in the intent
@@ -1445,10 +1515,9 @@
installResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installSingleToMultiIntent(
- name="IPV4",
+ name="VLAN`",
- ethType="IPV4",
@@ -1456,7 +1525,49 @@
testResult = main.intentFunction.testPointIntent(
- name="IPV4",
+ name="VLAN",
+ senders=senders,
+ recipients=recipients,
+ badSenders=badSenders,
+ badRecipients=badRecipients,
+ sw1="s5",
+ sw2="s2",
+ expectedLink=18)
+ else:
+ main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "VLAN: Add single point to multi point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for single to multi point intent with VLAN treatment\n"
+ senders = [
+ { "name":"h5", "vlan":"200" }
+ ]
+ recipients = [
+ { "name":"h12", "device":"of:0000000000000006/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:0C", "vlan":"100" },
+ { "name":"h20", "device":"of:0000000000000007/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:14", "vlan":"100" }
+ ]
+ badSenders=[ { "name":"h13" } ] # Senders that are not in the intent
+ badRecipients=[ { "name":"h21" } ] # Recipients that are not in the intent
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ installResult = main.FALSE
+ installResult = main.intentFunction.installSingleToMultiIntent(
+ main,
+ name="VLAN2",
+ senders=senders,
+ recipients=recipients,
+ sw1="s5",
+ sw2="s2",
+ setVlan=100)
+ if installResult:
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testPointIntent(
+ main,
+ intentId=installResult,
+ name="VLAN2",
@@ -1657,11 +1768,11 @@
main.step( "VLAN: Add multi point to single point intents" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single point intent with IPV4 type and no MAC addresses in the same VLAN\n"
senders = [
- { "name":"h13", "device":"of:0000000000000006/5" },
- { "name":"h21", "device":"of:0000000000000007/5" }
+ { "name":"h13", "device":"of:0000000000000006/5", "vlan":"200" },
+ { "name":"h21", "device":"of:0000000000000007/5", "vlan":"200" }
recipients = [
- { "name":"h5", "device":"of:0000000000000005/5" }
+ { "name":"h5", "device":"of:0000000000000005/5", "vlan":"200" }
badSenders=[ { "name":"h12" } ] # Senders that are not in the intent
badRecipients=[ { "name":"h20" } ] # Recipients that are not in the intent
@@ -1672,7 +1783,6 @@
- ethType="IPV4",
@@ -1696,6 +1806,49 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ # Right now this fails because of this bug:
+ main.step( "VLAN: Add multi point to single point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for multi to single point intent with VLAN ID treatment\n"
+ senders = [
+ { "name":"h13", "device":"of:0000000000000006/5", "vlan":"200" },
+ { "name":"h21", "device":"of:0000000000000007/5", "vlan":"200" }
+ ]
+ recipients = [
+ { "name":"h4", "vlan":"100" }
+ ]
+ badSenders=[ { "name":"h12" } ] # Senders that are not in the intent
+ badRecipients=[ { "name":"h20" } ] # Recipients that are not in the intent
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ installResult = main.FALSE
+ installResult = main.intentFunction.installMultiToSingleIntent(
+ main,
+ name="VLAN2",
+ senders=senders,
+ recipients=recipients,
+ sw1="s5",
+ sw2="s2",
+ setVlan=100)
+ if installResult:
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testPointIntent(
+ main,
+ intentId=installResult,
+ name="VLAN2",
+ senders=senders,
+ recipients=recipients,
+ badSenders=badSenders,
+ badRecipients=badRecipients,
+ sw1="s5",
+ sw2="s2",
+ expectedLink=18)
+ else:
+ main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main )
def CASE5000( self, main ):
@@ -1789,6 +1942,9 @@
Tests Multi to Single Point Intent and Single to Multi Point Intent End Point Failure
+ # At some later point discussion on this behavior in MPSP and SPMP intents
+ # will be reoppened and this test case may need to be updated to reflect
+ # the outcomes of that discussion
if main.initialized == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Test components did not start correctly, skipping further tests" )
@@ -1813,10 +1969,9 @@
main.initialized = main.FALSE
main.skipCase() "Test Multi to Single End Point Failure" )
- main.step( "Installing Multi to Single Point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single \
- point intent end point failure with no options set\n"
+ main.step( "Installing Multi to Single Point intents with no options set" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single " +\
+ "point intent end point failure with no options set\n"
senders = [
{ "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8" },
{ "name":"h24", "device":"of:0000000000000007/8" }
@@ -1862,58 +2017,10 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "IPV4: Add multi point to single point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single \
- point intent end point failure with IPV4 type and MAC addresses\n"
- senders = [
- { "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:10" },
- { "name":"h24", "device":"of:0000000000000007/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:18" }
- ]
- recipients = [
- { "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:08" }
- ]
- isolatedSenders = [
- { "name":"h24"}
- ]
- isolatedRecipients = []
- testResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.intentFunction.installMultiToSingleIntent(
- main,
- name="IPV4",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- ethType="IPV4",
- sw1="s5",
- sw2="s2")
+ main.step( "Installing Multi to Single Point intents with partial failure allowed" )
- if installResult:
- testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
- main,
- intentId=installResult,
- name="IPV4",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- isolatedSenders=isolatedSenders,
- isolatedRecipients=isolatedRecipients,
- sw1="s6",
- sw2="s2",
- sw3="s4",
- sw4="s1",
- sw5="s3",
- expectedLink1=16,
- expectedLink2=14 )
- else:
- main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=testResult,
- onpass=main.assertReturnString,
- onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "IPV4_2: Add multi point to single point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single \
- point intent end point failure with IPV4 type and no MAC addresses\n"
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single " +\
+ "with partial failures allowed\n"
senders = [
{ "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8" },
{ "name":"h24", "device":"of:0000000000000007/8" }
@@ -1929,18 +2036,18 @@
installResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installMultiToSingleIntent(
- name="IPV4_2",
+ name="NOOPTION",
- ethType="IPV4",
- sw2="s2")
+ sw2="s2",
+ partial=True )
if installResult:
testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
- name="IPV4_2",
+ name="NOOPTION",
@@ -1951,56 +2058,8 @@
- expectedLink2=14 )
- else:
- main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=testResult,
- onpass=main.assertReturnString,
- onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "VLAN: Add multi point to single point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 multi to single \
- point intent end point failure with IPV4 type and no MAC addresses in the same VLAN\n"
- senders = [
- { "name":"h13", "device":"of:0000000000000006/5" },
- { "name":"h21", "device":"of:0000000000000007/5" }
- ]
- recipients = [
- { "name":"h5", "device":"of:0000000000000005/5" }
- ]
- isolatedSenders = [
- { "name":"h21"}
- ]
- isolatedRecipients = []
- testResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.intentFunction.installMultiToSingleIntent(
- main,
- name="VLAN",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- ethType="IPV4",
- sw1="s5",
- sw2="s2")
- if installResult:
- testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
- main,
- intentId=installResult,
- name="VLAN",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- isolatedSenders=isolatedSenders,
- isolatedRecipients=isolatedRecipients,
- sw1="s6",
- sw2="s2",
- sw3="s4",
- sw4="s1",
- sw5="s3",
- expectedLink1=16,
- expectedLink2=14 )
+ expectedLink2=14,
+ partial=True )
main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
@@ -2010,8 +2069,8 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
main.step( "NOOPTION: Install and test single point to multi point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi \
- point intent end point failure with no options set\n"
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi " +\
+ "point intent with no options set\n"
senders = [
{ "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8" }
@@ -2021,7 +2080,7 @@
isolatedSenders = []
isolatedRecipients = [
- { "name":"h24" }
+ { "name":"h24"}
testResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.FALSE
@@ -2056,59 +2115,11 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "IPV4: Install and test single point to multi point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi \
- point intent end point failure with IPV4 type and no MAC addresses\n"
- senders = [
- { "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:08" }
- ]
- recipients = [
- { "name":"h16", "device":"of:0000000000000006/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:10" },
- { "name":"h24", "device":"of:0000000000000007/8", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:18" }
- ]
- isolatedSenders = []
- isolatedRecipients = [
- { "name":"h24" }
- ]
- testResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.intentFunction.installSingleToMultiIntent(
- main,
- name="IPV4",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- ethType="IPV4",
- sw1="s5",
- sw2="s2")
- if installResult:
- testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
- main,
- intentId=installResult,
- name="IPV4",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- isolatedSenders=isolatedSenders,
- isolatedRecipients=isolatedRecipients,
- sw1="s6",
- sw2="s2",
- sw3="s4",
- sw4="s1",
- sw5="s3",
- expectedLink1=16,
- expectedLink2=14 )
- else:
- main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=testResult,
- onpass=main.assertReturnString,
- onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "IPV4_2: Add single point to multi point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi\
- point intent endpoint failure with IPV4 type and no MAC addresses\n"
+ # Right now this functionality doesn't work properly in SPMP intents
+ main.step( "NOOPTION: Install and test single point to multi point " +\
+ "intents with partial failures allowed" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi " +\
+ "point intent with partial failures allowed\n"
senders = [
{ "name":"h8", "device":"of:0000000000000005/8" }
@@ -2118,24 +2129,24 @@
isolatedSenders = []
isolatedRecipients = [
- { "name":"h24" }
+ { "name":"h24"}
testResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installSingleToMultiIntent(
- name="IPV4_2",
+ name="NOOPTION",
- ethType="IPV4",
- sw2="s2")
+ sw2="s2",
+ partial=True)
if installResult:
testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
- name="IPV4_2",
+ name="NOOPTION",
@@ -2146,56 +2157,8 @@
- expectedLink2=14 )
- else:
- main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=testResult,
- onpass=main.assertReturnString,
- onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "VLAN: Add single point to multi point intents" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV4 single to multi point\
- intent endpoint failure with IPV4 type and MAC addresses in the same VLAN\n"
- senders = [
- { "name":"h4", "device":"of:0000000000000005/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:04" }
- ]
- recipients = [
- { "name":"h12", "device":"of:0000000000000006/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:0C" },
- { "name":"h20", "device":"of:0000000000000007/4", "mac":"00:00:00:00:00:14" }
- ]
- isolatedSenders = []
- isolatedRecipients = [
- { "name":"h20" }
- ]
- testResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.intentFunction.installSingleToMultiIntent(
- main,
- name="IPV4",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- ethType="IPV4",
- sw1="s5",
- sw2="s2")
- if installResult:
- testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
- main,
- intentId=installResult,
- name="IPV4",
- senders=senders,
- recipients=recipients,
- isolatedSenders=isolatedSenders,
- isolatedRecipients=isolatedRecipients,
- sw1="s6",
- sw2="s2",
- sw3="s4",
- sw4="s1",
- sw5="s3",
- expectedLink1=16,
- expectedLink2=14 )
+ expectedLink2=14,
+ partial=True )
main.CLIs[ 0 ].removeAllIntents( purge=True )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/dependencies/
index dbafffa..1caa472 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintent/dependencies/
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
- sw2=""):
+ sw2="",
+ setVlan="" ):
Installs a Host Intent
@@ -75,8 +76,11 @@
host2[ "id" ] = main.hostsData.get( host2.get( "name" ) ).get( "id" )
# Adding point intent
+ vlanId = host1.get( "vlan" )
intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addHostIntent( hostIdOne=host1.get( "id" ),
- hostIdTwo=host2.get( "id" ) )
+ hostIdTwo=host2.get( "id" ),
+ vlanId=vlanId,
+ setVlan=setVlan )
except (KeyError, TypeError):
errorMsg = "There was a problem loading the hosts data."
if intentId:
@@ -168,6 +172,7 @@
senderNames = [ host1.get( "name" ), host2.get( "name" ) ]
recipientNames = [ host1.get( "name" ), host2.get( "name" ) ]
+ vlanId = host1.get( "vlan" )
testResult = main.TRUE
except (KeyError, TypeError):
@@ -191,7 +196,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connectivity
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Failed\n'
@@ -228,7 +233,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
@@ -266,7 +271,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
@@ -293,7 +298,8 @@
- tcpDst=""):
+ tcpDst="",
+ setVlan=""):
Installs a Single to Single Point Intent
@@ -364,6 +370,8 @@
ipSrc = senders[ 0 ].get( "ip" )
ipDst = recipients[ 0 ].get( "ip" )
+ vlanId = senders[ 0 ].get( "vlan" )
# Adding point intent
intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addPointIntent(
@@ -378,7 +386,9 @@
- tcpDst=tcpDst )
+ tcpDst=tcpDst,
+ vlanId=vlanId,
+ setVlan=setVlan )
except (KeyError, TypeError):
errorMsg = "There was a problem loading the hosts data."
if intentId:
@@ -688,7 +698,9 @@
- sw2=""):
+ sw2="",
+ setVlan="",
+ partial=False ):
Installs a Single to Multi Point Intent
@@ -758,6 +770,7 @@
portEgressList = None
srcMac = senders[ 0 ].get( "mac" )
+ vlanId = senders[ 0 ].get( "vlan" )
# Adding point intent
intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addSinglepointToMultipointIntent(
@@ -773,7 +786,10 @@
- tcpDst="" )
+ tcpDst="",
+ vlanId=vlanId,
+ setVlan=setVlan,
+ partial=partial )
except (KeyError, TypeError):
errorMsg = "There was a problem loading the hosts data."
if intentId:
@@ -800,7 +816,9 @@
- sw2=""):
+ sw2="",
+ setVlan="",
+ partial=False ):
Installs a Multi to Single Point Intent
@@ -869,6 +887,7 @@
portIngressList = None
dstMac = recipients[ 0 ].get( "mac" )
+ vlanId = senders[ 0 ].get( "vlan" )
# Adding point intent
intentId = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addMultipointToSinglepointIntent(
@@ -884,7 +903,10 @@
- tcpDst="" )
+ tcpDst="",
+ vlanId=vlanId,
+ setVlan=setVlan,
+ partial=partial )
except (KeyError, TypeError):
errorMsg = "There was a problem loading the hosts data."
if intentId:
@@ -915,7 +937,8 @@
- expectedLink=0):
+ expectedLink=0,
+ useTCP=False):
Test a Point Intent
@@ -993,6 +1016,7 @@
if not recipient.get( "device" ):
main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+ vlanId = senders[ 0 ].get( "vlan" )
except (KeyError, TypeError):
main.log.error( "There was a problem loading the hosts data." )
return main.FALSE
@@ -1015,7 +1039,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connectivity
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId, useTCP ), attempts=3, sleep=5 ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Failed\n'
@@ -1069,7 +1093,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId, useTCP ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
@@ -1107,7 +1131,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId, useTCP ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Scapy Packet Received Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Scapy Packet Recieved Failed\n'
@@ -1142,7 +1166,8 @@
- expectedLink2=0 ):
+ expectedLink2=0,
+ partial=False ):
Test Single to Multipoint Topology for Endpoint failures
@@ -1195,9 +1220,9 @@
# Check flows count in each node
if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE,
- args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
- retValue=main.FALSE,
- args=[ main ] ):
+ args=[ main ], attempts=5 ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
+ retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=[ main ], attempts=5 ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Intial Flow State Failed\n'
@@ -1265,55 +1290,107 @@
main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Failed\n'
testResult = main.FALSE
- # Check intent state
- if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE,
- args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Intent State Passed\n'
- else:
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Intent State Failed\n'
- testResult = main.FALSE
+ if partial:
+ # Check intent state
+ if utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Intent State Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
- # Check flows count in each node
- if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE,
- args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
- retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Flow State Passed\n'
- else:
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Flow State Failed\n'
- testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=[ main ], attempts=5 ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
+ retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=[ main ], attempts=5 ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Flow State Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
- # Check OnosTopology
- if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, expectedLink2 ) ):
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Topology State Passed\n'
- else:
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Topology State Failed\n'
- testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Check OnosTopology
+ if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, expectedLink2 ) ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Topology State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Topology State Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
- # Check Connectivity
- # First check connectivity of any isolated senders to recipients
- if isolatedSenderNames:
- if scapyCheckConnection( main, isolatedSenderNames, recipientNames, None, None, main.TRUE ):
+ # Check Connectivity
+ # First check connectivity of any isolated senders to recipients
+ if isolatedSenderNames:
+ if scapyCheckConnection( main, isolatedSenderNames, recipientNames, None, None, None, None, main.TRUE ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Next check connectivity of senders to any isolated recipients
+ if isolatedRecipientNames:
+ if scapyCheckConnection( main, senderNames, isolatedRecipientNames, None, None, None, None, main.TRUE ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Next check connectivity of connected senders and recipients
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=( main, connectedSenderNames , connectedRecipientNames ) ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Partial failure isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # Check intent state
+ if not utilities.retry( f=checkIntentState, retValue=main.TRUE,
+ args=( main, [ intentId ] ), sleep=main.checkIntentSleep ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Intent State Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=[ main ], attempts=5 ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
+ retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=[ main ], attempts=5 ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Flow State Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Check OnosTopology
+ if utilities.retry( f=checkTopology, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, expectedLink2 ) ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Topology State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Topology State Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Check Connectivity
+ # First check connectivity of any isolated senders to recipients
+ if isolatedSenderNames:
+ if scapyCheckConnection( main, isolatedSenderNames, recipientNames, None, None, None, None, main.TRUE ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Next check connectivity of senders to any isolated recipients
+ if isolatedRecipientNames:
+ if scapyCheckConnection( main, senderNames, isolatedRecipientNames, None, None, None, None, main.TRUE ):
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
+ testResult = main.FALSE
+ # Next check connectivity of connected senders and recipients
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.TRUE,
+ args=( main, connectedSenderNames , connectedRecipientNames, None, None, None, None, main.TRUE ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
testResult = main.FALSE
- # Next check connectivity of senders to any isolated recipients
- if isolatedRecipientNames:
- if scapyCheckConnection( main, senderNames, isolatedRecipientNames, None, None, main.TRUE ):
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
- else:
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
- testResult = main.FALSE
- # Next check connectivity of connected senders and recipients
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE,
- args=( main, connectedSenderNames , connectedRecipientNames ) ):
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Passed\n'
- else:
- main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation link Down Connectivity Check Failed\n'
- testResult = main.FALSE
# Bring the links back up
# Bring first link up
if utilities.retry( f=link, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, sw1, sw2, "up" ) ):
@@ -1349,8 +1426,9 @@
# Check flows count in each node
if utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsCount, retValue=main.FALSE,
- args=[ main ] ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
- retValue=main.FALSE, args=[ main ] ):
+ args=[ main ], sleep=5, attempts=5 ) and utilities.retry( f=checkFlowsState,
+ retValue=main.FALSE,
+ args=[ main ], sleep=5, attempts=5 ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Failed\n'
@@ -1530,7 +1608,7 @@
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
topologyResult = main.CLIs[ i ].topology()
- statusResult = main.ONOSbench.checkStatus( topologyResult,
+ statusResult = main.CLIs[ i ].checkStatus( topologyResult,
expectedLink )\
and statusResult
@@ -1581,7 +1659,7 @@
def checkFlowsState( main ): itemName + ": Check flows state" )
- checkFlowsResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].checkFlowsState()
+ checkFlowsResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].checkFlowsState( isPENDING=False )
return checkFlowsResult
def link( main, sw1, sw2, option):
@@ -1592,7 +1670,7 @@
linkResult = end1=sw1, end2=sw2, option=option )
return linkResult
-def scapyCheckConnection( main, senders, recipients, packet=None, packetFilter=None, expectFailure=False ):
+def scapyCheckConnection( main, senders, recipients, vlanId=None, useTCP=False, packet=None, packetFilter=None, expectFailure=False ):
Checks the connectivity between all given sender hosts and all given recipient hosts
Packet may be specified. Defaults to Ether/IP packet
@@ -1606,7 +1684,8 @@
if not packetFilter:
packetFilter = 'ether host {}'
+ if useTCP:
+ packetFilter += ' ip proto \\tcp tcp port {}'.format(main.params[ 'SDNIP' ][ 'dstPort' ])
if expectFailure:
timeout = 1
@@ -1631,17 +1710,31 @@
connectionsFunctional = main.FALSE
- recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) )
+ if vlanId:
+ recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = ( "vlan {}".format( vlanId ) + " && " + packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) ) )
+ else:
+ recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) )
if not packet:
- pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
- senderComp.hostMac,
- senderComp.hostIp,
- recipientComp.hostMac,
- recipientComp.hostIp )
+ if vlanId:
+ pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/Dot1Q(vlan={4})/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
+ senderComp.hostMac,
+ senderComp.hostIp,
+ recipientComp.hostMac,
+ recipientComp.hostIp,
+ vlanId )
+ else:
+ pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
+ senderComp.hostMac,
+ senderComp.hostIp,
+ recipientComp.hostMac,
+ recipientComp.hostIp )
pkt = packet
- senderComp.sendPacket( packet = pkt )
+ if vlanId:
+ senderComp.sendPacket( iface=( "{0}-eth0.{1}".format( sender, vlanId ) ), packet = pkt )
+ else:
+ senderComp.sendPacket( packet = pkt )
if recipientComp.checkFilter( timeout ):
if expectFailure:
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.params
index b3d3df3..d91559d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/FUNCintentRest.params
@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@
# 16 - Balance ownership of switches
# 17 - Activate Flow Objectives
# 18 - Stop Mininet
+ # 19 - Copy karaf logs from ONOS nodes to TestON log directory
# 1000 - Test host intents
# 2000 - Test point intents
# 3000 - Test single to multi point intents
# 4000 - Test multi to single point intents
# 5000 - Test host mobility
- <testcases>1,[2,10,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,5000,18]*2,[2,10,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,5000,18]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,5000,18]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,5000,18]*2</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,[2,10,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,5000,18,19]*2,[2,10,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,5000,18,19]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,1000,2000,5000,18,19]*2,[2,11,12,13,15,16,17,1000,2000,5000,18,19]*2</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/
index f48ae3b..51ad5b1 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
main.scapyHostNames = main.params[ 'SCAPY' ][ 'HOSTNAMES' ].split( ',' )
main.scapyHosts = [] # List of scapy hosts for iterating
main.assertReturnString = '' # Assembled assert return string
+ main.cycle = 0 # How many times FUNCintent has run through its tests
main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
print main.ONOSip
@@ -152,6 +153,8 @@
- Connect to cli
+ main.cycle += 1
# main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
main.flowCompiler = "Flow Rules"
@@ -770,6 +773,39 @@
+ def CASE19( self, main ):
+ """
+ Copy the karaf.log files after each testcase cycle
+ """
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Copying the karaf logs to preserve them through" +\
+ "reinstalling ONOS"
+ main.step( "Copying karaf logs" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ scpResult = main.TRUE
+ copyResult = main.TRUE
+ i = 0
+ for cli in main.CLIs2:
+ main.node = cli
+ ip = main.ONOSip[ i ]
+ main.node.ip_address = ip
+ scpResult = scpResult and main.ONOSbench.scp( main.node ,
+ "/opt/onos/log/karaf.log",
+ "/tmp/karaf.log",
+ direction="from" )
+ copyResult = copyResult and main.ONOSbench.cpLogsToDir( "/tmp/karaf.log", main.logdir,
+ copyFileName=( "karaf.log.node{0}.cycle{1}".format( str( i + 1 ), str( main.cycle ) ) ) )
+ if scpResult and copyResult:
+ stepResult = main.TRUE and stepResult
+ else:
+ stepResult = main.FALSE and stepResult
+ i += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully copied remote ONOS logs",
+ onfail="Failed to copy remote ONOS logs" )
def CASE1000( self, main ):
Add host intents between 2 host:
@@ -941,8 +977,8 @@
main.step( "VLAN1: Add vlan host intents between h4 and h12" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result vlan IPV4\n"
- host1 = { "name":"h4","id":"00:00:00:00:00:04/100" }
- host2 = { "name":"h12","id":"00:00:00:00:00:0C/100" }
+ host1 = { "name":"h4","id":"00:00:00:00:00:04/100", "vlanId":"100" }
+ host2 = { "name":"h12","id":"00:00:00:00:00:0C/100", "vlanId":"100" }
testResult = main.FALSE
installResult = main.intentFunction.installHostIntent( main,
@@ -966,32 +1002,33 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
- main.step( "VLAN2: Add inter vlan host intents between h13 and h20" )
- main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result different VLAN negative test\n"
- host1 = { "name":"h13" }
- host2 = { "name":"h20" }
- testResult = main.FALSE
- installResult = main.intentFunction.installHostIntent( main,
- name='VLAN2',
- onosNode='0',
- host1=host1,
- host2=host2 )
+ # This step isn't currently possible to perform in the REST API
+ # main.step( "VLAN2: Add inter vlan host intents between h13 and h20" )
+ # main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result different VLAN negative test\n"
+ # host1 = { "name":"h13" }
+ # host2 = { "name":"h20" }
+ # testResult = main.FALSE
+ # installResult = main.intentFunction.installHostIntent( main,
+ # name='VLAN2',
+ # onosNode='0',
+ # host1=host1,
+ # host2=host2 )
- if installResult:
- testResult = main.intentFunction.testHostIntent( main,
- name='VLAN2',
- intentId = installResult,
- onosNode='0',
- host1=host1,
- host2=host2,
- sw1='s5',
- sw2='s2',
- expectedLink = 18 )
+ # if installResult:
+ # testResult = main.intentFunction.testHostIntent( main,
+ # name='VLAN2',
+ # intentId = installResult,
+ # onosNode='0',
+ # host1=host1,
+ # host2=host2,
+ # sw1='s5',
+ # sw2='s2',
+ # expectedLink = 18 )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=testResult,
- onpass=main.assertReturnString,
- onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ # utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ # actual=testResult,
+ # onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ # onfail=main.assertReturnString )
# Change the following to use the REST API when leader checking is
# supported by it
@@ -1194,7 +1231,8 @@
- expectedLink=18)
+ expectedLink=18,
+ useTCP=True )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -1266,23 +1304,22 @@
main.step( "VLAN: Add point intents between h5 and h21" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result for VLAN IPV4 with mac address point intents\n"
senders = [
- { "name":"h5","device":"of:0000000000000005/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:05" }
+ { "name":"h5","device":"of:0000000000000005/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:05", "vlanId":"200" }
recipients = [
- { "name":"h21","device":"of:0000000000000007/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:15" }
+ { "name":"h21","device":"of:0000000000000007/5","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:15", "vlanId":"200" }
installResult = main.intentFunction.installPointIntent(
- name="DUALSTACK1",
+ name="VLAN",
- recipients=recipients,
- ethType="IPV4" )
+ recipients=recipients )
if installResult:
testResult = main.intentFunction.testPointIntent(
- name="DUALSTACK1",
+ name="VLAN",
@@ -1294,6 +1331,8 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ # TODO: implement VLAN selector REST API intent test once supported
main.step( "1HOP: Add point intents between h1 and h3" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result for 1HOP IPV4 with no mac address point intents\n"
senders = [
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/dependencies/
index 8a48a13..cefb077 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCintentRest/dependencies/
@@ -75,12 +75,14 @@
if not host2.get( "id" ):
main.log.warn( "ID not given for host2 {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( host2.get( "name" ) ) )
host2[ "id" ] = main.hostsData.get( host2.get( "name" ) ).get( "id" )
+ vlanId = host1.get( "vlanId" )
# Adding host intents itemName + ": Adding host intents" )
intent1 = main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addHostIntent( hostIdOne=host1.get( "id" ),
- hostIdTwo=host2.get( "id" ) )
+ hostIdTwo=host2.get( "id" ),
+ vlanId=vlanId )
# Get all intents ID in the system, time delay right after intents are added
time.sleep( main.addIntentSleep )
@@ -175,6 +177,7 @@
senderNames = [ host1.get( "name" ), host2.get( "name" ) ]
recipientNames = [ host1.get( "name" ), host2.get( "name" ) ]
+ vlanId = host1.get( "vlanId" )
except ( KeyError, TypeError ):
main.log.error( "There was a problem loading the hosts data." )
return main.FALSE
@@ -197,7 +200,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connectivity
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Failed\n'
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
@@ -272,7 +275,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
@@ -357,6 +360,7 @@
if not recipient.get( "device" ):
main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+ vlanId = senders[ 0 ].get( "vlanId" )
ingressDevice = senders[ 0 ].get( "device" )
@@ -387,7 +391,8 @@
- tcpDst=tcpDst )
+ tcpDst=tcpDst,
+ vlanId=vlanId )
time.sleep( main.addIntentSleep )
intentsId = main.CLIs[ 0 ].getIntentsId()
@@ -422,7 +427,8 @@
- expectedLink=0):
+ expectedLink=0,
+ useTCP=False ):
Test a Point Intent
@@ -500,6 +506,7 @@
if not recipient.get( "device" ):
main.log.warn( "Device not given for recipient {0}. Loading from main.hostData".format( recipient.get( "name" ) ) )
recipient[ "device" ] = main.hostsData.get( recipient.get( "name" ) ).get( "location" )
+ vlanId=senders[ 0 ].get( "vlanId" )
except (KeyError, TypeError):
main.log.error( "There was a problem loading the hosts data." )
return main.FALSE
@@ -522,7 +529,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connectivity
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId, useTCP ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Ping Failed\n'
@@ -576,7 +583,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId, useTCP ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Pingall Failed\n'
@@ -614,7 +621,7 @@
testResult = main.FALSE
# Check Connection
- if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames ) ):
+ if utilities.retry( f=scapyCheckConnection, retValue=main.FALSE, args=( main, senderNames, recipientNames, vlanId, useTCP ) ):
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Scapy Packet Received Passed\n'
main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Scapy Packet Recieved Failed\n'
@@ -1413,7 +1420,7 @@
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
topologyResult = main.CLIs[ i ].topology()
- statusResult = main.ONOSbench.checkStatus( topologyResult,
+ statusResult = main.CLIs[ i ].checkStatus( topologyResult,
expectedLink )\
and statusResult
@@ -1616,7 +1623,7 @@
main.log.error( "TypeError while populating hostsData" )
return main.FALSE
-def scapyCheckConnection( main, senders, recipients, packet=None, packetFilter=None, expectFailure=False ):
+def scapyCheckConnection( main, senders, recipients, vlanId=None, useTCP=False, packet=None, packetFilter=None, expectFailure=False ):
Checks the connectivity between all given sender hosts and all given recipient hosts
Packet may be specified. Defaults to Ether/IP packet
@@ -1630,7 +1637,8 @@
if not packetFilter:
packetFilter = 'ether host {}'
+ if useTCP:
+ packetFilter += ' ip proto \\tcp tcp port {}'.format(main.params[ 'SDNIP' ][ 'dstPort' ])
if expectFailure:
timeout = 1
@@ -1655,17 +1663,31 @@
connectionsFunctional = main.FALSE
- recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) )
+ if vlanId:
+ recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = ( "vlan {}".format( vlanId ) + " && " + packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) ) )
+ else:
+ recipientComp.startFilter( pktFilter = packetFilter.format( senderComp.hostMac ) )
if not packet:
- pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
- senderComp.hostMac,
- senderComp.hostIp,
- recipientComp.hostMac,
- recipientComp.hostIp )
+ if vlanId:
+ pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/Dot1Q(vlan={4})/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
+ senderComp.hostMac,
+ senderComp.hostIp,
+ recipientComp.hostMac,
+ recipientComp.hostIp,
+ vlanId )
+ else:
+ pkt = 'Ether( src="{0}", dst="{2}" )/IP( src="{1}", dst="{3}" )'.format(
+ senderComp.hostMac,
+ senderComp.hostIp,
+ recipientComp.hostMac,
+ recipientComp.hostIp )
pkt = packet
- senderComp.sendPacket( packet = pkt )
+ if vlanId:
+ senderComp.sendPacket( iface=( "{0}-eth0.{1}".format( sender, vlanId ) ), packet = pkt )
+ else:
+ senderComp.sendPacket( packet = pkt )
if recipientComp.checkFilter( timeout ):
if expectFailure:
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.params
index 58917ba..73a3599 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.params
@@ -2,15 +2,19 @@
# CASE - Description
# 1 - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
# 2 - Install ONOS
- # 11 - Start Mininet with Openflow 1.3 (OpenvSwitch --version more than 2.3.1)
+ # 11 - Start Mininet with Openflow 1.3 (Use OpenvSwitch version more than 2.3.1)
# 12 - Assign switch to controller
+ # 13 - Discover hosts with Mininet Pingall(proto="IPV6")
# 14 - Stop Mininet
+ # 16 - Balance ownership of switches
+ # 1000 - Test host intents
# 2000 - Test Point Intent
# 3000 - Test Single To Multi Point Intent
# 4000 - Test multi to single point intents
# 5000 - Test host mobility
+ # 6000 - Test Multi Point intent End Point Failure
- <testcases>1,2,11,12,13,2000,3000,4000,5000,14</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,2,11,12,13,16,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,14</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 9c49283..450516a
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/
@@ -346,6 +346,21 @@
onpass="Successfully discovered hosts",
onfail="Failed to discover hosts" )
+ def CASE16( self, main ):
+ """
+ Balance Masters
+ """
+ "Balance mastership of switches" )
+ main.step( "Balancing mastership of switches" )
+ balanceResult = main.FALSE
+ balanceResult = utilities.retry( f=main.CLIs[ 0 ].balanceMasters, retValue=main.FALSE, args=[] )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=balanceResult,
+ onpass="Successfully balanced mastership of switches",
+ onfail="Failed to balance mastership of switches" )
def CASE14( self, main ):
Stop mininet
@@ -367,6 +382,130 @@
+ def CASE1000( self, main ):
+ """
+ Add host intents between 2 host:
+ - Discover hosts
+ - Add host intents
+ - Check intents
+ - Verify flows
+ - Ping hosts
+ - Reroute
+ - Link down
+ - Verify flows
+ - Check topology
+ - Ping hosts
+ - Link up
+ - Verify flows
+ - Check topology
+ - Ping hosts
+ - Remove intents
+ """
+ import time
+ import json
+ import re
+ # Assert variables - These variable's name|format must be followed
+ # if you want to use the wrapper function
+ assert main, "There is no main"
+ assert main.CLIs, "There is no main.CLIs"
+ assert main.Mininet1, "Mininet handle should be named Mininet1"
+ assert main.numSwitch, "Placed the total number of switch topology in \
+ main.numSwitch"
+ intentLeadersOld = main.CLIs[ 0 ].leaderCandidates()
+ main.testName = "Host Intents"
+ main.testName + " Test - " + str( main.numCtrls ) +
+ " NODE(S) - OF " + main.OFProtocol )
+ main.caseExplanation = "This test case tests Host intents using " +\
+ str( main.numCtrls ) + " node(s) cluster;\n" +\
+ "Different type of hosts will be tested in " +\
+ "each step such as IPV6, Dual stack, VLAN " +\
+ "etc;\nThe test will use OF " + main.OFProtocol\
+ + " OVS running in Mininet"
+ main.step( "IPV6: Add host intents between h1 and h9" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ stepResult = main.intentFunction.hostIntent( main,
+ name='IPV6',
+ host1='h1',
+ host2='h9',
+ host1Id='00:00:00:00:00:01/-1',
+ host2Id='00:00:00:00:00:09/-1',
+ sw1='s5',
+ sw2='s2',
+ expectedLink=18 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="IPV6: Host intent test successful " +
+ "between two IPV6 hosts",
+ onfail="IPV6: Host intent test failed " +
+ "between two IPV6 hosts")
+ main.step( "DUALSTACK1: Add host intents between h3 and h11" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ stepResult = main.intentFunction.hostIntent( main,
+ name='DUALSTACK',
+ host1='h3',
+ host2='h11',
+ host1Id='00:00:00:00:00:03/-1',
+ host2Id='00:00:00:00:00:0B/-1',
+ sw1='s5',
+ sw2='s2',
+ expectedLink=18 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="DUALSTACK: Host intent test " +
+ "successful between two " +
+ "dual stack host using IPV6",
+ onfail="DUALSTACK: Host intent test " +
+ "failed between two" +
+ "dual stack host using IPV6" )
+ main.step( "1HOP: Add host intents between h1 and h3" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ stepResult = main.intentFunction.hostIntent( main,
+ name='1HOP',
+ host1='h1',
+ host2='h9',
+ host1Id='00:00:00:00:00:01/-1',
+ host2Id='00:00:00:00:00:09/-1')
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="1HOP: Host intent test " +
+ "successful between two " +
+ "host using IPV6 in the same switch",
+ onfail="1HOP: Host intent test " +
+ "failed between two" +
+ "host using IPV6 in the same switch" )
+ main.step( "VLAN: Add vlan host intents between h5 and h24" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ stepResult = main.intentFunction.hostIntent( main,
+ name='VLAN1',
+ host1='h5',
+ host2='h24',
+ host1Id='00:00:00:00:00:05/100',
+ host2Id='00:00:00:00:00:18/100',
+ sw1='s5',
+ sw2='s2',
+ expectedLink=18 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="VLAN: Host intent test " +
+ "successful between two " +
+ "host using IPV6 in the same VLAN",
+ onfail="VLAN1: Host intent test " +
+ "failed between two" +
+ "host using IPV6 in the same VLAN" )
+ main )
def CASE2000( self, main ):
add point intents between 2 hosts:
@@ -586,12 +725,12 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString )
main.step( "1HOP: Add point intents between h1 and h9" )
main.assertReturnString = "Assertion Result for 1HOP IPV6 with no mac address point intents\n"
- stepResult = main.intentFunction.hostIntent( main,
+ stepResult = main.intentFunction.pointIntent( main,
- host1='h1',
- host2='h9',
- host1Id='00:00:00:00:00:01/-1',
- host2Id='00:00:00:00:00:09/-1')
+ host1="h1",
+ host2="h9",
+ deviceId1="of:0000000000000005/1",
+ deviceId2="of:0000000000000006/1")
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -863,3 +1002,221 @@
onfail=main.assertReturnString ) main )
+ def CASE6000( self, main ):
+ """
+ Tests Multi to Single Point Intent and Single to Multi Point Intent End Point Failure
+ """
+ assert main, "There is no main"
+ assert main.CLIs, "There is no main.CLIs"
+ assert main.Mininet1, "Mininet handle should be named Mininet1"
+ assert main.numSwitch, "Placed the total number of switch topology in \
+ main.numSwitch"
+ "Test Multi to Single End Point Failure" )
+ main.step( "NOOPTION: test end point failure for multi point to single point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 multi to single \
+ point intent end point failure with no options set\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h8', 'h17' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/8', 'of:0000000000000007/1' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ name="NOOPTION",
+ test="MultipletoSingle",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "IPV6: test end point failure for multi point to single point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 multi to single \
+ point intent end point failure with IPV6 type and MAC addresses\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h8', 'h9', 'h17' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/8', 'of:0000000000000006/1', 'of:0000000000000007/1' ]
+ macs = [ '00:00:00:00:00:08','00:00:00:00:00:09' ,'00:00:00:00:00:11' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="MultipletoSingle",
+ name="IPV6",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ macs=macs,
+ ethType="IPV6",
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "IPV6_2: test end point faliure for multi point to single point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 multi to single \
+ point intent end point failure with IPV6 type and no MAC addresses\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h8', 'h17' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/8', 'of:0000000000000007/1' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="MultipletoSingle",
+ name="IPV6_2",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ ethType="IPV6",
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "VLAN: test end point failure for multi point to single point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 multi to single \
+ point intent end point failure with IPV6 type and no MAC addresses in the same VLAN\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h5', 'h24' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/5', 'of:0000000000000007/8' ]
+ macs = [ '00:00:00:00:00:05','00:00:00:00:00:18' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="MultipletoSingle",
+ name="VLAN",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ ethType="IPV6",
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ "Test Single to Multiple End Point Failure" )
+ main.step( "NOOPTION: test end point failure for single point to multi point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 single to multi \
+ point intent end point failure with no options set\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h8', 'h17' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/8', 'of:0000000000000007/1' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="SingletoMultiple",
+ name="NOOPTION",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "IPV6: test end point failure for single point to multi point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 single to multi \
+ point intent end point failure with IPV6 type and MAC addresses\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h8', 'h9', 'h17' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/8', 'of:0000000000000006/1', 'of:0000000000000007/1' ]
+ macs = [ '00:00:00:00:00:08','00:00:00:00:00:09' ,'00:00:00:00:00:11' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="SingletoMultiple",
+ name="IPV6",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ ethType="IPV6",
+ macs=macs,
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "IPV6_2: test end point failure for single point to multi point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 single to multi\
+ point intent endpoint failure with IPV6 type and no MAC addresses\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h8', 'h17' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/8', 'of:0000000000000007/1' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="SingletoMultiple",
+ name="IPV6_2",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ ethType="IPV6",
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main.step( "VLAN: test end point failure for single point to multi point intents" )
+ main.assertReturnString = "Assertion results for IPV6 single to multi point\
+ intent endpoint failure with IPV6 type and MAC addresses in the same VLAN\n"
+ hostNames = [ 'h5', 'h24' ]
+ devices = [ 'of:0000000000000005/5', 'of:0000000000000007/8' ]
+ macs = [ '00:00:00:00:00:05','00:00:00:00:00:18' ]
+ testResult = main.TRUE
+ testResult = main.intentFunction.testEndPointFail(
+ main,
+ test="SingletoMultiple",
+ name="IPV6",
+ hostNames=hostNames,
+ devices=devices,
+ macs=macs,
+ ethType="IPV6",
+ sw1="s6",
+ sw2="s2",
+ sw3="s4",
+ sw4="s1",
+ sw5="s3",
+ expectedLink1=16,
+ expectedLink2=14 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=testResult,
+ onpass=main.assertReturnString,
+ onfail=main.assertReturnString )
+ main )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.topo b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.topo
index dd25a2e..3e9369f 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/FUNCipv6Intent.topo
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/dependencies/
index b6d706e..40a125b 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCipv6Intent/dependencies/
@@ -133,11 +133,23 @@
# Check intents state again if first check fails...
if not intentResult:
intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
# Check flows count in each node
- checkFlowsCount( main )
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Failed\n'
# Verify flows
- checkFlowsState( main )
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Failed\n'
# Ping hosts
firstPingResult = main.Mininet1.ping6pair(SRC=hostNames[0], TARGET=main.hostsData[ host2 ][ 'ipAddresses' ][ 0 ])
@@ -391,11 +403,23 @@
# Check intents state again if first check fails...
if not intentResult:
intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
# Check flows count in each node
- checkFlowsCount( main )
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Failed\n'
# Verify flows
- checkFlowsState( main )
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Failed\n'
# Ping hosts
pingTemp = ping6allHosts( main, hostNames )
@@ -671,14 +695,25 @@
# Check intents state again if first check fails...
if not intentResult:
intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
# Check flows count in each node
- checkFlowsCount( main )
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Failed\n'
# Verify flows
- checkFlowsState( main )
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Failed\n'
- # Run iperf to both host
+ # Run iperf to both host
iperfTemp = main.Mininet1.iperftcpipv6( host1,host2 )
iperfResult = iperfResult and iperfTemp
if iperfTemp:
@@ -893,7 +928,7 @@
main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'mac' )
ipDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'ipAddresses' )
pingResult = main.TRUE
intentResult = main.TRUE
removeIntentResult = main.TRUE
@@ -946,7 +981,7 @@
tcpDst="" ) )
# Check intents state
time.sleep( main.checkIntentSleep )
intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
@@ -954,11 +989,23 @@
# Check intents state again if first check fails...
if not intentResult:
intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
# Check flows count in each node
- checkFlowsCount( main )
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Failed\n'
# Verify flows
- checkFlowsState( main )
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Failed\n'
firstPingResult = main.Mininet1.ping6pair(SRC=hostNames[0], TARGET=main.hostsData[ hostNames[1] ][ 'ipAddresses' ][0])
if not firstPingResult:
@@ -1140,6 +1187,7 @@
expectedLink - Expected link when the switches are down, it should
be two links lower than the links before the two
switches are down
+ Note - Don't use more than 2 hosts for MultiToSingle Intent with no mac address option.
assert main, "There is no main variable"
@@ -1236,11 +1284,23 @@
# Check intents state again if first check fails...
if not intentResult:
intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
# Check flows count in each node
- checkFlowsCount( main )
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Failed\n'
# Verify flows
- checkFlowsState( main )
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Failed\n'
# Ping hosts...
pingTemp = ping6allHosts( main, hostNames )
@@ -1349,6 +1409,376 @@
return stepResult
+def testEndPointFail( main,
+ name,
+ test="",
+ hostNames="",
+ devices="",
+ macs="",
+ ports="",
+ onosNode=0,
+ ethType="",
+ bandwidth="",
+ lambdaAlloc=False,
+ ipProto="",
+ ipAddresses="",
+ tcp="",
+ sw1="",
+ sw2="",
+ sw3="",
+ sw4="",
+ sw5="",
+ expectedLink1=0,
+ expectedLink2=0 ):
+ """
+ Test Multipoint Topology for Endpoint failures
+ """
+ assert main, "There is no main variable"
+ assert hostNames, "You must specify hosts"
+ assert devices or main.hostsData, "You must specify devices"
+ global itemName
+ itemName = name
+ tempHostsData = {}
+ intentsId = []
+ onosNode = int( onosNode )
+ macsDict = {}
+ ipDict = {}
+ if hostNames and devices:
+ if len( hostNames ) != len( devices ):
+ main.log.debug( "hosts and devices does not have the same length" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ if ports:
+ if len( ports ) != len( devices ):
+ main.log.error( "Ports and devices does " +
+ "not have the same length" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ else:
+ "Device Ports are not specified" )
+ if macs:
+ for i in range( len( devices ) ):
+ macsDict[ devices[ i ] ] = macs[ i ]
+ elif hostNames and not devices and main.hostsData:
+ devices = []
+ "multiIntent function is using main.hostsData" )
+ for host in hostNames:
+ devices.append( main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) )
+ macsDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
+ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'mac' )
+ ipDict[ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'location' ) ] = \
+ main.hostsData.get( host ).get( 'ipAddresses' )
+ pingResult = main.TRUE
+ intentResult = main.TRUE
+ removeIntentResult = main.TRUE
+ flowResult = main.TRUE
+ topoResult = main.TRUE
+ linkDownResult = main.TRUE
+ linkUpResult = main.TRUE
+ devicesCopy = copy.copy( devices )
+ if ports:
+ portsCopy = copy.copy( ports )
+ itemName + ": Adding intents" )
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if test=="MultipletoSingle":
+ for i in range( len( devices ) ):
+ egressDevice = devicesCopy[ i ]
+ ingressDeviceList = copy.copy( devicesCopy )
+ ingressDeviceList.remove( egressDevice )
+ if ports:
+ portEgress = portsCopy[ i ]
+ portIngressList = copy.copy( portsCopy )
+ del portIngressList[ i ]
+ else:
+ portEgress = ""
+ portIngressList = None
+ if not macsDict:
+ dstMac = ""
+ else:
+ dstMac = macsDict[ egressDevice ]
+ if dstMac == None:
+ main.log.debug( "There is no MAC in device - " + egressDevice )
+ dstMac = ""
+ intentsId.append(
+ main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addMultipointToSinglepointIntent(
+ ingressDeviceList=ingressDeviceList,
+ egressDevice=egressDevice,
+ portIngressList=portIngressList,
+ portEgress=portEgress,
+ ethType=ethType,
+ ethDst=dstMac,
+ bandwidth=bandwidth,
+ lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
+ ipProto=ipProto,
+ ipSrc="",
+ ipDst="",
+ tcpSrc="",
+ tcpDst="" ) )
+ elif test=="SingletoMultiple":
+ for i in range( len( devices ) ):
+ ingressDevice = devicesCopy[ i ]
+ egressDeviceList = copy.copy( devicesCopy )
+ egressDeviceList.remove( ingressDevice )
+ if ports:
+ portIngress = portsCopy[ i ]
+ portEgressList = copy.copy( portsCopy )
+ del portEgressList[ i ]
+ else:
+ portIngress = ""
+ portEgressList = None
+ if not macsDict:
+ srcMac = ""
+ else:
+ srcMac = macsDict[ ingressDevice ]
+ if srcMac == None:
+ main.log.debug( "There is no MAC in device - " + ingressDevice )
+ srcMac = ""
+ intentsId.append(
+ main.CLIs[ onosNode ].addSinglepointToMultipointIntent(
+ ingressDevice=ingressDevice,
+ egressDeviceList=egressDeviceList,
+ portIngress=portIngress,
+ portEgressList=portEgressList,
+ ethType=ethType,
+ ethSrc=srcMac,
+ bandwidth=bandwidth,
+ lambdaAlloc=lambdaAlloc,
+ ipProto=ipProto,
+ ipSrc="",
+ ipDst="",
+ tcpSrc="",
+ tcpDst="" ) )
+ else:
+"Invalid test Name - Type either SingletoMultiple or MultipletoSingle")
+ return main.FALSE
+ # Check intents state
+ time.sleep( main.checkIntentSleep )
+ intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ # Check intents state again if first check fails...
