adding TestON
diff --git a/TestON/bin/GenerateDriver.log b/TestON/bin/GenerateDriver.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ecb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/GenerateDriver.log
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+operator@'s password: operator
+show ?
+Copyright (c) 2011 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.
+!NEC-PF5240> ?
access-filter Display the statistics information of access-filter
+ accounting Display the accounting information
+ acknowledgments Display acknowledgments
+ auto-config Display the information of auto-config
+ axrp Display the Ring Protocol information
+ cfm Display the CFM information
+ channel-group Display the information on a Link Aggregation Protocol
+ clock Display clock of the system
+ config-lock-status Display lock status of configurations
+ cpu Target is cpu utilization information
+ dhcp Display the information of DHCP
+ dot1x Display the status of 802.1X
+ dumpfile Display the information of dumpfile
+ efmoam Display the IEEE802.3ah/OAM information
+ environment Display the information of system environment
+ file Show contents of file
+ flash Display the information of flash memory
+ gsrp Display the GSRP information
+ history Display the list of commands that was entered
+ igmp-snooping Display the igmp-snooping information
+ interfaces Display the information of interfaces
+ ip Display the information of IP routing program
+ ip-dual Display the information of IP and IPv6 routing program
byte 1378
ipv6 Display the information of IPv6 routing program
byte 1448
ipv6-dhcp Display the information of IPv6 DHCP program
byte 1515
license Display licenses
byte 1554
lldp Display the LLDP information
byte 1605
logging Display the log information of router
byte 1665
loop-detection Display the information on an L2 Loop Detection
byte 1735
mac-address-table Display the mac-address-table information
byte 1799
mc Display the information of MC
byte 1851
memory Display the status of memory
byte 1902
mld-snooping Display the mld-snooping information
byte 1961
netconf Display the information of netconf
byte 2018
netstat Display the status of network
byte 2070
ntp Display the information of NTP
byte 2123
oadp Display the OADP information
byte 2174
openflow Display the OpenFlow information
byte 2229
port Display the information list of ports
byte 2289
power Display the information of power consumption
byte 2356
processes Display the status of process
byte 2408
qos Display the statistics information of QoS
byte 2472
qos-flow Display the statistics information of qos-flow
byte 2541
sessions Display the login user name
byte 2591
sflow Display the information of sFlow
byte 2646
spanning-tree Display the information on a spanning tree protocol
byte 2720
ssh Display the information of SSH Server
byte 2780
system Display the information of a system
byte 2838
tcpdump Dump traffic to/from this system
byte 2893
tech-support Display the general information about the switch
byte 2964
track Display the information of track
byte 3019
version Display the version of a system
byte 3073
vlan Display the VLAN information
byte 3124
vrrpstatus Display the status of VRRP
byte 3173
whoami Display the real user name
byte 3222
+ ^
+% Incomplete command at '^' marker
+!NEC-PF5240> show access-filter ?
<nif no.>/<port no.> Specify NIF number and Port number
+ interface Target is interface
+ <cr>
Date 2013/06/27 18:11:19 UTC
+No configuration.
!NEC-PF5240> show accounting ?
Connection failed to accounting program.
!NEC-PF5240> show acknowledgments ?
+/* Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
+ * Junior University
+ *
+ * We are making the OpenFlow specification and associated documentation
+ * (Software) available for public use and benefit with the expectation
+ * that others will use, modify and enhance the Software and contribute
+ * those enhancements back to the community. However, since we would
+ * like to make the Software available for broadest use, with as few
+ * restrictions as possible permission is hereby granted, free of
+ * charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this Software to deal in
+ * the Software under the copyrights without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
byte 1237
byte 1309
byte 1379
byte 1448
byte 1516
byte 1529
byte 1532
* The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may NOT be used in
byte 1601
* advertising or publicity pertaining to the Software or any
byte 1663
* derivatives without specific, written prior permission.
byte 1722
byte 1726
byte 1727
[CPU2 uboot]
byte 1740
This product includes software to be licensed under the GNU General
byte 1809
Public License Version 2(GPLv2).
byte 1842
For details about GPL, see
byte 1911
byte 1912
byte 1914show acknowledgments interface ?
byte 1914
byte 1914
byte 1914
byte 1914
+/* Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
+ * Junior University
+ *
+ * We are making the OpenFlow specification and associated documentation
+ * (Software) available for public use and benefit with the expectation
+ * that others will use, modify and enhance the Software and contribute
+ * those enhancements back to the community. However, since we would
+ * like to make the Software available for broadest use, with as few
+ * restrictions as possible permission is hereby granted, free of
+ * charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this Software to deal in
+ * the Software under the copyrights without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
byte 1237
+ *
+ * The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may NOT be used in
+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to the Software or any
+ * derivatives without specific, written prior permission.
+ */
+[CPU2 uboot]
+This product includes software to be licensed under the GNU General
+Public License Version 2(GPLv2).
+For details about GPL, see
+# (C) Copyright 2000-2004
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
byte 2073
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# (C) Copyright 2000
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
byte 2932
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+# MA 02111-1307 USA
+# (C) Copyright 2003
+# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+# project.
byte 3791
byte 3791
byte 3791
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and
show auto-config ?
+show axrp ?
+show cfm ?
+show channel-group ?
+show clock ?
+show config-lock-status ?
+show cpu ?
show dhcp ?
+show dot1x ?
+show dumpfile ?
+show efmoam ?
+show environment ?
+show file ?
+show flash ?
+show gsrp ?
+show history ?
+show igmp-snooping ?
+show interfaces ?
+show ip ?
+show ip-dual ?
+show ipv6-dhcp ?
+show license ?
+show lldp ?
+show logging ?
+show loop-detection ?
+show mac-address-table ?
+show mc ?
+show memory ?
+show mld-snooping ?
show netconf ?
+show netstat ?
+show ntp ?
+show oadp ?
+show openflow ?
+show port ?
+show power ?
+show processes ?
+show qos ?
+show qos-flow ?
+show sessions ?
+show sflow ?
+show spanning-tree ?
+show ssh ?
+show system ?
+show tcpdump ?
+show tech-support ?
+show track ?
+show version ?
+show vlan ?
+show vrrpstatus ?
+show whoami ?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestON/bin/License V2 b/TestON/bin/License V2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8613c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/License V2
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Version 2, June 1991
+Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.
+When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.
+Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations.
+Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.
+0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
+3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it.
+6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.
+7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..47b027e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Created on 20-Dec-2012
+@author: Anil Kumar (
+ TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with TestON. If not, see <>.
+cli will provide the CLI shell for teston framework.
