[ONOS-7915] Run CHO test on Flex POD
Change-Id: Id8e59e044361a7781bed39f0878df97c2a67af8f
(cherry picked from commit c61aaa231a325558580fc55b774408a91a4dc0c1)
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py
index 5318ffb..661ada7 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/emulator/mininetclidriver.py
@@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@
main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- def getSwitchRandom( self, timeout=60, nonCut=True, switchClasses=None, excludeNodes=[], excludeSwitches=[] ):
+ def getSwitchRandom( self, timeout=60, nonCut=True, excludeNodes=[], skipSwitches=[] ):
Randomly get a switch from Mininet topology.
If nonCut is True, it gets a list of non-cut switches (the deletion
@@ -1944,26 +1944,25 @@
it just randomly returns one switch from all current switches in
excludeNodes will be pased to getGraphDict method
- Switches specified in excludeSwitches will be excluded
+ Switches specified in skipSwitches will be excluded
Returns the name of the chosen switch.
import random
candidateSwitches = []
if not nonCut:
- switches = self.getSwitches( timeout=timeout, switchClasses=switchClasses )
+ switches = self.getSwitches( timeout=timeout, excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
assert len( switches ) != 0
for switchName in switches.keys():
candidateSwitches.append( switchName )
graphDict = self.getGraphDict( timeout=timeout, useId=False,
- switchClasses=switchClasses,
excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
if graphDict is None:
return None
self.graph.update( graphDict )
candidateSwitches = self.graph.getNonCutVertices()
- candidateSwitches = [ switch for switch in candidateSwitches if switch not in excludeSwitches ]
+ candidateSwitches = [ switch for switch in candidateSwitches if switch not in skipSwitches ]
if candidateSwitches is None:
return None
elif len( candidateSwitches ) == 0:
@@ -2076,7 +2075,7 @@
main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- def getLinkRandom( self, timeout=60, nonCut=True, switchClasses=None, excludeNodes=[] ):
+ def getLinkRandom( self, timeout=60, nonCut=True, excludeNodes=[], skipLinks=[] ):
Randomly get a link from Mininet topology.
If nonCut is True, it gets a list of non-cut links (the deletion
@@ -2085,6 +2084,7 @@
it just randomly returns one link from all current links in
excludeNodes will be passed to getLinks method to exclude unexpected links.
+ Any link that has either end included in skipLinks will be excluded
Returns the link as a list, e.g. [ 's1', 's2' ]
import random
@@ -2100,12 +2100,13 @@
candidateLinks.append( [ link[ 'node1' ], link[ 'node2' ] ] )
graphDict = self.getGraphDict( timeout=timeout, useId=False,
- switchClasses=switchClasses,
excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
if graphDict is None:
return None
self.graph.update( graphDict )
candidateLinks = self.graph.getNonCutEdges()
+ candidateLinks = [ link for link in candidateLinks
+ if link[0] not in skipLinks and link[1] not in skipLinks ]
if candidateLinks is None:
return None
elif len( candidateLinks ) == 0:
@@ -2821,12 +2822,14 @@
main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
- def getSwitches( self, verbose=False, updateTimeout=1000, switchClasses=None ):
+ def getSwitches( self, verbose=False, updateTimeout=1000, excludeNodes=[] ):
Read switches from Mininet.
Returns a dictionary whose keys are the switch names and the value is
a dictionary containing information about the switch.
+ If excludeNodes is specified, switches with names included in excludeNodes
+ will be ingored.
# NOTE: To support new Mininet switch classes, just append the new
# class to the switchClasses variable
@@ -2838,8 +2841,7 @@
# <OVSSwitchNS s1: lo:,s1-eth1:None,s1-eth2:None,s1-eth3:None pid=22550>
# <OVSBridge s1: lo:,s1-eth1:None,s1-eth2:None pid=26830>
# <UserSwitch s1: lo:,s1-eth1:None,s1-eth2:None pid=14737>
- if not switchClasses:
- switchClasses = r"(OVSSwitch)|(OVSBridge)|(OVSSwitchNS)|(IVSSwitch)|(LinuxBridge)|(UserSwitch)"
+ switchClasses = r"(OVSSwitch)|(OVSBridge)|(OVSSwitchNS)|(IVSSwitch)|(LinuxBridge)|(UserSwitch)"
swRE = r"<(?P<class>" + switchClasses + r")" +\
r"(?P<options>\{.*\})?\s" +\
@@ -2854,6 +2856,8 @@
result = re.search( swRE, line, re.I )
if result:
name = result.group( 'name' )
+ if name in excludeNodes:
+ continue
dpid = str( self.getSwitchDPID( name ) ).zfill( 16 )
pid = result.group( 'pid' )
swClass = result.group( 'class' )
@@ -2967,8 +2971,8 @@
'port1': str( port1 of_port )
'port2': str( port2 of_port ) }
- If either node1 or node2 name starts with any of the strings sepcified
- in excludeNodes, the link will be excluded from the returned value
+ If either node1 or node2 name matches any of the names sepcified in
+ excludeNodes, the link will be excluded from the returned value
Note: The port number returned is the eth#, not necessarily the of_port
number. In Mininet, for OVS switch, these should be the same. For
@@ -2989,8 +2993,7 @@
if match:
node1 = match.group( 'node1' )
node2 = match.group( 'node2' )
- if any( node1.startswith( node ) for node in excludeNodes ) or \
- any( node2.startswith( node ) for node in excludeNodes ):
+ if any( node1 == node or node2 == node for node in excludeNodes ):
port1 = match.group( 'port1' )
port2 = match.group( 'port2' )
@@ -3461,7 +3464,7 @@
def getGraphDict( self, timeout=60, useId=True, includeHost=False,
- switchClasses=None, excludeNodes=[] ):
+ excludeNodes=[] ):
Return a dictionary which describes the latest Mininet topology data as a
@@ -3480,9 +3483,8 @@
If includeHost == True, all hosts (and host-switch links) will be included
in topology data.
- if switchClasses == None, default switchClasses will be used when calling
- getSwitches method.
- excludeNodes will be passed to getLinks method to exclude unexpected links.
+ excludeNodes will be passed to getSwitches and getLinks methods to exclude
+ unexpected switches and links.
Note that link or switch that are brought down by 'link x x down' or 'switch
x down' commands still show in the output of Mininet CLI commands such as
'links', 'dump', etc. Thus, to ensure the correctness of this function, it is
@@ -3493,11 +3495,11 @@
links = self.getLinks( timeout=timeout, excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
portDict = {}
- switches = self.getSwitches( switchClasses=switchClasses )
+ switches = self.getSwitches( excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
if includeHost:
hosts = self.getHosts()
for link in links:
- # FIXME: support 'includeHost' argument
+ # TODO: support 'includeHost' argument
if link[ 'node1' ].startswith( 'h' ) or link[ 'node2' ].startswith( 'h' ):
nodeName1 = link[ 'node1' ]
@@ -3549,7 +3551,7 @@
for port in switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'ports' ]:
if port[ 'of_port' ] == str( portIndex ):
# Use -1 as index for disabled port
- if port[ 'enabled' ] == True:
+ if port[ 'enabled' ]:
graphDict[ node1 ][ 'edges' ][ node2 ] = { 'port': portIndex }
graphDict[ node1 ][ 'edges' ][ node2 ] = { 'port': -1 }
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/hostdriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/hostdriver.py
index d8cc74d..7c7cd80 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/hostdriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/hostdriver.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
self.handle = self
self.name = None
self.shortName = None
+ self.interfaces = []
self.home = None
self.inband = False
self.prompt = "\$"
@@ -56,6 +57,10 @@
vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
self.name = self.options[ 'name' ]
self.shortName = self.options[ 'shortName' ]
+ self.interfaces.append( { 'ips': [ self.options[ 'ip' ] ],
+ 'isUp': True,
+ 'mac': self.options[ 'mac' ],
+ 'name': None } )
if os.getenv( str( self.ip_address ) ) is not None:
@@ -109,13 +114,26 @@
if self.handle:
# Disconnect from the host
- self.handle.sendline( "" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
- i = self.handle.expect( [ "closed", pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=2 )
- if i == 1:
- main.log.error( self.name + ": timeout when waiting for response" )
- main.log.error( "response: " + str( self.handle.before ) )
+ if not self.options[ 'inband' ] == 'True':
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
+ i = self.handle.expect( [ "closed", pexpect.TIMEOUT ] )
+ if i == 1:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": timeout when waiting for response" )
+ main.log.error( "response: " + str( self.handle.before ) )
+ else:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ i = self.handle.expect( [ self.prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=2 )
+ if i == 1:
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": timeout when waiting for response" )
+ main.log.warn( "response: " + str( self.handle.before ) )
+ self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
+ i = self.handle.expect( [ "closed", pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=2 )
+ if i == 1:
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": timeout when waiting for response" )
+ main.log.warn( "response: " + str( self.handle.before ) )
+ return main.TRUE
except TypeError:
main.log.exception( self.name + ": Object not as expected" )
response = main.FALSE
@@ -178,7 +196,7 @@
main.log.info( "Skip disconnecting the host via data plane" )
return main.TRUE
self.handle.sendline( "" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt, timeout=2 )
self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
i = self.handle.expect( [ "closed", pexpect.TIMEOUT ], timeout=2 )
if i == 1:
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/networkdriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/networkdriver.py
index 828187c..1cd242c 100755
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/networkdriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/networkdriver.py
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
import re
import types
from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI
+from core.graph import Graph
class NetworkDriver( CLI ):
@@ -45,7 +46,9 @@
self.handle = None
self.switches = {}
self.hosts = {}
+ self.links = {}
super( NetworkDriver, self ).__init__()
+ self.graph = Graph()
def checkOptions( self, var, defaultVar ):
if var is None or var == "":
@@ -261,17 +264,81 @@
main.log.error( self.name + ": failed to disconnect inband hosts" )
return main.FALSE
- def getSwitches( self ):
+ def getSwitches( self, timeout=60, excludeNodes=[], includeStopped=False ):
- Return a dictionary which maps short names to switch component
+ Return a dictionary which maps short names to switch data
+ If includeStopped is True, stopped switches will also be included
- return self.switches
+ switches = {}
+ for switchName, switchComponent in self.switches.items():
+ if switchName in excludeNodes:
+ continue
+ if not includeStopped and not switchComponent.isup:
+ continue
+ dpid = switchComponent.dpid.replace( '0x', '' ).zfill( 16 )
+ ports = switchComponent.ports
+ swClass = 'Unknown'
+ pid = None
+ options = None
+ switches[ switchName ] = { "dpid": dpid,
+ "ports": ports,
+ "swClass": swClass,
+ "pid": pid,
+ "options": options }
+ return switches
- def getHosts( self ):
+ def getHosts( self, hostClass=None ):
- Return a dictionary which maps short names to host component
+ Return a dictionary which maps short names to host data
- return self.hosts
+ hosts = {}
+ for hostName, hostComponent in self.hosts.items():
+ interfaces = hostComponent.interfaces
+ hosts[ hostName ] = { "interfaces": interfaces }
+ return hosts
+ def updateLinks( self, timeout=60, excludeNodes=[] ):
+ """
+ Update self.links by getting up-to-date port information from