+ if not intentResult:
+ intentResult = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Intent State Failed\n'
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow Count Failed\n'
+ # Verify flows
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Flow State Failed\n'
+ # Ping hosts...
+ pingTemp = ping6allHosts( main, hostNames )
+ pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
+ if pingTemp:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Initial Pingall Failed\n'
+ # Test rerouting if these variables exist
+ if sw1 and sw2 and sw3 and sw4 and sw5 and expectedLink1 and expectedLink2:
+ # Take two links down
+ # Take first link down
+ linkDownResult1 = link( main, sw1, sw2, "down" )
+ if linkDownResult1:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'First Link Down Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'First Link Down Failed\n'
+ # Take second link down
+ linkDownResult2 = link( main, sw3, sw4, "down" )
+ if linkDownResult2:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Second Link Down Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Second Link Down Failed\n'
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow Count Failed\n'
+ # Verify flows
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Flow State Failed\n'
+ # Check OnosTopology
+ topoResult = checkTopology( main, expectedLink1 )
+ if topoResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
+ # Ping hosts
+ pingTemp = ping6allHosts( main, hostNames )
+ pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
+ if pingTemp:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Ping6all Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Ping6all Failed\n'
+ # Check intent state
+ intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
+ if intentTemp:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
+ # Take third link down to isolate the node
+ linkDownResult3 = link( main, sw3, sw5, "down" )
+ if linkDownResult3:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Third Link Down Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Third Link Down Failed\n'
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Flow Count Failed\n'
+ # Verify flows
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Flow State Failed\n'
+ # Check OnosTopology
+ topoResult = checkTopology( main, expectedLink2 )
+ if topoResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Topology State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Topology State Failed\n'
+ # Ping hosts after isolation
+"Ping will fail if the node is isolated correctly.It will ping only after bringing up the isolation link")
+ pingIsolation = ping6allHosts( main, hostNames )
+ if pingIsolation:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Ping6all Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Ping6all Failed\n'
+ # Check intent state after isolation
+"Intent will be in FAILED state if the node is isolated correctly.It will be in INSTALLED state only after bringing up isolation link")
+ intentIsolation = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ if intentIsolation:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Isolation Link Down Intent State Failed\n'
+ linkDownResult = linkDownResult1 and linkDownResult2 and linkDownResult3
+ # Checks ONOS state in link down
+ if linkDownResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
+ itemName + ": Successfully brought link down" )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link down" )
+ # Bring the links back up
+ # Bring first link up
+ linkUpResult1 = link( main, sw1, sw2, "up" )
+ if linkUpResult1:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'First Link Up Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'First Link Up Failed\n'
+ # Bring second link up
+ linkUpResult2 = link( main, sw3, sw4, "up" )
+ if linkUpResult2:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Second Link Up Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Second Link Up Failed\n'
+ # Bring third link up
+ linkUpResult3 = link( main, sw3, sw5, "up" )
+ if linkUpResult3:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Third Link Up Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Third Link Up Failed\n'
+ linkUpResult = linkUpResult1 and linkUpResult2 and linkUpResult3
+ time.sleep( main.rerouteSleep )
+ # Check flows count in each node
+ FlowResult = checkFlowsCount( main )
+ if FlowResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow Count Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow Count Failed\n'
+ # Verify flows
+ StateResult = checkFlowsState( main )
+ if StateResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Flow State Failed\n'
+ # Check OnosTopology
+ topoResult = checkTopology( main, main.numLinks )
+ if topoResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Topology State Failed\n'
+ # Ping hosts
+ pingTemp = ping6allHosts( main, hostNames )
+ pingResult = pingResult and pingTemp
+ if pingTemp:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Pingall Failed\n'
+ # Check Intents
+ intentTemp = checkIntentState( main, intentsId )
+ intentResult = intentResult and intentTemp
+ if intentTemp:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Passed\n'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Link Up Intent State Failed\n'
+ # Checks ONOS state in link up
+ if linkUpResult and topoResult and pingResult and intentResult:
+ itemName + ": Successfully brought link back up" )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( itemName + ": Failed to bring link back up" )
+ # Remove all intents
+ removeIntentResult = removeAllIntents( main, intentsId )
+ if removeIntentResult:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Passed'
+ else:
+ main.assertReturnString += 'Remove Intents Failed'
+ testResult = pingResult and linkDownResult and linkUpResult \
+ and intentResult and removeIntentResult
+ return testResult
def ping6allHosts( main, hostList ):
# Ping all host in the hosts list variable "Pinging: " + str( hostList ) )
@@ -1415,7 +1845,7 @@
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
topologyResult = main.CLIs[ i ].topology()
- statusResult = main.ONOSbench.checkStatus( topologyResult,
+ statusResult = main.CLIs[ i ].checkStatus( topologyResult,
expectedLink )\
and statusResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/FUNCnetCfg.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/FUNCnetCfg.params
index bf5fbac..373f007 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/FUNCnetCfg.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/FUNCnetCfg.params
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
# 22 - Add NetCfgs for discovered devices
# 23 - Check NetCfgs after all devices are connected and NetCfgs are set
# 24 - Remove NetCfgs
+ # 25 - Move network-cfg.json to onos directory for prebuild configurations
+ # 26 - Check that prebuild configurations are correct
- <testcases>1,2,20,11,21,22,23,24</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,25,2,20,11,26,21,22,23,24</testcases>
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@
- <switch>4</switch>
+ <switch>6</switch>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/
index 34bc72b..0f8812a 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
main.log.error( "Did not properly created list of ONOS handle" )
stepResult = main.FALSE
except Exception as e:
- main.log.exception(e)
+ main.log.exception( e )
@@ -194,19 +194,18 @@
onosIsUp = main.TRUE
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- onosIsUp = onosIsUp and main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- if onosIsUp == main.TRUE:
- "ONOS instance is up and ready" )
- else:
- "ONOS instance may not be up, stop and " +
- "start ONOS again " )
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+ isUp = main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ onosIsUp = onosIsUp and isUp
+ if isUp == main.TRUE:
+ "ONOS instance {0} is up and ready".format( i + 1 ) )
+ else:
+ "ONOS instance {0} may not be up, stop and ".format( i + 1 ) +
+ "start ONOS again " )
stopResult = stopResult and \
main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
startResult = startResult and \
main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- stepResult = onosIsUp and stopResult and startResult
+ stepResult = onosIsUp and stopResult and startResult
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS service is ready",
@@ -334,7 +333,7 @@
main.step( "Starting Mininet topology with OF 1.3 switches" )
args = "--controller none --switch ovs,protocols=OpenFlow13"
- switches = int( main.params['MININET']['switch'] )
+ switches = int( main.params[ 'MININET' ][ 'switch' ] )
cmd = "mn --topo linear,{} {}".format( switches, args )
topoResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( mnCmd = cmd )
stepResult = topoResult
@@ -486,12 +485,15 @@
devices = main.ONOSrest1.devices()
main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest1.pprint( devices ) )
allowedDevices = [ "of:{}".format( str( i ).zfill( 16 ) ) for i in [ 1, 2, 4 ] ]
- print allowedDevices
+ main.log.debug( allowedDevices )
onosDevices = []
- for sw in json.loads( devices ):
- onosDevices.append( str( sw['id'] ) )
- onosDevices.sort()
- print onosDevices
+ try:
+ for sw in json.loads( devices ):
+ onosDevices.append( str( sw['id'] ) )
+ onosDevices.sort()
+ main.log.debug( onosDevices )
+ except( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.error( "Problem loading devices" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=allowedDevices,
onpass="Only allowed devices are in ONOS",
@@ -500,15 +502,19 @@
main.step( "Check device annotations" )
keys = [ 'name', 'owner', 'rackAddress' ]
- for sw in json.loads( devices ):
- if "of:0000000000000001" in sw['id']:
- s1Correct = True
- for k in keys:
- if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( main.s1Json[k] ):
- s1Correct = False
- main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on s1".format( k ) )
- if not s1Correct:
- main.log.error( "Annotations for s1 are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
+ try:
+ for sw in json.loads( devices ):
+ if "of:0000000000000001" in sw['id']:
+ s1Correct = True
+ for k in keys:
+ if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( main.s1Json[k] ):
+ s1Correct = False
+ main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on s1".format( k ) )
+ if not s1Correct:
+ main.log.error( "Annotations for s1 are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
+ except( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.error( "Problem loading devices" )
+ s1Correct = False
stepResult = s1Correct
except NameError:
@@ -611,12 +617,15 @@
main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest1.pprint( devices ) )
allowedDevices = [ "of:{}".format( str( i ).zfill( 16 ) ) for i in [ 1, 2 ] ]
onosDevices = []
- for sw in json.loads( devices ):
- onosDevices.append( str( sw.get( 'id' ) ) )
- onosDevices.sort()
- failMsg = "ONOS devices doesn't match the list of allowed devices.\n"
- failMsg += "Expected devices: {}\nActual devices: {}".format( allowedDevices,
- onosDevices )
+ try:
+ for sw in json.loads( devices ):
+ onosDevices.append( str( sw.get( 'id' ) ) )
+ onosDevices.sort()
+ failMsg = "ONOS devices doesn't match the list of allowed devices.\n"
+ failMsg += "Expected devices: {}\nActual devices: {}".format( allowedDevices,
+ onosDevices )
+ except( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.error( "Problem loading devices" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=allowedDevices,
onpass="Only allowed devices are in ONOS",
@@ -624,23 +633,27 @@
main.step( "Check device annotations" )
keys = [ 'name', 'owner', 'rackAddress' ]
- for sw in json.loads( devices ):
- if "of:0000000000000001" in sw.get( 'id' ):
- s1Correct = True
- for k in keys:
- if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( main.s1Json[k] ):
- s1Correct = False
- main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on s1".format( k ) )
- if not s1Correct:
- main.log.error( "Annotations for s1 are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
- elif "of:0000000000000002" in sw['id']:
- s2Correct = True
- for k in keys:
- if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( main.s2Json[k] ):
- s2Correct = False
- main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on s2".format( k ) )
- if not s2Correct:
- main.log.error( "Annotations for s2 are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
+ try:
+ for sw in json.loads( devices ):
+ if "of:0000000000000001" in sw.get( 'id' ):
+ s1Correct = True
+ for k in keys:
+ if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( main.s1Json[k] ):
+ s1Correct = False
+ main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on s1".format( k ) )
+ if not s1Correct:
+ main.log.error( "Annotations for s1 are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
+ elif "of:0000000000000002" in sw['id']:
+ s2Correct = True
+ for k in keys:
+ if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( main.s2Json[k] ):
+ s2Correct = False
+ main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on s2".format( k ) )
+ if not s2Correct:
+ main.log.error( "Annotations for s2 are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
+ except( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.error( "Problem loading devices" )
+ stepResult = False
stepResult = s1Correct and s2Correct
except NameError:
@@ -758,3 +771,59 @@
onpass="Successfully removed device config",
onfail="Failed to remove device config" )
+ def CASE25( self, main ):
+ """
+ Use network-cfg.json to configure devices during ONOS startup
+ """
+ "Preparing network-cfg.json to load configurations" )
+ main.step( "Moving network-cfg.json to $ONOS_ROOT/tools/package/config/" )
+ prestartResult = main.TRUE
+ srcPath = "~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/dependencies/network-cfg.json"
+ dstPath = "~/onos/tools/package/config/network-cfg.json"
+ prestartResult = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.ONOSbench, srcPath, dstPath, direction="to" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=prestartResult,
+ onpass="Successfully copied network-cfg.json to target directory",
+ onfail="Failed to copy network-cfg.json to target directory" )
+ def CASE26( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check to see that pre-startup configurations were set correctly
+ """
+ import json
+ "Check to see if the pre-startup configurations were set, then remove their allowed status" )
+ main.step( "Checking configurations for Switches 5 and 6" )
+ main.step( "ONOS should only show devices S1, S2, S4, S5, and S6" )
+ devices = main.ONOSrest1.devices()
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest1.pprint( devices ) )
+ allowedDevices = [ "of:{}".format( str( i ).zfill( 16 ) ) for i in [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 ] ]
+ main.log.debug( allowedDevices )
+ onosDevices = []
+ try:
+ for sw in json.loads( devices ):
+ onosDevices.append( str( sw['id'] ) )
+ onosDevices.sort()
+ main.log.debug( onosDevices )
+ except( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.error( "Problem loading devices" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=allowedDevices,
+ actual=onosDevices,
+ onpass="Only allowed devices are in ONOS",
+ onfail="ONOS devices doesn't match the list" +
+ " of allowed devices" )
+ main.step( "Removing allowed status from Switches 5 and 6" )
+ main.s5Json = { "allowed": False }
+ main.s6Json = { "allowed": False }
+ s5Json = main.s5Json
+ setS1 = main.ONOSrest1.setNetCfg( s5Json,
+ subjectClass="devices",
+ subjectKey="of:0000000000000005",
+ configKey="basic" )
+ s6Json = main.s6Json
+ setS1 = main.ONOSrest1.setNetCfg( s6Json,
+ subjectClass="devices",
+ subjectKey="of:0000000000000006",
+ configKey="basic" )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/dependencies/network-cfg.json b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/dependencies/network-cfg.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92f647a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetCfg/dependencies/network-cfg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "devices": {
+ "of:0000000000000005": {
+ "allowed": true
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000006": {
+ "allowed": true
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/FUNCnetconf.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/FUNCnetconf.params
index fc296cc..f5339f2 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/FUNCnetconf.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/FUNCnetconf.params
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
# CASE - Description
# 1 - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
# 2 - Install ONOS
+ # 19 - Copy karaf logs from ONOS nodes to TestON log directory
# 100 - Ensure netconf app is running
# 200 - Create or modify a configuration file
# 300 - Push a configuration file to bring up a device
# 400 - Bring down a device (not yet possible)
- <testcases>1,[2,100,200,300]*2</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,[2,100,200,300,19]*2</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/
index ddd1cd8..518ce68 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
main.configName = main.params[ 'CONFIGURE' ][ 'cfgName' ]
main.configPass = main.params[ 'CONFIGURE' ][ 'cfgPass' ]
main.configPort = main.params[ 'CONFIGURE' ][ 'cfgAppPort' ]
+ main.cycle = 0 # How many times FUNCintent has run through its tests
gitPull = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'pull' ]
main.cellData = {} # for creating cell file
@@ -139,6 +140,8 @@
- Connect to cli
+ main.cycle += 1
# main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
@@ -254,6 +257,39 @@
# Remove the first element in main.scale list
main.scale.remove( main.scale[ 0 ] )
+ def CASE19( self, main ):
+ """
+ Copy the karaf.log files after each testcase cycle
+ """
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Copying the karaf logs to preserve them through" +\
+ "reinstalling ONOS"
+ main.step( "Copying karaf logs" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ scpResult = main.TRUE
+ copyResult = main.TRUE
+ i = 0
+ for cli in main.CLIs2:
+ main.node = cli
+ ip = main.ONOSip[ i ]
+ main.node.ip_address = ip
+ scpResult = scpResult and main.ONOSbench.scp( main.node ,
+ "/opt/onos/log/karaf.log",
+ "/tmp/karaf.log",
+ direction="from" )
+ copyResult = copyResult and main.ONOSbench.cpLogsToDir( "/tmp/karaf.log", main.logdir,
+ copyFileName=( "karaf.log.node{0}.cycle{1}".format( str( i + 1 ), str( main.cycle ) ) ) )
+ if scpResult and copyResult:
+ stepResult = main.TRUE and stepResult
+ else:
+ stepResult = main.FALSE and stepResult
+ i += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully copied remote ONOS logs",
+ onfail="Failed to copy remote ONOS logs" )
def CASE100( self, main ):
Start NETCONF app and OFC-Server or make sure that they are already running
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/dependencies/
index 631bd84..a97b2eb 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCnetconf/dependencies/
@@ -89,13 +89,11 @@
This function prepares the command needed to upload the configuration
file to the REST API
- ip = main.ONOSip[0]
- port = 8181
url = "/network/configuration"
method = "POST"
data = main.cfgJson
configResult = main.FALSE
- sendResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].send( ip=ip, port=port, url=url, method=method, data=data )
+ sendResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].send( url=url, method=method, data=data ) "Device configuration request response code: " + str( sendResult[ 0 ] ) )
if ( 200 <= sendResult[ 0 ] <= 299):
configResult = main.TRUE
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/FUNCoptical.params b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/FUNCoptical.params
index a906f12..50bb652 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/FUNCoptical.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/FUNCoptical.params
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@
# 10 - Start Mininet opticalTest Topology
# 14 - Stop Mininet
# 17 - Activate Flow Objectives
+ # 19 - Copy karaf logs from ONOS nodes to TestON log directory
# 21 - Run pingall to discover all hosts
# 22 - Send arpings to discover all hosts
# 23 - Compare ONOS Topology to Mininet Topology
# 31 - Add and test bidirectional point intents
# 32 - Add and test bidirectional host intents
- <testcases>1,[2,10,21,22,23,31,32,14,2,10,21,22,23,31,32,14]*1,[2,10,17,21,22,23,31,32,14,2,10,17,21,22,23,31,32,14]*1</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,[2,10,21,22,23,31,32,14,19,2,10,21,22,23,31,32,14,19]*1,[2,10,17,21,22,23,31,32,14,19,2,10,17,21,22,23,31,32,14,19]*1</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/
index ab4d3d0..65c731b 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
main.ONOSip = [] # List of IPs of active ONOS nodes. CASE 2
main.activeONOSip = []
main.assertReturnString = '' # Assembled assert return string
+ main.cycle = 0 # How many times FUNCintent has run through its tests
main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
@@ -124,6 +125,8 @@
- Connect to cli
+ main.cycle += 1
# main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
main.flowCompiler = "Flow Rules"
@@ -203,24 +206,22 @@
onosIsUp = main.TRUE
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- onosIsUp = onosIsUp and main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- if onosIsUp == main.TRUE:
- "ONOS instance is up and ready" )
- else:
- "ONOS instance may not be up, stop and " +
- "start ONOS again " )
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- stopResult = stopResult and \
- main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- startResult = startResult and \
- main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ isUp = main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ onosIsUp = onosIsUp and isUp
+ if isUp == main.TRUE:
+ "ONOS instance {0} is up and ready".format( i + 1 ) )
+ else:
+ "ONOS instance {0} may not be up, stop and ".format( i + 1 ) +
+ "start ONOS again " )
+ stopResult = stopResult and main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ startResult = startResult and main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ if not startResult or stopResult:
+ "ONOS instance {0} did not start correctly.".format( i + 1) )
stepResult = onosIsUp and stopResult and startResult
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- onpass="ONOS service is ready",
- onfail="ONOS service did not start properly" )
+ onpass="ONOS service is ready on all nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS service did not start properly on all nodes" )
main.step( "Start ONOS cli" )
cliResult = main.TRUE
@@ -304,6 +305,39 @@
onpass="Successfully activated Flow Objectives",
onfail="Failed to activate Flow Objectives" )
+ def CASE19( self, main ):
+ """
+ Copy the karaf.log files after each testcase cycle
+ """
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ "Copy karaf logs" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Copying the karaf logs to preserve them through" +\
+ "reinstalling ONOS"
+ main.step( "Copying karaf logs" )
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ scpResult = main.TRUE
+ copyResult = main.TRUE
+ i = 0
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ main.node = cli
+ ip = main.ONOSip[ i ]
+ main.node.ip_address = ip
+ scpResult = scpResult and main.ONOSbench.scp( main.node ,
+ "/opt/onos/log/karaf.log",
+ "/tmp/karaf.log",
+ direction="from" )
+ copyResult = copyResult and main.ONOSbench.cpLogsToDir( "/tmp/karaf.log", main.logdir,
+ copyFileName=( "karaf.log.node{0}.cycle{1}".format( str( i + 1 ), str( main.cycle ) ) ) )
+ if scpResult and copyResult:
+ stepResult = main.TRUE and stepResult
+ else:
+ stepResult = main.FALSE and stepResult
+ i += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully copied remote ONOS logs",
+ onfail="Failed to copy remote ONOS logs" )
def CASE21( self,main ):
Run pingall to discover all hosts
@@ -311,7 +345,7 @@ "Running Pingall" )
main.caseExplanation = "Use pingall to discover all hosts. Pingall is expected to fail."
main.step( "Discover Hosts through Pingall" )
- pingResult = main.LincOE.pingall( timeout = 600 )
+ pingResult = main.LincOE.pingall( timeout = 120 )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.FALSE,
diff --git a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/dependencies/
index 377fd20..1d45f62 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/FUNC/FUNCoptical/dependencies/
@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
topologyResult = main.CLIs[ i ].topology()
- statusResult = main.ONOSbench.checkStatus( topologyResult,
+ statusResult = main.CLIs[ i ].checkStatus( topologyResult,
expectedLink )\
and statusResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.params b/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.params
index 28b1e9b..a77e100 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/HAclusterRestart.params
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
#CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
#CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
- <testcases>1,2,8,3,8,4,5,14,16,17,[6],8,3,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,2,8,21,3,8,4,5,14,16,17,[6],8,3,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/
index c229b03..69f094d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAclusterRestart/
@@ -261,12 +261,11 @@
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
- if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -1680,8 +1679,9 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
- if consistentClustersResult != main.TRUE:
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
main.log.debug( clusters )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
@@ -1853,7 +1853,8 @@
for i in range( 10 ):
ready = True
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
output = cli.summary()
if not output:
ready = False
@@ -1874,7 +1875,8 @@
# Rerun for election on restarted nodes
runResults = main.TRUE
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
run = cli.electionTestRun()
if run != main.TRUE:
main.log.error( "Error running for election on " + )
@@ -2554,6 +2556,8 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
# there should always only be one cluster
@@ -4211,6 +4215,9 @@
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/HAfullNetPartition.params b/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/HAfullNetPartition.params
index 478bff1..eb758d2 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/HAfullNetPartition.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/HAfullNetPartition.params
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
#CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
#CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
- <testcases>1,[2,8,3,4,5,14,16,17]*1,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,[2,8,21,3,4,5,14,16,17]*1,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/
index dd1e1fb..a48a460 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAfullNetPartition/
@@ -286,12 +286,11 @@
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
- if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -1682,8 +1681,9 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
- if consistentClustersResult != main.TRUE:
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
main.log.debug( clusters )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
@@ -2540,6 +2540,8 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
# there should always only be one cluster
@@ -4199,6 +4201,9 @@
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/HAkillNodes.params b/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/HAkillNodes.params
index d2eb635..dd035f5 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/HAkillNodes.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/HAkillNodes.params
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
#CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
#CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
- <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,14,16,17,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,2,8,21,3,4,5,14,16,17,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/
index 52a242c..6fb4d6c 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAkillNodes/
@@ -297,12 +297,11 @@
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
- if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -1702,8 +1701,9 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
- if consistentClustersResult != main.TRUE:
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
main.log.debug( clusters )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
@@ -2575,6 +2575,8 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
# there should always only be one cluster
@@ -4234,6 +4236,9 @@
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAsanity/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAsanity/
index 3c77dd0..aa66574 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAsanity/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAsanity/
@@ -262,12 +262,11 @@
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
- if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -1668,8 +1667,9 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
- if consistentClustersResult != main.TRUE:
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
main.log.debug( clusters )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
@@ -2476,6 +2476,8 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
# there should always only be one cluster
@@ -4135,6 +4137,9 @@
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/HAscaling.params b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/HAscaling.params
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388f432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/HAscaling.params
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ #CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+ #CASE2: Assign devices to controllers
+ #CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers
+ #CASE3: Assign intents
+ #CASE4: Ping across added host intents
+ #CASE5: Reading state of ONOS
+ #CASE6: The Failure case.
+ #CASE7: Check state after control plane failure
+ #CASE8: Compare topo
+ #CASE9: Link s3-s28 down
+ #CASE10: Link s3-s28 up
+ #CASE11: Switch down
+ #CASE12: Switch up
+ #CASE13: Clean up
+ #CASE14: start election app on all onos nodes
+ #CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ #CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
+ #CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+ <testcases>1,2,8,21,3,8,4,5,14,16,17,[6,8,7,4,15,17]*9,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+ <scaling>1,3b,5b,7b,7,7b,5b,3b,1</scaling>
+ <server>
+ <port>8000</port>
+ <interface>eth0</interface>
+ </server>
+ <apps></apps>
+ <ONOS_Configuration>
+ <>
+ <useFlowObjectives>true</useFlowObjectives>
+ </>
+ </ONOS_Configuration>
+ <ENV>
+ <cellName>HA</cellName>
+ <appString>drivers,openflow,proxyarp,mobility</appString>
+ </ENV>
+ <Git> False </Git>
+ <branch> master </branch>
+ <num_controllers> 7 </num_controllers>
+ <tcpdump> False </tcpdump>
+ <CTRL>
+ <port1>6653</port1>
+ <port2>6653</port2>
+ <port3>6653</port3>
+ <port4>6653</port4>
+ <port5>6653</port5>
+ <port6>6653</port6>
+ <port7>6653</port7>
+ </CTRL>
+ <PING>
+ <source1>h8</source1>
+ <source2>h9</source2>
+ <source3>h10</source3>
+ <source4>h11</source4>
+ <source5>h12</source5>
+ <source6>h13</source6>
+ <source7>h14</source7>
+ <source8>h15</source8>
+ <source9>h16</source9>
+ <source10>h17</source10>
+ <target1></target1>
+ <target2></target2>
+ <target3></target3>
+ <target4></target4>
+ <target5></target5>
+ <target6></target6>
+ <target7></target7>
+ <target8></target8>
+ <target9></target9>
+ <target10></target10>
+ </PING>
+ <timers>
+ <LinkDiscovery>12</LinkDiscovery>
+ <SwitchDiscovery>12</SwitchDiscovery>
+ <gossip>5</gossip>
+ </timers>
+ <kill>
+ <switch> s5 </switch>
+ <dpid> 0000000000005000 </dpid>
+ <links> h5 s2 s1 s6 </links>
+ </kill>
+ <MNtcpdump>
+ <intf>eth0</intf>
+ <port> </port>
+ <folder>~/packet_captures/</folder>
+ </MNtcpdump>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2064f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/
@@ -0,0 +1,4296 @@
+Description: This test is to determine if ONOS can handle
+ dynamic scaling of the cluster size.
+List of test cases:
+CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+CASE2: Assign devices to controllers
+CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers
+CASE3: Assign intents
+CASE4: Ping across added host intents
+CASE5: Reading state of ONOS
+CASE6: The scaling case.
+CASE7: Check state after control plane failure
+CASE8: Compare topo
+CASE9: Link s3-s28 down
+CASE10: Link s3-s28 up
+CASE11: Switch down
+CASE12: Switch up
+CASE13: Clean up
+CASE14: start election app on all onos nodes
+CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
+CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+class HAscaling:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ def CASE1( self, main ):
+ """
+ CASE1 is to compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+ Startup sequence:
+ cell <name>
+ onos-verify-cell
+ NOTE: temporary - onos-remove-raft-logs
+ onos-uninstall
+ start mininet
+ git pull
+ mvn clean install
+ onos-package
+ onos-install -f
+ onos-wait-for-start
+ start cli sessions
+ start tcpdump
+ """
+ import time
+ import os
+ import re
+ "ONOS HA test: Restart all ONOS nodes - " +
+ "initialization" )
+ "Setting up test environment" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Setup the test environment including " +\
+ "installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOS" +\
+ "cli sessions."
+ # load some variables from the params file
+ PULLCODE = False
+ if main.params[ 'Git' ] == 'True':
+ gitBranch = main.params[ 'branch' ]
+ cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+ main.numCtrls = int( main.params[ 'num_controllers' ] )
+ if main.ONOSbench.maxNodes:
+ if main.ONOSbench.maxNodes < main.numCtrls:
+ main.numCtrls = int( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes )
+ # set global variables
+ # These are for csv plotting in jenkins
+ global labels
+ global data
+ labels = []
+ data = []
+ try:
+ from tests.HA.dependencies.HA import HA
+ main.HA = HA()
+ from tests.HA.HAscaling.dependencies.Server import Server
+ main.Server = Server()
+ except Exception as e:
+ main.log.exception( e )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.CLIs = []
+ main.nodes = []
+ ipList = []
+ for i in range( 1, main.numCtrls + 1 ):
+ try:
+ main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli' + str( i ) ) )
+ main.nodes.append( getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str( i ) ) )
+ ipList.append( main.nodes[ -1 ].ip_address )
+ except AttributeError:
+ break
+ main.step( "Create cell file" )
+ cellAppString = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'appString' ]
+ main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( main.ONOSbench.ip_address, cellName,
+ main.Mininet1.ip_address,
+ cellAppString, ipList )
+ main.step( "Applying cell variable to environment" )
+ cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cellResult,
+ onpass="Set cell successfull",
+ onfail="Failled to set cell" )
+ main.step( "Verify connectivity to cell" )
+ verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=verifyResult,
+ onpass="Verify cell passed",
+ onfail="Failled to verify cell" )
+ # FIXME:this is short term fix
+ "Removing raft logs" )
+ main.ONOSbench.onosRemoveRaftLogs()
+ "Uninstalling ONOS" )
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( node.ip_address )
+ # Make sure ONOS is DEAD
+ "Killing any ONOS processes" )
+ killResults = main.TRUE
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ killed = main.ONOSbench.onosKill( node.ip_address )
+ killResults = killResults and killed
+ main.step( "Setup server for cluster metadata file" )
+ port = main.params['server']['port']
+ rootDir = os.path.dirname( main.testFile ) + "/dependencies"
+ main.log.debug( "Root dir: {}".format( rootDir ) )
+ status = main.Server.start( main.ONOSbench,
+ rootDir,
+ port=port,
+ logDir=main.logdir + "/server.log" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=status,
+ onpass="Server started",
+ onfail="Failled to start SimpleHTTPServer" )
+ main.step( "Generate initial metadata file" )
+ main.scaling = main.params['scaling'].split( "," )
+ main.log.debug( main.scaling )
+ scale = main.scaling.pop(0)
+ main.log.debug( scale)
+ if "e" in scale:
+ equal = True
+ else:
+ equal = False
+ main.log.debug( equal)
+ main.numCtrls = int( "\d+", scale ).group(0) )
+ genResult = main.Server.generateFile( main.numCtrls, equal=equal )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=genResult,
+ onpass="New cluster metadata file generated",
+ onfail="Failled to generate new metadata file" )
+ cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ gitPullResult = main.TRUE
+ main.step( "Starting Mininet" )
+ # scp topo file to mininet
+ # TODO: move to params?
+ topoName = ""
+ filePath = main.ONOSbench.home + "/tools/test/topos/"
+ main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1,
+ filePath + topoName,
+ main.Mininet1.home,
+ direction="to" )
+ mnResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=mnResult,
+ onpass="Mininet Started",
+ onfail="Error starting Mininet" )
+ main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + gitBranch )
+ main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( gitBranch )
+ gitPullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+ # values of 1 or 3 are good
+ utilities.assert_lesser( expect=0, actual=gitPullResult,
+ onpass="Git pull successful",
+ onfail="Git pull failed" )
+ main.ONOSbench.getVersion( report=True )
+ main.step( "Using mvn clean install" )
+ cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ if PULLCODE and gitPullResult == main.TRUE:
+ cleanInstallResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Did not pull new code so skipping mvn " +
+ "clean install" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cleanInstallResult,
+ onpass="MCI successful",
+ onfail="MCI failed" )
+ # NOTE: important params here:
+ # job = name of Jenkins job
+ # Plot Name = Plot-HA, only can be used if multiple plots
+ # index = The number of the graph under plot name
+ job = "HAscaling"
+ plotName = "Plot-HA"
+ index = "0"
+ graphs = '<ac:structured-macro ac:name="html">\n'
+ graphs += '<ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[\n'
+ graphs += '<iframe src="' + job +\
+ '/plot/' + plotName + '/getPlot?index=' + index +\
+ '&width=500&height=300"' +\
+ 'noborder="0" width="500" height="300" scrolling="yes" ' +\
+ 'seamless="seamless"></iframe>\n'
+ graphs += ']]></ac:plain-text-body>\n'
+ graphs += '</ac:structured-macro>\n'
+ main.step( "Copying backup config files" )
+ path = "~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service"
+ cp = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.ONOSbench,
+ path,
+ path + ".backup",
+ direction="to" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cp,
+ onpass="Copy backup config file succeeded",
+ onfail="Copy backup config file failed" )
+ # we need to modify the onos-service file to use remote metadata file
+ # url for cluster metadata file
+ iface = main.params['server'].get( 'interface' )
+ ip = main.ONOSbench.getIpAddr( iface=iface )
+ metaFile = "cluster.json"
+ javaArgs = r"-Donos.cluster.metadata.uri=http:\/\/{}:{}\/{}".format( ip, port, metaFile )
+ main.log.warn( javaArgs )
+ main.log.warn( repr( javaArgs ) )
+ handle = main.ONOSbench.handle
+ sed = r"sed -i 's/bash/bash\nexport JAVA_OPTS=${{JAVA_OPTS:-{}}}\n/' {}".format( javaArgs, path )
+ main.log.warn( sed )
+ main.log.warn( repr( sed ) )
+ handle.sendline( sed )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ main.log.debug( repr( handle.before ) )
+ main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+ packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=packageResult,
+ onpass="ONOS package successful",
+ onfail="ONOS package failed" )
+ main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
+ onosInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes ):
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ options = "-f"
+ if i >= main.numCtrls:
+ options = "-nf" # Don't start more than the current scale
+ tmpResult = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( options=options,
+ node=node.ip_address )
+ onosInstallResult = onosInstallResult and tmpResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosInstallResult,
+ onpass="ONOS install successful",
+ onfail="ONOS install failed" )
+ # Cleanup custom onos-service file
+ main.ONOSbench.scp( main.ONOSbench,
+ path + ".backup",
+ path,
+ direction="to" )
+ main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
+ for i in range( 2 ):
+ onosIsupResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ started = main.ONOSbench.isup( node.ip_address )
+ if not started:
+ main.log.error( + " hasn't started" )
+ onosIsupResult = onosIsupResult and started
+ if onosIsupResult == main.TRUE:
+ break
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosIsupResult,
+ onpass="ONOS startup successful",
+ onfail="ONOS startup failed" )
+ main.log.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
+ cliResults = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli,
+ name="startOnosCli-" + str( i ),
+ args=[main.nodes[i].ip_address] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ cliResults = cliResults and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
+ onpass="ONOS cli startup successful",
+ onfail="ONOS cli startup failed" )
+ # Create a list of active nodes for use when some nodes are stopped
+ main.activeNodes = [ i for i in range( 0, main.numCtrls ) ]
+ if main.params[ 'tcpdump' ].lower() == "true":
+ main.step( "Start Packet Capture MN" )
+ main.Mininet2.startTcpdump(
+ str( main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'folder' ] ) + str( main.TEST )
+ + "-MN.pcap",
+ intf=main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'intf' ],
+ port=main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'port' ] )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
+ nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
+ False,
+ args=[main.activeNodes],
+ attempts=5 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
+ onpass="Nodes check successful",
+ onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
+ if not nodeResults:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(
+ cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
+ main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.step( "Activate apps defined in the params file" )
+ # get data from the params
+ apps = main.params.get( 'apps' )
+ if apps:
+ apps = apps.split(',')
+ main.log.warn( apps )
+ activateResult = True
+ for app in apps:
+ main.CLIs[ 0 ].app( app, "Activate" )
+ # TODO: check this worked
+ time.sleep( 10 ) # wait for apps to activate
+ for app in apps:
+ state = main.CLIs[ 0 ].appStatus( app )
+ if state == "ACTIVE":
+ activateResult = activateResult and True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "{} is in {} state".format( app, state ) )
+ activateResult = False
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=activateResult,
+ onpass="Successfully activated apps",
+ onfail="Failed to activate apps" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No apps were specified to be loaded after startup" )
+ main.step( "Set ONOS configurations" )
+ config = main.params.get( 'ONOS_Configuration' )
+ if config:
+ main.log.debug( config )
+ checkResult = main.TRUE
+ for component in config:
+ for setting in config[component]:
+ value = config[component][setting]
+ check = main.CLIs[ 0 ].setCfg( component, setting, value )
+ "Value was changed? {}".format( main.TRUE == check ) )
+ checkResult = check and checkResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=checkResult,
+ onpass="Successfully set config",
+ onfail="Failed to set config" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No configurations were specified to be changed after startup" )
+ main.step( "App Ids check" )
+ appCheck = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].appToIDCheck,
+ name="appToIDCheck-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ appCheck = appCheck and t.result
+ if appCheck != main.TRUE:
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].apps() )
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].appIDs() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck,
+ onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
+ onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
+ def CASE2( self, main ):
+ """
+ Assign devices to controllers
+ """
+ import re
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Assigning devices to controllers" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Assign switches to ONOS using 'ovs-vsctl' " +\
+ "and check that an ONOS node becomes the " +\
+ "master of the device."
+ main.step( "Assign switches to controllers" )
+ ipList = []
+ for i in range( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes ):
+ ipList.append( main.nodes[ i ].ip_address )
+ swList = []
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ):
+ swList.append( "s" + str( i ) )
+ main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=swList, ip=ipList )
+ mastershipCheck = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ):
+ response = main.Mininet1.getSwController( "s" + str( i ) )
+ try:
+ str( response ) )
+ except Exception:
+ repr( response ) )
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ if "tcp:" + node.ip_address, response ):
+ mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error, node " + node.ip_address + " is " +
+ "not in the list of controllers s" +
+ str( i ) + " is connecting to." )
+ mastershipCheck = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=mastershipCheck,
+ onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
+ onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers" )
+ def CASE21( self, main ):
+ """
+ Assign mastership to controllers
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Assigning Controller roles for switches" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Check that ONOS is connected to each " +\
+ "device. Then manually assign" +\
+ " mastership to specific ONOS nodes using" +\
+ " 'device-role'"
+ main.step( "Assign mastership of switches to specific controllers" )
+ # Manually assign mastership to the controller we want
+ roleCall = main.TRUE
+ ipList = [ ]
+ deviceList = []
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ try:
+ # Assign mastership to specific controllers. This assignment was
+ # determined for a 7 node cluser, but will work with any sized
+ # cluster
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ): # switches 1 through 28
+ # set up correct variables:
+ if i == 1:
+ c = 0
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS1
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "1000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 2:
+ c = 1 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS2
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "2000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 3:
+ c = 1 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS2
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "3000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 4:
+ c = 3 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS4
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "3004" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 5:
+ c = 2 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS3
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "5000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 6:
+ c = 2 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS3
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "6000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 7:
+ c = 5 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS6
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "6007" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
+ c = 4 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS5
+ dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( dpid ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
+ c = 6 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS7
+ dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( dpid ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 28:
+ c = 0
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS1
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "2800" ).get( 'id' )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "You didn't write an else statement for " +
+ "switch s" + str( i ) )
+ roleCall = main.FALSE
+ # Assign switch
+ assert deviceId, "No device id for s" + str( i ) + " in ONOS"
+ # TODO: make this controller dynamic
+ roleCall = roleCall and onosCli.deviceRole( deviceId, ip )
+ ipList.append( ip )
+ deviceList.append( deviceId )
+ except ( AttributeError, AssertionError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Something is wrong with ONOS device view" )
+ onosCli.devices() )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=roleCall,
+ onpass="Re-assigned switch mastership to designated controller",
+ onfail="Something wrong with deviceRole calls" )
+ main.step( "Check mastership was correctly assigned" )
+ roleCheck = main.TRUE
+ # NOTE: This is due to the fact that device mastership change is not
+ # atomic and is actually a multi step process
+ time.sleep( 5 )
+ for i in range( len( ipList ) ):
+ ip = ipList[i]
+ deviceId = deviceList[i]
+ # Check assignment
+ master = onosCli.getRole( deviceId ).get( 'master' )
+ if ip in master:
+ roleCheck = roleCheck and main.TRUE
+ else:
+ roleCheck = roleCheck and main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Error, controller " + ip + " is not" +
+ " master " + "of device " +
+ str( deviceId ) + ". Master is " +
+ repr( master ) + "." )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=roleCheck,
+ onpass="Switches were successfully reassigned to designated " +
+ "controller",
+ onfail="Switches were not successfully reassigned" )
+ def CASE3( self, main ):
+ """
+ Assign intents
+ """
+ import time
+ import json
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ try:
+ labels
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "labels not defined, setting to []" )
+ labels = []
+ try:
+ data
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "data not defined, setting to []" )
+ data = []
+ # NOTE: we must reinstall intents until we have a persistant intent
+ # datastore!
+ "Adding host Intents" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Discover hosts by using pingall then " +\
+ "assign predetermined host-to-host intents." +\
+ " After installation, check that the intent" +\
+ " is distributed to all nodes and the state" +\
+ # install onos-app-fwd
+ main.step( "Install reactive forwarding app" )
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ installResults = onosCli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=installResults,
+ onpass="Install fwd successful",
+ onfail="Install fwd failed" )
+ main.step( "Check app ids" )
+ appCheck = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].appToIDCheck,
+ name="appToIDCheck-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ appCheck = appCheck and t.result
+ if appCheck != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.warn( onosCli.apps() )
+ main.log.warn( onosCli.appIDs() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck,
+ onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
+ onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
+ main.step( "Discovering Hosts( Via pingall for now )" )
+ # FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
+ pingResult = main.FALSE
+ passMsg = "Reactive Pingall test passed"
+ time1 = time.time()
+ pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ time2 = time.time()
+ if not pingResult:
+ main.log.warn("First pingall failed. Trying again...")
+ pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ passMsg += " on the second try"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=pingResult,
+ onpass= passMsg,
+ onfail="Reactive Pingall failed, " +
+ "one or more ping pairs failed" )
+ "Time for pingall: %2f seconds" %
+ ( time2 - time1 ) )
+ # timeout for fwd flows
+ time.sleep( 11 )
+ # uninstall onos-app-fwd
+ main.step( "Uninstall reactive forwarding app" )
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ uninstallResult = main.CLIs[node].deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=uninstallResult,
+ onpass="Uninstall fwd successful",
+ onfail="Uninstall fwd failed" )
+ main.step( "Check app ids" )
+ threads = []
+ appCheck2 = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].appToIDCheck,
+ name="appToIDCheck-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ appCheck2 = appCheck2 and t.result
+ if appCheck2 != main.TRUE:
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].apps() )
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].appIDs() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck2,
+ onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
+ onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
+ main.step( "Add host intents via cli" )
+ intentIds = []
+ # TODO: move the host numbers to params
+ # Maybe look at all the paths we ping?
