adding TestON
diff --git a/TestON/core/ b/TestON/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44a70b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#/usr/bin/env python
+Created on 07-Jan-2013
+@author: Raghav Kashyap(
+    TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with TestON.  If not, see <>.		
+import logging
+import datetime
+import re
+import os
+class Logger:
+    '''
+        Add continuous logs and reports of the test.
+        @author: Raghav Kashyap(
+    '''
+    def _printHeader(self,main) :
+        '''
+            Log's header will be append to the Log file
+        '''
+        logmsg = "\n"+" " * 32+"+----------------+\n" +"-" * 30+" { Script And Files }  "+"-" * 30+"\n" +" " * 32+"+----------------+\n";
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\tScript Log File : " + main.LogFileName + ""
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\tReport Log File : " + main.ReportFileName + ""
+        for component in main.componentDictionary.keys():
+            logmsg = logmsg + "\n\t"+component+" Session Log : " + main.logdir+"/"+component+".session" + ""
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\tTest Script :" + path + "Tests/" + main.TEST + ".py"+ ""
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\tTest Params : " + path + "Tests/" + main.TEST + ".params" + ""
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\tTopology : " + path + "Tests/" +main.TEST + ".tpl" + ""
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n"+" " * 30+"+" +"-" * 18+"+" +"\n" +"-" * 27+"  { Script Exec Params }  "+"-" * 27 +"\n" +" " * 30 +"+"+"-" * 18 +"+\n";
+        values = "\n\t" + str(main.params)
+        values = re.sub(",", "\n\t", values)
+        values = re.sub("{", "\n\t", values)
+        values = re.sub("}", "\n\t", values)
+        logmsg = logmsg + values
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\n"+" " * 31+"+---------------+\n" +"-" * 29+" { Components Used }  " +"-" * 29+"\n"+" " * 31+"+---------------+\n"
+        component_list = []
+        component_list.append(None)
+        # Listing the components in the order of test_target component should be first.
+        if type(main.componentDictionary) == dict:
+            for key in main.componentDictionary.keys():
+                if main.test_target == key :
+                    component_list[0] = key+"-Test Target"
+                else :
+                    component_list.append(key)
+        for index in range(len(component_list)) :
+            if index==0:
+                if component_list[index]:
+                    logmsg+="\t"+component_list[index]+"\n"
+            elif index > 0 :
+                logmsg+="\t"+str(component_list[index])+"\n"
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n\n"+" " * 30+"+--------+\n" +"-" * 28+" { Topology }  "+"-" * 28 +"\n" +" " * 30+"+--------+\n"
+        values = "\n\t" + str(main.topology['COMPONENT'])
+        values = re.sub(",", "\n\t", values)
+        values = re.sub("{", "\n\t", values)
+        values = re.sub("}", "\n\t", values)
+        logmsg = logmsg + values
+        logmsg = logmsg + "\n"+"-" * 60+"\n"
+        # enter into log file all headers
+        logfile = open(main.LogFileName,"w+")
+        logfile.write (logmsg)
+        print logmsg
+        main.logHeader = logmsg
+        logfile.close()
+        #enter into report file all headers
+        main.reportFile = open(main.ReportFileName,"w+")
+        main.reportFile.write(logmsg)
+        main.reportFile.close()
+    def initlog(self,main):
+        '''
+            Initialise all the log handles.
+        '''
+        main._getTest()
+        main.STARTTIME = 
+        currentTime = re.sub("-|\s|:|\.", "_", str(main.STARTTIME.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")))
+        if main.logdir:
+            main.logdir = main.logdir+ "/"+main.TEST + "_" + currentTime
+        else:
+            main.logdir = main.logs_path + main.TEST + "_" + currentTime
+        os.mkdir(main.logdir)
+        main.LogFileName = main.logdir + "/" + main.TEST + "_" +str(currentTime) + ".log"
+        main.ReportFileName = main.logdir + "/" + main.TEST + "_" + str(currentTime) + ".rpt"
+        #### Add log-level - Report
+        logging.addLevelName(9, "REPORT")
+        logging.addLevelName(7, "EXACT")
+        logging.addLevelName(10, "CASE")
+        logging.addLevelName(11, "STEP")
+        main.log = logging.getLogger(main.TEST)
+        def report (msg):
+            '''
+                Will append the report message to the logs.