+A simple command-line interface for TestON.
+The TestON CLI provides a simple console which
+makes it easy to launch the test. For example, the command run will execute the test.
+teston> run test DpctlTest
+Several useful commands are provided.
+from subprocess import call
+from cmd import Cmd
+from os import isatty
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import time
+import threading
+import __builtin__
+import pprint
+dump = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+__builtin__.testthread = False
+introduction = "TestON is the testing framework \nDeveloped by Paxterra Solutions ("
+path = re.sub("teston$", "", os.getcwd())
+from core.teston import *
+class CLI( threading.Thread,Cmd,object ):
+ "command-line interface to execute the test."
+ prompt = 'teston> '
+ def __init__( self, teston, stdin=sys.stdin ):
+ self.teston = teston
+ self._mainevent = threading.Event()
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.main_stop = False
+ self.locals = { 'test': teston }
+ self.stdin = stdin
+ Cmd.__init__( self )
+ self.pause = False
+ self.stop = False
+ __builtin__.cli = self
+ def emptyline( self ):
+ "Don't repeat last command when you hit return."
+ pass
+ helpStr = (
+ " teston help"
+ )
+ def do_help( self, line ):
+ "Describe available CLI commands."
+ Cmd.do_help( self, line )
+ if line is '':
+ output( self.helpStr )
+ def do_run(self,args):
+ '''
+ run command will execute the test with following optional command line arguments
+ logdir <directory to store logs in>
+ testcases <list of testcases separated by comma or range of testcases separated by hypen>
+ mail <mail-id or list of mail-ids seperated by comma>
+ example 1, to execute the examples specified in the ~/examples diretory.
+ '''
+ args = args.split()
+ options = {}
+ options = self.parseArgs(args,options)
+ options = dictToObj(options)
+ if not testthread:
+ test = TestThread(options)
+ test.start()
+ else :
+ print main.TEST+ " test execution paused, please resume that before executing to another test"
+ def do_resume(self, line):
+ '''
+ resume command will continue the execution of paused test.
+ teston>resume
+ [2013-01-07 23:03:44.640723] [PoxTest] [STEP] 1.1: Checking the host reachability using pingHost
+ 2013-01-07 23:03:44,858 - PoxTest - INFO - Expected Prompt Found
+ ....
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+ else :
+ print "There is no test to resume"
+ def do_nextstep(self,line):
+ '''
+ nextstep will execute the next-step of the paused test and
+ it will pause the test after finishing of step.
+ teston> nextstep
+ Will pause the test's execution, after completion of this step.....
+ teston> [2013-01-07 21:24:26.286601] [PoxTest] [STEP] 1.8: Checking the host reachability using pingHost
+ 2013-01-07 21:24:26,455 - PoxTest - INFO - Expected Prompt Found
+ .....
+ teston>
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+"Executing the nextstep, Will pause test execution, after completion of the step")
+ time.sleep(.1)
+ testthread.pause()
+ else:
+ print "There is no paused test "
+ def do_dumpvar(self,line):
+ '''
+ dumpvar will print all the test data in raw format.
+ usgae :
+ teston>dumpvar main
+ Here 'main' will be the test object.
+ teston>dumpvar params
+ here 'params' will be the parameters specified in the params file.
+ teston>dumpvar topology
+ here 'topology' will be topology specification of the test specified in topo file.
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+ if line == "main":
+ dump.pprint(vars(main))
+ else :
+ try :
+ dump.pprint(vars(main)[line])
+ except KeyError,e:
+ print e
+ else :
+ print "There is no paused test "
+ def do_currentcase(self,line):
+ '''
+ currentcase will return the current case in the test execution.
+ teston>currentcase
+ Currently executing test case is: 2
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+ print "Currently executing test case is: "+str(main.CurrentTestCaseNumber)
+ else :
+ print "There is no paused test "
+ def do_currentstep(self,line):
+ '''
+ currentstep will return the current step in the test execution.
+ teston>currentstep
+ Currently executing test step is: 2.3
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+ print "Currently executing test step is: "+str(main.CurrentTestCaseNumber)+'.'+str(main.stepCount)
+ else :
+ print "There is no paused test "
+ def do_stop(self,line):
+ '''
+ Will stop the paused test, if any !
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+ testthread.stop()
+ return 'exited by user command'
+ def do_gettest(self,line):
+ '''
+ gettest will return the test name which is under execution or recently executed.
+ Test under execution:
+ teston>gettest
+ Currently executing Test is: PoxTest
+ Test recently executed:
+ Recently executed test is: MininetTest
+ '''
+ try :
+ if testthread :
+ print "Currently executing Test is: "+main.TEST
+ else :
+ print "Recently executed test is: "+main.TEST
+ except NameError:
+ print "There is no previously executed Test"
+ def do_showlog(self,line):
+ '''
+ showlog will show the test's Log
+ teston>showlog
+ Last executed test's log is : //home/openflow/TestON/logs/PoxTest_07_Jan_2013_21_42_11/PoxTest_07_Jan_2013_21_42_11.log
+ .....
+ teston>showlog
+ Currently executing Test's log is: /home/openflow/TestON/logs/PoxTest_07_Jan_2013_21_46_58/PoxTest_07_Jan_2013_21_46_58.log
+ .....
+ '''
+ try :
+ if testthread :
+ print "Currently executing Test's log is: "+main.LogFileName
+ else :
+ print "Last executed test's log is : "+main.LogFileName
+ logFile = main.LogFileName
+ logFileHandler = open(logFile, 'r')
+ for msg in logFileHandler.readlines() :
+ print msg,
+ logFileHandler.close()
+ except NameError:
+ print "There is no previously executed Test"
+ def parseArgs(self,args,options):
+ '''
+ This will parse the command line arguments.
+ '''
+ options = self.initOptions(options)
+ try :
+ for index, option in enumerate(args):
+ if index > 0 :
+ if re.match("logdir|mail|example|testdir|testcases", option, flags = 0):
+ index = index+1
+ options[option] = args[index]
+ options = self.testcasesInRange(index,option,args,options)
+ else :
+ options['testname'] = option
+ except IndexError,e:
+ print e
+ return options
+ def initOptions(self,options):
+ '''
+ This will initialize the commandline options.
+ '''
+ options['logdir'] = None
+ options['mail'] = None
+ options['example'] = None
+ options['testdir'] = None
+ options['testcases'] = None
+ return options
+ def testcasesInRange(self,index,option,args,options):
+ '''
+ This method will handle testcases list,specified in range [1-10].