+ intentAddResult = True
+ hostResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ "Adding host intent between h" + str( i ) +
+ " and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ host1 = "00:00:00:00:00:" + \
+ str( hex( i )[ 2: ] ).zfill( 2 ).upper()
+ host2 = "00:00:00:00:00:" + \
+ str( hex( i + 10 )[ 2: ] ).zfill( 2 ).upper()
+ # NOTE: getHost can return None
+ host1Dict = onosCli.getHost( host1 )
+ host2Dict = onosCli.getHost( host2 )
+ host1Id = None
+ host2Id = None
+ if host1Dict and host2Dict:
+ host1Id = host1Dict.get( 'id', None )
+ host2Id = host2Dict.get( 'id', None )
+ if host1Id and host2Id:
+ nodeNum = ( i % len( main.activeNodes ) )
+ node = main.activeNodes[nodeNum]
+ tmpId = main.CLIs[node].addHostIntent( host1Id, host2Id )
+ if tmpId:
+ "Added intent with id: " + tmpId )
+ intentIds.append( tmpId )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "addHostIntent returned: " +
+ repr( tmpId ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error, getHost() failed for h" + str( i ) +
+ " and/or h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ hosts = main.CLIs[node].hosts()
+ main.log.warn( "Hosts output: " )
+ try:
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( hosts ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( hosts ) )
+ hostResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=hostResult,
+ onpass="Found a host id for each host",
+ onfail="Error looking up host ids" )
+ intentStart = time.time()
+ onosIds = onosCli.getAllIntentsId()
+ "Submitted intents: " + str( intentIds ) )
+ "Intents in ONOS: " + str( onosIds ) )
+ for intent in intentIds:
+ if intent in onosIds:
+ pass # intent submitted is in onos
+ else:
+ intentAddResult = False
+ if intentAddResult:
+ intentStop = time.time()
+ else:
+ intentStop = None
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ installedCheck = True
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents" )
+ # add submitted intents not in the store
+ tmplist = [ i for i, s in intentStates ]
+ missingIntents = False
+ for i in intentIds:
+ if i not in tmplist:
+ intentStates.append( ( i, " - " ) )
+ missingIntents = True
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ try:
+ missing = False
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ missing = True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ # Check all nodes
+ if missing:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ response = main.CLIs[i].leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( main.CLIs[i].name ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ intentAddResult = bool( intentAddResult and not missingIntents and
+ installedCheck )
+ if not intentAddResult:
+ main.log.error( "Error in pushing host intents to ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Intent Anti-Entropy dispersion" )
+ for j in range(100):
+ correct = True
+ "Submitted intents: " + str( sorted( intentIds ) ) )
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ onosIds = []
+ ids = main.CLIs[i].getAllIntentsId()
+ onosIds.append( ids )
+ main.log.debug( "Intents in " + main.CLIs[i].name + ": " +
+ str( sorted( onosIds ) ) )
+ if sorted( ids ) != sorted( intentIds ):
+ main.log.warn( "Set of intent IDs doesn't match" )
+ correct = False
+ break
+ else:
+ intents = json.loads( main.CLIs[i].intents() )
+ for intent in intents:
+ if intent[ 'state' ] != "INSTALLED":
+ main.log.warn( "Intent " + intent[ 'id' ] +
+ " is " + intent[ 'state' ] )
+ correct = False
+ break
+ if correct:
+ break
+ else:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if not intentStop:
+ intentStop = time.time()
+ global gossipTime
+ gossipTime = intentStop - intentStart
+ "It took about " + str( gossipTime ) +
+ " seconds for all intents to appear in each node" )
+ append = False
+ title = "Gossip Intents"
+ count = 1
+ while append is False:
+ curTitle = title + str( count )
+ if curTitle not in labels:
+ labels.append( curTitle )
+ data.append( str( gossipTime ) )
+ append = True
+ else:
+ count += 1
+ gossipPeriod = int( main.params['timers']['gossip'] )
+ maxGossipTime = gossipPeriod * len( main.activeNodes )
+ utilities.assert_greater_equals(
+ expect=maxGossipTime, actual=gossipTime,
+ onpass="ECM anti-entropy for intents worked within " +
+ "expected time",
+ onfail="Intent ECM anti-entropy took too long. " +
+ "Expected time:{}, Actual time:{}".format( maxGossipTime,
+ gossipTime ) )
+ if gossipTime <= maxGossipTime:
+ intentAddResult = True
+ if not intentAddResult or "key" in pendingMap:
+ import time
+ installedCheck = True
+ "Sleeping 60 seconds to see if intents are found" )
+ time.sleep( 60 )
+ onosIds = onosCli.getAllIntentsId()
+ "Submitted intents: " + str( intentIds ) )
+ "Intents in ONOS: " + str( onosIds ) )
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents" )
+ # add submitted intents not in the store
+ tmplist = [ i for i, s in intentStates ]
+ for i in intentIds:
+ if i not in tmplist:
+ intentStates.append( ( i, " - " ) )
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ try:
+ missing = False
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ # check for election
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ # FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
+ topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ missing = True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ # Check all nodes
+ if missing:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.CLIs[i]
+ response = node.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ def CASE4( self, main ):
+ """
+ Ping across added host intents
+ """
+ import json
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Verify connectivity by sending traffic across Intents" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Ping across added host intents to check " +\
+ "functionality and check the state of " +\
+ "the intent"
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ main.step( "Check Intent state" )
+ installedCheck = False
+ loopCount = 0
+ while not installedCheck and loopCount < 40:
+ installedCheck = True
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents." )
+ # Print states
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ if not installedCheck:
+ time.sleep( 1 )
+ loopCount += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=installedCheck,
+ onpass="Intents are all INSTALLED",
+ onfail="Intents are not all in " +
+ "INSTALLED state" )
+ main.step( "Ping across added host intents" )
+ PingResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost( src="h" + str( i ),
+ target="h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ PingResult = PingResult and ping
+ if ping == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( "Ping failed between h" + str( i ) +
+ " and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ elif ping == main.TRUE:
+ "Ping test passed!" )
+ # Don't set PingResult or you'd override failures
+ if PingResult == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ # TODO: pretty print
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents: " )
+ try:
+ tmpIntents = onosCli.intents()
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( tmpIntents ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( tmpIntents ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=PingResult,
+ onpass="Intents have been installed correctly and pings work",
+ onfail="Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ main.step( "Check leadership of topics" )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ topicCheck = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ # check for election
+ # TODO: Look at Devices as topics now that it uses this system
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ # FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
+ # FIXME: topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ # Print leaders output
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ topicCheck = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ topicCheck = main.FALSE
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ topicCheck = main.FALSE
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ # TODO: Check for a leader of these topics
+ # Check all nodes
+ if topicCheck:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.CLIs[i]
+ response = node.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topicCheck,
+ onpass="intent Partitions is in leaders",
+ onfail="Some topics were lost " )
+ # Print partitions
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ # Print Pending Map
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ if not installedCheck:
+ "Waiting 60 seconds to see if the state of " +
+ "intents change" )
+ time.sleep( 60 )
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents." )
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ try:
+ missing = False
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ # check for election
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ # FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
+ topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ missing = True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ if missing:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.CLIs[i]
+ response = node.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ # Print flowrules
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].flows( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.step( "Wait a minute then ping again" )
+ # the wait is above
+ PingResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost( src="h" + str( i ),
+ target="h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ PingResult = PingResult and ping
+ if ping == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( "Ping failed between h" + str( i ) +
+ " and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ elif ping == main.TRUE:
+ "Ping test passed!" )
+ # Don't set PingResult or you'd override failures
+ if PingResult == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ # TODO: pretty print
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents: " )
+ try:
+ tmpIntents = onosCli.intents()
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( tmpIntents ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( tmpIntents ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=PingResult,
+ onpass="Intents have been installed correctly and pings work",
+ onfail="Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ def CASE5( self, main ):
+ """
+ Reading state of ONOS
+ """
+ import json
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Setting up and gathering data for current state" )
+ # The general idea for this test case is to pull the state of
+ # ( intents,flows, topology,... ) from each ONOS node
+ # We can then compare them with each other and also with past states
+ main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
+ global mastershipState
+ mastershipState = '[]'
+ # Assert that each device has a master
+ rolesNotNull = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].rolesNotNull,
+ name="rolesNotNull-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ rolesNotNull = rolesNotNull and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=rolesNotNull,
+ onpass="Each device has a master",
+ onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned" )
+ main.step( "Get the Mastership of each switch from each controller" )
+ ONOSMastership = []
+ consistentMastership = True
+ rolesResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].roles,
+ name="roles-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSMastership.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSMastership ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSMastership[i] or "Error" in ONOSMastership[i]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " roles" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " mastership response: " +
+ repr( ONOSMastership[i] ) )
+ rolesResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=rolesResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading roles output",
+ onfail="Error in reading roles from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in roles from each controller" )
+ if all([ i == ONOSMastership[ 0 ] for i in ONOSMastership ] ):
+ "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentMastership = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentMastership,
+ onpass="Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of switch roles" )
+ if rolesResults and not consistentMastership:
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ try:
+ main.log.warn(
+ "ONOS" + node + " roles: ",
+ json.dumps(
+ json.loads( ONOSMastership[ i ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( ONOSMastership[ i ] ) )
+ elif rolesResults and consistentMastership:
+ mastershipState = ONOSMastership[ 0 ]
+ main.step( "Get the intents from each controller" )
+ global intentState
+ intentState = []
+ ONOSIntents = []
+ consistentIntents = True # Are Intents consistent across nodes?
+ intentsResults = True # Could we read Intents from ONOS?
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].intents,
+ name="intents-" + str( i ),
+ args=[],
+ kwargs={ 'jsonFormat': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSIntents.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSIntents ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSIntents[ i ] or "Error" in ONOSIntents[ i ]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " intents" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " intents response: " +
+ repr( ONOSIntents[ i ] ) )
+ intentsResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=intentsResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading intents output",
+ onfail="Error in reading intents from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in Intents from each controller" )
+ if all([ sorted( i ) == sorted( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ) for i in ONOSIntents ] ):
+ "Intents are consistent across all ONOS " +
+ "nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentIntents = False
+ main.log.error( "Intents not consistent" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentIntents,
+ onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents" )
+ if intentsResults:
+ # Try to make it easy to figure out what is happening
+ #
+ # Intent ONOS1 ONOS2 ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ title = " Id"
+ for n in main.activeNodes:
+ title += " " * 10 + "ONOS" + str( n + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( title )
+ # get all intent keys in the cluster
+ keys = []
+ try:
+ # Get the set of all intent keys
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ keys.append( intent.get( 'id' ) )
+ keys = set( keys )
+ # For each intent key, print the state on each node
+ for key in keys:
+ row = "%-13s" % key
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ if intent.get( 'id', "Error" ) == key:
+ row += "%-15s" % intent.get( 'state' )
+ main.log.warn( row )
+ # End of intent state table
+ except ValueError as e:
+ main.log.exception( e )
+ main.log.debug( "nodeStr was: " + repr( nodeStr ) )
+ if intentsResults and not consistentIntents:
+ # print the json objects
+ n = str( main.activeNodes[-1] + 1 )
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS" + n + " intents: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[ -1 ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSIntents ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if ONOSIntents[ i ] != ONOSIntents[ -1 ]:
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS" + node + " intents: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[i] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS" + node + " intents match ONOS" +
+ n + " intents" )
+ elif intentsResults and consistentIntents:
+ intentState = ONOSIntents[ 0 ]
+ main.step( "Get the flows from each controller" )
+ global flowState
+ flowState = []
+ ONOSFlows = []
+ ONOSFlowsJson = []
+ flowCheck = main.FALSE
+ consistentFlows = True
+ flowsResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].flows,
+ name="flows-" + str( i ),
+ args=[],
+ kwargs={ 'jsonFormat': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ # NOTE: Flows command can take some time to run
+ time.sleep(30)
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ result = t.result
+ ONOSFlows.append( result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSFlows ) ):
+ num = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSFlows[ i ] or "Error" in ONOSFlows[ i ]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + num + " flows" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + num + " flows response: " +
+ repr( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ flowsResults = False
+ ONOSFlowsJson.append( None )
+ else:
+ try:
+ ONOSFlowsJson.append( json.loads( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ # FIXME: change this to log.error?
+ main.log.exception( "Error in parsing ONOS" + num +
+ " response as json." )
+ main.log.error( repr( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ ONOSFlowsJson.append( None )
+ flowsResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=flowsResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading flows output",
+ onfail="Error in reading flows from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in Flows from each controller" )
+ tmp = [ len( i ) == len( ONOSFlowsJson[ 0 ] ) for i in ONOSFlowsJson ]
+ if all( tmp ):
+ "Flow count is consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentFlows = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentFlows,
+ onpass="The flow count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different flow counts" )
+ if flowsResults and not consistentFlows:
+ for i in range( len( ONOSFlows ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ try:
+ main.log.warn(
+ "ONOS" + node + " flows: " +
+ json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSFlows[i] ), sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4, separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " flows: " +
+ repr( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ elif flowsResults and consistentFlows:
+ flowCheck = main.TRUE
+ flowState = ONOSFlows[ 0 ]
+ main.step( "Get the OF Table entries" )
+ global flows
+ flows = []
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ):
+ flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( "s" + str( i ), version="1.3", debug=False ) )
+ if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
+ for table in flows:
+ main.log.warn( table )
+ # TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
+ main.step( "Start continuous pings" )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source1' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target1' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source2' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target2' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source3' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target3' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source4' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target4' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source5' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target5' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source6' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target6' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source7' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target7' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source8' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target8' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source9' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target9' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source10' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target10' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.step( "Collecting topology information from ONOS" )
+ devices = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].devices,
+ name="devices-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ devices.append( t.result )
+ hosts = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].hosts,
+ name="hosts-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ try:
+ hosts.append( json.loads( t.result ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ # FIXME: better handling of this, print which node
+ # Maybe use thread name?
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing json output of hosts" )
+ main.log.warn( repr( t.result ) )
+ hosts.append( None )
+ ports = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].ports,
+ name="ports-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ports.append( t.result )
+ links = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].links,
+ name="links-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ links.append( t.result )
+ clusters = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].clusters,
+ name="clusters-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ clusters.append( t.result )
+ # Compare json objects for hosts and dataplane clusters
+ # hosts
+ main.step( "Host view is consistent across ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if hosts[ controller ] == hosts[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # hosts not consistent
+ main.log.error( "hosts from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ main.log.warn( repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts response: " +
+ repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentHostsResult,
+ onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts" )
+ main.step( "Each host has an IP address" )
+ ipResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ]:
+ for host in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if not host.get( 'ipAddresses', [ ] ):
+ main.log.error( "Error with host ips on controller" +
+ controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
+ ipResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=ipResult,
+ onpass="The ips of the hosts aren't empty",
+ onfail="The ip of at least one host is missing" )
+ # Strongly connected clusters of devices
+ main.step( "Cluster view is consistent across ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if "Error" not in clusters[ controller ]:
+ if clusters[ controller ] == clusters[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # clusters not consistent
+ main.log.error( "clusters from ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting dataplane clusters " +
+ "from ONOS" + controllerStr )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " clusters response: " +
+ repr( clusters[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentClustersResult,
+ onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
+ # there should always only be one cluster
+ main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
+ try:
+ numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
+ repr( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
+ numClusters = "ERROR"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=1,
+ actual=numClusters,
+ onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+ onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
+ main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN" )
+ devicesResults = main.TRUE
+ linksResults = main.TRUE
+ hostsResults = main.TRUE
+ mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
+ mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
+ mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
+ for controller in main.activeNodes:
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
+ mnSwitches,
+ json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
+ json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentDevicesResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is incorrect" )
+ if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
+ currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
+ mnSwitches, mnLinks,
+ json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentLinksResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is incorrect" )
+ if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
+ mnHosts,
+ hosts[ controller ] )
+ else:
+ currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentHostsResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts exist in Mininet",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts don't match Mininet" )
+ devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
+ linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
+ hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
+ main.step( "Device information is correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=devicesResults,
+ onpass="Device information is correct",
+ onfail="Device information is incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Links are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=linksResults,
+ onpass="Link are correct",
+ onfail="Links are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Hosts are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostsResults,
+ onpass="Hosts are correct",
+ onfail="Hosts are incorrect" )
+ def CASE6( self, main ):
+ """
+ The Scaling case.
+ """
+ import time
+ import re
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ try:
+ labels
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "labels not defined, setting to []" )
+ global labels
+ labels = []
+ try:
+ data
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "data not defined, setting to []" )
+ global data
+ data = []
+ "Scale the number of nodes in the ONOS cluster" )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
+ main.log.warn( main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( node.ip_address ) )
+ """
+ pop # of nodes from a list, might look like 1,3b,3,5b,5,7b,7,7b,5,5b,3...
+ modify cluster.json file appropriately
+ install/deactivate node as needed
+ """
+ try:
+ prevNodes = main.activeNodes
+ scale = main.scaling.pop(0)
+ if "e" in scale:
+ equal = True
+ else:
+ equal = False
+ main.numCtrls = int( "\d+", scale ).group(0) )
+ "Scaling to {} nodes".format( main.numCtrls ) )
+ genResult = main.Server.generateFile( main.numCtrls, equal=equal )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=genResult,
+ onpass="New cluster metadata file generated",
+ onfail="Failled to generate new metadata file" )
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # Give time for nodes to read new file
+ except IndexError:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.activeNodes = [ i for i in range( 0, main.numCtrls ) ]
+ newNodes = [ x for x in main.activeNodes if x not in prevNodes ]
+ main.step( "Start new nodes" ) # OR stop old nodes?
+ started = main.TRUE
+ for i in newNodes:
+ started = main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.nodes[i].ip_address ) and main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=started,
+ onpass="ONOS started",
+ onfail="ONOS start NOT successful" )
+ main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
+ for i in range( 2 ):
+ onosIsupResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ started = main.ONOSbench.isup( node.ip_address )
+ if not started:
+ main.log.error( + " didn't start!" )
+ onosIsupResult = onosIsupResult and started
+ if onosIsupResult == main.TRUE:
+ break
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosIsupResult,
+ onpass="ONOS started",
+ onfail="ONOS start NOT successful" )
+ main.log.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
+ cliResults = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli,
+ name="startOnosCli-" + str( i ),
+ args=[main.nodes[i].ip_address] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ cliResults = cliResults and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
+ onpass="ONOS cli started",
+ onfail="ONOS clis did not start" )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
+ nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
+ False,
+ args=[main.activeNodes],
+ attempts=5 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
+ onpass="Nodes check successful",
+ onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
+ for i in range( 10 ):
+ ready = True
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ output = cli.summary()
+ if not output:
+ ready = False
+ if ready:
+ break
+ time.sleep( 30 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=ready,
+ onpass="ONOS summary command succeded",
+ onfail="ONOS summary command failed" )
+ if not ready:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ # Rerun for election on new nodes
+ runResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ run = cli.electionTestRun()
+ if run != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error running for election on " + )
+ runResults = runResults and run
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=runResults,
+ onpass="Reran for election",
+ onfail="Failed to rerun for election" )
+ # TODO: Make this configurable
+ time.sleep( 60 )
+ for node in main.activeNodes:
+ main.log.warn( "\n****************** {} **************".format( main.nodes[node].ip_address ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].nodes( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].leaders( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].partitions( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].apps( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ def CASE7( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check state after ONOS scaling
+ """
+ import json
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Running ONOS Constant State Tests" )
+ main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
+ # Assert that each device has a master
+ rolesNotNull = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].rolesNotNull,
+ name="rolesNotNull-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ rolesNotNull = rolesNotNull and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=rolesNotNull,
+ onpass="Each device has a master",
+ onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned" )
+ main.step( "Read device roles from ONOS" )
+ ONOSMastership = []
+ consistentMastership = True
+ rolesResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].roles,
+ name="roles-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSMastership.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSMastership ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSMastership[i] or "Error" in ONOSMastership[i]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " roles" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " mastership response: " +
+ repr( ONOSMastership[i] ) )
+ rolesResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=rolesResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading roles output",
+ onfail="Error in reading roles from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in roles from each controller" )
+ if all([ i == ONOSMastership[ 0 ] for i in ONOSMastership ] ):
+ "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentMastership = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentMastership,
+ onpass="Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of switch roles" )
+ if rolesResults and not consistentMastership:
+ for i in range( len( ONOSMastership ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " roles: ",
+ json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSMastership[ i ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # NOTE: we expect mastership to change on controller scaling down
+ main.step( "Get the intents and compare across all nodes" )
+ ONOSIntents = []
+ intentCheck = main.FALSE
+ consistentIntents = True
+ intentsResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].intents,
+ name="intents-" + str( i ),
+ args=[],
+ kwargs={ 'jsonFormat': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSIntents.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSIntents) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSIntents[ i ] or "Error" in ONOSIntents[ i ]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " intents" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " intents response: " +
+ repr( ONOSIntents[ i ] ) )
+ intentsResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=intentsResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading intents output",
+ onfail="Error in reading intents from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in Intents from each controller" )
+ if all([ sorted( i ) == sorted( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ) for i in ONOSIntents ] ):
+ "Intents are consistent across all ONOS " +
+ "nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentIntents = False
+ # Try to make it easy to figure out what is happening
+ #
+ # Intent ONOS1 ONOS2 ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ title = " ID"
+ for n in main.activeNodes:
+ title += " " * 10 + "ONOS" + str( n + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( title )
+ # get all intent keys in the cluster
+ keys = []
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ keys.append( intent.get( 'id' ) )
+ keys = set( keys )
+ for key in keys:
+ row = "%-13s" % key
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ if intent.get( 'id' ) == key:
+ row += "%-15s" % intent.get( 'state' )
+ main.log.warn( row )
+ # End table view
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentIntents,
+ onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents" )
+ intentStates = []
+ for node in ONOSIntents: # Iter through ONOS nodes
+ nodeStates = []
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( node ):
+ nodeStates.append( intent[ 'state' ] )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error in parsing intents" )
+ main.log.error( repr( node ) )
+ intentStates.append( nodeStates )
+ out = [ (i, nodeStates.count( i ) ) for i in set( nodeStates ) ]
+ dict( out ) )
+ if intentsResults and not consistentIntents:
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " intents: " )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps(
+ json.loads( ONOSIntents[ i ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ elif intentsResults and consistentIntents:
+ intentCheck = main.TRUE
+ main.step( "Compare current intents with intents before the scaling" )
+ # NOTE: this requires case 5 to pass for intentState to be set.
+ # maybe we should stop the test if that fails?
+ sameIntents = main.FALSE
+ try:
+ intentState
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.warn( "No previous intent state was saved" )
+ else:
+ if intentState and intentState == ONOSIntents[ 0 ]:
+ sameIntents = main.TRUE
+ "Intents are consistent with before scaling" )
+ # TODO: possibly the states have changed? we may need to figure out
+ # what the acceptable states are
+ elif len( intentState ) == len( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ):
+ sameIntents = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ before = json.loads( intentState )
+ after = json.loads( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] )
+ for intent in before:
+ if intent not in after:
+ sameIntents = main.FALSE
+ main.log.debug( "Intent is not currently in ONOS " +
+ "(at least in the same form):" )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( intent ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Exception printing intents" )
+ main.log.debug( repr( ONOSIntents[0] ) )
+ main.log.debug( repr( intentState ) )
+ if sameIntents == main.FALSE:
+ try:
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS intents before: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( intentState ),
+ sort_keys=True, indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Current ONOS intents: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ),
+ sort_keys=True, indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Exception printing intents" )
+ main.log.debug( repr( ONOSIntents[0] ) )
+ main.log.debug( repr( intentState ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sameIntents,
+ onpass="Intents are consistent with before scaling",
+ onfail="The Intents changed during scaling" )
+ intentCheck = intentCheck and sameIntents
+ main.step( "Get the OF Table entries and compare to before " +
+ "component scaling" )
+ FlowTables = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 28 ):
+ "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
+ tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( "s" + str( i + 1 ), version="1.3", debug=False )
+ curSwitch = main.Mininet1.flowTableComp( flows[i], tmpFlows )
+ FlowTables = FlowTables and curSwitch
+ if curSwitch == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( "Differences in flow table for switch: s{}".format( i + 1 ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=FlowTables,
+ onpass="No changes were found in the flow tables",
+ onfail="Changes were found in the flow tables" )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLongKill()
+ '''
+ # main.step( "Check the continuous pings to ensure that no packets " +
+ # "were dropped during component failure" )
+ main.Mininet2.pingKill( main.params[ 'TESTONUSER' ],
+ main.params[ 'TESTONIP' ] )
+ LossInPings = main.FALSE
+ # NOTE: checkForLoss returns main.FALSE with 0% packet loss
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ "Checking for a loss in pings along flow from s" +
+ str( i ) )
+ LossInPings = main.Mininet2.checkForLoss(
+ "/tmp/ping.h" +
+ str( i ) ) or LossInPings
+ if LossInPings == main.TRUE:
+ "Loss in ping detected" )
+ elif LossInPings == main.ERROR:
+ "There are multiple mininet process running" )
+ elif LossInPings == main.FALSE:
+ "No Loss in the pings" )
+ "No loss of dataplane connectivity" )
+ # utilities.assert_equals(
+ # expect=main.FALSE,
+ # actual=LossInPings,
+ # onpass="No Loss of connectivity",
+ # onfail="Loss of dataplane connectivity detected" )
+ # NOTE: Since intents are not persisted with IntnentStore,
+ # we expect loss in dataplane connectivity
+ LossInPings = main.FALSE
+ '''
+ main.step( "Leadership Election is still functional" )
+ # Test of LeadershipElection
+ leaderList = []
+ leaderResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
+ leaderList.append( leaderN )
+ if leaderN == main.FALSE:
+ # error in response
+ main.log.error( "Something is wrong with " +
+ "electionTestLeader function, check the" +
+ " error logs" )
+ leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ elif leaderN is None:
+ main.log.error( +
+ " shows no leader for the election-app." )
+ leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ if len( set( leaderList ) ) != 1:
+ leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error(
+ "Inconsistent view of leader for the election test app" )
+ # TODO: print the list
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=leaderResult,
+ onpass="Leadership election passed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
+ def CASE8( self, main ):
+ """
+ Compare topo
+ """
+ import json
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Compare topology objects between Mininet" +\
+ " and ONOS"
+ topoResult = main.FALSE
+ topoFailMsg = "ONOS topology don't match Mininet"
+ elapsed = 0
+ count = 0
+ main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN topology" )
+ startTime = time.time()
+ # Give time for Gossip to work
+ while topoResult == main.FALSE and ( elapsed < 60 or count < 3 ):
+ devicesResults = main.TRUE
+ linksResults = main.TRUE
+ hostsResults = main.TRUE
+ hostAttachmentResults = True
+ count += 1
+ cliStart = time.time()
+ devices = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="devices-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].devices, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ devices.append( t.result )
+ hosts = []
+ ipResult = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="hosts-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].hosts, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ try:
+ hosts.append( json.loads( t.result ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing hosts results" )
+ main.log.error( repr( t.result ) )
+ hosts.append( None )
+ for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ]:
+ for host in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if host is None or host.get( 'ipAddresses', [] ) == []:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Error with host ipAddresses on controller" +
+ controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
+ ipResult = main.FALSE
+ ports = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="ports-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].ports, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ports.append( t.result )
+ links = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="links-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].links, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ links.append( t.result )
+ clusters = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="clusters-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].clusters, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ clusters.append( t.result )
+ elapsed = time.time() - startTime
+ cliTime = time.time() - cliStart
+ print "Elapsed time: " + str( elapsed )
+ print "CLI time: " + str( cliTime )
+ if all( e is None for e in devices ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in hosts ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in ports ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in links ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in clusters ):
+ topoFailMsg = "Could not get topology from ONOS"
+ main.log.error( topoFailMsg )
+ continue # Try again, No use trying to compare
+ mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
+ mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
+ mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
+ for controller in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
+ try:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
+ mnSwitches,
+ json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
+ json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Object not as expected; devices={!r}\nports={!r}".format(
+ devices[ controller ], ports[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentDevicesResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is incorrect" )
+ if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
+ currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
+ mnSwitches, mnLinks,
+ json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentLinksResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is incorrect" )
+ if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
+ mnHosts,
+ hosts[ controller ] )
+ elif hosts[ controller ] == []:
+ currentHostsResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentHostsResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts exist in Mininet",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts don't match Mininet" )
+ hostAttachment = True
+ zeroHosts = False
+ # FIXME: topo-HA/obelisk specific mappings:
+ # key is mac and value is dpid
+ mappings = {}
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ): # hosts 1 through 28
+ # set up correct variables:
+ macId = "00:" * 5 + hex( i ).split( "0x" )[1].upper().zfill(2)
+ if i == 1:
+ deviceId = "1000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 2:
+ deviceId = "2000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 3:
+ deviceId = "3000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 4:
+ deviceId = "3004".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 5:
+ deviceId = "5000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 6:
+ deviceId = "6000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 7:
+ deviceId = "6007".zfill(16)
+ elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
+ dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = dpid.zfill(16)
+ elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
+ dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = dpid.zfill(16)
+ elif i == 28:
+ deviceId = "2800".zfill(16)
+ mappings[ macId ] = deviceId
+ if hosts[ controller ] is not None and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if hosts[ controller ] == []:
+ main.log.warn( "There are no hosts discovered" )
+ zeroHosts = True
+ else:
+ for host in hosts[ controller ]:
+ mac = None
+ location = None
+ device = None
+ port = None
+ try:
+ mac = host.get( 'mac' )
+ assert mac, "mac field could not be found for this host object"
+ location = host.get( 'location' )
+ assert location, "location field could not be found for this host object"
+ # Trim the protocol identifier off deviceId
+ device = str( location.get( 'elementId' ) ).split(':')[1]
+ assert device, "elementId field could not be found for this host location object"
+ port = location.get( 'port' )
+ assert port, "port field could not be found for this host location object"
+ # Now check if this matches where they should be
+ if mac and device and port:
+ if str( port ) != "1":
+ main.log.error( "The attachment port is incorrect for " +
+ "host " + str( mac ) +
+ ". Expected: 1 Actual: " + str( port) )
+ hostAttachment = False
+ if device != mappings[ str( mac ) ]:
+ main.log.error( "The attachment device is incorrect for " +
+ "host " + str( mac ) +
+ ". Expected: " + mappings[ str( mac ) ] +
+ " Actual: " + device )
+ hostAttachment = False
+ else:
+ hostAttachment = False
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( "Json object not as expected" )
+ main.log.error( repr( host ) )
+ hostAttachment = False
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "No hosts json output or \"Error\"" +
+ " in output. hosts = " +
+ repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ if zeroHosts is False:
+ # TODO: Find a way to know if there should be hosts in a
+ # given point of the test
+ hostAttachment = True
+ devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
+ linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
+ hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
+ hostAttachmentResults = hostAttachmentResults and\
+ hostAttachment
+ topoResult = ( devicesResults and linksResults
+ and hostsResults and ipResult and
+ hostAttachmentResults )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=topoResult,
+ onpass="ONOS topology matches Mininet",
+ onfail=topoFailMsg )
+ # End of While loop to pull ONOS state
+ # Compare json objects for hosts and dataplane clusters
+ # hosts
+ main.step( "Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ] is not None and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if hosts[ controller ] == hosts[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # hosts not consistent
+ main.log.error( "hosts from ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ main.log.warn( repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts response: " +
+ repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentHostsResult,
+ onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts" )
+ main.step( "Hosts information is correct" )
+ hostsResults = hostsResults and ipResult
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostsResults,
+ onpass="Host information is correct",
+ onfail="Host information is incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Host attachment points to the network" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=hostAttachmentResults,
+ onpass="Hosts are correctly attached to the network",
+ onfail="ONOS did not correctly attach hosts to the network" )
+ # Strongly connected clusters of devices
+ main.step( "Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if "Error" not in clusters[ controller ]:
+ if clusters[ controller ] == clusters[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # clusters not consistent
+ main.log.error( "clusters from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting dataplane clusters " +
+ "from ONOS" + controllerStr )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " clusters response: " +
+ repr( clusters[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentClustersResult,
+ onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
+ main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
+ # there should always only be one cluster
+ try:
+ numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
+ repr( clusters[0] ) )
+ numClusters = "ERROR"
+ clusterResults = main.FALSE
+ if numClusters == 1:
+ clusterResults = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=1,
+ actual=numClusters,
+ onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+ onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
+ topoResult = ( devicesResults and linksResults
+ and hostsResults and consistentHostsResult
+ and consistentClustersResult and clusterResults
+ and ipResult and hostAttachmentResults )
+ topoResult = topoResult and int( count <= 2 )
+ note = "note it takes about " + str( int( cliTime ) ) + \
+ " seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch " +\
+ "the topology from each ONOS instance"
+ "Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence( " +
+ str( note ) + " ): " + str( elapsed ) + " seconds, " +
+ str( count ) + " tries" )
+ main.step( "Device information is correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=devicesResults,
+ onpass="Device information is correct",
+ onfail="Device information is incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Links are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=linksResults,
+ onpass="Link are correct",
+ onfail="Links are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Hosts are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostsResults,
+ onpass="Hosts are correct",
+ onfail="Hosts are incorrect" )
+ # FIXME: move this to an ONOS state case
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
+ nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
+ False,
+ args=[main.activeNodes],
+ attempts=5 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
+ onpass="Nodes check successful",
+ onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
+ if not nodeResults:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(
+ main.CLIs[i].name,
+ main.CLIs[i].sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
+ def CASE9( self, main ):
+ """
+ Link s3-s28 down
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ linkSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'LinkDiscovery' ] )
+ description = "Turn off a link to ensure that Link Discovery " +\
+ "is working properly"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Kill Link between s3 and s28" )
+ LinkDown = END1="s3", END2="s28", OPTION="down" )
+ "Waiting " + str( linkSleep ) +
+ " seconds for link down to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( linkSleep )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=LinkDown,
+ onpass="Link down successful",
+ onfail="Failed to bring link down" )
+ # TODO do some sort of check here
+ def CASE10( self, main ):
+ """
+ Link s3-s28 up
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ linkSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'LinkDiscovery' ] )
+ description = "Restore a link to ensure that Link Discovery is " + \
+ "working properly"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Bring link between s3 and s28 back up" )
+ LinkUp = END1="s3", END2="s28", OPTION="up" )
+ "Waiting " + str( linkSleep ) +
+ " seconds for link up to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( linkSleep )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=LinkUp,
+ onpass="Link up successful",
+ onfail="Failed to bring link up" )
+ # TODO do some sort of check here
+ def CASE11( self, main ):
+ """
+ Switch Down
+ """
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ switchSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SwitchDiscovery' ] )
+ description = "Killing a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ description )
+ switch = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'switch' ]
+ switchDPID = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'dpid' ]
+ # TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
+ main.step( "Kill " + switch )
+ "Deleting " + switch )
+ main.Mininet1.delSwitch( switch )
+ "Waiting " + str( switchSleep ) +
+ " seconds for switch down to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( switchSleep )
+ device = onosCli.getDevice( dpid=switchDPID )
+ # Peek at the deleted switch
+ main.log.warn( str( device ) )
+ result = main.FALSE
+ if device and device[ 'available' ] is False:
+ result = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result,
+ onpass="Kill switch successful",
+ onfail="Failed to kill switch?" )
+ def CASE12( self, main ):
+ """
+ Switch Up
+ """
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ switchSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SwitchDiscovery' ] )
+ switch = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'switch' ]
+ switchDPID = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'dpid' ]
+ links = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'links' ].split()
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Add back " + switch )
+ main.Mininet1.addSwitch( switch, dpid=switchDPID )
+ for peer in links:
+ main.Mininet1.addLink( switch, peer )
+ ipList = [ node.ip_address for node in main.nodes ]
+ main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=switch, ip=ipList )
+ "Waiting " + str( switchSleep ) +
+ " seconds for switch up to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( switchSleep )
+ device = onosCli.getDevice( dpid=switchDPID )
+ # Peek at the deleted switch
+ main.log.warn( str( device ) )
+ result = main.FALSE
+ if device and device[ 'available' ]:
+ result = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result,
+ onpass="add switch successful",
+ onfail="Failed to add switch?" )
+ def CASE13( self, main ):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Test Cleanup" )
+ main.step( "Killing tcpdumps" )
+ main.Mininet2.stopTcpdump()
+ if main.params[ 'BACKUP' ][ 'ENABLED' ] == "True":
+ main.step( "Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station" )
+ # NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to logdir.
+ # We scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
+ # FIXME: To be replaced with a Jenkin's post script
+ # TODO: Load these from params
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ logFolder = "/opt/onos/log/"
+ logFiles = [ "karaf.log", "karaf.log.1" ]
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ for f in logFiles:
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ dstName = main.logdir + "/" + + "-" + f
+ main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( node.user_name, node.ip_address,
+ logFolder + f, dstName )
+ # std*.log's
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ logFolder = "/opt/onos/var/"
+ logFiles = [ "stderr.log", "stdout.log" ]
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ for f in logFiles:
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ dstName = main.logdir + "/" + + "-" + f
+ main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( node.user_name, node.ip_address,
+ logFolder + f, dstName )
+ else:
+ main.log.debug( "skipping saving log files" )
+ main.step( "Stopping Mininet" )
+ mnResult = main.Mininet1.stopNet()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=mnResult,
+ onpass="Mininet stopped",
+ onfail="MN cleanup NOT successful" )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
+ main.log.warn( main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( node.ip_address ) )
+ try:
+ timerLog = open( main.logdir + "/Timers.csv", 'w')
+ main.log.error( ", ".join( labels ) + "\n" + ", ".join( data ) )
+ timerLog.write( ", ".join( labels ) + "\n" + ", ".join( data ) )
+ timerLog.close()
+ except NameError, e:
+ main.log.exception(e)
+ main.step( "Stopping webserver" )
+ status = main.Server.stop( )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=status,
+ onpass="Stop Server",
+ onfail="Failled to stop SimpleHTTPServer" )
+ del main.Server
+ def CASE14( self, main ):
+ """
+ start election app on all onos nodes
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+"Start Leadership Election app")
+ main.step( "Install leadership election app" )
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ appResult = onosCli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=appResult,
+ onpass="Election app installed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with installing Leadership election" )
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ main.CLIs[i].electionTestRun()
+ time.sleep(5)
+ activeCLIs = [ main.CLIs[i] for i in main.activeNodes ]
+ sameResult, leaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=sameResult,
+ onpass="All nodes see the same leaderboards",
+ onfail="Inconsistent leaderboards" )
+ if sameResult:
+ leader = leaders[ 0 ][ 0 ]
+ if main.nodes[ main.activeNodes[0] ].ip_address in leader:
+ correctLeader = True
+ else:
+ correctLeader = False
+ main.step( "First node was elected leader" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=correctLeader,
+ onpass="Correct leader was elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect leader" )
+ def CASE15( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ 15.1 Run election on each node
+ 15.2 Check that each node has the same leaders and candidates
+ 15.3 Find current leader and withdraw
+ 15.4 Check that a new node was elected leader
+ 15.5 Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader
+ 15.6 Run for election on old leader
+ 15.7 Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node
+ 15.8 Make sure that the old leader was added to the candidate list
+ old and new variable prefixes refer to data from before vs after
+ withdrawl and later before withdrawl vs after re-election
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ description = "Check that Leadership Election is still functional"
+ description )
+ # NOTE: Need to re-run after restarts since being a canidate is not persistant
+ oldLeaders = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates before
+ newLeaders = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates after
+ oldLeader = '' # the old leader from oldLeaders, None if not same
+ newLeader = '' # the new leaders fron newLoeaders, None if not same
+ oldLeaderCLI = None # the CLI of the old leader used for re-electing
+ expectNoLeader = False # True when there is only one leader
+ if main.numCtrls == 1:
+ expectNoLeader = True
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ electionResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes: # run test election on each node
+ if main.CLIs[i].electionTestRun() == main.FALSE:
+ electionResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=electionResult,
+ onpass="All nodes successfully ran for leadership",
+ onfail="At least one node failed to run for leadership" )
+ if electionResult == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Skipping Test Case because Election Test App isn't loaded" )
+ main.skipCase()
+ main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader and candidates" )
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaderboards"
+ activeCLIs = [ main.CLIs[i] for i in main.activeNodes ]
+ sameResult, oldLeaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ if sameResult:
+ oldLeader = oldLeaders[ 0 ][ 0 ]
+ main.log.warn( oldLeader )
+ else:
+ oldLeader = None
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=sameResult,
+ onpass="Leaderboards are consistent for the election topic",
+ onfail=failMessage )
+ main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
+ withdrawResult = main.TRUE
+ # do some sanity checking on leader before using it
+ if oldLeader is None:
+ main.log.error( "Leadership isn't consistent." )
+ withdrawResult = main.FALSE
+ # Get the CLI of the oldLeader
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ if oldLeader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
+ oldLeaderCLI = main.CLIs[ i ]
+ break
+ else: # FOR/ELSE statement
+ main.log.error( "Leader election, could not find current leader" )
+ if oldLeader:
+ withdrawResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestWithdraw()
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=withdrawResult,
+ onpass="Node was withdrawn from election",
+ onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
+ main.step( "Check that a new node was elected leader" )
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
+ newLeaderResult, newLeaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ newLeader = None
+ if newLeaderResult:
+ if newLeaders[ 0 ][ 0 ] == 'none':
+ main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least 1 node" )
+ if not expectNoLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = False
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ][ 0 ]
+ # Check that the new leader is not the older leader, which was withdrawn
+ if newLeader == oldLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = False
+ main.log.error( "All nodes still see old leader: " + str( oldLeader ) +
+ " as the current leader" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=newLeaderResult,
+ onpass="Leadership election passed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
+ main.step( "Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader" )
+ # candidates[ 2 ] should become the top candidate after withdrawl
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ if expectNoLeader:
+ if newLeader == 'none':
+ "No leader expected. None found. Pass" )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ "Expected no leader, got: " + str( newLeader ) )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ elif len( oldLeaders[0] ) >= 3:
+ if newLeader == oldLeaders[ 0 ][ 2 ]:
+ # correct leader was elected
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Candidate {} was elected. {} should have had priority.".format(
+ newLeader, oldLeaders[ 0 ][ 2 ] ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Could not determine who should be the correct leader" )
+ main.log.debug( oldLeaders[ 0 ] )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=correctCandidateResult,
+ onpass="Correct Candidate Elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect Candidate Elected" )
+ main.step( "Run for election on old leader( just so everyone " +
+ "is in the hat )" )
+ if oldLeaderCLI is not None:
+ runResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestRun()
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "No old leader to re-elect" )
+ runResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=runResult,
+ onpass="App re-ran for election",
+ onfail="App failed to run for election" )
+ main.step(
+ "Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node" )
+ # verify leader didn't just change
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
+ reRunLeaders = []
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # Paremterize
+ positionResult, reRunLeaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ # Check that the re-elected node is last on the candidate List
+ if not reRunLeaders[0]:
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ elif oldLeader != reRunLeaders[ 0 ][ -1 ]:
+ main.log.error( "Old Leader ({}) not in the proper position: {} ".format( str( oldLeader),
+ str( reRunLeaders[ 0 ] ) ) )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=positionResult,
+ onpass="Old leader successfully re-ran for election",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election after " +
+ "the old leader re-ran for election" )
+ def CASE16( self, main ):
+ """
+ Install Distributed Primitives app
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ # Variables for the distributed primitives tests
+ global pCounterName
+ global pCounterValue
+ global onosSet
+ global onosSetName
+ pCounterName = "TestON-Partitions"
+ pCounterValue = 0
+ onosSet = set([])
+ onosSetName = "TestON-set"
+ description = "Install Primitives app"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Install Primitives app" )
+ appName = "org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ appResults = main.CLIs[node].activateApp( appName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=appResults,
+ onpass="Primitives app activated",
+ onfail="Primitives app not activated" )
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # To allow all nodes to activate
+ def CASE17( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+ """
+ # Make sure variables are defined/set
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ assert pCounterName, "pCounterName not defined"
+ assert onosSetName, "onosSetName not defined"
+ # NOTE: assert fails if value is 0/None/Empty/False
+ try:
+ pCounterValue
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "pCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
+ pCounterValue = 0
+ try:
+ onosSet
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "onosSet not defined, setting to empty Set" )
+ onosSet = set([])
+ # Variables for the distributed primitives tests. These are local only
+ addValue = "a"
+ addAllValue = "a b c d e f"
+ retainValue = "c d e f"
+ description = "Check for basic functionality with distributed " +\
+ "primitives"
+ description )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Test the methods of the distributed " +\
+ "primitives (counters and sets) throught the cli"
+ # Partitioned counters
+ main.step( "Increment then get a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
+ name="counterAddAndGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ] )
+ pCounterValue += 1
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Get then Increment a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestGetAndAdd,
+ name="counterGetAndAdd-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ] )
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ pCounterValue += 1
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
+ incrementCheck = main.HA.counterCheck( pCounterName, pCounterValue )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=incrementCheck,
+ onpass="Added counters are correct",
+ onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Add -8 to then get a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
+ name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ],
+ kwargs={ "delta": -8 } )
+ pCounterValue += -8
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Add 5 to then get a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
+ name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ],
+ kwargs={ "delta": 5 } )
+ pCounterValue += 5
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Get then add 5 to a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestGetAndAdd,
+ name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ],
+ kwargs={ "delta": 5 } )
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ pCounterValue += 5
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
+ incrementCheck = main.HA.counterCheck( pCounterName, pCounterValue )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=incrementCheck,
+ onpass="Added counters are correct",
+ onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set get" )
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=getResults,
+ onpass="Set elements are correct",
+ onfail="Set elements are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set size" )
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sizeResults,
+ onpass="Set sizes are correct",
+ onfail="Set sizes are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set add()" )
+ onosSet.add( addValue )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAdd-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addResults = main.FALSE
+ if addResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set add" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addResults = addResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addResults,
+ onpass="Set add correct",
+ onfail="Set add was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
+ onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addAllResults,
+ onpass="Set addAll correct",
+ onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set contains()" )
+ containsResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setContains-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ],
+ kwargs={ "values": addValue } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ # NOTE: This is the tuple
+ containsResponses.append( t.result )
+ containsResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ containsResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ containsResults = containsResults and\
+ containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=containsResults,
+ onpass="Set contains is functional",
+ onfail="Set contains failed" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set containsAll()" )
+ containsAllResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setContainsAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ],
+ kwargs={ "values": addAllValue } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ # NOTE: This is the tuple
+ containsAllResponses.append( t.result )
+ containsAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ containsResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ containsResults = containsResults and\
+ containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=containsAllResults,
+ onpass="Set containsAll is functional",
+ onfail="Set containsAll failed" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set remove()" )
+ onosSet.remove( addValue )
+ removeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestRemove-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ removeResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ removeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if removeResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # not in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ removeResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ removeResults = main.FALSE
+ if removeResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set remove" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ removeResults = removeResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=removeResults,
+ onpass="Set remove correct",
+ onfail="Set remove was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set removeAll()" )
+ onosSet.difference_update( addAllValue.split() )
+ removeAllResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ try:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestRemoveAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ removeAllResponses.append( t.result )
+ except Exception, e:
+ main.log.exception(e)
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ removeAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # not in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ removeAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ removeAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if removeAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set removeAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ removeAllResults = removeAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=removeAllResults,
+ onpass="Set removeAll correct",
+ onfail="Set removeAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
+ onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addAllResults,
+ onpass="Set addAll correct",
+ onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set clear()" )
+ onosSet.clear()
+ clearResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestClear-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, " "], # Values doesn't matter
+ kwargs={ "clear": True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ clearResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ clearResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if clearResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Nothing set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ clearResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ clearResults = main.FALSE
+ if clearResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set clear" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ clearResults = clearResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=clearResults,
+ onpass="Set clear correct",
+ onfail="Set clear was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
+ onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addAllResults,
+ onpass="Set addAll correct",
+ onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set retain()" )
+ onosSet.intersection_update( retainValue.split() )
+ retainResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestRetain-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, retainValue ],
+ kwargs={ "retain": True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ retainResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ retainResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if retainResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ retainResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ retainResults = main.FALSE
+ if retainResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set retain" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " expected a size of " +
+ str( size ) + " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ retainResults = retainResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=retainResults,
+ onpass="Set retain correct",
+ onfail="Set retain was incorrect" )
+ # Transactional maps
+ main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps put" )
+ tMapValue = "Testing"
+ numKeys = 100
+ putResult = True
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ putResponses = main.CLIs[node].transactionalMapPut( numKeys, tMapValue )
+ if putResponses and len( putResponses ) == 100:
+ for i in putResponses:
+ if putResponses[ i ][ 'value' ] != tMapValue:
+ putResult = False
+ else:
+ putResult = False
+ if not putResult:
+ main.log.debug( "Put response values: " + str( putResponses ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=putResult,
+ onpass="Partitioned Transactional Map put successful",
+ onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
+ getCheck = True
+ for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ valueCheck = True
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].transactionalMapGet,
+ name="TMap-get-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ "Key" + str( n ) ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ for node in getResponses:
+ if node != tMapValue:
+ valueCheck = False
+ if not valueCheck:
+ main.log.warn( "Values for key 'Key" + str( n ) + "' do not match:" )
+ main.log.warn( getResponses )
+ getCheck = getCheck and valueCheck
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=getCheck,
+ onpass="Partitioned Transactional Map get values were correct",
+ onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map values incorrect" )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/HAscaling.topo b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/HAscaling.topo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cf47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/HAscaling.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ <ONOSbench>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+ </ONOSbench>
+ <ONOScli1>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli1>
+ <ONOScli2>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli2>
+ <ONOScli3>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli3>
+ <ONOScli4>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli4>
+ <ONOScli5>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli5>
+ <ONOScli6>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli6>
+ <ONOScli7>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli7>
+ <ONOS1>
+ <host>OC1</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>9</connect_order>
+ </ONOS1>
+ <ONOS2>
+ <host>OC2</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>10</connect_order>
+ </ONOS2>
+ <ONOS3>
+ <host>OC3</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>11</connect_order>
+ </ONOS3>
+ <ONOS4>
+ <host>OC4</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>12</connect_order>
+ </ONOS4>
+ <ONOS5>
+ <host>OC5</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>13</connect_order>
+ </ONOS5>
+ <ONOS6>
+ <host>OC6</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>14</connect_order>
+ </ONOS6>
+ <ONOS7>
+ <host>OC7</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>15</connect_order>
+ </ONOS7>
+ <Mininet1>
+ <host>OCN</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>MininetCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>16</connect_order>
+ #Specify the Option for mininet
+ <arg1> --custom ~/mininet/custom/ </arg1>
+ <arg2> --topo obelisk </arg2>
+ <arg3> --switch ovs,protocols=OpenFlow13 </arg3>
+ <controller> none </controller>
+ <home>~/mininet/custom/</home>
+ </Mininet1>
+ <Mininet2>
+ <host>OCN</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>RemoteMininetDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>17</connect_order>
+ </Mininet2>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/README b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281b7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+This test is designed to verify that an ONOS cluster behaves correctly when
+nodes are added or removed from a cluster dynamically via modifying a remote
+cluster metadata file.