+ switches
+ """
+ # TODO: also inlcude switch-to-host links
+ self.links = {}
+ for node1 in self.switches.keys():
+ if node1 in excludeNodes:
+ continue
+ self.links[ node1 ] = {}
+ self.switches[ node1 ].updatePorts()
+ for port in self.switches[ node1 ].ports:
+ if not port[ 'enabled' ]:
+ continue
+ node2 = getattr( main, port[ 'node2' ] ).shortName
+ if node2 in excludeNodes:
+ continue
+ port1 = port[ 'of_port' ]
+ port2 = port[ 'port2' ]
+ if not self.links[ node1 ].get( node2 ):
+ self.links[ node1 ][ node2 ] = {}
+ # Check if this link already exists
+ if self.links.get( node2 ):
+ if self.links[ node2 ].get( node1 ):
+ if self.links[ node2 ].get( node1 ).get( port2 ):
+ assert self.links[ node2 ][ node1 ][ port2 ] == port1
+ continue
+ self.links[ node1 ][ node2 ][ port1 ] = port2
+ def getLinks( self, timeout=60, excludeNodes=[] ):
+ """
+ Return a list of links specify both node names and port numbers
+ """
+ self.updateLinks( timeout=timeout, excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ links = []
+ for node1, nodeLinks in self.links.items():
+ for node2, ports in nodeLinks.items():
+ for port1, port2 in ports.items():
+ links.append( { 'node1': node1, 'node2': node2,
+ 'port1': port1, 'port2': port2 } )
+ return links
def getMacAddress( self, host ):
@@ -279,8 +346,7 @@
import re
- hosts = self.getHosts()
- hostComponent = hosts[ host ]
+ hostComponent = self.hosts[ host ]
response = hostComponent.ifconfig()
pattern = r'HWaddr\s([0-9A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})'
macAddressSearch = re.search( pattern, response, re.I )
@@ -297,8 +363,7 @@
hostName: name of the host e.g. "h1"
cmd: command to run on the host
- hosts = self.getHosts()
- hostComponent = hosts[ hostName ]
+ hostComponent = self.hosts[ hostName ]
if hostComponent:
return hostComponent.command( cmd )
return None
@@ -404,8 +469,7 @@
returnValue = main.TRUE
ipv6 = True if protocol == "IPv6" else False
startTime = time.time()
- hosts = self.getHosts()
- hostPairs = itertools.permutations( list( hosts.values() ), 2 )
+ hostPairs = itertools.permutations( list( self.hosts.values() ), 2 )
for hostPair in list( hostPairs ):
ipDst = hostPair[ 1 ].options[ 'ip6' ] if ipv6 else hostPair[ 1 ].options[ 'ip' ]
pingResult = hostPair[ 0 ].ping( ipDst, ipv6=ipv6 )
@@ -446,9 +510,8 @@
import time
import itertools
hostComponentList = []
- hosts = self.getHosts()
for hostName in hostList:
- hostComponent = hosts[ hostName ]
+ hostComponent = self.hosts[ hostName ]
if hostComponent:
hostComponentList.append( hostComponent )
@@ -504,10 +567,9 @@
main.FALSE otherwise
- hosts = self.getHosts()
if not hostList:
- hostList = hosts.keys()
- for hostName, hostComponent in hosts.items():
+ hostList = self.hosts.keys()
+ for hostName, hostComponent in self.hosts.items():
if hostName not in hostList:
ipList = []
@@ -528,7 +590,7 @@
hostList.remove( hostName )
return main.FALSE if hostList else main.TRUE
except KeyError:
- main.log.exception( self.name + ": host data not as expected: " + hosts )
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": host data not as expected: " + self.hosts.keys() )
return None
except pexpect.EOF:
main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
@@ -584,3 +646,272 @@
" is " +
ipAddressSearch.group( 1 ) )
return ipAddressSearch.group( 1 )
+ def getLinkRandom( self, timeout=60, nonCut=True, excludeNodes=[], skipLinks=[] ):
+ """
+ Randomly get a link from network topology.
+ If nonCut is True, it gets a list of non-cut links (the deletion
+ of a non-cut link will not increase the number of connected
+ component of a graph) and randomly returns one of them, otherwise
+ it just randomly returns one link from all current links.
+ excludeNodes will be passed to getLinks and getGraphDict method.
+ Any link that has either end included in skipLinks will be excluded.
+ Returns the link as a list, e.g. [ 's1', 's2' ].
+ """
+ import random
+ candidateLinks = []
+ try:
+ if not nonCut:
+ links = self.getLinks( timeout=timeout, excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ assert len( links ) != 0
+ for link in links:
+ # Exclude host-switch link
+ if link[ 'node1' ].startswith( 'h' ) or link[ 'node2' ].startswith( 'h' ):
+ continue
+ candidateLinks.append( [ link[ 'node1' ], link[ 'node2' ] ] )
+ else:
+ graphDict = self.getGraphDict( timeout=timeout, useId=False,
+ excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ if graphDict is None:
+ return None
+ self.graph.update( graphDict )
+ candidateLinks = self.graph.getNonCutEdges()
+ candidateLinks = [ link for link in candidateLinks
+ if link[0] not in skipLinks and link[1] not in skipLinks ]
+ if candidateLinks is None:
+ return None
+ elif len( candidateLinks ) == 0:
+ main.log.info( self.name + ": No candidate link for deletion" )
+ return None
+ else:
+ link = random.sample( candidateLinks, 1 )
+ return link[ 0 ]
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": KeyError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": AssertionError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception" )
+ return None
+ def getSwitchRandom( self, timeout=60, nonCut=True, excludeNodes=[], skipSwitches=[] ):
+ """
+ Randomly get a switch from network topology.
+ If nonCut is True, it gets a list of non-cut switches (the deletion
+ of a non-cut switch will not increase the number of connected
+ components of a graph) and randomly returns one of them, otherwise
+ it just randomly returns one switch from all current switches in
+ Mininet.
+ excludeNodes will be pased to getSwitches and getGraphDict method.
+ Switches specified in skipSwitches will be excluded.
+ Returns the name of the chosen switch.
+ """
+ import random
+ candidateSwitches = []
+ try:
+ if not nonCut:
+ switches = self.getSwitches( timeout=timeout, excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ assert len( switches ) != 0
+ for switchName in switches.keys():
+ candidateSwitches.append( switchName )
+ else:
+ graphDict = self.getGraphDict( timeout=timeout, useId=False,
+ excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ if graphDict is None:
+ return None
+ self.graph.update( graphDict )
+ candidateSwitches = self.graph.getNonCutVertices()
+ candidateSwitches = [ switch for switch in candidateSwitches if switch not in skipSwitches ]
+ if candidateSwitches is None:
+ return None
+ elif len( candidateSwitches ) == 0:
+ main.log.info( self.name + ": No candidate switch for deletion" )
+ return None
+ else:
+ switch = random.sample( candidateSwitches, 1 )
+ return switch[ 0 ]
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": KeyError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": AssertionError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception" )
+ return None
+ def getGraphDict( self, timeout=60, useId=True, includeHost=False,
+ excludeNodes=[] ):
+ """
+ Return a dictionary which describes the latest network topology data as a
+ graph.
+ An example of the dictionary:
+ { vertex1: { 'edges': ..., 'name': ..., 'protocol': ... },
+ vertex2: { 'edges': ..., 'name': ..., 'protocol': ... } }
+ Each vertex should at least have an 'edges' attribute which describes the
+ adjacency information. The value of 'edges' attribute is also represented by
+ a dictionary, which maps each edge (identified by the neighbor vertex) to a
+ list of attributes.
+ An example of the edges dictionary:
+ 'edges': { vertex2: { 'port': ..., 'weight': ... },
+ vertex3: { 'port': ..., 'weight': ... } }
+ If useId == True, dpid/mac will be used instead of names to identify
+ vertices, which is helpful when e.g. comparing network topology with ONOS
+ topology.
+ If includeHost == True, all hosts (and host-switch links) will be included
+ in topology data.
+ excludeNodes will be passed to getSwitches and getLinks methods to exclude
+ unexpected switches and links.
+ """
+ # TODO: support excludeNodes
+ graphDict = {}
+ try:
+ links = self.getLinks( timeout=timeout, excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ portDict = {}
+ switches = self.getSwitches( excludeNodes=excludeNodes )
+ if includeHost:
+ hosts = self.getHosts()
+ for link in links:
+ # TODO: support 'includeHost' argument
+ if link[ 'node1' ].startswith( 'h' ) or link[ 'node2' ].startswith( 'h' ):
+ continue
+ nodeName1 = link[ 'node1' ]
+ nodeName2 = link[ 'node2' ]
+ if not self.switches[ nodeName1 ].isup or not self.switches[ nodeName2 ].isup:
+ continue
+ port1 = link[ 'port1' ]
+ port2 = link[ 'port2' ]
+ # Loop for two nodes
+ for i in range( 2 ):
+ portIndex = port1
+ if useId:
+ node1 = 'of:' + str( switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'dpid' ] )
+ node2 = 'of:' + str( switches[ nodeName2 ][ 'dpid' ] )
+ else:
+ node1 = nodeName1
+ node2 = nodeName2
+ if node1 not in graphDict.keys():
+ if useId:
+ graphDict[ node1 ] = { 'edges': {},
+ 'dpid': switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'dpid' ],
+ 'name': nodeName1,
+ 'ports': switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'ports' ],
+ 'swClass': switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'swClass' ],
+ 'pid': switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'pid' ],
+ 'options': switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'options' ] }
+ else:
+ graphDict[ node1 ] = { 'edges': {} }
+ else:
+ # Assert node2 is not connected to any current links of node1
+ # assert node2 not in graphDict[ node1 ][ 'edges' ].keys()
+ pass
+ for port in switches[ nodeName1 ][ 'ports' ]:
+ if port[ 'of_port' ] == str( portIndex ):
+ # Use -1 as index for disabled port
+ if port[ 'enabled' ]:
+ graphDict[ node1 ][ 'edges' ][ node2 ] = { 'port': portIndex }
+ else:
+ graphDict[ node1 ][ 'edges' ][ node2 ] = { 'port': -1 }
+ # Swap two nodes/ports
+ nodeName1, nodeName2 = nodeName2, nodeName1
+ port1, port2 = port2, port1
+ # Remove links with disabled ports
+ linksToRemove = []
+ for node, edges in graphDict.items():
+ for neighbor, port in edges[ 'edges' ].items():
+ if port[ 'port' ] == -1:
+ linksToRemove.append( ( node, neighbor ) )
+ for node1, node2 in linksToRemove:
+ for i in range( 2 ):
+ if graphDict.get( node1 )[ 'edges' ].get( node2 ):
+ graphDict[ node1 ][ 'edges' ].pop( node2 )
+ node1, node2 = node2, node1
+ return graphDict
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": KeyError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except AssertionError:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": AssertionError exception found" )
+ return None
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception" )
+ return None
+ def switch( self, **switchargs ):
+ """
+ start/stop a switch
+ """
+ args = utilities.parse_args( [ "SW", "OPTION" ], **switchargs )
+ sw = args[ "SW" ] if args[ "SW" ] is not None else ""
+ option = args[ "OPTION" ] if args[ "OPTION" ] is not None else ""
+ try:
+ switchComponent = self.switches[ sw ]
+ if option == 'stop':
+ switchComponent.stopOfAgent()
+ elif option == 'start':
+ switchComponent.startOfAgent()
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": Unknown switch command" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ return main.TRUE
+ except KeyError:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": Not able to find switch [}".format( sw ) )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": TIMEOUT exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ return None
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ def discoverHosts( self, hostList=[], wait=1000, dstIp="", dstIp6="1020::3fe" ):
+ '''
+ Hosts in hostList will do a single ARP/ND to a non-existent address for ONOS to
+ discover them. A host will use arping/ndisc6 to send ARP/ND depending on if it
+ has IPv4/IPv6 addresses configured.
