add check pending flow method using cli

Change-Id: I110db0e52020e020ba35066929f11c65ad91e513
diff --git a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.params b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.params
index efb6c60..ffc45c1 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.params
+++ b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.params
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
+    <!--
     # CASE - Descritpion
     # 1,2,10,1000,1100,2000,1200,2000,100
     # 1 - Variable initialization and optional pull and build ONOS package
-    # 2 - install ONOS
-    # 8 - Compare topology
-    # 9 - Report logs
+    # 2 - install ONOS, start cli
     # 10 - Start mininet and verify topology
+    # 110 - check log for errors
+    # 1000 - build flow batches
+    # 2100 - REST POST flow batches in multiple threads and check till all ADDED
+    # 3100 - REST DELETE flow batches in multiple threads and check till all REMOVED
+    -->
-    # <!-- <testcases>1,10,100,1000,100,2000,100,110</testcases> -->
-    <testcases>1,2,11,1000,2100,100,3100,100,110</testcases>
+    <!-- <testcases>1,10,100,1000,100,2000,100,110</testcases> -->
+    <testcases>1,2,10,100,1000,2100,100,3100,100,110</testcases>
@@ -32,9 +35,13 @@
+    <CASE2>
+        <incPackaging>main.FALSE</incPackaging>
+    </CASE2>
-        <mnArgs> --topo linear,63 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 --controller remote</mnArgs>
+        <mnArgs> --topo linear,63 --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 --controller remote,port=6653</mnArgs>
@@ -49,11 +56,13 @@
-        <numThreads>16</numThreads>
+        <numThreads>8</numThreads>
+        <RESTchkFlow>main.FALSE</RESTchkFlow>
+        <RESTchkFlow>main.FALSE</RESTchkFlow>
@@ -62,7 +71,7 @@
-        <chkFlow>1</chkFlow>
+        <chkFlow>0.5</chkFlow>
diff --git a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/ b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/
index adc86c9..077ce9c 100644
--- a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/
+++ b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
         for i in range( main.numCtrls ):
             tempOnosIp.append( main.ONOSip[i] )
+"Apps in cell file: " + main.apps)
         main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( main.ONOSbench.ip_address, "temp", main.Mininet1.ip_address, main.apps, tempOnosIp )
@@ -117,10 +118,11 @@
                                  onfail="Failed to apply cell to environment " )
-        main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
-        packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage(opTimeout=240)
-        stepResult = packageResult
-        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+        if main.params['CASE2']['incPackaging'] == main.TRUE:
+            main.step( "Creating ONOS package" )
+            packageResult = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage(opTimeout=240)
+            stepResult = packageResult
+            utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
                                  onpass="Successfully created ONOS package",
                                  onfail="Failed to create ONOS package" )
@@ -174,6 +176,19 @@
                                  onpass="ONOS service is ready",
                                  onfail="ONOS service did not start properly" )
+        main.step( "Start ONOS cli" )
+        cliResult = main.TRUE
+        for i in range( i, main.numCtrls ):
+            cliResult = cliResult and \
+                        main.CLIs[ i ].startOnosCli( ONOSIp=main.ONOSip[ i ] )
+  "ONOSip is: " + main.ONOSip[i])
+        stepResult = cliResult
+        utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
+                                 actual=stepResult,
+                                 onpass="Successfully start ONOS cli",
+                                 onfail="Failed to start ONOS cli" )
     def CASE10( self, main ):
@@ -285,50 +300,6 @@
             startSw += 1 "Number of items created in the batch list is: " + str(len(main.flowJsonBatchList)))
-    def CASE2000(self, main):
-        '''
-        Args:
-            main:
-        Returns:
-        '''
-"Using REST API /flows/{} to post flow batch")
-        main.step("Using REST API /flows/{} to post flow batch")
-        main.addedBatchList = []
-        tStartPost = time.time()
-        for item in main.flowJsonBatchList:
-            ts = time.time()
-            status, response = main.ONOSrest.sendFlowBatch(batch = item )
-            teBatch = time.time() - ts
-            postTimes.append(teBatch)
-  "Batch Rest Post Elapse time is: " + str(teBatch))
-            main.addedBatchList.append(response[1])
-        tLastPostEnd = time.time()
-        main.step("Check to ensure all flows are in added state.")