+ '''
+ if re.match("testcases",option,1):
+ testcases = []
+ args[index] = re.sub("\[|\]","",args[index],0)
+ m = re.match("(\d+)\-(\d+)",args[index],flags=0)
+ if m:
+ start_case = eval(
+ end_case = eval(
+ if (start_case <= end_case):
+ i = start_case
+ while i <= end_case:
+ testcases.append(i)
+ i= i+1
+ else :
+ print "Please specify testcases properly like 1-5"
+ else :
+ options[option] = args[index]
+ return options
+ options[option] = str(testcases)
+ return options
+ def cmdloop(self, intro=introduction):
+ print introduction
+ while True:
+ try:
+ super(CLI, self).cmdloop(intro="")
+ self.postloop()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ testthread.pause()
+ def do_echo( self, line ):
+ '''
+ Echoing of given input.
+ '''
+ output(line)
+ def do_sh( self, line ):
+ '''
+ Run an external shell command
+ sh pwd
+ sh ifconfig etc.
+ '''
+ call( line, shell=True )
+ def do_py( self, line ):
+ '''
+ Evaluate a Python expression.
+ py"Sample Log Information")
+ 2013-01-07 12:07:26,804 - PoxTest - INFO - Sample Log Information
+ '''
+ try:
+ exec( line )
+ except Exception, e:
+ output( str( e ) + '\n' )
+ def do_interpret(self,line):
+ '''
+ interpret will translate the single line openspeak statement to equivalent python script.
+ teston> interpret ASSERT result EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Ping executed successfully" ONFAIL "Ping failed"
+ utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="Ping executed successfully",onfail="Ping failed")
+ '''
+ from core import openspeak
+ ospk = openspeak.OpenSpeak()
+ try :
+ translated_code = ospk.interpret(text=line)
+ print translated_code
+ except AttributeError, e:
+ print 'Dynamic params are not allowed in single statement translations'
+ def do_do (self,line):
+ '''
+ Do will translate and execute the openspeak statement for the paused test.
+ do <OpenSpeak statement>
+ '''
+ if testthread:
+ from core import openspeak
+ ospk = openspeak.OpenSpeak()
+ try :
+ translated_code = ospk.interpret(text=line)
+ eval(translated_code)
+ except (AttributeError,SyntaxError), e:
+ print 'Dynamic params are not allowed in single statement translations'
+ else :
+ print "Do will translate and execute the openspeak statement for the paused test.\nPlease use interpret to translate the OpenSpeak statement."
+ def do_compile(self,line):
+ '''
+ compile will translate the openspeak (.ospk) file into TestON test script (python).
+ It will receive the openspeak file path as input and will generate
+ equivalent test-script file in the same directory.
+ usage:
+ -----
+ teston>compile /home/openflow/TestON/PoxTest.ospk
+ Auto-generated test-script file is /home/openflow/TestON/
+ '''
+ from core import openspeak
+ openspeak = openspeak.OpenSpeak()
+ openspeakfile = line
+ if os.path.exists(openspeakfile) :
+ openspeak.compiler(openspeakfile=openspeakfile,writetofile=1)
+ print "Auto-generated test-script file is "+ re.sub("ospk","py",openspeakfile,0)
+ else:
+ print 'There is no such file : '+line
+ def do_exit( self, _line ):
+ "Exit"
+ if testthread:
+ testthread.stop()
+ sys.exit()
+ return 'exited by user command'
+ def do_quit( self, line ):
+ "Exit"
+ return self.do_exit( line )
+ def do_EOF( self, line ):
+ "Exit"
+ output( '\n' )
+ return self.do_exit( line )
+ def isatty( self ):
+ "Is our standard input a tty?"
+ return isatty( self.stdin.fileno() )
+ def do_source( self, line ):
+ '''
+ Read shell commands from an input file and execute them sequentially.
+ cmdsource.txt :
+ "pwd
+ ls "
+ teston>source /home/openflow/cmdsource.txt
+ /home/openflow/TestON/bin/
+ '''
+ args = line.split()
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ error( 'usage: source <file>\n' )
+ return
+ try:
+ self.inputFile = open( args[ 0 ] )
+ while True:
+ line = self.inputFile.readline()
+ if len( line ) > 0:
+ call( line, shell=True )
+ else:
+ break
+ except IOError:
+ error( 'error reading file %s\n' % args[ 0 ] )
+ def do_updatedriver(self,line):
+ '''
+ updatedriver will update the given driver name which exists into mentioned config file.
+ It will receive two optional arguments :
+ 1. Config File Path
+ 2. Drivers List to be updated.
+ Default : config file = "~/TestON/config/updatedriver" ,
+ Driver List = all drivers specified in config file .
+ '''
+ args = line.split()
+ config = ''
+ drivers = ''
+ try :
+ for index, option in enumerate(args):
+ if option == 'config':
+ index = index + 1
+ config = args[index]
+ elif option == 'drivers' :
+ index = index + 1
+ drivers = args[index]
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ import updatedriver
+ converter = updatedriver.UpdateDriver()
+ if config == '':
+ path = re.sub("(bin)$", "", os.getcwd())
+ config = path + "/config/updatedriver.cfg"
+ configDict = converter.configparser(config)
+ else :
+ converter.configparser(config)
+ configDict = converter.configparser(config)
+ converter.writeDriver(drivers)
+ def do_time( self, line ):
+ "Measure time taken for any command in TestON."
+ start = time.time()
+ self.onecmd(line)
+ elapsed = time.time() - start
+ self.stdout.write("*** Elapsed time: %0.6f secs\n" % elapsed)
+ def default( self, line ):
+ """Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized."""
+ first, args, line = self.parseline( line )
+ if not args:
+ return
+ if args and len(args) > 0 and args[ -1 ] == '\n':
+ args = args[ :-1 ]
+ rest = args.split( ' ' )
+ error( '*** Unknown command: %s\n' % first )
+class TestThread(threading.Thread):
+ '''
+ TestThread class will handle the test execution and will communicate with the thread in the do_run.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self,options):
+ self._stopevent = threading.Event()
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.is_stop = False
+ self.options = options
+ __builtin__.testthread = self
+ def run(self):
+ '''
+ Will execute the test.
+ '''
+ while not self.is_stop :
+ if not self._stopevent.isSet():
+ self.test_on = TestON(self.options)
+ try :
+ if self.test_on.init_result:
+ result =
+ if not self.is_stop :
+ result = self.test_on.cleanup()
+ self.is_stop = True
+ except(KeyboardInterrupt):
+ print "Recevied Interrupt,cleaning-up the logs and drivers before exiting"
+ result = self.test_on.cleanup()
+ self.is_stop = True
+ __builtin__.testthread = False
+ def pause(self):
+ '''
+ Will pause the test.