+ Optional:
+ hostList: a list of names of the hosts that need to be discovered. If not
+ specified mininet will send ping from all the hosts
+ wait: timeout for ARP/ND in milliseconds
+ dstIp: destination address used by IPv4 hosts
+ dstIp6: destination address used by IPv6 hosts
+ Returns:
+ main.TRUE if all packets were successfully sent. Otherwise main.FALSE
+ '''
+ try:
+ hosts = self.getHosts()
+ if not hostList:
+ hostList = hosts.keys()
+ discoveryResult = main.TRUE
+ for host in hostList:
+ flushCmd = ""
+ cmd = ""
+ if self.getIPAddress( host ):
+ flushCmd = "sudo ip neigh flush all"
+ cmd = "arping -c 1 -w {} {}".format( wait, dstIp )
+ main.log.debug( "Sending IPv4 arping from host {}".format( host ) )
+ elif self.getIPAddress( host, proto='IPV6' ):
+ flushCmd = "sudo ip -6 neigh flush all"
+ intf = hosts[host]['interfaces'][0]['name']
+ cmd = "ndisc6 -r 1 -w {} {} {}".format( wait, dstIp6, intf )
+ main.log.debug( "Sending IPv6 ND from host {}".format( host ) )
+ else:
+ main.log.warn( "No IP addresses configured on host {}, skipping discovery".format( host ) )
+ discoveryResult = main.FALSE
+ if cmd:
+ self.runCmdOnHost( host, flushCmd )
+ self.runCmdOnHost( host, cmd )
+ return discoveryResult
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py
index ac909ee..08f691a 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ofdpa/ofdpaswitchdriver.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
super( CLI, self ).__init__()
self.name = None
+ self.shortName = None
self.handle = None
self.prompt = "~#"
# Respect to bin folder
@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@
self.tempDirectory = "/tmp/"
self.conf = "ofagent.conf"
self.switchDirectory = "/etc/ofagent/"
+ self.ports = []
+ self.isup = False
def connect( self, **connectargs ):
@@ -57,9 +60,19 @@
vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ]
# Get the name
self.name = self.options[ 'name' ]
+ self.shortName = self.options[ 'shortName' ]
# Get the dpid
self.dpid = self.options[ 'dpid' ]
# Get ofagent patch
+ for key, value in self.options.items():
+ if re.match( 'link[\d]+', key ):
+ self.ports.append( { 'enabled': True,
+ 'ips': [ None ],
+ 'mac': None,
+ 'name': None,
+ 'node2': value[ 'node2' ],
+ 'port2': value[ 'port2' ],
+ 'of_port': value[ 'port1' ] } )
if 'confDir' in self.options:
self.switchDirectory = self.options[ 'confDir' ]
# Parse the IP address
@@ -165,7 +178,7 @@
onosIp = "-t " + str( ip )
elif isinstance( ip, types.ListType ):
for ipAddress in ip:
- onosIp += "-t " + str( ipAddress ) + " "
+ onosIp += "-t " + str( ipAddress ) + " "
main.log.error( self.name + ": Invalid ip address" )
return main.FALSE
@@ -189,6 +202,10 @@
+ if not assignResult:
+ self.isup = False
+ else:
+ self.isup = True
# Done return true
return assignResult
# Errors handling
@@ -221,10 +238,21 @@
Create a backup file of the old configuration on the switch
- self.handle.sendline( "" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- self.handle.sendline( "cp %s%s %s%s.backup" % (self.switchDirectory, self.conf, self.switchDirectory, self.conf) )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "cp %s%s %s%s.backup" % (self.switchDirectory, self.conf, self.switchDirectory, self.conf) )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
def pushCfg( self ):
@@ -236,23 +264,75 @@
os.system( "scp " + self.tempDirectory + self.conf + " " +
self.user_name + "@" + self.ip_address + ":" + self.switchDirectory)
+ def ofagentIsRunning( self ):
+ """
+ Return main.TRUE if service ofagentd is running on the
+ switch; otherwise main.FALSE
+ """
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd status" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ if "ofagentd is running" in response:
+ return main.TRUE
+ else:
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
def startOfAgent( self ):
Start the ofagent on the device
- self.handle.sendline( "" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd start" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ try:
+ if self.ofagentIsRunning():
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": ofagentd is already running" )
+ return main.TRUE
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd start" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
def stopOfAgent( self ):
Stop the ofagent on the device
- self.handle.sendline( "" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd stop" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "service ofagentd stop" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.isup = False
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
def dumpFlows( self ):
@@ -318,19 +398,89 @@
Enable all the ports on the devices
It needs to wait for the boot
- self.handle.sendline( "" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- self.handle.sendline( "client_port_table_dump" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- response = self.handle.before
- if "Error from ofdpaClientInitialize()" in response:
- main.log.warn( self.name + ": Not yet started" )
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "client_port_table_dump" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ if "Error from ofdpaClientInitialize()" in response:
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": Not yet started" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ # Change port speed
+ self.handle.sendline( "sh portspeed" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ if "Failure calling" in response:
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": failed to change port speed" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ return main.TRUE
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
return main.FALSE
- # Change port speed
- self.handle.sendline( "sh portspeed" )
- self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
- response = self.handle.before
- if "Failure calling" in response:
- main.log.warn( self.name + ": failed to change port speed" )
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ def setPortSpeed( self, index, speed=40000 ):
+ """
+ Run client_drivshell on the switch to set speed for a
+ specific port
+ index: port index, e.g. 1
+ speed: port speed, e.g. 40000
+ """
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ cmd = "client_drivshell port {} sp={}".format( index, speed )
+ self.handle.sendline( cmd )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ response = self.handle.before
+ return main.TRUE
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
return main.FALSE
- return main.TRUE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ def updatePorts( self ):
+ """
+ Get latest port status on the switch by running
+ client_port_table_dump commmand and parsing the output
+ """
+ try:
+ self.handle.sendline( "" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ self.handle.sendline( "client_port_table_dump" )
+ self.handle.expect( self.prompt )
+ ports = self.handle.before
+ if "Error from ofdpaClientInitialize()" in ports:
+ main.log.warn( self.name + ": Not yet started" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ ports = re.findall( r"0x[\d]+.*port[\d]+:\r\r\n.*\r\r\n.*PeerFeature:.*\r\r\n", ports )
+ for port in ports:
+ m = re.match( r".*port([\d]+):\r\r\n.*state = (.*), mac", port )
+ index = m.group( 1 )
+ enabled = True if m.group( 2 ) == '0x00000000' else False
+ for p in self.ports:
+ if p[ 'of_port' ] == index:
+ p[ 'enabled' ] = enabled
+ except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" )
+ return main.FALSE
+ except pexpect.EOF:
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": EOF exception found" )
+ main.log.error( self.name + ": " + self.handle.before )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
+ except Exception:
+ main.log.exception( self.name + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+ main.cleanAndExit()
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params
index 1452741..b45d70f 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ <restartCluster>True</restartCluster>
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@
- <excludeSwitches></excludeSwitches>
+ <excludeNodes></excludeNodes>
@@ -435,13 +436,16 @@
- <addHostIntentWeight>3</addHostIntentWeight>
- <addPointIntentWeight>3</addPointIntentWeight>
- <linkDownWeight>3</linkDownWeight>
- <deviceDownWeight>2</deviceDownWeight>
- <portDownWeight>0</portDownWeight>
- <onosDownWeight>1</onosDownWeight>
- <toggleFlowObj>0</toggleFlowObj>
+ <eventWeight>
+ <add-host-intent>3</add-host-intent>
+ <add-point-intent>3</add-point-intent>
+ <link-down>3</link-down>
+ <device-down>2</device-down>
+ <onos-down>1</onos-down>
+ <toggle-flowobj>0</toggle-flowobj>
+ </eventWeight>
+ <skipSwitches></skipSwitches>
+ <skipLinks></skipLinks>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis
index f6aa628..ae54287 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# 100. Do nothing
- 0,2,4,5,6,7,10,70,100
+ 0,2,4,5,6,7,10,70
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ <restartCluster>True</restartCluster>
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -87,28 +88,6 @@
- <IntentCheck>
- <status>off</status>
- <typeIndex>10</typeIndex>
- <typeString>CHECK_INTENT</typeString>
- <CLI>check-intent</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
- <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
- </IntentCheck>
- <FlowCheck>
- <status>off</status>
- <typeIndex>11</typeIndex>
- <typeString>CHECK_FLOW</typeString>
- <CLI>check-flow</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
- <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
- <coreFlowNum>3</coreFlowNum>
- <coreFlowNum6>5</coreFlowNum6>
- </FlowCheck>
@@ -116,7 +95,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -128,7 +107,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -138,7 +117,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -204,7 +183,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -214,7 +193,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -224,7 +203,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -234,7 +213,7 @@
- <maxRerunNum>5</maxRerunNum>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
@@ -244,51 +223,6 @@
- <randomLinkToggle>
- <status>on</status>
- <typeIndex>120</typeIndex>
- <typeString>NETWORK_LINK_RANDOM_TOGGLE</typeString>
- <CLI>link-toggle-random</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
- <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
- </randomLinkToggle>
- <randomLinkGroupToggle>
- <status>on</status>
- <typeIndex>121</typeIndex>
- <CLI>link-group-toggle-random</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
- <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
- </randomLinkGroupToggle>
- <randomDeviceToggle>
- <status>on</status>
- <typeIndex>122</typeIndex>
- <typeString>NETWORK_DEVICE_RANDOM_TOGGLE</typeString>
- <CLI>device-toggle-random</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
- <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
- </randomDeviceToggle>
- <randomDeviceGroupToggle>
- <status>on</status>
- <typeIndex>123</typeIndex>
- <CLI>device-group-toggle-random</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
- <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
- </randomDeviceGroupToggle>
- <randomONOSToggle>
- <status>on</status>
- <typeIndex>140</typeIndex>
- <typeString>ONOS_ONOS_RANDOM_TOGGLE</typeString>
- <CLI>onos-toggle-random</CLI>
- <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
- <sleepBeforeCheck>10</sleepBeforeCheck>
- </randomONOSToggle>
@@ -308,7 +242,7 @@
<mininetArgs>--dhcp=1 --routers=1 --ipv6=1 --ipv4=1</mininetArgs>
- <excludeSwitches>leaf5</excludeSwitches>
+ <excludeNodes>cs0,cs1,r1,r2,nat,bgp1,bgp2,dhcp,dhcp6</excludeNodes>
@@ -323,18 +257,18 @@
- <addHostIntentWeight>0</addHostIntentWeight>
- <addPointIntentWeight>0</addPointIntentWeight>
- <linkDownWeight>0</linkDownWeight>