+The gerneral structure for the test:
+- Startup
+- Assign switches
+- Verify ONOS state and functionality
+ - Device mastership
+ - Intents
+ - Leadership election
+ - Distributed Primitives
+- Scale ONOS cluster size from 1 to 7 to 1 by increments of 2
+ - Modify cluster metadata file
+ - Start or stop ONOS nodes
+ - Verify ONOS state and functionality
+ - Dataplane failures
+ - link down and up
+ - switch down and up
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff976f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+"Functions for using the SimpleHTTPServer python module"
+import re
+class Server():
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.PID = -1
+ self.component = None
+ self.rootDir = None
+ def __del__( self ):
+ self.stop()
+ def start( self, component, rootDir, port=8000, logDir=None ):
+ """
+ Start SimpleHTTPServer as a background process from rootDir on the
+ given component. The webserver will listen on port and if specified,
+ output will be redirected to logDir.
+ Arguments:
+ - component = The TestON component handle to start the webserver on
+ - rootDir = The root directory for the web content
+ - port = The port number for the webserver to listen on. Defaults to 8000
+ - logDir = If specified, the output of the webserver will be redirected
+ to this file. Note that this should be either an absolute path
+ or relative to rootDir.
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ self.rootDir = rootDir
+ try:
+ # Save component for this instance so other functions can use it
+ self.component = component
+ "Starting SimpleHTTPServer on " + )
+ if component.handle:
+ handle = component.handle
+ # cd to rootDir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + str( rootDir ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ # Start server
+ cmd = "python -m SimpleHTTPServer {}".format( port )
+ if logDir:
+ cmd += " &> {}".format( logDir ) # pipe all output to a file
+ else:
+ cmd += "&> {dev/null}" # Throw away all output
+ cmd += " &"
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response = handle.before
+ # Return to home dir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + component.home )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response += handle.before
+ if "Exit" in response:
+ main.log.error( "Error starting server. Check server log for details" )
+ main.log.debug( handle.before )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ # capture PID for later use
+ # EX: [1] 67987
+ match = "\[\d\] (?P<PID>\d+)", response )
+ if match:
+ self.PID = "PID" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Could not find PID" )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error starting web server" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ return retValue
+ def stop( self ):
+ """
+ Kills the process of the server. Note that this function must be run
+ from the same instance of the server class that the server was started
+ on.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ "Stopping Server." )
+ assert self.component, "Component not specified"
+ assert self.PID, "PID not found"
+ if self.component.handle:
+ handle = self.component.handle
+ cmd = "sudo kill {}".format( self.PID )
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ # TODO: What is bad output? cannot sudo?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error stopping web server" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ return retValue
+ def generateFile( self, nodes, equal=False, filename="cluster.json" ):
+ """
+ Generate custom metadata file in the root directory using the custom
+ onos-gen-partitions file which should also be located in the root
+ directory.
+ Note that this function needs to be run after the start function has
+ been called for this instance.
+ Arguments:
+ - nodes = The number of ONOS nodes to include in the cluster. Will
+ include nodes in ascending order, I.E. OC1, OC2, etc
+ Optional Arguments:
+ - equal = Specifies whether all nodes should participate in every
+ partition. Defaults to False.
+ - filename = The name of the file to save the cluster metadata to.
+ Defaults to "cluster.json".
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ if self.component.handle:
+ assert self.component, "Component not specified. Please start the server first"
+ assert self.rootDir, "Root directory not found"
+ handle = self.component.handle
+ # cd to rootDir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + str( self.rootDir ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ cmd = "./onos-gen-partitions {} {} ".format( filename, nodes )
+ if equal:
+ cmd += "-e"
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response = handle.before
+ # Return to home dir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + self.component.home )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response += handle.before
+ if "Traceback" in response:
+ main.log.error( handle.before )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error generating metadata file" )
+ return retValue
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e49db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAscaling/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ Generate the partitions json file from the $OC* environment variables
+ Usage: onos-gen-partitions output_file [num_nodes] [-e]
+ If output file is not provided, the json is written to stdout.
+from os import environ
+from collections import deque, OrderedDict
+import re
+import json
+import sys
+import hashlib
+convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
+def get_OC_vars():
+ vars = []
+ for var in environ:
+ if re.match(r"OC[0-9]+", var):
+ vars.append(var)
+ return sorted(vars, key=alphanum_key)
+def get_nodes(vars, port=9876):
+ node = lambda k: { 'id': k, 'ip': k, 'port': port }
+ return [ node(environ[v]) for v in vars ]
+def generate_base_partition(nodes):
+ return {
+ 'id': 0,
+ 'members': nodes
+ }
+def generate_extended_partitions_scaling(nodes, k, partitions=3, equal=False):
+ l = deque(nodes)
+ perms = []
+ for i in range(1, partitions + 1):
+ if equal:
+ members = list(l)
+ else:
+ members = list(l)[:k]
+ part = {
+ 'id': i,
+ 'members': members
+ }
+ perms.append(part)
+ l.rotate(-2)
+ return perms
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ vars = get_OC_vars()
+ # NOTE: likely prone to errors
+ nodes = get_nodes(vars)
+ num = None
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
+ num = int(sys.argv[2])
+ try:
+ equal = "-e" in sys.argv[3]
+ except:
+ equal = False
+ if num:
+ nodes = nodes[:num]
+ base_partition = generate_base_partition([v.get('id') for v in nodes])
+ extended_partitions = generate_extended_partitions_scaling([v.get('id') for v in nodes],
+ 3, equal=equal)
+ partitions = []
+ partitions.append(base_partition)
+ partitions.extend(extended_partitions)
+ name = hash("HAScaling")
+ data = {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'nodes': nodes,
+ 'partitions': partitions
+ }
+ output = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+ filename = sys.argv[1]
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(output)
+ else:
+ print output
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAsingleInstanceRestart/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAsingleInstanceRestart/
index 25aa0ba..1d4db86 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAsingleInstanceRestart/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAsingleInstanceRestart/
@@ -251,12 +251,11 @@
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
- if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -3425,6 +3424,9 @@
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/HAstopNodes.params b/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/HAstopNodes.params
index d2eb635..dd035f5 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/HAstopNodes.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/HAstopNodes.params
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
#CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
#CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
- <testcases>1,2,8,3,4,5,14,16,17,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,2,8,21,3,4,5,14,16,17,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/
index 240c9c4..0f33ec0 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAstopNodes/
@@ -286,12 +286,11 @@
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
- for cli in main.CLIs:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
- if cliResults == main.FALSE:
main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
@@ -1681,8 +1680,9 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
- if consistentClustersResult != main.TRUE:
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
main.log.debug( clusters )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
@@ -2552,6 +2552,8 @@
onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
# there should always only be one cluster
@@ -4211,6 +4213,9 @@
onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ # FIXME: is this sleep needed?
+ time.sleep( 5 )
getCheck = True
for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
getResponses = []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/HAswapNodes.params b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/HAswapNodes.params
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3729a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/HAswapNodes.params
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ #CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+ #CASE2: Assign devices to controllers
+ #CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers
+ #CASE3: Assign intents
+ #CASE4: Ping across added host intents
+ #CASE5: Reading state of ONOS
+ #CASE6: Swap nodes
+ #CASE7: Check state after control plane failure
+ #CASE8: Compare topo
+ #CASE9: Link s3-s28 down
+ #CASE10: Link s3-s28 up
+ #CASE11: Switch down
+ #CASE12: Switch up
+ #CASE13: Clean up
+ #CASE14: start election app on all onos nodes
+ #CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ #CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
+ #CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+ <testcases>1,[2,8,21,3,8,4,5,14,16,17]*1,6,8,3,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+ <server>
+ <port>8000</port>
+ <interface>eth0</interface>
+ </server>
+ <apps></apps>
+ <ONOS_Configuration>
+ <>
+ <useFlowObjectives>true</useFlowObjectives>
+ </>
+ </ONOS_Configuration>
+ <ENV>
+ <cellName>HA</cellName>
+ <appString>drivers,openflow,proxyarp,mobility</appString>
+ </ENV>
+ <Git> False </Git>
+ <branch> master </branch>
+ <num_controllers> 7 </num_controllers>
+ <tcpdump> False </tcpdump>
+ <CTRL>
+ <port1>6653</port1>
+ <port2>6653</port2>
+ <port3>6653</port3>
+ <port4>6653</port4>
+ <port5>6653</port5>
+ <port6>6653</port6>
+ <port7>6653</port7>
+ </CTRL>
+ <PING>
+ <source1>h8</source1>
+ <source2>h9</source2>
+ <source3>h10</source3>
+ <source4>h11</source4>
+ <source5>h12</source5>
+ <source6>h13</source6>
+ <source7>h14</source7>
+ <source8>h15</source8>
+ <source9>h16</source9>
+ <source10>h17</source10>
+ <target1></target1>
+ <target2></target2>
+ <target3></target3>
+ <target4></target4>
+ <target5></target5>
+ <target6></target6>
+ <target7></target7>
+ <target8></target8>
+ <target9></target9>
+ <target10></target10>
+ </PING>
+ <timers>
+ <LinkDiscovery>12</LinkDiscovery>
+ <SwitchDiscovery>12</SwitchDiscovery>
+ <gossip>5</gossip>
+ </timers>
+ <kill>
+ <switch> s5 </switch>
+ <dpid> 0000000000005000 </dpid>
+ <links> h5 s2 s1 s6 </links>
+ </kill>
+ <MNtcpdump>
+ <intf>eth0</intf>
+ <port> </port>
+ <folder>~/packet_captures/</folder>
+ </MNtcpdump>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea1490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/
@@ -0,0 +1,4289 @@
+Description: This test is to determine if ONOS can handle
+ dynamic swapping of cluster nodes.
+List of test cases:
+CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+CASE2: Assign devices to controllers
+CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers
+CASE3: Assign intents
+CASE4: Ping across added host intents
+CASE5: Reading state of ONOS
+CASE6: Swap nodes
+CASE7: Check state after control plane failure
+CASE8: Compare topo
+CASE9: Link s3-s28 down
+CASE10: Link s3-s28 up
+CASE11: Switch down
+CASE12: Switch up
+CASE13: Clean up
+CASE14: start election app on all onos nodes
+CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
+CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+class HAswapNodes:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ def CASE1( self, main ):
+ """
+ CASE1 is to compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+ Startup sequence:
+ cell <name>
+ onos-verify-cell
+ NOTE: temporary - onos-remove-raft-logs
+ onos-uninstall
+ start mininet
+ git pull
+ mvn clean install
+ onos-package
+ onos-install -f
+ onos-wait-for-start
+ start cli sessions
+ start tcpdump
+ """
+ import time
+ import os
+ import re
+ "ONOS HA test: Restart all ONOS nodes - " +
+ "initialization" )
+ "Setting up test environment" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Setup the test environment including " +\
+ "installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOS" +\
+ "cli sessions."
+ # load some variables from the params file
+ PULLCODE = False
+ if main.params[ 'Git' ] == 'True':
+ gitBranch = main.params[ 'branch' ]
+ cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+ main.numCtrls = int( main.params[ 'num_controllers' ] )
+ if main.ONOSbench.maxNodes:
+ if main.ONOSbench.maxNodes < main.numCtrls:
+ main.numCtrls = int( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes )
+ # set global variables
+ # These are for csv plotting in jenkins
+ global labels
+ global data
+ labels = []
+ data = []
+ try:
+ from tests.HA.dependencies.HA import HA
+ main.HA = HA()
+ from tests.HA.HAswapNodes.dependencies.Server import Server
+ main.Server = Server()
+ except Exception as e:
+ main.log.exception( e )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.CLIs = []
+ main.nodes = []
+ ipList = []
+ for i in range( 1, main.numCtrls + 1 ):
+ try:
+ main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli' + str( i ) ) )
+ main.nodes.append( getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str( i ) ) )
+ ipList.append( main.nodes[ -1 ].ip_address )
+ except AttributeError:
+ break
+ main.step( "Create cell file" )
+ cellAppString = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'appString' ]
+ main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( main.ONOSbench.ip_address, cellName,
+ main.Mininet1.ip_address,
+ cellAppString, ipList )
+ main.step( "Applying cell variable to environment" )
+ cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cellResult,
+ onpass="Set cell successfull",
+ onfail="Failled to set cell" )
+ main.step( "Verify connectivity to cell" )
+ verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=verifyResult,
+ onpass="Verify cell passed",
+ onfail="Failled to verify cell" )
+ # FIXME:this is short term fix
+ "Removing raft logs" )
+ main.ONOSbench.onosRemoveRaftLogs()
+ "Uninstalling ONOS" )
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( node.ip_address )
+ # Make sure ONOS is DEAD
+ "Killing any ONOS processes" )
+ killResults = main.TRUE
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ killed = main.ONOSbench.onosKill( node.ip_address )
+ killResults = killResults and killed
+ main.step( "Setup server for cluster metadata file" )
+ port = main.params['server']['port']
+ rootDir = os.path.dirname( main.testFile ) + "/dependencies"
+ main.log.debug( "Root dir: {}".format( rootDir ) )
+ status = main.Server.start( main.ONOSbench,
+ rootDir,
+ port=port,
+ logDir=main.logdir + "/server.log" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=status,
+ onpass="Server started",
+ onfail="Failled to start SimpleHTTPServer" )
+ main.step( "Generate initial metadata file" )
+ if main.numCtrls >= 5:
+ main.numCtrls -= 2
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Not enough ONOS nodes to run this test. Requires 5 or more" )
+ genResult = main.Server.generateFile( main.numCtrls )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=genResult,
+ onpass="New cluster metadata file generated",
+ onfail="Failled to generate new metadata file" )
+ cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ gitPullResult = main.TRUE
+ main.step( "Starting Mininet" )
+ # scp topo file to mininet
+ # TODO: move to params?
+ topoName = ""
+ filePath = main.ONOSbench.home + "/tools/test/topos/"
+ main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1,
+ filePath + topoName,
+ main.Mininet1.home,
+ direction="to" )
+ mnResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=mnResult,
+ onpass="Mininet Started",
+ onfail="Error starting Mininet" )
+ main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + gitBranch )
+ main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( gitBranch )
+ gitPullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+ # values of 1 or 3 are good
+ utilities.assert_lesser( expect=0, actual=gitPullResult,
+ onpass="Git pull successful",
+ onfail="Git pull failed" )
+ main.ONOSbench.getVersion( report=True )
+ main.step( "Using mvn clean install" )
+ cleanInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ if PULLCODE and gitPullResult == main.TRUE:
+ cleanInstallResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Did not pull new code so skipping mvn " +
+ "clean install" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cleanInstallResult,
+ onpass="MCI successful",
+ onfail="MCI failed" )
+ # NOTE: important params here:
+ # job = name of Jenkins job
+ # Plot Name = Plot-HA, only can be used if multiple plots
+ # index = The number of the graph under plot name
+ job = "HAswapNodes"
+ plotName = "Plot-HA"
+ index = "0"
+ graphs = '<ac:structured-macro ac:name="html">\n'
+ graphs += '<ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[\n'
+ graphs += '<iframe src="' + job +\
+ '/plot/' + plotName + '/getPlot?index=' + index +\
+ '&width=500&height=300"' +\
+ 'noborder="0" width="500" height="300" scrolling="yes" ' +\
+ 'seamless="seamless"></iframe>\n'
+ graphs += ']]></ac:plain-text-body>\n'
+ graphs += '</ac:structured-macro>\n'
+ main.step( "Copying backup config files" )
+ path = "~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service"
+ cp = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.ONOSbench,
+ path,
+ path + ".backup",
+ direction="to" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cp,
+ onpass="Copy backup config file succeeded",
+ onfail="Copy backup config file failed" )
+ # we need to modify the onos-service file to use remote metadata file
+ # url for cluster metadata file
+ iface = main.params['server'].get( 'interface' )
+ ip = main.ONOSbench.getIpAddr( iface=iface )
+ metaFile = "cluster.json"
+ javaArgs = r"-Donos.cluster.metadata.uri=http:\/\/{}:{}\/{}".format( ip, port, metaFile )
+ main.log.warn( javaArgs )
+ main.log.warn( repr( javaArgs ) )
+ handle = main.ONOSbench.handle
+ sed = r"sed -i 's/bash/bash\nexport JAVA_OPTS=${{JAVA_OPTS:-{}}}\n/' {}".format( javaArgs, path )
+ main.log.warn( sed )
+ main.log.warn( repr( sed ) )
+ handle.sendline( sed )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ main.log.debug( repr( handle.before ) )
+ main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+ packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=packageResult,
+ onpass="ONOS package successful",
+ onfail="ONOS package failed" )
+ main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
+ onosInstallResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes ):
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ options = "-f"
+ if i >= main.numCtrls:
+ options = "-nf" # Don't start more than the current scale
+ tmpResult = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( options=options,
+ node=node.ip_address )
+ onosInstallResult = onosInstallResult and tmpResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosInstallResult,
+ onpass="ONOS install successful",
+ onfail="ONOS install failed" )
+ # Cleanup custom onos-service file
+ main.ONOSbench.scp( main.ONOSbench,
+ path + ".backup",
+ path,
+ direction="to" )
+ main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
+ for i in range( 2 ):
+ onosIsupResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ started = main.ONOSbench.isup( node.ip_address )
+ if not started:
+ main.log.error( + " hasn't started" )
+ onosIsupResult = onosIsupResult and started
+ if onosIsupResult == main.TRUE:
+ break
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosIsupResult,
+ onpass="ONOS startup successful",
+ onfail="ONOS startup failed" )
+ main.log.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
+ cliResults = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli,
+ name="startOnosCli-" + str( i ),
+ args=[main.nodes[i].ip_address] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ cliResults = cliResults and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
+ onpass="ONOS cli startup successful",
+ onfail="ONOS cli startup failed" )
+ # Create a list of active nodes for use when some nodes are stopped
+ main.activeNodes = [ i for i in range( 0, main.numCtrls ) ]
+ if main.params[ 'tcpdump' ].lower() == "true":
+ main.step( "Start Packet Capture MN" )
+ main.Mininet2.startTcpdump(
+ str( main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'folder' ] ) + str( main.TEST )
+ + "-MN.pcap",
+ intf=main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'intf' ],
+ port=main.params[ 'MNtcpdump' ][ 'port' ] )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
+ nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
+ False,
+ args=[main.activeNodes],
+ attempts=5 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
+ onpass="Nodes check successful",
+ onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
+ if not nodeResults:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(
+ cli.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
+ main.log.error( "Failed to start ONOS, stopping test" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.step( "Activate apps defined in the params file" )
+ # get data from the params
+ apps = main.params.get( 'apps' )
+ if apps:
+ apps = apps.split(',')
+ main.log.warn( apps )
+ activateResult = True
+ for app in apps:
+ main.CLIs[ 0 ].app( app, "Activate" )
+ # TODO: check this worked
+ time.sleep( 10 ) # wait for apps to activate
+ for app in apps:
+ state = main.CLIs[ 0 ].appStatus( app )
+ if state == "ACTIVE":
+ activateResult = activateResult and True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "{} is in {} state".format( app, state ) )
+ activateResult = False
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=activateResult,
+ onpass="Successfully activated apps",
+ onfail="Failed to activate apps" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No apps were specified to be loaded after startup" )
+ main.step( "Set ONOS configurations" )
+ config = main.params.get( 'ONOS_Configuration' )
+ if config:
+ main.log.debug( config )
+ checkResult = main.TRUE
+ for component in config:
+ for setting in config[component]:
+ value = config[component][setting]
+ check = main.CLIs[ 0 ].setCfg( component, setting, value )
+ "Value was changed? {}".format( main.TRUE == check ) )
+ checkResult = check and checkResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=checkResult,
+ onpass="Successfully set config",
+ onfail="Failed to set config" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No configurations were specified to be changed after startup" )
+ main.step( "App Ids check" )
+ appCheck = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].appToIDCheck,
+ name="appToIDCheck-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ appCheck = appCheck and t.result
+ if appCheck != main.TRUE:
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].apps() )
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].appIDs() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck,
+ onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
+ onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
+ def CASE2( self, main ):
+ """
+ Assign devices to controllers
+ """
+ import re
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Assigning devices to controllers" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Assign switches to ONOS using 'ovs-vsctl' " +\
+ "and check that an ONOS node becomes the " +\
+ "master of the device."
+ main.step( "Assign switches to controllers" )
+ ipList = []
+ for i in range( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes ):
+ ipList.append( main.nodes[ i ].ip_address )
+ swList = []
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ):
+ swList.append( "s" + str( i ) )
+ main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=swList, ip=ipList )
+ mastershipCheck = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ):
+ response = main.Mininet1.getSwController( "s" + str( i ) )
+ try:
+ str( response ) )
+ except Exception:
+ repr( response ) )
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ if "tcp:" + node.ip_address, response ):
+ mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and main.TRUE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error, node " + node.ip_address + " is " +
+ "not in the list of controllers s" +
+ str( i ) + " is connecting to." )
+ mastershipCheck = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=mastershipCheck,
+ onpass="Switch mastership assigned correctly",
+ onfail="Switches not assigned correctly to controllers" )
+ def CASE21( self, main ):
+ """
+ Assign mastership to controllers
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Assigning Controller roles for switches" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Check that ONOS is connected to each " +\
+ "device. Then manually assign" +\
+ " mastership to specific ONOS nodes using" +\
+ " 'device-role'"
+ main.step( "Assign mastership of switches to specific controllers" )
+ # Manually assign mastership to the controller we want
+ roleCall = main.TRUE
+ ipList = [ ]
+ deviceList = []
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ try:
+ # Assign mastership to specific controllers. This assignment was
+ # determined for a 7 node cluser, but will work with any sized
+ # cluster
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ): # switches 1 through 28
+ # set up correct variables:
+ if i == 1:
+ c = 0
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS1
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "1000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 2:
+ c = 1 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS2
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "2000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 3:
+ c = 1 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS2
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "3000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 4:
+ c = 3 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS4
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "3004" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 5:
+ c = 2 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS3
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "5000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 6:
+ c = 2 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS3
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "6000" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 7:
+ c = 5 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS6
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "6007" ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
+ c = 4 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS5
+ dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( dpid ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
+ c = 6 % main.numCtrls
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS7
+ dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( dpid ).get( 'id' )
+ elif i == 28:
+ c = 0
+ ip = main.nodes[ c ].ip_address # ONOS1
+ deviceId = onosCli.getDevice( "2800" ).get( 'id' )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "You didn't write an else statement for " +
+ "switch s" + str( i ) )
+ roleCall = main.FALSE
+ # Assign switch
+ assert deviceId, "No device id for s" + str( i ) + " in ONOS"
+ # TODO: make this controller dynamic
+ roleCall = roleCall and onosCli.deviceRole( deviceId, ip )
+ ipList.append( ip )
+ deviceList.append( deviceId )
+ except ( AttributeError, AssertionError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Something is wrong with ONOS device view" )
+ onosCli.devices() )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=roleCall,
+ onpass="Re-assigned switch mastership to designated controller",
+ onfail="Something wrong with deviceRole calls" )
+ main.step( "Check mastership was correctly assigned" )
+ roleCheck = main.TRUE
+ # NOTE: This is due to the fact that device mastership change is not
+ # atomic and is actually a multi step process
+ time.sleep( 5 )
+ for i in range( len( ipList ) ):
+ ip = ipList[i]
+ deviceId = deviceList[i]
+ # Check assignment
+ master = onosCli.getRole( deviceId ).get( 'master' )
+ if ip in master:
+ roleCheck = roleCheck and main.TRUE
+ else:
+ roleCheck = roleCheck and main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Error, controller " + ip + " is not" +
+ " master " + "of device " +
+ str( deviceId ) + ". Master is " +
+ repr( master ) + "." )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=roleCheck,
+ onpass="Switches were successfully reassigned to designated " +
+ "controller",
+ onfail="Switches were not successfully reassigned" )
+ def CASE3( self, main ):
+ """
+ Assign intents
+ """
+ import time
+ import json
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ try:
+ labels
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "labels not defined, setting to []" )
+ labels = []
+ try:
+ data
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "data not defined, setting to []" )
+ data = []
+ # NOTE: we must reinstall intents until we have a persistant intent
+ # datastore!
+ "Adding host Intents" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Discover hosts by using pingall then " +\
+ "assign predetermined host-to-host intents." +\
+ " After installation, check that the intent" +\
+ " is distributed to all nodes and the state" +\
+ # install onos-app-fwd
+ main.step( "Install reactive forwarding app" )
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ installResults = onosCli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=installResults,
+ onpass="Install fwd successful",
+ onfail="Install fwd failed" )
+ main.step( "Check app ids" )
+ appCheck = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].appToIDCheck,
+ name="appToIDCheck-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ appCheck = appCheck and t.result
+ if appCheck != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.warn( onosCli.apps() )
+ main.log.warn( onosCli.appIDs() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck,
+ onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
+ onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
+ main.step( "Discovering Hosts( Via pingall for now )" )
+ # FIXME: Once we have a host discovery mechanism, use that instead
+ pingResult = main.FALSE
+ passMsg = "Reactive Pingall test passed"
+ time1 = time.time()
+ pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ time2 = time.time()
+ if not pingResult:
+ main.log.warn("First pingall failed. Trying again...")
+ pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ passMsg += " on the second try"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=pingResult,
+ onpass= passMsg,
+ onfail="Reactive Pingall failed, " +
+ "one or more ping pairs failed" )
+ "Time for pingall: %2f seconds" %
+ ( time2 - time1 ) )
+ # timeout for fwd flows
+ time.sleep( 11 )
+ # uninstall onos-app-fwd
+ main.step( "Uninstall reactive forwarding app" )
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ uninstallResult = main.CLIs[node].deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=uninstallResult,
+ onpass="Uninstall fwd successful",
+ onfail="Uninstall fwd failed" )
+ main.step( "Check app ids" )
+ threads = []
+ appCheck2 = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].appToIDCheck,
+ name="appToIDCheck-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ appCheck2 = appCheck2 and t.result
+ if appCheck2 != main.TRUE:
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].apps() )
+ main.log.warn( main.CLIs[node].appIDs() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=appCheck2,
+ onpass="App Ids seem to be correct",
+ onfail="Something is wrong with app Ids" )
+ main.step( "Add host intents via cli" )
+ intentIds = []
+ # TODO: move the host numbers to params
+ # Maybe look at all the paths we ping?
+ intentAddResult = True
+ hostResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ "Adding host intent between h" + str( i ) +
+ " and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ host1 = "00:00:00:00:00:" + \
+ str( hex( i )[ 2: ] ).zfill( 2 ).upper()
+ host2 = "00:00:00:00:00:" + \
+ str( hex( i + 10 )[ 2: ] ).zfill( 2 ).upper()
+ # NOTE: getHost can return None
+ host1Dict = onosCli.getHost( host1 )
+ host2Dict = onosCli.getHost( host2 )
+ host1Id = None
+ host2Id = None
+ if host1Dict and host2Dict:
+ host1Id = host1Dict.get( 'id', None )
+ host2Id = host2Dict.get( 'id', None )
+ if host1Id and host2Id:
+ nodeNum = ( i % len( main.activeNodes ) )
+ node = main.activeNodes[nodeNum]
+ tmpId = main.CLIs[node].addHostIntent( host1Id, host2Id )
+ if tmpId:
+ "Added intent with id: " + tmpId )
+ intentIds.append( tmpId )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "addHostIntent returned: " +
+ repr( tmpId ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error, getHost() failed for h" + str( i ) +
+ " and/or h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ hosts = main.CLIs[node].hosts()
+ main.log.warn( "Hosts output: " )
+ try:
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( hosts ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( hosts ) )
+ hostResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=hostResult,
+ onpass="Found a host id for each host",
+ onfail="Error looking up host ids" )
+ intentStart = time.time()
+ onosIds = onosCli.getAllIntentsId()
+ "Submitted intents: " + str( intentIds ) )
+ "Intents in ONOS: " + str( onosIds ) )
+ for intent in intentIds:
+ if intent in onosIds:
+ pass # intent submitted is in onos
+ else:
+ intentAddResult = False
+ if intentAddResult:
+ intentStop = time.time()
+ else:
+ intentStop = None
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ installedCheck = True
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents" )
+ # add submitted intents not in the store
+ tmplist = [ i for i, s in intentStates ]
+ missingIntents = False
+ for i in intentIds:
+ if i not in tmplist:
+ intentStates.append( ( i, " - " ) )
+ missingIntents = True
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ try:
+ missing = False
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ missing = True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ # Check all nodes
+ if missing:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ response = main.CLIs[i].leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( main.CLIs[i].name ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ intentAddResult = bool( intentAddResult and not missingIntents and
+ installedCheck )
+ if not intentAddResult:
+ main.log.error( "Error in pushing host intents to ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Intent Anti-Entropy dispersion" )
+ for j in range(100):
+ correct = True
+ "Submitted intents: " + str( sorted( intentIds ) ) )
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ onosIds = []
+ ids = main.CLIs[i].getAllIntentsId()
+ onosIds.append( ids )
+ main.log.debug( "Intents in " + main.CLIs[i].name + ": " +
+ str( sorted( onosIds ) ) )
+ if sorted( ids ) != sorted( intentIds ):
+ main.log.warn( "Set of intent IDs doesn't match" )
+ correct = False
+ break
+ else:
+ intents = json.loads( main.CLIs[i].intents() )
+ for intent in intents:
+ if intent[ 'state' ] != "INSTALLED":
+ main.log.warn( "Intent " + intent[ 'id' ] +
+ " is " + intent[ 'state' ] )
+ correct = False
+ break
+ if correct:
+ break
+ else:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if not intentStop:
+ intentStop = time.time()
+ global gossipTime
+ gossipTime = intentStop - intentStart
+ "It took about " + str( gossipTime ) +
+ " seconds for all intents to appear in each node" )
+ append = False
+ title = "Gossip Intents"
+ count = 1
+ while append is False:
+ curTitle = title + str( count )
+ if curTitle not in labels:
+ labels.append( curTitle )
+ data.append( str( gossipTime ) )
+ append = True
+ else:
+ count += 1
+ gossipPeriod = int( main.params['timers']['gossip'] )
+ maxGossipTime = gossipPeriod * len( main.activeNodes )
+ utilities.assert_greater_equals(
+ expect=maxGossipTime, actual=gossipTime,
+ onpass="ECM anti-entropy for intents worked within " +
+ "expected time",
+ onfail="Intent ECM anti-entropy took too long. " +
+ "Expected time:{}, Actual time:{}".format( maxGossipTime,
+ gossipTime ) )
+ if gossipTime <= maxGossipTime:
+ intentAddResult = True
+ if not intentAddResult or "key" in pendingMap:
+ import time
+ installedCheck = True
+ "Sleeping 60 seconds to see if intents are found" )
+ time.sleep( 60 )
+ onosIds = onosCli.getAllIntentsId()
+ "Submitted intents: " + str( intentIds ) )
+ "Intents in ONOS: " + str( onosIds ) )
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents" )
+ # add submitted intents not in the store
+ tmplist = [ i for i, s in intentStates ]
+ for i in intentIds:
+ if i not in tmplist:
+ intentStates.append( ( i, " - " ) )
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ try:
+ missing = False
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ # check for election
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ # FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
+ topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ missing = True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ # Check all nodes
+ if missing:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.CLIs[i]
+ response = node.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ def CASE4( self, main ):
+ """
+ Ping across added host intents
+ """
+ import json
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Verify connectivity by sending traffic across Intents" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Ping across added host intents to check " +\
+ "functionality and check the state of " +\
+ "the intent"
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ main.step( "Check Intent state" )
+ installedCheck = False
+ loopCount = 0
+ while not installedCheck and loopCount < 40:
+ installedCheck = True
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents." )
+ # Print states
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ if not installedCheck:
+ time.sleep( 1 )
+ loopCount += 1
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=installedCheck,
+ onpass="Intents are all INSTALLED",
+ onfail="Intents are not all in " +
+ "INSTALLED state" )
+ main.step( "Ping across added host intents" )
+ PingResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost( src="h" + str( i ),
+ target="h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ PingResult = PingResult and ping
+ if ping == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( "Ping failed between h" + str( i ) +
+ " and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ elif ping == main.TRUE:
+ "Ping test passed!" )
+ # Don't set PingResult or you'd override failures
+ if PingResult == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ # TODO: pretty print
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents: " )
+ try:
+ tmpIntents = onosCli.intents()
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( tmpIntents ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( tmpIntents ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=PingResult,
+ onpass="Intents have been installed correctly and pings work",
+ onfail="Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ main.step( "Check leadership of topics" )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ topicCheck = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ # check for election
+ # TODO: Look at Devices as topics now that it uses this system
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ # FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
+ # FIXME: topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ # Print leaders output
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ topicCheck = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ topicCheck = main.FALSE
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ topicCheck = main.FALSE
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ # TODO: Check for a leader of these topics
+ # Check all nodes
+ if topicCheck:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.CLIs[i]
+ response = node.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topicCheck,
+ onpass="intent Partitions is in leaders",
+ onfail="Some topics were lost " )
+ # Print partitions
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ # Print Pending Map
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ if not installedCheck:
+ "Waiting 60 seconds to see if the state of " +
+ "intents change" )
+ time.sleep( 60 )
+ # Print the intent states
+ intents = onosCli.intents()
+ intentStates = []
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" % ( 'Count', 'ID', 'State' ) )
+ count = 0
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( intents ):
+ state = intent.get( 'state', None )
+ if "INSTALLED" not in state:
+ installedCheck = False
+ intentId = intent.get( 'id', None )
+ intentStates.append( ( intentId, state ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing intents." )
+ intentStates.sort()
+ for i, s in intentStates:
+ count += 1
+ "%-6s%-15s%-15s" %
+ ( str( count ), str( i ), str( s ) ) )
+ leaders = onosCli.leaders()
+ try:
+ missing = False
+ if leaders:
+ parsedLeaders = json.loads( leaders )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedLeaders,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # check for all intent partitions
+ # check for election
+ topics = []
+ for i in range( 14 ):
+ topics.append( "intent-partition-" + str( i ) )
+ # FIXME: this should only be after we start the app
+ topics.append( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ main.log.debug( topics )
+ ONOStopics = [ j['topic'] for j in parsedLeaders ]
+ for topic in topics:
+ if topic not in ONOStopics:
+ main.log.error( "Error: " + topic +
+ " not in leaders" )
+ missing = True
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "leaders() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing leaders" )
+ main.log.error( repr( leaders ) )
+ if missing:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.CLIs[i]
+ response = node.leaders( jsonFormat=False)
+ main.log.warn( str( ) + " leaders output: \n" +
+ str( response ) )
+ partitions = onosCli.partitions()
+ try:
+ if partitions :
+ parsedPartitions = json.loads( partitions )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPartitions,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check for a leader in all paritions
+ # TODO check for consistency among nodes
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "partitions() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing partitions" )
+ main.log.error( repr( partitions ) )
+ pendingMap = onosCli.pendingMap()
+ try:
+ if pendingMap :
+ parsedPending = json.loads( pendingMap )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( parsedPending,
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # TODO check something here?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "pendingMap() returned None" )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing pending map" )
+ main.log.error( repr( pendingMap ) )
+ # Print flowrules
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].flows( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.step( "Wait a minute then ping again" )
+ # the wait is above
+ PingResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ ping = main.Mininet1.pingHost( src="h" + str( i ),
+ target="h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ PingResult = PingResult and ping
+ if ping == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( "Ping failed between h" + str( i ) +
+ " and h" + str( i + 10 ) )
+ elif ping == main.TRUE:
+ "Ping test passed!" )
+ # Don't set PingResult or you'd override failures
+ if PingResult == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ # TODO: pretty print
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents: " )
+ try:
+ tmpIntents = onosCli.intents()
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps( json.loads( tmpIntents ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( tmpIntents ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=PingResult,
+ onpass="Intents have been installed correctly and pings work",
+ onfail="Intents have not been installed correctly, pings failed." )
+ def CASE5( self, main ):
+ """
+ Reading state of ONOS
+ """
+ import json
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Setting up and gathering data for current state" )
+ # The general idea for this test case is to pull the state of
+ # ( intents,flows, topology,... ) from each ONOS node
+ # We can then compare them with each other and also with past states
+ main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
+ global mastershipState
+ mastershipState = '[]'
+ # Assert that each device has a master
+ rolesNotNull = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].rolesNotNull,
+ name="rolesNotNull-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ rolesNotNull = rolesNotNull and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=rolesNotNull,
+ onpass="Each device has a master",
+ onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned" )
+ main.step( "Get the Mastership of each switch from each controller" )
+ ONOSMastership = []
+ consistentMastership = True
+ rolesResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].roles,
+ name="roles-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSMastership.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSMastership ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSMastership[i] or "Error" in ONOSMastership[i]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " roles" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " mastership response: " +
+ repr( ONOSMastership[i] ) )
+ rolesResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=rolesResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading roles output",
+ onfail="Error in reading roles from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in roles from each controller" )
+ if all([ i == ONOSMastership[ 0 ] for i in ONOSMastership ] ):
+ "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentMastership = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentMastership,
+ onpass="Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of switch roles" )
+ if rolesResults and not consistentMastership:
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ try:
+ main.log.warn(
+ "ONOS" + node + " roles: ",
+ json.dumps(
+ json.loads( ONOSMastership[ i ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( repr( ONOSMastership[ i ] ) )
+ elif rolesResults and consistentMastership:
+ mastershipState = ONOSMastership[ 0 ]
+ main.step( "Get the intents from each controller" )
+ global intentState
+ intentState = []
+ ONOSIntents = []
+ consistentIntents = True # Are Intents consistent across nodes?
+ intentsResults = True # Could we read Intents from ONOS?
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].intents,
+ name="intents-" + str( i ),
+ args=[],
+ kwargs={ 'jsonFormat': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSIntents.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSIntents ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSIntents[ i ] or "Error" in ONOSIntents[ i ]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " intents" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " intents response: " +
+ repr( ONOSIntents[ i ] ) )
+ intentsResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=intentsResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading intents output",
+ onfail="Error in reading intents from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in Intents from each controller" )
+ if all([ sorted( i ) == sorted( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ) for i in ONOSIntents ] ):
+ "Intents are consistent across all ONOS " +
+ "nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentIntents = False
+ main.log.error( "Intents not consistent" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentIntents,
+ onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents" )
+ if intentsResults:
+ # Try to make it easy to figure out what is happening
+ #
+ # Intent ONOS1 ONOS2 ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ title = " Id"
+ for n in main.activeNodes:
+ title += " " * 10 + "ONOS" + str( n + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( title )
+ # get all intent keys in the cluster
+ keys = []
+ try:
+ # Get the set of all intent keys
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ keys.append( intent.get( 'id' ) )
+ keys = set( keys )
+ # For each intent key, print the state on each node
+ for key in keys:
+ row = "%-13s" % key
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ if intent.get( 'id', "Error" ) == key:
+ row += "%-15s" % intent.get( 'state' )
+ main.log.warn( row )
+ # End of intent state table
+ except ValueError as e:
+ main.log.exception( e )
+ main.log.debug( "nodeStr was: " + repr( nodeStr ) )
+ if intentsResults and not consistentIntents:
+ # print the json objects
+ n = str( main.activeNodes[-1] + 1 )
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS" + n + " intents: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[ -1 ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSIntents ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if ONOSIntents[ i ] != ONOSIntents[ -1 ]:
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS" + node + " intents: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[i] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS" + node + " intents match ONOS" +
+ n + " intents" )
+ elif intentsResults and consistentIntents:
+ intentState = ONOSIntents[ 0 ]
+ main.step( "Get the flows from each controller" )
+ global flowState
+ flowState = []
+ ONOSFlows = []
+ ONOSFlowsJson = []
+ flowCheck = main.FALSE
+ consistentFlows = True
+ flowsResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].flows,
+ name="flows-" + str( i ),
+ args=[],
+ kwargs={ 'jsonFormat': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ # NOTE: Flows command can take some time to run
+ time.sleep(30)
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ result = t.result
+ ONOSFlows.append( result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSFlows ) ):
+ num = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSFlows[ i ] or "Error" in ONOSFlows[ i ]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + num + " flows" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + num + " flows response: " +
+ repr( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ flowsResults = False
+ ONOSFlowsJson.append( None )
+ else:
+ try:
+ ONOSFlowsJson.append( json.loads( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ # FIXME: change this to log.error?
+ main.log.exception( "Error in parsing ONOS" + num +
+ " response as json." )
+ main.log.error( repr( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ ONOSFlowsJson.append( None )
+ flowsResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=flowsResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading flows output",
+ onfail="Error in reading flows from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in Flows from each controller" )
+ tmp = [ len( i ) == len( ONOSFlowsJson[ 0 ] ) for i in ONOSFlowsJson ]
+ if all( tmp ):
+ "Flow count is consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentFlows = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentFlows,
+ onpass="The flow count is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different flow counts" )
+ if flowsResults and not consistentFlows:
+ for i in range( len( ONOSFlows ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ try:
+ main.log.warn(
+ "ONOS" + node + " flows: " +
+ json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSFlows[i] ), sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4, separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " flows: " +
+ repr( ONOSFlows[ i ] ) )
+ elif flowsResults and consistentFlows:
+ flowCheck = main.TRUE
+ flowState = ONOSFlows[ 0 ]
+ main.step( "Get the OF Table entries" )
+ global flows
+ flows = []
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ):
+ flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( "s" + str( i ), version="1.3", debug=False ) )
+ if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
+ for table in flows:
+ main.log.warn( table )
+ # TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
+ main.step( "Start continuous pings" )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source1' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target1' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source2' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target2' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source3' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target3' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source4' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target4' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source5' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target5' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source6' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target6' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source7' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target7' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source8' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target8' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source9' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target9' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLong(
+ src=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'source10' ],
+ target=main.params[ 'PING' ][ 'target10' ],
+ pingTime=500 )
+ main.step( "Collecting topology information from ONOS" )
+ devices = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].devices,
+ name="devices-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ devices.append( t.result )
+ hosts = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].hosts,
+ name="hosts-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ try:
+ hosts.append( json.loads( t.result ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ # FIXME: better handling of this, print which node
+ # Maybe use thread name?