+            '''
+            main.log._log(9,msg,"OpenFlowAutoMattion","OFAutoMation")
+            currentTime =
+            currentTime = currentTime.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
+            newmsg = "\n[REPORT] " +"["+ str(currentTime)+"] "+msg
+            print newmsg
+            main.reportFile = open(main.ReportFileName,"a+")
+            main.reportFile.write(newmsg)
+            main.reportFile.close()
+ = report 
+        def exact (exmsg):
+            '''
+               Will append the raw formatted message to the logs
+            '''
+            main.log._log(7,exmsg,"OpenFlowAutoMattion","OFAutoMation")
+            main.reportFile = open(main.ReportFileName,"a+")
+            main.reportFile.write(exmsg)
+            main.reportFile.close()
+            logfile = open(main.LogFileName,"a")
+            logfile.write("\n"+ str(exmsg) +"\n")
+            logfile.close()
+            print exmsg
+        main.log.exact = exact 
+        def case(msg):
+            '''
+               Format of the case type log defined here.
+            '''
+            main.log._log(9,msg,"OpenFlowAutoMattion","OFAutoMation")
+            currentTime =
+            newmsg = "["+str(currentTime)+"] " + "["+main.TEST+"] " + "[CASE] " +msg
+            logfile = open(main.LogFileName,"a")
+            logfile.write("\n"+ str(newmsg) +"\n")
+            logfile.close()
+            print newmsg
+ = case 
+        def step (msg):
+            '''
+                Format of the step type log defined here.
+            '''
+            main.log._log(9,msg,"OpenFlowAutoMattion","OFAutoMation")
+            currentTime =
+            newmsg = "["+str(currentTime)+"] " + "["+main.TEST+"] " + "[STEP] " +msg
+            logfile = open(main.LogFileName,"a")
+            logfile.write("\n"+ str(newmsg) +"\n")
+            logfile.close()
+            print newmsg
+        main.log.step = step 
+        main.LogFileHandler = logging.FileHandler(main.LogFileName)
+        self._printHeader(main)
+        ### initializing logging module and settig log level
+        main.log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+        main.LogFileHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+        # create console handler with a higher log level
+        main.ConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
+        main.ConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+        # create formatter and add it to the handlers
+        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+        main.ConsoleHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
+        main.LogFileHandler.setFormatter(formatter)
+        # add the handlers to logger
+        main.log.addHandler(main.ConsoleHandler)
+        main.log.addHandler(main.LogFileHandler)
+    def testSummary(self,main):
+        '''
+            testSummary will take care about the Summary of test.
+        '''
+        main.ENDTIME =
+        main.EXECTIME = main.ENDTIME - main.STARTTIME
+        if (main.TOTAL_TC_PASS == 0):
+            main.TOTAL_TC_SUCCESS = 0
+        else:
+            main.TOTAL_TC_SUCCESS = str((main.TOTAL_TC_PASS*100)/main.TOTAL_TC_RUN)
+        if (main.TOTAL_TC_RUN == 0) :
+            main.TOTAL_TC_EXECPERCENT = 0
+        else :
+            main.TOTAL_TC_EXECPERCENT = str((main.TOTAL_TC_RUN*100)/main.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED)
+        testResult = "\n\n"+"*" * 37+"\n" + "\tTest Execution Summary\n" + "\n"+"*" * 37+" \n"
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Test Start           : " + str(main.STARTTIME.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"))
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Test End             : " + str(main.ENDTIME.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"))
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Execution Time       : " + str(main.EXECTIME)
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Total tests planned  : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED)
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Total tests RUN      : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_RUN)
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Total Pass           : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_PASS)
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Total Fail           : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_FAIL)
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Total No Result      : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_NORESULT)
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Success Percentage   : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_SUCCESS) + "%"
+        testResult =  testResult + "\n Execution Result     : " + str(main.TOTAL_TC_EXECPERCENT) + "%"
+        main.testResult = testResult
+        main.log.exact(testResult)
+    def updateCaseResults(self,main):
+        '''
+            Update the case result based on the steps execution and asserting each step in the test-case
+        '''
+        case = str(main.CurrentTestCaseNumber)
+        if main.testCaseResult[case] == 2:
+            main.TOTAL_TC_RUN  = main.TOTAL_TC_RUN + 1
+            main.TOTAL_TC_NORESULT = main.TOTAL_TC_NORESULT + 1
+            main.log.exact("\n "+"*" * 29+"\n" + "\n Result: No Assertion Called \n"+"*" * 29+"\n")
+        elif main.testCaseResult[case] == 1:
+            main.TOTAL_TC_RUN  = main.TOTAL_TC_RUN  + 1
+            main.TOTAL_TC_PASS =  main.TOTAL_TC_PASS + 1
+            main.log.exact("\n"+"*" * 29+"\n Result: Pass \n"+"*" * 29+"\n")
+        elif main.testCaseResult[case] == 0:
+            main.TOTAL_TC_RUN  = main.TOTAL_TC_RUN  + 1
+            main.TOTAL_TC_FAIL = main.TOTAL_TC_FAIL + 1
+            main.log.exact("\n"+"*" * 29+"\n Result: Failed \n"+"*" * 29+"\n")