+ '''
+ print "Will pause the test's execution, after completion of this step.....\n\n\n\n"
+ cli.pause = True
+ self._stopevent.set()
+ def play(self):
+ '''
+ Will resume the paused test.
+ '''
+ self._stopevent.clear()
+ cli.pause = False
+ def stop(self):
+ '''
+ Will stop the test execution.
+ '''
+ print "Stopping the test"
+ self.is_stop = True
+ cli.stop = True
+ __builtin__.testthread = False
+def output(msg):
+ '''
+ Simply, print the message in console
+ '''
+ print msg
+def error(msg):
+ '''
+ print the error message.
+ '''
+ print msg
+def dictToObj(dictionary):
+ '''
+ This will facilitates the converting of the dictionary to the object.
+ This method will help to send options as object format to the test.
+ '''
+ if isinstance(dictionary, list):
+ dictionary = [dictToObj(x) for x in dictionary]
+ if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):
+ return dictionary
+ class Convert(object):
+ pass
+ obj = Convert()
+ for k in dictionary:
+ obj.__dict__[k] = dictToObj(dictionary[k])
+ return obj
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ CLI("test").onecmd(' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
+ else:
+ CLI("test").cmdloop()
diff --git a/TestON/bin/file b/TestON/bin/file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..855f68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/file
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!NEC-PF5240> configure
+configure: not found
+!NEC-PF5240> show ?
+ access-filter Display the statistics information of access-filter
+ accounting Display the accounting information
+ acknowledgments Display acknowledgments
+ auto-config Display the information of auto-config
+ axrp Display the Ring Protocol information
+ cfm Display the CFM information
+ channel-group Display the information on a Link Aggregation Protocol
+ clock Display clock of the system
+ config-lock-status Display lock status of configurations
+ cpu Target is cpu utilization information
+ dhcp Display the information of DHCP
+ dot1x Display the status of 802.1X
+ dumpfile Display the information of dumpfile
+ efmoam Display the IEEE802.3ah/OAM information
+ environment Display the information of system environment
+ file Show contents of file
+ flash Display the information of flash memory
+ gsrp Display the GSRP information
+ history Display the list of commands that was entered
+ igmp-snooping Display the igmp-snooping information
+ interfaces Display the information of interfaces
+ ip Display the information of IP routing program
+ ip-dual Display the information of IP and IPv6 routing program
+ ipv6-dhcp Display the information of IPv6 DHCP program
+ license Display licenses
+ lldp Display the LLDP information
+ logging Display the log information of router
+ loop-detection Display the information on an L2 Loop Detection
+ mac-address-table Display the mac-address-table information
+ mc Display the information of MC
+ memory Display the status of memory
+ mld-snooping Display the mld-snooping information
+ netconf Display the information of netconf
+ netstat Display the status of network
+ ntp Display the information of NTP
+ oadp Display the OADP information
+ openflow Display the OpenFlow information
+ port Display the information list of ports
+ power Display the information of power consumption
+ processes Display the status of process
+ qos Display the statistics information of QoS
+ qos-flow Display the statistics information of qos-flow
+ sessions Display the login user name
+ sflow Display the information of sFlow
+ spanning-tree Display the information on a spanning tree protocol
+ ssh Display the information of SSH Server
+ system Display the information of a system
+ tcpdump Dump traffic to/from this system
+ tech-support Display the general information about the switch
+ track Display the information of track
+ version Display the version of a system
+ vlan Display the VLAN information
+ vrrpstatus Display the status of VRRP
+ whoami Display the real user name
+!NEC-PF5240> show
+ ^
diff --git a/TestON/bin/generatedriver.cfg b/TestON/bin/generatedriver.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bdafcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/generatedriver.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ <NEC>
+ <user_name> operator </user_name>
+ <ip_address></ip_address>
+ <password> operator </password>
+ <help_keyword>?</help_keyword>
+ <interrupt_key> C </interrupt_key>
+ <command_search_regex> "" </command_search_regex>
+ <command> 'show' </command>
+ <end_pattern> byte </end_pattern>
+ </NEC>
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e3422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Created on 11-Oct-2012
+@authors: Anil Kumar (,
+ TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with TestON. If not, see <>.
+import pexpect
+import struct, fcntl, os, sys, signal
+import sys
+import re
+from core import xmldict
+class GenerateDriver():
+ '''
+ This will
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.prompt = '>'
+ self.LASTRSP =''
+ self.command_dictionary = {}
+ self.config_details = {}
+ self.last_sub_command = None
+ self.commnads_ordered_list = []
+ filePath = "generatedriver.cfg"
+ self.configFile = filePath
+ try :
+ xml = open(filePath).read()
+ self.config_details = xmldict.xml_to_dict(xml)
+ except :
+ print "Error : Config file " + self.configFile + " not defined properly or file path error"
+ sys.exit()
+ print self.config_details
+ self.device_name = ''
+ def connect(self,**connectargs):
+ '''
+ Connection will establish to the remote host using ssh.
+ It will take user_name ,ip_address and password as arguments<br>
+ and will return the handle.
+ '''
+ for key in connectargs:
+ vars(self)[key] = connectargs[key]
+ ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting'
+ refused = "ssh: connect to host "+self.ip_address+" port 22: Connection refused"
+ if self.port:
+ self.handle =pexpect.spawn('ssh -p '+self.port+' '+self.user_name+'@'+self.ip_address,maxread=50000)
+ else :
+ self.handle =pexpect.spawn('ssh '+self.user_name+'@'+self.ip_address,maxread=50000)
+ self.logfile_handler = open(os.getcwd()+"/GenerateDriver.log","w+")
+ self.handle.logfile = self.logfile_handler
+ i=self.handle.expect([ssh_newkey,'password:',pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT,refused],10)
+ if i==0:
+ self.handle.sendline('yes')
+ i=self.handle.expect([ssh_newkey,'password:',pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT])
+ return self.handle
+ if i==1:
+ self.handle.sendline(self.pwd)
+ self.handle.expect('>|#|$')
+ return self.handle
+ elif i==2:
+ print "ssh: connect to host "+self.ip_address+": Error"
+ return False
+ elif i==3: #timeout
+ print "ssh: connect to host "+self.ip_address+": Connection timed out"
+ return False
+ elif i==4:
+ print "ssh: connect to host "+self.ip_address+": Connection refused"
+ return False
+ self.handle.sendline("\r")
+ return self.handle
+ def execute(self, **execparams):
+ '''
+ This method will execute the command and will check for the expected prompt.