- <deviceDownWeight>2</deviceDownWeight>
- <portDownWeight>3</portDownWeight>
- <onosDownWeight>1</onosDownWeight>
- <toggleFlowObj>0</toggleFlowObj>
+ <eventWeight>
+ <port-down>3</port-down>
+ <device-down>2</device-down>
+ <onos-down>1</onos-down>
+ </eventWeight>
+ <skipSwitches>leaf5</skipSwitches>
+ <skipLinks>spine103,spine104,leaf1,leaf6</skipLinks>
- <sleepTime>10</sleepTime>
+ <sleepTime>5</sleepTime>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis.flex b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis.flex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2f22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.params.trellis.flex
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ # 0. Initialize CHOTestMonkey
+ # 1. Set IPv6 configure
+ # 2. Load network configuration files
+ # 4. Copy topology libs and config files to Mininet
+ # 5. Load topology and balances all switches
+ # 6. Collect and store device and link data from ONOS
+ # 7. Collect and store host data from ONOS
+ # 10. Run all enabled checks
+ # 70. Run randomly generated events
+ # 80. Replay events from log file
+ # 100. Do nothing
+ <testcases>
+ 0,2,5,6,7,10,70
+ </testcases>
+ <GIT>
+ <pull>False</pull>
+ <branch>master</branch>
+ </GIT>
+ <TEST>
+ <IPv6>off</IPv6>
+ <restartCluster>False</restartCluster>
+ <dataPlaneConnectivity>True</dataPlaneConnectivity>
+ <numCtrl>3</numCtrl>
+ <pauseTest>on</pauseTest>
+ <caseSleep>0</caseSleep>
+ <ipv6Regex>10[0-9]+::[0-9]+</ipv6Regex>
+ <ipv4Regex>10\.0\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+</ipv4Regex>
+ <karafCliTimeout>7200000</karafCliTimeout>
+ <testDuration>86400</testDuration>
+ <package>on</package>
+ </TEST>
+ <nodeCluster>CHO</nodeCluster>
+ <builds>20</builds>
+ </GRAPH>
+ <ENV>
+ <cellName>choFlexCell</cellName>
+ <cellApps>drivers,openflow,segmentrouting,fpm,dhcprelay,netcfghostprovider,routeradvertisement,t3,hostprobingprovider</cellApps>
+ </ENV>
+ <Event>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>0</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NULL</typeString>
+ <CLI>null</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </Event>
+ <TestPause>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>1</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_PAUSE</typeString>
+ <CLI>pause-test</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestPause>
+ <TestResume>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>2</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_RESUME</typeString>
+ <CLI>resume-test</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestResume>
+ <TestSleep>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>3</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_SLEEP</typeString>
+ <CLI>sleep</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestSleep>
+ <TestDebug>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>4</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>TEST_DEBUG</typeString>
+ <CLI>debug-test</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </TestDebug>
+ <TrafficCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>12</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_TRAFFIC</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-traffic</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>10</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ <pingWait>1</pingWait>
+ <pingTimeout>10</pingTimeout>
+ </TrafficCheck>
+ <TopoCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>13</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_TOPO</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-topo</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </TopoCheck>
+ <ONOSCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>14</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_ONOS</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-onos</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>10</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </ONOSCheck>
+ <RaftLogSizeCheck>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>15</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_RAFT_LOG_SIZE</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-raft-size</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </RaftLogSizeCheck>
+ <DeviceDown>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>22</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN</typeString>
+ <CLI>device-down</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ </DeviceDown>
+ <DeviceUp>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>23</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_DEVICE_UP</typeString>
+ <CLI>device-up</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ </DeviceUp>
+ <PortDown>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>24</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_PORT_DOWN</typeString>
+ <CLI>port-down</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>2</CLIParamNum>
+ </PortDown>
+ <PortUp>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>25</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>NETWORK_PORT_UP</typeString>
+ <CLI>port-up</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>2</CLIParamNum>
+ </PortUp>
+ <ONOSDown>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>40</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_ONOS_DOWN</typeString>
+ <CLI>onos-down</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </ONOSDown>
+ <ONOSUp>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>41</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_ONOS_UP</typeString>
+ <CLI>onos-up</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>1</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </ONOSUp>
+ <SetCfg>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>42</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_SET_CFG</typeString>
+ <CLI>set-cfg</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>3</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </SetCfg>
+ <BalanceMasters>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>44</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>ONOS_BALANCE_MASTERS</typeString>
+ <CLI>balance-masters</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ <rerunInterval>5</rerunInterval>
+ <maxRerunNum>3</maxRerunNum>
+ </BalanceMasters>
+ <addAllChecks>
+ <status>on</status>
+ <typeIndex>110</typeIndex>
+ <typeString>CHECK_ALL</typeString>
+ <CLI>check-all</CLI>
+ <CLIParamNum>0</CLIParamNum>
+ </addAllChecks>
+ </EVENT>
+ <pendingEventsCapacity>1</pendingEventsCapacity>
+ <runningEventsCapacity>10</runningEventsCapacity>
+ <scheduleLoopSleep>0.1</scheduleLoopSleep>
+ <listenerPort>6000</listenerPort>
+ <insertEventRetryInterval>1</insertEventRetryInterval>
+ <TOPO>
+ <loadTopoSleep>60</loadTopoSleep>
+ <excludeNodes></excludeNodes>
+ </TOPO>
+ <CASE2>
+ <fileName>flex.json</fileName>
+ <hostFileName>flex.host</hostFileName>
+ </CASE2>
+ <CASE70>
+ <sleepSec>60</sleepSec>
+ <eventWeight>
+ <port-down>2</port-down>
+ <device-down>2</device-down>
+ <onos-down>1</onos-down>
+ </eventWeight>
+ <skipSwitches>s201,s228</skipSwitches>
+ <skipLinks></skipLinks>
+ </CASE70>
+ <CASE80>
+ <filePath>/home/sdn/log-for-replay</filePath>
+ <sleepTime>5</sleepTime>
+ <skipChecks>off</skipChecks>
+ </CASE80>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.py b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.py
index 000dfe3..bc6f249 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.py
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
- Set IPv6 cfg parameters for Neighbor Discovery
start event scheduler
start event listener
@@ -64,6 +63,9 @@
+ from tests.dependencies.Network import Network
+ main.Network = Network()
onosPackage = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'package' ]
karafTimeout = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'karafCliTimeout' ]
@@ -71,12 +73,19 @@
main.caseSleep = int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'caseSleep' ] )
main.onosCell = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
main.apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellApps' ]
+ main.restartCluster = main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'restartCluster' ] == "True"
+ main.excludeNodes = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'excludeNodes' ].split( ',' ) \
+ if main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'excludeNodes' ] else []
+ main.skipSwitches = main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'skipSwitches' ].split( ',' ) \
+ if main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'skipSwitches' ] else []
+ main.skipLinks = main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'skipLinks' ].split( ',' ) \
+ if main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'skipLinks' ] else []
main.controllers = []
main.devices = []
main.links = []
main.hosts = []
main.intents = []
+ main.flowObj = False
main.enabledEvents = {}
for eventName in main.params[ 'EVENT' ].keys():
if main.params[ 'EVENT' ][ eventName ][ 'status' ] == 'on':
@@ -85,7 +94,7 @@
main.eventScheduler = EventScheduler()
main.eventGenerator = EventGenerator()
main.variableLock = Lock()
- main.mininetLock = Lock()
+ main.networkLock = Lock()
main.ONOSbenchLock = Lock()
main.threadID = 0
main.eventID = 0
@@ -97,7 +106,8 @@
main.testSetUp.evnSetupConclusion( stepResult )
setupResult = main.testSetUp.ONOSSetUp( main.Cluster,
- cellName=main.onosCell )
+ cellName=main.onosCell,
+ restartCluster=main.restartCluster )
for i in range( 1, main.Cluster.numCtrls + 1 ):
newController = Controller( i )
newController.setCLI( main.Cluster.runningNodes[ i - 1 ].CLI )
@@ -225,71 +235,92 @@
def CASE5( self, main ):
- Load Mininet topology and balances all switches
+ Load Mininet or physical network topology and balances switch mastership
import time
import re
- main.log.report( "Load Mininet topology and Balance all Mininet switches across controllers" )
+ main.log.report( "Load Mininet or physical network topology and Balance switch mastership" )
main.log.report( "________________________________________________________________________" )
- main.case( "Assign and Balance all Mininet switches across controllers" )
+ main.case( "Load Mininet or physical network topology and Balance switch mastership" )
- main.step( "Copy Mininet topology files" )
- main.topoIndex = "topo" + str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'topo' ] )
- topoFileName = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ main.topoIndex ][ 'fileName' ]
- topoFile = main.testDir + "/dependencies/topologies/" + topoFileName
- copyResult = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1, topoFile, main.Mininet1.home + "/custom", direction="to" )
- utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=copyResult,
- onpass="Successfully copied topo files",
- onfail="Failed to copy topo files" )
+ if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
+ main.step( "Copy Mininet topology files" )
+ main.topoIndex = "topo" + str( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'topo' ] )
+ topoFileName = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ main.topoIndex ][ 'fileName' ]
+ topoFile = main.testDir + "/dependencies/topologies/" + topoFileName
+ copyResult = main.ONOSbench.scp( main.Mininet1, topoFile, main.Mininet1.home + "/custom", direction="to" )
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=copyResult,
+ onpass="Successfully copied topo files",
+ onfail="Failed to copy topo files" )
- main.step( "Start Mininet topology" )
- startStatus = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=main.Mininet1.home + "/custom/" + topoFileName,
- args=main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'mininetArgs' ] )
- main.mininetSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches( switchClasses=r"(OVSSwitch)" )
+ main.step( "Load topology" )
