Initial MPLS add intent driver fucntion (will be tested later when we start writing
MPLS test scripts)
diff --git a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
index d815e4c..c88b666 100644
--- a/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
+++ b/TestON/drivers/common/cli/
@@ -1483,6 +1483,145 @@
+    def addMplsIntent(
+            self,
+            ingressDevice,
+            egressDevice,
+            portIngress="",
+            portEgress="",
+            ethType="",
+            ethSrc="",
+            ethDst="",
+            bandwidth="",
+            lambdaAlloc=False,
+            ipProto="",
+            ipSrc="",
+            ipDst="",
+            tcpSrc="",
+            tcpDst="",
+	    ingressLabel="",
+	    egressLabel="",
+            priority=""):
+        """
+        Required:
+            * ingressDevice: device id of ingress device
+            * egressDevice: device id of egress device
+        Optional:
+            * ethType: specify ethType
+            * ethSrc: specify ethSrc ( i.e. src mac addr )
+            * ethDst: specify ethDst ( i.e. dst mac addr )
+            * bandwidth: specify bandwidth capacity of link
+            * lambdaAlloc: if True, intent will allocate lambda
+              for the specified intent
+            * ipProto: specify ip protocol
+            * ipSrc: specify ip source address
+            * ipDst: specify ip destination address
+            * tcpSrc: specify tcp source port
+            * tcpDst: specify tcp destination port
+            * ingressLabel: Ingress MPLS label
+            * egressLabel: Egress MPLS label
+        Description:
+            Adds MPLS intent by
+            specifying device id's and optional fields
+        Returns:
+            A string of the intent id or None on error
+        NOTE: This function may change depending on the
+              options developers provide for MPLS
+              intent via cli
+        """
+        try:
+            # If there are no optional arguments
+            if not ethType and not ethSrc and not ethDst\
+                    and not bandwidth and not lambdaAlloc \
+                    and not ipProto and not ipSrc and not ipDst \
+                    and not tcpSrc and not tcpDst and not ingressLabel \
+                    and not egressLabel:
+                cmd = "add-mpls-intent"
+            else:
+                cmd = "add-mpls-intent"
+                if ethType:
+                    cmd += " --ethType " + str( ethType )
+                if ethSrc:
+                    cmd += " --ethSrc " + str( ethSrc )
+                if ethDst:
+                    cmd += " --ethDst " + str( ethDst )
+                if bandwidth:
+                    cmd += " --bandwidth " + str( bandwidth )
+                if lambdaAlloc:
+                    cmd += " --lambda "
+                if ipProto:
+                    cmd += " --ipProto " + str( ipProto )
+                if ipSrc:
+                    cmd += " --ipSrc " + str( ipSrc )
+                if ipDst:
+                    cmd += " --ipDst " + str( ipDst )
+                if tcpSrc:
+                    cmd += " --tcpSrc " + str( tcpSrc )
+                if tcpDst:
+                    cmd += " --tcpDst " + str( tcpDst )
+                if ingressLabel:
+                    cmd += " --ingressLabel " + str( ingressLabel )
+                if egressLabel:
+                    cmd += " --egressLabel " + str( egressLabel )
+                if priority:
+                    cmd += " --priority " + str( priority )
+            # Check whether the user appended the port
+            # or provided it as an input
+            if "/" in ingressDevice:
+                cmd += " " + str( ingressDevice )
+            else:
+                if not portIngress:
+                    main.log.error( "You must specify the ingress port" )
+                    return None
+                cmd += " " + \
+                    str( ingressDevice ) + "/" +\
+                    str( portIngress ) + " "
+            if "/" in egressDevice:
+                cmd += " " + str( egressDevice )
+            else:
+                if not portEgress:
+                    main.log.error( "You must specify the egress port" )
+                    return None
+                cmd += " " +\
+                    str( egressDevice ) + "/" +\
+                    str( portEgress )
+            handle = self.sendline( cmd )
+            # If error, return error message
+            if "Error", handle ):
+                main.log.error( "Error in adding mpls intent" )
+                return None
+            else:
+                # TODO: print out all the options in this message?
+       "MPLS intent installed between " +
+                               str( ingressDevice ) + " and " +
+                               str( egressDevice ) )
+                match ='id=0x([\da-f]+),', handle)
+                if match:
+                    return[3:-1]
+                else:
+                    main.log.error( "Error, intent ID not found" )
+                    return None
+        except TypeError:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Object not as expected" )
+            return None
+        except pexpect.EOF:
+            main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" )
+            main.log.error( + ":    " + self.handle.before )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
+        except Exception:
+            main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" )
+            main.cleanup()
+            main.exit()
     def removeIntent( self, intentId, app='org.onosproject.cli',
                       purge=False, sync=False ):