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing json output of hosts" )
+ main.log.warn( repr( t.result ) )
+ hosts.append( None )
+ ports = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].ports,
+ name="ports-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ports.append( t.result )
+ links = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].links,
+ name="links-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ links.append( t.result )
+ clusters = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].clusters,
+ name="clusters-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ clusters.append( t.result )
+ # Compare json objects for hosts and dataplane clusters
+ # hosts
+ main.step( "Host view is consistent across ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if hosts[ controller ] == hosts[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # hosts not consistent
+ main.log.error( "hosts from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ main.log.warn( repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts response: " +
+ repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentHostsResult,
+ onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts" )
+ main.step( "Each host has an IP address" )
+ ipResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ]:
+ for host in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if not host.get( 'ipAddresses', [ ] ):
+ main.log.error( "Error with host ips on controller" +
+ controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
+ ipResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=ipResult,
+ onpass="The ips of the hosts aren't empty",
+ onfail="The ip of at least one host is missing" )
+ # Strongly connected clusters of devices
+ main.step( "Cluster view is consistent across ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if "Error" not in clusters[ controller ]:
+ if clusters[ controller ] == clusters[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # clusters not consistent
+ main.log.error( "clusters from ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting dataplane clusters " +
+ "from ONOS" + controllerStr )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " clusters response: " +
+ repr( clusters[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentClustersResult,
+ onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
+ # there should always only be one cluster
+ main.step( "Cluster view correct across ONOS nodes" )
+ try:
+ numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
+ repr( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
+ numClusters = "ERROR"
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=1,
+ actual=numClusters,
+ onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+ onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
+ main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN" )
+ devicesResults = main.TRUE
+ linksResults = main.TRUE
+ hostsResults = main.TRUE
+ mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
+ mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
+ mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
+ for controller in main.activeNodes:
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
+ mnSwitches,
+ json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
+ json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentDevicesResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is incorrect" )
+ if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
+ currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
+ mnSwitches, mnLinks,
+ json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentLinksResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is incorrect" )
+ if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
+ mnHosts,
+ hosts[ controller ] )
+ else:
+ currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentHostsResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts exist in Mininet",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts don't match Mininet" )
+ devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
+ linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
+ hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
+ main.step( "Device information is correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=devicesResults,
+ onpass="Device information is correct",
+ onfail="Device information is incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Links are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=linksResults,
+ onpass="Link are correct",
+ onfail="Links are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Hosts are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostsResults,
+ onpass="Hosts are correct",
+ onfail="Hosts are incorrect" )
+ def CASE6( self, main ):
+ """
+ The Scaling case.
+ """
+ import time
+ import re
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ try:
+ labels
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "labels not defined, setting to []" )
+ global labels
+ labels = []
+ try:
+ data
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "data not defined, setting to []" )
+ global data
+ data = []
+ "Swap some of the ONOS nodes" )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
+ main.log.warn( main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( node.ip_address ) )
+ main.step( "Generate new metadata file" )
+ old = [ main.activeNodes[0], main.activeNodes[-1] ]
+ new = range( main.ONOSbench.maxNodes )[-2:]
+ assert len( old ) == len( new ), "Length of nodes to swap don't match"
+ handle = main.ONOSbench.handle
+ for x, y in zip( old, new ):
+ handle.sendline( "export OC{}=$OC{}".format( x + 1, y + 1 ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" ) # from the variable
+ ret = handle.before
+ handle.expect( "\$" ) # From the prompt
+ ret += handle.before
+ main.log.debug( ret )
+ main.activeNodes.remove( x )
+ main.activeNodes.append( y )
+ genResult = main.Server.generateFile( main.numCtrls )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=genResult,
+ onpass="New cluster metadata file generated",
+ onfail="Failled to generate new metadata file" )
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # Give time for nodes to read new file
+ main.step( "Start new nodes" ) # OR stop old nodes?
+ started = main.TRUE
+ for i in new:
+ started = main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.nodes[i].ip_address ) and main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=started,
+ onpass="ONOS started",
+ onfail="ONOS start NOT successful" )
+ main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
+ for i in range( 2 ):
+ onosIsupResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ node = main.nodes[i]
+ started = main.ONOSbench.isup( node.ip_address )
+ if not started:
+ main.log.error( + " didn't start!" )
+ onosIsupResult = onosIsupResult and started
+ if onosIsupResult == main.TRUE:
+ break
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onosIsupResult,
+ onpass="ONOS started",
+ onfail="ONOS start NOT successful" )
+ main.log.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
+ cliResults = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli,
+ name="startOnosCli-" + str( i ),
+ args=[main.nodes[i].ip_address] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ cliResults = cliResults and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
+ onpass="ONOS cli started",
+ onfail="ONOS clis did not start" )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
+ nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
+ False,
+ args=[main.activeNodes],
+ attempts=5 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
+ onpass="Nodes check successful",
+ onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
+ for i in range( 10 ):
+ ready = True
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ output = cli.summary()
+ if not output:
+ ready = False
+ if ready:
+ break
+ time.sleep( 30 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=ready,
+ onpass="ONOS summary command succeded",
+ onfail="ONOS summary command failed" )
+ if not ready:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ # Rerun for election on new nodes
+ runResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ run = cli.electionTestRun()
+ if run != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error running for election on " + )
+ runResults = runResults and run
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=runResults,
+ onpass="Reran for election",
+ onfail="Failed to rerun for election" )
+ for node in main.activeNodes:
+ main.log.warn( "\n****************** {} **************".format( main.nodes[node].ip_address ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].nodes( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].leaders( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].partitions( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.log.debug( main.CLIs[node].apps( jsonFormat=False ) )
+ main.step( "Reapplying cell variable to environment" )
+ cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+ cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cellResult,
+ onpass="Set cell successfull",
+ onfail="Failled to set cell" )
+ def CASE7( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check state after ONOS scaling
+ """
+ import json
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Running ONOS Constant State Tests" )
+ main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
+ # Assert that each device has a master
+ rolesNotNull = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].rolesNotNull,
+ name="rolesNotNull-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ rolesNotNull = rolesNotNull and t.result
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=rolesNotNull,
+ onpass="Each device has a master",
+ onfail="Some devices don't have a master assigned" )
+ main.step( "Read device roles from ONOS" )
+ ONOSMastership = []
+ consistentMastership = True
+ rolesResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].roles,
+ name="roles-" + str( i ),
+ args=[] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSMastership.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSMastership ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSMastership[i] or "Error" in ONOSMastership[i]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " roles" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " mastership response: " +
+ repr( ONOSMastership[i] ) )
+ rolesResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=rolesResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading roles output",
+ onfail="Error in reading roles from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in roles from each controller" )
+ if all([ i == ONOSMastership[ 0 ] for i in ONOSMastership ] ):
+ "Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentMastership = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentMastership,
+ onpass="Switch roles are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of switch roles" )
+ if rolesResults and not consistentMastership:
+ for i in range( len( ONOSMastership ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " roles: ",
+ json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSMastership[ i ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ # NOTE: we expect mastership to change on controller scaling down
+ main.step( "Get the intents and compare across all nodes" )
+ ONOSIntents = []
+ intentCheck = main.FALSE
+ consistentIntents = True
+ intentsResults = True
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].intents,
+ name="intents-" + str( i ),
+ args=[],
+ kwargs={ 'jsonFormat': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ONOSIntents.append( t.result )
+ for i in range( len( ONOSIntents) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if not ONOSIntents[ i ] or "Error" in ONOSIntents[ i ]:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS" + node + " intents" )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " intents response: " +
+ repr( ONOSIntents[ i ] ) )
+ intentsResults = False
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=intentsResults,
+ onpass="No error in reading intents output",
+ onfail="Error in reading intents from ONOS" )
+ main.step( "Check for consistency in Intents from each controller" )
+ if all([ sorted( i ) == sorted( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ) for i in ONOSIntents ] ):
+ "Intents are consistent across all ONOS " +
+ "nodes" )
+ else:
+ consistentIntents = False
+ # Try to make it easy to figure out what is happening
+ #
+ # Intent ONOS1 ONOS2 ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ # ... ... ...
+ title = " ID"
+ for n in main.activeNodes:
+ title += " " * 10 + "ONOS" + str( n + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( title )
+ # get all intent keys in the cluster
+ keys = []
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ keys.append( intent.get( 'id' ) )
+ keys = set( keys )
+ for key in keys:
+ row = "%-13s" % key
+ for nodeStr in ONOSIntents:
+ node = json.loads( nodeStr )
+ for intent in node:
+ if intent.get( 'id' ) == key:
+ row += "%-15s" % intent.get( 'state' )
+ main.log.warn( row )
+ # End table view
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=consistentIntents,
+ onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents" )
+ intentStates = []
+ for node in ONOSIntents: # Iter through ONOS nodes
+ nodeStates = []
+ # Iter through intents of a node
+ try:
+ for intent in json.loads( node ):
+ nodeStates.append( intent[ 'state' ] )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error in parsing intents" )
+ main.log.error( repr( node ) )
+ intentStates.append( nodeStates )
+ out = [ (i, nodeStates.count( i ) ) for i in set( nodeStates ) ]
+ dict( out ) )
+ if intentsResults and not consistentIntents:
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + node + " intents: " )
+ main.log.warn( json.dumps(
+ json.loads( ONOSIntents[ i ] ),
+ sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ elif intentsResults and consistentIntents:
+ intentCheck = main.TRUE
+ main.step( "Compare current intents with intents before the scaling" )
+ # NOTE: this requires case 5 to pass for intentState to be set.
+ # maybe we should stop the test if that fails?
+ sameIntents = main.FALSE
+ try:
+ intentState
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.warn( "No previous intent state was saved" )
+ else:
+ if intentState and intentState == ONOSIntents[ 0 ]:
+ sameIntents = main.TRUE
+ "Intents are consistent with before scaling" )
+ # TODO: possibly the states have changed? we may need to figure out
+ # what the acceptable states are
+ elif len( intentState ) == len( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ):
+ sameIntents = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ before = json.loads( intentState )
+ after = json.loads( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] )
+ for intent in before:
+ if intent not in after:
+ sameIntents = main.FALSE
+ main.log.debug( "Intent is not currently in ONOS " +
+ "(at least in the same form):" )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( intent ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Exception printing intents" )
+ main.log.debug( repr( ONOSIntents[0] ) )
+ main.log.debug( repr( intentState ) )
+ if sameIntents == main.FALSE:
+ try:
+ main.log.debug( "ONOS intents before: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( intentState ),
+ sort_keys=True, indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Current ONOS intents: " )
+ main.log.debug( json.dumps( json.loads( ONOSIntents[ 0 ] ),
+ sort_keys=True, indent=4,
+ separators=( ',', ': ' ) ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Exception printing intents" )
+ main.log.debug( repr( ONOSIntents[0] ) )
+ main.log.debug( repr( intentState ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sameIntents,
+ onpass="Intents are consistent with before scaling",
+ onfail="The Intents changed during scaling" )
+ intentCheck = intentCheck and sameIntents
+ main.step( "Get the OF Table entries and compare to before " +
+ "component scaling" )
+ FlowTables = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( 28 ):
+ "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
+ tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( "s" + str( i + 1 ), version="1.3", debug=False )
+ curSwitch = main.Mininet1.flowTableComp( flows[i], tmpFlows )
+ FlowTables = FlowTables and curSwitch
+ if curSwitch == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.warn( "Differences in flow table for switch: s{}".format( i + 1 ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=FlowTables,
+ onpass="No changes were found in the flow tables",
+ onfail="Changes were found in the flow tables" )
+ main.Mininet2.pingLongKill()
+ '''
+ # main.step( "Check the continuous pings to ensure that no packets " +
+ # "were dropped during component failure" )
+ main.Mininet2.pingKill( main.params[ 'TESTONUSER' ],
+ main.params[ 'TESTONIP' ] )
+ LossInPings = main.FALSE
+ # NOTE: checkForLoss returns main.FALSE with 0% packet loss
+ for i in range( 8, 18 ):
+ "Checking for a loss in pings along flow from s" +
+ str( i ) )
+ LossInPings = main.Mininet2.checkForLoss(
+ "/tmp/ping.h" +
+ str( i ) ) or LossInPings
+ if LossInPings == main.TRUE:
+ "Loss in ping detected" )
+ elif LossInPings == main.ERROR:
+ "There are multiple mininet process running" )
+ elif LossInPings == main.FALSE:
+ "No Loss in the pings" )
+ "No loss of dataplane connectivity" )
+ # utilities.assert_equals(
+ # expect=main.FALSE,
+ # actual=LossInPings,
+ # onpass="No Loss of connectivity",
+ # onfail="Loss of dataplane connectivity detected" )
+ # NOTE: Since intents are not persisted with IntnentStore,
+ # we expect loss in dataplane connectivity
+ LossInPings = main.FALSE
+ '''
+ main.step( "Leadership Election is still functional" )
+ # Test of LeadershipElection
+ leaderList = []
+ leaderResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ cli = main.CLIs[i]
+ leaderN = cli.electionTestLeader()
+ leaderList.append( leaderN )
+ if leaderN == main.FALSE:
+ # error in response
+ main.log.error( "Something is wrong with " +
+ "electionTestLeader function, check the" +
+ " error logs" )
+ leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ elif leaderN is None:
+ main.log.error( +
+ " shows no leader for the election-app." )
+ leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ if len( set( leaderList ) ) != 1:
+ leaderResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error(
+ "Inconsistent view of leader for the election test app" )
+ # TODO: print the list
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=leaderResult,
+ onpass="Leadership election passed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
+ def CASE8( self, main ):
+ """
+ Compare topo
+ """
+ import json
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology" )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Compare topology objects between Mininet" +\
+ " and ONOS"
+ topoResult = main.FALSE
+ topoFailMsg = "ONOS topology don't match Mininet"
+ elapsed = 0
+ count = 0
+ main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN topology" )
+ startTime = time.time()
+ # Give time for Gossip to work
+ while topoResult == main.FALSE and ( elapsed < 60 or count < 3 ):
+ devicesResults = main.TRUE
+ linksResults = main.TRUE
+ hostsResults = main.TRUE
+ hostAttachmentResults = True
+ count += 1
+ cliStart = time.time()
+ devices = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="devices-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].devices, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ devices.append( t.result )
+ hosts = []
+ ipResult = main.TRUE
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="hosts-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].hosts, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ try:
+ hosts.append( json.loads( t.result ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing hosts results" )
+ main.log.error( repr( t.result ) )
+ hosts.append( None )
+ for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ]:
+ for host in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if host is None or host.get( 'ipAddresses', [] ) == []:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Error with host ipAddresses on controller" +
+ controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
+ ipResult = main.FALSE
+ ports = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="ports-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].ports, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ ports.append( t.result )
+ links = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="links-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].links, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ links.append( t.result )
+ clusters = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=utilities.retry,
+ name="clusters-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ main.CLIs[i].clusters, [ None ] ],
+ kwargs= { 'sleep': 5, 'attempts': 5,
+ 'randomTime': True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ clusters.append( t.result )
+ elapsed = time.time() - startTime
+ cliTime = time.time() - cliStart
+ print "Elapsed time: " + str( elapsed )
+ print "CLI time: " + str( cliTime )
+ if all( e is None for e in devices ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in hosts ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in ports ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in links ) and\
+ all( e is None for e in clusters ):
+ topoFailMsg = "Could not get topology from ONOS"
+ main.log.error( topoFailMsg )
+ continue # Try again, No use trying to compare
+ mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
+ mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
+ mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
+ for controller in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
+ "Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
+ try:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
+ mnSwitches,
+ json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
+ json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
+ except ( TypeError, ValueError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Object not as expected; devices={!r}\nports={!r}".format(
+ devices[ controller ], ports[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentDevicesResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " Switches view is incorrect" )
+ if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
+ currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
+ mnSwitches, mnLinks,
+ json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
+ else:
+ currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentLinksResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is correct",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " links view is incorrect" )
+ if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
+ mnHosts,
+ hosts[ controller ] )
+ elif hosts[ controller ] == []:
+ currentHostsResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=currentHostsResult,
+ onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts exist in Mininet",
+ onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts don't match Mininet" )
+ hostAttachment = True
+ zeroHosts = False
+ # FIXME: topo-HA/obelisk specific mappings:
+ # key is mac and value is dpid
+ mappings = {}
+ for i in range( 1, 29 ): # hosts 1 through 28
+ # set up correct variables:
+ macId = "00:" * 5 + hex( i ).split( "0x" )[1].upper().zfill(2)
+ if i == 1:
+ deviceId = "1000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 2:
+ deviceId = "2000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 3:
+ deviceId = "3000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 4:
+ deviceId = "3004".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 5:
+ deviceId = "5000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 6:
+ deviceId = "6000".zfill(16)
+ elif i == 7:
+ deviceId = "6007".zfill(16)
+ elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
+ dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = dpid.zfill(16)
+ elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
+ dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
+ deviceId = dpid.zfill(16)
+ elif i == 28:
+ deviceId = "2800".zfill(16)
+ mappings[ macId ] = deviceId
+ if hosts[ controller ] is not None and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if hosts[ controller ] == []:
+ main.log.warn( "There are no hosts discovered" )
+ zeroHosts = True
+ else:
+ for host in hosts[ controller ]:
+ mac = None
+ location = None
+ device = None
+ port = None
+ try:
+ mac = host.get( 'mac' )
+ assert mac, "mac field could not be found for this host object"
+ location = host.get( 'location' )
+ assert location, "location field could not be found for this host object"
+ # Trim the protocol identifier off deviceId
+ device = str( location.get( 'elementId' ) ).split(':')[1]
+ assert device, "elementId field could not be found for this host location object"
+ port = location.get( 'port' )
+ assert port, "port field could not be found for this host location object"
+ # Now check if this matches where they should be
+ if mac and device and port:
+ if str( port ) != "1":
+ main.log.error( "The attachment port is incorrect for " +
+ "host " + str( mac ) +
+ ". Expected: 1 Actual: " + str( port) )
+ hostAttachment = False
+ if device != mappings[ str( mac ) ]:
+ main.log.error( "The attachment device is incorrect for " +
+ "host " + str( mac ) +
+ ". Expected: " + mappings[ str( mac ) ] +
+ " Actual: " + device )
+ hostAttachment = False
+ else:
+ hostAttachment = False
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( "Json object not as expected" )
+ main.log.error( repr( host ) )
+ hostAttachment = False
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "No hosts json output or \"Error\"" +
+ " in output. hosts = " +
+ repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ if zeroHosts is False:
+ # TODO: Find a way to know if there should be hosts in a
+ # given point of the test
+ hostAttachment = True
+ devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
+ linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
+ hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
+ hostAttachmentResults = hostAttachmentResults and\
+ hostAttachment
+ topoResult = ( devicesResults and linksResults
+ and hostsResults and ipResult and
+ hostAttachmentResults )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=topoResult,
+ onpass="ONOS topology matches Mininet",
+ onfail=topoFailMsg )
+ # End of While loop to pull ONOS state
+ # Compare json objects for hosts and dataplane clusters
+ # hosts
+ main.step( "Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( hosts ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if hosts[ controller ] is not None and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
+ if hosts[ controller ] == hosts[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # hosts not consistent
+ main.log.error( "hosts from ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ main.log.warn( repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS hosts from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr )
+ consistentHostsResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " hosts response: " +
+ repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentHostsResult,
+ onpass="Hosts view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of hosts" )
+ main.step( "Hosts information is correct" )
+ hostsResults = hostsResults and ipResult
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostsResults,
+ onpass="Host information is correct",
+ onfail="Host information is incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Host attachment points to the network" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=hostAttachmentResults,
+ onpass="Hosts are correctly attached to the network",
+ onfail="ONOS did not correctly attach hosts to the network" )
+ # Strongly connected clusters of devices
+ main.step( "Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.TRUE
+ for controller in range( len( clusters ) ):
+ controllerStr = str( main.activeNodes[controller] + 1 )
+ if "Error" not in clusters[ controller ]:
+ if clusters[ controller ] == clusters[ 0 ]:
+ continue
+ else: # clusters not consistent
+ main.log.error( "clusters from ONOS" +
+ controllerStr +
+ " is inconsistent with ONOS1" )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Error in getting dataplane clusters " +
+ "from ONOS" + controllerStr )
+ consistentClustersResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.warn( "ONOS" + controllerStr +
+ " clusters response: " +
+ repr( clusters[ controller ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=consistentClustersResult,
+ onpass="Clusters view is consistent across all ONOS nodes",
+ onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of clusters" )
+ if not consistentClustersResult:
+ main.log.debug( clusters )
+ for x in links:
+ main.log.warn( "{}: {}".format( len( x ), x ) )
+ main.step( "There is only one SCC" )
+ # there should always only be one cluster
+ try:
+ numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
+ except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
+ main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
+ repr( clusters[0] ) )
+ numClusters = "ERROR"
+ clusterResults = main.FALSE
+ if numClusters == 1:
+ clusterResults = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=1,
+ actual=numClusters,
+ onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
+ onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
+ topoResult = ( devicesResults and linksResults
+ and hostsResults and consistentHostsResult
+ and consistentClustersResult and clusterResults
+ and ipResult and hostAttachmentResults )
+ topoResult = topoResult and int( count <= 2 )
+ note = "note it takes about " + str( int( cliTime ) ) + \
+ " seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch " +\
+ "the topology from each ONOS instance"
+ "Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence( " +
+ str( note ) + " ): " + str( elapsed ) + " seconds, " +
+ str( count ) + " tries" )
+ main.step( "Device information is correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=devicesResults,
+ onpass="Device information is correct",
+ onfail="Device information is incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Links are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=linksResults,
+ onpass="Link are correct",
+ onfail="Links are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Hosts are correct" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostsResults,
+ onpass="Hosts are correct",
+ onfail="Hosts are incorrect" )
+ # FIXME: move this to an ONOS state case
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
+ nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.HA.nodesCheck,
+ False,
+ args=[main.activeNodes],
+ attempts=5 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
+ onpass="Nodes check successful",
+ onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
+ if not nodeResults:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(
+ main.CLIs[i].name,
+ main.CLIs[i].sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
+ def CASE9( self, main ):
+ """
+ Link s3-s28 down
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ linkSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'LinkDiscovery' ] )
+ description = "Turn off a link to ensure that Link Discovery " +\
+ "is working properly"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Kill Link between s3 and s28" )
+ LinkDown = END1="s3", END2="s28", OPTION="down" )
+ "Waiting " + str( linkSleep ) +
+ " seconds for link down to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( linkSleep )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=LinkDown,
+ onpass="Link down successful",
+ onfail="Failed to bring link down" )
+ # TODO do some sort of check here
+ def CASE10( self, main ):
+ """
+ Link s3-s28 up
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ linkSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'LinkDiscovery' ] )
+ description = "Restore a link to ensure that Link Discovery is " + \
+ "working properly"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Bring link between s3 and s28 back up" )
+ LinkUp = END1="s3", END2="s28", OPTION="up" )
+ "Waiting " + str( linkSleep ) +
+ " seconds for link up to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( linkSleep )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=LinkUp,
+ onpass="Link up successful",
+ onfail="Failed to bring link up" )
+ # TODO do some sort of check here
+ def CASE11( self, main ):
+ """
+ Switch Down
+ """
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ switchSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SwitchDiscovery' ] )
+ description = "Killing a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ description )
+ switch = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'switch' ]
+ switchDPID = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'dpid' ]
+ # TODO: Make this switch parameterizable
+ main.step( "Kill " + switch )
+ "Deleting " + switch )
+ main.Mininet1.delSwitch( switch )
+ "Waiting " + str( switchSleep ) +
+ " seconds for switch down to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( switchSleep )
+ device = onosCli.getDevice( dpid=switchDPID )
+ # Peek at the deleted switch
+ main.log.warn( str( device ) )
+ result = main.FALSE
+ if device and device[ 'available' ] is False:
+ result = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result,
+ onpass="Kill switch successful",
+ onfail="Failed to kill switch?" )
+ def CASE12( self, main ):
+ """
+ Switch Up
+ """
+ # NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ switchSleep = float( main.params[ 'timers' ][ 'SwitchDiscovery' ] )
+ switch = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'switch' ]
+ switchDPID = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'dpid' ]
+ links = main.params[ 'kill' ][ 'links' ].split()
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ description = "Adding a switch to ensure it is discovered correctly"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Add back " + switch )
+ main.Mininet1.addSwitch( switch, dpid=switchDPID )
+ for peer in links:
+ main.Mininet1.addLink( switch, peer )
+ ipList = [ node.ip_address for node in main.nodes ]
+ main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=switch, ip=ipList )
+ "Waiting " + str( switchSleep ) +
+ " seconds for switch up to be discovered" )
+ time.sleep( switchSleep )
+ device = onosCli.getDevice( dpid=switchDPID )
+ # Peek at the deleted switch
+ main.log.warn( str( device ) )
+ result = main.FALSE
+ if device and device[ 'available' ]:
+ result = main.TRUE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result,
+ onpass="add switch successful",
+ onfail="Failed to add switch?" )
+ def CASE13( self, main ):
+ """
+ Clean up
+ """
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ "Test Cleanup" )
+ main.step( "Killing tcpdumps" )
+ main.Mininet2.stopTcpdump()
+ if main.params[ 'BACKUP' ][ 'ENABLED' ] == "True":
+ main.step( "Copying MN pcap and ONOS log files to test station" )
+ # NOTE: MN Pcap file is being saved to logdir.
+ # We scp this file as MN and TestON aren't necessarily the same vm
+ # FIXME: To be replaced with a Jenkin's post script
+ # TODO: Load these from params
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ logFolder = "/opt/onos/log/"
+ logFiles = [ "karaf.log", "karaf.log.1" ]
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ for f in logFiles:
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ dstName = main.logdir + "/" + + "-" + f
+ main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( node.user_name, node.ip_address,
+ logFolder + f, dstName )
+ # std*.log's
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ logFolder = "/opt/onos/var/"
+ logFiles = [ "stderr.log", "stdout.log" ]
+ # NOTE: must end in /
+ for f in logFiles:
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ dstName = main.logdir + "/" + + "-" + f
+ main.ONOSbench.secureCopy( node.user_name, node.ip_address,
+ logFolder + f, dstName )
+ else:
+ main.log.debug( "skipping saving log files" )
+ main.step( "Stopping Mininet" )
+ mnResult = main.Mininet1.stopNet()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=mnResult,
+ onpass="Mininet stopped",
+ onfail="MN cleanup NOT successful" )
+ main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
+ for node in main.nodes:
+ main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
+ main.log.warn( main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( node.ip_address ) )
+ try:
+ timerLog = open( main.logdir + "/Timers.csv", 'w')
+ main.log.error( ", ".join( labels ) + "\n" + ", ".join( data ) )
+ timerLog.write( ", ".join( labels ) + "\n" + ", ".join( data ) )
+ timerLog.close()
+ except NameError, e:
+ main.log.exception(e)
+ main.step( "Stopping webserver" )
+ status = main.Server.stop( )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=status,
+ onpass="Stop Server",
+ onfail="Failled to stop SimpleHTTPServer" )
+ del main.Server
+ def CASE14( self, main ):
+ """
+ start election app on all onos nodes
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+"Start Leadership Election app")
+ main.step( "Install leadership election app" )
+ onosCli = main.CLIs[ main.activeNodes[0] ]
+ appResult = onosCli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.election" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=appResult,
+ onpass="Election app installed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with installing Leadership election" )
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ main.CLIs[i].electionTestRun()
+ time.sleep(5)
+ activeCLIs = [ main.CLIs[i] for i in main.activeNodes ]
+ sameResult, leaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=sameResult,
+ onpass="All nodes see the same leaderboards",
+ onfail="Inconsistent leaderboards" )
+ if sameResult:
+ leader = leaders[ 0 ][ 0 ]
+ if main.nodes[ main.activeNodes[0] ].ip_address in leader:
+ correctLeader = True
+ else:
+ correctLeader = False
+ main.step( "First node was elected leader" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=correctLeader,
+ onpass="Correct leader was elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect leader" )
+ def CASE15( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+ 15.1 Run election on each node
+ 15.2 Check that each node has the same leaders and candidates
+ 15.3 Find current leader and withdraw
+ 15.4 Check that a new node was elected leader
+ 15.5 Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader
+ 15.6 Run for election on old leader
+ 15.7 Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node
+ 15.8 Make sure that the old leader was added to the candidate list
+ old and new variable prefixes refer to data from before vs after
+ withdrawl and later before withdrawl vs after re-election
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ description = "Check that Leadership Election is still functional"
+ description )
+ # NOTE: Need to re-run after restarts since being a canidate is not persistant
+ oldLeaders = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates before
+ newLeaders = [] # list of lists of each nodes' candidates after
+ oldLeader = '' # the old leader from oldLeaders, None if not same
+ newLeader = '' # the new leaders fron newLoeaders, None if not same
+ oldLeaderCLI = None # the CLI of the old leader used for re-electing
+ expectNoLeader = False # True when there is only one leader
+ if main.numCtrls == 1:
+ expectNoLeader = True
+ main.step( "Run for election on each node" )
+ electionResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in main.activeNodes: # run test election on each node
+ if main.CLIs[i].electionTestRun() == main.FALSE:
+ electionResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=electionResult,
+ onpass="All nodes successfully ran for leadership",
+ onfail="At least one node failed to run for leadership" )
+ if electionResult == main.FALSE:
+ main.log.error(
+ "Skipping Test Case because Election Test App isn't loaded" )
+ main.skipCase()
+ main.step( "Check that each node shows the same leader and candidates" )
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaderboards"
+ activeCLIs = [ main.CLIs[i] for i in main.activeNodes ]
+ sameResult, oldLeaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ if sameResult:
+ oldLeader = oldLeaders[ 0 ][ 0 ]
+ main.log.warn( oldLeader )
+ else:
+ oldLeader = None
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=sameResult,
+ onpass="Leaderboards are consistent for the election topic",
+ onfail=failMessage )
+ main.step( "Find current leader and withdraw" )
+ withdrawResult = main.TRUE
+ # do some sanity checking on leader before using it
+ if oldLeader is None:
+ main.log.error( "Leadership isn't consistent." )
+ withdrawResult = main.FALSE
+ # Get the CLI of the oldLeader
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ if oldLeader == main.nodes[ i ].ip_address:
+ oldLeaderCLI = main.CLIs[ i ]
+ break
+ else: # FOR/ELSE statement
+ main.log.error( "Leader election, could not find current leader" )
+ if oldLeader:
+ withdrawResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestWithdraw()
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=withdrawResult,
+ onpass="Node was withdrawn from election",
+ onfail="Node was not withdrawn from election" )
+ main.step( "Check that a new node was elected leader" )
+ failMessage = "Nodes have different leaders"
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
+ newLeaderResult, newLeaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ newLeader = None
+ if newLeaderResult:
+ if newLeaders[ 0 ][ 0 ] == 'none':
+ main.log.error( "No leader was elected on at least 1 node" )
+ if not expectNoLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = False
+ newLeader = newLeaders[ 0 ][ 0 ]
+ # Check that the new leader is not the older leader, which was withdrawn
+ if newLeader == oldLeader:
+ newLeaderResult = False
+ main.log.error( "All nodes still see old leader: " + str( oldLeader ) +
+ " as the current leader" )
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=newLeaderResult,
+ onpass="Leadership election passed",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
+ main.step( "Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader" )
+ # candidates[ 2 ] should become the top candidate after withdrawl
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ if expectNoLeader:
+ if newLeader == 'none':
+ "No leader expected. None found. Pass" )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ "Expected no leader, got: " + str( newLeader ) )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ elif len( oldLeaders[0] ) >= 3:
+ if newLeader == oldLeaders[ 0 ][ 2 ]:
+ # correct leader was elected
+ correctCandidateResult = main.TRUE
+ else:
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "Candidate {} was elected. {} should have had priority.".format(
+ newLeader, oldLeaders[ 0 ][ 2 ] ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Could not determine who should be the correct leader" )
+ main.log.debug( oldLeaders[ 0 ] )
+ correctCandidateResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=correctCandidateResult,
+ onpass="Correct Candidate Elected",
+ onfail="Incorrect Candidate Elected" )
+ main.step( "Run for election on old leader( just so everyone " +
+ "is in the hat )" )
+ if oldLeaderCLI is not None:
+ runResult = oldLeaderCLI.electionTestRun()
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "No old leader to re-elect" )
+ runResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=runResult,
+ onpass="App re-ran for election",
+ onfail="App failed to run for election" )
+ main.step(
+ "Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node" )
+ # verify leader didn't just change
+ # Get new leaders and candidates
+ reRunLeaders = []
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # Paremterize
+ positionResult, reRunLeaders = main.HA.consistentLeaderboards( activeCLIs )
+ # Check that the re-elected node is last on the candidate List
+ if not reRunLeaders[0]:
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ elif oldLeader != reRunLeaders[ 0 ][ -1 ]:
+ main.log.error( "Old Leader ({}) not in the proper position: {} ".format( str( oldLeader),
+ str( reRunLeaders[ 0 ] ) ) )
+ positionResult = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals(
+ expect=True,
+ actual=positionResult,
+ onpass="Old leader successfully re-ran for election",
+ onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election after " +
+ "the old leader re-ran for election" )
+ def CASE16( self, main ):
+ """
+ Install Distributed Primitives app
+ """
+ import time
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ # Variables for the distributed primitives tests
+ global pCounterName
+ global pCounterValue
+ global onosSet
+ global onosSetName
+ pCounterName = "TestON-Partitions"
+ pCounterValue = 0
+ onosSet = set([])
+ onosSetName = "TestON-set"
+ description = "Install Primitives app"
+ description )
+ main.step( "Install Primitives app" )
+ appName = "org.onosproject.distributedprimitives"
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ appResults = main.CLIs[node].activateApp( appName )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=appResults,
+ onpass="Primitives app activated",
+ onfail="Primitives app not activated" )
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # To allow all nodes to activate
+ def CASE17( self, main ):
+ """
+ Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+ """
+ # Make sure variables are defined/set
+ assert main.numCtrls, "main.numCtrls not defined"
+ assert main, "main not defined"
+ assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
+ assert main.CLIs, "main.CLIs not defined"
+ assert main.nodes, "main.nodes not defined"
+ assert pCounterName, "pCounterName not defined"
+ assert onosSetName, "onosSetName not defined"
+ # NOTE: assert fails if value is 0/None/Empty/False
+ try:
+ pCounterValue
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "pCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
+ pCounterValue = 0
+ try:
+ onosSet
+ except NameError:
+ main.log.error( "onosSet not defined, setting to empty Set" )
+ onosSet = set([])
+ # Variables for the distributed primitives tests. These are local only
+ addValue = "a"
+ addAllValue = "a b c d e f"
+ retainValue = "c d e f"
+ description = "Check for basic functionality with distributed " +\
+ "primitives"
+ description )
+ main.caseExplanation = "Test the methods of the distributed " +\
+ "primitives (counters and sets) throught the cli"
+ # Partitioned counters
+ main.step( "Increment then get a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
+ name="counterAddAndGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ] )
+ pCounterValue += 1
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Get then Increment a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestGetAndAdd,
+ name="counterGetAndAdd-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ] )
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ pCounterValue += 1
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
+ incrementCheck = main.HA.counterCheck( pCounterName, pCounterValue )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=incrementCheck,
+ onpass="Added counters are correct",
+ onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Add -8 to then get a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
+ name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ],
+ kwargs={ "delta": -8 } )
+ pCounterValue += -8
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Add 5 to then get a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestAddAndGet,
+ name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ],
+ kwargs={ "delta": 5 } )
+ pCounterValue += 5
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Get then add 5 to a default counter on each node" )
+ pCounters = []
+ threads = []
+ addedPValues = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].counterTestGetAndAdd,
+ name="counterIncrement-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ pCounterName ],
+ kwargs={ "delta": 5 } )
+ addedPValues.append( pCounterValue )
+ pCounterValue += 5
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ pCounters.append( t.result )
+ # Check that counter incremented numController times
+ pCounterResults = True
+ for i in addedPValues:
+ tmpResult = i in pCounters
+ pCounterResults = pCounterResults and tmpResult
+ if not tmpResult:
+ main.log.error( str( i ) + " is not in partitioned "
+ "counter incremented results" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=pCounterResults,
+ onpass="Default counter incremented",
+ onfail="Error incrementing default" +
+ " counter" )
+ main.step( "Counters we added have the correct values" )
+ incrementCheck = main.HA.counterCheck( pCounterName, pCounterValue )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=incrementCheck,
+ onpass="Added counters are correct",
+ onfail="Added counters are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set get" )
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=getResults,
+ onpass="Set elements are correct",
+ onfail="Set elements are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set size" )
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=sizeResults,
+ onpass="Set sizes are correct",
+ onfail="Set sizes are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set add()" )
+ onosSet.add( addValue )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAdd-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addResults = main.FALSE
+ if addResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set add" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addResults = addResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addResults,
+ onpass="Set add correct",
+ onfail="Set add was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
+ onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addAllResults,
+ onpass="Set addAll correct",
+ onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set contains()" )
+ containsResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setContains-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ],
+ kwargs={ "values": addValue } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ # NOTE: This is the tuple
+ containsResponses.append( t.result )
+ containsResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ containsResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ containsResults = containsResults and\
+ containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=containsResults,
+ onpass="Set contains is functional",
+ onfail="Set contains failed" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set containsAll()" )
+ containsAllResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setContainsAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ],
+ kwargs={ "values": addAllValue } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ # NOTE: This is the tuple
+ containsAllResponses.append( t.result )
+ containsAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if containsResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ containsResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ containsResults = containsResults and\
+ containsResponses[ i ][ 1 ]
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=containsAllResults,
+ onpass="Set containsAll is functional",
+ onfail="Set containsAll failed" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set remove()" )
+ onosSet.remove( addValue )
+ removeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestRemove-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ removeResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ removeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if removeResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # not in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif removeResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ removeResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ removeResults = main.FALSE
+ if removeResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set remove" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ removeResults = removeResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=removeResults,
+ onpass="Set remove correct",
+ onfail="Set remove was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set removeAll()" )
+ onosSet.difference_update( addAllValue.split() )
+ removeAllResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ try:
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestRemoveAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ removeAllResponses.append( t.result )
+ except Exception, e:
+ main.log.exception(e)
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ removeAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # not in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif removeAllResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ removeAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ removeAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if removeAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set removeAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ removeAllResults = removeAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=removeAllResults,
+ onpass="Set removeAll correct",
+ onfail="Set removeAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
+ onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addAllResults,
+ onpass="Set addAll correct",
+ onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set clear()" )
+ onosSet.clear()
+ clearResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestClear-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, " "], # Values doesn't matter
+ kwargs={ "clear": True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ clearResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ clearResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if clearResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Nothing set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif clearResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ clearResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ clearResults = main.FALSE
+ if clearResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set clear" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ clearResults = clearResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=clearResults,
+ onpass="Set clear correct",
+ onfail="Set clear was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set addAll()" )
+ onosSet.update( addAllValue.split() )
+ addResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestAdd,
+ name="setTestAddAll-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, addAllValue ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ addResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ addAllResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if addResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif addResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ addAllResults = main.FALSE
+ if addAllResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set addAll" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " expected a size of " + str( size ) +
+ " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ addAllResults = addAllResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=addAllResults,
+ onpass="Set addAll correct",
+ onfail="Set addAll was incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Distributed Set retain()" )
+ onosSet.intersection_update( retainValue.split() )
+ retainResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestRemove,
+ name="setTestRetain-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName, retainValue ],
+ kwargs={ "retain": True } )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ retainResponses.append( t.result )
+ # main.TRUE = successfully changed the set
+ # main.FALSE = action resulted in no change in set
+ # main.ERROR - Some error in executing the function
+ retainResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ if retainResponses[ i ] == main.TRUE:
+ # All is well
+ pass
+ elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.FALSE:
+ # Already in set, probably fine
+ pass
+ elif retainResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ # Error in execution
+ retainResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # unexpected result
+ retainResults = main.FALSE
+ if retainResults != main.TRUE:
+ main.log.error( "Error executing set retain" )
+ # Check if set is still correct
+ size = len( onosSet )
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestGet,
+ name="setTestGet-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ getResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if isinstance( getResponses[ i ], list):
+ current = set( getResponses[ i ] )
+ if len( current ) == len( getResponses[ i ] ):
+ # no repeats
+ if onosSet != current:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has incorrect view" +
+ " of set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Expected: " + str( onosSet ) )
+ main.log.debug( "Actual: " + str( current ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ # error, set is not a set
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node +
+ " has repeat elements in" +
+ " set " + onosSetName + ":\n" +
+ str( getResponses[ i ] ) )
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ elif getResponses[ i ] == main.ERROR:
+ getResults = main.FALSE
+ sizeResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].setTestSize,
+ name="setTestSize-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ onosSetName ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ sizeResponses.append( t.result )
+ sizeResults = main.TRUE
+ for i in range( len( main.activeNodes ) ):
+ node = str( main.activeNodes[i] + 1 )
+ if size != sizeResponses[ i ]:
+ sizeResults = main.FALSE
+ main.log.error( "ONOS" + node + " expected a size of " +
+ str( size ) + " for set " + onosSetName +
+ " but got " + str( sizeResponses[ i ] ) )
+ retainResults = retainResults and getResults and sizeResults
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=retainResults,
+ onpass="Set retain correct",
+ onfail="Set retain was incorrect" )
+ # Transactional maps
+ main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps put" )
+ tMapValue = "Testing"
+ numKeys = 100
+ putResult = True
+ node = main.activeNodes[0]
+ putResponses = main.CLIs[node].transactionalMapPut( numKeys, tMapValue )
+ if putResponses and len( putResponses ) == 100:
+ for i in putResponses:
+ if putResponses[ i ][ 'value' ] != tMapValue:
+ putResult = False
+ else:
+ putResult = False
+ if not putResult:
+ main.log.debug( "Put response values: " + str( putResponses ) )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=putResult,
+ onpass="Partitioned Transactional Map put successful",
+ onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map put values are incorrect" )
+ main.step( "Partitioned Transactional maps get" )
+ getCheck = True
+ for n in range( 1, numKeys + 1 ):
+ getResponses = []
+ threads = []
+ valueCheck = True
+ for i in main.activeNodes:
+ t = main.Thread( target=main.CLIs[i].transactionalMapGet,
+ name="TMap-get-" + str( i ),
+ args=[ "Key" + str( n ) ] )
+ threads.append( t )
+ t.start()
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ getResponses.append( t.result )
+ for node in getResponses:
+ if node != tMapValue:
+ valueCheck = False
+ if not valueCheck:
+ main.log.warn( "Values for key 'Key" + str( n ) + "' do not match:" )
+ main.log.warn( getResponses )
+ getCheck = getCheck and valueCheck
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
+ actual=getCheck,
+ onpass="Partitioned Transactional Map get values were correct",
+ onfail="Partitioned Transactional Map values incorrect" )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/HAswapNodes.topo b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/HAswapNodes.topo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81cf47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/HAswapNodes.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ <ONOSbench>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+ </ONOSbench>
+ <ONOScli1>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli1>
+ <ONOScli2>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli2>
+ <ONOScli3>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli3>
+ <ONOScli4>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli4>
+ <ONOScli5>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli5>
+ <ONOScli6>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli6>
+ <ONOScli7>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli7>
+ <ONOS1>
+ <host>OC1</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>9</connect_order>
+ </ONOS1>
+ <ONOS2>
+ <host>OC2</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>10</connect_order>
+ </ONOS2>
+ <ONOS3>
+ <host>OC3</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>11</connect_order>
+ </ONOS3>
+ <ONOS4>
+ <host>OC4</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>12</connect_order>
+ </ONOS4>
+ <ONOS5>
+ <host>OC5</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>13</connect_order>
+ </ONOS5>
+ <ONOS6>
+ <host>OC6</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>14</connect_order>
+ </ONOS6>
+ <ONOS7>
+ <host>OC7</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>15</connect_order>
+ </ONOS7>
+ <Mininet1>
+ <host>OCN</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>MininetCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>16</connect_order>
+ #Specify the Option for mininet
+ <arg1> --custom ~/mininet/custom/ </arg1>
+ <arg2> --topo obelisk </arg2>
+ <arg3> --switch ovs,protocols=OpenFlow13 </arg3>
+ <controller> none </controller>
+ <home>~/mininet/custom/</home>
+ </Mininet1>
+ <Mininet2>
+ <host>OCN</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>RemoteMininetDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>17</connect_order>
+ </Mininet2>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/README b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..281b7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+This test is designed to verify that an ONOS cluster behaves correctly when
+nodes are added or removed from a cluster dynamically via modifying a remote
+cluster metadata file.
+The gerneral structure for the test:
+- Startup
+- Assign switches
+- Verify ONOS state and functionality
+ - Device mastership
+ - Intents
+ - Leadership election
+ - Distributed Primitives
+- Scale ONOS cluster size from 1 to 7 to 1 by increments of 2
+ - Modify cluster metadata file
+ - Start or stop ONOS nodes
+ - Verify ONOS state and functionality
+ - Dataplane failures
+ - link down and up
+ - switch down and up
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff976f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+"Functions for using the SimpleHTTPServer python module"
+import re
+class Server():
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.PID = -1
+ self.component = None
+ self.rootDir = None
+ def __del__( self ):
+ self.stop()
+ def start( self, component, rootDir, port=8000, logDir=None ):
+ """
+ Start SimpleHTTPServer as a background process from rootDir on the
+ given component. The webserver will listen on port and if specified,
+ output will be redirected to logDir.
