[ONOS-7408] Refactor HA suite to be able to run with trellis

- Better support for dual homed hosts
- Support parsing more types of flows from OVS of1.3 tables
- More specific error handling in Mininet driver
- Only check attachment points if that mapping is provided
- Minor refactoring of link up/down argument names for consistency
- Use list of hosts/switches in mn instead of hard coded ranges
- Add .params.fabric for testing with fabric
- Add .params.intents for testing with intents, classic/default version
  of the tests
- Add support for setting karaf log levels after startup
- Fix malformed command in cell file if no OCN is supplied
- Add back CFG for the ECFlowRuleStore now that it is the default impl
- Check Network config after connecting mininet

- Set log levels in ONOS service files so we can set logging during startup
- Make sure we process all treatments in flows. eg drop and
- Does the topology come up the same each time?
    - same port numbers, etc...
- Jenkinsfiles
    - use .params.fabric for HA fabric tests

- Uses Topology and config from the SegmentRouting tests

Change-Id: I08f08ba1d3d18f710f63a45b28ac3a2868a1a5cf
diff --git a/TestON/tests/HA/HAupgradeRollback/HAupgradeRollback.params.intents b/TestON/tests/HA/HAupgradeRollback/HAupgradeRollback.params.intents
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7281d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TestON/tests/HA/HAupgradeRollback/HAupgradeRollback.params.intents
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+    #List of test cases:
+    #CASE1:   Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
+    #CASE2:   Assign mastership to controllers
+    #CASE21:  Assign mastership to controllers
+    #CASE102: Start Spine-Leaf Topology in Mininet
+    #CASE3:   Assign intents
+    #CASE4:   Ping across added host intents
+    #CASE104: Ping between all hosts
+    #CASE5:   Reading state of ONOS
+    #CASE60:  Initialize the upgrade.
+    #CASE61:  Upgrade a minority of nodes PHASE 1
+    #CASE62:  Transfer to new version. PHASE 2
+    #CASE63:  Rollback the upgrade
+    #CASE64:  Reset the upgrade state.
+    #CASE7:   Check state after control plane failure
+    #CASE8:   Compare topo
+    #CASE9:   Link down
+    #CASE10:  Link up
+    #CASE11:  Switch down
+    #CASE12:  Switch up
+    #CASE13:  Clean up
+    #CASE14:  Start election app on all onos nodes
+    #CASE15:  Check that Leadership Election is still functional
+    #CASE16:  Install Distributed Primitives app
+    #CASE17:  Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
+    <testcases>1,2,8,21,[3,4,5,14,15,16,17]*1,[60,8,61,8,62,8,63,8,64,8,7,4,15,17],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases>
+    <GRAPH>
+        <nodeCluster>VM</nodeCluster>
+        <builds>20</builds>
+    </GRAPH>
+    <apps></apps>
+    <ONOS_Configuration>
+        <org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.IntentConfigurableRegistrator>
+            <useFlowObjectives>false</useFlowObjectives>
+            <defaultFlowObjectiveCompiler>org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.LinkCollectionIntentObjectiveCompiler</defaultFlowObjectiveCompiler>
+        </org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.IntentConfigurableRegistrator>
+        <org.onosproject.store.flow.impl.ECFlowRuleStore>
+            <backupCount>3</backupCount>
+        </org.onosproject.store.flow.impl.ECFlowRuleStore>
+    </ONOS_Configuration>
+    <ONOS_Logging>
+        <org.onosproject.events>TRACE</org.onosproject.events>
+    </ONOS_Logging>
+    <ENV>
+        <cellName>HA</cellName>
+        <appString>events,drivers,openflow,proxyarp,mobility</appString>
+    </ENV>
+    <GIT>
+        <pull>False</pull>
+        <branch>master</branch>
+    </GIT>
+    <num_controllers> 7 </num_controllers>
+    <tcpdump> False </tcpdump>
+    <CTRL>
+        <port1>6653</port1>
+        <port2>6653</port2>
+        <port3>6653</port3>
+        <port4>6653</port4>
+        <port5>6653</port5>
+        <port6>6653</port6>
+        <port7>6653</port7>
+    </CTRL>
+    <BACKUP>
+        <ENABLED> False </ENABLED>
+    </BACKUP>
+    <PING>
+        <source1>h8</source1>
+        <source2>h9</source2>
+        <source3>h10</source3>
+        <source4>h11</source4>
+        <source5>h12</source5>
+        <source6>h13</source6>
+        <source7>h14</source7>
+        <source8>h15</source8>
+        <source9>h16</source9>
+        <source10>h17</source10>
+        <target1></target1>
+        <target2></target2>
+        <target3></target3>
+        <target4></target4>
+        <target5></target5>
+        <target6></target6>
+        <target7></target7>
+        <target8></target8>
+        <target9></target9>
+        <target10></target10>
+    </PING>
+    <timers>
+        <LinkDiscovery>12</LinkDiscovery>
+        <SwitchDiscovery>12</SwitchDiscovery>
+        <gossip>5</gossip>
+    </timers>
+    <kill>
+        <linkSrc> s28 </linkSrc>
+        <linkDst> s3 </linkDst>
+        <switch> s5 </switch>
+        <dpid> 0000000000005000 </dpid>
+        <links> h5 s2 s1 s6 </links>
+    </kill>
+    <MNtcpdump>
+        <intf>eth0</intf>
+        <port> </port>
+        <folder>~/packet_captures/</folder>
+    </MNtcpdump>