+ '''
+ self.LASTRSP = ''
+ defaultPrompt = '.*[\$>\#]'
+ for key in execparams:
+ vars(self)[key] = execparams[key]
+ self.handle.sendline(self.cmd)
+ timeoutVar = self.timeout if self.timeout else 10
+ index = self.handle.expect([self.prompt, "byte\s\d+", 'Command not found.', pexpect.TIMEOUT,"\n:",pexpect.EOF], timeout = timeoutVar)
+ if index == 0:
+ self.LASTRSP = self.LASTRSP + self.handle.before
+ #print "Expected Prompt Found"
+ elif index == 1:
+ self.LASTRSP = self.LASTRSP + self.handle.before
+ self.handle.send("\r")
+ print("Found More screen to go , Sending a key to proceed")
+ indexMore = self.handle.expect(["byte\s\d+", self.prompt], timeout = timeoutVar)
+ while indexMore == 0:
+ print "Found another More screen to go , Sending a key to proceed"
+ self.handle.send("\r")
+ indexMore = self.handle.expect(["byte\s\d+", self.prompt,pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = timeoutVar)
+ self.LASTRSP = self.LASTRSP + self.handle.before
+ #print self.LASTRSP
+ elif index ==2:
+ print "Command not found"
+ self.LASTRSP = self.LASTRSP + self.handle.before
+ elif index ==3:
+ print "Expected Prompt not found , Time Out!!"
+ return False
+ elif index == 4:
+ self.LASTRSP = self.LASTRSP + self.handle.before
+ self.handle.sendcontrol("D")
+ #print "AA"*89
+ indexMore = self.handle.expect(["\n:", self.prompt,pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = timeoutVar)
+ while indexMore == 0:
+ self.handle.sendcontrol("D")
+ indexMore = self.handle.expect(["\n:", self.prompt,".*",pexpect.EOF,pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = timeoutVar)
+ self.LASTRSP = self.LASTRSP + self.handle.before
+ return self.LASTRSP
+ def configure(self):
+ '''
+ Will start the Configure mode of the device.
+ '''
+ config_result = self.execute(cmd="configure",prompt='\#',timeout=10)
+ return config_result
+ def get_command_help(self,command):
+ '''
+ Will get the help of the Command
+ '''
+ self.handle.setecho(False)
+ help_keyword = self.config_details['device'][self.device_name]['help_keyword']
+ interrupt_key = self.config_details['device'][self.device_name]['interrupt_key']
+ command_details = self.execute(cmd=command+" "+help_keyword,prompt='\#',timeout=2)
+ #command_details = self.execute(cmd=command+" "+help_keyword,prompt='\#',timeout=2)
+ self.handle.sendcontrol(interrupt_key)
+ #print command_details
+ return command_details
+ def get_command_details(self,command):
+ '''
+ Will Update the command_dictionary with the available commands details
+ '''
+ temp_dictionary = {}
+ command_resulut = self.get_command_help(command)
+ try :
+ words = command_resulut.split("\n")
+ except AttributeError,e:
+ print e
+ return
+ lines = command_resulut.split("\n")
+ options_list = []
+ for line in lines :
+ value_match ='[\s|\>|\+|\-|\<]{3}(\<(\w+))\s*',line)
+ if value_match:
+ print " Enter Value for "
+ #self.handle.interact()
+ else:
+ match ="\s\s[\w|-]+\s\s",line)
+ if match :
+ match_command =
+ print match_command
+ options_list.append(match_command)
+ temp_dictionary[command] = options_list
+ self.command_dictionary[command] = options_list
+ self.print_details(self.command_dictionary)
+ print "temp dir: --------"
+ print temp_dictionary
+ print "-------------"
+ return temp_dictionary
+ def print_details(self,command_dictionary):
+ '''
+ Will print the details in Tree Format
+ '''
+ self.commnads_ordered_list = command_dictionary.keys()
+ # Sorting the output based on the length of the command string
+ length = len(self.commnads_ordered_list ) - 1
+ sorted = False
+ while not sorted:
+ sorted = True
+ for i in range(length):
+ if len(self.commnads_ordered_list[i]) > len(self.commnads_ordered_list[i+1]):
+ sorted = False
+ self.commnads_ordered_list[i], self.commnads_ordered_list[i+1] = self.commnads_ordered_list[i+1], self.commnads_ordered_list[i]
+ for key in self.commnads_ordered_list:
+ print key +"\t "+str(command_dictionary[key])
+ print "\n\n"
+ def get_details_recursive(self,main_comand):
+ try :
+ self.last_sub_command = main_comand.split()[len(main_comand.split())-1]
+ except :
+ self.last_sub_command = ''
+ main_result_dcitionary = self.get_command_details(main_comand)
+ if main_result_dcitionary :
+ for key in main_result_dcitionary.keys():
+ for index, each_option in enumerate(main_result_dcitionary[key]) :
+ if['device'][self.device_name]['end_pattern']+"|^\.|^\d",str(main_result_dcitionary[key][index])):
+ print "Reached the last argument for this "+main_comand+" "+str(each_option)+"\n"
+ main_result_dcitionary[key].remove(each_option)
+ return
+ elif self.last_sub_command == str(main_result_dcitionary[key][index]):
+ print "Same command repeating, So Exiting "+main_comand+" "+str(each_option)+"\n"
+ main_result_dcitionary[key].remove(each_option)
+ break
+ result_dcitionary = self.get_details_recursive(main_comand+" "+str(each_option))
+ return
+ def create_driver(self):
+ name = self.device_name
+ driver_file_data = 'class '+name +":\n"
+ driver_file_data = driver_file_data + " def __init__( self ):\n"
+ driver_file_data = driver_file_data + " self.prompt = '(.*)'\n self.timeout = 60 \n\n"
+ for index,command in enumerate(self.commnads_ordered_list) :
+ api_data = ' def '
+ command_as_api = re.sub(" ","_" , command, 0)
+ command_as_api = re.sub("\.|\-|\\|\/|\/","" , command_as_api, 0)
+ current_letter = 0
+ underscore_count = 0
+ command_temp = ""
+ for c in command_as_api:
+ current_letter = current_letter + 1
+ if c == "_":
+ underscore_count = underscore_count+1
+ else:
+ underscore_count = 0
+ if underscore_count > 1:
+ command_temp = command_temp + ""
+ else:
+ command_temp = command_temp + c
+ if command_temp[len(command_temp)-1] == "_":
+ command_temp = command_temp[0:len(command_temp)-1]
+ command_as_api = command_temp
+ #options = ''
+ #for option in self.command_dictionary[command]:
+ #options = options+',' + option
+ #options = re.sub("^\s*,|,$","" , options, 0)
+ api_data = api_data + command_as_api+"(self, *options, **def_args ):\n"
+ api_data = api_data + " '''Possible Options :"+str(self.command_dictionary[command])+"'''\n"
+ api_data = api_data + " arguments= ''\n"
+ api_data = api_data + " for option in options:\n"
+ api_data = api_data + " arguments = arguments + option +' ' \n"
+ api_data = api_data + " prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)\n"
+ api_data = api_data + " timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)\n"
+ api_data = api_data + " self.execute( cmd= \""+ command + " \"+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout ) \n"
+ api_data = api_data + " return main.TRUE\n"
+ driver_file_data = driver_file_data + api_data +"\n"
+ driver_file = open(os.getcwd()+"/"+name.lower()+".py", 'w')
+ driver_file.write(driver_file_data)
+ print driver_file_data
+ def disconnect(self):
+ result = True
+ return result
+ import pexpect
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ generate = GenerateDriver()
+ import sys
+ device_name = sys.argv[1]
+ generate.device_name = device_name
+ ip_address = generate.config_details['device'][device_name]['ip_address']
+ user_name = generate.config_details['device'][device_name]['user_name']
+ password = generate.config_details['device'][device_name]['password']
+ command = generate.config_details['device'][device_name]['command']
+ commandlist = re.sub("(\[|\])", "", command)
+ commandlist = list(eval(command+','))
+ connect_handle = generate.connect(user_name = user_name ,ip_address = ip_address, pwd = password , port = None)
+ if connect_handle :
+ # generate.configure()
+ for root_command in commandlist :
+ generate.get_details_recursive(root_command)
+ generate.create_driver()
+ generate.disconnect()
+ #generate.get_command_details(main_command)
+ else :
+ print "Connection Failed to the host"
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5e652a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+class NEC:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.prompt = '(.*)'
+ self.timeout = 60