+ Arguments:
+ - component = The TestON component handle to start the webserver on
+ - rootDir = The root directory for the web content
+ - port = The port number for the webserver to listen on. Defaults to 8000
+ - logDir = If specified, the output of the webserver will be redirected
+ to this file. Note that this should be either an absolute path
+ or relative to rootDir.
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ self.rootDir = rootDir
+ try:
+ # Save component for this instance so other functions can use it
+ self.component = component
+ "Starting SimpleHTTPServer on " + )
+ if component.handle:
+ handle = component.handle
+ # cd to rootDir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + str( rootDir ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ # Start server
+ cmd = "python -m SimpleHTTPServer {}".format( port )
+ if logDir:
+ cmd += " &> {}".format( logDir ) # pipe all output to a file
+ else:
+ cmd += "&> {dev/null}" # Throw away all output
+ cmd += " &"
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response = handle.before
+ # Return to home dir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + component.home )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response += handle.before
+ if "Exit" in response:
+ main.log.error( "Error starting server. Check server log for details" )
+ main.log.debug( handle.before )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ # capture PID for later use
+ # EX: [1] 67987
+ match = "\[\d\] (?P<PID>\d+)", response )
+ if match:
+ self.PID = "PID" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Could not find PID" )
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error starting web server" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ return retValue
+ def stop( self ):
+ """
+ Kills the process of the server. Note that this function must be run
+ from the same instance of the server class that the server was started
+ on.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ "Stopping Server." )
+ assert self.component, "Component not specified"
+ assert self.PID, "PID not found"
+ if self.component.handle:
+ handle = self.component.handle
+ cmd = "sudo kill {}".format( self.PID )
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ # TODO: What is bad output? cannot sudo?
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error stopping web server" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ return retValue
+ def generateFile( self, nodes, equal=False, filename="cluster.json" ):
+ """
+ Generate custom metadata file in the root directory using the custom
+ onos-gen-partitions file which should also be located in the root
+ directory.
+ Note that this function needs to be run after the start function has
+ been called for this instance.
+ Arguments:
+ - nodes = The number of ONOS nodes to include in the cluster. Will
+ include nodes in ascending order, I.E. OC1, OC2, etc
+ Optional Arguments:
+ - equal = Specifies whether all nodes should participate in every
+ partition. Defaults to False.
+ - filename = The name of the file to save the cluster metadata to.
+ Defaults to "cluster.json".
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if the command succedes or main.FALSE if there is an error.
+ """
+ retValue = main.TRUE
+ try:
+ if self.component.handle:
+ assert self.component, "Component not specified. Please start the server first"
+ assert self.rootDir, "Root directory not found"
+ handle = self.component.handle
+ # cd to rootDir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + str( self.rootDir ) )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ cmd = "./onos-gen-partitions {} {} ".format( filename, nodes )
+ if equal:
+ cmd += "-e"
+ handle.sendline( cmd )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response = handle.before
+ # Return to home dir
+ handle.sendline( "cd " + self.component.home )
+ handle.expect( "\$" )
+ response += handle.before
+ if "Traceback" in response:
+ main.log.error( handle.before )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ else:
+ main.log.error( "Component handle is not set" )
+ retValue = main.FALSE
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( "Error generating metadata file" )
+ return retValue
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae7da6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAswapNodes/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ Generate the partitions json file from the $OC* environment variables
+ Usage: onos-gen-partitions output_file [num_nodes] [-e]
+ If output file is not provided, the json is written to stdout.
+from os import environ
+from collections import deque, OrderedDict
+import re
+import json
+import sys
+import hashlib
+convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
+alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
+def get_OC_vars():
+ vars = []
+ for var in environ:
+ if re.match(r"OC[0-9]+", var):
+ vars.append(var)
+ return sorted(vars, key=alphanum_key)
+def get_nodes(vars, port=9876):
+ node = lambda k: { 'id': k, 'ip': k, 'port': port }
+ return [ node(environ[v]) for v in vars ]
+def generate_base_partition(nodes):
+ return {
+ 'id': 0,
+ 'members': nodes
+ }
+def generate_extended_partitions_scaling(nodes, k, partitions=3, equal=False):
+ l = deque(nodes)
+ perms = []
+ for i in range(1, partitions + 1):
+ if equal:
+ members = list(l)
+ else:
+ members = list(l)[:k]
+ part = {
+ 'id': i,
+ 'members': members
+ }
+ perms.append(part)
+ l.rotate(-2)
+ return perms
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ vars = get_OC_vars()
+ # NOTE: likely prone to errors
+ nodes = get_nodes(vars)
+ num = None
+ equal = False
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
+ num = int(sys.argv[2])
+ try:
+ equal = "-e" in sys.argv[3]
+ except:
+ equal = False
+ if num:
+ nodes = nodes[:num]
+ base_partition = generate_base_partition([v.get('id') for v in nodes])
+ extended_partitions = generate_extended_partitions_scaling([v.get('id') for v in nodes],
+ 3, equal=equal)
+ partitions = []
+ partitions.append(base_partition)
+ partitions.extend(extended_partitions)
+ name = hash("HAScaling")
+ data = {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'nodes': nodes,
+ 'partitions': partitions
+ }
+ output = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
+ filename = sys.argv[1]
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(output)
+ else:
+ print output
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions b/TestON/tests/HA/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
index 06c5ec9..b83aea6 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/HA/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/dependencies/onos-gen-partitions
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@
node = lambda k: { 'id': k, 'ip': k, 'port': port }
return [ node(environ[v]) for v in vars ]
-def generate_base_partition(nodes):
- return {
- 'id': 0,
- 'members': nodes
- }
def generate_extended_partitions(nodes, k):
l = deque(nodes)
perms = []
@@ -60,10 +54,8 @@
if __name__ == '__main__':
vars = get_OC_vars()
nodes = get_nodes(vars)
- base_partition = generate_base_partition([v.get('id') for v in nodes])
extended_partitions = generate_extended_partitions_HA([v.get('id') for v in nodes], 3)
partitions = []
- partitions.append(base_partition)
name = 0
for node in nodes:
diff --git a/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/ b/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/
index ca5e240..b767835 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/
+++ b/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
cliResult = main.TRUE
for i in range( i, main.numCtrls ):
cliResult = cliResult and \
- main.CLIs[ i ].startOnosCli( ONOSIp=main.ONOSip[ i ] )
-"ONOSip is: " + main.ONOSip[i])
+ main.ONOScli1.startCellCli( )
+"ONOSip is: " + main.ONOScli1.ip_address)
stepResult = cliResult
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -204,8 +204,7 @@
main.step("Activate openflow-base App")
app = main.params['CASE10']['app']
- stepResult = main.ONOSbench.onosCli( ONOSIp = main.ONOSip[0],
- cmdstr = "app activate " + app )
+ stepResult = main.ONOScli1.activateApp( app )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -216,9 +215,9 @@
- main.step( "Disable AdaptiveFlowSampling ")
- stepResult = main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( main.ONOSip[0], "org.onosproject.provider.of.flow.impl.OpenFlowRuleProvider",
- "adaptiveFlowSampling " + main.params['CASE10']['adaptiveFlowenabled'])
+ main.step( "Configure AdaptiveFlowSampling ")
+ stepResult = main.ONOScli1.setCfg( component = "org.onosproject.provider.of.flow.impl.OpenFlowRuleProvider",
+ propName = "adaptiveFlowSampling ", value = main.params['CASE10']['adaptiveFlowenabled'])
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="App Configuration Succeeded! ",
diff --git a/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/SCPFbatchFlowResp.topo b/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/SCPFbatchFlowResp.topo
index 0e3543e..b37a17a 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/SCPFbatchFlowResp.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/MISC/SCPFbatchFlowResp/SCPFbatchFlowResp.topo
@@ -3,19 +3,18 @@
- <user>admin</user>
- <password>onos_test</password>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
- <home>~/Projects/onos</home>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <user>admin</user>
- <password>onos_test</password>
+ <host>OC1</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
@@ -24,8 +23,8 @@
- <user>admin</user>
- <password>onos_test</password>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/MISC/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/MISC/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/PLAT/PLATdockertest/ b/TestON/tests/PLAT/PLATdockertest/
index 6e4acda..7133931 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/PLAT/PLATdockertest/
+++ b/TestON/tests/PLAT/PLATdockertest/
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
main.ONOSbenchDocker.onosFormCluster(cmdPath = clcmdpath, onosIPs=IPlist, user=dkruser, passwd = dkrpasswd)"Wait for cluster to form with sleep time of " + str(startupSleep))
- status, response = main.ONOSbenchRest.send(ip=IPlist[0],port=8181, url="/cluster")
+ status, response = main.ONOSbenchRest.send(ip=IPlist[0], port=8181, url="/cluster")
main.log.debug("Rest call response: " + str(status) + " - " + response)
if status == 200:
jrsp = json.loads(response)
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2a2b6..0000000
--- a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- This wrapper function is use for starting up onos instance
-import time
-import os
-import json
-def onosBuild( main, gitBranch ):
- """
- This includes pulling ONOS and building it using maven install
- """
- buildResult = main.FALSE
- # Git checkout a branch of ONOS
- checkOutResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( gitBranch )
- # Does the git pull on the branch that was checked out
- if not checkOutResult:
- main.log.warn( "Failed to checked out " + gitBranch +
- " branch")
- else:
- "Successfully checked out " + gitBranch +
- " branch")
- gitPullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
- if gitPullResult == main.ERROR:
- main.log.error( "Error pulling git branch" )
- else:
- "Successfully pulled " + gitBranch + " branch" )
- # Maven clean install
- buildResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
- return buildResult
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/README b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 359943e..0000000
--- a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- This is a Sample test suite that demonstrates starting up ONOS
- and scalling to multiple instances. It also has extra
- functionalilty that allows the tester to bypass the ONOS
- package and install case (case 2) to save time.
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.params b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.params
deleted file mode 100755
index 9120c6a..0000000
--- a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.params
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- <testcases>1,2,2,2</testcases>
- <size>1,2,3</size>
- <max>3</max>
- </SCALE>
- <path>/tests/SAMPstartTemplate/dependencies/</path>
- <wrapper1>startUp</wrapper1>
- <topology></topology>
- <ENV>
- <cellName>productionCell</cellName>
- <cellApps>drivers,openflow,proxyarp,mobility</cellApps>
- </ENV>
- <GIT>
- <pull>False</pull>
- <branch>master</branch>
- </GIT>
- <CTRL>
- <port>6653</port>
- </CTRL>
- <startup>15</startup>
- </SLEEP>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6184da..0000000
--- a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# This is a sample template that starts up ONOS cluster, this template
-# is used as a starting script for creating functionality and performance test
-class SAMPstartTemplate:
- def __init__( self ):
- self.default = ''
- def CASE1( self, main ):
- import time
- import os
- import imp
- import re
- """
- - Construct tests variables
- - GIT ( optional )
- - Checkout ONOS master branch
- - Pull latest ONOS code
- - Building ONOS ( optional )
- - Install ONOS package
- - Build ONOS package
- """
- "Constructing test variables and building ONOS package" )
- main.step( "Constructing test variables" )
- stepResult = main.FALSE
- # Test variables
- main.testOnDirectory = re.sub( "(/tests)$", "", main.testDir )
- main.cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
- main.apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellApps' ]
- gitBranch = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'branch' ]
- main.dependencyPath = main.testOnDirectory + \
- main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'path' ]
- main.topology = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'topology' ]
- main.scale = ( main.params[ 'SCALE' ][ 'size' ] ).split( "," )
- main.maxNodes = int( main.params[ 'SCALE' ][ 'max' ] )
- main.ONOSport = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port' ]
- wrapperFile1 = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'wrapper1' ]
- main.startUpSleep = int( main.params[ 'SLEEP' ][ 'startup' ] )
- gitPull = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'pull' ]
- main.cellData = {} # for creating cell file
- main.CLIs = []
- main.ONOSip = []
- main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
- print main.ONOSip
- # Assigning ONOS cli handles to a list
- for i in range( 1, main.maxNodes + 1 ):
- main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli' + str( i ) ) )
- main.startUp = imp.load_source( wrapperFile1,
- main.dependencyPath +
- wrapperFile1 +
- ".py" )
- copyResult1 = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1,
- main.dependencyPath +
- main.topology,
- main.Mininet1.home,
- direction="to" )
- if main.CLIs:
- stepResult = main.TRUE
- else:
- main.log.error( "Did not properly created list of ONOS CLI handle" )
- stepResult = main.FALSE
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully construct " +
- "test variables ",
- onfail="Failed to construct test variables" )
- if gitPull == 'True':
- main.step( "Building ONOS in " + gitBranch + " branch" )
- onosBuildResult = main.startUp.onosBuild( main, gitBranch )
- stepResult = onosBuildResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully compiled " +
- "latest ONOS",
- onfail="Failed to compile " +
- "latest ONOS" )
- else:
- main.log.warn( "Did not pull new code so skipping mvn " +
- "clean install" )
- def CASE2( self, main ):
- """
- - Set up cell
- - Create cell file
- - Set cell file
- - Verify cell file
- - Kill ONOS process
- - Uninstall ONOS cluster
- - Verify ONOS start up
- - Install ONOS cluster
- - Connect to cli
- """
- # main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
- main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
- "Starting up " + str( main.numCtrls ) +
- " node(s) ONOS cluster" )
- #kill off all onos processes
- "Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" +
- " before initiating environment setup" )
- for i in range( main.maxNodes ):
- main.ONOSbench.onosDie( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- print "NODE COUNT = ", main.numCtrls
- tempOnosIp = []
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- tempOnosIp.append( main.ONOSip[i] )
- main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( main.ONOSbench.ip_address,
- "temp",
- main.Mininet1.ip_address,
- main.apps,
- tempOnosIp )
- main.step( "Apply cell to environment" )
- cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( "temp" )
- verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
- stepResult = cellResult and verifyResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully applied cell to " + \
- "environment",
- onfail="Failed to apply cell to environment " )
- main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
- packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
- stepResult = packageResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully created ONOS package",
- onfail="Failed to create ONOS package" )
- time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
- main.step( "Uninstalling ONOS package" )
- onosUninstallResult = main.TRUE
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- onosUninstallResult = onosUninstallResult and \
- main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( nodeIp=main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- stepResult = onosUninstallResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully uninstalled ONOS package",
- onfail="Failed to uninstall ONOS package" )
- time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
- main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
- onosInstallResult = main.TRUE
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- onosInstallResult = onosInstallResult and \
- main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( node=main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- stepResult = onosInstallResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully installed ONOS package",
- onfail="Failed to install ONOS package" )
- time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
- main.step( "Starting ONOS service" )
- stopResult = main.TRUE
- startResult = main.TRUE
- onosIsUp = main.TRUE
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- onosIsUp = onosIsUp and main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- if onosIsUp == main.TRUE:
- "ONOS instance is up and ready" )
- else:
- "ONOS instance may not be up, stop and " +
- "start ONOS again " )
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- stopResult = stopResult and \
- main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- startResult = startResult and \
- main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- stepResult = onosIsUp and stopResult and startResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="ONOS service is ready",
- onfail="ONOS service did not start properly" )
- main.step( "Start ONOS cli" )
- cliResult = main.TRUE
- for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
- cliResult = cliResult and \
- main.CLIs[ i ].startOnosCli( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
- stepResult = cliResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully start ONOS cli",
- onfail="Failed to start ONOS cli" )
- # Remove the first element in main.scale list
- main.scale.remove( main.scale[ 0 ] )
- def CASE9( self, main ):
- '''
- Report errors/warnings/exceptions
- '''
-"Error report: \n" )
- main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
- [ "INFO",
- "WARN",
- "flow",
- "ERROR",
- "Except" ],
- "s" )
- def CASE11( self, main ):
- """
- Start mininet
- """
- "Start Mininet topology" )
- "Start Mininet topology" )
- main.step( "Starting Mininet Topology" )
- topoResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=main.dependencyPath + main.topology )
- stepResult = topoResult
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=stepResult,
- onpass="Successfully loaded topology",
- onfail="Failed to load topology" )
- # Exit if topology did not load properly
- if not topoResult:
- main.cleanup()
- main.exit()
- def CASE12( self, main ):
- """
- Test random ONOS command
- """
- main.CLIs[ 0 ].startOnosCli( main.ONOSip[ 0 ] )
- print main.CLIs[ 0 ].leaders()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/Dependency/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/Dependency/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/README b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df40db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ Sample test case how onos test should start up.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node.params b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node.params
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1bed38d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node.params
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ <!--
+ CASE0: pull onos code - this case should be skipped on Jenkins-driven prod test
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE1: setup and clean test env
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE2: get onos warnings, errors from log
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE10: start a 1-node ONOS
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE11: Start Mininet and assign controllers
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE12: Sample case of using onos cli
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE22: Sample case of using onos rest
+ -->
+ <testcases>0,1,10,11,12,22,2</testcases>
+ <CASE0>
+ <gitPull>False</gitPull> # False or True
+ <gitBranch>master</gitBranch>
+ </CASE0>
+ <CASE1>
+ <NodeList>OC1,OC2,OC3</NodeList>
+ <SleepTimers>
+ <onosStartup>60</onosStartup>
+ <onosCfg>5</onosCfg>
+ <mnStartup>15</mnStartup>
+ <mnCfg>10</mnCfg>
+ </SleepTimers>
+ </CASE1>
+ <CASE10>
+ <numNodes>1</numNodes>
+ <Apps>
+ org.onosproject.openflow,org.onosproject.fwd
+ </Apps>
+ <ONOS_Configuration>
+ <>
+ <useFlowObjectives>true</useFlowObjectives>
+ </>
+ </ONOS_Configuration>
+ </CASE10>
+ <CASE11>
+ <path>~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/Dependency/</path>
+ <topo></topo>
+ </CASE11>
+ <CASE12>
+ </CASE12>
+ <CASE22>
+ </CASE22>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befa623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# This is a sample template that starts up ONOS cluster, this template
+# can be use as a base script for ONOS System Testing.
+class SAMPstartTemplate2_1node:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ def CASE0(self, main):
+ '''
+ Pull specific ONOS branch, then Build ONOS ono ONOS Bench.
+ This step is usually skipped. Because in a Jenkins driven automated
+ test env. We want Jenkins jobs to pull&build for flexibility to handle
+ different versions of ONOS.
+ '''
+ gitPull = main.params['CASE0']['gitPull']
+ gitBranch = main.params['CASE0']['gitBranch']
+"Pull onos branch and build onos on Teststation.")
+ if gitPull == 'True':
+ main.step( "Git Checkout ONOS branch: " + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( branch = gitBranch )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully checkout onos branch.",
+ onfail="Failed to checkout onos branch. Exiting test..." )
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step( "Git Pull on ONOS branch:" + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull( )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully pull onos. ",
+ onfail="Failed to pull onos. Exiting test ..." )
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step( "Building ONOS branch: " + gitBranch )
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall( skipTest = True )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully build onos.",
+ onfail="Failed to build onos. Exiting test..." )
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Skipped pulling onos and Skipped building ONOS" )
+ def CASE1( self, main ):
+ '''
+ Set up global test variables;
+ Uninstall all running cells in test env defined in .topo file
+ '''
+ "Constructing global test variables and clean cluster env." )
+ main.step( "Constructing test variables" )
+ main.branch = main.ONOSbench.getBranchName()
+ "Running onos branch: " + main.branch )
+ main.commitNum = main.ONOSbench.getVersion().split(' ')[1]
+ "Running onos commit Number: " + main.commitNum)
+ main.nodeList = main.params['CASE1']['NodeList'].split(",")
+ main.onosStartupSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['onosStartup'] )
+ main.onosCfgSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['onosCfg'] )
+ main.mnStartupSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['mnStartup'] )
+ main.mnCfgSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['mnCfg'] )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.TRUE,
+ onpass="Successfully construct " +
+ "test variables ",
+ onfail="Failed to construct test variables" )
+ main.step( "Uninstall all onos nodes in the env.")
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ for node in main.nodeList:
+ nodeResult = main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( nodeIp = "$" + node )
+ stepResult = stepResult & nodeResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully uninstall onos on all nodes in env.",
+ onfail="Failed to uninstall onos on all nodes in env!" )
+ if not stepResult:
+ main.log.error( "Failure to clean test env. Exiting test..." )
+ main.exit()
+ def CASE2( self, main ):
+ '''
+ Report errors/warnings/exceptions
+ '''
+"Error report: \n" )
+ main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOScli1.ip_address,
+ [ "INFO",
+ "WARN",
+ "flow",
+ "ERROR",
+ "Except" ],
+ "s" )
+ def CASE10( self, main ):
+ """
+ Start ONOS cluster (3 nodes in this example) in three steps:
+ 1) start a basic cluster with drivers app via ONOSDriver;
+ 2) activate apps via ONOSCliDriver;
+ 3) configure onos via ONOSCliDriver;
+ """
+ import time
+ numNodes = int( main.params['CASE10']['numNodes'] )
+ "Start up " + str( numNodes ) + "-node onos cluster.")
+ main.step( "Start ONOS cluster with basic (drivers) app.")
+ onosClusterIPs = []
+ for n in range( 1, numNodes + 1 ):
+ handle = "main.ONOScli" + str( n )
+ onosClusterIPs.append( eval( handle ).ip_address )
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.startBasicONOS(nodeList = onosClusterIPs, opSleep = 200 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully started basic ONOS cluster ",
+ onfail="Failed to start basic ONOS Cluster " )
+ main.step( "Establishing Handles on ONOS CLIs.")
+ cliResult = main.TRUE
+ for n in range( 1, numNodes + 1 ):
+ handle = "main.ONOScli" + str( n )
+ cliResult = cliResult & ( eval( handle ).startCellCli() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cliResult,
+ onpass="Successfully started onos cli's ",
+ onfail="Failed to start onos cli's " )
+ main.step( "Activate onos apps.")
+ apps = main.params['CASE10'].get( 'Apps' )
+ if apps:
+ "Apps to activate: " + apps )
+ activateResult = main.TRUE
+ for a in apps.split(","):
+ activateResult = activateResult & main.ONOScli1.activateApp(a)
+ # TODO: check this worked
+ time.sleep( main.onosCfgSleep ) # wait for apps to activate
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No configurations were specified to be changed after startup" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=activateResult,
+ onpass="Successfully set config",
+ onfail="Failed to set config" )
+ main.step( "Set ONOS configurations" )
+ config = main.params['CASE10'].get( 'ONOS_Configuration' )
+ if config:
+ main.log.debug( config )
+ checkResult = main.TRUE
+ for component in config:
+ for setting in config[component]:
+ value = config[component][setting]
+ check = main.ONOScli1.setCfg( component, setting, value )
+ "Value was changed? {}".format( main.TRUE == check ) )
+ checkResult = check and checkResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=checkResult,
+ onpass="Successfully set config",
+ onfail="Failed to set config" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No configurations were specified to be changed after startup" )
+ def CASE11( self, main ):
+ """
+ Start mininet and assign controllers
+ """
+ import time
+ dependencyPath = main.params['CASE11']['path']
+ topology = main.params['CASE11']['topo']
+ "Start Mininet topology" )
+ "Start Mininet topology" )
+ main.step( "Starting Mininet Topology" )
+ topoResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=dependencyPath + topology )
+ stepResult = topoResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully loaded topology",
+ onfail="Failed to load topology" )
+ # Exit if topology did not load properly
+ if not topoResult:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.step( "Assign switches to controllers.")
+ assignResult = main.TRUE
+ onosNodes = [ main.ONOScli1.ip_address ]
+ for i in range(1, 8):
+ assignResult = assignResult & main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw="s" + str( i ),
+ ip=onosNodes,
+ port='6653' )
+ time.sleep(main.mnCfgSleep)
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully assign switches to controllers",
+ onfail="Failed to assign switches to controllers" )
+ def CASE12( self, main ):
+ """
+ Tests using through ONOS CLI handles
+ """
+ "Test some onos commands through CLI. ")
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOScli1.sendline("summary") )
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOScli1.sendline("devices") )
+ def CASE22( self, main ):
+ """
+ Tests using ONOS REST API handles
+ """
+ " Sample tests using ONOS REST API handles. ")
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest1.send("/devices") )
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest1.apps() )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.topo b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node.topo
similarity index 64%
rename from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.topo
rename to TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node.topo
index 068bfdd..a804d4a 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/SAMPstartTemplate.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node.topo
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
+ <!--
+ This is a list of all components and their handles in the test setup.
+ Even with some handles not used in test cases, we want to define
+ all onos cells here, for cases to set up onos cluster.
+ -->
@@ -8,11 +12,12 @@
+ <home></home> #defines where onos home is
- <host>localhost</host>
+ <host>OC1</host>
@@ -21,28 +26,8 @@
- <ONOScli2>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <user>sdn</user>
- <password>rocks</password>
- <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
- <connect_order>3</connect_order>
- </ONOScli2>
- <ONOScli3>
- <host>localhost</host>
- <user>sdn</user>
- <password>rocks</password>
- <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
- <connect_order>4</connect_order>
- </ONOScli3>
- <host>OCN</host>
+ <host>localhost</host>
@@ -52,5 +37,16 @@
+ <ONOSrest1>
+ <host>OC1</host>
+ <port>8181</port>
+ <user>onos</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosRestDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+ </ONOSrest1>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
rename to TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_1node/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/Dependency/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/Dependency/
copy to TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/Dependency/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/README b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df40db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ Sample test case how onos test should start up.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node.params b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node.params
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41fedd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node.params
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ <!--
+ CASE0: pull onos code - this case should be skipped on Jenkins-driven prod test
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE1: setup and clean test env
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE2: get onos warnings, errors from log
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE10: start a 3-node ONOS Cluster
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE11: Start Mininet and assign controllers
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE12: Sample case of using onos cli
+ -->
+ <!--
+ CASE22: Sample case of using onos rest
+ -->
+ <testcases>0,1,10,11,12,22,2</testcases>
+ <CASE0>
+ <gitPull>False</gitPull> # False or True
+ <gitBranch>master</gitBranch>
+ </CASE0>
+ <CASE1>
+ <NodeList>OC1,OC2,OC3</NodeList>
+ <SleepTimers>
+ <onosStartup>60</onosStartup>
+ <onosCfg>5</onosCfg>
+ <mnStartup>15</mnStartup>
+ <mnCfg>10</mnCfg>
+ </SleepTimers>
+ </CASE1>
+ <CASE10>
+ <numNodes>3</numNodes>
+ <Apps>
+ org.onosproject.openflow,org.onosproject.fwd
+ </Apps>
+ <ONOS_Configuration>
+ <>
+ <useFlowObjectives>true</useFlowObjectives>
+ </>
+ </ONOS_Configuration>
+ </CASE10>
+ <CASE11>
+ <path>~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/Dependency/</path>
+ <topo></topo>
+ </CASE11>
+ <CASE12>
+ </CASE12>
+ <CASE22>
+ </CASE22>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b72b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# This is a sample template that starts up ONOS cluster, this template
+# can be use as a base script for ONOS System Testing.
+class SAMPstartTemplate2_3node:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.default = ''
+ def CASE0(self, main):
+ '''
+ Pull specific ONOS branch, then Build ONOS ono ONOS Bench.
+ This step is usually skipped. Because in a Jenkins driven automated
+ test env. We want Jenkins jobs to pull&build for flexibility to handle
+ different versions of ONOS.
+ '''
+ gitPull = main.params['CASE0']['gitPull']
+ gitBranch = main.params['CASE0']['gitBranch']
+"Pull onos branch and build onos on Teststation.")
+ if gitPull == 'True':
+ main.step( "Git Checkout ONOS branch: " + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( branch = gitBranch )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully checkout onos branch.",
+ onfail="Failed to checkout onos branch. Exiting test..." )
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step( "Git Pull on ONOS branch:" + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull( )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully pull onos. ",
+ onfail="Failed to pull onos. Exiting test ..." )
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step( "Building ONOS branch: " + gitBranch )
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall( skipTest = True )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully build onos.",
+ onfail="Failed to build onos. Exiting test..." )
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "Skipped pulling onos and Skipped building ONOS" )
+ def CASE1( self, main ):
+ '''
+ Set up global test variables;
+ Uninstall all running cells in test env defined in .topo file
+ '''
+ "Constructing global test variables and clean cluster env." )
+ main.step( "Constructing test variables" )
+ main.branch = main.ONOSbench.getBranchName()
+ "Running onos branch: " + main.branch )
+ main.commitNum = main.ONOSbench.getVersion().split(' ')[1]
+ "Running onos commit Number: " + main.commitNum)
+ main.nodeList = main.params['CASE1']['NodeList'].split(",")
+ main.onosStartupSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['onosStartup'] )
+ main.onosCfgSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['onosCfg'] )
+ main.mnStartupSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['mnStartup'] )
+ main.mnCfgSleep = float( main.params['CASE1']['SleepTimers']['mnCfg'] )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=main.TRUE,
+ onpass="Successfully construct " +
+ "test variables ",
+ onfail="Failed to construct test variables" )
+ main.step( "Uninstall all onos nodes in the env.")
+ stepResult = main.TRUE
+ for node in main.nodeList:
+ nodeResult = main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( nodeIp = "$" + node )
+ stepResult = stepResult & nodeResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully uninstall onos on all nodes in env.",
+ onfail="Failed to uninstall onos on all nodes in env!" )
+ if not stepResult:
+ main.log.error( "Failure to clean test env. Exiting test..." )
+ main.exit()
+ def CASE2( self, main ):
+ '''
+ Report errors/warnings/exceptions
+ '''
+"Error report: \n" )
+ main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOScli1.ip_address,
+ [ "INFO",
+ "WARN",
+ "flow",
+ "ERROR",
+ "Except" ],
+ "s" )
+ def CASE10( self, main ):
+ """
+ Start ONOS cluster (3 nodes in this example) in three steps:
+ 1) start a basic cluster with drivers app via ONOSDriver;
+ 2) activate apps via ONOSCliDriver;
+ 3) configure onos via ONOSCliDriver;
+ """
+ import time
+ numNodes = int( main.params['CASE10']['numNodes'] )
+ "Start up " + str( numNodes ) + "-node onos cluster.")
+ main.step( "Start ONOS cluster with basic (drivers) app.")
+ onosClusterIPs = []
+ for n in range( 1, numNodes + 1 ):
+ handle = "main.ONOScli" + str( n )
+ onosClusterIPs.append( eval( handle ).ip_address )
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.startBasicONOS(nodeList = onosClusterIPs, opSleep = 200 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully started basic ONOS cluster ",
+ onfail="Failed to start basic ONOS Cluster " )
+ main.step( "Establishing Handles on ONOS CLIs.")
+ cliResult = main.TRUE
+ for n in range( 1, numNodes + 1 ):
+ handle = "main.ONOScli" + str( n )
+ cliResult = cliResult & ( eval( handle ).startCellCli() )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cliResult,
+ onpass="Successfully started onos cli's ",
+ onfail="Failed to start onos cli's " )
+ main.step( "Activate onos apps.")
+ apps = main.params['CASE10'].get( 'Apps' )
+ if apps:
+ "Apps to activate: " + apps )
+ activateResult = main.TRUE
+ for a in apps.split(","):
+ activateResult = activateResult & main.ONOScli1.activateApp(a)
+ # TODO: check this worked
+ time.sleep( main.onosCfgSleep ) # wait for apps to activate
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No configurations were specified to be changed after startup" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=activateResult,
+ onpass="Successfully set config",
+ onfail="Failed to set config" )
+ main.step( "Set ONOS configurations" )
+ config = main.params['CASE10'].get( 'ONOS_Configuration' )
+ if config:
+ main.log.debug( config )
+ checkResult = main.TRUE
+ for component in config:
+ for setting in config[component]:
+ value = config[component][setting]
+ check = main.ONOScli1.setCfg( component, setting, value )
+ "Value was changed? {}".format( main.TRUE == check ) )
+ checkResult = check and checkResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=checkResult,
+ onpass="Successfully set config",
+ onfail="Failed to set config" )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No configurations were specified to be changed after startup" )
+ def CASE11( self, main ):
+ """
+ Start mininet and assign controllers
+ """
+ import time
+ dependencyPath = main.params['CASE11']['path']
+ topology = main.params['CASE11']['topo']
+ "Start Mininet topology" )
+ "Start Mininet topology" )
+ main.step( "Starting Mininet Topology" )
+ topoResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=dependencyPath + topology )
+ stepResult = topoResult
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully loaded topology",
+ onfail="Failed to load topology" )
+ # Exit if topology did not load properly
+ if not topoResult:
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ main.step( "Assign switches to controllers.")
+ assignResult = main.TRUE
+ onosNodes = [ main.ONOScli1.ip_address, main.ONOScli2.ip_address, main.ONOScli3.ip_address ]
+ for i in range(1, 8):
+ assignResult = assignResult & main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw="s" + str( i ),
+ ip=onosNodes,
+ port='6653' )
+ time.sleep(main.mnCfgSleep)
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully assign switches to controllers",
+ onfail="Failed to assign switches to controllers" )
+ def CASE12( self, main ):
+ """
+ Tests using through ONOS CLI handles
+ """
+ "Test some onos commands through CLI. ")
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOScli1.sendline("summary") )
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOScli3.sendline("devices") )
+ def CASE22( self, main ):
+ """
+ Tests using ONOS REST API handles
+ """
+ " Sample tests using ONOS REST API handles. ")
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest1.send("/devices") )
+ main.log.debug( main.ONOSrest2.apps() )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node.topo b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node.topo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f23369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node.topo
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ <!--
+ This is a list of all components and their handles in the test setup.
+ Even with some handles not used in test cases, we want to define
+ all onos cells here, for cases to set up onos cluster.
+ -->
+ <ONOSbench>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+ <home></home> #defines where onos home is
+ </ONOSbench>
+ <ONOScli1>
+ <host>OC1</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli1>
+ <ONOScli2>
+ <host>OC2</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli2>
+ <ONOScli3>
+ <host>OC3</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli3>
+ <Mininet1>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>MininetCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+ <home>~/mininet/custom/</home>
+ </Mininet1>
+ <ONOSrest1>
+ <host>OC1</host>
+ <port>8181</port>
+ <user>onos</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosRestDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+ </ONOSrest1>
+ <ONOSrest2>
+ <host>OC2</host>
+ <port>8181</port>
+ <user>onos</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosRestDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+ </ONOSrest2>
+ <ONOSrest3>
+ <host>OC3</host>
+ <port>8181</port>
+ <user>onos</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosRestDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+ </ONOSrest3>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate2_3node/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTp/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTp/
index 385d9e6..ac2b3c6 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTp/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTp/
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[0], "", "backupEnabled " + str(flowRuleBU))
+ main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[0], "", "backupEnabled " + str(flowRuleBU))
main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[0], "", "skipReleaseResourcesOnWithdrawal " + skipRelRsrc)
devices = int(clusterCount)*10
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj/
index f3cd037..059552b 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj/
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[0], "", "backupEnabled " + str(flowRuleBU))
+ main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[0], "", "backupEnabled " + str(flowRuleBU))
main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[0], "", "skipReleaseResourcesOnWithdrawal " + skipRelRsrc)
devices = int(clusterCount)*10
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params
index 3799982..9dfa7a4 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/SCPFintentRerouteLat.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- <testcases>1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2</testcases>
+ <testcases>0,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2</testcases>
@@ -14,30 +14,33 @@
- <wait></wait>
<intents>1,100,1000</intents> #list format, will be split on ','
- <debug>True</debug>
- <s1>1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1</s1>
- <s3>2,2,1,1,3,3,3,1</s3>
- <s5>2,2,1,1,3,4,5,3</s5>
- <s7>2,3,1,1,5,6,7,4</s7>
+ <ingress>null:0000000000000001/0</ingress>
+ <egress>null:0000000000000007/0</egress>
+ <debug>False</debug>
- <Submitted>0</Submitted>
- <Installed>1</Installed>
- <Failed>0</Failed>
- <Withdraw>0</Withdraw>
- <Withdrawn>0</Withdrawn>
+ <file>/tmp/IntentRerouteLatDB</file>
- <autopull>off</autopull>
- <checkout>master</checkout>
+ <gitPull>False</gitPull>
+ <gitBranch>master</gitBranch>
+ <verify>3</verify>
+ <startup>10</startup>
+ <install>10</install>
+ <verify>3</verify>
+ <reroute>3</reroute>
+ # timeout for pexpect
+ <timeout>300</timeout>
+ </SLEEP>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/
index 7d70d7f..182f4b6 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLat/
@@ -1,419 +1,366 @@
-# ScaleOutTemplate
-# CASE1 starts number of nodes specified in param file
-import sys
-import os.path
+# SCPFintentRerouteLat
+ - Test Intent Reroute Latency
+ - Test Algorithm:
+ 1. Start Null Provider reroute Topology
+ 2. Using Push-test-intents to push batch size intents from switch 1 to switch 7
+ 3. Cut the link between switch 3 and switch 4 (the path will reroute to switch 8)
+ 4. Get the topology time stamp
+ 5. Get Intent reroute(Installed) time stamp from each nodes
+ 6. Use the latest intent time stamp subtract topology time stamp
+ - This test will run 5 warm up by default, warm up iteration can be setup in Param file
+ - The intent batch size will default set to 1, 100, and 1000, also can be set in Param file
+ - The unit of the latency result is milliseconds
class SCPFintentRerouteLat:
- def __init__( self ):
+ def __init__(self):
self.default = ''
- def CASE1( self, main ):
+ def CASE0( self, main ):
+ '''
+ - GIT
+ Pull specific ONOS branch, then Build ONOS ono ONOS Bench.
+ This step is usually skipped. Because in a Jenkins driven automated
+ test env. We want Jenkins jobs to pull&build for flexibility to handle
+ different versions of ONOS.
+ - Construct tests variables
+ '''
+ gitPull = main.params['GIT']['gitPull']
+ gitBranch = main.params['GIT']['gitBranch']
+"Pull onos branch and build onos on Teststation.")
+ if gitPull == 'True':
+ main.step("Git Checkout ONOS branch: " + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout(branch=gitBranch)
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully checkout onos branch.",
+ onfail="Failed to checkout onos branch. Exiting test...")
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step("Git Pull on ONOS branch:" + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully pull onos. ",
+ onfail="Failed to pull onos. Exiting test ...")
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step("Building ONOS branch: " + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall(skipTest=True)
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully build onos.",
+ onfail="Failed to build onos. Exiting test...")
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn("Skipped pulling onos and Skipped building ONOS")
+ main.apps = main.params['ENV']['cellApps']
+ main.BENCHUser = main.params['BENCH']['user']
+ main.BENCHIp = main.params['BENCH']['ip1']
+ main.MN1Ip = main.params['MN']['ip1']
+ main.maxNodes = int(main.params['max'])
+ main.skipMvn = main.params['TEST']['skipCleanInstall']
+ main.cellName = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
+ main.scale = (main.params['SCALE']).split(",")
+ main.dbFileName = main.params['DATABASE']['file']
+ main.timeout = int(main.params['SLEEP']['timeout'])
+ main.startUpSleep = int(main.params['SLEEP']['startup'])
+ main.installSleep = int(main.params['SLEEP']['install'])
+ main.verifySleep = int(main.params['SLEEP']['verify'])
+ main.verifyAttempts = int(main.params['ATTEMPTS']['verify'])
+ main.sampleSize = int(main.params['TEST']['sampleSize'])
+ main.warmUp = int(main.params['TEST']['warmUp'])
+ main.intentsList = (main.params['TEST']['intents']).split(",")
+ main.ingress = main.params['TEST']['ingress']
+ main.egress = main.params['TEST']['egress']
+ main.debug = main.params['TEST']['debug']
+ for i in range(0, len(main.intentsList)):
+ main.intentsList[i] = int(main.intentsList[i])
+ # Create DataBase file
+"Create Database file " + main.dbFileName)
+ resultsDB = open(main.dbFileName, "w+")
+ resultsDB.close()
+ def CASE1( self, main ):
+ '''
+ clean up test environment and set up
+ '''
import time
- global init
- try:
- if type(init) is not bool:
- init = False
- except NameError:
- init = False
+"Get ONOS cluster IP")
+ print(main.scale)
+ main.numCtrls = int(main.scale[0])
+ main.ONOSip = []
+ main.maxNumBatch = 0
+ main.AllONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.ONOSip.append(main.AllONOSip[i])
+ main.CLIs = []
+"Creating list of ONOS cli handles")
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.CLIs.append(getattr(main, 'ONOS%scli' % (i + 1)))
- #Load values from params file
- checkoutBranch = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'checkout' ]
- gitPull = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'autopull' ]
- cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
- Apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellApps' ]
- BENCHUser = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'user' ]
- BENCHIp = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'ip1' ]
- MN1Ip = main.params[ 'MN' ][ 'ip1' ]
- main.maxNodes = int(main.params[ 'max' ])
- skipMvn = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'skipCleanInstall' ]
- cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+ if not main.CLIs:
+ main.log.error("Failed to create the list of ONOS cli handles")
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
- if init == False:
- init = True
- global clusterCount #number of nodes running
- global ONOSIp #list of ONOS IP addresses
- global scale
- global commit
+ main.commit = main.ONOSbench.getVersion(report=True)
+ main.commit = main.commit.split(" ")[1]
+"Starting up %s node(s) ONOS cluster" % main.numCtrls)
+"Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" +
+ " before initiating environment setup")
- clusterCount = 0
- ONOSIp = [ 0 ]
- scale = (main.params[ 'SCALE' ]).split(",")
- clusterCount = int(scale[0])
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.ONOSbench.onosDie(main.ONOSip[i])
- #Populate ONOSIp with ips from params
- ONOSIp = [0]
- ONOSIp.extend(main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps())
+"NODE COUNT = %s" % main.numCtrls)
- print("-----------------" + str(ONOSIp))
- #mvn clean install, for debugging set param 'skipCleanInstall' to yes to speed up test
- if skipMvn != "yes":
- mvnResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+ # tempOnosIp = []
+ # for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ # tempOnosIp.append(main.AllONOSip[i])
+ # print(tempOnosIp)
+ main.ONOSbench.createCellFile(main.ONOSbench.ip_address,
+ main.cellName,
+ main.MN1Ip,
+ main.apps,
+ main.ONOSip)
+ main.step("Apply cell to environment")
+ cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell(main.cellName)
+ verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ stepResult = cellResult and verifyResult
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully applied cell to " + \
+ "environment",
+ onfail="Failed to apply cell to environment ")
- #git
- main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + checkoutBranch )
- if gitPull == 'on':
- checkoutResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( checkoutBranch )
- pullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
- else:
- checkoutResult = main.TRUE
- pullResult = main.TRUE
- "Skipped git checkout and pull" )
- commit = main.ONOSbench.getVersion()
- commit = (commit.split(" "))[1]
- resultsDB = open("/tmp/IntentRerouteLatDB", "w+")
- resultsDB.close()
- clusterCount = int(scale[0])
- scale.remove(scale[0])
- #kill off all onos processes
- main.log.step("Safety check, killing all ONOS processes")
- main.log.step("before initiating environment setup")
- for node in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
- main.ONOSbench.onosDie(ONOSIp[node])
- #Uninstall everywhere
- main.log.step( "Cleaning Enviornment..." )
- for i in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
-" Uninstalling ONOS " + str(i) )
- main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( ONOSIp[i] )
- #construct the cell file
-"Creating cell file")
- cellIp = []
- for node in range (1, clusterCount + 1):
- cellIp.append(ONOSIp[node])
- main.ONOSbench.createCellFile(BENCHIp,cellName,MN1Ip,str(Apps), cellIp)
- main.step( "Set Cell" )
- main.ONOSbench.setCell(cellName)
- main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+ main.step("Creating ONOS package")
packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+ stepResult = packageResult
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully created ONOS package",
+ onfail="Failed to create ONOS package")
- main.step( "verify cells" )
- verifyCellResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ main.step("Uninstall ONOS package on all Nodes")
+ uninstallResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+"Uninstalling package on ONOS Node IP: " + main.ONOSip[i])
+ u_result = main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall(main.ONOSip[i])
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=u_result,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL")
+ uninstallResult = (uninstallResult and u_result)
- "Initializing " + str( clusterCount ) + " node cluster." )
- for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
-"Starting ONOS " + str(node) + " at IP: " + ONOSIp[node])
- main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( ONOSIp[node])
+ main.step("Install ONOS package on all Nodes")
+ installResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+"Installing package on ONOS Node IP: " + main.ONOSip[i])
+ i_result = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall(node=main.ONOSip[i])
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=i_result,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL")
+ installResult = installResult and i_result
- for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
- for i in range( 2 ):
- isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOSIp[node] )
- if isup:
-"ONOS " + str(node) + " is up\n")
- break
- if not isup:
- "ONOS " + str(node) + " didn't start!" )
-"Startup sequence complete")
+ main.step("Verify ONOS nodes UP status")
+ statusResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+"ONOS Node " + main.ONOSip[i] + " status:")
+ onos_status = main.ONOSbench.onosStatus(node=main.ONOSip[i])
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=onos_status,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL")
+ statusResult = (statusResult and onos_status)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ main.step("Start ONOS CLI on all nodes")
+ cliResult = main.TRUE
+ main.log.step(" Start ONOS cli using thread ")
+ startCliResult = main.TRUE
+ pool = []
+ main.threadID = 0
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+ t = main.Thread(target=main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="startOnosCli",
+ args=[main.ONOSip[i]],
+ kwargs={"onosStartTimeout": main.timeout})
+ pool.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
+ for t in pool:
+ t.join()
+ startCliResult = startCliResult and t.result
+ time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
- deviceMastership = (main.params[ 'TEST' ][ "s" + str(clusterCount) ]).split(",")
- print("Device mastership list: " + str(deviceMastership))
+ # configure apps
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount", value=8)
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "topoShape", value="reroute")
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled", value="true")
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("", "backupEnabled", value="false")
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "", "backupEnabled false")
+ time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
- main.log.step("Setting up null provider")
- for i in range(3):
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount 8")
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "topoShape reroute")
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled true")
- time.sleep(5)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- x = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if "devices=8" in x and "links=16," in x:
- break
- index = 1
- for node in deviceMastership:
- for attempt in range(0,10):
- cmd = ( "onos $OC" + node + """ "device-role null:000000000000000""" + str(index) + " " + ONOSIp[int(node)] + """ master" """)
-"assigning mastership of device " + str(index) + " to node " + node + ": \n " + cmd + "\n")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- time.sleep(4)
- cmd = ( "onos $OC" + node + " roles|grep 00000" + str(index))
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- check = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
-"CHECK:\n" + check)
- if ("master=" + ONOSIp[int(node)]) in check:
- break
- index += 1
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"])
+ # Balance Master
+ main.CLIs[0].balanceMasters()
+ if len(main.ONOSip) > 1:
+ main.CLIs[0].deviceRole("null:0000000000000003", main.ONOSip[0])
+ main.CLIs[0].deviceRole("null:0000000000000004", main.ONOSip[0])
def CASE2( self, main ):
import time
import numpy
import datetime
- #from scipy import stats
+ import json
+ # from scipy import stats
ts = time.time()
- sampleSize = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'sampleSize' ])
- warmUp = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'warmUp' ])
- intentsList = (main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'intents' ]).split(",")
- debug = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'debug' ]
- for i in range(0,len(intentsList)):
- intentsList[i] = int(intentsList[i])
- timestampMetrics = []
- if main.params['METRICS']['Submitted'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Submitted")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Installed'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Installed")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Failed'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Failed")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Withdraw'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Withdraw")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Withdrawn'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Withdrawn")
- if debug:
- if debug == "True":
- debug = True
- else:
- debug = False
- ingress = "null:0000000000000001"
- egress = "null:0000000000000007"
- for intents in intentsList:
-"Intent Batch size: " + str(intents) + "\n ")
- myResult = [["latency", "lastNode"] for x in range(sampleSize)]
- for run in range(0, (warmUp + sampleSize)):
- if run > warmUp:
-"Starting test iteration " + str(run-warmUp))
- cmd = """onos $OC1 "push-test-intents -i """
- cmd += ingress + "/0 "
- cmd += egress + "/0 "
- cmd += str(intents) +""" 1" """
- if debug:
- withdrawCmd = cmd.replace("intents -i", "intents -w ")
- #push-test-intents
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- myRawResult = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- for i in range(0, 40):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- linkCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if ("links=16,") in linkCheck and ("flows=" + str(intents*7) + ","):
- break
- if i == 39:
- main.log.error("Flow/link count incorrect, data invalid."+ linkCheck)
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], "d")
- #main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[(clusterCount-1)], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], "d")
- main.ONOSbench.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.sendline("onos $OC1 devices")
- main.ONOSbench.sendline("onos $OC1 links")
- main.ONOSbench.expect(":~")
- #collect timestamp from link cut
- cmd = """onos $OC1 null-link "null:0000000000000004/1 null:0000000000000003/2 down" """
- if debug:"COMMAND: " + str(cmd))
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- cmd = "onos-ssh $OC1 cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep TopologyManager| tail -1"
- for i in range(0,10):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- time.sleep(2)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- raw = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- #if "NullLinkProvider" in raw and "links=14" in raw:
- if "links=14" in raw:
- break
- if i >= 9:
- main.log.error("Expected output not being recieved... continuing")
- break
- time.sleep(2)
- if debug: main.log.debug("raw: " + raw)
- temp = raw.splitlines()
- if debug: main.log.debug("temp (after splitlines): " + str(temp))
- # Since the string is deterministic the date is always the 3rd element.