+ if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
+ topoResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=main.Mininet1.home + "/custom/" + topoFileName,
+ args=main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'mininetArgs' ] )
+ else:
+ topoResult = main.NetworkBench.connectToNet()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=startStatus,
- onpass="Start Mininet topology test PASS",
- onfail="Start Mininet topology test FAIL" )
+ actual=topoResult,
+ onpass="Successfully loaded topology",
+ onfail="Failed to load topology" )
+ # Exit if topology did not load properly
+ if not topoResult:
+ main.cleanAndExit()
main.step( "Assign switches to controllers" )
- switchMastership = main.TRUE
- for switchName in main.mininetSwitches.keys():
+ if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
+ main.networkSwitches = main.Network.getSwitches( excludeNodes=main.excludeNodes )
+ else:
+ main.networkSwitches = main.Network.getSwitches( excludeNodes=main.excludeNodes,
+ includeStopped=True )
+ assignResult = main.TRUE
+ for name in main.networkSwitches.keys():
ips = main.Cluster.getIps()
- main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=switchName, ip=ips )
- response = main.Mininet1.getSwController( switchName )
- main.log.debug( "Response is " + str( response ) )
- if re.search( "tcp:" + main.Cluster.active( 0 ).ipAddress, response ):
- switchMastership = switchMastership and main.TRUE
- else:
- switchMastership = main.FALSE
+ assignResult = assignResult and main.Network.assignSwController( sw=name, ip=ips )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=switchMastership,
- onpass="Assign switches to controllers test PASS",
- onfail="Assign switches to controllers test FAIL" )
+ actual=assignResult,
+ onpass="Successfully assign switches to controllers",
+ onfail="Failed to assign switches to controllers" )
# Waiting here to make sure topology converges across all nodes
sleep = int( main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'loadTopoSleep' ] )
time.sleep( sleep )
main.step( "Balance devices across controllers" )
balanceResult = main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.balanceMasters()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=balanceResult,
+ onpass="Successfully balanced mastership",
+ onfail="Faild to balance mastership" )
# giving some breathing time for ONOS to complete re-balance
time.sleep( 5 )
- # Get mininet hosts and links
- main.mininetHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
- if hasattr( main, "expectedHosts" ):
- main.mininetHosts = { key: value for key, value in main.mininetHosts.items() if key in main.expectedHosts[ "network" ].keys() }
- main.mininetLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks( timeout=60 )
- main.mininetLinks = [ link for link in main.mininetLinks if
- link[ 'node1' ] in main.mininetHosts.keys() + main.mininetSwitches.keys() and
- link[ 'node2' ] in main.mininetHosts.keys() + main.mininetSwitches.keys() ]
+ # Connecting to hosts that only have data plane connectivity
+ if hasattr( main, 'NetworkBench' ):
+ main.step( "Connecting inband hosts" )
+ hostResult = main.NetworkBench.connectInbandHosts()
+ utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+ actual=hostResult,
+ onpass="Successfully connected inband hosts",
+ onfail="Failed to connect inband hosts" )
+ else:
+ hostResult = main.TRUE
- caseResult = ( startStatus and switchMastership and balanceResult )
+ # Get network hosts and links
+ main.networkHosts = main.Network.getHosts()
+ if hasattr( main, "expectedHosts" ):
+ main.networkHosts = { key: value for key, value in main.networkHosts.items() if key in main.expectedHosts[ "network" ].keys() }
+ main.networkLinks = main.Network.getLinks()
+ main.networkLinks = [ link for link in main.networkLinks if
+ link[ 'node1' ] in main.networkHosts.keys() + main.networkSwitches.keys() and
+ link[ 'node2' ] in main.networkHosts.keys() + main.networkSwitches.keys() ]
+ caseResult = ( topoResult and assignResult and balanceResult and hostResult )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- onpass="Starting new Att topology test PASS",
- onfail="Starting new Att topology test FAIL" )
+ onpass="Starting new topology test PASS",
+ onfail="Starting new topology test FAIL" )
def CASE6( self, main ):
@@ -307,13 +338,16 @@
topologyResult = main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.getTopology( topologyOutput )
ONOSDeviceNum = int( topologyResult[ 'devices' ] )
ONOSLinkNum = int( topologyResult[ 'links' ] )
- mininetSwitchNum = len( main.mininetSwitches )
- mininetLinkNum = ( len( main.mininetLinks ) - len( main.mininetHosts ) ) * 2
- if mininetSwitchNum == ONOSDeviceNum and mininetLinkNum == ONOSLinkNum:
+ networkSwitchNum = len( main.networkSwitches )
+ if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
+ networkLinkNum = ( len( main.networkLinks ) - len( main.networkHosts ) ) * 2
+ else:
+ networkLinkNum = len( main.networkLinks ) * 2
+ if networkSwitchNum == ONOSDeviceNum and networkLinkNum == ONOSLinkNum:
main.step( "Collect and store device data" )
stepResult = main.TRUE
dpidToName = {}
- for key, value in main.mininetSwitches.items():
+ for key, value in main.networkSwitches.items():
dpidToName[ 'of:' + str( value[ 'dpid' ] ) ] = key
main.devicesRaw = main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.devices()
devices = json.loads( main.devicesRaw )
@@ -364,7 +398,7 @@
onpass="Successfully collected and stored link data",
onfail="Failed to collect and store link data" )
- main.log.info( "Devices (expected): %s, Links (expected): %s" % ( mininetSwitchNum, mininetLinkNum ) )
+ main.log.info( "Devices (expected): %s, Links (expected): %s" % ( networkSwitchNum, networkLinkNum ) )
main.log.info( "Devices (actual): %s, Links (actual): %s" % ( ONOSDeviceNum, ONOSLinkNum ) )
topoResult = main.FALSE
@@ -404,9 +438,9 @@
onfail="Failed to enable reactive forwarding" )
main.step( "Discover hosts using pingall" )
- main.Mininet1.pingall()
+ main.Network.pingall()
if main.enableIPv6:
- ping6Result = main.Mininet1.pingall( protocol="IPv6" )
+ ping6Result = main.Network.pingall( protocol="IPv6" )
main.step( "Disable Reactive forwarding" )
appResult = main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" )
@@ -422,7 +456,7 @@
hosts = json.loads( main.hostsRaw )
if hasattr( main, "expectedHosts" ):
hosts = [ host for host in hosts if host[ 'id' ] in main.expectedHosts[ 'onos' ].keys() ]
- if not len( hosts ) == len( main.mininetHosts ):
+ if not len( hosts ) == len( main.networkHosts ):
stepResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
@@ -435,7 +469,7 @@
main.step( "Collect and store host data" )
stepResult = main.TRUE
macToName = {}
- for key, value in main.mininetHosts.items():
+ for key, value in main.networkHosts.items():
macToName[ value[ 'interfaces' ][ 0 ][ 'mac' ].upper() ] = key
dpidToDevice = {}
for device in main.devices:
@@ -472,12 +506,16 @@
onfail="Failed to collect and store host data" )
main.step( "Create one host component for each host and then start host cli" )
- startCLIResult = main.TRUE
+ hostResult = main.TRUE
for host in main.hosts:
- main.Mininet1.createHostComponent( host.name )
+ main.Network.createHostComponent( host.name )
hostHandle = getattr( main, host.name )
- main.log.info( "Starting CLI on host " + str( host.name ) )
- startCLIResult = startCLIResult and hostHandle.startHostCli()
+ if hasattr( main, "Mininet1" ):
+ main.log.info( "Starting CLI on host " + str( host.name ) )
+ hostResult = hostResult and hostHandle.startHostCli()
+ else:
+ main.log.info( "Connecting inband host " + str( host.name ) )
+ hostResult = hostResult and hostHandle.connectInband()
host.setHandle( hostHandle )
if main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'dataPlaneConnectivity' ] == 'True':
# Hosts should already be able to ping each other
@@ -486,9 +524,9 @@
if host in main.ipv6Hosts:
host.correspondents += main.ipv6Hosts
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
- actual=startCLIResult,
- onpass="Host CLI started",
- onfail="Failed to start host CLI" )
+ actual=hostResult,
+ onpass="Host components created",
+ onfail="Failed to create host components" )
def CASE10( self, main ):
@@ -808,43 +846,26 @@
main.step( "Randomly generate events" )
main.caseResult = main.TRUE
sleepSec = int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'sleepSec' ] )
- hostIntentNum = 0
- pointIntentNum = 0
- downDeviceNum = 0
- downLinkNum = 0
- downPortNum = 0
- downOnosNum = 0
- flowObj = False
- upControllers = range( 1, int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'numCtrl' ] ) + 1 )
+ allControllers = range( 1, int( main.params[ 'TEST' ][ 'numCtrl' ] ) + 1 )
while True:
+ upControllers = [ i for i in allControllers if main.controllers[ i - 1 ].isUp() ]
+ downOnosNum = len( allControllers ) - len( upControllers )
+ hostIntentNum = len( [ intent for intent in main.intents if intent.type == 'INTENT_HOST' ] )
+ pointIntentNum = len( [ intent for intent in main.intents if intent.type == 'INTENT_POINT' ] )
+ downDeviceNum = len( [ device for device in main.devices if device.isDown() or device.isRemoved() ] )
+ downLinkNum = len( [ link for link in main.links if link.isDown() ] ) / 2
+ downPortNum = sum( [ len( device.downPorts ) for device in main.devices ] )
events = []
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'toggleFlowObj' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'toggle-flowobj' )
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'addHostIntentWeight' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'add-host-intent' )
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'addPointIntentWeight' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'add-point-intent' )
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'linkDownWeight' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'link-down' )
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'deviceDownWeight' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'device-down' )
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'portDownWeight' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'port-down' )
- if downOnosNum == 0:
- for i in range( int( main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'onosDownWeight' ] ) ):
- events.append( 'onos-down' )
- for i in range( int( pow( hostIntentNum, 1.5 ) / 100 ) ):
- events.append( 'del-host-intent' )
- for i in range( int( pow( pointIntentNum, 1.5 ) / 100 ) ):
- events.append( 'del-point-intent' )
- for i in range( pow( 4, downLinkNum ) - 1 ):
- events.append( 'link-up' )
- for i in range( pow( 4, downDeviceNum ) - 1 ):
- events.append( 'device-up' )
- for i in range( pow( 4, downPortNum ) - 1 ):
- events.append( 'port-up' )
- for i in range( pow( 4, downOnosNum ) - 1 ):
- events.append( 'onos-up' )
+ for event, weight in main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'eventWeight' ].items():
+ events += [ event ] * int( weight )
+ events += [ 'del-host-intent' ] * int( pow( hostIntentNum, 1.5 ) / 100 )
+ events += [ 'del-point-intent' ] * int( pow( pointIntentNum, 1.5 ) / 100 )
+ events += [ 'device-up' ] * int( pow( 4, downDeviceNum ) - 1 )
+ if 'link-down' in main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'eventWeight' ].keys():
+ events += [ 'link-up' ] * int( pow( 4, downLinkNum ) - 1 )
+ if 'port-down' in main.params[ 'CASE70' ][ 'eventWeight' ].keys():
+ events += [ 'port-up' ] * int( pow( 4, downPortNum ) - 1 )
+ events += [ 'onos-up' ] * int( pow( 4, downOnosNum ) - 1 )
main.log.debug( events )
event = random.sample( events, 1 )[ 0 ]
if event == 'add-host-intent':
@@ -852,64 +873,43 @@
for i in range( n ):
cliIndex = random.sample( upControllers, 1 )[ 0 ]
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_ADD, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random', cliIndex )
- hostIntentNum += 1
elif event == 'del-host-intent':