+ def show(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[' access-filter ', ' accounting ', ' acknowledgments ', ' auto-config ', ' axrp ', ' cfm ', ' channel-group ', ' clock ', ' config-lock-status ', ' cpu ', ' dhcp ', ' dot1x ', ' dumpfile ', ' efmoam ', ' environment ', ' file ', ' flash ', ' gsrp ', ' history ', ' igmp-snooping ', ' interfaces ', ' ip ', ' ip-dual ', ' ipv6-dhcp ', ' license ', ' lldp ', ' logging ', ' loop-detection ', ' mac-address-table ', ' mc ', ' memory ', ' mld-snooping ', ' netconf ', ' netstat ', ' ntp ', ' oadp ', ' openflow ', ' port ', ' power ', ' processes ', ' qos ', ' qos-flow ', ' sessions ', ' sflow ', ' spanning-tree ', ' ssh ', ' system ', ' tcpdump ', ' tech-support ', ' track ', ' version ', ' vlan ', ' vrrpstatus ', ' whoami ']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_ip(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show ip "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_mc(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show mc "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_cfm(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show cfm "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_ntp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show ntp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_ssh(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show ssh "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_qos(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show qos "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_cpu(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show cpu "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_vlan(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show vlan "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_lldp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show lldp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_dhcp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show dhcp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_axrp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show axrp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_oadp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show oadp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_gsrp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show gsrp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_port(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show port "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_file(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show file "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_power(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show power "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_clock(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show clock "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_dot1x(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show dot1x "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_sflow(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show sflow "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_track(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show track "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_flash(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show flash "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_system(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show system "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_whoami(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show whoami "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_efmoam(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show efmoam "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_memory(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show memory "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_tcpdump(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show tcpdump "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_history(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show history "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_logging(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show logging "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_license(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show license "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_netstat(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show netstat "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_version(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show version "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_netconf(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show netconf "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_ipdual(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show ip-dual "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_sessions(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show sessions "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_qosflow(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show qos-flow "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_openflow(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show openflow "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_dumpfile(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show dumpfile "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_ipv6dhcp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show ipv6-dhcp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_processes(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show processes "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_vrrpstatus(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show vrrpstatus "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_environment(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show environment "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_autoconfig(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show auto-config "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_techsupport(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show tech-support "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_mldsnooping(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show mld-snooping "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_igmpsnooping(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show igmp-snooping "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_channelgroup(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show channel-group "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_spanningtree(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show spanning-tree "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_loopdetection(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show loop-detection "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_acknowledgments(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[' interface ']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show acknowledgments "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_macaddresstable(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show mac-address-table "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_configlockstatus(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show config-lock-status "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_acknowledgments_interface(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show acknowledgments interface "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6dcffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+class Pronto:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.prompt = '(.*)'
+ self.timeout = 60
+ def status(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['Pronto-CLI']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "status "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def port_show_*(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['Pronto-CLI']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "port show * "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def status_ProntoCLI(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "status Pronto-CLI "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def port_show_*_ProntoCLI(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "port show * Pronto-CLI "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
diff --git a/TestON/bin/respnse_file.temp b/TestON/bin/respnse_file.temp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75c9744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/respnse_file.temp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+'testcases' = '1'
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..084286d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+import inspect
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+from core import xmldict
+@author: Raghav Kashyap (
+ TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with TestON. If not, see <>.
+class UpdateDriver:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.default = ''
+ self.configFile = "/home/openflow/TestON/config/ofadriver.cfg"
+ self.methodDict = {}
+ self.fileDict = {}
+ def getmethods(self,modulePath,Class) :
+ '''
+ This will get the list of methods in given module or class.
+ It accepts the module path and class name. If there is no
+ class name then it has be mentioned as None.
+ '''
+ methodList = []
+ moduleList = modulePath.split("/")
+ newModule = ".".join([moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2],moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1]])
+ print "Message : Method list is being obatined , Please wait ..."
+ try :
+ if Class :
+ Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(), [Class], -1)
+ ClassList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isclass(x)]
+ self.ClassList = ClassList
+ Class = vars(Module)[Class]
+ methodList = [x.__name__ for x in Class.__dict__.values() if inspect.isfunction(x)]
+ else :
+ Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(),[moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2]], -1)
+ methodList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isfunction(x)]
+ ClassList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isclass(x)]
+ self.ClassList = ClassList
+ except :
+ print "Error : " +str(sys.exc_info()[1])
+ self.method = methodList
+ return self.method
+ def echo(self) :
+ print "Echoing !!!!!!"
+ def getargs(self,moduleName,className,method) :
+ '''
+ This will return the list of arguments in a method of python module of class.
+ It accepts method list as an argument.