-        #pprint(main.addedBatchList)
-        resp = main.FALSE
-        while resp != main.TRUE:
-            resp = main.ONOSrest.checkFlowsState()
-            time.sleep( float(main.params['SLEEP']['chkFlow']) )
-        tAllAdded = time.time()
-        main.numFlows = int(main.params['CASE1000']['batches']) *\
-                                                    int(main.params['CASE1000']['batchSize'])
-"Total number of flows: " + str (main.numFlows) )
-"Sum of each POST elapse time: " + str(numpy.sum(postTimes)) )
-"Total POST elapse time: " + str(tLastPostEnd-tStartPost))
-"Rate of ADD Controller response: " + str(main.numFlows / (tLastPostEnd - tStartPost)))
-        duration = tAllAdded - tLastPostEnd
-"Elapse time from end of last REST POST to Flows in ADDED state: " +\
-                      str(duration))
-"Rate of Confirmed Batch Flow ADD is (flows/sec): " + str( main.numFlows / duration))
     def CASE2100(self, main):
             Posting flow batches using threads
@@ -370,7 +341,14 @@
         resp = main.FALSE
         while resp != main.TRUE and ( tAllAdded - tLastPostEnd < int (main.params['CASE2100']['chkFlowTO']) ):
-            resp = main.ONOSrest.checkFlowsState()
+            if main.params['CASE2100']['RESTchkFlow'] == main.TRUE:
+                resp = main.ONOSrest.checkFlowsState()
+            else:
+                handle = main.CLIs[0].flows(state = " |grep PEND|wc -l", jsonFormat=False)
+      "handle returns PENDING flows: " + handle)
+                if handle == "0":
+                    resp = main.TRUE
             time.sleep( float(main.params['SLEEP']['chkFlow']) )
             tAllAdded = time.time()
@@ -380,7 +358,7 @@
         main.numFlows = int(main.params['CASE1000']['batches']) *\
                                                     int(main.params['CASE1000']['batchSize'])"Total number of flows: " + str (main.numFlows) )
-"Sum of each POST elapse time: " + str(numpy.sum(postTimes)) )
+"Sum of each POST elapse time: " + str(numpy.sum(postTimes)) )"Total POST elapse time: " + str(tLastPostEnd-tStartPost))"Rate of ADD Controller response: " + str(main.numFlows / (tLastPostEnd - tStartPost)))
@@ -390,7 +368,6 @@"Rate of Confirmed Batch Flow ADD is (flows/sec): " + str( main.numFlows / duration))"Number of flow Batches in the addedBatchList is: " + str( len(main.addedBatchList)))
     def CASE3100(self, main):
             DELETE flow batches using threads
@@ -433,17 +410,23 @@
         resp = main.FALSE
         while resp != main.TRUE and ( tAllRemoved - tLastDeleteEnd < int (main.params['CASE3100']['chkFlowTO']) ):
-            resp = main.ONOSrest.checkFlowsState()
+            if main.params['CASE3100']['RESTchkFlow'] == main.TRUE:
+                resp = main.ONOSrest.checkFlowsState()
+            else:
+                handle = main.CLIs[0].flows(state = " |grep PEND|wc -l", jsonFormat=False)
+      "handle returns PENDING flows: " + handle)
+                if handle == "0":
+                    resp = main.TRUE
             time.sleep( float(main.params['SLEEP']['chkFlow']) )
             tAllRemoved = time.time()
         if tLastDeleteEnd - tLastDeleteEnd >= int (main.params['CASE2100']['chkFlowTO']):
-            main.log.warn("ONOS Flows still in pending state after: {} seconds.".format(tAllAdded - tLastPostEnd))
+            main.log.warn("ONOS Flows still in pending state after: {} seconds.".format(tAllRemoved - tLastDeleteEnd))
         main.numFlows = int(main.params['CASE1000']['batches']) *\
                                                     int(main.params['CASE1000']['batchSize'])"Total number of flows: " + str (main.numFlows) )
-"Sum of each DELETE elapse time: " + str(numpy.sum(postTimes)) )
+"Sum of each DELETE elapse time: " + str(numpy.sum(postTimes)) )"Total DELETE elapse time: " + str(tLastDeleteEnd-tStartDelete))"Rate of DELETE Controller response: " + str(main.numFlows / (tLastDeleteEnd-tStartDelete)))
@@ -452,45 +435,6 @@
                       str(duration))"Rate of Confirmed Batch Flow REMOVED is (flows/sec): " + str( main.numFlows / duration))
-    def CASE3000(self, main):
-        import time
-        import numpy
-        import json
-        rmTimes = []
-"Remove flow timing")
-        tStartRemove = time.time()
-        for item in main.addedBatchList:
-            ts = time.time()
-            #print(item)
-            resp = main.ONOSrest.removeFlowBatch(batch = json.loads(item) )
-            teBatch = time.time() - ts
-            rmTimes.append(teBatch)
-  "Batch Rest Remove Elapse time is: " + str(teBatch))
-        tLastRemoveEnd = time.time()
-        main.step("Check to ensure all flows are not in PENDING state.")
-        resp = main.FALSE
-        while resp != main.TRUE:
-            resp = main.ONOSrest.checkFlowsState()
-            time.sleep(0.5)
-        tAllRemoved = time.time()
-"Total number of flows: " + str (int(main.params['CASE1000']['batches']) *\
-                                                    int(main.params['CASE1000']['batchSize']) ))
-"Sum of each DELETE elapse time: " + str(numpy.sum(rmTimes)) )
-"Total DELETE elapse time: " + str(tLastRemoveEnd-tStartRemove))
-"Rate of DELETE Controller response (flows/sec): " + str(main.numFlows / (tLastRemoveEnd - tStartRemove)))
-        duration = tAllRemoved - tLastRemoveEnd
-"Elapse time from end of last REST DELETE to Flows in REMOVED state: " +\
-                      str(duration))
-"Rate of Confirmed Batch Flow DELETE is (flows/sec): " + str( main.numFlows / duration))
     def CASE100(self,main):
         from pprint import pprint
diff --git a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.topo b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.topo
index f49c994..0e3543e 100755
--- a/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.topo
+++ b/TestON/tests/COMPflow/COMPflow.topo
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
-            <host>OC1</host>
-            <user>sdn</user>
-            <password>rocks</password>
+            <host>localhost</host>
+            <user>admin</user>
+            <password>onos_test</password>