- # However, if the data were grepping for in the onos log changes then this will
- # not work. This is why we print out the raw and temp string so we can visually
- # check if everything is in the correct order. temp should like this:
- # temp = ['/onos$ onos-ssh $OC1 cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep Top ',
- # 'ologyManager| tail -1', '2015-10-15 12:03:33,736 ... ]
- temp = temp[2]
- if debug: main.log.debug("temp (checking for date): " + str(temp))
- cutTimestamp = (temp.split(" "))[0] + " " + (temp.split(" "))[1]
- if debug:"Cut timestamp: " + cutTimestamp)
- #validate link count and flow count
- for i in range(0, 40):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- linkCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- #if "links=" + str(7*intents)+ "," in linkCheck and ("flows=" + str(7*intents) + ",") in linkCheck:
- if "links=14," in linkCheck and ("flows=" + str(8*intents) + ",") in linkCheck:
- break
- if i == 39:
- main.log.error("Link or flow count incorrect, data invalid." + linkCheck)
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], "d")
- time.sleep(5) #trying to avoid negative values
- #intents events metrics installed timestamp
- IEMtimestamps = [0]*(clusterCount + 1)
- installedTemp = [0]*(clusterCount + 1)
- for node in range(1, clusterCount +1):
- cmd = "onos $OC" + str(node) + """ "intents-events-metrics"|grep Timestamp """
- raw = ""
- while "epoch)" not in raw:
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- raw = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- print(raw)
- intentsTimestamps = {}
- rawTimestamps = raw.splitlines()
- for line in rawTimestamps:
- if "Timestamp" in line and "grep" not in line:
- metricKey = (line.split(" "))[1]
- metricTimestamp = (line.split(" ")[len(line.split(" ")) -1]).replace("epoch)=","")
- metricTimestamp = float(metricTimestamp)
- metricTimestamp = numpy.divide(metricTimestamp, 1000)
- if debug:
- intentsTimestamps[metricKey] = metricTimestamp
- if metricKey == "Installed":
- installedTemp[node] = metricTimestamp
-"Node: " + str(node) + " Timestamps: " + str(intentsTimestamps))
- IEMtimestamps[node] = intentsTimestamps
- myMax = max(installedTemp)
- indexOfMax = installedTemp.index(myMax)
- #number crunch
- for metric in timestampMetrics: #this is where we sould add support for computing other timestamp metrics
- if metric == "Installed":
- if run >= warmUp:
-"link cut timestamp: " + cutTimestamp)
- #readableInstalledTimestamp = str(intentsTimestamps["Installed"])
- readableInstalledTimestamp = str(myMax)
-"Intent Installed timestamp: " + str(intentsTimestamps["Installed"]))
-"Intent Installed timestamp: " + str(myMax))
- cutEpoch = time.mktime(time.strptime(cutTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f"))
- if debug:"cutEpoch=" + str(cutEpoch))
- #rerouteLatency = float(intentsTimestamps["Installed"] - cutEpoch)
- rerouteLatency = float(myMax - cutEpoch)
- rerouteLatency = numpy.divide(rerouteLatency, 1000)
-"Reroute latency:" + str(rerouteLatency) + " (seconds)\n ")
- myResult[run-warmUp][0] = rerouteLatency
- myResult[run-warmUp][1] = indexOfMax
- if debug:"Latency: " + str(myResult[run-warmUp][0]))
- if debug:"last node: " + str(myResult[run-warmUp][1]))
- cmd = """ onos $OC1 null-link "null:0000000000000004/1 null:0000000000000003/2 up" """
- if debug:
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- #wait for intent withdraw
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(withdrawCmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- if debug:
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 intents|grep WITHDRAWN|wc -l")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- intentWithdrawCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if (str(intents)) in intentWithdrawCheck:
-"intents withdrawn")
- if debug:
- # wait for links to be reestablished
- for i in range(0, 10):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- linkCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if "links=16," in linkCheck:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- if i == 9:
-"Links Failed to reconnect, next iteration of data invalid." + linkCheck)
- if run < warmUp:
-"Warm up run " + str(run+1) + " completed")
- if debug:
- latTemp = []
- nodeTemp = []
- for i in myResult:
- latTemp.append(i[0])
- nodeTemp.append(i[1])
- mode = {}
- for i in nodeTemp:
- if i in mode:
- mode[i] += 1
+ print(main.intentsList)
+ for batchSize in main.intentsList:
+"Intent Batch size: " + str(batchSize) + "\n ")
+ main.LatencyList = []
+ for run in range(0, (main.warmUp + main.sampleSize)):
+ if run >= main.warmUp:
+"Starting test iteration " + str(run - main.warmUp))
- mode[i] = 1
+"====================Warm Up=====================")
- for i in mode.keys():
- if mode[i] == max(mode.values()):
- nodeMode = i
+ # push intents
+ main.CLIs[0].pushTestIntents(main.ingress, main.egress, batchSize,
+ offset=1, options="-i", timeout=main.timeout)
- average = numpy.average(latTemp)
- stdDev = numpy.std(latTemp)
+ # check links and flows
+ k = 0
+ verify = main.FALSE
+ linkCheck = 0
+ flowsCheck = 0
+ while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
+ time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
+ summary = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary(timeout=main.timeout))
+ linkCheck = summary.get("links")
+ flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
+ if linkCheck == 16 and flowsCheck == batchSize * 7:
+"links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
+ verify = main.TRUE
+ break
+ k += 1
+ if not verify:
+ main.log.warn("Links or flows number are not match!")
+ main.log.warn("links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
+ continue
- average = numpy.multiply(average, 1000)
- stdDev = numpy.multiply(stdDev, 1000)
+ # Bring link down
+ main.CLIs[0].link("0000000000000004/1", "0000000000000003/2", "down",
+ timeout=main.timeout, showResponse=False)
+ verify = main.FALSE
+ k = 0
+ topoManagerLog = ""
+ while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
+ time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
+ summary = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary(timeout=main.timeout))
+ linkCheck = summary.get("links")
+ flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
+ if linkCheck == 14:
+"links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck))
+ verify = main.TRUE
+ break
+ k += 1
+ if not verify:
+ main.log.warn("Links number are not match in TopologyManager log!")
+ main.log.warn(topoManagerLog)
+ continue
-"Scale: " + str(clusterCount) + " \tIntent batch: " + str(intents))
-"Latency average:................" + str(average))
-"Latency standard deviation:....." + str(stdDev))
-"Mode of last node to respond:..." + str(nodeMode))
+ try:
+ # expect twice to clean the pexpect buffer
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("")
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.expect("\$")
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.expect("\$")
+ # send line by using bench, can't use driver because pexpect buffer problem
+ cmd = "onos-ssh $OC1 cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep TopologyManager| tail -1"
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
+ topoManagerLog = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
+ topoManagerLogTemp = topoManagerLog.splitlines()
+ # To make sure we get correct topology log
+ for lines in topoManagerLogTemp:
+ if "creationTime" in lines:
+ topoManagerLog = lines
+"Topology Manager log:")
+ print(topoManagerLog)
+ cutTimestamp = float(topoManagerLog.split("creationTime=")[1].split(",")[0])
+ except:
+ main.log.error("Topology Log is not correct!")
+ print(topoManagerLog)
+ # If we got wrong Topology log, we should skip this iteration, and continue for next one
+ continue
+ installedTemp = []
+ time.sleep(1)
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ tempJson = json.loads(cli.intentsEventsMetrics())
+ Installedtime = tempJson.get('intentInstalledTimestamp').get('value')
+ installedTemp.append(float(Installedtime))
+ for i in range(0, len(installedTemp)):
+"ONOS Node {} Installed Time stemp: {}".format((i + 1), installedTemp[i]))
+ maxInstallTime = float(max(installedTemp))
+ if run >= main.warmUp:
+"Installed time stemp: {0:f}".format(maxInstallTime))
+"CutTimestamp: {0:f}".format(cutTimestamp))
+ # Both timeStemps are milliseconds
+"Latency: {0:f}".format(float(maxInstallTime - cutTimestamp)))
+ main.LatencyList.append(float(maxInstallTime - cutTimestamp))
+ # Verify Summary after we bring up link, and withdrawn intents
+ main.CLIs[0].link("0000000000000004/1", "0000000000000003/2", "up",
+ timeout=main.timeout)
+ k = 0
+ verify = main.FALSE
+ linkCheck = 0
+ flowsCheck = 0
+ while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
+ time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
+ main.CLIs[0].removeAllIntents(purge=True, sync=True, timeout=main.timeout)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ main.CLIs[0].purgeWithdrawnIntents()
+ summary = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary())
+ linkCheck = summary.get("links")
+ flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
+ intentCheck = summary.get("intents")
+ if linkCheck == 16 and flowsCheck == 0 and intentCheck == 0:
+"links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck, intentCheck))
+ verify = main.TRUE
+ break
+ k += 1
+ if not verify:
+ main.log.error("links, flows, or intents are not correct!")
+"links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck, intentCheck))
+ continue
+ aveLatency = 0
+ stdLatency = 0
+ aveLatency = numpy.average(main.LatencyList)
+ stdLatency = numpy.std(main.LatencyList)
+"Scale: " + str(main.numCtrls) + " \tIntent batch: " + str(batchSize))
+"Latency average:................" + str(aveLatency))
+"Latency standard deviation:....." + str(stdLatency))"________________________________________________________")
- resultsDB = open("/tmp/IntentRerouteLatDB", "a")
- resultsDB.write("'" + commit + "',")
- resultsDB.write(str(clusterCount) + ",")
- resultsDB.write(str(intents) + ",")
- resultsDB.write(str(average) + ",")
- resultsDB.write(str(stdDev) + "\n")
+ resultsDB = open(main.dbFileName, "a")
+ resultsDB.write("'" + main.commit + "',")
+ resultsDB.write(str(main.numCtrls) + ",")
+ resultsDB.write(str(batchSize) + ",")
+ resultsDB.write(str(aveLatency) + ",")
+ resultsDB.write(str(stdLatency) + "\n")
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"])
+ del main.scale[0]
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj.params
index 3799982..35fbefb 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- <testcases>1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2</testcases>
+ <testcases>0,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2</testcases>
@@ -14,30 +14,33 @@
- <wait></wait>
<intents>1,100,1000</intents> #list format, will be split on ','
- <debug>True</debug>
- <s1>1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1</s1>
- <s3>2,2,1,1,3,3,3,1</s3>
- <s5>2,2,1,1,3,4,5,3</s5>
- <s7>2,3,1,1,5,6,7,4</s7>
+ <ingress>null:0000000000000001/0</ingress>
+ <egress>null:0000000000000007/0</egress>
+ <debug>False</debug>
- <Submitted>0</Submitted>
- <Installed>1</Installed>
- <Failed>0</Failed>
- <Withdraw>0</Withdraw>
- <Withdrawn>0</Withdrawn>
+ <file>/tmp/IntentRerouteLatDB</file>
- <autopull>off</autopull>
- <checkout>master</checkout>
+ <gitPull>False</gitPull>
+ <gitBranch>master</gitBranch>
+ <verify>3</verify>
+ <startup>10</startup>
+ <install>10</install>
+ <verify>5</verify>
+ <reroute>3</reroute>
+ # timeout for pexpect
+ <timeout>300</timeout>
+ </SLEEP>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/
index 439ecef..ce9155d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj/
@@ -1,419 +1,369 @@
-# ScaleOutTemplate
-# CASE1 starts number of nodes specified in param file
-import sys
-import os.path
+# SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj
+ - Test Intent Reroute Latency
+ - Test Algorithm:
+ 1. Start Null Provider reroute Topology
+ 2. Using Push-test-intents to push batch size intents from switch 1 to switch 7
+ 3. Cut the link between switch 3 and switch 4 (the path will reroute to switch 8)
+ 4. Get the topology time stamp
+ 5. Get Intent reroute(Installed) time stamp from each nodes
+ 6. Use the latest intent time stamp subtract topology time stamp
+ - This test will run 5 warm up by default, warm up iteration can be setup in Param file
+ - The intent batch size will default set to 1, 100, and 1000, also can be set in Param file
+ - The unit of the latency result is milliseconds
+ - Ues flowObject set to True
class SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.default=''
- def __init__( self ):
- self.default = ''
+ def CASE0( self, main ):
+ '''
+ - GIT
+ Pull specific ONOS branch, then Build ONOS ono ONOS Bench.
+ This step is usually skipped. Because in a Jenkins driven automated
+ test env. We want Jenkins jobs to pull&build for flexibility to handle
+ different versions of ONOS.
+ - Construct tests variables
+ '''
+ gitPull = main.params['GIT']['gitPull']
+ gitBranch = main.params['GIT']['gitBranch']
+"Pull onos branch and build onos on Teststation.")
+ if gitPull == 'True':
+ main.step("Git Checkout ONOS branch: " + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout(branch=gitBranch)
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully checkout onos branch.",
+ onfail="Failed to checkout onos branch. Exiting test...")
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step("Git Pull on ONOS branch:" + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully pull onos. ",
+ onfail="Failed to pull onos. Exiting test ...")
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ main.step("Building ONOS branch: " + gitBranch)
+ stepResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall(skipTest=True)
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully build onos.",
+ onfail="Failed to build onos. Exiting test...")
+ if not stepResult: main.exit()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn("Skipped pulling onos and Skipped building ONOS")
+ main.apps = main.params['ENV']['cellApps']
+ main.BENCHUser = main.params['BENCH']['user']
+ main.BENCHIp = main.params['BENCH']['ip1']
+ main.MN1Ip = main.params['MN']['ip1']
+ main.maxNodes = int(main.params['max'])
+ main.skipMvn = main.params['TEST']['skipCleanInstall']
+ main.cellName = main.params['ENV']['cellName']
+ main.scale = (main.params['SCALE']).split(",")
+ main.dbFileName = main.params['DATABASE']['file']
+ main.timeout = int(main.params['SLEEP']['timeout'])
+ main.startUpSleep = int(main.params['SLEEP']['startup'])
+ main.installSleep = int(main.params['SLEEP']['install'])
+ main.verifySleep = int(main.params['SLEEP']['verify'])
+ main.verifyAttempts = int(main.params['ATTEMPTS']['verify'])
+ main.sampleSize = int(main.params['TEST']['sampleSize'])
+ main.warmUp = int(main.params['TEST']['warmUp'])
+ main.intentsList = (main.params['TEST']['intents']).split(",")
+ main.ingress = main.params['TEST']['ingress']
+ main.egress = main.params['TEST']['egress']
+ main.debug = main.params['TEST']['debug']
+ for i in range ( 0, len(main.intentsList) ):
+ main.intentsList[i] = int(main.intentsList[i])
+ # Create DataBase file
+ "Create Database file " + main.dbFileName )
+ resultsDB = open( main.dbFileName, "w+")
+ resultsDB.close()
def CASE1( self, main ):
+ '''
+ clean up test environment and set up
+ '''
import time
- global init
- try:
- if type(init) is not bool:
- init = False
- except NameError:
- init = False
+ "Get ONOS cluster IP" )
+ print(main.scale)
+ main.numCtrls = int(main.scale[0])
+ main.ONOSip = []
+ main.maxNumBatch = 0
+ main.AllONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.ONOSip.append(main.AllONOSip[i])
+ main.CLIs=[]
+"Creating list of ONOS cli handles")
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.CLIs.append(getattr(main, 'ONOS%scli' % (i + 1)))
- #Load values from params file
- checkoutBranch = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'checkout' ]
- gitPull = main.params[ 'GIT' ][ 'autopull' ]
- cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
- Apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellApps' ]
- BENCHUser = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'user' ]
- BENCHIp = main.params[ 'BENCH' ][ 'ip1' ]
- MN1Ip = main.params[ 'MN' ][ 'ip1' ]
- main.maxNodes = int(main.params[ 'max' ])
- skipMvn = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'skipCleanInstall' ]
- cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
+ if not main.CLIs:
+ main.log.error("Failed to create the list of ONOS cli handles")
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
- if init == False:
- init = True
- global clusterCount #number of nodes running
- global ONOSIp #list of ONOS IP addresses
- global scale
- global commit
+ main.commit = main.ONOSbench.getVersion(report=True)
+ main.commit = main.commit.split(" ")[1]
+"Starting up %s node(s) ONOS cluster" % main.numCtrls)
+"Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" +
+ " before initiating environment setup")
- clusterCount = 0
- ONOSIp = [ 0 ]
- scale = (main.params[ 'SCALE' ]).split(",")
- clusterCount = int(scale[0])
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.ONOSbench.onosDie(main.ONOSip[i])
- #Populate ONOSIp with ips from params
- ONOSIp = [0]
- ONOSIp.extend(main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps())
+"NODE COUNT = %s" % main.numCtrls)
- print("-----------------" + str(ONOSIp))
- #mvn clean install, for debugging set param 'skipCleanInstall' to yes to speed up test
- if skipMvn != "yes":
- mvnResult = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
+ #tempOnosIp = []
+ #for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ # tempOnosIp.append(main.AllONOSip[i])
+ #print(tempOnosIp)
+ main.ONOSbench.createCellFile(main.ONOSbench.ip_address,
+ main.cellName,
+ main.MN1Ip,
+ main.apps,
+ main.ONOSip )
+ main.step("Apply cell to environment")
+ cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell(main.cellName)
+ verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ stepResult = cellResult and verifyResult
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully applied cell to " + \
+ "environment",
+ onfail="Failed to apply cell to environment ")
- #git
- main.step( "Git checkout and pull " + checkoutBranch )
- if gitPull == 'on':
- checkoutResult = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( checkoutBranch )
- pullResult = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
- else:
- checkoutResult = main.TRUE
- pullResult = main.TRUE
- "Skipped git checkout and pull" )
- commit = main.ONOSbench.getVersion()
- commit = (commit.split(" "))[1]
- resultsDB = open("/tmp/IntentRerouteLatDBWithFlowObj", "w+")
- resultsDB.close()
- clusterCount = int(scale[0])
- scale.remove(scale[0])
- #kill off all onos processes
- main.log.step("Safety check, killing all ONOS processes")
- main.log.step("before initiating environment setup")
- for node in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
- main.ONOSbench.onosDie(ONOSIp[node])
- #Uninstall everywhere
- main.log.step( "Cleaning Enviornment..." )
- for i in range(1, main.maxNodes + 1):
-" Uninstalling ONOS " + str(i) )
- main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( ONOSIp[i] )
- #construct the cell file
-"Creating cell file")
- cellIp = []
- for node in range (1, clusterCount + 1):
- cellIp.append(ONOSIp[node])
- main.ONOSbench.createCellFile(BENCHIp,cellName,MN1Ip,str(Apps), cellIp)
- main.step( "Set Cell" )
- main.ONOSbench.setCell(cellName)
- main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+ main.step("Creating ONOS package")
packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
+ stepResult = packageResult
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Successfully created ONOS package",
+ onfail="Failed to create ONOS package")
- main.step( "verify cells" )
- verifyCellResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
+ main.step("Uninstall ONOS package on all Nodes")
+ uninstallResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+"Uninstalling package on ONOS Node IP: " + main.ONOSip[i])
+ u_result = main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall(main.ONOSip[i])
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=u_result,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL")
+ uninstallResult = (uninstallResult and u_result)
- "Initializing " + str( clusterCount ) + " node cluster." )
- for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
-"Starting ONOS " + str(node) + " at IP: " + ONOSIp[node])
- main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( ONOSIp[node])
+ main.step("Install ONOS package on all Nodes")
+ installResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+"Installing package on ONOS Node IP: " + main.ONOSip[i])
+ i_result = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall(node=main.ONOSip[i])
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=i_result,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL")
+ installResult = installResult and i_result
- for node in range(1, clusterCount + 1):
- for i in range( 2 ):
- isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ONOSIp[node] )
- if isup:
-"ONOS " + str(node) + " is up\n")
- break
- if not isup:
- "ONOS " + str(node) + " didn't start!" )
-"Startup sequence complete")
+ main.step("Verify ONOS nodes UP status")
+ statusResult = main.TRUE
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+"ONOS Node " + main.ONOSip[i] + " status:")
+ onos_status = main.ONOSbench.onosStatus(node=main.ONOSip[i])
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=onos_status,
+ onpass="Test step PASS",
+ onfail="Test step FAIL")
+ statusResult = (statusResult and onos_status)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ main.step("Start ONOS CLI on all nodes")
+ cliResult = main.TRUE
+ main.log.step(" Start ONOS cli using thread ")
+ startCliResult = main.TRUE
+ pool = []
+ main.threadID=0
+ for i in range(int(main.numCtrls)):
+ t = main.Thread(target=main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli,
+ threadID=main.threadID,
+ name="startOnosCli",
+ args=[main.ONOSip[i]],
+ kwargs={"onosStartTimeout": main.timeout})
+ pool.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
+ for t in pool:
+ t.join()
+ startCliResult = startCliResult and t.result
+ time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
- deviceMastership = (main.params[ 'TEST' ][ "s" + str(clusterCount) ]).split(",")
- print("Device mastership list: " + str(deviceMastership))
+ # configure apps
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount", value=8)
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "topoShape", value="reroute")
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled", value="true")
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("", "backupEnabled", value="false")
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("",
+ "useFlowObjectives", value="true")
+ time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "", "backupEnabled false")
+ # Balance Master
+ main.CLIs[0].balanceMasters()
+ if len(main.ONOSip) > 1:
+ main.CLIs[0].deviceRole("null:0000000000000003", main.ONOSip[0])
+ main.CLIs[0].deviceRole("null:0000000000000004", main.ONOSip[0])
- main.log.step("Setting up null provider")
- for i in range(3):
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "deviceCount 8")
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "topoShape reroute")
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "org.onosproject.provider.nil.NullProviders", "enabled true")
- main.ONOSbench.onosCfgSet( ONOSIp[1], "", "useFlowObjectives true" )
- time.sleep(5)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- x = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if "devices=8" in x and "links=16," in x:
- break
- index = 1
- for node in deviceMastership:
- for attempt in range(0,10):
- cmd = ( "onos $OC" + node + """ "device-role null:000000000000000""" + str(index) + " " + ONOSIp[int(node)] + """ master" """)
-"assigning mastership of device " + str(index) + " to node " + node + ": \n " + cmd + "\n")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- time.sleep(4)
- cmd = ( "onos $OC" + node + " roles|grep 00000" + str(index))
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- check = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
-"CHECK:\n" + check)
- if ("master=" + ONOSIp[int(node)]) in check:
- break
- index += 1
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"])
- def CASE2( self, main ):
+ def CASE2( self, main):
import time
import numpy
import datetime
- #from scipy import stats
+ import json
+ # from scipy import stats
ts = time.time()
- sampleSize = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'sampleSize' ])
- warmUp = int(main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'warmUp' ])
- intentsList = (main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'intents' ]).split(",")
- debug = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'debug' ]
- for i in range(0,len(intentsList)):
- intentsList[i] = int(intentsList[i])
- timestampMetrics = []
- if main.params['METRICS']['Submitted'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Submitted")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Installed'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Installed")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Failed'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Failed")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Withdraw'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Withdraw")
- if main.params['METRICS']['Withdrawn'] == "1":
- timestampMetrics.append("Withdrawn")
- if debug:
- if debug == "True":
- debug = True
- else:
- debug = False
- ingress = "null:0000000000000001"
- egress = "null:0000000000000007"
- for intents in intentsList:
-"Intent Batch size: " + str(intents) + "\n ")
- myResult = [["latency", "lastNode"] for x in range(sampleSize)]
- for run in range(0, (warmUp + sampleSize)):
- if run > warmUp:
-"Starting test iteration " + str(run-warmUp))
- cmd = """onos $OC1 "push-test-intents -i """
- cmd += ingress + "/0 "
- cmd += egress + "/0 "
- cmd += str(intents) +""" 1" """
- if debug:
- withdrawCmd = cmd.replace("intents -i", "intents -w ")
- #push-test-intents
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- myRawResult = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- for i in range(0, 40):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- linkCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if ("links=16,") in linkCheck and ("flows=" + str(intents*7) + ","):
- break
- if i == 39:
- main.log.error("Flow/link count incorrect, data invalid."+ linkCheck)
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], "d")
- #main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[(clusterCount-1)], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], "d")
- main.ONOSbench.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.sendline("onos $OC1 devices")
- main.ONOSbench.sendline("onos $OC1 links")
- main.ONOSbench.expect(":~")
- #collect timestamp from link cut
- cmd = """onos $OC1 null-link "null:0000000000000004/1 null:0000000000000003/2 down" """
- if debug:"COMMAND: " + str(cmd))
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- cmd = "onos-ssh $OC1 cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep TopologyManager| tail -1"
- for i in range(0,10):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- time.sleep(2)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- raw = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- #if "NullLinkProvider" in raw and "links=14" in raw:
- if "links=14" in raw:
- break
- if i >= 9:
- main.log.error("Expected output not being recieved... continuing")
- break
- time.sleep(2)
- if debug: main.log.debug("raw: " + raw)
- temp = raw.splitlines()
- if debug: main.log.debug("temp (after splitlines): " + str(temp))
- # Since the string is deterministic the date is always the 3rd element.
- # However, if the data were grepping for in the onos log changes then this will
- # not work. This is why we print out the raw and temp string so we can visually
- # check if everything is in the correct order. temp should like this:
- # temp = ['/onos$ onos-ssh $OC1 cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep Top ',
- # 'ologyManager| tail -1', '2015-10-15 12:03:33,736 ... ]
- temp = temp[2]
- if debug: main.log.debug("temp (checking for date): " + str(temp))
- cutTimestamp = (temp.split(" "))[0] + " " + (temp.split(" "))[1]
- if debug:"Cut timestamp: " + cutTimestamp)
- #validate link count and flow count
- for i in range(0, 40):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- linkCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- #if "links=" + str(7*intents)+ "," in linkCheck and ("flows=" + str(7*intents) + ",") in linkCheck:
- if "links=14," in linkCheck and ("flows=" + str(8*intents) + ",") in linkCheck:
- break
- if i == 39:
- main.log.error("Link or flow count incorrect, data invalid." + linkCheck)
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"], "d")
- time.sleep(5) #trying to avoid negative values
- #intents events metrics installed timestamp
- IEMtimestamps = [0]*(clusterCount + 1)
- installedTemp = [0]*(clusterCount + 1)
- for node in range(1, clusterCount +1):
- cmd = "onos $OC" + str(node) + """ "intents-events-metrics"|grep Timestamp """
- raw = ""
- while "epoch)" not in raw:
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- raw = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- print(raw)
- intentsTimestamps = {}
- rawTimestamps = raw.splitlines()
- for line in rawTimestamps:
- if "Timestamp" in line and "grep" not in line:
- metricKey = (line.split(" "))[1]
- metricTimestamp = (line.split(" ")[len(line.split(" ")) -1]).replace("epoch)=","")
- metricTimestamp = float(metricTimestamp)
- metricTimestamp = numpy.divide(metricTimestamp, 1000)
- if debug:
- intentsTimestamps[metricKey] = metricTimestamp
- if metricKey == "Installed":
- installedTemp[node] = metricTimestamp
-"Node: " + str(node) + " Timestamps: " + str(intentsTimestamps))
- IEMtimestamps[node] = intentsTimestamps
- myMax = max(installedTemp)
- indexOfMax = installedTemp.index(myMax)
- #number crunch
- for metric in timestampMetrics: #this is where we sould add support for computing other timestamp metrics
- if metric == "Installed":
- if run >= warmUp:
-"link cut timestamp: " + cutTimestamp)
- #readableInstalledTimestamp = str(intentsTimestamps["Installed"])
- readableInstalledTimestamp = str(myMax)
-"Intent Installed timestamp: " + str(intentsTimestamps["Installed"]))
-"Intent Installed timestamp: " + str(myMax))
- cutEpoch = time.mktime(time.strptime(cutTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f"))
- if debug:"cutEpoch=" + str(cutEpoch))
- #rerouteLatency = float(intentsTimestamps["Installed"] - cutEpoch)
- rerouteLatency = float(myMax - cutEpoch)
- rerouteLatency = numpy.divide(rerouteLatency, 1000)
-"Reroute latency:" + str(rerouteLatency) + " (seconds)\n ")
- myResult[run-warmUp][0] = rerouteLatency
- myResult[run-warmUp][1] = indexOfMax
- if debug:"Latency: " + str(myResult[run-warmUp][0]))
- if debug:"last node: " + str(myResult[run-warmUp][1]))
- cmd = """ onos $OC1 null-link "null:0000000000000004/1 null:0000000000000003/2 up" """
- if debug:
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- #wait for intent withdraw
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(withdrawCmd)
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- if debug:
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 intents|grep WITHDRAWN|wc -l")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- intentWithdrawCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if (str(intents)) in intentWithdrawCheck:
-"intents withdrawn")
- if debug:
- # wait for links to be reestablished
- for i in range(0, 10):
- main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("onos $OC1 summary")
- main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
- linkCheck = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
- if "links=16," in linkCheck:
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- if i == 9:
-"Links Failed to reconnect, next iteration of data invalid." + linkCheck)
- if run < warmUp:
-"Warm up run " + str(run+1) + " completed")
- if debug:
- latTemp = []
- nodeTemp = []
- for i in myResult:
- latTemp.append(i[0])
- nodeTemp.append(i[1])
- mode = {}
- for i in nodeTemp:
- if i in mode:
- mode[i] += 1
+ print( main.intentsList )
+ for batchSize in main.intentsList:
+"Intent Batch size: " + str(batchSize) + "\n ")
+ main.LatencyList = []
+ for run in range( 0, (main.warmUp + main.sampleSize) ):
+ if run >= main.warmUp:
+ "================================================" )
+ "Starting test iteration " + str(run - main.warmUp) )
+ "================================================" )
- mode[i] = 1
+ "====================Warm Up=====================" )
- for i in mode.keys():
- if mode[i] == max(mode.values()):
- nodeMode = i
+ # push intents
+ main.CLIs[0].pushTestIntents(main.ingress, main.egress, batchSize,
+ offset=1,options="-i",timeout=main.timeout)
- average = numpy.average(latTemp)
- stdDev = numpy.std(latTemp)
+ # check links and flows
+ k = 0
+ verify = main.FALSE
+ linkCheck = 0
+ flowsCheck = 0
+ while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
+ time.sleep( main.verifySleep )
+ summary = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].summary(timeout=main.timeout) )
+ linkCheck = summary.get("links")
+ flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
+ if linkCheck == 16 and flowsCheck == batchSize*7:
+ "links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck,flowsCheck) )
+ verify = main.TRUE
+ break
+ k += 1
+ if not verify:
+ main.log.warn( "Links or flows number are not match!")
+ main.log.warn( "links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck) )
+ continue
- average = numpy.multiply(average, 1000)
- stdDev = numpy.multiply(stdDev, 1000)
+ # Bring link down
+ main.CLIs[0].link("0000000000000004/1", "0000000000000003/2", "down",
+ timeout=main.timeout, showResponse=False )
+ verify = main.FALSE
+ k = 0
+ topoManagerLog = ""
+ while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
+ time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
+ summary = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].summary(timeout=main.timeout) )
+ linkCheck = summary.get("links")
+ flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
+ if linkCheck == 14:
+ "links: {}, flows: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck) )
+ verify = main.TRUE
+ break
+ k += 1
+ if not verify:
+ main.log.warn( "Links number are not match in TopologyManager log!" )
+ main.log.warn( topoManagerLog )
+ continue
-"Scale: " + str(clusterCount) + " \tIntent batch: " + str(intents))
-"Latency average:................" + str(average))
-"Latency standard deviation:....." + str(stdDev))
-"Mode of last node to respond:..." + str(nodeMode))
+ try:
+ # expect twice to clean the pexpect buffer
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline("")
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.expect("\$")
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.expect("\$")
+ # send line by using bench, can't use driver because pexpect buffer problem
+ cmd = "onos-ssh $OC1 cat /opt/onos/log/karaf.log | grep TopologyManager| tail -1"
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline(cmd)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ main.ONOSbench.handle.expect(":~")
+ topoManagerLog = main.ONOSbench.handle.before
+ topoManagerLogTemp = topoManagerLog.splitlines()
+ # To make sure we get correct topology log
+ for lines in topoManagerLogTemp:
+ if "creationTime" in lines:
+ topoManagerLog = lines
+"Topology Manager log:")
+ print(topoManagerLog)
+ cutTimestamp = float(topoManagerLog.split("creationTime=")[1].split(",")[0])
+ except:
+ main.log.error("Topology Log is not correct!")
+ print(topoManagerLog)
+ # If we got wrong Topology log, we should skip this iteration, and continue for next one
+ continue
+ installedTemp = []
+ time.sleep(1)
+ for cli in main.CLIs:
+ tempJson = json.loads( cli.intentsEventsMetrics() )
+ Installedtime = tempJson.get('intentInstalledTimestamp').get('value')
+ installedTemp.append(float(Installedtime))
+ for i in range(0, len(installedTemp)):
+"ONOS Node {} Installed Time stemp: {}".format((i+1),installedTemp[i]))
+ maxInstallTime = float( max(installedTemp) )
+ if run >= main.warmUp:
+ "Installed time stemp: {0:f}".format( maxInstallTime ) )
+"CutTimestamp: {0:f}".format( cutTimestamp) )
+ # Both timeStemps are milliseconds
+ "Latency: {0:f}".format( float(maxInstallTime-cutTimestamp)) )
+ main.LatencyList.append(float(maxInstallTime-cutTimestamp))
+ # Verify Summary after we bring up link, and withdrawn intents
+ main.CLIs[0].link( "0000000000000004/1", "0000000000000003/2", "up",
+ timeout=main.timeout )
+ k = 0
+ verify = main.FALSE
+ linkCheck = 0
+ flowsCheck = 0
+ while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
+ time.sleep(main.verifySleep)
+ main.CLIs[0].removeAllIntents( purge=True, sync=True, timeout=main.timeout )
+ time.sleep(1)
+ main.CLIs[0].purgeWithdrawnIntents()
+ summary = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].summary() )
+ linkCheck = summary.get("links")
+ flowsCheck = summary.get("flows")
+ intentCheck = summary.get("intents")
+ if linkCheck == 16 and flowsCheck == 0 and intentCheck == 0:
+"links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck, intentCheck))
+ verify = main.TRUE
+ break
+ k += 1
+ if not verify:
+ main.log.error("links, flows, or intents are not correct!")
+"links: {}, flows: {}, intents: {} ".format(linkCheck, flowsCheck, intentCheck))
+ continue
+ aveLatency=0
+ stdLatency=0
+ aveLatency = numpy.average(main.LatencyList)
+ stdLatency = numpy.std(main.LatencyList)
+"Scale: " + str(main.numCtrls) + " \tIntent batch: " + str(batchSize))
+"Latency average:................" + str(aveLatency))
+"Latency standard deviation:....." + str(stdLatency))"________________________________________________________")
- resultsDB = open("/tmp/IntentRerouteLatDBWithFlowObj", "a")
- resultsDB.write("'" + commit + "',")
- resultsDB.write(str(clusterCount) + ",")
- resultsDB.write(str(intents) + ",")
- resultsDB.write(str(average) + ",")
- resultsDB.write(str(stdDev) + "\n")
+ resultsDB = open(main.dbFileName, "a")
+ resultsDB.write("'" + main.commit + "',")
+ resultsDB.write(str(main.numCtrls) + ",")
+ resultsDB.write(str(batchSize) + ",")
+ resultsDB.write(str(aveLatency) + ",")
+ resultsDB.write(str(stdLatency) + "\n")
- main.ONOSbench.logReport(ONOSIp[1], ["ERROR", "WARNING", "EXCEPT"])
+ del main.scale[0]
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFmaxIntents/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/
index f1101fe..4f7bfb7 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscaleTopo/dependencies/
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
threads = []
for h in hostList:
main.Mininet1.arping( srcHost=h, dstHost="", output=main.FALSE, noResult=True )
- time.sleep(1)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
summaryStr = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].summary().encode() )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/SCPFscalingMaxIntents.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/SCPFscalingMaxIntents.params
index 6efe17e..cb75b01 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/SCPFscalingMaxIntents.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/SCPFscalingMaxIntents.params
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
- <path>/tests/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/</path>
+ <path>/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/</path>
- <cellApps>drivers</cellApps>
+ <cellApps>drivers,openflow</cellApps>
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
# CASE20
- <batch_size>100</batch_size>
- <min_intents>100</min_intents>
- <max_intents>100000</max_intents>
- <check_interval>100</check_interval>
+ <batch_size>1000</batch_size>
+ <min_intents>10000</min_intents>
+ <max_intents>70000</max_intents>
+ <check_interval>10000</check_interval>
# if reroute is true
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/
index 27bc5c2..a6f4445 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@
main.reroute = False
main.CLIs = []
- main.ONOSip = []
- main.maxNumBatch = 0
- main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
main.setupSkipped = False
wrapperFile1 = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'wrapper1' ]
@@ -82,6 +78,13 @@
# main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
main.CLIs = []
main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
+ main.ONOSip = []
+ main.maxNumBatch = 0
+ main.AllONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.ONOSip.append(main.AllONOSip[i])
+ "Creating list of ONOS cli handles" )
for i in range(main.numCtrls):
main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli%s' % (i+1) ) )
@@ -302,19 +305,11 @@
import json
import time
- time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
- main.step("Activating openflow")
- appStatus = utilities.retry( main.ONOSrest1.activateApp,
- main.FALSE,
- ['org.onosproject.openflow'],
- sleep=3,
- attempts=3 )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=appStatus,
- onpass="Successfully activated openflow",
- onfail="Failed activate openflow" )
+ devices = []
+ devices = main.CLIs[0].getAllDevicesId()
+ for d in devices:
+ main.CLIs[0].deviceRemove( d )
main.step('Starting mininet topology')
@@ -333,13 +328,26 @@
onfail="Failed assign switches to masters" )
+ # Balancing Masters
+ main.step( "Balancing Masters" )
+ stepResult = main.FALSE
+ stepResult = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[0].balanceMasters,
+ main.FALSE,
+ [],
+ sleep=3,
+ attempts=3 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Balance masters was successfull",
+ onfail="Failed to balance masters" )"Getting default flows")
jsonSum = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary())
main.defaultFlows = jsonSum["flows"]
main.step("Check status of Mininet setup")
- caseResult = appStatus and mnStatus and swStatus
+ caseResult = mnStatus and swStatus
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Successfully setup Mininet",
@@ -393,6 +401,7 @@
# keeps track of how many flows have been installed, set to 0 at start
currFlows = 0
# limit for the number of intents that can be installed
+ main.batchSize = int( int(main.batchSize)/int(main.numCtrls))
limit = main.maxIntents / main.batchSize
# total intents installed
totalIntents = 0
@@ -404,7 +413,14 @@
stepResult = main.TRUE
# temp variable to contain the number of flows
flowsNum = 0
+ if main.numCtrls > 1:
+ # if more than one onos nodes, we should check more frequently
+ main.checkInterval = main.checkInterval/4
+ # make sure the checkInterval divisible batchSize
+ main.checkInterval = int( int( main.checkInterval / main.batchSize ) * main.batchSize )
+ flowTemp=0
+ totalFlows=0
for i in range(limit):
# Threads pool
@@ -424,7 +440,8 @@
kwargs={ "offset": offtmp,
"options": "-i",
"timeout": main.timeout,
- "background":False } )
+ "background":False,
+ "noExit":True} )
main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
@@ -441,115 +458,53 @@"Verify Intents states")
# k is a control variable for verify retry attempts
k = 1
- intentVerify = main.FALSE
while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
# while loop for check intents by using REST api
temp = 0
- intentsState = json.loads( main.ONOSrest1.intents() )
- for f in intentsState:
- # get INSTALLED intents number
- if f.get("state") == "INSTALLED":
- temp = temp + 1
-"Total Intents: {} INSTALLED: {}".format(totalIntents, temp))
- if totalIntents == temp:
- intentVerify = main.TRUE
+ intentsState = main.CLIs[0].checkIntentSummary(timeout=600)
+ if intentsState:
+ verifyTotalIntents = main.CLIs[0].getTotalIntentsNum(timeout=600)
+ if temp < verifyTotalIntents:
+ temp = verifyTotalIntents
+ else:
+ verifytotalIntents = temp
+"Total Intents: {}".format( verifyTotalIntents ) )
- intentVerify = main.FALSE
k = k+1
- if not intentVerify:
+ totalFlows = main.CLIs[0].getTotalFlowsNum( timeout=600, noExit=True )
+ if flowTemp < totalFlows:
+ flowTemp = totalFlows
+ else:
+ totalFlows = flowTemp
+ if not intentsState:
# If some intents are not installed, grep the previous flows list, and finished this test case
main.log.warn( "Some intens did not install" )
- # We don't want to check flows if intents not installed, because onos will drop flows
- if currFlows == 0:
- # If currFlows equal 0, which means we failed to install intents at first, or we didn't get
- # the correct number, so we need get flows here.