+ '''
+ print "Message : Argument list is being obtained for each method"
+ methodArgsDict = {}
+ if className == None:
+ moduleList = moduleName.split(".")
+ for index,name in enumerate(method) :
+ Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) -1], globals(), locals(), [moduleList[len(moduleList) -2]], -1)
+ try :
+ names = vars(Module)[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ print "Message : method '" + name + "'does not exists,Continued with including it. "
+ return False
+ argumentList = inspect.getargspec(names) #inspect.getargvalues(name)
+ methodArgsDict[name] = argumentList[0]
+ else :
+ moduleList = moduleName.split(".")
+ for index,name in enumerate(method) :
+ Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(), [className], -1)
+ Class = getattr(Module, className)
+ try :
+ names = vars(Class)[name]
+ except KeyError :
+ print "Message : method '" + name + "'does not exists,Continued with include it."
+ return False
+ argumentList = inspect.getargspec(names) #inspect.getargvalues(name)
+ methodArgsDict[name] = argumentList[0]
+ return methodArgsDict
+ def configparser(self,fileName):
+ '''
+ It will parse the config file (ofa.cfg) and return as dictionary
+ '''
+ matchFileName = re.match(r'(.*)\.cfg', fileName, re.M | re.I)
+ if matchFileName:
+ self.configFile = fileName
+ try :
+ xml = open(fileName).read()
+ self.configDict = xmldict.xml_to_dict(xml)
+ return self.configDict
+ except :
+ print "Error : Config file " + self.configFile + " not defined properly or file path error"
+ def getList(self):
+ '''
+ This method will maintain the hash with module->class->methodList or
+ module -> methodList .It will return the same Hash.
+ '''
+ classList = []
+ try :
+ moduleList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'].keys()
+ except KeyError,e:
+ print "Error : Module Does not Exists"
+ print e
+ return False
+ for index,value in enumerate(moduleList):
+ modulePath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['path']
+ moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['name']
+ try :
+ pathList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['set-path'].split(",")
+ sys.path.extend(pathList)
+ except KeyError :
+ print "Error : No System Path is given "
+ pass
+ try :
+ Class = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['classes']
+ except :
+ Class = None
+ if Class == None :
+ methodList = self.getmethods(modulePath,None)
+ self.methodDict[moduleName] = methodList
+ self.method_ignoreList(value,None)
+ self.getMethodArgsHash(moduleName,value,None)
+ else :
+ classList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['classes'].keys()
+ for indx,className in enumerate(classList):
+ if className == 'ignore-list' :
+ pass
+ else :
+ methodList = self.getmethods(modulePath,className)
+ self.methodDict[moduleName] = {className : methodList}
+ self.method_ignoreList(value,className)
+ self.class_ignoreList(value)
+ self.getMethodArgsHash(moduleName,value,className)
+ def class_ignoreList(self,module) :
+ '''
+ It removes the ignored classes for each module mention in ofadriver.cfg
+ '''
+ class_ignoreList = []
+ if self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'] == None :
+ pass
+ else :
+ try :
+ class_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes']['ignore-list']).split(",")
+ except KeyError :
+ print "Message : No Class Ignore List present"
+ return True
+ moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
+ try :
+ for index,className in enumerate(class_ignoreList):
+ if className in self.methodDict[moduleName].keys():
+ del self.methodDict[moduleName][className]
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return self.methodDict
+ def method_ignoreList(self,module,className):
+ '''
+ It removes the ignored methods of each module or class mentioned in ofadriver.cfg.
+ '''
+ method_ignoreList = []
+ try :
+ if className == None :
+ try :
+ method_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['methods']['ignore-list']).split(",")
+ except TypeError :
+ pass
+ else :
+ try :
+ method_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'][className]['methods']['ignore-list']).split(",")
+ except TypeError :
+ pass
+ except KeyError :
+ print "Message : No Ignore-List Exists , proceeding for looking add method"
+ self.add_method(module,className)
+ return True
+ moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
+ #import pprint
+ #pprint.pprint(self.methodDict[moduleName])
+ for index, method in enumerate(method_ignoreList) :
+ if className == None :
+ try :
+ self.methodDict[moduleName].remove(method)
+ #pprint.pprint(self.methodDict)
+ except ValueError:
+ print "Message : Method " + method + "Does not exist in module " + moduleName + ", Continue to rest execution"
+ pass
+ else :
+ if method in self.methodDict[moduleName][className] :
+ self.methodDict[moduleName][className].remove(method)
+ self.add_method(module,className)
+ return self.methodDict
+ def add_method(self,module,className) :
+ '''
+ This will add the methods(mentioned in ofadriver.cfg file) into method list if it doesnot exists in list.
+ '''
+ method_List = []
+ try :
+ if className == None :
+ try :
+ method_List = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['methods']['add-list']).split(",")
+ except TypeError :
+ pass
+ else :
+ try :
+ method_List = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'][className]['methods']['add-list']).split(",")
+ except TypeError :
+ pass
+ except KeyError :
+ print "Message : No Add-List Exists , Proceeding with all available methods"
+ return True
+ moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
+ for index, method in enumerate(method_List) :
+ if className == None :
+ self.methodDict[moduleName] = []
+ self.methodDict[moduleName].append(method)
+ else :
+ self.methodDict[moduleName][className] = []
+ self.methodDict[moduleName][className].append(method)
+ def getMethodArgsHash(self,moduleName,module,className):
+ '''
+ This will maintain a Hash of class->method->argumentsList
+ '''
+ modulePath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['path']
+ moduleList = modulePath.split("/")
+ newModule = ".".join([moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2],moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1]])
+ if className == None :
+ methodArgs = self.getargs(newModule,None,self.methodDict[moduleName])
+ self.fileDict[moduleName] = methodArgs
+ else :
+ methodArgs = self.getargs(newModule,className,self.methodDict[moduleName][className])
+ self.fileDict[className] = methodArgs
+ return self.fileDict
+ def appendDriver(self,fileName):
+ '''
+ This will append the given driver file with methods along with arguments.
+ '''
+ matchFileName = re.match(r'(.*)\.py', fileName, re.M | re.I)
+ if matchFileName:
+ fileHandle = None
+ try :
+ print "Message : Writing Driver file at " + fileName
+ fileHandle = open(fileName,"a")
+ content = ''
+ for index, key in enumerate(self.fileDict.keys()):
+ try :
+ for ind, method in enumerate(self.fileDict[key].keys()):
+ if not method == "__init__" :
+ args = ''
+ args = ",".join(self.fileDict[key][method])
+ content = content + "\n" + " " * 4 + "def " + method + "(self," + args + ") :"
+ content = content + "\n" + " " * 8 + "return " + key + "." + method + "(" + args + ")\n"
+ except AttributeError :
+ pass
+ fileHandle.write(content)
+ fileHandle.close()
+ return content
+ except :
+ print "Error : Driver file " + fileName + "does not exists"
+ else :
+ print "Error : File name " + fileName + "is not python module"
+ return False
+ def writeDriver(self, driver) :
+ '''
+ This will accept the List of driver name and write those drivers if no driver name is specified
+ then it will write all of the driver specified in the ofadriver.cfg.