n = random.randint( 5, hostIntentNum )
for i in range( n ):
cliIndex = random.sample( upControllers, 1 )[ 0 ]
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_HOST_DEL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random', cliIndex )
- hostIntentNum -= 1
elif event == 'add-point-intent':
n = random.randint( 5, 50 )
for i in range( n ):
cliIndex = random.sample( upControllers, 1 )[ 0 ]
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_ADD, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random', cliIndex, 'bidirectional' )
- pointIntentNum += 2
elif event == 'del-point-intent':
n = random.randint( 5, pointIntentNum / 2 )
for i in range( n ):
cliIndex = random.sample( upControllers, 1 )[ 0 ]
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().APP_INTENT_POINT_DEL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random', cliIndex, 'bidirectional' )
- pointIntentNum -= 2
elif event == 'link-down':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_DOWN, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random' )
- downLinkNum += 1
elif event == 'link-up':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_LINK_UP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random' )
- downLinkNum -= 1
elif event == 'device-down':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random' )
- downDeviceNum += 1
elif event == 'device-up':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_UP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random' )
- downDeviceNum -= 1
elif event == 'port-down':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_PORT_DOWN, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random' )
- downPortNum += 1
elif event == 'port-up':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().NETWORK_PORT_UP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'random', 'random' )
- downPortNum -= 1
- elif event == 'onos-down':
+ elif event == 'onos-down' and downOnosNum == 0:
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_ONOS_DOWN, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 1 )
- downOnosNum += 1
elif event == 'onos-up':
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_ONOS_UP, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 1 )
- downOnosNum -= 1
main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_BALANCE_MASTERS, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK )
elif event == 'toggle-flowobj':
- if not flowObj:
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_SET_FLOWOBJ, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'true' )
- else:
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_SET_FLOWOBJ, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'false' )
- flowObj = not flowObj
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().ONOS_SET_FLOWOBJ, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_BLOCK, 'false' if main.flowObj else 'true' )
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_TOPO, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_ONOS, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_TRAFFIC, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_FLOW, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_INTENT, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
- main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_RAFT_LOG_SIZE, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
+ main.eventGenerator.triggerEvent( EventType().CHECK_ALL, EventScheduleMethod().RUN_NON_BLOCK )
with main.eventScheduler.idleCondition:
while not main.eventScheduler.isIdle():
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.topo.flex b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.topo.flex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3ad276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/CHOTestMonkey.topo.flex
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+ <ONOScell>
+ <host>localhost</host> # ONOS "bench" machine
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>OnosClusterDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>1</connect_order>
+ <cluster_name></cluster_name> # Used as a prefix for cluster components. Defaults to 'ONOS'
+ <diff_clihost></diff_clihost> # if it has different host other than localhost for CLI. True or empty. OC# will be used if True.
+ <karaf_username>ubuntu</karaf_username>
+ <karaf_password>ubuntu</karaf_password>
+ <web_user></web_user>
+ <web_pass></web_pass>
+ <rest_port></rest_port>
+ <prompt></prompt> # TODO: we technically need a few of these, one per component
+ <onos_home></onos_home> # defines where onos home is
+ <nodes> 3 </nodes> # number of nodes in the cluster
+ </ONOScell>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf201>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>2</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s201</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x201</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>29</port2>
+ <port1>49</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>30</port2>
+ <port1>50</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>29</port2>
+ <port1>51</port1>
+ </link3>
+ <link4>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>30</port2>
+ <port1>52</port1>
+ </link4>
+ <link5>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf202</node2>
+ <port2>20</port2>
+ <port1>20</port1>
+ </link5>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf201>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf202>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>3</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s202</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x202</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>26</port2>
+ <port1>49</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>28</port2>
+ <port1>50</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>27</port2>
+ <port1>51</port1>
+ </link3>
+ <link4>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf201</node2>
+ <port2>20</port2>
+ <port1>20</port1>
+ </link4>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf202>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf203>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>4</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s203</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x203</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>23</port2>
+ <port1>49</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>25</port2>
+ <port1>50</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>26</port2>
+ <port1>51</port1>
+ </link3>
+ <link4>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>24</port2>
+ <port1>52</port1>
+ </link4>
+ <link5>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf204</node2>
+ <port2>20</port2>
+ <port1>20</port1>
+ </link5>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf203>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf204>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>5</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s204</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x204</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>32</port2>
+ <port1>50</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>31</port2>
+ <port1>51</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>32</port2>
+ <port1>52</port1>
+ </link3>
+ <link4>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf203</node2>
+ <port2>20</port2>
+ <port1>20</port1>
+ </link4>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf204>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf205>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>6</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s205</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x205</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf227</node2>
+ <port2>25</port2>
+ <port1>49</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf228</node2>
+ <port2>25</port2>
+ <port1>51</port1>
+ </link2>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf205>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf206>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>7</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s206</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x206</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf227</node2>
+ <port2>27</port2>
+ <port1>49</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf228</node2>
+ <port2>27</port2>
+ <port1>51</port1>
+ </link2>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf206>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf225>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>8</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s225</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x225</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf227</node2>
+ <port2>16</port2>
+ <port1>16</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf203</node2>
+ <port2>49</port2>
+ <port1>23</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf203</node2>
+ <port2>52</port2>
+ <port1>24</port1>
+ </link3>
+ <link4>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf202</node2>
+ <port2>49</port2>
+ <port1>26</port1>
+ </link4>
+ <link5>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf201</node2>
+ <port2>51</port2>
+ <port1>29</port1>
+ </link5>
+ <link6>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf201</node2>
+ <port2>52</port2>
+ <port1>30</port1>
+ </link6>
+ <link7>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf204</node2>
+ <port2>51</port2>
+ <port1>31</port1>
+ </link7>
+ <link8>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf204</node2>
+ <port2>52</port2>
+ <port1>32</port1>
+ </link8>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf225>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf226>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>9</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s226</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x226</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf228</node2>
+ <port2>16</port2>
+ <port1>16</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf203</node2>
+ <port2>50</port2>
+ <port1>25</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf203</node2>
+ <port2>51</port2>
+ <port1>26</port1>
+ </link3>
+ <link4>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf202</node2>
+ <port2>51</port2>
+ <port1>27</port1>
+ </link4>
+ <link5>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf202</node2>
+ <port2>50</port2>
+ <port1>28</port1>
+ </link5>
+ <link6>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf201</node2>
+ <port2>49</port2>
+ <port1>29</port1>
+ </link6>
+ <link7>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf201</node2>
+ <port2>50</port2>
+ <port1>30</port1>
+ </link7>
+ <link8>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf204</node2>
+ <port2>50</port2>
+ <port1>32</port1>
+ </link8>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf226>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf227>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>10</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s227</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x227</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf225</node2>
+ <port2>16</port2>
+ <port1>16</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf205</node2>
+ <port2>49</port2>
+ <port1>25</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf206</node2>
+ <port2>49</port2>
+ <port1>27</port1>
+ </link3>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf227>
+ <OFDPASwitchLeaf228>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>root</user>
+ <password></password>
+ <type>OFDPASwitchDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>11</connect_order>
+ <shortName>s228</shortName>
+ <dpid>0x228</dpid>
+ <confDir>/etc/ofdpa/</confDir>