- flowsState = json.loads( main.ONOSrest1.flows() )
+ verifyTotalIntents = main.CLIs[0].getTotalIntentsNum(timeout=600)
+"Total Intents: {}".format( verifyTotalIntents) )
-"Verify Flows states")
- k = 1
- flowsVerify = main.TRUE
- while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
- # while loop for check flows by using REST api
- time.sleep(3)
- temp = 0
- flowsStateCount = []
- flowsState = json.loads( main.ONOSrest1.flows() )
-"Total flows now: {}".format(len(flowsState)))
- if ( flowsNum < len(flowsState) ):
- flowsNum = len(flowsState)
- print(flowsNum)
- for f in flowsState:
- # get PENDING_ADD flows
- if f.get("state") == "PENDING_ADD":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- for f in flowsState:
- # get PENDING_REMOVE flows
- if f.get("state") == "PENDING_REMOVE":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- for f in flowsState:
- # get REMOVED flows
- if f.get("state") == "REMOVED":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- for f in flowsState:
- # get FAILED flwos
- if f.get("state") == "FAILED":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- k = k + 1
- for c in flowsStateCount:
- if int(c) > 0:
- flowsVerify = main.FALSE
- "Check flows States:" )
- "PENDING_ADD: {}".format( flowsStateCount[0]) )
- "PENDING_REMOVE: {}".format( flowsStateCount[1]) )
- "REMOVED: {}".format( flowsStateCount[2]) )
- "FAILED: {}".format( flowsStateCount[3]) )
- if flowsVerify == main.TRUE:
- break
del main.scale[0]
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
- actual = intentVerify,
+ actual = intentsState,
onpass = "Successfully pushed and verified intents",
onfail = "Failed to push and verify intents" )
- # we need the total intents before crash
- totalIntents = len(intentsState)
- totalFlows = flowsNum
- "Total Intents Installed before crash: {}".format( totalIntents ) ) "Total Flows ADDED before crash: {}".format( totalFlows ) )
main.step('clean up Mininet')
-"Writing results to DS file")
with open(main.dbFileName, "a") as dbFile:
# Scale number
temp = str(main.numCtrls)
temp += ",'" + "baremetal1" + "'"
# how many intents we installed before crash
- temp += "," + str(totalIntents)
+ temp += "," + str(verifyTotalIntents)
# how many flows we installed before crash
temp += "," + str(totalFlows)
# other columns in database, but we didn't use in this test
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
copy from TestON/tests/SAMP/SAMPstartTemplate/
copy to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj.params b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj.params
index ed0badf..8083e7a 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj.params
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
- <path>/tests/SCPFscalingMaxIntents/dependencies/</path>
+ <path>/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/dependencies/</path>
- <cellApps>drivers</cellApps>
+ <cellApps>drivers,openflow</cellApps>
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
# CASE20
- <batch_size>100</batch_size>
- <min_intents>100</min_intents>
- <max_intents>100000</max_intents>
- <check_interval>100</check_interval>
+ <batch_size>1000</batch_size>
+ <min_intents>10000</min_intents>
+ <max_intents>70000</max_intents>
+ <check_interval>10000</check_interval>
# if reroute is true
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/
index e405fd3..438338a 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/
+++ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import time
import os
Push test Intents to onos
CASE10: set up Null Provider
CASE11: set up Open Flows
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@
main.reroute = False
main.CLIs = []
- main.ONOSip = []
- main.maxNumBatch = 0
- main.ONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
main.setupSkipped = False
wrapperFile1 = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'wrapper1' ]
@@ -82,6 +78,13 @@
# main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller
main.CLIs = []
main.numCtrls = int( main.scale[ 0 ] )
+ main.ONOSip = []
+ main.maxNumBatch = 0
+ main.AllONOSip = main.ONOSbench.getOnosIps()
+ for i in range(main.numCtrls):
+ main.ONOSip.append(main.AllONOSip[i])
+ "Creating list of ONOS cli handles" )
for i in range(main.numCtrls):
main.CLIs.append( getattr( main, 'ONOScli%s' % (i+1) ) )
@@ -301,25 +304,16 @@
Setting up mininet
import json
- import time
+ import time
+ devices = []
+ devices = main.CLIs[0].getAllDevicesId()
+ for d in devices:
+ main.CLIs[0].deviceRemove( d )
- time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
- main.step("Activating openflow")
- appStatus = utilities.retry( main.ONOSrest1.activateApp,
- main.FALSE,
- ['org.onosproject.openflow'],
- sleep=3,
- attempts=3 )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=appStatus,
- onpass="Successfully activated openflow",
- onfail="Failed activate openflow" )
- time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)"Set Intent Compiler use Flow Object")
- main.CLIs[0].setCfg( "", "useFlowObjectives", "true" )
+ main.CLIs[0].setCfg("",
+ "useFlowObjectives", "true")
+ time.sleep(main.startUpSleep)
main.step('Starting mininet topology')
mnStatus = main.Mininet1.startNet(topoFile='~/mininet/custom/')
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -336,13 +330,26 @@
onfail="Failed assign switches to masters" )
+ # Balancing Masters
+ main.step( "Balancing Masters" )
+ stepResult = main.FALSE
+ stepResult = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[0].balanceMasters,
+ main.FALSE,
+ [],
+ sleep=3,
+ attempts=3 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=stepResult,
+ onpass="Balance masters was successfull",
+ onfail="Failed to balance masters" )"Getting default flows")
jsonSum = json.loads(main.CLIs[0].summary())
main.defaultFlows = jsonSum["flows"]
main.step("Check status of Mininet setup")
- caseResult = appStatus and mnStatus and swStatus
+ caseResult = mnStatus and swStatus
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Successfully setup Mininet",
@@ -396,6 +403,7 @@
# keeps track of how many flows have been installed, set to 0 at start
currFlows = 0
# limit for the number of intents that can be installed
+ main.batchSize = int( int(main.batchSize)/int(main.numCtrls))
limit = main.maxIntents / main.batchSize
# total intents installed
totalIntents = 0
@@ -407,7 +415,15 @@
stepResult = main.TRUE
# temp variable to contain the number of flows
flowsNum = 0
+ if main.numCtrls > 1:
+ # if more than one onos nodes, we should check more frequently
+ main.checkInterval = main.checkInterval/4
+ # make sure the checkInterval divisible batchSize
+ main.checkInterval = int( int( main.checkInterval / main.batchSize ) * main.batchSize )
+ flowTemp=0
+ totalFlows=0
+ verifyTotalIntents=0
for i in range(limit):
# Threads pool
@@ -427,7 +443,8 @@
kwargs={ "offset": offtmp,
"options": "-i",
"timeout": main.timeout,
- "background":False } )
+ "background":False,
+ "noExit":True} )
main.threadID = main.threadID + 1
@@ -444,108 +461,46 @@"Verify Intents states")
# k is a control variable for verify retry attempts
k = 1
- intentVerify = main.FALSE
while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
# while loop for check intents by using REST api
temp = 0
- intentsState = json.loads( main.ONOSrest1.intents() )
- for f in intentsState:
- # get INSTALLED intents number
- if f.get("state") == "INSTALLED":
- temp = temp + 1
-"Total Intents: {} INSTALLED: {}".format(totalIntents, temp))
- if totalIntents == temp:
- intentVerify = main.TRUE
+ intentsState = main.CLIs[0].checkIntentSummary(timeout=600)
+ if intentsState:
+ verifyTotalIntents = main.CLIs[0].getTotalIntentsNum(timeout=600)
+ if temp < verifyTotalIntents:
+ temp = verifyTotalIntents
+ else:
+ verifyTotalIntents = temp
- intentVerify = main.FALSE
+"Total Intents: {}".format( totalIntents) )
k = k+1
- if not intentVerify:
+ totalFlows = main.CLIs[0].getTotalFlowsNum( timeout=600, noExit=True )
+ if flowTemp<totalFlows:
+ flowTemp = totalFlows
+ else:
+ totalFlows = flowTemp
+ if not intentsState:
# If some intents are not installed, grep the previous flows list, and finished this test case
main.log.warn( "Some intens did not install" )
- # We don't want to check flows if intents not installed, because onos will drop flows
- if currFlows == 0:
- # If currFlows equal 0, which means we failed to install intents at first, or we didn't get
- # the correct number, so we need get flows here.
- flowsState = json.loads( main.ONOSrest1.flows() )
+ verifyTotalIntents = main.CLIs[0].getTotalIntentsNum(timeout=600)
+"Total Intents: {}".format( totalIntents) )
-"Verify Flows states")
- k = 1
- flowsVerify = main.TRUE
- while k <= main.verifyAttempts:
- # while loop for check flows by using REST api
- time.sleep(3)
- temp = 0
- flowsStateCount = []
- flowsState = json.loads( main.ONOSrest1.flows() )
-"Total flows now: {}".format(len(flowsState)))
- if ( flowsNum < len(flowsState) ):
- flowsNum = len(flowsState)
- print(flowsNum)
- for f in flowsState:
- # get PENDING_ADD flows
- if f.get("state") == "PENDING_ADD":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- for f in flowsState:
- # get PENDING_REMOVE flows
- if f.get("state") == "PENDING_REMOVE":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- for f in flowsState:
- # get REMOVED flows
- if f.get("state") == "REMOVED":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- for f in flowsState:
- # get FAILED flwos
- if f.get("state") == "FAILED":
- temp = temp + 1
- flowsStateCount.append(temp)
- temp = 0
- k = k + 1
- for c in flowsStateCount:
- if int(c) > 0:
- flowsVerify = main.FALSE
- "Check flows States:" )
- "PENDING_ADD: {}".format( flowsStateCount[0]) )
- "PENDING_REMOVE: {}".format( flowsStateCount[1]) )
- "REMOVED: {}".format( flowsStateCount[2]) )
- "FAILED: {}".format( flowsStateCount[3]) )
- if flowsVerify == main.TRUE:
- break
del main.scale[0]
utilities.assert_equals( expect = main.TRUE,
- actual = intentVerify,
+ actual = intentsState,
onpass = "Successfully pushed and verified intents",
onfail = "Failed to push and verify intents" )
- # we need the total intents before crash
- totalIntents = len(intentsState)
- totalFlows = flowsNum
- "Total Intents Installed before crash: {}".format( totalIntents ) ) "Total Flows ADDED before crash: {}".format( totalFlows ) )
main.step('clean up Mininet')
-"Writing results to DS file")
with open(main.dbFileName, "a") as dbFile:
# Scale number
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/Dependency/ b/TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/dependencies/
similarity index 100%
rename from TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/Dependency/
rename to TestON/tests/SCPF/SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj/dependencies/
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/README b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de225b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Please ask Pingping( for topology figure.
+The default route will have a flow entry look like blow inside the internal switch, which connects host inside SDN network.
+ cookie=0x17000048f91093, duration=3134.048s, table=0, n_packets=1978, n_bytes=193613, idle_age=0, priority=100,ip,in_port=3 actions=mod_dl_dst:00:00:00:00:00:04,output:1
+00:00:00:00:00:04 is the next hop peer MAC address.
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fca446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+Set up the SDN-IP topology as same as it on Internet2
+AS 64513, (SDN AS)
+AS 64514, reachable by
+AS 64515, reachable by
+AS 64516, reachable by
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.node import Controller, RemoteController
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from mininet.util import quietRun
+from mininet.moduledeps import pathCheck
+import os.path
+import time
+from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
+QUAGGA_DIR = '/usr/lib/quagga'
+QUAGGA_RUN_DIR = '/usr/local/var/run/quagga'
+QUAGGA_CONFIG_DIR = '~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/ReactiveRouting/Dependency/'
+onos1IP = ''
+numSw = 39
+class SDNTopo( Topo ):
+ "SDN Topology"
+ def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
+ Topo.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
+ # BGP peer hosts
+ peer64514 = self.addHost( 'peer64514' )
+ peer64515 = self.addHost( 'peer64515' )
+ peer64516 = self.addHost( 'peer64516' )
+ sw1 = self.addSwitch( 'sw1', dpid = '00000000000000a1' )
+ sw2 = self.addSwitch( 'sw2', dpid = '00000000000000a2' )
+ sw3 = self.addSwitch( 'sw3', dpid = '00000000000000a3' )
+ sw4 = self.addSwitch( 'sw4', dpid = '00000000000000a4' )
+ sw5 = self.addSwitch( 'sw5', dpid = '00000000000000a5' )
+ sw6 = self.addSwitch( 'sw6', dpid = '00000000000000a6' )
+ sw7 = self.addSwitch( 'sw7', dpid = '00000000000000a7' )
+ sw8 = self.addSwitch( 'sw8', dpid = '00000000000000a8' )
+ sw9 = self.addSwitch( 'sw9', dpid = '00000000000000a9' )
+ sw10 = self.addSwitch( 'sw10', dpid = '0000000000000a10' )
+ sw11 = self.addSwitch( 'sw11', dpid = '0000000000000a11' )
+ sw12 = self.addSwitch( 'sw12', dpid = '0000000000000a12' )
+ sw13 = self.addSwitch( 'sw13', dpid = '0000000000000a13' )
+ sw14 = self.addSwitch( 'sw14', dpid = '0000000000000a14' )
+ sw15 = self.addSwitch( 'sw15', dpid = '0000000000000a15' )
+ sw16 = self.addSwitch( 'sw16', dpid = '0000000000000a16' )
+ sw17 = self.addSwitch( 'sw17', dpid = '0000000000000a17' )
+ sw18 = self.addSwitch( 'sw18', dpid = '0000000000000a18' )
+ sw19 = self.addSwitch( 'sw19', dpid = '0000000000000a19' )
+ sw20 = self.addSwitch( 'sw20', dpid = '0000000000000a20' )
+ sw21 = self.addSwitch( 'sw21', dpid = '0000000000000a21' )
+ sw22 = self.addSwitch( 'sw22', dpid = '0000000000000a22' )
+ sw23 = self.addSwitch( 'sw23', dpid = '0000000000000a23' )
+ sw24 = self.addSwitch( 'sw24', dpid = '0000000000000a24' )
+ sw25 = self.addSwitch( 'sw25', dpid = '0000000000000a25' )
+ sw26 = self.addSwitch( 'sw26', dpid = '0000000000000a26' )
+ sw27 = self.addSwitch( 'sw27', dpid = '0000000000000a27' )
+ sw28 = self.addSwitch( 'sw28', dpid = '0000000000000a28' )
+ sw29 = self.addSwitch( 'sw29', dpid = '0000000000000a29' )
+ sw30 = self.addSwitch( 'sw30', dpid = '0000000000000a30' )
+ sw31 = self.addSwitch( 'sw31', dpid = '0000000000000a31' )
+ sw32 = self.addSwitch( 'sw32', dpid = '0000000000000a32' )
+ sw33 = self.addSwitch( 'sw33', dpid = '0000000000000a33' )
+ sw34 = self.addSwitch( 'sw34', dpid = '0000000000000a34' )
+ sw35 = self.addSwitch( 'sw35', dpid = '0000000000000a35' )
+ sw36 = self.addSwitch( 'sw36', dpid = '0000000000000a36' )
+ sw37 = self.addSwitch( 'sw37', dpid = '0000000000000a37' )
+ sw38 = self.addSwitch( 'sw38', dpid = '0000000000000a38' )
+ sw39 = self.addSwitch( 'sw39', dpid = '0000000000000a39' )
+ # Add a layer2 switch for control plane connectivity
+ # This switch isn't part of the SDN topology
+ # We'll use the ovs-controller to turn this into a learning switch
+ swCtl100 = self.addSwitch( 'swCtl100', dpid = '0000000000000100' )
+ # BGP speaker hosts
+ speaker1 = self.addHost( 'speaker1' )
+ speaker2 = self.addHost( 'speaker2' )
+ root = self.addHost( 'root', inNamespace = False , ip = '0' )
+ # hosts behind each AS
+ host64514 = self.addHost( 'host64514' )
+ host64515 = self.addHost( 'host64515' )
+ host64516 = self.addHost( 'host64516' )
+ host1 = self.addHost( 'host1' )
+ host2 = self.addHost( 'host2' )
+ host6 = self.addHost( 'host6' )
+ host13 = self.addHost( 'host13' )
+ self.addLink( 'speaker1', sw24 )
+ self.addLink( 'speaker2', sw24 )
+ # connect all switches
+ self.addLink( sw1, sw2 )
+ self.addLink( sw1, sw6 )
+ self.addLink( sw1, sw8 )
+ self.addLink( sw2, sw3 )
+ self.addLink( sw3, sw4 )
+ self.addLink( sw3, sw5 )
+ self.addLink( sw4, sw8 )
+ self.addLink( sw5, sw7 )
+ self.addLink( sw5, sw9 )
+ self.addLink( sw6, sw13 )
+ self.addLink( sw7, sw8 )
+ self.addLink( sw8, sw11 )
+ self.addLink( sw9, sw10 )
+ self.addLink( sw10, sw12 )
+ self.addLink( sw11, sw12 )
+ self.addLink( sw11, sw14 )
+ self.addLink( sw12, sw17 )
+ self.addLink( sw13, sw14 )
+ self.addLink( sw13, sw21 )
+ self.addLink( sw14, sw15 )
+ self.addLink( sw14, sw18 )
+ self.addLink( sw14, sw23 )
+ self.addLink( sw15, sw16 )
+ self.addLink( sw16, sw17 )
+ self.addLink( sw17, sw19 )
+ self.addLink( sw17, sw20 )
+ self.addLink( sw18, sw23 )
+ self.addLink( sw19, sw27 )
+ self.addLink( sw20, sw28 )
+ self.addLink( sw21, sw22 )
+ self.addLink( sw21, sw29 )
+ self.addLink( sw22, sw23 )
+ self.addLink( sw23, sw24 )
+ self.addLink( sw23, sw31 )
+ self.addLink( sw24, sw25 )
+ self.addLink( sw25, sw26 )
+ self.addLink( sw26, sw27 )
+ self.addLink( sw27, sw28 )
+ self.addLink( sw27, sw34 )
+ self.addLink( sw29, sw30 )
+ self.addLink( sw29, sw35 )
+ self.addLink( sw30, sw31 )
+ self.addLink( sw31, sw32 )
+ self.addLink( sw32, sw33 )
+ self.addLink( sw32, sw39 )
+ self.addLink( sw33, sw34 )
+ self.addLink( sw35, sw36 )
+ self.addLink( sw36, sw37 )
+ self.addLink( sw37, sw38 )
+ self.addLink( sw38, sw39 )
+ # connection between switches and peers
+ self.addLink( peer64514, sw32 )
+ self.addLink( peer64515, sw8 )
+ self.addLink( peer64516, sw28 )
+ # connection between BGP peer and hosts behind the BGP peer
+ self.addLink( peer64514, host64514 )
+ self.addLink( peer64515, host64515 )
+ self.addLink( peer64516, host64516 )
+ self.addLink( sw1, host1 )
+ self.addLink( sw2, host2 )
+ self.addLink( sw6, host6 )
+ self.addLink( sw13, host13 )
+ # Internal Connection To Hosts
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, peer64514 )
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, peer64515 )
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, peer64516 )
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, speaker1 )
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, speaker2 )
+ # add host64514 to control plane for ping test
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, host64514 )
+ self.addLink( swCtl100, root )
+def startsshd( host ):
+ "Start sshd on host"
+ info( '*** Starting sshd\n' )
+ name, intf, ip =, host.defaultIntf(), host.IP()
+ banner = '/tmp/%s.banner' % name
+ host.cmd( 'echo "Welcome to %s at %s" > %s' % ( name, ip, banner ) )
+ host.cmd( '/usr/sbin/sshd -o "Banner %s"' % banner, '-o "UseDNS no"' )
+ info( '***',, 'is running sshd on', intf, 'at', ip, '\n' )
+def startsshds ( hosts ):
+ for h in hosts:
+ startsshd( h )
+def stopsshd():
+ "Stop *all* sshd processes with a custom banner"
+ info( '*** Shutting down stale sshd/Banner processes ',
+ quietRun( "pkill -9 -f Banner" ), '\n' )
+def startquagga( host, num, config_file ):
+ info( '*** Starting Quagga on %s\n' % host )
+ host.cmd( "cd %s" % QUAGGA_CONFIG_DIR )
+ zebra_cmd = \
+ '%s/zebra -d -f ./zebra.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/'\
+ quagga_cmd = '%s/bgpd -d -f %s -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/' \
+ % ( QUAGGA_DIR, config_file, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num, QUAGGA_RUN_DIR, num )
+ print zebra_cmd
+ print quagga_cmd
+ host.cmd( zebra_cmd )
+ host.cmd( quagga_cmd )
+def startquaggahost5( host, num ):
+ info( '*** Starting Quagga on %s\n' % host )
+ zebra_cmd = \
+ '%s/zebra -d -f ./zebra.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/' \
+ quagga_cmd = \
+ '%s/bgpd -d -f ./as4quaggas/quagga%s.conf -z %s/zserv%s.api -i %s/'\
+ host.cmd( zebra_cmd )
+ host.cmd( quagga_cmd )
+def stopquagga():
+ quietRun( 'sudo pkill -9 -f bgpd' )
+ quietRun( 'sudo pkill -9 -f zebra' )
+def sdn1net():
+ topo = SDNTopo()
+ info( '*** Creating network\n' )
+ # time.sleep( 30 )
+ net = Mininet( topo = topo, controller = RemoteController )
+ speaker1, speaker2, peer64514, peer64515, peer64516 = \
+ net.get( 'speaker1', 'speaker2' ,
+ 'peer64514', 'peer64515', 'peer64516' )
+ # Adding addresses to host64513_1 interface connected to sw24
+ # for BGP peering
+ speaker1.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:01', 'speaker1-eth0' )
+ speaker1.cmd( 'ip addr add dev speaker1-eth0' )
+ speaker1.cmd( 'ip addr add dev speaker1-eth0' )
+ speaker1.cmd( 'ip addr add dev speaker1-eth0' )
+ speaker1.defaultIntf().setIP( '' )
+ speaker1.defaultIntf().setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:01' )
+ # Net has to be start after adding the above link
+ net.start()
+ # setup configuration on the interface connected to switch
+ peer64514.cmd( "ifconfig peer64514-eth0 up" )
+ peer64514.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:04', 'peer64514-eth0' )
+ peer64515.cmd( "ifconfig peer64515-eth0 up" )
+ peer64515.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:05', 'peer64515-eth0' )
+ peer64516.cmd( "ifconfig peer64516-eth0 up" )
+ peer64516.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:06', 'peer64516-eth0' )
+ # setup configuration on the interface connected to hosts
+ peer64514.setIP( "", 8, "peer64514-eth1" )
+ peer64514.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:44', 'peer64514-eth1' )
+ peer64515.setIP( "", 8, "peer64515-eth1" )
+ peer64515.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:55', 'peer64515-eth1' )
+ peer64516.setIP( "", 8, "peer64516-eth1" )
+ peer64516.setMAC( '00:00:00:00:00:66', 'peer64516-eth1' )
+ # enable forwarding on BGP peer hosts
+ peer64514.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1' )
+ peer64515.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1' )
+ peer64516.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1' )
+ # config interface for control plane connectivity
+ peer64514.setIP( "", 24, "peer64514-eth2" )
+ peer64515.setIP( "", 24, "peer64515-eth2" )
+ peer64516.setIP( "", 24, "peer64516-eth2" )
+ # Setup hosts in each non-SDN AS
+ host64514, host64515, host64516 = \
+ net.get( 'host64514', 'host64515', 'host64516' )
+ host64514.cmd( 'ifconfig host64514-eth0 up' )
+ host64514.cmd( 'ip route add default via' )
+ host64514.setIP( '', 24, 'host64514-eth1' ) # for control plane
+ host64515.cmd( 'ifconfig host64515-eth0 up' )
+ host64515.cmd( 'ip route add default via' )
+ host64516.cmd( 'ifconfig host64516-eth0 up' )
+ host64516.cmd( 'ip route add default via' )
+ host1, host2, host6, host13 = \
+ net.get( 'host1', 'host2', 'host6', 'host13' )
+ host1.cmd( 'ifconfig host1-eth0 up' )
+ host1.cmd( 'route add default gw' )
+ host2.cmd( 'ifconfig host2-eth0 up' )
+ host2.cmd( 'route add default gw' )
+ host6.cmd( 'ifconfig host6-eth0 up' )
+ host6.cmd( 'route add default gw' )
+ host13.cmd( 'ifconfig host13-eth0 up' )
+ host13.cmd( 'route add default gw' )
+ # set up swCtl100 as a learning
+ swCtl100 = net.get( 'swCtl100' )
+ swCtl100.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-controller swCtl100 none' )
+ swCtl100.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode swCtl100 standalone' )
+ # connect all switches to controller
+ for i in range ( 1, numSw + 1 ):
+ swX = net.get( 'sw%s' % ( i ) )
+ swX.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-controller sw%s tcp:%s:6653' % ( i, onos1IP ) )
+ # Start Quagga on border routers
+ '''
+ for i in range ( 64514, 64516 + 1 ):
+ startquagga( 'peer%s' % ( i ), i, 'quagga%s.conf' % ( i ) )
+ '''
+ startquagga( peer64514, 64514, 'quagga64514.conf' )
+ startquagga( peer64515, 64515, 'quagga64515.conf' )
+ startquagga( peer64516, 64516, 'quagga64516.conf' )
+ # start Quagga in SDN network
+ startquagga( speaker1, 64513, 'quagga-sdn.conf' )
+ root = net.get( 'root' )
+ root.intf( 'root-eth0' ).setIP( '' )
+ root.cmd( 'ip addr add dev root-eth0' )
+ speaker1.intf( 'speaker1-eth1' ).setIP( '' )
+ stopsshd()
+ hosts = [ peer64514, peer64515, peer64516, host64514];
+ startsshds( hosts )
+ #
+ forwarding1 = '%s:2000:%s:2000' % ( '', onos1IP )
+ root.cmd( 'ssh -nNT -o "PasswordAuthentication no" \
+ -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -l sdn -L %s %s & ' % ( forwarding1, onos1IP ) )
+ # time.sleep( 3000000000 )
+ CLI( net )
+ stopsshd()
+ stopquagga()
+ net.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ setLogLevel( 'debug' )
+ sdn1net()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga-sdn.conf b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga-sdn.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98f2fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga-sdn.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+! -*- bgp -*-
+! BGPd sample configuratin file
+! $Id: bgpd.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:29 paul Exp $
+hostname bgpd
+password hello
+!enable password please-set-at-here
+!bgp mulitple-instance
+router bgp 64513
+ bgp router-id
+ timers bgp 1 3
+ !timers bgp 3 9
+ neighbor remote-as 64514
+ neighbor ebgp-multihop
+ neighbor timers connect 5
+ neighbor remote-as 64515
+ neighbor ebgp-multihop
+ neighbor timers connect 5
+ neighbor remote-as 64516
+ neighbor ebgp-multihop
+ neighbor timers connect 5
+ neighbor remote-as 64513
+ neighbor port 2000
+ neighbor timers connect 5
+ network
+ network
+ !network
+! access-list all permit any
+!route-map set-nexthop permit 10
+! match ip address all
+! set ip next-hop
+!log file /usr/local/var/log/quagga/bgpd.log
+log stdout
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64514.conf b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64514.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09440af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64514.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+! -*- bgp -*-
+! BGPd sample configuratin file
+! $Id: bgpd.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:29 paul Exp $
+hostname bgpd
+password hello
+!enable password please-set-at-here
+!bgp mulitple-instance
+router bgp 64514
+ bgp router-id
+! timers bgp 1 3
+ neighbor remote-as 64513
+ network
+! access-list all permit any
+!route-map set-nexthop permit 10
+! match ip address all
+! set ip next-hop
+!log file /usr/local/var/log/quagga/bgpd.log
+log stdout
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64515.conf b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64515.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0b701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64515.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+! -*- bgp -*-
+! BGPd sample configuratin file
+! $Id: bgpd.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:29 paul Exp $
+hostname bgpd
+password hello
+!enable password please-set-at-here
+!bgp mulitple-instance
+router bgp 64515
+ bgp router-id
+! timers bgp 1 3
+ neighbor remote-as 64513
+ network
+! access-list all permit any
+!route-map set-nexthop permit 10
+! match ip address all
+! set ip next-hop
+!log file /usr/local/var/log/quagga/bgpd.log
+log stdout
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64516.conf b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64516.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5401c05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/quagga64516.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+! -*- bgp -*-
+! BGPd sample configuratin file
+! $Id: bgpd.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:29 paul Exp $
+hostname bgpd
+password hello
+!enable password please-set-at-here
+!bgp mulitple-instance
+router bgp 64516
+ bgp router-id
+! timers bgp 1 3
+ neighbor remote-as 64513
+ network
+! neighbor route-map set-nexthop out
+! neighbor ebgp-multihop
+! neighbor next-hop-self
+! access-list all permit any
+!route-map set-nexthop permit 10
+! match ip address all
+! set ip next-hop
+!log file /usr/local/var/log/quagga/bgpd.log
+log stdout
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/zebra.conf b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/zebra.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517db94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/dependencies/zebra.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+! -*- zebra -*-
+! zebra sample configuration file
+! $Id: zebra.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:30 paul Exp $
+hostname zebra
+password hello
+enable password 0fw0rk
+log stdout
+! Interfaces description.
+!interface lo
+! description test of desc.
+!interface sit0
+! multicast
+! Static default route sample.
+!ip route
+!log file /usr/local/var/log/quagga/zebra.log
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1065f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "ports" : {
+ "of:00000000000000a8/5" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a32/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a28/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a1/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a2/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a6/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a13/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "apps" : {
+ "org.onosproject.router" : {
+ "bgp" : {
+ "bgpSpeakers" : [
+ {
+ "connectPoint" : "of:0000000000000a24/1",
+ "peers" : [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json.withBGP b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json.withBGP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1065f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json.withBGP
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "ports" : {
+ "of:00000000000000a8/5" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a32/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a28/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a1/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a2/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a6/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a13/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "apps" : {
+ "org.onosproject.router" : {
+ "bgp" : {
+ "bgpSpeakers" : [
+ {
+ "connectPoint" : "of:0000000000000a24/1",
+ "peers" : [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json.withoutBGP b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json.withoutBGP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d21d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_ReactiveRouting/network-cfg.json.withoutBGP
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ "ports" : {
+ "of:00000000000000a1/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a2/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:00000000000000a6/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000a13/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [
+ {
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "mac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw.topo b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw.topo
index c6d57fc..2dbca1d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster_fsfw.topo
@@ -27,12 +27,21 @@
+ <ONOScli3>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosCliDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ </ONOScli3>
- <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ <connect_order>5</connect_order>
@@ -41,7 +50,7 @@
- <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+ <connect_order>6</connect_order>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/
index 9183974..d995156 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
onfail="ONOS is NOT up" )
main.step( "Checking if ONOS CLI is ready" )
- cliResult = main.ONOScli.startOnosCli( ONOS1Ip,
+ cliResult = main.ONOScli1.startOnosCli( ONOS1Ip,
onosStartTimeout=600 )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
for i in range( 10 ):
ready = True
- output = main.ONOScli.summary()
+ output = main.ONOScli1.summary()
if not output:
ready = False
if ready:
@@ -181,20 +181,20 @@ "Get links in the network" )
time.sleep( int ( main.params['timers']['TopoDiscovery'] ) )
- summaryResult = main.ONOScli.summary()
+ summaryResult = main.ONOScli1.summary()
linkNum = json.loads( summaryResult )[ "links" ]
- listResult = main.ONOScli.links( jsonFormat=False )
+ listResult = main.ONOScli1.links( jsonFormat=False ) listResult )
if linkNum < 100:
main.log.error( "Link number is wrong!" )
time.sleep( int( main.params['timers']['TopoDiscovery'] ) )
- listResult = main.ONOScli.links( jsonFormat=False )
+ listResult = main.ONOScli1.links( jsonFormat=False ) listResult )
main.step( "Activate sdn-ip application" )
- activeSDNIPresult = main.ONOScli.activateApp( "org.onosproject.sdnip" )
+ activeSDNIPresult = main.ONOScli1.activateApp( "org.onosproject.sdnip" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Activate SDN-IP succeeded",
@@ -248,13 +248,13 @@
% main.params[ 'config' ][ 'peerNum' ] )
main.step( "Check P2P intents number from ONOS CLI" )
- getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat=True )
+ getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat=True )
bgpIntentsActualNum = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualBgpIntentNum( getIntentsResult )
bgpIntentsExpectedNum = int( main.params[ 'config' ][ 'peerNum' ] ) * 6
if bgpIntentsActualNum != bgpIntentsExpectedNum:
time.sleep( int( main.params['timers']['RouteDelivery'] ) )
- getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat=True )
+ getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat=True )
bgpIntentsActualNum = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualBgpIntentNum( getIntentsResult ) "bgpIntentsExpected num is:" )
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@
allRoutesExpected.append( "" + "/" + "" )
allRoutesExpected.append( "" + "/" + "" )
- getRoutesResult = main.ONOScli.routes( jsonFormat=True )
+ getRoutesResult = main.ONOScli1.routes( jsonFormat=True )
allRoutesActual = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualRoutesMaster( getRoutesResult )
allRoutesStrExpected = str( sorted( allRoutesExpected ) )
allRoutesStrActual = str( allRoutesActual ).replace( 'u', "" )
if allRoutesStrActual != allRoutesStrExpected:
time.sleep( int( main.params['timers']['RouteDelivery'] ) )
- getRoutesResult = main.ONOScli.routes( jsonFormat=True )
+ getRoutesResult = main.ONOScli1.routes( jsonFormat=True )
allRoutesActual = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualRoutesMaster( getRoutesResult )
allRoutesStrActual = str( allRoutesActual ).replace( 'u', "" )
@@ -303,13 +303,13 @@
onfail="Routes are wrong!" )
main.step( "Check M2S intents installed" )
- getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat=True )
+ getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat=True )
routeIntentsActualNum = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualRouteIntentNum( getIntentsResult )
routeIntentsExpectedNum = 3
if routeIntentsActualNum != routeIntentsExpectedNum:
time.sleep( int( main.params['timers']['RouteDelivery'] ) )
- getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat=True )
+ getIntentsResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat=True )
routeIntentsActualNum = \
main.QuaggaCliSpeaker1.extractActualRouteIntentNum( getIntentsResult )
@@ -620,9 +620,9 @@
check route number, P2P intent number, M2S intent number, ping test" ) "Check the flow number correctness before stopping sw11" )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw11", 13 )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 3 )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 3 )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw11", 19 )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 9 )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 6 )
main.log.debug( main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw11" ) )
main.log.debug( main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw1" ) )
main.log.debug( main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw7" ) )
@@ -671,8 +671,8 @@
check route number, P2P intent number, M2S intent number, ping test" ) "Check the flow status before starting sw11" )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 11 )
- main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 5 )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw1", 17 )
+ main.Functions.checkFlowNum( main, "sw7", 8 )
main.log.debug( main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw1" ) )
main.log.debug( main.Mininet.checkFlows( "sw7" ) )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw.topo b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw.topo
index 01be5af..9ba2e9e 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw.topo
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
- <ONOScli>
+ <ONOScli1>
- </ONOScli>
+ </ONOScli1>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/
index dd0b29f..ad67952 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ routeNumExpected ) "Route number from ONOS CLI:" )
- routeNumActual = main.ONOScli.ipv4RouteNumber()
+ routeNumActual = main.ONOScli1.ipv4RouteNumber()
if routeNumActual != routeNumExpected:
time.sleep( wait )
- routeNumActual = main.ONOScli.ipv4RouteNumber()
+ routeNumActual = main.ONOScli1.ipv4RouteNumber() routeNumActual )
utilities.assertEquals( \
expect = routeNumExpected, actual = routeNumActual,
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ "Intent number expected:" ) intentNumExpected ) "Intent number from ONOS CLI:" )
- jsonResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
+ jsonResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
TYPE = "multiPointToSinglePoint" )
intentNumActual = jsonResult['installed']
if intentNumActual != intentNumExpected:
time.sleep( wait )
- jsonResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
+ jsonResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
TYPE = "multiPointToSinglePoint" )
intentNumActual = jsonResult['installed'] intentNumActual )
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ "Intent number expected:" ) intentNumExpected ) "Intent number from ONOS CLI:" )
- jsonResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
+ jsonResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
TYPE = "pointToPoint" )
intentNumActual = jsonResult['installed']
if intentNumActual != intentNumExpected:
time.sleep( wait )
- jsonResult = main.ONOScli.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
+ jsonResult = main.ONOScli1.intents( jsonFormat = True, summary = True,
TYPE = "pointToPoint" )
intentNumActual = jsonResult['installed'] intentNumActual )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/fsfw.xml b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/fsfw.xml
index e792f37..8fee131 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/fsfw.xml
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SdnipFunction_fsfw/dependencies/fsfw.xml
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
- <controller ip_address="" ssl="false" port="6633"/>
+ <controller ip_address="" ssl="false" port="6633"/>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/2x2.json b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/2x2.json
index 31b2cc8..a5ec00d 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/2x2.json
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/2x2.json
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"name" : "Leaf-R1",
"nodeSid" : 1,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:00:01",
"isEdgeRouter" : true,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"name" : "Leaf-R2",
"nodeSid" : 2,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:00:02",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:00:02",
"isEdgeRouter" : true,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
"name" : "Spine-R1",
"nodeSid" : 101,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:01",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:01:01",
"isEdgeRouter" : false,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"name" : "Spine-R2",
"nodeSid" : 102,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:02",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:01:02",
"isEdgeRouter" : false,
"adjacencySids" : []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/4x4.json b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/4x4.json
index dee6bc3..7442359 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/4x4.json
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/4x4.json
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
"name" : "Leaf-R1",
"nodeSid" : 1,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:00:01",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:00:01",
"isEdgeRouter" : true,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"name" : "Leaf-R2",
"nodeSid" : 2,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:00:02",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:00:02",
"isEdgeRouter" : true,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"name" : "Leaf-R3",
"nodeSid" : 3,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:00:03",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:00:03",
"isEdgeRouter" : true,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"name" : "Leaf-R4",
"nodeSid" : 4,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:00:04",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:00:04",
"isEdgeRouter" : true,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"name" : "Spine-R1",
"nodeSid" : 101,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:01",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:01:01",
"isEdgeRouter" : false,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"name" : "Spine-R2",
"nodeSid" : 102,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:02",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:01:02",
"isEdgeRouter" : false,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
"name" : "Spine-R3",
"nodeSid" : 103,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:03",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:01:03",
"isEdgeRouter" : false,
"adjacencySids" : []
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"name" : "Spine-R4",
"nodeSid" : 104,
"routerIp" : "",
- "routerMac" : "00:00:00:00:01:04",
+ "routerMac" : "10:00:00:00:01:04",
"isEdgeRouter" : false,
"adjacencySids" : []
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/
index da75079..8240068 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/
@@ -1,18 +1,33 @@
-This test is designed to verify basic connectivity the SegmentRouting application.
+This test is designed to verify basic connectivity the SegmentRouting application via pingaall.
It consists of
-1) Installing and Starting ONOS
-2) Starting Mininet and testing connectivity
+1) Configure and Install ONOS
+2) Start Mininet and check flow state
+2) Test connectivity
- - A single ONOS instance is required for the test, the application is currently not stable in a cluster.
+ - A single ONOS instance is required for the test, the application is currently not stable in a cluster as of today.
- An updated version of the CPQD switch has to be running to make sure it supports group chaining.
Step 1:
-In this step we copy the proper config file to ONOS, next we package ONOS and install it in the target machine.
+In this step, we copy config file to ONOS, next we package ONOS and install it in the target machine.
Step 2:
-In this step we start a 2x2 leaf-spine topology, connect to ONOS, and next we send several pings between hosts to test connectivity.
+In this step we start the topology, connect to ONOS
+Here, we send several pings between hosts to test connectivity.
+Then Steps are repeated for different configurations and topologies.
+ Configurations:
+ 1) APPS=openflow-base,netcfghostprovider,netcfglinksprovider
+ 2) APPS=openflow
+ Topologies:
+ 1) 2x2 Leaf-Spine
+ 2) 4x4 Leaf-Spine
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/USECASE_SegmentRouting.params b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/USECASE_SegmentRouting.params
index eb55d5f..15ce439 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/USECASE_SegmentRouting.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/USECASE_SegmentRouting.params
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- <testcases>1,2,11,9,2,11,9,2,11,9,2,11,9</testcases>
+ <testcases>1,[2,3,4,4,10]*2</testcases>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 7eb4dd7..1a4834b
--- a/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/
+++ b/TestON/tests/USECASE/USECASE_SegmentRouting/
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
main.path = os.path.dirname( main.testFile )
main.dependencyPath = main.path + "/dependencies/"
main.topology = main.params[ 'DEPENDENCY' ][ 'topology' ]
- #main.json = ["4x4"]
+ #main.json = ["0x1","0x1"]
main.json = ["2x2", "2x2","4x4","4x4"]
main.args = [" ", " ", " --spine 4 --leaf 4 ", " --spine 4 --leaf 4 "]
- #main.args = [" --spine 4 --leaf 4 "]
+ #main.args = [" --spine 0 --leaf 1 "," --spine 0 --leaf 1 "]
main.scale = ( main.params[ 'SCALE' ][ 'size' ] ).split( "," )
main.maxNodes = int( main.params[ 'SCALE' ][ 'max' ] )
main.ONOSport = main.params[ 'CTRL' ][ 'port' ]
@@ -114,20 +114,14 @@
else: main.log.error( "App list is empty" ) "Package and start ONOS using apps:" + apps)
- #kill off all onos processes
- "Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" +
- " before initiating environment setup" )
- for i in range( main.maxNodes ):
- main.ONOSbench.onosDie( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
print "NODE COUNT = ", main.numCtrls
tempOnosIp = []
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
tempOnosIp.append( main.ONOSip[i] )
onosUser = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellUser' ]
- main.step("Creating cell file")
+ main.step("Create and Apply cell file")
main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( main.ONOSbench.ip_address,
@@ -135,7 +129,6 @@
onosUser )
- main.step( "Apply cell to environment" )
cellResult = main.ONOSbench.setCell( "temp" )
verifyResult = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
stepResult = cellResult and verifyResult
@@ -144,8 +137,14 @@
onpass="Successfully applied cell to " + \
onfail="Failed to apply cell to environment " )
+ #kill off all onos processes
+ "Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" +
+ " before initiating environment setup" )
- main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+ for i in range( main.maxNodes ):
+ main.ONOSbench.onosDie( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+ main.step( "Create and Install ONOS package" )
main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "cp "+main.path+"/"+main.jsonFile+".json ~/onos/tools/package/config/network-cfg.json")
packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
@@ -155,9 +154,8 @@
# onpass="Successfully created ONOS package",
# onfail="Failed to create ONOS package" )
- time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
+ #time.sleep( main.startUpSleep )
- main.step( "Installing ONOS package" )
onosInstallResult = main.TRUE
for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
onosInstallResult = onosInstallResult and \
@@ -187,34 +185,40 @@
startResult = startResult and \
main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] )
stepResult = onosIsUp and stopResult and startResult
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS service is ready",
onfail="ONOS service did not start properly" )
- time.sleep( 2*main.startUpSleep )
+ #time.sleep( 2*main.startUpSleep )
+ #main.ONOSbench.handle.sendline( "onos-secure-ssh")
+ main.step( "Checking if ONOS CLI is ready" )
+ cellResult = main.CLIs[0].setCell( "temp" )
- def CASE9( self, main ):
- '''
- Report errors/warnings/exceptions
- '''
- "Logging test for " + main.jsonFile )
- #if len(main.json) > 0 :
- main.ONOSbench.cpLogsToDir("/opt/onos/log/karaf.log",main.logdir,
- copyFileName="karaf.log."+main.jsonFile+str(len(main.json)))
- #main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
- # [ "INFO" ],
- # "a" )
-"Error report: \n" )
- main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
- [ "INFO",
- "WARN",
- "flow",
- "ERROR",
- "Except" ],
- "s" )
+ cliResult = main.CLIs[0].startOnosCli( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
+ commandlineTimeout=60, onosStartTimeout=100 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=cliResult,
+ onpass="ONOS CLI is ready",
+ onfail="ONOS CLI is not ready" )
+ for i in range( 10 ):
+ ready = True
+ output = main.CLIs[0].summary()
+ if not output:
+ ready = False
+ if ready:
+ break
+ time.sleep( 10 )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=ready,
+ onpass="ONOS summary command succeded",
+ onfail="ONOS summary command failed" )
- def CASE11( self, main ):
+ if not ready:
+ main.log.error( "ONOS startup failed!" )
+ main.cleanup()
+ main.exit()
+ def CASE3( self, main ):
Start mininet
@@ -240,17 +244,77 @@
if not topoResult:
- main.step("Waiting for switch initialization and configuration")
- time.sleep( 3*main.startUpSleep)
+ #main.step("Waiting for switch initialization and configuration")
+ main.step(" Check whether the flow count is bigger than 116" )
+ count = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[0].checkFlowCount,
+ main.FALSE,
+ kwargs={'min':116},
+ attempts=10 )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect=True,
+ actual=(count>0),
+ onpass="Flow count looks correct: "+str(count),
+ onfail="Flow count looks wrong: "+str(count) )
+ main.step( "Check whether all flow status are ADDED" )
+ flowCheck = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[0].checkFlowsState,
+ main.FALSE,
+ kwargs={'isPENDING':False},
+ attempts=10 )
+ utilities.assertEquals( \
+ expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=flowCheck,
+ onpass="Flow status is correct!",
+ onfail="Flow status is wrong!" )
+ main.ONOSbench.dumpFlows( main.ONOSip[0],
+ main.logdir, "flowsBefore" + main.jsonFile)
+ main.ONOSbench.dumpGroups( main.ONOSip[0],
+ main.logdir, "groupsBefore" + main.jsonFile)
+ #time.sleep( 3*main.startUpSleep)
+ main.count=1
+ def CASE4( self, main ):
+ "Check full connectivity" )
+ "Check full connectivity" )
+ main.step("Check full connectivity"+str(main.count))
pa = main.Mininet1.pingall()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=pa,
onpass="Full connectivity successfully tested",
onfail="Full connectivity failed" )
# cleanup mininet
+ main.ONOSbench.dumpFlows( main.ONOSip[0],
+ main.logdir, "flowsAfter" + str(main.count) + main.jsonFile)
+ main.ONOSbench.dumpGroups( main.ONOSip[0],
+ main.logdir, "groupsAfter" + str(main.count) + main.jsonFile)
+ def CASE10( self, main ):
+ '''
+ Report errors/warnings/exceptions
+ '''
+ "Logging test for " + main.jsonFile )
+ #if len(main.json) > 0 :
main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[0] )
+ main.ONOSbench.scp( main.ONOScli1 ,
+ "/opt/onos/log/karaf.log",
+ "/tmp/karaf.log",
+ direction="from" )
+ main.ONOSbench.cpLogsToDir("/tmp/karaf.log",main.logdir,
+ copyFileName="karaf.log."+main.jsonFile+str(len(main.json)))
+ #main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
+ # [ "INFO" ],
+ # "a" )
+"Error report: \n" )
+ main.ONOSbench.logReport( main.ONOSip[ 0 ],
+ [ "INFO",
+ "WARN",
+ "flow",
+ "ERROR",
+ "Except" ],
+ "s" )