+ '''
+ self.printHeader(driver)
+ drivers = []
+ commaMatch =",", driver, flags=0)
+ if commaMatch:
+ drivers = driver.split(",")
+ else :
+ drivers.append(driver)
+ self.driverList = []
+ if len(drivers) == 0:
+ for index, driverName in enumerate(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'].keys()):
+ self.driver = driverName
+ result = self.getList()
+ if result :
+ self.getDriverPath()
+ self.appendDriver(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
+ self.driverList.append(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
+ else :
+ return False
+ else :
+ for index, driverName in enumerate(drivers) :
+ self.driver = driverName
+ result = self.getList()
+ if result :
+ self.getDriverPath()
+ self.appendDriver(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
+ self.driverList.append(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
+ else :
+ return False
+ print "=" * 90
+ print " " * 30 + "Output Driver File :"
+ print ",\n".join(self.driverList)
+ print "=" * 90
+ return True
+ def getDriverPath(self):
+ '''
+ It will set the driver path and returns it.If driver path is not specified then it will take
+ default path (/lib/updatedriver/).
+ '''
+ self.driverPath = ''
+ try :
+ self.driverPath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['driver-path']
+ except KeyError :
+ path = re.sub("(bin)$", "", os.getcwd())
+ self.driverPath = path + "/lib/updatedriver/"
+ return self.driverPath
+ def printHeader(self,driver):
+ content = ''
+ print " " * 10 +"=" * 90 + "\n"
+ content = content + " " * 30 + "*-- Welcome to Updated Driver --*\n"
+ content = content + "\n" + " " * 10 + " " * 10 + "Config File : " + "/home/openflow/TestON/config/"
+ content = content + "\n" + " " * 10 + " " * 10 + "Drivers Name : " + driver
+ print content
+ print " " * 10 + "=" * 90
diff --git a/TestON/bin/ b/TestON/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31bb57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+ TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with TestON. If not, see <>.
+class Vyatta:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self.prompt = '(.*)'
+ self.timeout = 60
+ def show_interfaces(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['ethernet', 'loopback']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['eth0', 'eth1']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_loopback(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['lo']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces loopback "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['eth0', 'eth1']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_loopback_lo(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces loopback lo "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['address', 'bond-group', 'bridge-group', 'description', 'dhcpv6-options', 'DHCPv6', 'disable', 'disable-flow-control', 'Disable', 'disable-link-detect', 'Ignore', 'duplex', 'firewall', 'hw-id', 'ip', 'ipv6', 'mac', 'mirror', 'mtu', 'policy', 'pppoe']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['address', 'duplex', 'hw-id', 'smp_affinity', 'speed']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['duplex', 'hw-id', 'smp_affinity', 'speed']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['enable-proxy-arp', 'Enable', 'ospf', 'rip']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_hwid(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['Media']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_DHCPv6(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 DHCPv6 "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_duplex(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto', 'half', 'full']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_hwid(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 hw-id "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_speed(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 speed "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_speed(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 speed "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_hwid(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_Ignore(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 Ignore "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_duplex(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 duplex "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_duplex(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['authentication', 'OSPF', 'bandwidth', 'cost', 'dead-interval', 'Interval', 'hello-interval', 'Interval', 'mtu-ignore', 'network', 'priority', 'retransmit-interval', 'Interval', 'transmit-delay', 'Link']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_Disable(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 Disable "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_disable(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 disable "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_address(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 address "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['in', 'local', 'out']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_address(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 address "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_Enable(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip Enable "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_bondgroup(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 bond-group "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_duplex_half(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex half "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_in(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['ipv6-name', 'name']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall in "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_speed_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 speed auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_description(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 description "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_speed_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 speed auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_hwid_Media(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 hw-id Media "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_duplex_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_duplex_full(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex full "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_duplex_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 duplex auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_OSPF(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf OSPF "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_out(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['ipv6-name', 'name']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall out "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_bridgegroup(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['bridge', 'cost', 'priority']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 bridge-group "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_duplex_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 duplex auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_cost(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf cost "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_smp_affinity(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 smp_affinity "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_smp_affinity(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['auto']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 smp_affinity "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_local(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['ipv6-name', 'name']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall local "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_dhcpv6options(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['parameters-only', 'Acquire', 'temporary']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-options "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_in_name(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall in name "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_bridgegroup_cost(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 bridge-group cost "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_out_name(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall out name "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_bandwidth(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf bandwidth "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_smp_affinity_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth0 smp_affinity auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def show_interfaces_ethernet_eth1_smp_affinity_auto(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "show interfaces ethernet eth1 smp_affinity auto "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_enableproxyarp(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip enable-proxy-arp "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_disablelinkdetect(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 disable-link-detect "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_local_name(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall local name "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_bridgegroup_bridge(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 bridge-group bridge "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_disableflowcontrol(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 disable-flow-control "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_bridgegroup_priority(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 bridge-group priority "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_in_ipv6name(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall in ipv6-name "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_dhcpv6options_Acquire(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-options Acquire "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_out_ipv6name(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall out ipv6-name "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_authentication(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['md5', 'plaintext-password', 'Plain']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_firewall_local_ipv6name(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 firewall local ipv6-name "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_dhcpv6options_temporary(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-options temporary "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_authentication_md5(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :['key-id']'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication md5 "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_authentication_Plain(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication Plain "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_dhcpv6options_parametersonly(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcpv6-options parameters-only "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_authentication_md5_keyid(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication md5 key-id "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE
+ def set_interfaces_ethernet_eth0_ip_ospf_authentication_plaintextpassword(self, *options, **def_args ):
+ '''Possible Options :[]'''
+ arguments= ''
+ for option in options:
+ arguments = arguments + option +' '
+ prompt = def_args.setdefault('prompt',self.prompt)
+ timeout = def_args.setdefault('timeout',self.timeout)
+ self.execute( cmd= "set interfaces ethernet eth0 ip ospf authentication plaintext-password "+ arguments, prompt = prompt, timeout = timeout )
+ return main.TRUE