+ <link1>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf226</node2>
+ <port2>16</port2>
+ <port1>16</port1>
+ </link1>
+ <link2>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf205</node2>
+ <port2>51</port2>
+ <port1>25</port1>
+ </link2>
+ <link3>
+ <node2>OFDPASwitchLeaf206</node2>
+ <port2>51</port2>
+ <port1>27</port1>
+ </link3>
+ </OFDPASwitchLeaf228>
+ <Host4v4>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>vyatta</user>
+ <password>vyatta</password>
+ <type>HostDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>13</connect_order>
+ <ip></ip>
+ <ip6></ip6>
+ <shortName>h4v4</shortName>
+ <mac>0A:5E:0D:F3:EC:D4</mac>
+ <ifaceName>bond0</ifaceName>
+ <inband>True</inband>
+ <username>ubuntu</username>
+ <password>ubuntu</password>
+ </Host4v4>
+ <Host5v4>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>vyatta</user>
+ <password>vyatta</password>
+ <type>HostDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>14</connect_order>
+ <ip></ip>
+ <ip6></ip6>
+ <shortName>h5v4</shortName>
+ <mac>12:1C:B7:5C:69:68</mac>
+ <ifaceName>bond0</ifaceName>
+ <inband>True</inband>
+ <username>ubuntu</username>
+ <password>ubuntu</password>
+ </Host5v4>
+ <Host9v4>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>vyatta</user>
+ <password>vyatta</password>
+ <type>HostDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>15</connect_order>
+ <ip></ip>
+ <ip6></ip6>
+ <shortName>h9v4</shortName>
+ <mac>EA:DA:19:1E:CB:7D</mac>
+ <ifaceName>bond0</ifaceName>
+ <inband>True</inband>
+ <username>ubuntu</username>
+ <password>ubuntu</password>
+ </Host9v4>
+ <Host10v4>
+ <host></host>
+ <user>vyatta</user>
+ <password>vyatta</password>
+ <type>HostDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>16</connect_order>
+ <ip></ip>
+ <ip6></ip6>
+ <shortName>h10v4</shortName>
+ <mac>A2:9B:16:E8:2A:52</mac>
+ <ifaceName>bond0</ifaceName>
+ <inband>True</inband>
+ <username>ubuntu</username>
+ <password>ubuntu</password>
+ </Host10v4>
+ <NetworkBench>
+ <host>localhost</host>
+ <user>sdn</user>
+ <password>rocks</password>
+ <type>NetworkDriver</type>
+ <connect_order>20</connect_order>
+ </NetworkBench>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/AppEvent.py b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/AppEvent.py
index 8d347c1..35bad28 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/AppEvent.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/AppEvent.py
@@ -314,7 +314,6 @@
def startPointIntentEvent( self ):
assert self.deviceA is not None and self.deviceB is not None
- controller = main.controllers[ self.CLIIndex - 1 ]
# TODO: support multiple hosts under one device
# Check whether there already exists some intent for the device pair
# For now we should avoid installing overlapping intents
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/CheckEvent.py b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/CheckEvent.py
index 22380cf..9614696 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/CheckEvent.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/CheckEvent.py
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
switchList = []
for device in main.devices:
switchList.append( device.name )
- with main.mininetLock:
- flowCompareResult = main.Mininet1.checkFlowId( switchList, flowIDList, debug=False )
+ with main.networkLock:
+ flowCompareResult = main.Network.checkFlowId( switchList, flowIDList, debug=False )
if not flowCompareResult:
main.log.warn( "Flow Check - flows on ONOS%s do not match that in Mininet" % ( controller.index ) )
checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
@@ -149,16 +149,16 @@
# Verify host IPs
if hasattr( main, "expectedHosts" ):
for host in upHostList:
- ipResult = main.Mininet1.verifyHostIp( hostList=[ host.name ],
+ ipResult = main.Network.verifyHostIp( hostList=[ host.name ],
prefix=main.expectedHosts[ 'network' ][ host.name ],
update=False )
if not ipResult:
checkResult = EventStates().FAIL
main.log.warn( "Topo Check - Failed to verify IP address on host %s" % ( host.name ) )
- with main.mininetLock:
- graphDictMininet = main.Mininet1.getGraphDict( useId=True, switchClasses=r"(OVSSwitch)",
- excludeNodes=[ 'bgp', 'cs', 'nat', 'dhcp', 'r' ] )
+ with main.networkLock:
+ graphDictMininet = main.Network.getGraphDict( useId=True,
+ excludeNodes=main.excludeNodes )
for controller in main.controllers:
if controller.isUp():
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/NetworkEvent.py b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/NetworkEvent.py
index 7a2e84f..90f74a9 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/NetworkEvent.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/NetworkEvent.py
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
return EventStates().ABORT
if args[ 0 ] == 'random' or args[ 1 ] == 'random':
if self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_LINK_DOWN:
- with main.mininetLock:
- linkRandom = main.Mininet1.getLinkRandom( switchClasses=r"(OVSSwitch)",
- excludeNodes=[ 'bgp', 'cs', 'nat', 'dhcp', 'r' ] )
+ with main.networkLock:
+ linkRandom = main.Network.getLinkRandom( excludeNodes=main.excludeNodes,
+ skipLinks=main.skipLinks )
if linkRandom is None:
main.log.warn( "No link available, aborting event" )
return EventStates().ABORT
@@ -110,14 +110,14 @@
main.log.warn( "Link Down - link has been removed" )
return EventStates().ABORT
main.log.info( "Event recorded: {} {} {} {}".format( self.typeIndex, self.typeString, self.linkA.deviceA.name, self.linkA.deviceB.name ) )
- with main.mininetLock:
+ with main.networkLock:
- result = main.Mininet1.link( END1=self.linkA.deviceA.name,
- END2=self.linkA.deviceB.name,
- OPTION="down" )
+ result = main.Network.link( END1=self.linkA.deviceA.name,
+ END2=self.linkA.deviceB.name,
+ OPTION="down" )
- result = main.Mininet1.delLink( self.linkA.deviceA.name,
- self.linkA.deviceB.name )
+ result = main.Network.delLink( self.linkA.deviceA.name,
+ self.linkA.deviceB.name )
if not result:
main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring down link" % ( self.typeString ) )
return EventStates().FAIL
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@
main.log.warn( "Link Up - link has been removed" )
return EventStates().ABORT
main.log.info( "Event recorded: {} {} {} {}".format( self.typeIndex, self.typeString, self.linkA.deviceA.name, self.linkA.deviceB.name ) )
- with main.mininetLock:
+ with main.networkLock:
- result = main.Mininet1.link( END1=self.linkA.deviceA.name,
- END2=self.linkA.deviceB.name,
- OPTION="up" )
+ result = main.Network.link( END1=self.linkA.deviceA.name,
+ END2=self.linkA.deviceB.name,
+ OPTION="up" )
- result = main.Mininet1.addLink( self.linkA.deviceA.name,
- self.linkA.deviceB.name )
+ result = main.Network.addLink( self.linkA.deviceA.name,
+ self.linkA.deviceB.name )
if not result:
main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring up link" % ( self.typeString ) )
return EventStates().FAIL
@@ -188,14 +188,9 @@
if args[ 0 ] == 'random':
import random
if self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_DEVICE_DOWN:
- if main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'excludeSwitches' ]:
- excludeSwitches = main.params[ 'TOPO' ][ 'excludeSwitches' ].split( ',' )
- else:
- excludeSwitches = []
- with main.mininetLock:
- switchRandom = main.Mininet1.getSwitchRandom( switchClasses=r"(OVSSwitch)",
- excludeNodes=[ 'bgp', 'cs', 'nat', 'dhcp', 'r' ],
- excludeSwitches=excludeSwitches )
+ with main.networkLock:
+ switchRandom = main.Network.getSwitchRandom( excludeNodes=main.excludeNodes,
+ skipSwitches=main.skipSwitches )
if switchRandom is None:
main.log.warn( "No switch available, aborting event" )
return EventStates().ABORT
@@ -240,14 +235,14 @@
return EventStates().ABORT
main.log.info( "Event recorded: {} {} {}".format( self.typeIndex, self.typeString, self.device.name ) )
result = main.TRUE
- with main.mininetLock:
+ with main.networkLock:
# Disable ports toward dual-homed hosts
for host, port in self.device.hosts.items():
if host.isDualHomed:
main.log.info( "Disable port {}/{} which connects to a dual-homed host before bringing down this device".format( self.device.dpid, port ) )
result = result and main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.portstate( dpid=self.device.dpid, port=port, state="disable" )
- # result = main.Mininet1.delSwitch( self.device.name )
- result = result and main.Mininet1.switch( SW=self.device.name, OPTION="stop" )
+ # result = main.Network.delSwitch( self.device.name )
+ result = result and main.Network.switch( SW=self.device.name, OPTION="stop" )
if not result:
main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring down device" % ( self.typeString ) )
return EventStates().FAIL
@@ -282,53 +277,29 @@
return EventStates().ABORT
# Re-add the device
main.log.info( "Event recorded: {} {} {}".format( self.typeIndex, self.typeString, self.device.name ) )
- with main.mininetLock:
- # result = main.Mininet1.addSwitch( self.device.name, dpid=self.device.dpid[ 3: ] )
- result = main.Mininet1.switch( SW=self.device.name, OPTION='start' )
- if not result:
- main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-add device" % ( self.typeString ) )
- return EventStates().FAIL
+ if hasattr( main, 'Mininet1' ):
+ with main.networkLock:
+ # result = main.Network.addSwitch( self.device.name, dpid=self.device.dpid[ 3: ] )
+ result = main.Network.switch( SW=self.device.name, OPTION='start' )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-add device" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
+ # Re-assign mastership for the device
+ with main.networkLock:
+ result = main.Network.assignSwController( sw=self.device.name, ip=main.Cluster.getIps() )
+ if not result:
+ main.log.warn( "%s - failed to assign device to controller" % ( self.typeString ) )
+ return EventStates().FAIL
with main.variableLock:
- '''
- # Re-add links
- # We add host-device links first since we did the same in mininet topology file
- # TODO: a more rubust way is to add links according to the port info of the device
- for host in self.device.hosts:
- # Add host-device link
- with main.mininetLock:
- result = main.Mininet1.addLink( self.device.name, host.name )
- if not result:
- main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-connect host %s to device" % ( self.typeString, host.name ) )
- return EventStates().FAIL
for link in self.device.outgoingLinks:
neighbor = link.deviceB
# Skip bringing up any link that connecting this device to a removed neighbor
if neighbor.isRemoved():
- with main.mininetLock:
- result = main.Mininet1.addLink( self.device.name, neighbor.name )
- if not result:
- main.log.warn( "%s - failed to re-add link to %s" % ( self.typeString, neighbor.name ) )
- return EventStates().FAIL
- with main.variableLock:
- link.bringUp()
- link.backwardLink.bringUp()
- for intent in main.intents:
- if intent.isFailed():
- if intent.deviceA == self.device and intent.deviceB.isUp() or\
- intent.deviceB == self.device and intent.deviceA.isUp():
- intent.setInstalled()
- '''
- # Re-assign mastership for the device
- with main.mininetLock:
- ips = main.Cluster.getIps()
- main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=self.device.name, ip=ips )
- for link in self.device.outgoingLinks:
- neighbor = link.deviceB
- # Skip bringing up any link that connecting this device to a removed neighbor
- if neighbor.isRemoved():
- continue
+ # FIXME: remove this temporary hack for CORD-3240
+ if neighbor.name == 's225':
+ main.NetworkBench.switches[ 's225' ].setPortSpeed( index=link.portB )
# Bring down again any link that was brought down before the device was down
if int( link.portB ) in link.deviceB.downPorts:
with main.variableLock:
@@ -340,7 +311,7 @@
# Re-discover hosts
if self.device.hosts:
- main.Mininet1.discoverHosts( hostList=[ host.name for host in self.device.hosts ] )
+ main.Network.discoverHosts( hostList=[ host.name for host in self.device.hosts ] )
for host in self.device.hosts:
with main.variableLock:
@@ -373,9 +344,9 @@
return EventStates().ABORT
if args[ 0 ] == 'random' or args[ 1 ] == 'random':
if self.typeIndex == EventType().NETWORK_PORT_DOWN:
- with main.mininetLock:
- linkRandom = main.Mininet1.getLinkRandom( switchClasses=r"(OVSSwitch)",
- excludeNodes=[ 'bgp', 'cs', 'nat', 'dhcp', 'r' ])
+ with main.networkLock:
+ linkRandom = main.Network.getLinkRandom( excludeNodes=main.excludeNodes,
+ skipLinks=main.skipLinks )
if linkRandom is None:
main.log.warn( "No link available, aborting event" )
return EventStates().ABORT
@@ -443,7 +414,7 @@
main.log.warn( "port Down - link has been removed" )
return EventStates().ABORT
main.log.info( "Event recorded: {} {} {} {}".format( self.typeIndex, self.typeString, self.device.name, self.port ) )
- with main.mininetLock:
+ with main.networkLock:
result = main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.portstate( dpid=self.device.dpid, port=self.port, state="disable" )
if not result:
main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring down port" % ( self.typeString ) )
@@ -474,11 +445,14 @@
main.log.warn( "port up - link has been removed" )
return EventStates().ABORT
main.log.info( "Event recorded: {} {} {} {}".format( self.typeIndex, self.typeString, self.device.name, self.port ) )
- with main.mininetLock:
+ with main.networkLock:
result = main.Cluster.active( 0 ).CLI.portstate( dpid=self.device.dpid, port=self.port, state="enable" )
if not result:
main.log.warn( "%s - failed to bring up port " % ( self.typeString ) )
return EventStates().FAIL
+ # FIXME: remove this temporary hack for CORD-3240
+ if self.link.deviceB.name == 's225':
+ main.NetworkBench.switches[ 's225' ].setPortSpeed( index=self.link.portB )
with main.variableLock:
self.device.downPorts.remove( self.port )
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ONOSEvent.py b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ONOSEvent.py
index 0fa7f25..00c58c5 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ONOSEvent.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/events/ONOSEvent.py
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
if not result:
main.log.warn( "%s - failed to set configuration" % ( self.typeString ) )
return EventStates().FAIL
+ main.flowObj = True if self.value == 'true' else False
return EventStates().PASS
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/host/flex.host b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/host/flex.host
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ccf382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/host/flex.host
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "onos":
+ {
+ "0A:5E:0D:F3:EC:D4/None": "",
+ "12:1C:B7:5C:69:68/None": "",
+ "EA:DA:19:1E:CB:7D/None": "",
+ "A2:9B:16:E8:2A:52/None": ""
+ },
+ "network":
+ {
+ "h4v4": "",
+ "h5v4": "",
+ "h9v4": "",
+ "h10v4": ""
+ }
diff --git a/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/json/flex.json b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/json/flex.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f1ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/CHOTestMonkey/dependencies/topologies/json/flex.json
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+ "ports" : {
+ "of:0000000000000205/1" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 205
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000205/2" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 205
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000206/1" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 206
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000206/2" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 206
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/1" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/2" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/5" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/6" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/7" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/8" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203/20" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-tagged": [204]
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/1" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/2" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/5" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/6" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/7" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/8" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 204
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204/20" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-tagged": [204]
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/1" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/2" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/5" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/6" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/7" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/8" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/17" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 101
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/18" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 101
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000201/20" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-tagged": [202]
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/1" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/2" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/3" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/4" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/5" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/6" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/7" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/8" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 202
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/17" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 102
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/18" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-untagged": 102
+ }]
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202/20" : {
+ "interfaces" : [{
+ "ips" : [ "" ],
+ "vlan-tagged": [202]
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ "devices" : {
+ "of:0000000000000201" : {
+ "basic" : {
+ "name": "201-qmx",
+ "latitude" : 34,
+ "longitude": -95
+ },
+ "segmentrouting" : {
+ "ipv4NodeSid" : 201,
+ "ipv4Loopback" : "",
+ "ipv6NodeSid" : 201,
+ "ipv6Loopback" : "2000::c0a8:0201",
+ "routerMac" : "00:00:02:01:02:02",
+ "pairDeviceId" : "of:0000000000000202",
+ "pairLocalPort" : 20,
+ "isEdgeRouter" : true,
+ "adjacencySids" : []
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000202" : {
+ "basic" : {
+ "name": "202-qmx",
+ "latitude" : 34,
+ "longitude": -90
+ },
+ "segmentrouting" : {
+ "ipv4NodeSid" : 202,
+ "ipv4Loopback" : "",
+ "ipv6NodeSid" : 202,
+ "ipv6Loopback" : "2000::c0a8:0202",
+ "routerMac" : "00:00:02:01:02:02",
+ "isEdgeRouter" : true,
+ "pairDeviceId" : "of:0000000000000201",
+ "pairLocalPort" : 20,
+ "adjacencySids" : []
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000203" : {
+ "basic" : {
+ "name": "203-qmx",
+ "latitude" : 34,
+ "longitude": -108
+ },
+ "segmentrouting" : {
+ "name" : "Leaf2-R1",
+ "ipv4NodeSid" : 203,
+ "ipv4Loopback" : "",
+ "ipv6NodeSid" : 203,
+ "ipv6Loopback" : "2000::c0a8:0203",
+ "routerMac" : "00:00:02:03:02:04",
+ "isEdgeRouter" : true,
+ "pairDeviceId" : "of:0000000000000204",
+ "pairLocalPort" : 20,
+ "adjacencySids" : []
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000204" : {
+ "basic" : {
+ "name": "204-qmx",
+ "latitude" : 34,
+ "longitude": -103
+ },
+ "segmentrouting" : {
+ "name" : "Leaf1-R1",
+ "ipv4NodeSid" : 204,
+ "ipv4Loopback" : "",
+ "ipv6NodeSid" : 204,
+ "ipv6Loopback" : "2000::c0a8:0204",
+ "routerMac" : "00:00:02:03:02:04",
+ "pairDeviceId" : "of:0000000000000203",
+ "pairLocalPort" : 20,
+ "isEdgeRouter" : true,
+ "adjacencySids" : []
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000225" : {
+ "basic" : {
+ "name": "225-t2",
+ "latitude" : 42,
+ "longitude": -100
+ },
+ "segmentrouting" : {
+ "name" : "SpineToma-0",
+ "ipv4NodeSid" : 225,
+ "ipv4Loopback" : "",
+ "ipv6NodeSid" : 225,
+ "ipv6Loopback" : "2000::c0a8:0225",
+ "routerMac" : "00:00:02:25:00:01",
+ "isEdgeRouter" : false,
+ "adjacencySids" : []
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000226" : {
+ "basic" : {
+ "name": "226-tmhk",
+ "latitude" : 42,
+ "longitude": -95
+ },
+ "segmentrouting" : {
+ "name" : "Spine1",
+ "ipv4NodeSid" : 226,
+ "ipv4Loopback" : "",
+ "ipv6NodeSid" : 226,
+ "ipv6Loopback" : "2000::c0a8:0226",
+ "routerMac" : "00:00:02:26:00:01",
+ "isEdgeRouter" : false,
+ "adjacencySids" : []
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000205":{
+ "basic":{
+ "name":"205-qmx",
+ "latitude":34,
+ "longitude":-120
+ },
+ "segmentrouting":{
+ "name":"Leaf1",
+ "ipv4NodeSid":205,
+ "ipv4Loopback":"",
+ "ipv6NodeSid":205,
+ "ipv6Loopback":"2000::c0a8:0205",
+ "routerMac":"00:00:02:05:06:01",
+ "isEdgeRouter":true,
+ "adjacencySids":[
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000206":{
+ "basic":{
+ "name":"206-qmx",
+ "latitude":34,
+ "longitude":-115
+ },
+ "segmentrouting":{
+ "name":"Leaf2",
+ "ipv4NodeSid":206,
+ "ipv4Loopback":"",
+ "ipv6NodeSid":206,
+ "ipv6Loopback":"2000::c0a8:0206",
+ "routerMac":"00:00:02:06:06:01",
+ "isEdgeRouter":true,
+ "adjacencySids":[
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000227":{
+ "basic":{
+ "name":"227-tmhk",
+ "latitude":38,
+ "longitude":-119
+ },
+ "segmentrouting":{
+ "name":"Spine1",
+ "ipv4NodeSid":227,
+ "ipv4Loopback":"",
+ "ipv6NodeSid":227,
+ "ipv6Loopback":"2000::c0a8:0227",
+ "routerMac":"00:00:02:27:00:01",
+ "isEdgeRouter":false,
+ "adjacencySids":[
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "of:0000000000000228":{
+ "basic":{
+ "name":"228-t2",
+ "latitude":38,
+ "longitude":-116
+ },
+ "segmentrouting":{
+ "name":"Spine2",
+ "ipv4NodeSid":228,
+ "ipv4Loopback":"",
+ "ipv6NodeSid":228,
+ "ipv6Loopback":"2000::c0a8:0228",
+ "routerMac":"00:00:02:28:00:01",
+ "isEdgeRouter":false,
+ "adjacencySids":[
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "apps" : {
+ "org.onosproject.dhcprelay" : {
+ "default" : [
+ {
+ "dhcpServerConnectPoint": "of:0000000000000204/8",
+ "serverIps": [""]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/TestON/tests/dependencies/ONOSSetup.py b/TestON/tests/dependencies/ONOSSetup.py
index 6368e7c..8371e0b 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/dependencies/ONOSSetup.py
+++ b/TestON/tests/dependencies/ONOSSetup.py
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
functions( *args ) if args is not None else functions()
- def ONOSSetUp( self, cluster, hasMultiNodeRounds=False, startOnos=True, newCell=True,
+ def ONOSSetUp( self, cluster, hasMultiNodeRounds=False, startOnosCli=True, newCell=True,
cellName="temp", cellApps="drivers", appPrefix="org.onosproject.",
mininetIp="", extraApply=None, applyArgs=None,
extraClean=None, cleanArgs=None, skipPack=False, installMax=False,
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
* cluster - the cluster driver that will be used.
Optional Arguments:
* hasMultiNodeRounds - True if the test is testing different set of nodes
- * startOnos - True if wish to start onos.
+ * startOnosCli - True if wish to start onos CLI.
* newCell - True for making a new cell and False for not making it.
* cellName - Name of the cell that will be used.
* cellApps - The cell apps string. Will be overwritten by main.apps if it exists
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
onosServiceResult = self.checkOnosService( cluster )
onosCliResult = main.TRUE
- if startOnos:
+ if startOnosCli:
onosCliResult = self.startOnosClis( cluster )
onosNodesResult = self.checkOnosNodes( cluster )